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We begin tonight with the fox news alert. Israel tonight is at war fo fight for its very Survival Afterarict a barbaricer Terrorist Attack and invasion by hamas, the deadliest attack in that countrys history. Alakhbar, a firm and Ofteno Asw Loud and you heard in that video is Women And Children are being taken hostage. Allahu akbar. Now, in just a minute, were going to take you liveke you l e the ground where our very own trey yingst is standing als in Southern Israel. Tonight, well also monitoring the situation in Northern Israel where hezbollah has directed a barrage of rockets into israel. Ellwell also have a close eye on gaza, the hamas stronghold that is now smoldering afterby a massive Bombing Campaign by israe israel. Cale g and its only the beginning. We are told that a full scale ground invasiorod Invasiwelln Wm 100,000 troops, many is possibly as many as 300,000ah is now imminent. Israel is fighting back against what is a savage enemy that wants to wipe them off the planet. L. T over the weekend, Hamas Terrorists, they stormed to Southern Israel. Did it by air, land and sea. They paraglide and into a Music Festival where they slaughtered at least 260 young unarmed concertgoers, including 130 year old woman whose naked body was paraded around Hamas Terrorists while they were filming and cheering, chanting once again, allahu akbar. Quote, interpretation god is great. Other civilians, including childrenians, th they were boun, they were beaten. They were taken as hostages. In this videa womao, young woman is covered in blood, thrown into the back of a jeeepp by several terrorists. Yeah, more chants of Allahu Akbarroristss Anr and hamas terl door to door in local towns, takingoc hostages, murdering entire families, shooting family pet, s, setting homes on fire. And in one home town, by the, wainome,y, and one home to justr a thousand people. Thats over 100 dead bodies weres were just recovered. There are also reports some ofes filming the more gruesome murders with the victims own phonewn phe and then uploading that footage to the victims social media for all of their family and friends to see. Hamaty evi evil. Ol. One such video purportedly showing hamas shooting a little girl in front of hersto parents and then taking the rest of the family hostagete. And also breaking today, hamas is now openly threateninxecutegw to execute hostages on camera, and that would Includede American Citizens that are hostage, including the nine that we have confirmede that are dead, americans dead as a result of this attack. Ens of the Rolling Stone magazine is now reporting tonight that Dozen Americas of americanl are now being held in gaza by terrorists. And so tually t far, well, actually, that figure has gone to 11s Duri Americans among the 1100 men, Women And Children murdered by hamastial during the initial attack. And tonight, israel doesnt justt back have the right to fit back. They have an obligation to eliminateeliminat every singu member of hamas and obliterate wa. You want to look at Thiski Proportionately . Well, more people were killelled in this full scale terrorist invasion than during 911. 9 11. Many have been sayin ig this is israels 911. But if you look at the amount isra, ple who live in israel this would be similar to killing more than 35,000 americans in one day on nine 1101, 2977 americans were slaughtered that day, many thereafter with 911 related illnesses. D you dbut you do know what the Biden Administration, you know Exs Youeir First Instinct Wa to tell that israel oh, please stand down. Just accept your fate. End, w look at this now deleted tweete from the weekend. Quote, we urgees all sidesliator to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks, terror and violence out of nothing. All sides. Cant excuse me. Retaliatory attacks. Oh, you cant fighightt back. All right. Did hamas write that tweet or do the peopl e that work in the biden white house, are they d ifly just that stupi anyone ever killedt the equivalent of over 35,000 plus americans . You dont think you would wantr your government to strike back with with a fierc wite, Fif Intensity the likes of which wh ever seen before . Because i know that would be my reaction. And today, your socallesident o president , he was nowhere to be found. The day the daye tookok off. White house, they call it the lid. That means you will nohearintif be hearing from the president again for the rest of the day. At about noou wantn today, if you want to be exact. 11 51 a. M. Temptebiden then attempted to shamelessly capitalize on these attacks. St, guess what we got about an hour ago, a News Dump Releasinge a statement confirming that joe biden has been questionedlassif by the Special Counsel overie his mishandling of classified documentdocuments. A how convenient to do it whenall were on the verge of an all ouout t war. Israel is now at war h with hamasam and alln actual their related organizations. And get this. Hostebiden actually hosted a bg party and a barbecue with aand. Live band. Tortu american citizens, theyre being tortured. Mu in gaza. Ng murderedre and our greatest ally in the middle east reels from an unprecedented Terrorist Attack. And joe biden is having a cookout. Pretty sick, but it gets worsen in 2021. Joe bide n sent nearly 400 million us tax dollars to Palestinian Authority despite concerns from officials that money would boost hamas and result in more Terror Attacks. Ecial more recently, biden gifted iran. Remember that speciadel deal, the 6 billion that they took out of what was a South Koreanho Bank and moved it into a cutter bank . Afterer asking the mullahs to to pinkie promise that they would, only spendonly it on humanitarin projects, even though the presiden t of and roundly nbc rejected that publicly on nbc. Apparently no one in the Biden Administration not on a dumbali, president or Vice President or Secretary Of State, seem to realize money monible, wh fu what does that mean . In other wordsth , you take money t that they would otherwise have to spend themselves and thatee them up to continue to bed st the worlds number one State Sponsor of terrorisms. Helpin so it is no surprise that iran spent weeks helping hamas planpi orchestrate this massive attack. Accordinweekening to a report ts weekend in the Wall Street Journal. Thats right. Including the Iranian Revolutionary guard. Now, of course, iran state, we w theyre the number one State Sponsor of terror and we know theyv fundee funded hamas and hezbollah. It doesnt matter shiasunni, y they dont care as long as they go after israel and several other Terrorist Groups in thee e middle east. But for some reason, democrats are obsessedssitgiving with giv money and eliminating sanctions. And now we seere w the results. N we see death suffering, chaos. And you socalled president. Well, he checked out before noon today. T or and meanwhile, israel. Israeli president or Prime Ministeretanyahu netanyahu, proy the only leader on The World Stage Today that has the moral clarity thats needed for just a moment like thisis. Tonight, he is vowingtate to protect the worldst to only jewish state from these barbaric terrorists who want to pus h israel into the sea. Take a look. W israel is at war. We didnt want this war. It was forced us in the most brutal and savage way. But thought i israel didnt sts this war, israel will finish iti. Hamas will understand that by ll y attaattacking us, they have me a mistake of historic proportions. We will exact a price that will be remembered by them come. And israels other enemies for decades to come. The savage attacks that hamas perpetrated against innocent israelis are mind Boggling Slaughtering families in their homeing,s, Massacring Hundreds of young people at an outdoor kidnapping. Scores of women, children and,rt elderly, even holocaust survivors. Hamas terror bo is bound, burned and executed children. They are savages. Hamas is isis. Lizati to djust as thone forces of civilization is united to defeat isis, the forces of civilization must support israelor defeating hamas. Ister Prime Minister netanyahu, he what must be done . Israel will now wage a ful fullr against hamas mass. And make no mistake about this. He will win that war. There is no other choiceris is t this is a fight for israels survival. Pastand in just the past fewns n minutes, by the way, we have seen explosionows in Gaza Citygs Inlittle after 4a4am there time. Joining us now with the very latest live, hes on the groun t in Southern Israel. Trey gangstas with us. Trey, Great Reporting all dain i know you have to be exhausted. Thanks for staying up. S sean, good evening. As we speak, there are israelind fighter jets overhead flying back and forth. They are strikin Areg Inside Gaa at this moment. Theres been an coordinated t response by the israelis from the air. Hethe sea and the ground following this massacre on Saturdaacre On Y with more t0 israeli civilians and soldiers isad at the hands of hamas and islamic militants. Israeli primree minister benjamt netanyahu tonight addressing his nation and then world saying that hamas wanted a war and now hamas will get a war. We were there saturday morning in Southern Israel watching asss soldiers dragged their wounded and dead comradeeds out of jeep pulling them into waiting ambulances and sending them to local hospitals. Mothers holding their children and just trying to make sure mak their wounds were patched until they could get them to paramedics. It was a horrific scene, a nightmare that still continues to unfol d across israel. The Prime Minister tonight noting there are still Palestinian Militants inside israeli territory. And up until yesterdayp unti. We they actually held territory of their own. Now, we were in town of Sderot T Today and we watched as authorities there pulled out the bodies of Police Officers that were killed by, militants. They were stacking the bodies in the back of a pickup truck just diesbackup, gruesome, gruesome executions committed by these s. Itant and as you noted, Women And Children, they didnt enter to fight combatantilians on combatants. It was a slaughter of civilian t. And those who survived the attack were dragged into the gaza stripritold ham, wheree are told hamas is keeping them in the tunnels underneath gaza. Now, tonight, israelib is preparing for the possibility of a multifronility rontt conflict. We saw rocket fire from Southern Lebanon into northerno, today, fired by the lebaneseum Militant Group hezbollah. Alsober of, a number of fighter, fighters infiltrating into israeli territoritory. Oy. S kil and at least one israelied officer was killed in the north. So israel understands what is at stake here. That is rrstand this is a wa that is going to escalate and the region is looking at theground w largest ground wr in the middle east in years. John. Y, welle all right, trey,t to well be checking back with you throughout the night tonight. Nitand by, stand by, please. We appreciate that report. And joining us now is 70th Secretary Of State Fox News Contributor mike pompeo is with us. Mr. Secretary, the way i see itn is primeya Minister Netanyahu hs no option here, no choice here. This eve is the worst attack evr on on israeli soil. This was the only thing that i might be a little surprised at. I mean, the israelis intelligence is known as the goal. The worldd stans Gold Standard something certainly went wrong here. Im not sure probably what it probably is not the time to talk about it. Lets get your overall viet youe what were seeing, by the way, were also seeing that there have bee he n, you know, minutes apart. We see israel is firing into gaza as the show is going on right now. Oh, well, sean, thanks for having me on. This is grotesque. It is barbaric and it requiresgh and Prime Minister netanyahu gets that. And i am just hopinat lo that this administration doesnt slow him down. Theres going to be long weeksce there are going to be some pictures that come out of gaza that are going to be tragic. Ic. Prime minibut make no mista, Prime Minister netanyahu has the duty to defend his own his people in the same way that the United States has that has that duty. We now hav states Thate Americai hostage and hamas puppet of irathren is threatening to kl them. Theyve already killed 11 americans. Theyre threatening to Kil Americl Americans On Video and broadcast the audio as well. And presiden ent biden hasnt told the iranians. He hasnt told the world what americas responsricas r ean that will be. I remember, sean so well when the Iranians Threatene D Kill Americans on our watch, when they were launching artillery into the embassy,iraq american in baghdad, iraq, we made clear we would hold not the knuckleheads, d the the grod in iraq, but we would hold the Iranian Regime responsible e. When we did that, we didntn we create World War Three as they said we mightt of the whent emt of the jcpoa, when we moved the embassbay, they said wed create World War Three. What has created war here is . American appeasement, American Weakness. And if we dont stane d israel, if we dont give them the tools that they need to prosecute this to the end until hamas is wiped out. And the Iranian Regime understands that the israelis mean i r business and they have american support, then we will risk even more american livesss. Mr. Secretary, let me go over i dont know, i maybe can explain this to me. The first iranian deal was Barack Obamade was bar and joe and for the life of me, i never quite understood that deal progr that would allow them meacontinue the Nuclear Progra and ratcheted up, as a matter of fact, every year after every year. They didnt have any as part of that deal. No us inspectors inspectbillion billions of dollars going to Iranian Mullahs. They didnt havee anywhere, anyn place, any time inspections. I dont trust the. Of iran as far as i can throws them. Okay. Donaldi ca trump becomes presid. That policy is is stopped. Thankfully. And here we are back with the 6 billion in Ransom Payments for five americans. Now, they can argu arguee all tf want that so far not a penny6 bl haios of 6 billion has gone to iran, but the money has already moved into qatar where we know its going to end uprans in the iranians hands. And whether they say its for humanitarian purposes or not. But as the President Of Iran has already said, youre not going to tel thel us how to sped the money. They then put that freez frees p money that they would otherwise be spending on own infrastructure, humanitarian aid, etc. , for more Terrorist Attacks. They are the number one State Sponsor of terror. Tell sponsor o me where this mio comes from that you are going to do business and pay ransom to terrorists. I have a hard time understandini hag itve, john. Its completely unexplainable. It is completely illogicalomple it can it can only be that its part of the blame America First mantra that were sort of the problem in the world. You saw this at harvards campus todaye proble world so,, so, so grotesque to see americans supporting hamas thats Carting Kids Into the gaza strip to kill them on live tv. The faclion hadt that the 6n hasnt been spent yet. Well, great. Make clear its not going to be pullpull i. Seanw it back. And sean, you know this, too. We had the strictest sanctionswe ever imposed on the Iranian Regime. It worked. We put them in the box. We isolate, bu isolate them in t the Abraham Accords and peace throughout the middle east. At least 20, maybe 30 Billion Dollars of iranian wealth, a direct result of the Biden Administration just refusing to enforce the sanction rce the s are required to enforce. No, they it was iran that fueled thiss that is. A it is iran that is the problem. Hamas executed a missione ir that was funded, trained and directed by the iranians. Im confident wean will that and im im worried. Im worried because theyre going to do the same thin e samen g in. The north the iranians are prepared to fight to last hezbollah life or the last hamas life. I have tot is going to have e iran that gets cost imposed on it or this will continure. What how would you impose those costs . Because agree with you, ultimately, all the proxy wars that are that have been foughtns in the region, they all seem to have their origin s of moniesha and support coming from iran. Thtnow even have direc that the Iranian Revolutionary guard gave the oka they, offered the weapons, gave the financial support. Soo what what price does iran po in all of this and how do they pay it . It . So the first step is to makln sure israel secures its own space. Its got to go take down hamas every every last o is person whos connected to this got to be wiped off. Es second. The United States should demand that not only the United States but every other country stop providing any money to iran. , n theyre still funding the palestinians in judea and samaria. Theyre stil saml underwriting all kinds of programs that go to these terrorists. Weve got to stop all ofe ne that funding. It could be done tomorrow. President biden just has to say so. Edt weand then we need to make e that we deny iranians the chance to come to school. The unitedtes. W states, the lit is long. We have done it, sean. We we know precisely how to execut how e this. We dont have to imagine how you build out peace m and Stabilit Y In The Middle East because we had done it fori four years. The Administration Just came in, rippedpped i it up, turn ity upside down. And the deaths that happened today are th aree responsibility of hamas. They were caused by iran. But the conditions set by an and by American Weakness in afghanistan, by allowingbe Vladimir Putin to think that a small invasion might be okay and then Ultimatel Ultimatt Toyk to convince the iranians that we would have israels back. When your first instinct whent your first instinct is to say,nd cant we all just get along and the israelis need to stand down, and then the Secretary Of State and sends out a tweetd that also had to be taken down because he demanded a ceasree fire. Those are the things the iranians observed. They know that america is not serious. Ident and i praybi that president s biden understands what is at risk. It is israel and americas place in the world. S talkings right. Hi what youre talking about specifically, you know, we urge all sides to refrain from violence, from retaliatory attackw, is. You know, if you break it down, you know, and look at Thestates Population of israel versus the population of the united statek wouls, this attacy would be the equivalent of onesu day killing over 35,000 t americans. Would that be their position to stand dowo not havn and not t a retaliatory strike against the peopleha that would killedt 35,000 americans . On. Anthats my first question. G and then secondly, what part is saudi arabia playing here . Because they seem to Condemnough Israel On Thist is. I thought that israel and the saudis were on the verge of making a Deal Togetheaogethe so two thoughts. One, no, wwee should definitely not be telling israel. No one should be telling israel how to conduct its foreign c policy. Prime Minister Netanyahu should have a free hand to do what he netao. O. D polic i saw a statement from the from the general secretary at the sickboutations today that just was sickening, talking about how we need to make sure that everyone obeyysrnationasm International Law goodness, when youre women and dragginbu them back to the strip, thats not International Law. Second, you know, with the kingdom of saudidi a arabia, i e that what will happen is that they will push forward , is that the kingdom of saudi arabia will see that, in fact, that iran is a not only for israel, but for the emiratis, the kuwaitis, and fo emir them as well. They will understand that the risk of this terror regimeegim, the Islamic Republic of iran, is a risk to them as well. N, tand this effort to bring thm in to the Abraham Accords, to create peace and to recognizo createe israel will pp forward. Im counting on that happening. I hope that ite it will it would make perfect sense for everyone in the region to see that happen. What it let me ask you, mr. Secretary. Hamas terrorists, we have evidence and video Footage Beheading israeli soldiers. We have hamas executing that teenage girl hostage in front of her parents. Ngresswo and then you have people like Congresswoman Talib Blasting Israel in the wake of this. How do you explain that wing of the democratic that seemsnt to be getting louder and louder and more and more every single day . O ca its unexplainable. I have no capacitypa to comprehend. And how you could watch what has taken place there and have anygh idea that the right answer to that is to blame the victims of tragedy. N h we see reminiscences of what happened in the holocaust. Fo we see Women And Children being dragged off to their deatr congressh. S th and for a congressman not to call that out, to say no, thats y the problem and somehow say that those victims are to blame for whats happene d is fundamentally indecent. And i hope the good people that inde vote her outvote immediately. We we have to make sure that we all understand her that what is happening here is going to go on for a while. Whilnis going to be of duratio. It is going to require a lot of strength and temerity and it is going to demand the American People join together to protect the basic Human Dignity that america stood for for 250hr plus years. You know, mr. Secretary, i shuddek of ther to think of ay when the Iranian Mullahs Iranm Marrieddicalis to Nuclear Weapons, and they seem to be desperately t to get them. They have now formed what i call a neww axevil axis of evile with with china and with russia. A and we could see north korea becoming a part of it. R toand i shudder to really askw this question, and i think its the hardest question. Does the world have a very limited window here to, preventa iran from acquiring Nuclear Weaponr wes . And does that does do those strikes need to happen sooner than later, sean . I think the window is closing. We absolutely. Have to get after it. We saw this in thens Trump Administration. We began this process with actions that we took, including striking against leader kassam, soleimani, general suleimani, taking seriously the needsulema to pusa back against iranian leadership. I do worry about these nuclear weaponbos. Remember, this administration ennt back to a policy that gave them money and allowed them to continue to enrich uranium. We have to reverseri that. They should go right back into our model of punishing iran capc and imposing restrictions on iran and denying them con the capacity to continue to develop their Nuclear Weapons program. We have the abilit y to do that. Ht thi and if we cant stop them through those restrictions, then weve got to do the rightck and make sure this regime never gets even remotely close to a weapon. If thost remoe Nuclear Sites they already have, arent they buried deep withiwin the ground all throughout the territory of of iran . John, they are. T but make nito mistake about it. U if America Is Seriousffam and israel is serious and the threat vert that is sufficient,y confident then we can make sure that a Weapons Program is stopped inside of iran. It will take a seriousness that i have not a resolve i have not seen from the Biden Administration too much. Jimmy carter t not enough ronald reagan. If we get it right, im confident that we can prevent that frot that fm happe. It would have to be bibi, acting alone because hellhethea get no help or support at all from joe biden. I dont think theyre capable of it. Of w thebut we need the adults n charge, thats for sure. Former Secretary O Of State mike pompeo. Thank you, sir. All right. Bidens weakness on the world now more apparent than ever yesterday as chaos and sufferin g was unfolding b all throughout israel. Where was your president , joe biden . Iden . It was busy hosting a barbecue at the white house with live music and to be outdone, joe followed up his busy sundayd by calling lead today beforeont noon a lead meaning we wont. You wont be seeing or hearing ain. But. Resident again but anyway, then tonight, yeah, the white Newe House News that in fact, Joe Biden Gaveto e two days of what theyre describing as voluntary testimonci councy to special col robert hur. How convenient to use war out in the middle east as a as an opportunity to dump bad on the American Public that likely will not be paying attentio. N to. But fear not. According to the white house, biden will finally give a speec orrow. H tomorrow. Sufficient criticism has been out therane to warrant suchf a move. All right, ill do it ifi i hae to. And anyway, meanwhile, your Secretary Of State went ca blinkenn tony blinken. He faced widespread backlash for what we were just discussing with mike pompeo, cn and thats the now deleted tweet calling for the Cease Fire Critics attacking him for the implication that israel should not respondsrae to these brutal attacks. Make no mistake, we are now witn what is one of the weakest administration histy. Ican histor not just my lifetime. It was more Fox News White House correspondent peter doocy. Well, it sounds like a lot. F tt of whats going on at the whiter house in the middle of that barbecue. Certainly israel didnbecue. T sm to be top of mind in spite of all the events this weekend. Peter. S and the thing about thisan barbecue, sean, nobody in u. S. O intel saw this this attack, the hamas attack on israel coming. So they couldnt have planned the barbecue to try to bury it in that news cycle. In but they did Plan It Becauseat E they knew in advance that they wanted to get this interview with the Special Counsel done. They told me earlier today when i asked how long wass President Biden at this barbecue, the line was this date was chose wasn because the were white house activities that would not requirenothei their work because it was fort the residence staff. Been i was also told, though, President Biden ha s been consistently engaged in supporting israel israel. And while it has certainly taken up a lot of his timet latelywa, it was not taking up all of his time because this counntary interview with the Special Counsel specifically looking into his documents, the ones that were found at his infices in washington d. C. , at his house in wilmington and the garage, and the stud ty he was talking to that Special Counsel, her for parts of two o days and it was so importanty for them to get that done, apparently, that they were readthy to take all of the criticism for having barbecue while that was going we knd also for calling this early lid, which meant that he wasnt going to be on camera. But weno with th know that he we with the National Security advisers in the whitehapp house residence today. That is something that would usually happenenth offic in the office or in the situation room. But it was a federalhon campus i was on campus for a good chunk of today at the feel of a federal holiday. I went over to the doors to thle left, the white house podium in the press room, and the doors were locke hadd. Anned they just had a Skeleton Crew because people planned in advancein to take off that. The thing, though, that we are seeing you is, you know,he joe biden and the president can see the same images that we all see. I know he doesnt watch a lot of t v, but he watches some. O weve talked about this and he has access to all of these but horrifying images. But the team is scheduling rm these Remarkars A Little Bit slower than the pace of the news cycle23 in 2023. Its not a team that is or you know, this is not a situatiothis is n theyre tryg to time remarks so that they make sure that it gets into the newspaper the next intpape the world waits for the u. S. Nd president and they will keepellg until tomorrow. But then the white house i uss telling us they are just going to get along with their agenda as planned on wednesday its going to be remarks about protecting consumers from Hiddenhidden Junk fees. And then friday, hes going to go to philadelphia to talkn biden specifically an emphasis on good union jobss and combating climate change. His team is saying at this moment there is no tangible evidence of irans involvement. And so inv in terms of whether r not this is going to lead to a broader conflict, immediately, it seems lik seae they are up to the second possibility. Yeah, please. So hamas hamas is saying that in assisted and helped and plottedu and planned and scheme with the what part of whath, theyre telling us do they not believe. Yeah and the Wall Street Journal in this very wellreported story has fo r sources where they basically went all around Callgsddle East Callin on the phone and said yeah, of course we heard that iran waits involved with this. It was months and training and coordinating and planning, but they just havent seen a smoking gun. Accordin g to the white house. And, you know, President Biden is a is a very deliberative guy. He also somethinomething thag ww two years ago. He does not want to be a war waa time president. The afghanistan Pullout Wasos painful for this entire country and for so many people in afghanista n, but he decided a that it was worth it to get the United States out of an do extended conflict. The last thing that he wants to disdo is getting united statw involved in any way and really at how hes approached ukraine. He has said basicalllly is no circumstance where there are going to be americans in Ukrainkraine E fighting russians. Its it seems like at the i moment he is trying to avoidher a new Armed Conflict in Thee Dos World at all costs. Yeah, well, he does know that we believe that americans are being held hostage. Has somebodyd hi informed him that americans have been killed as part of this . Whatspart o, a thousand, 1100 people slaughtered . Is there any cla there going toe any effort to rescue the hostages . Is there going to be the what will we offer israel . S o, by the way. Sean last question. Security advisor was out. Yeah. Seouand want to know what aboute 6 billion . Are you going to say are you going to putndt back a freeze ot and send it back to South Korea Sause thats where it belong. So to go in order there, he dipd put out a Statement Today where he expressed condolences for amerim is the up to 11 americans who have been killed. He said that his team is talking to their israeli counterparts and they are deploying to israeterpartsyr like, to try to help them figure out how to rescue those hostageses, but theyre nothow. Telling us anything else about exactly how i know Robert Obriend says send in t fbi hostage rescue team. It doesnt sound like thatsisn. Happening at the moment, but we dont have specifics the. The 6 billion. Theyre veryis clear that 6ha billion is still in an account and none it has been spent. But its just very specific. Is kno thew that all of the republican criticism is money is fungible. It freed up 6 billion for Something Else. They say that that argument is moot becausnte that specificl 6 billion that they unfrozeionn did not directly pay thissometh attack. And so its something that wiltl come out over the course of time, as everybody has beeneb. It is funding the intelligence operation. Missed all of thisuty ar. But they they are very clearcl. They think its an unfair criticism because that they can see the 6 billion that they froze and they say not a penny. It cannt be spent on anything other than medicine and food oh not according to thewh President Of Iran who contradicto saids not accorg to the President Of Iran has said theyll spend it any way , pe,they want anyway. Precia peter doocy, thank you for staying up late tonight. We appreciate your reportingteee always and thank you. Now were joined by formern i House Speaker kevin mccarthy. Ic he is calling right now for bold action froma in america ina response to the hamas Terror Effocks in israe that would include a full scale effort to rescue american hostage ameris, complee support for our ally, israel. New measuresael, to confront ir. And what weve been calling ou this show, this new axines of evil and a commitment to secure our open bordersr rs, condemnation of all the antisemitism within the u. S. Etisemit. N, i g congressman, i got to asotk you, you know, how do we rescuetage these americans held hostage . That price will be paid for the killing of americans here and the Killine Isreg of the iss here . What will we do to provide supporo prt, our best ally in te region and what confrontationn are they willing to engage in in terms of iraten . Because it seems all they want to do is give them billions of dollars. How to proceed dollar. Right. The first thing you have to do is go back to what we had in the lasbackt administration. We no longer pay fore americans for the ransom to bring them home. We simply tell them if they harm them, we will kille wy you. We should make sure there are 11 americans dead noand he and hes having a barbecue. Weve got hostages sitting there. But the other thing do,r thinga to do, yes, we should freeze that 6 billion. But the part that you dont quite understand is the 60 billion hes allowed. When biden into office, iran400 was only producing 400,000 barrels of oil. Today, now theyre producing 3 million. There are sanctions against that. Age does n does not enforce it. F enforce those. You know, what is the foreigorn Currency Reserves are for iran. When biden took office, it was only 4 billion. Its now up to 70. Hes made iran wealthy. E hes made it more securete and able to fund more terrorism to l to. Look at anybody in the face to say that iran was not involved in this t. Thats like saying our border is secure. Believes the. Theem we should make sure and pass right now. Make surh e they have enough missiles for the iron dome, because whats happening here is theyre tryineng to overwhelm. Ive been to these locations many times. Ive been to those kibbutzm that i see them massacring these innocent civilianshose. T those first missiles were probably a lot of dumb rocketsf. But what they want to do is wear out the iron dome and then senthen d the guided ones. We should make sure that were going to provide anyur ammunitin. We store it there in israel, provide it to themo themnow an. T and everybody has to say one complete thing. This isnt weakening hamas. And this is about destroying hamasgt. And we will stand shoulder to shoulder and anybody else that get s this conflict. We will make sure you fail, too. Youve got to be clea and weve gotwith to bring everybody else around Sae World Combined with us. They were attacked, as you say, 35,000. Y,what would we do . What would we expect from our friends to do with us . Ker of let me ask you this. You know, just up to last week ,the speaker of the house,now th i know the issue has come up whether or not there are still members that would like you to takeion back that Position Backd i know theres a contest. You have candidates stated Steve Scalise and jim jordan. W import how important is it s the republican conference to get this this decision madetn quickly . Its very important, but weve got to get it right. You you cannot have 96 of yourople conference one place and eight People Partner with the democrats. And nancy, to dictate who are speaker is. Think for one moment, sean, what if we followed gatesshut d advice and shut the government down and the government would be shuownt down right now where our 30,000 troops in the middle east wonderingwonderin if theyh to get paid or theyre sitting on that strike team going with the Aircraft Carrier wondering if their familys going to make their rent, why were tellins going g them, no,o they cant be paid. You know what . If i have to lose the speakershisethp to make sure our troops get paid, especially in a time like this, then im going to take that fight because im always going to stand with americans first. He but another thing that really concerns me in here at the that continues to grow. Remember what omar. Re said abod 911 . Some people did something that day. Ay. Nderi wonder if she says thw or what talib is doing right now. But why biden and Hakeem K Jefies allowing them to spea for the Democratic Party . When they asked Hakeem Jeffries spokesperson it you knowcomment. What they said, no comment. Thats not leadership. Not right now. Why . We have this whole new axis of evif ev frol from iran, russt and china. This looks a lot lik e the 1930sf th. And i dont want to bee on the wrong side of history. To p lid the president wants toe a lid on it. Out and lay speak out a five point plan, what we should do to make surewhat w the world is safe and what we should do to make sure america is strongend tr and the world is a safer place to live. Kevin mccarthy well, republicans have a Speakerieve W by weeks, and i believe we will. Ll the two gentlemen running have the capability of putting it togetheerr and. Ght. I look forward to having that debate tomorrow night. All right. Kevin mccarthy sea mccar, you tt being with us. Coming up next, far left, lawmakers have sun ws ik to new lows in the wake of the Terrorist Attack in israelar. Were going to tell you what they said. Nikki haley, well get her take on it as foreigns rmer, a forme. Ambassador is busy breaking Newsight Night Continuesthis is on hannity. Jump in this is your season to smile, to gather together and discover the moments that matter, to jump into the fun and join in the celebration to help wings evenu ready. 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The facte spen that spend billis of dollars a year on the United Nations and i and i knowador for youre the ambassador for an organization that has a history of virulent antisemitism and antiamericanism. Im not sure why we fundf that organization. Cavilentn you help me out. Mentio well, first of all, you mentioned members of thet an squad and you mentioned whitmer, and they would get along just fine at the United Nationsg just, antiisrai as they are. But what ill tell you is, yesun ,u. N. Is a farce. We saw the Secretary General come out and say that we should doo a ceasefire. Ty and i would say at the Security Hauncil when i was therean. Would any of you do a ceasefire if this happened to you . O you,but they expect israel tot by a certain set of rules. I thin ck israel needs to eliminate hamas without question. We think that we should go until every government thats within that territory, lebanotitory,n syria, that theyd to stay out of this. We need to make sure no Taxpayer Dollars go to any palestinian entities or any u. N. Entitier s that support hamas. We need to make sure that we are focused, giving all thend intelligence, ammunition tod equipment we need. Israel needs to be able to finish this and we need to freeze ire assets, the 6 billion. Back andchineed to go put strong sanctions like we had before. China is importing more iranian oil than anyonanyone ee else. Russia is getting drones and missiles from iran. Y wh these three russia, china and iran know exactly what theyre doing. Re america and the west needs to wake up because wtoo e are to distracted. And we cant be so arrogant to think that thiscant r cane on our soil. We have to have the backs of our friends t. We have to understand its not that israel needs america. America needs israel because they are the first line of defense for islamic terrorism. And we have to start taking this seriously. And all of this, weve seen the chaos from the democrats, from inflation. And whatve crime o theyve doned on our streets, to an open border to lack of transparency and education, to chaos around the world. But whate have we have to rememo as republicans is the one thing you dont do is we cant chase democrat chaosrepublic with repn chaos. We have to start looking forward. We have to leaveegativit the the baggage and the headlines of the past and start realizing this is a new world were h in and this is evil. And we have to have the moral clarity to know the difference between good and bad, between ofght and wrong, between good and evil. This is true evil that were seeing. And thhae top of that ticket. De one thats did allowing all of these democrats to act this Way Becauss Toe He D this to us. Hes the one that loosened the sanctions because he was sa fg all over himselfeal, to get into the iran deal. Hes the one that made that terribliblee deal for 6 billion. Hes the one that took off and has been silens bet the lass couple of days. When we have nine americans,died maybe 11 americans that are hostages or died in thison andur situation. And im sure theres more. A thousand of our greatest citizens died. And what are we doing . Not enough. We need to be there and leting o every terroristht know we are going to hold hands with israel. Were going to be there with them. You knowsaud what . Saw saudi arabia and all the arab countries have pulled back because they don Arat Trut That America and israel will win. We have to sho dont thinkw thee will win. We have to show them that were committed. We have to show them were nohe. Longer distracted. It is time for america to pull thisit irica together. It is time for america to stop l all these silly gamelys, the am all these silly distractions, and get to work for the Americane Becaus because our National Security is at risk and our friends are at risk. And were watching that happen right now. And its a tragedyd it. What should or what should happen to iran. Real quicklyo , we have to stop iran. Every dollar they get goes to terrorism. We had totally eliminated their economy. This money doesntt go to feed their people. It goes to feed their terroristic behavior, eliminatore economy, make surea they never get a bomb. Stop all the oil. Thats to china. Stop all the equipment and ammunition thats going to russia. Anammunitioingand bring them to. We cant stop until we do that. They been celebrating saying death to israel, death to america. Dont ever forge thath tot that. Death to israel. Death to america. They hate us morel. Weve thanen they hate israel. Weve got to put an end to this once and for all. Nofoyou. Sean iw israel is the, whether big satan, right . As bibi often has used that analogy. Nikki haley, thank you tonight. Comioingg with. Gu bein coming up, a shocking amount of anti israeli sentiment rising country across our count. Well explain. 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Tiisrea over two dozen Student Organizations at harvard, they join togetherclar, declare that israel was, quote, entirely responsibleble fo for saturdays attack. Really . Now we blame the victims at Harvard Harvard and thats n. On sunday, propalestinian demonstrators tooko pale over mn manhattan, many cheering for hamas that went into today. And meanwhile, the liberal mob came after kylie jenner this weekend. Jenner being attacked on instagram for daring to posml a proisrael story. And after facing harshy, after backlash, the reality tv star, well, took down the post. T. Here here with reaction, fox and Friends Weekend cohost pete hegseth, the executivteerot director of the lawfare project. Brooke goldstein back with us. Brooke, start with you. Your reaction . I mean, this is virulent time. Antisemitism, frankly, in our time. Its horrific. Really, what were seeinajorg are major problems. Number one is i the billions of dollars coming from qatar, sa which is obviously the second largest stattensore sponsorng wt of terrorism allied with iran being given to u. S. College campuses 1 billion a year for the last ten years, if not more. Thats what weve been ablable e to track. And its going to areso funding the socallecd Diversiy Equity and inclusion departments,n the middle easten studies departments, creating a Hostils Dee Climate thats not just antijewish or antiisrael, but antiamericane. And the goal is Tgooal Radicalize our student population, coupled with groups ,students for justice in palestine or and wallated Tha Palestine that are Terror Affiliated, that operate as though theyre the pr arm of the hamas Terroristoris Groua just recently, wolf, palestine actually had rallies where they were shouting from the river to the sea and globalized the intifada, which means bringing this violence t to our shores, and after which Rally Attendeesp went out and beat upeo jewish people on the street, including matt green, who is a client of the lawfare project. And i want to be very clear, the United States and our College Campuses have been infiltrated by Terror Affiliate aided groups. And you can see them nown on the screeprn marching in prohamas rallies in new york in san diego. E theyre having these types of rallies all over the world. Fra arefrankly, theyre shouti gassed the. They are theyre bringing sw. There is no such thing as a peaceful palestinian liberation movement. Wh when people say free palestine, what they meany mean, sean, is , kidnap, torture and kill civilians. And that is what we are seeing now. Dr sean ppete hegseth, if we we to draw this outivalent, proportionally, this would be the equivalent. Many were saying thithis is, iss 911. That would be the equivalentday. Of over 35,000 americans killed in a single day. W we lost 2977 on nine 1101. But that would be the equ equivalent. And you hear this, this virulent antisemitism, and its gone on for years. You saw this weekend in europe. You saw itw in in australia. You saw it in new york city. Irt y,you hear it in the halls of congress. Whats going on . Is brooks right. None of this is shocking. This is standard. In fact, i was a college studen. T after our own 911, and i saw the same reaction from leftwing groups on Campusnh America saying its time e to apologizeshould, that we sd appease and we should we should sue for peac we at this momentt that we misunderstood the terrorists. Has accelerateda for all the reasons she laid out, the money pouring antiamerican, antichristian, antiisrael, reallyr anti jewish. I mean, take harvard, for example, and the Universit Ded Y founded to train puritan ministers, now has Itsw Ha Chapn is an atheist. Att geean, these are theyre poisoning the minds of the nexte generation with sheer Anti Semitism and with no actual history, understanding the judeochristian Natural History of that land. Arvard . And didnt you graduate frm harvard . Didnt you graduate . Thats why i sent my degree back, john. Thats thatmailed is why i emat back to them, because i thought the way that tea party to the. T yeah, i appreciate that. I refuse to hold them up as Ae S Standard Bearer of what is good. They are poisoning this and the minds of the future actively. Ey and its because the kids there dont get real history. They get propaganda. They dont understand the biblical history from abrahm david to the lineageland of in that land. In fact, palestinian. S tryingath to excavate that and pretend like were never there to thiats day. And theyre teaching it. And israel has had to fight defensively at everyo heir moment after their sovereignty was given to them with that nation. And no none of those kids are ever told that. Instead, theyre taught antiisraeliisreali and propag. Well, they better be standing by becausebe i have a pretty gok Belief System and ive known bibi for years, sort of like from the movie gladiatoradiatory signal, unleash and is about to be unleashed againstil those people that killed those innocent civiliansthinnoce and a innocent civilians and are threatening now to executens on live television. Pdx, i thank you. Brooke goldstein. K you for joining us. We are continuing our coverage of israel being at warng with hamas. And we start with another breaking edition news edition of hannity right nowni. All right. Welcome to our two fromng our Continuing Coveragoverage H will be a full scale total war in the middle east. Now, tonight, all eyes are on the gaza strip, where israel is now mountin g a Military Campaign to eviscerate hamas. Israeli are conducting strikes every few minutes as we speak. A as a ground war is now imminent. And back with us, the ground in Southern Israel tonight is our very own Trey Yingsis Tra i dont think hes sleptnk in like 48 or 72 hours. Treyup late us. , thank you forp late with us. I know its about 5 a. M. Your time there. Yeah. Sean, good evening. As we speak, those israeli jetls are striking gaza once again. There is a specififortc effort underway by the israelis to clear a path for soldiers ma that will eventually make their way into the northern the and the easternke of gaza. Weve seen the tanks and the apcs. The navyed i is involved in this effort. And you also have the Israeli Ground troops that are preparing, 300,000 reservists, according to gallup. The countrys defense ministerat. And you heard the words of israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tonight netanyamixing, not b mincing words at all, being very clear that this will be a significant operation and one that doesnt seek, as in the past, to put hamas back a decade, but simply to destroy hamasnd. And remember, hamas has funding, as youve discussed, from the Iranian Regime. They have support in certain parts of the middle and they a have the ability to fight ground war against these israeli troops. So it will be a very difficult battleeren when it does erupt. Ill go the Israeli Forces will go o in on the ground with air support and support from the sea and the Artillery Units Deeperillery Southern Israel. But they will have to fight for each and every block. Gori and it will be Urban Guerrillall Warfare that the uy are up against. And its part of the reason these elite units have already dispatched to the south of israel to prepare for this battle ahead. Now, when we talk about the north, this is a significantt an arena of development as well. There were mortars and rockets fired Towardreal Israeli Base today. One israeli officer was killed in a crossbordein a cross or ee of fire between the Israeli Military and hezbollahinvolv militants. And if hezbollah does indeed get involved in the fight, fac israel will face a much more difficult and Violente Di Front from the air on the northern border. We have seen the classifieen thd maps. The former defense minister, benny gantz, showed them to me himsel sd thof where israel hadd out all of the Precision Guided Missilesisio that had been smugd into Southern Lebanon from places like syri israd iran, and theyre all pointed at israel. And so hezbollah gets involved in the fight, and israel is facing this multifrontd isr they simply will not have wis Missile Defense system to down all of these rockets and missiles at the same time. Thand the estimates are that Day Thousands of missiles a day could be fired could into israec we read about this just a months ago. These discussionacs taking place about a worst case scenario, e sc, tmare scenario the jewish state. That nightmare is a reality today. Sean. John, the nightmare is aas reality. But we also know, you know, weve heard as many as 300,000 israeli troops are ready to walk intok in gaza and im se lebanon as well as needed. And when they unleash, itnt will bthine. F dont think this is going to ben the equivalent anything weveab ever seen historically here. I dont care i48f were talking about 48 after the u. N. Partition plan. I doncat if its 67 and the war then or the yom kippur 73. The i dont think any them will begin to compare to what is aboutabout to when israel fy opens up against this enemy. You agree . Absolutely. This is one of the most the n s the world. They train for this day and hope that it never comes. O and there is a sense among the soldiers that we are talking to ogroundn ground r of just being prepared fory the days ahead. They are angryar and they hamas are motivated. I think there was a miscalculation made by hamas and islamic when they conducted these attackse aa against innocent civilians, thinking that maybe slaughteringhese these people, these Women And Children would bring israel to its knees. E con its done quite the opposite. It has it hatrs mobilized the country in a way so rapidlyo that everyone is going into place. If theyre not serving in the armyeering, they are volunteerig at hospitals, they are preparing food to give to troop ands and to civilians, and they are sending a clear messagl standse. Israel stands together and it stands with its allies to facet any sort of threat that willt they will erupast a result of this conflict. So while the rocket fire is something that and it continues at this hour and will continue throughout thi s conflict, there will be heavy ground fighting. But as youve noted, china, israel will unleash the gates of on hamasls. Migh officials that we spoke with have been very clear about that. Heheand you might be able to hey the fighter jets overhead. They continue at thi chis s hou. You know, trey, in one of my recent trips to israel, recent meeting a number of years ago, was i at the the gaza border where several days which a afor town where in that town, literally the night before we got there, missiles had been fired into what they cal we call kibbutz, which known as a neighborhood. This is wher neige Children Play an, play underground, you know, that areu really bunkers because theres not enough timghe. The proximity to gaza, those rockets are fireare fid and. Theyre landing in 15 seconds. Not enough time to find safety. Tfi went to the back ofn se the Police Station when i was there, and the levele evs th, y, you can see over the years, the progression in terms of the sophistication of of those missiles that theyre firing into israel and all designeds mh with as much shrapnel as it can possibly carry to cause as much Human Wreckage Damage as possible. So this hass been the the Security Reality that is israel right on that gaza border for now. Many years now and it seems like this time, just based on the words of Prime Minister netanyahu, this will probably be the last time. It sounds likeke gaz gaza is abt to exist no more. By the time this is all and done. Gaza is one of the mostn densely populated on earth. Theres 1. 9 Million People that live there. Ll and among those people weve reported from gaza city, from rafah, fro m tunis, all of the cities throughout the gaza strip before are. Among those people are militants hamas, islamic, pflp, here, these large and small factions alike. And they have a variety of weapons. And the israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has made very clear the intention of the Israeli Militarye to go in and to destroy all of that infrastructur e, all of the the tunnels, all of the the rocket s the weapons that are being used against israel and jewish state, the massacre that took placdae on morning was something that would be difficult to even imagine e. A there was a focused effort by hamas militants to tr tryy and inflict terror into the minds of the Civilian Populatione Ci here. They showed no mercy. They killed children. They kidnapped people. And when the israelis do ultimately enter gaza, it is not a question of if, but rather whe n. Step when they do that, they will take every step possible to destroy all of those weapons and do everything they can to rescurescuee their citizens and their soldiers that are currently being held by hamas. All right, gary yang, thank you so much for staying upr s rg all morning long for us. Le we appreciate it. And as war is raging in the middle east and america and american hostages wither on the vine, joe bidens is likely world, fast asleep in that building right there, resting up for his big speech tomorrow. Well, what can we expect from joe . Back wit h us a very owno know peter doocy. Peter, id like to know what hes going to do in terms of actual support of the Prime Minister and the o people israet. Id like to know what hes going to do in terms of Retaliation Oation Fo for the americans killed and those americans, we are told, are being held hostage hosta tot. Im not sure thats going to be addressed. Addressl, we thk itwell, we th, john, because in the statement that president T Biden Out Justdi a paper statement, nothing on Camera Toda Y but, he did say, ive directed my team to work with their israeli counterpartss. Sharin every aspect of the hostage crisis, Includin G Sharingom intelligence and deploying experts from across the United States government to consult with and advise Israeli Counterpartsi on hostage recovery efforts. So w they wont tell us exactlyi how Many Americans they thinghk might be captive in these tunnels underneath gaza. But its also possible that they just do not know because of the nature, the nature and the widespread nature of this attack the other day. They are also deployingey Administration Officials out to say that they havhave ne no t no definitive proof at this point that the 6 billiona fe host unfrozen in iranian money a few weeks ago in exchange for some american hostages, d this they have no proof that that directly financed this attack. Lo and as for the much talked about barbecue happened at the t white house, it Sounds Likeua that was actually cover long planned cover to have a bunch tr of resident staff, get out of the white house residences ah with their families. And there was a band. We could hear the music all day from the north lawhwndentn. So the President Biden can go inside and have an interview with the Special Counsel investigating his classified documentssifies. He whi even though i was told todayte when i was asking a white house official about this barbecue, President Biden has been consistently engageds in supporting israel. It sounds like there was some tim te Yesterday And Today where he was also sitting and answering some questions that he got to concentrate periuite a bit because. They do carry legal peril given apparently that Thisf Ques Investigation has garnered two days worth of questiontis from a Special Counsel. So very unusual for a president to do. But they say it wasvolunt voluntary. They say it was voluntarary y. K and by the way, i think tomorrow will probably be a frustrating day for you if ir you try to ask questions about it, because theyve already said at the end annot he announcing that he voluntarily talked to robert, her please direct any future questions to the department of justice. They wil thel have basically nod other comment. So i would imaginegine as youmow prioritize your questions tomorrow that probably will have to be pushed dow, tbn the list knowing that theyre not going to answer it. Pretty good guess on my part go well, probably, but also and im not a lawyer. I just am goin g to pla ty one on tv for a second. They would wait until toward us very end of a probe like that to interview the principale ,to interview the president in this case. And sow th it would stand to reason c that the classified Documentlaso Probe is probably pretty closesn to two done. And so we might have answers on that soonert sor rather than later. And that probably will bbe thee the next time that we hear about this from the Biden Administrationn. You know, donald trump and his team have decided that they wantt the talk a lot about the Special Counsel investigating them. The Bidens Have Decideey do nod that they do not want to talk t about it at all until they havhe to. So i would bet that the next actual fact that we get about thise from is going to be from the doj in their report. Why sea . I suspect you wont see the same result of the same outcome as wes we saw in t, trump case. Why do i think theres a different standard of justice . Wrbut i could be wrong. Tha well see. Time will tell. Peter doocy thank you for staying upnk y tonight. Expe we appreciate it. All right. So what can we expect from israelct in th the coming hours, daystion and weeks . Here with reaction. Fox news, se strategic analyst general jack keane. General the most alarming partfs of all of this is knowingd the iranian role in this. And the Wall Street Journal Reportineeter Tg over the weeked about this and the islamic revolutionarc rey guards the involvement in this and the funding of this, the Tactical Planning and strategy and the final okay. Coming from iran i in this. Why do i think at the end of the day that the root cause of a lot of this which is iranian connected is not going to be dealt with . Well, well, the problem we have with this administration is right from the outset the the first thing they did was try to put together the dealdidw again. And the second thing they did, whic was nev th was never told American People, sean, is theyte to step back on some of the severe Sanctionsadminist Th Trump Administration had administered on iran. Why were they doing that . They were trying Ey Show Thee Ir Iranians that they were going to negotiate in good faith. Tancd and after that, they distance o Abothe Arab Regime and als began to distance themselves. Im talking about arabs, who look at iran as as a majordi threat in the region, saudi arabia. And then they began to distance themselvesno from israel. Now, that was a playbook that was out of th e Obama Administration. And it was just strategically wrong and gave iran absolutely confirmation that this administration was g goingign pi to behave very similar in termse of Foreign Policy concerning the middle east like the Obama Administration did. And it wasn arou going to turn d what the Trump Administration had done, the Abraham Accords. F i believe that the reason why, all of this has taken place is,. Yes, iran behind it. But it has to do with the fact e that iran sa mw that the Momentm Shift was moving against Themab Whenia was arabia was going to normalize relations with israel. And right on foxs network, you saw an interview there with nbc indicating that h ve ws very interested in president. Prime Minister Netanyahu was veryne interested in it. Wit what is irans problem with that . Because saudi is the De Factof H Leader of the arab muslim world. If they normalize relations with israel, the rest of the arabiz muslim world in the regin would do very much the same. , ir but you would know this trump would then be isolated severely. That got thiss what got this thingn. Moving in this direction. Sean y you are dead on accu. And a lot of people dont talk about that. And i think there was a greathit fear here. But something had happened during the trump years that i didnt think wed see in our lifetimes i didntr life. I mean, you saw unprecedented Cooperation Sharing with the United States, israel egypt, jordan, saudi arabia, the emirates, all against iranian hegemony. And this fear that iran n might get a hold of Nuclear Weapons. All these reportngs there suggesting they might have them within months. It seems to me that the only defense against themy possibly using it would be to take those sites out everyxper. Military expert ive ever interviewed on this topic has said the same thinheg, that they are literally spread all throughout the country dtreo and deep into the ground. And it would be a tremendous heavtoy to take those facilities out. Your thoughts . Yes, they have gotten closere to. This certainly because of the percentage of enriched uraniumth they have right now, which is around 60 . And this gets complicated. Weaponization is about 90 , but it only would take them x number of weeks to get to that capacity. A Intelligence Agencies are certainly watching this hawkk. Haw the israelis certainly are themselves. Ththink the Military Optionthe A obviously has to be on the table to deal with this. Now, listen, sean, we do have the capacity to penetrate those sites and destroy those sites. There is your correct. In there is a Nuclear Enterprise out there and multiple sites. And most of them, not all of them are deeply buried. The israelis do not have those penetration. I would make the assumption we would give them to them to assist in that airstrike. But the fact of the matterir yo is we could be getting i wandot to speculate on thatwo. Do you really think joe biden would do that . Because i dont think he would. I dont known What Presidenwout would do. He says the Military Optione Ta is on the tablble. E. But look it. We saw a strategic defeatsurren in afghanistan. We surrendered a countryd to or enemy and walked away from ann h ally we have been with ford 20 years. Russia has starteda wa a war in ukraine, right. In europe. We were toe able to deter that president. She is threateninga a war in the pacific. And the realit iray is that iran and north korea are enabling both of them. We havt to gete got to get realy serious in this country about the enemiee ars that wee g are facing and the seriousness and the dangerer of these threats. We have got to step up and face. Them. General, great analysis, as always. Thank you, sir. T joining us now, a former u. S. Ambassador to israelo isra, david friedman, and former state Department Spokesperson Morgan Ortagusnt Morga is back. Morgan, let me start with you. We had mike pompeo on earlier. Ns i know you work very closely with him. Lets stay on this question, evn of iran and their involvement here. And, you know, even the Iranian Revolutionary guard, a lot of the funding, a lot of thef th and the actual okaying of the operations both nort north ah and South Lebanon and gaza, coming directly from them. They seem to be out of the equation when it comesequationnt to paying a price when they seem pretty responsible. Welice whentl, they shouldnk sean. Youre absolutely right. And, in fact, we know that this attack wouldot hav over th not e the weekend. If it wasnt for the funding , of the the training, the equipping, the support of the Islamic Republic of iran to hamas and not just to hamas, by the way. This is irans playbook around the region, throughout the middle east. They fun easy fundd their Sheerr Terror Proxy groups like hezbollah and limit excuse me, hezbollah in lebanon, the houthis in yemen, the shia militia groups in iraq, which have in the past, by the way, trie triedd to our u. S. Embassy and kill our troops. And in the Trump Administrationr in which the ambassador and i served, we had a very clear line with iran, mike pompeo, let the iranians know, ife you an american, if any of your proxies do this, if you hurt a american american, yt an american, we will hold you responsible just as if ane n you had done it yourself. So the administration, sean, is Playing Semantics over. S well, it wasnt this 6 billion or that 6 billion. The bottom line is thisike administration has not forced and Forcedare Tion has the legae that are on the books. And one thing that we should watch oubooks,t for is in justsh nine days, there is an arms embargano. The u. N. Thats going to expire. One has already expired. A few years ag ao. But theres a specific advanced arms embargo against iran that covers the suicide drones, that covers ballistic missilesrs that will expire in nine days, sean. And the nine days the iranians can sell that can give thathe away, can put it out in theth market with. Ld be wa no impunity on the world stage. And thats something that we should be watching foring that,t something that the administration should immediately try to get renewed at thenite united ambassador, ie known Prime Minister netanyahu5n about anywhere between 25 and 30 years. D and one thing i can tell you, this is a man that has moral clarity. This is a man that will protect his nation. This is a man that will stop at nothing to win this war. I would imagini e at bat his cal that holy is about to be unleashed in the middle east. Probably the likes of whiche ha weve not seen before. Sah. S said as muc how how would you interpret those remarks . Ver th well, sean,e i think, you know, we saw over the last couple of days the orchestrated and barbaricd an of , the likes of which we havent seen since the holocaust. I know the Prime Minister well, as do you, and ive worked with him closely four years. And if there is one overriding mandate that Bibi Netanyahu hass is to make sure that thereur will never t another holocaust,u that that is his that is that is is fundestd mentals fund mandate, not just in the state of israel, but to the jewish a people. And what we saw requireshe the kind of response the likeseh of which israel has never undertaken before. It will be a massiveat ha overwhelming response from us is completely obliteratedma. A and then, you know, remember, the head of the snake is, as i think, morgamorgann alluded to, the head of the snake is iran. Poliou know, whether its bibi or whether its the policies that we worke wd, t isa you know, donald trump didnt pay terrorists. Thats soret of the simple point. He wouldnt pay iran. He imposed massive sanctions e on iran. He eliminated some sort of money oliter arms. Leading terrorists wouldnt pay the Palestinian Authority because they had a programka called pay to slay, where they would incentivize palestinians kill. The more they killed, the more money they got. He wouldnt Fundt Unwra Annd organization in the gaza strip that taught and encouragedews young palestinians to hate and to kill them. If thatans the plan if thatst what theyre going to do, theyre not going to get any money. And now were looking at irairn its a very different place every month, three years from now, from then is a much wealthier country. Look, the number of barrels of oilels of oe sellin theyre e day, its gone up dramatically over the last three years. They have a lot of money and theyre using that money to fun moneyd activities all ovr the world. And so when hamas is done and they will be obliterated,itt i trust i trust bibi, wis going to get this jobedhe e when they are asking this oil well, wellnflict, will this cone i only got about 20 seconds left. Will this conflict t people une the people of israel behind the Prime Minister . Whatever actions deemsy has an necessary to take . It already has. D and tens of thousands of israelis who were Living Outside Country have flown back into israel to join the army, to join the reservesev. The country is united like ever before. Thfore it. Ay miscalculate all right. Ambassador, thank you. Morgan, good to see you. Thank you. Up next, the left, w theyre working overtime trying to defend Biden Unfreezing a whopping 6 billion to iran. Can anyone understand, that sick, Twisted Ideologidy . S because im having a hard time understanding it. Anyway, well explain as we continueinuehisy this busy news. Thank you for being with us on hannity tonight. Why do i get bad press . 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That, the problem is, jan,me when and you do that, money is fungible. And so iran is able to other resources that it otherwise would not have bee n able to do. Conversation on terrorism. They are the greatesant. Im going to stop you rightju there because what youst stateds what you just stated, they are the sponsom. Her of funding. Congressman, the funding does not go to iranian hand s. It goes to approved Third Party Vendors who provide support. I did want to ask you, though, congressman, because the Trump Administration wit that youre on. Respec with all due respect, jen, jen, with all due respect, youre not listeningt listen. What i just said. She wasnt. Meanwhile, congressman. Issa spoke with fox digital while traveling in the middle east, saying w this is, quote, clearly irans war with israel before warning of a prolonged. Conflict. Anyway, congressman mike lawlor and darrell issajoinin wit join with much more. Congressman lawlor, i watched this exchang he and im like, how thick and dumb does a person really need to be . Because for you to have ir explain that joe biden gave 6 billion in additional funding to the iranianans. Okay. The money is now out of south korea. Its in a qatari bank ork its in qatar or somewhere. That money, even the President Of Iran went on nbc and admitted, were noare nog te told how to spend this money. And your your point about itt being fungible, thats 6 billion that they dont have to spend on anything ne themselves, which frees up more money for the number one State Sponsor of terror. How hard is that to understand . Look, clearly, she thought she wawas at ts at the podium tg to spin for the president. Gust but look, i denounced this in august when it was first announced. I denounced it on septembericial 11th, when the administration officially informeyd about it. E and i denounced it two weeks ago when we had a hearinge fo on the taylor force act. Lk these folks are clueless. Giving iraate spn the biggesonte sponsor of terror, 6 billion is absolutely dangerous and. It never should haveimme happened. The administration should immediately reversdiately e and refreeze those assets. Ry you know, let me let me ask you, darrell issa. Spokei know, you spoke to foxnews. Com about a confidential location in thet middle east where you were traveling when israel came under attackwh cam and that youe within a combined range more more from iran. Lets talk about the iranian, you know, aspect and influence in all of this terror because the fighting proxy war after proxy war funding, terrorist group after grouy seemsroup, nobod to ever want to call them out on it. And i quite i cant fof mer life of me understand this obsession to help the iranians get richer. So that will just, you know, accelerate their terror campaignterror arouns around th. Well, sean, youre exactly right. Understaits hard to understand, but weve seen it again and again. We saw it throughoutt the Obama Administration. But in fairness, we saw it i saw it with chamberlain equally just ld war before world war two, placating, fascist, placating terrorist states is not new. M is the problem, it never works. And whether that 6 billion is fungible or not wouldnt even matter. The symbol the the symbolism of lessening sanctions, of negotiate. They w hating about nuclear. Of treating them like they were something other than what they have been since 1979, which is a terrorist state who wants to expand their shia everywhere in the world. And they dr o it by force. Thats the reason that hamas comes over the borde,r. Remember, sean, hamas is a sunni group. The reason that they are backed by hezbollah like hezbollah is because theyre willing to fight and kill israelis. The little evil, big evil, o the little devil, all these terms they use are part of an te organized campaign that has worked for them. E. Tdont carm. Its spin off sunni as long as they hang at israel and the united state s. Thats all that seems to qualify them to get aiding and abetting. Ing. Butsobut they also apparene involved in the planning of all of this as well. Ur react your reaction to that. They clearly did a go ahead. Theres a number of meetingske that we are aware of that occurred between the key playery players. And obviously, hezbollahs leader lea is at the at the cenr of it, too. E and look, were seeing the two front situation. You have a massive amount of israeli troops that are trapped on the northern border n bord that cant come to the aid and of their their alliese and colleagues in the south. And thats because hezbollah shells jush about t to keep them from being able to be redeployed. Thats part a plan. That plan was and the equipment came from iranan. In and until israel obliterates until hezbollaha has its claws removed and untiln we take the threat of iran seriously and continuous only, were not going to get there. One of my meetings in thone region was with the crownsaudi prince in saudi arabia. He is in the final stages of coming up with at incl comprehensive Regional Peace plan that includes saudiud. He has a problem. The problem is iran and every step is trying to stop, thwart or delay that. , wartwe have to make sure thate make it clear that were goingf forwarthd with the next stages of the socalled Abraham Accords. I dont caret their name. Musli their name is. We want the arab world andm the muslim world to denounceincd iran and to join all oinf us including israel, in pushing back once and for all against this state that since 1979 has been, in fact, fomenting terrorism. And congressman lawler, we only got about 30 seconds yet. Leftrm for hostages neve to work out very well, does it . Five hostages, 6 billion. And what do we have now . Tonight, over 100 hostages, including americans, according to reports. G to do you see any way to gey them home safely . Because i really don t liketerror you dont negotiate with terrorist nees and i thinki need to be working with theit israeli governmentar and militay to take on the extremistsn all and hamas and iran at all costs. All right, congresswoman. Congressman issa, thank you. When we come back, republicans, theyre not mincinwallerg wordsn it comes to calling out the Biden Administration for dag to. See the obvious dangers from iran. Plus, tonight, the white house announcee d biden has been interviewed by the Special Counsel in the classified document. T inform wow. What a convenient nightchec to reveak l that information. Well check in with charlie hurt, governor mike huckabee, as we continue. Do you have too much body fat . It tends to accumulate on your stomach, hips and thighs . Are you struggling to lose weight . 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Primary candidates, they wasted no time condemning hamas and thtimee terrorism from themi and calling out the biden iran decisionnsni to unfreeze billions in iranian assets. Former President Trump calledtts the attacks a disgrace and reaffirmed israels right to defend itself. Former Vice President mike pence biden for projecting weakness on the world stage. The fake ramaswamy called out the administration, saying the 6 billion in unfrozen iranian assets, that amountsass to. And also tonight, the white house announced that president t biden was interviewed. Oh, how convenient of them to release this informatiootion tonight by the Special Counsel about his handling of classifieedd. Its an interesting night that they chose to release news. Here with reaction, Fox News Contributor charlie hurt, former, rkansa governor mike hu. Im sure, governor, just a mereh coincidence that tonight with no other news going on, this might be the perfect nightn to tell the American People, even though what happened over , weekend and then to later today. Well, it sure i just saying that there was a third on it and joe didnt have anything elsee to do today, even 1 on the very day that 11 americans had been announced to have been murdered by hamasn. And we dont know how many may be kidnapped. This is no longer just k about the israelis. Frankly, if it were just about the israelis oughte to care deeply. But now americans have been deep, kidnapped. But the distinction between how President Trump handled the middle east and how president bide east ann handleda clear distinction. And when trump saidthe that jerusalem was the legitimate capital of le of isra when he recognized te the golan heights, when he moved the embassy, when he moved embas forward with the Abraham Accords, which were incredibly historic, people ondl the left said, oh, itll blow up the middle east and therell be war and the war. There wasnt. In fact, it was an incrediblywe peaceful tim then e. N ad we then moved to the policiesisa of the Biden Administration, which is appeasement to iran. And looking the other way at the murderous activities that were goins whg on. And the result is what were seeing now. And you just cant make it any t more clear than that. One thing that is most clear, in sean, that i want to point out. Hamas intentionallwent ay went l civilians and murdered them on purpose. In grael will do everything it can, even in going into prote to destroy hamas, to protect innocent livesct. Not all will be protected, but they will take herculean effortils to try. And i hope the world will taketo note of that, even though dont think they will. Talking about President Trump, charlie hurt. Theres never been a president in historyat h that had been more friendly to israel, that has been a better ally to israel than donald j. Trump. Just fac fact. Exactly yeah. And of course, the governor is exactly right about right mon about moving the capital to jerusalem. It was a it was such a signal t moment because every president going back to,d i think at least bill clinton and perhaps before pro promised to move the capital to thensalem and then as soon as they got elected, they were like, oh, no, thats just what i say to get elected. Im not going to do this. Person donald trump was the first person who came alon tg from s either party and said, oh, no, i said that during the campaigno. Were going to do that. And that was a clarion call to the middln te e east that you were dealing with somebody who believed in strength and power and not to mention prosperity. And what donalntion prosperityds he used american might and american power, crucially, American Energy independence here at home to go to the middle east and have a n upper hand and achieve the Abraham Accords ins in a wat that nobody else could do, and you certainly couldnt haveh done it with a weak hand. And of course, what were etion is seeing, the Biden Administration is a return to the Obama Administration. They despise america. They despise israel. They love iran. Tod ththey want to hand the whoe thing to iran. It doesnt matter. Peo theyre oblivious to the facte that that these people are terrorists. Thats charitable. Maybe theres Something Else going on theregoing ont know. T i dont know. But and all of this talk about the 6 billion and i understand that its important to sort of put some focuse on this. But th 6 bile 6 billion is chuo change to the tens of billions of dollarss that iran now has because of the Biden Administration has hase oe allowed them to turn on the oil spigot. And, of coursething is, th, then is that the other thing that happened a month ago wa ags joe biden created a marketplace for american innocent hostages because we iran, for secon innohostages back and the he did that it was open seasone anw on innocenhet anywhere that thee animals can get their hands on. R and i hope we never forget that and certainly not over the next m year and a month untl the next election. You i im wrong. I you know, its interesting, governor. I think charlie is on to somethings ng here. You know, by unilaterally disarming on theg on the energy which is the lifeblood of the worlds economy, that ise en all about National Security. We should be energy dominant. And beyond energy independence, which we achieved for the first shou in 75 years under trump, we we should be providing our allies all their energy we europe. For hi its good for National Security. It is good for high paying career jobs in the energy sector. It is for american consumers. They pay less at the pump,e pu they paymp less to heat and coo their homes. They pay less for every item they buythey buy andy store an. Governor, why is that so hardl for a liberal democratic socialist to understand . Ths beyond me to understand why they think a countrys that cant fuel itself feed itself and fight for itself by. Building its own weapons of defense is not free. Its dependent upon whoeve itss them. And i hope that americans that ill get ridiculed for thi hope is. But when you hear this phrase right side of history, can i tell you the right side. Thos history . Genesis 12, those who bless israel will be blessede israel. Those who curse israel will be cursed. I want america to be on the right side of history. It seems likes mosare. T americans are, but we do have members of congress that are clearly antisemitic as well. And weve seen these these radicals marching in new york and in london and in australia over the weekend. Pretty sad. Thank you, governor. Thank you, charlie or, thanli. When we come back, growing questions about the Israeli Intelligence a ahead of saturdays Terrorist Attack. Often looked at itlooked a as,ir the worlds Gold Standard. Why did they miss this . Why did they miss this . Straight ahead. D dailying se healing, a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes heals that moisturizes heals and smooths drnsy with seven moisturizers and three vitamins and new bond healing sensitive s clinically shown to heal clinically shown to heal and moisturize dryt goster. Skin. Gold bond. Hey, maratho i got a text from my sister. You remember ric, her neighbor. Sure. Hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. 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Ief da here with reaction, former cia station chief dan hoffman florida congressman mike waltz. Why have we not heard much n more aboutot hea this, congress . Yeah,ongr you knoessmw, seans was let me just be clear here. This was here, a absolute nee intelligence failure. We need to call it ford to what. But my concern, my fear is thaty we were picking things up and that youve got so many iran sympathizers in the Biden Administrationadminist thy were simply looking away. Not only do you havet oh omall, who was the chief negotiator for the iran deal under a bidena and obama that was essentially running a splla y ring. Pen you have the chief of staff in the pentagon of special Operations Office in the pentagpentagon read on to all k of compartmented programs. Shes stilhel the job. She still has access to all kinds of classifiedems, s systems. Yet she was calling the iraniane foreign before and after after briefings of congress, briefings, congress, about their Nuclear Program. So youre right, we haventcert heard much about it. Its being suppressed by the media and certainly by the bonladministration. But republicans in the house have to get to the bottom of how far did this go, how much influence, how deep were these tentacles . And, you know, was it really wai a failure of collection or was it people turning a blind eye ou the most senior levels . You know, i think, dan, you would agree with me between our own intelligenceathering caw and israels. You know, we always believe, i thought rightly so, that this is the worlds Gold Standard intelligence gathering. This theres no two ways about it. Something went awry here. I cant imagine what your thoughts. Yeah, i spent many yearsci cia working with Israeli Intelligence. And i am shocked by this intelligence failure where hamas was able to mount this unprecedented and air land sea attack against israel, where they infiltrated southernl israel 15 miles. 15 mltheye challenge for israe is that they cant really discuss the details of this failure right now. Doreveal want to reveal the gaps that they have becaused they need their intelligence to mount this ground offensive in gaza. Intelligence o. So i can tell you, from havingls served in war zones in the middle east and soutt h asia, its our force multiplier. Its how we find our enemy combatants. E finits how we find the miliy equipment theyre using and avoid killind killg innoceni civilians. And so Israeli Intelligence is ogencn the hook right now ton the job that they need to do t in gaza. And any kind of public reckoning is going to have t to wait for now. We will do do. Thi go ahead, congressman. Now, sean, lets just ask thispn one question. How in just a few years ago t under President Trump and mike trkpeo, were we able to trac and monitor and literally track real time . Suleimani, irans most seniors t and crafty and experiencedy fr general, all the way from beirut and, turn them into mist in baghdad. Yet now theyre having weekly meetings with every terrorist in the region thn, and we knew nothing about it. I just find that incrediblytw hard to believe. We tracked him for two weeks uop to, including the moment before he was taken out on thatt ai, talking about soleimani. Congressman, thank. Dan, thank you. More hannity straight aheait teeth sensitivity is so immediately it feels like somebody is poking directly on the nerve. On the nerve. Sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and, calm the nerve down. And my patients say, you know, doc, it really works. 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Order yours now from blendjet. Com before they sell out again sean unfortunately, that is all the time we have this evening, but stay with the Fox News Channel all night for live coverage of israels looming Ground Campaign in gaza. Fox news by the way will have the best coverage, please stay with us freights at your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. And the meantime, fo

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