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Coast, and 6 00 a. M. In gaza where daybreak is they are in the assault is well underway. Welcome to a breaking addition of americas late news, fox new at ninth. Americas longtime ally is now at work, israel is battling hamas after they conducted a Surprise Attack in Southern Israel over the weekend Slaughtering Hundreds and drago were across the border includin women, children, and the elderl who are now either dead or bein held hostage. Some 900 israelis have been killed in the conflict so far into night the white house is confirming at least 11 american were also killed in the attacks. Our middle east correspondents life or as on ground in souther it israel is with the latest on what israel is calling a complete siege. What relearning . Good evening, tonight is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation in the world tane blinken asked for were another going to get a warbird that is really continue to strike the gaza strip from the air, thousands of airstrike conducted since saturday afternoon. We all know the along the borde along with the israeli navy rat is an understanding that at any hour israel could start its Ground Invasion into gaza. There have been thousands of troops and tanks in apcs, as th strikes continued against physicians inside gaza. Hamas today still firing rocket into southern and central israe a. Sirens jerusalem and others larger cities in than you have the issue of the north, today there was an infiltration by hezbollah militants on the northern border to in israel an lebanon and one is really officer was killed very traditionally, rocket fire from lebanon and once again, a reminder that israel has to brace for the possibility of a multi front conflict erecting following that massacre on Saturday Morning that left more than 900 israeli civilian soldiers and civilians dead and more taken back into her stamford. A major concern tonight dozens of hostages being held Behind Enemy Lines and some of them are believed to be americans. Christina kolberts life on who they are and what blinken is threatening. At televised address, the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he ordered the forces to prepare for a mass offensive against hamas edit intensity thats never been see before. Today is hundreds of soldiers gathered along The Strip Corridor and after hours of bombardment, a spokesperson for hamas made the threat by executing hostages. He said any targeting of Civilian Homes without advanced warning will be met with the execution of one of the civilia hostages from israel p he also said they will be forced to broadcast the killing, the chilling remarks leading to swift condemnation. For every israeli or america hostage dig executed by hamas, we should take down in uranian oil refinery the only way your going to keep this war from escalating is to hold iran accountable. Hamas is a bunch of animals who deserved to be treated like animals. Prime minister benjamin not in yahoo and his officials are determining their next military steps freight considering the threat to execute civilian hostages at least 100 civilians including men, Women And Children, whole families and th elderly are being held captive including this womans grandmother. We found a video of her take away. With three or four i dont know armed guards. I cant even start to understan how people think it makes sense to kidnap in 85 years old lady. We dont know how long she can stay without her medicine. Absolutely heartbreaking for the Biden Administration said i a white house statement they believe its likely american citizens may be held by hamas. They say theyre working with their israeli counterparts on every aspect of this Hostage Crisis. We have more of that coming up heard the white house now confirming that at least 11 americans were killed in the attack and many more are still unaccounted. More on what relearning on that front. The white house as Many Americans have second homes in israel and tonight confirms the tragic news that at least 11 of them were killed during the. We have to accept the very grim possibility and likelihood that there are americans being held hostage we are in constant touch with israeli officials to try to get a sense of the whereabouts of all the unaccounted for americans. Who knows where they are what condition they are in. And a statement sunday afternoon, President Biden says its people leaves its likely american citizens may be among those being held by hamas although Officials Say they are unable to give an exact number at this time. Weve also heard from the fbi h says reports of Diseased Injure or missing americans are being treated with the utmost urgency and that the agencys Victim Services division is coordinating with the State Department on family engagement. Tonight leaders from both parties are calling for the white house to ensure no american is left behind. To get this Administration Must make clear that harming any american will result in the wrath of the United States. We cannot repeat what happened in afghanistan. Meanwhile, the white house a they are bracing for the realit even more americans could end u having been killed in israel. Jackie, thank you. Lets bring in Ucla Professor I Fellow at the Nazarene Missourian center the foreign desk as as editor and for me is really diplomat. Welcome to you all. We very much appreciated. And want to play some sound here , this is the Israeli Defense minister. Watch. We are in composing and complete siege, there will be n electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything will be closed. We are fighting against Human Animals and we are acting accordingly. A complete siege tomorrow. Is it enough . The electricity, shutting off gaza from pretty much everything , is that enough . To get this in the extremely extraordinary situation and extremely gruesome situation. We currently have over 100 hostages being held, and this i not only a Hostage Situation, but we do have the threat of other arenas escalating as we see in the north. This is a serious problem, ther are many things that need to be considered, deterrence is a serious issue that has to be considered. And, it is difficult to say wha measures what should be taken and to what extent. We were talking about this earlier, you have this concept where there are two could be to border spread palestinians in their are trying to refrain this , this is a palestinian national, who said the following , hamas mainly attacked Military Establishments and military installations and most of the people they arrested and taken is War Prisoners are military people. They somehow believe like we dont have the video of what happened at that Music Festival. We saw what they did. It they absolutely went afte civilians. Thats what you see so many toddlers, elderly, entire families wiped out. They went and pulled young childrens out of their beds. They killed them in front of their parents, in many cases they took the children as hostages and left the parents there. I will tell you, trace, they wanted these videos to circulate. This is like a traditional attack in terms of warfare, but then they act Place Isys Public 2014 with the gruesome videos and the shock factor, trying to instill terror and get the highest death toll. If anyone tells you this is ove land, a blockade, human rights, they would not tried to instill this kind of terror among civilian populations dragon third dead bodies through gaza into eating canned that candy. You have to see whats going on to ask is the goal now to contain hamas, is it to contain hamas, because it looks like th latter . Gate like she said, this is a whole different ballgame. And want to mention that the incident was referred to before is a conflict, i want to call i what it is, it was a massacre, Mass Slaughter and butchering. It was not only the festival, i was towns and villages across the south, when the executed parents and children just like was mentioned before in this atrocious situation by these monstrosities is something that has never been experienced before. The number of israeli victims i and my calculation 1,000, if no beyond. We are not going to play the same games that israel played i the last few years, the backandforth of a few days an reaching some sort of understanding. The israeli public is adamant that hamas will no longer be in control of the gaza strip, ther cannot be any more hamas to contend with as opposed to what weve been accustomed to it until today. What happens . Do you Reoccupy Gaza if youre israel . What is this step . Do you destroy hamas and Reoccupy Gaza . That is a question that we israeli is a society is not contemplating about, people are still trying to figure out what would be left of gaza and how w would approach this situation. Also i think part of the proble and this is also beyond the intelligence fiasco is a conception has been completely broken. The idea that hamas is there to take care of its people and it more interested in governing an so forth is no longer part of the story, its clear that ther are terrorists and it is clear that they are terrorists in their actions show the way in which they are terrorists, and that is a game changer. The opeds send the following, netanyahu bears responsibility for this, the Prime Minister who has prided himself on his vast political experience and irreplaceable wisdom inc. Security matters failed to identify the dangers, he was consciously leading israel into establishing a government of annexation and disposition. Fair . Its not the best friend of the Israeli Government or of in particular, so i would really not pay much attention to this. Well find out in coming days what happened in terms of intelligence. We know theres a lot of pressure on the government with regards to the saudi deal. We know there are certain thing they were trying to hold back o in order to make this audis happy and move forward or forward with it. That would be an incredible gam changer in the middle east. The fact that the government is involved in all of this adds to the sophistication in the plots in the massacre weve never see before, this isnt just this rowdy Terror Organization havin one of its old Terror Attacks o israel, this is an entirely different game, this is horrific. My question is, we talked about the possibility of two friends. You had has below, the estimation is hezbollah might have 150,000 rockets to fire. If youre israel, do you get ready for a two front battle . Of course its not ideal but at the same time come israel is very attentive to whats happening up north right weve seen the u. S. There is a high level of readiness within israel , but theres also a clear understanding and resolve with the israeli public, the israeli army as opposed what we seen in the past few months of a lot of divisions, political within israeli society. Its incredible to see the leve of strength and unity that they feel today. I want to share the name of an Israeli Peeler medic who dedicated her life to saving lives, she was working at the clinic where one of the places attacked by these monstrosities fit we have a recording of her calling her family, crying and bidding farewell and her body was identified today. She was massacred by these brutal monstrosities. Our eyes are tearing, but at th same time are filled with fire and a strength in unity to understand that this problem ha to be evaporated from our lives. The images are hurt sickening. And the meantime, the Terror Attack and the subsequent war i the middle east as entering day for a. Present biden has said almost nothing publicly as americans are confirmed among the dead. Live in dc when we can expect t hear from the president again. Having covered for administration she would expect a president to get out there an be out in front. And this case President Biden will hardly address the ongoing crisis. And a statement this afternoon the president said as we continue to account for the horrors of the appalling Terrorist Assault against israe this weekend we are seeing the immense reach of this tragedy. That in the late statement came after sharp criticism that the president has been absent from the world stage. Despite the fact that americans have been killed and kidnapped and are still being held hostage. The president had over the weekend and didnt make time fo a televised statement so the wa critics see this, that coupled with the fact that white house called the lid before noon, well , they say that is simply insufficient for the white hous did Retort Tonight saying President Biden has consistentl engaged in supporting israel as they defend themselves against these brutal terrorist attacks. Biden to talk to netanyahu and he spoke with Andrew Sullivan and Anthony Blinken as well. The decision being made in washington, while the ministration has agreed to send israel hear of defense and more munitions in response too request for eight, it should be pointed out that washington already gives 3 billion each and every year in military aid to israel, something to think about. Trace back to you as the news breaks. Lets in Deputy National suppor in the former White House Security council Chief Of Staff ed welcome to you both. Fred coming to you first writte want to know what you think. We know that from the Wall Street Journal Reporting is heavily involved in this. With you think prompted the attack and do you think that iran had a key influence when i came to the timing of this attack. Its a pleasure to be here. I think the evidence is getting stronger iran was involved in this attack rate i say that fro the sophistication and also the ability of hamas and to evade the intelligence capabilities for there were so many elements of this air, sea, and land, it something and more sophisticate than hamas had ever attempted before. I think we have hamas officials publicly saying that iran helpe her carry it off and iranian officials congratulated thomas, they said that this isnt a smoking gun, its looking strongly like there was involvement. I think hamas tried to exclude what they saw as weaknesses tha led to this attack. As fred says, that is amazin because Secretary Of State Anthony Blinken said this. I wrong and hamas has a long relationship. And this moment, we dont have anything that shows us that ira was directly involved in this attack. It looks to be explosions going off now and gaza, you can see them right there. As we watch these explosions, which could go out for a certai amount of time or they could go off. We mentioned earlier it is 6 18 a termites is about 6 40. You should see signs of daybrea very soon there, but you can still see in the background these explosions and this fire that appears to be lighting up the sky. Victoria Committee Heard with the Secretary Of State there just said. House the Wall Street Journal know that they helped plan this and somehow our Intel Services dont . This is crazy. Either tony blinken is incompetent or hes willfully blind in this case obviously they have had the leading role in this. There is no way that hamas has pulled off a plot like this at this level of sophistication without a state actor that is helping them in terms of training, equipping in intelligence. Fred knows this better than idea , but this is ridiculous. For the Secretary Of State to come out yesterday, hours befor the Wall Street Journal reports this and claimed that its not that case, its just embarrassing for the United States. Iran is culpable for this. This is the Islamic State of a rant at work in the region, and washington and the Biden Administration need to wake up to it. Thats a Fair Assessment because when you look at this, and you can kind of still see the night sky they are over because of being lit up by the explosions. This again, israel has quoted saying this is an allout siege on gaza, we do not know how lon it will last, we dont know the extent of it, right now it is fully underway. The goal of israel has been to minimize Collateral Damage. That appears no longer to be their goal. Is that right . And think thats right and a lot of pundits are saying on tv especially over the weekend tha israel should basically turn gaza into a parking lot and level it. That shouldnt be the objective. To be precise, israel has to en the hamas is a military organization. They have to end their control is a Governing Body of God Subperiod basically it has turned gaza into a terrorist safe haven. Israel and the world made a mistake in believing they could simply tolerate, that they coul contain hamas in this area and it would find them via random missiles once in a while and th that israel could just move on. Hamas has crossed the line and that is where we see the aggressive tax write israel right now to destroy hamas. People sometimes forget it was 2005 that israel pulled out of gaza. It was 2006 that the palestinians voted in hamas bea that was the last election. People say its been no, no, no they pulled out in 2005. Thank you both who will get bac to you later as the newsbreak spirit coming up, the u. S. Move worships closer to israel and aaron cohen will join us live. Breaking News Coverage continue on fox news at night, the work your screen is underwa y. Than detergent alone. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash scent boosters. Heres why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Trace Continuing Coverage, Breaking News the war in gaza. Youre looking life right now and it gaza city, daybreak is upon gaza. The sun comes up at 6 40 a. M. You can see its already light there and in gaza city we can only imagine is a much differen place now than it was when the sun went down. We have been watching over the past 35 minutes just a constant barrage of smoke and explosions across gaza city and gaza in general. Want to bring in aaron cohen he is former Israeli Defense forces , he knows more about any of this stuff than we can think great if we could bring this back full two live pictures, i want you to give me an idea of what exactly is going on right there, what are the explosions we are seeing, what are the flashes of light, and what is this what . What youre seeing right now based on the footage you are rolling is smoke that is a derivative of strategically placed missiles that are fired from various f16s, f 35s, wha people dont know is for some o those targeted selective missil strikes, there are special operations Ground Forces that israel has an incredible unit from the air force called it ha to has commanders that are able to influence on the contended. These are intelligence units, they are highly skilled and being able to infiltrate areas like Terrorist Hotbed neighborhoods in gaza and detected. Get a Leasing Device on those buildings for a purpose of following International Law so there is a minimal amounts of Collateral Damage to surroundin buildings. Is at three major goals here hostages, that have to go in an take out targets and whats the third one . What are we missing . For the first and foremost with getting the hostages back great athletes of the israel they the tier one Hostage Rescu Unit secured dozens of hostages from Southern Israel. Now israel is on the clock and theyd need to get those hostages out of gaza, its more complex because its like a court case murder. The longer israel waits, the further away they get from having actionable intelligence to be able to rescue those hostages. The Hostage Rescue is a priority. Neutralizing and sterilizing Southern Israel is the first an second priority, they are very closely connected. The destruction of hamas for an ability too take israeli lyford. Use it on the clock. We talk about children who are abducted and we said the first 24 or 48 hours is the most vital. This is the critical time. This is the cold case when youre chasing a murder, but were Chasing Thousands of murderers and going into potentially rescue dozens inche of dozens of israeli Women And Children, grandpas, Grandmother Freight the good news is, that while israel didnt invent the Hostage Rescue mission, they perfected it. I will take you back to 1976 on june 6. The Benjamin Netanyahu former unit was 103 hostages from blac september. They did it again in a highline jacking. This is where the rescue team schein. Is going to have to be done ver quickly. We are looking at live pictures in gaza city. You also have to warn about the Northern Front because an israeli soldier was killed of their reportedly buy has bilal. Youre talking on the war on tw fronts, very difficult. Very complex and dangerous. This isnt israels first rodeo when it comes to getting attacked from multiple countrie from multiple directions. We did and 67 we sought again i 73. Israel has been rocked. Unfortunately it is war, but this is the price we pay to maintain a jewish state. Is this regional conflict already. I believe it could because w know that iran has been called pulling the strings for quite some time. Avian and hezbollah do not give a squeeze or permission. Will have you look at the kick pictures throughout the night. The u. S. And sending an aircraf Carrier Group into the middle Eastern Region along with a squadron of warplanes. Here is chief National Security correspondent jennifer griffin. As you near a defensive told that the pentagon as reaching out to u. S. Defense Industry Leaders to accelerate existing contracts for weapon ship calling the violence isis level savagery. We are searching support to israel, that includes air defense. We are working as fast as possible to provide critically needed munitions for the pentagon ordered the Gerald R Ford to the Eastern Mediterranean coastal to israel and allowed message of deterrence to iran and its proxies, especially has bilal. This includes the most advanced Aircraft Carrier carrying about 5,000 u. S. Sailors i guide Bill Missile Cruiser and Guided Missile destroyers for its quadrant of u. S. Air force f15 f16, and a10 fired jets have taken off for the region. U. S. Defense Officials Say they are deeply concerned about has bilal choosing to open a second front to this conflict. When they are out offer resolution whether that harms the ability of the Pentagon Too Search assistance to israel, Th Defense Bills Official says thi is a certifying moment when the government should send a messag of unity to its allies than to its enemies. They said there are continual conversations across the u. S. Government with israeli counterparts about the between the revolutionary guard car in hezbollah last week, senior use official. Iran has support provided support that we have no information cooperating this specifics of the Wall Street Journal story. Trace. Trace thank you, we are back live on the ground in the middle east with our Continuing Coverage and will bring the prospective plus a former membe of the is really on the ground near tel aviv gives us her perspective on the war as we look at life pictures, this is jerusalem, 6 34 in the morning. Six minutes away from the sunrise in the middle east. We are coming right back. But. He wasnt. Gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. Hi, im sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. Before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. I would always be bloated and my stomach was always upset. Now my stomach is flat. Im happy with how golo has made me look, but whats more important is how i feel. 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We are getting more information in right now from the Israeli Military that reports 1500 hama militants were found dead in different parts of Southern Israel, they hit infiltrated an were engaged by Security Force or civilians as they committed that massacre that took place o Saturday Morning. The other topic here to discuss is the Northern Front. When we look at hezbollah, that will be part of the Stage Operations for israel as well t push back against any attempts by has blocks to get involved i the Fight Into Fire Rockets Int northern. If israelis are able they will try to keep the Northern Front quiet but that could be difficult as the officials in lebanon understand that israel was caught flatfooted when it came to the attack on saturday. This was largely seen as a Surprise Attack and while there are troops deployed across this country, it will be difficult and more challenging for israel to fight a Multi Front War but something that its enemies woul want. Speaking of israelis response , im wondering is now the sun came up we assume like minute ago, now that we have daybreak, we do we anticipate the fighting might increase or will decrease until the sun starts going down a bit . We will likely see more rocket fire overnight they are able to reload the Rocket Launching Positions in then fir especially some of the more mediumlongrange rockets freight i wouldnt be surprised if there are Air Raid Sirens an more populated centers. With that said, we can also expect more is really artillery activity that will take place targeting the eastern part of the gaza strip, in some of the neighborhood neighborhoods that the israelis are going to have to hit hard from the ground and air before they enter with Ground Troops freight these are likely think she will see in th coming hours freight soldiers here it near to the border waiting for theres orders and likely israeli officials trying to determine exactly the best course of action in ensuring there are note militants still in israeli territory. Life or essence of israel great thank you, lets bring back in Counterterrorism Analysts aaron cohen who said 1700 hamas militants found dead. It seems like a big number in the over early going. Think its a good number, it reflects exactly what the response was that im hearing from my sources on the ground i israel which is that Counterterrorist Special forces the Border Patrol units as well as the other Special Operations Assets have been sterilizing an getting into it with the terrorists on the grounds, whil conducting those Hostage Rescue organizations for its a lot of the terrorists have been killed. There was one on the [inaudible where the National Hostage rescue team liberated another half dozen civilians from a house that they were being held in after hamas had gone house t house killing each other. The Patrol Officers regular soldiers, but primarily Special Operations Units have been in the south engaged in Gun Battle For The Last 70 to hours killin terrorists, neutralizing them i order to sterilize that souther border to prepare for this next phase. We have to take a break, would which you anticipate with 1500 militants killed fit some hostages may have been free during that . Could get many hostages were freed. Many were freed from two centra separate locations in Southern Israel great as well as other cities that are close to the gaza border. Many that were being held. Coming up, look at todays other top headlines including how the conflict in israel is affecting politics back home. Stay with us. Ms define me. Emerge as you. With tremfya®, most people saw 90 clearer skin at 4 months. And the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Emerge as you. Emerge tremfyant®. Ask you doctor about tremfya®. Why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now . 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Trace Continuing Coverage of a Breaking News the war in gaza, but we want to get you updated on some of the days other top stories freight Christina Coleman is back live with major headlines. Here are the top headlines tonight, breaking tonight, San Francisco police opening fire after a vehicle crashed into th chinese consulate, the driver was shot and killed after ramming the car through the Buildings Visa office according to police. The Biden Administration may be feeling to track millions of migrants crossing the open southern border, according to a report released by the gop hous Judiciary Committee staff that says officers have quotes force to abandon arrest and Removal O Aliens Including Criminal Alien to process the illegal aliens who are have arrived at the southwest border because of the biden demonstrations lacks Enforcement Policies for the white house is firing back saying the report is quote of lies. President joe biden has been interviewed by Special Counsel earlier to date in sunday as he investigates how a trove of sensitive documents ended up at bidens home and office and the rates for the next Speaker Of The House continues amid the crisis in israel. House republicans are meeting tonight to hash out their differences and tuesday, The Go Hosting at Candidate Forum before having super wednesday t determine which candidate to en ohio congressman jim jordan and louisiana congressman Steve Scalise. Tipping the party favor toward one candidate, that announcemen could come later this week. May be its even him all ove again. Lets bring in beverly hallberg. And sarah bedford, kim Investigative Reporter at the washington examiner. Speaking of Kevin Mccarthy, lets play some sound of him talking about israel and then will talk a little bit more about the speakers race. Watch. You have americans did being held hostage for a president wh puts a lid on it by noon. This is not a time for people t setback freight this is a time to show leadership, be calm, look in the right direction. We should show the world that w stand with israel, were going to fund them. What about the possibility that Kevin Mccarthy lands back in the speaker seat because of whats happening in israel . Think this helps his chances because the reality is they nee to move forward with someone as quickly as possible since decisions made to be made on whats being done about aiding israel. The other half is the person that can walk across the aisle too make these kinds of decisions freight in some respects i think this help mc carthy i even think it helps the case to say what happened last weekend and asking him as speaker was perhaps a bad decision altogether. I think its still a long shot for him, but i think it helps his chances. Senator Lindsey Graham says the chaos kind of emboldens the bad guys. Here he is and i will get your take on this. We need to Speaker Of The House, ill let the House Figur Out how to do that, but im hoping that people who created this chaos in the house understands that chaos in American Politics emboldens the bad guys. He is that hes right on one friend freight its true the ba guys do love chaos. Think thats true, i find it hard to believe Kevin Mccarthy was the only thing standing between peace and war in the middle east, but nonetheless i do think this increase the sort of urgency for the race. I dont know that it change the substance. I think the massive is still against Kevin Mccarthy even though at the moment he is the candidate for the speakership who has the greatest number of republicans lined up against them. Only eight republicans voted against them last time. 96 percent of the conference support symbian speaker, with that being said, the map is still not on his side because most if not all of those eight members still oppose him returning to the Speakership Rate right now i think you have the majority of the conference would really be fine with Eithe Assange or jim jordan peart i think a lot of their dominate dominoes will fall to either jordan or scalise. Lets say it comes down to those two, what do you think . Do you think he goes to one of those, beverly . I think it does, and i think it leans a little towards jordan , just due to the Health Issues that Steve Scalise has freight i think without those, he would be a bigger shooin. The main thing is republicans have to be almost unanimous on who they choose before this goe to the house floor for a full vote, so i think that something republicans realize they have t be on the same page on. Trace i think thats a Fair Assessment. Well see you in a bit. More labor reports on the groun in israel coming up as we continue our breaking News Coverage of the war in gaza. The sun has risen in the middle east and we are coming back at the top of the hour with our t r continuing breaking News Coverage. Le o downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. The towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. Try downy free gentle. Choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. 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Its midnight on the east coast. 9 00 here in los angeles and 7 00 in the morning in gaza the assault is underway welcome bac to a breaking edition of americas late news, Fox News Night and americas longtime ally is now aurora, israel battling the Terrorist Group Hamas after they conducted a Surprise Attack at an outdoor Music Festival in Southern Israel over the weekend Slaughtering Hundreds and dragging thousands across the border including Women And Children and the elderly, who are now either dead or held hostage, although there is some words tonight that hostages may have been released a large number of hamas militants have been killed mean time some 900 israelis have been killed in th conflict so far and tonight the white house is confirming that at least 11 americans were also killed in the attacks. Lets get back alive to our middle east correspondent. Were israel with the latest on what is a complete siege on gaza. It is early in the sun is up bu more are we learning . Good evening the money has been relatively quiet. Some airstrikes in the distance with no major rocket fire into southern or central israel. That can change at any moment but certainly an Indication Tha the israelis continue to hit positions inside gaza it does make it more difficult for them to fire rockets breathe the alibris the used rabies have drones and other equipment they can use to figure out where the rocket fire is coming from and they had it with airstrikes or artillery. While they have position, the longer this war goes on for the more difficult it will be for hamas to use rockets to their advantage to all of this comes as the country continues to count the dead. The death toll keeps rising and there are concerns as we talked about earlier on the Northern Front from hezbollah in this conflict. Benjamin netanyahu address the country and the entire world tonight saying that hamas did what war and theyre going to get out for. Defense indicated this will be seizure on gaza for generations to come to remember there is an anticipation around what is going to happen and an understanding that the most densely populated plays on earth , arguably, 1. 9 Million People in a 25mile strip of land is going to be hit very hard as troops ultimately movein in some capacity. When that happens, a lot of unpredictable things will hurt. The world will be watching in the israelis will be working to see if they can rescue or find any of those hostages and dozen of Israeli Soldiers and civilians have been taken. Trey yingst is sly for us on the ground. Meantime a major concern tonigh that dozens of hostages being held Behind Enemy Lines and som of them are believed to be americans. Christina colemans life with more and who they are and what hamas is threatening. A devastating situation. A spokesperson for hamas made the threat about executing hostages by targeting any civilian targeting without a balanced warning will be met with the execution of one of th civilian hostages from israel. He also it with they would be forced to broadcast the killing. Hamas abducted more than 100 people and Israeli Soldiers and men and Women And Children including the elderly and whole families at the Biden Administrations official say i a white house statement that they believe that american citizens may be among those hel by hamas or theyre working wit this really counterparts on every aspect of this Hostage Crisis, including Sharing Critical Information and hostag operations. Summer Still Critical of how Th Biden Demonstration is responding to this crisis. Our federal government and biden need to stop coddling a country that wants to see our country dead and wants to see israel dead at. This is when the president has to send a clear and on as they couple message. About what our response will be if americans are further harmed. Israel has called a Thriller Thousand Military Preservers that theyve been hammering the strip with artillery. Hamas has released on israel. The savage attacks that hama perpetrated against innocent israeli sillies israelis are massive. Slaughtering hundreds of people at a festival and taking scores of Women And Children in holocaust style. They have executed children. Just absolutely shameful. At Yahoo Redirected that the consequences of the terrorist group, violent actions by sayin that israel didnt start this work but israel will finish it. Thank you are the white hous has now confirmed that at least 11 americans were killed in the attack and many more remain unaccounted for. Jackie bonniers is life with more on that story. Being. Were hearing from the fbi saying that any missing americans are being treated wit the utmost urgency and aggressively investigated. Heres what we know at this hour , us officials have confirmed at least 11 americans are among the rising number who have been killed for the ministration says that number could rise. While we dont have a specific number, President Biden believe there are likely being held hostage by hamas and that is prompted calls for immediate action to take. We have Hostage Rescue teams and our Special Forces bird the need to get all the c17s and c 52 rescue citizens. Also deployed israel. I recommended this last night t save israelis. We need to do it to save americans now. President biden said he has directed his team to work with their israeli counterparts on every aspect of the Hostage Crisis including Sharing Intelligence to advise on recovery efforts. Meanwhile the message from Congressional Republicans like former House Speaker Kevin Mc Carthy said the Administration Must make clear that any american will result i of wrath from the United States. Trace that is a bold statement. Thank you. Lets bring in the fellow at th center, National Counterterrorism analyst and former israeli diplomat. Welcome all of you to the slot to get throughput i want to start with the whole concept of going after these hostages. This is one of the key things because, you know, maybe there is some withholding of artiller until they actually get those people out. This is an extremely complicated situation. The hostages and the Hostage Situation is a disgrace we have over 150 hostages that actually we dont really know the numbers brita knife it sure hamas knows the number of people that they have and also we have to also consider that some of them are Islamic Jihad and some of them are hamas and there is a lot of chaos around that. Their whereabouts and also ther is they are being used as Bargaining Chips periods back that is always a big concern yo are hearing from some of your people on the ground. There are hostages that are probably been taken, however, i understand from my sources that im them imam about 20 kilometers east of gaza. But i understand that there hav been a number of 15, 16 hostages. And we learn more and more a the minutes go by. A lot of this really points in irans direction the Administration Still not confirming like they havent heard any of this. The intel is somehow not pullin that up but it seems to be evident. They will deny this because their there american fingerprints on this and fingerprints on this. The Biden Administration has fo three years behind and dined irans regina and people talk about the 6 billion as that is a big issue but the issue is that the smell of 6 million, baking for the Iran Nuclear Dea and taking restrictions off of iran so they can reach 60 billion of their own and oi sales ende, of course, the 6 million at that and, even if that check is the fact that they know it is coming to them is enough for them to be emboldened. We know that they met over the last two months finalizing ever detail of this attack and then finally giving them the green light to do something. Trace when you have money coming year budget, you know what to spend it on. I was interested that earlier o jesse watters, the former attorney general bill barr said this about this administration. We dont have that. That we just read it, quoting, one of the problems with this administrations we have all these problems Around The World and they are always a day late and a dollar short. They are very good at Pulling O The Rains but they failed to take Decisive Action to do some good. Weve seen this in afghanistan weve seen this at the border. They are always, always late to the game. Your thoughts on this . Im happy that police at thi point in time were saying stron statements from this the ministration. This nothing that can be set in support of providing iran with 6 million and eddie other part of this evil regine. Iran has been that back of the regional destabilization. Whatever this regine touches, whether its its own people, in yemen, lebanon, its hezbollah, they bring misery wherever they are and they are doing the same with hamas that i just want to say with regards to the Hostage Situation, there are many nationalities, not just americans and it needs to be a demand by countries Around The World and of the United States to release immediately because this round is not hamas. It is israel and it is the figh for civilization against documents and barbarism. This is what we are fighting four. We are looking now at live pictures of gaza city. You can see the smoke in the background. We have turned it down a little bit. It is very bright. Were going to give you a better look at the city on the smoke and what the background looks like. He brought up hezbollah and i find it interesting that so far hezbollah has mostly been silen on whether they would join forces. But if you make of that. I think it is unclear and i think that given the fact that the perception that we had to come israelis have on gaza, has shattered completely. I think it will be unwise to assume that they would not do it. And i think that it is very important for the help of American Forces also and the condemnation and other nations to say we will not accept that because this will create a tota of war in the middle east. It is very important. You go forward on this thing on fox news is saying this talk about are your allies actually and who should we be a little leery about. Mediators are meeting with hama leaders and a source told fox news that the mediators are coordinating with us officials with the negotiations of the potential deal has been sent positively b hamas and theres other reports where, less than, one the leaders of hamas was in cutter while this was all going down. Friends and enemies and look at turkey. We cannot rely on them like we used to. Look at the president ial timeline. Our Foreign Policy has been stable and consistent and that is why we have had the respect and leadership on the world stage. We have laws that. This flipflopping, they dont know if it is going to beat thi president , this Foreign Policy. Israel couldnt rely on us over the last 15 years and they didnt know, depending on who i going to be in the white house, their relationship is going to change your theyre getting the message that right now is a great time to be taking advantage of america. Your thoughts. You are advising somebody. Does hezbollah join . If i was hezbollah, i would but i dont mean to say that in a funny way. Israel has been seeing an opportunity to be taken. Their opportunistic murderers who will jump at eddie opportunity to be able to take shots at israel and israel know that. So the stakes keep going up especially with this current situation. Final thoughts, 15 seconds. Well, just hope that the people will be able to emerge from this crisis quickly and i just said in the best wishes an support and prayers to my famil for those that are they are through the sirens. Our thoughts are with the people of israel. Thank you all for joining as. The Terror Attack and subsequen warranty middle east is now entering day for and President Biden is that almost nothing publicly. Even as americans are confirmed among the dead. Thats get back to kevin corke. Hes live in the Nations Capital with when we can expect to hear from the precedent began. Weve been waiting and waiting and waiting. We believe that the president will address the ongoing crisis from goss river gaza to israel. That was after the offensive wa lodged by hamas but are the president did say this as we continue to account for the horrors of the over israel this weekend on the hundreds of millions who are murdered, we are seeing the immense scale and reach of this tragedy and they share that because i want to make sure you remind yourself what he said in that statement tomorrow. You will likely hear it again i a slightly different way. That did come after very sharp criticism. The president has been absent from the world stage. Americans even being killed. Who knows what else. This is despite all this, the president had a barbecue over the weekend and he didnt make time for a statement. They called a lid before noon, meeting no public appearances s theres a great deal of consternation here in the Nation S Capital or the white house is pushing back. They reported this this afternoon. They say the president has been consistent civilly engaged in defending them from these bruta attacks. We learned that Benjamin Netanyahu has talked to the Secretary Of State, as well as his National Security advisor, jake sullivan. But there are still many questions tonight page you will hear more pushback and there is a lot going on here in washington with the speakership and other things. Remember this, people want to know what is the strategy movin forward i mentioned earlier tha you give israel about 3 billio annually for Defense Spending but compare that to the more than 100 billion given to ukraine already and you can see why some people say they need help. I do want to hear it. Other people say we can only keep giving so much appears so it is a real challenge here in the Nations Capital. A lot of americans are looking for strategy Going Forward yesterday maybe even the day before. Back to us the newsbreak spear Deputy National National Security adviser under presiden trump, White House National Security Council Chief Of Staff i just want to put this up. We talked about former attorney general bill barr and the Secretary Of State, Mike Moore Pompeo was on Fox News Sunday and he had this to say about middle eastern worries. I worry greatly that hezbollah and lebanon and the israelis on the ground in syria today will seize this moment to do even more harm to the peace that we had built out of the middle east over our few years in office. If i was hezbollah in the north come israelis use to get an attack from multiple sides o this would be a pivotal one. I think that is right that this is the time when israel needs unequivocal support from the United States. I was glad when President Biden said on saturday that americas support for israel is rocksolid. We know that his support has no been rocksolid through his presidency. Hes constantly criticized Benjamin Netanyahu and hes snubbed yet not yahoo by not giving him a white house visit. Giving hundreds of millions of dollars, which the administration knew would go to terrorism. Biden has to do more. I would like to see biden and not now have a summit as soon a possible. That yahoo should come to washington to speak in joint session conference. My mind is going to go wobbly i a few weeks did you start askin for ceasefire. I cant imagine Benjamin Netanyahu leaving israel right now. A little down the road. The Editorial Board talks about war returning to the middle east saturdays assault shows the reality and the Globa Disorder thats expanding it israel is on the front line but all of the democratic world is target. You think that is an overstatement when you talk wit the whole world being a target here, the democratic world. Is that fair . Should everybody be on guard because he took a lot about russia and north korea and now you bring iran into that mix an then it gets to be a scary mix. It is very frightening. And you start with afghanistan in 2021 and the surrender of afghanistan and the surrender that happened they. It led into the invasion of ukraine by Vladimir Putin and here we are in 2023 and their Arena Paymasters Arena Paymasters taking this unprecedented step against israel. Their disastrous things that have occurred because the Bike Demonstration has been weak on all of these issues. I honestly think we have to be fear he come, very clear, particularly going in got for bid what might happen then we just have to be clear and polic flies what would be different. That would occur under the next five administration or a Republican Administration because this is just too much met dangerous. That got about 2530 seconds left page and look at this even is to ration in the pheasant feel like the leadership has been robust. Well, im just disturbed wit the possibility that ron is involved. They have solid evidence. We shouldnt say anything until it determines that. I think we have to stop appeasing iran and thats a big part of the problem. You are exactly right. Great to have you on as well. Coming up the Battle Of Who Wil Take over as House Speaker and how it affects the conflict in israel. Erin will join us again with hi take on what happens as we looked live in gaza city. Watch the move right now for th rest of the day and maybe the days and the hours ahead. We will be back with breaking oa News Coverage. Ah, im ready. Is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms . Like the coveritups and brushitoffs . Enough with good enoughs. Dont stay hiding or hurting. When your lotions and creams dont do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, its time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. Make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. It changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. It changes your smile and how others smile at you. 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To find peace. [narrator] and as each warriors needs evolve, so do we. Because these last 20 years are just the beginning. Trace israels wars having a big impact on a story here at home, the rates for House Speaker after Kevin Mccarthys oust last week. Chad pergram has this story. Trace, no speaker a paralyze congress. That is why some republicans want they speak with this week. Michael maccoll ports and eight pack for israel. The middle east crisis amplifie the need to elect a speaker fast. If that doesnt wake up the members of my conference, then dont know what else will put. Republicans hope to elect a speaker by next week. Ohio republican max miller supports jim jordan but is not sold on a quick vote bid. I continue to collect and lets make sure that this conference has the right leadership. Both Jerking Unravel Majorit of theaters white house actions to the house needs to get back toward. That is about and some republicans think this is so no bid. There were positions that were particularly the that i would be concerned to get to 18. Kevin mccarthy that so suddenly campaign to get his jo back after underscoring hishe did not contend those attends a gop meeting. It could be a spoiler. This rivalry between mccarthy and scully Centipede Tips his support to jim jordan, it could be over for scullys. Chad, thank you. What happens next as israel begins their defeat in gaza are the hostages are hoping to be rescues. Erin, great to have you on again. We can go back to the live pictures and take them, if you would. Some people are Milling Around and i wonder what is happening for your assessment in gaza city. We know it was a long night we saw the explosions going on and on and on and we are hearing that some 1500 Hamas Terrorists were killed and maybe some hostages were released. What is happening now as the da goes on. Palestinians are waking up i gaza to Activity Page youve go to remember we shut off electricity and all the resources. To protected. I believe so. And it is designed to it is israel going after amaya spear the problem is there going to hide within those populations and they become the casualties of the uncomfortable the situation. Having said that, hitting on what you had asked me about, Hostage Situations about this offensive as we start to move into that right now, israel has an elite Infantry Brigade known as samsons Fox Beta Believe that the trick here what we are going to see with israel, while i cant confirm it is going to be a smokescreen. It is deployed in conjunction with this unit report to the Chief O Staff and while this unit is scaled and is dropping devices on Surveillance Tools and aircraft overhead to be able to start to locate the specific hostages, it is they laborious Intelligence Mission and withou Israel Cannot Begin to accelerate targeted reads against where those hostages are. Detectable targets and you see people Milling Around here. They believe that maybe israel is just going to win a unlevel gaza. Israel is rescuing the Palestinian People from the terror group. So really they should be sendin the palestinians and invoice bu i dont mean to be humorous but the palestinians are the single largest casualty in this operation. Israel conforms to internationa law so theyre there going to b very careful with things, ancillary things that can happe with this operation. While simultaneously getting th stage to the north. Again, they have a lot of experience in 56 and they cut through teams in those trenches. That Reconnaissance Unit which Benjamin Netanyahu was incoming he was found that peanut and his other brother was kille at and to be. He is a National Treasure in that unit is calling up all ove gaza as we speak, getting their surveillance together so they can actually use a Multipronged Attack on terrorism to get thos hostages out. Appreciate you. Look at the other top stories. Ever your home to the largest and he is responding to these attacks. That is alive look at gaza city the morning after many, many assaults. We are coming right back. Hi, im jason. Ive lost 228 pounds on golo. I dont ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. So im committed to golo for life. We will have Continuing Coverag on the war in gaza. Now for an update on todays other stories. We are back life with major headlines. The top headlines tonight, San Francisco police opening fire after vehicle crashed into the chinese consulate. The driver was shot and killed after ramming the car through the buildings office, Accordin To Police but in the five administration trapping million of migrants crossing the border. Thats according to a report by the Judiciary Committee staff that says officers have forced to abandon the, including criminal evidence to process th illegal illegal aliens who arrived at the south border because of the Biden Administration lacks of Enforcement Policies. The white house is fighting bac say that it is full of lies and president president by has been interviews by Special Counsel robert her. Investigates how id trove of various sensitive documents ended up at his home and office and the 46th president has one less competitor for the democratic president ial nomination. Take a listen. Im here to declare myself a independent candidate to declar our independence from the tyranny and corruption robs us of affordable lives, our belief in the future and our respect for each other. That is the way Robert F Kennedy junior announcing his candidacy as an independent, denouncing the democratic party. Like his father, Robert Kennedy as demagogues who will hijack the country toward fascism. Those rates for the Speaker Of The House continues. House republicans are meeting t hash out their differences than tuesday the gop is hosting a Candidate Forum before conducting a secret vote wednesday to decide which candidate to nominate. Congressman jim jordan and stev scalise tipping it toward one candidate and that could come later this month. New yorkers are showing thei support for israel in the wake of the hamas attacks. A city that no doubt knows what its like to be blindsided by Terrorists Alexa Mcadams has that story tonight. While the war in israel rage on, show support across new yor city. We pray for the speedy recovery of all that are wounde and we pray for each and every hostage to be brought back now. New yorkers rally to support israel monday night one day after the Empire State Building let up in blueandwhite. This comes after attacks by hamas Killed Hundreds up is really men, women, and children. The death toll continues to climb. Those attacks are bringing thousands of new yorkers out into the streets as newark is home to the largest Jewish Population outside of israel. We are all just 1 degree separation. My brother, your son, your cousin, what they are living through, we are living through. New york city mayor who was just in israel two months ago calling the attacks cowardly saying this city book continue to stand by israel. I am in so much pain from what i saw and what i witnessed. Nothing can justify pulling innocent children from their homes, murdering them, dragging them through the streets. So right now the nypd has th played resources to protect all five boroughs, making sure they have enough safety and security at the door. We also know that there are mor rallies planned to show support for israel in the coming days. Thank you. Some places of worship tonight following the attacks in israel. Lets bring in the pastor at th First Baptist church in dallas. It is great to have you on as always. I very quickly what your thoughts of what you saw in israel and your view is Going Forward for the holy land. I had a picture in my Mind O Offering Prayer at the un and i said about time, not in yahoo and others, israel alone is the promise of enduring and the attack is real. Someone tried to do it and othe leaders, adolf hitler, theyve been consigned to history. Their kingdoms were crumbling and yet to be on the right side of israel is like to be on the right side of history. I was interested. I was interested. Im catholic and was curious about this. That all who seek the holy land a cessation of violence, respec for civilian populations in the release of hostages. I bring that up because his doe not. That israel is about to turn th other cheek nor should they. The bible is very clear why nations have responsibilities t take care of their citizens. Israel has right you ever bomb hamas back into the own age as the tremendous response from israel. Is the right response to. A shocking number of americans believe we are living in the end times, moving on to state the name of the name earlier living in the end times many religions with 40 of christians surveyed saying that humanity is as file stages. Of the bible says the world is going to collapse and crisis to it is interesting that the bio bible predicts a conflict that will happen on the plane israel. Wonderful people for years were why would all the superpowers come to a country that is no bigger than the state of new jersey. You conceal they can quickly escalate into worldwide conference. Theyve got about 152nd bus should always is running as you are having services this weekend. Is there concerning her hind xavier. Send it to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brutally si vous plalt, there was this day and thunderous ovation if you are and theyre paying for the priests of jerusalem who expect which have you guys was on. We will be right back with thoughts from our Political Panel next in the celebration. To help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic anniversary savings event. Right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and xrays. Plus, everyone can get 20 off their treatment plan. But hurry, because while the season wont last, the memories you make together will. Aspen dental. Book today. Heres why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Detection israel city check waves Around The World heard it one of your attention to gaza city because you can see there a fire burning. We got a couple of shots in gaz city and you couldnt see it is 7 50 and you can see some of th heavy damage. We are Hearing Explosions all night long. You can see some of the fire an damage and theres a shot earlier of some people kind of wandering the streets of gaza city could be a Breaking News comedian. This reading of the tree three notices that have reestablished control of the gaza border, which included those this Indication That no more Hamas Terrorists will become into israel but the other way may happen. You will unlikely see Israeli Forces move into gaza, gaza cit in the coming days we were talking to experts who said tha they know that is really specia forces want infect their reports are coming out with some fault some 1500 terrorists that were killed in the mvp fighting. Over the last 24 hours. Thats a significant number and as we get more from the war zon and because city, here in the u lets bring in the District Review Group Resident and an Investigative Reporter with the washington examiner. To want to get some of the views. I want to get to some of the election those. Place and sound from the Robert F Kennedy junior did announce today is independent run for president. The democrats are frightene that im going to spoil the election for President Biden. And the republicans are afraid that im going to spoil it for president president trump. The truth is there both right. And beverly, i think hes right he could take a healthy chunk from both sides. What you think. There is some validity to that. He is correct that i have heard some republicans talk about maybe hes not the worst option in the world and the like some of his ideas but when it comes to him, joe biden of the democrats come im not sure tha joe biden is going to be the nominee. We can look at his response or lack thereof and just calling lid before noon today in reference to this issue in israel. A lot of people are concerned that he does not have the stamina natalie to deal with this current crisis, but also t run for elections i think the press or scrambling right now. Gavin newsom is that name that we keep hearing. An interesting move for him to move to the independent party. That she used the word stamina and Effort A Couple Of Times Today Calling A Lid on a day like this is really highly unusual. I was talking to kevin corke about at. The staffing of the president and the effect of rfk now running as an independent. I think the stamina of joe biden is a huge question on the mind of every voter, democrat, republican, independent. It is a unifying theme among voters and there could not be a more damaging split screen of headlines that you had over the weekend and now we know that jo biden was busy being interviewe by Special Counsel robert her i the criminal investigation. He was handling classified information when he shouldve been more visible handling othe response to israel. He does think that republicans are worried about the effect that rfk junior could have on Donald Trumps base of support whether he could peel off some votes from rk junior when you saw that the rnc was reacting today, pushing out a bunch of negative information. I think the gop is worried abou the effect that it could have o donald trump. 15 seconds for each of you. Does this happen in israel and does this damage this administration. I think absolutely. To think the lack of response from President Biden hosted a barbecue at the white house on sunday. Sarah. The Biden Administration is real Credibility Problem on Foreign Policy starting with th afghanistan withdrawal and looking at the way they handled relations with Central America and the Migration Crisis all th way to the war in ukraine. Now theyve got a Credibility Problem. Thank you both. Of monaco back up i can with a lot of luck at gaza city becaus this is the aftermath of what w have been seeing all night long. It is daybreak and we will continue to cover the Breaking News we will see you back here tomorrow. It changes it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. Doctorsit changes your smile anw others smile at you. Change clear choice Network Doctors have changed over One Hundred Thousand livess a with dental implants, and they can change yours too, becauseint a clear choice day changes every day. Schedulerih a choi a free consun , youre faced with a choice. 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And lifestyle expert Annette Figaro is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. This one is for real. And im so excited we even have a video. And youll notice the model has bags underneath his eyes and some sagging and all he uses is a small amount on a clean, dry face. And thats how easy it is. All right. Whats the active ingredient . Okay, so its silicates that are Minerals Found in shale rock. And what it does is it tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes. And as little as 10 minutes to no prescriptions and very little effort. Even watching the video, this is a real its a model, but its a real guy with real bags underneath his eyes. And i did this to my father. We were at home. I had the timer on and we were screaming for minutes, 34 seconds, completely gone. My real true opinion is holy words. I cant say on camera these lines bother me. They really do. And this is absolutely unbelievable. I mean, i can feel it just lifting my skin. It was amazing. It feels good. It feels great. Looks even better. And not only does it work on the bags, it works on the appearance of crows feet, fine lines and wrinkles, so it targets all those problem areas. So this would be a daily thing or did. Absolutely could be a daily thing. But the way you want to do it is you want to have a clean, dry face. You use a small amount because its so powerful. If you have high school reunions, you have events you want to go to. You want to look at your anger. This is it. And our 14 in 95 cent price, its the best way to try plex and see it work for yourself after your first application. Call the number on your screen. Call 800 25311876. When youre the leader. Disaster cleanup and restoration. How do you make like it never even happened happened fire it up. Ready . Well, be prepared for a big whatever comes your way. Theres a problem with that servpro. Youre right. Like it never even happened this morning. My big surprise for melody during her experience was High Point University is the premier Life Skills University where students love unprecedented access to Global Leaders on high points. Inspiring campus. Hi, im at the mars and im proud to be highpoint universitys innovator in residence. Hi, im stitt marshall, ceo of the dallas mavericks, and i am proud to be High Point Universitys Sports Executive in residence. Im Mark Randolph and im proud to be the entrepreneur in residence at the premier Life Skills University High Point University. Mercy happens when it does, theres home mcglowan here it is. 19 home a global clean your entire house, everything from dishes to vacuuming, even laundry. Join thousands of americans and book your first cleaning today for just 19. Israelis havent seen anything like this in a very, very long time. This is what communities along the border are dealing with. It is cuts in cuts and fire. The idea is to contain this conflict to the gaza strip. Ng. 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