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Events are moving quickly in the war on israel, Ground Assault by Israeli Defense into gaza appear imminent. Trey yingst is bringing it live. Nine americans are among the 800 murdered in the Terrorist Atook by the Palestinian Group hamas and working to verify if americans are among the 100 people taken hostage by hamas. Think about that, american hostages, raising concerns we could be drawn into the crisis. Hello, this is outnumbered, im kayleigh mcenany. Joined by cheryl casone, host of kennedy, kennedy, Fox News Contributor lisa boothe and host of Brian Kilmeade hadio show Brian Kilmeade. Israel ordered siege of gaza cutting off food and electricity as more Rocket Barrages are launched into israel. Trey yingst has the latest, trey. Trey thats right. We are in the israelis town, one of the first places hamas entered on saturday morning when they started this campaign to slaughter more than 800 civilians here at the police station. It is completely destroyed, eight bodies are under the rubble and taken hostages amid a gun battle. Bring in denaelsdon to tell us what happened here. I am sary about what happened to your fellow officers. Can you tell us, what took place here and what was it like for Israeli Police in the hours after militants invaded . I dont think there are words to describe what took place. You see the rubble, but behind on the camera is residential neighborhood on any other day, children walking down the street, innocent civilians and terrorists decide to infiltrate and hold hostage and we saw officers fighting for civilians and fighting for their lives. With a heavy heart i tell you eight officers lost their lives during the combat that took place here and over 34 officers from various units that had been on the frontline have been doing everything to defend civilians or at the mercy of terrorists, taking them hostage. No country in the world would dismiss scenes taking place over last 48 hours. Can you tell us what it was like, we saw video yesterday of Israeli Police officers running toward gunfire to rescue a family. Seems like this unfolded in the hours after t invasion started. They have something in their d. N. A. , people run from terrifts, our Security Forces are running toward to defend them. What we saw today, terrorist elements. They are Holding People hostages. We had intense gun battle before we were able to manage the scene and it is ongoing, Border Police and Israel Police are going house to house making sure we can rescue civilians. This is still very much active story. The situation is unfolding along the gaza border. We reported here yesterday and later in the night, hamas infiltrated into the area and engaged police in a gun battle, giving you sense of how difficult working along the border. In the distance israeli troops are preparing for a Ground Invasion into gaza. Benjamin netanyahu said full force of military, artillery and Ground Troops will do everything they can to enter gaza and try to find the hostages and prisoners are war taken, dozens by hamas and destroy the organization that controls the gaza strip, both Military Wing and government wing. Back to you. Trey, yesterday morning i spoke with robby burrman, he told me the tragic story of two children in a home underneath a bed sitting by the dead body of their parents. They could not get out or contact anyone. They were barricaded in their home and when they try to call police, so many police had been killed, no one was picking up the phone. Confirm if that is what you are seeing, they are going house to house and finding children and victims of attacks today, nearly 48 hours later. Trey yeah, absolutely. We were here as infiltration was taking place. Our team in Southern Israel next to this community and we watched as they were bringing wounded relatives taking patients to local hospitals. It was chaos. No one knew what was taking place. During the initial hours, it was just absolutely difficult to get a full grasp of what was going on. You had civilians with handguns drawn Into The Woods next to us, they could worry about hamas militants inside israel. Dragging bodies and wounded out of jeeps and are cas and taking them to hospitals. It was chaos and today the scene is active, just last hour saw bodies of hamas militants along the gaza border trying to infiltrate this area and civilian population paid heaviest price in the attack. 800 killed, soldiers and civilians, Mast Majority were women and children, families. This was not combatants militants slaughtered children and people who were at home. They went to a Music Festival and moeed down people there listening to music. It was pure terror for this p population and part of the reason you see heavy response in coming days and that response continues from the air. Artillery is, naval shelling, israel is preparing for weeks of war inside gaza. A young woman at the Music Festival, no, carted off as she was screaming, do not kill me. Just a tragedy. Can you show us what is behind you . Can you back up and give us a view . Absolutely. I will show you the police station. Dean tells us there are still eight officers killed and their bodies are buried under the rubble. The crews are working at this hour to stabilize the area outside. There will be teams that go in and try to recover the remains. It is important in jewish tradition to ensure all rein mas are recovered and told teams will be able to enter to make sure it is stable enough for them to enter. It is just simply tragic. Streets of the town are filled with blood. We were here yesterday before m militants reentered and bus stops were soaked in blood, cars with blinkers flashing, bullet holes in the windshield, people were not expecting this. They were going to see friends and family, going to picnics, it is tragic what has taken place. Weve covered a lot of difficult stories around the world and it is very rare to see this level of brutality and slaughter in one day against the civilian population. Qatari government put out a statement Holding Israel responsible, places blame at foot of israel. Your report now is qatari government is trying to i will interrupt you, we have Iron Dome Interpreters coming. Everyone stay flat, go up, point up here, you will interceptions taking place off the gaza strip right now. There will be loud explosions, dont be alarmed, they are interceptions. Just listen here. [exploding sounds] trey everybody is laying flat, we have to to take cover. This is what communities along the border are dealing with, constant fire. Short range rockets were intercepted but that is not always the case. Jihad will fire rockets in way to overwhelm the iron dome. It leads to casualties and rockets slipping past missile defense. We showed you what it was like just north of here. It looks like were clear from here. We will stand up. Just a sense of constant back and forth as israeli air strikes continue this hour as do rockets from the strip. How often are you having to take cover in that way, get on the ground and see rockets and shelling come in. Trey One More Time . Carley how often are you having to take measure, how often are you seeing rockets come into the iron dome . Trey all day, not just border security, it is central israel. Today there were alarms sounding in jerusalem. This is how indiscriminate the fire can be. There is one goal by the faction inside gaza, to fire on israels, but there are millions of palestinians that live here in gaza and in the west bank. We have reported that rockets will go up into the air and because they are homemade, they dont always succeed in crossing the border, they will destroy buildingses in gaza sometimes. Rocket fire is not precise or not like you see rockets being fired from lebanon. Those are often more prec precisionguided missiles and that is part of the concern. There is someone here waiting. Are you from here . No. I am from i come to this area to help what is your name . I prefer to be anonymous, my friends dont know im here. I my city also. I know the massacre that happened here sunday and nobody can get to the bodyings to clear out and talk on the news and massacre. Trey you can tell it is very tense time here and people are upset, their friends were slaughtered. This is a challenge for the israeli people and collective trauma. Brian we just got word, the president is not expected to speak today, our president , which i find surprising. Number of hostages is roughly 150. Is that the number you are hearing . Do you believe there is Mission Underway for hostages and any word if america is helping out at all . Trey i want to show you the scene now. These officers just came in and look like they are about to enter the police station. In terms of hostages, we know there are walk with me here. Give me one second. These are recovery units, give me one second. Brian trey is live trying to figure out what is going on here. Well walk with the recovery teams. They are going to enter this area. I want to show you the scene here, this story is unfolding. To answer your question brian trey trey they are looking at the police station, teams going in to try to find bodies of those officers. Give me a second to talk to my team. The team here is looking to go to find the bodies of those officers. Well wait here. I want to answer your question about the hostages being held inside the gaza strip. Hamas says that 150 are being held. We have number 100 from israeli officials woo have spoken with. There is no way to know who is dead and who is alive. Hamas took bodies of people that killed in Southern Israel and soldiers and civilians who were alive. There are reports of those taken Prisoners Of War. Hamas claims they have taken people who are still likely just trying to figure out what taking place, taken them to the tunnels so it will make it difficult for any sort of Recovery Effort and rescue effort to take place. There is a lot of discussion about people, they are alive and held by hamas and Islamic Jihad and if israel is successful in operation to enter gaza, these individuals could be anywhere, they could be in southern gaza. Gaza is trif miles long and 2 million live there. There are Apartment Buildings and open field and variety of elements at play here. If they are able to push into gaza, it is not likely in immediate days ahead they will find these people. Carley source in israel says hostages are being held in cages. Do you have any information on the condition of hostages, if they are being held in cageings and if there is advancement with qatari trying to get Men And Women released . Trey they have found the body of some Police Officers, we will not show you that, i will tell you what they are discussing. They are going to get body bags and get the fallen officers out. These were not mroes officer, they are fathers and enfriends and they were slaughtered by militants who crossed the border. The hostagesed in gair gaza, there are cages. There are photos of small children being pushed around and mothers being dragged through the street, a grandmother being forced to hold weapons. This is a nightmare and Peopled Inside Gaza are experiencing hell on earth. Thousands of air strikes are take place in unfamiliar place and they are taking hostage as Prisoners Of War and will not be treated nicely. There have been warnings by Benjamin Netanyahu and officials there will be heavier response if they are tortured or executed. Based on what were seen in Southern Israel, it is not out of the realm of possibility. Carley we are looking at trey yingst right now, behind him, they have found remains of Police Officer, fathers, brothers, friends. This is happening in real time. Robby burrman was supposed to go to a funeral, but they were unable to give the body to the family. Is this chaotic situation where there is not a mechanism to formally return individuals to their families . How are they working through this as they evade rockets come overhead . Trey this is a country at war, it makes it difficult. Everyone here is involved in some way. And many people just have no idea where know friends or Family Members are. Men were taken hostage into gaza, children murdered in front of them and calling relatives before they heard arabic in the background and the line goes blank then they have not heard from them since. They are either dead and bodies missing or taken to gaza. I apologize for his explicit language, his friends and family have been slaughtered. A lot of the area overrun by hamas milley militants. They dont know if people are dead and in their home or taken to the gaza strip. It is a mixture and that is important to note. There is a center in israel for families to give names and d. N. A. When you watch israeli press, you see scenes of parents showing up to sorry. It is difficult. Parents showing up to give hair of their kids to the authority to see if they can match the d. N. A. To bodies. Horrific. Brian ive seen video of kids in cages, a twoyearold being pushed around. I didnt think there was a human on the planet that would treat a childlike that. I am being educated. You have hamas. On the other side is fattah. Fattah on the west bank and hamas in gaza. Have they coalesced is abbas enemy number one . There are militants and rockets and also fighters in the west bank. The activity has been contained to gaza, unrest in East Jerusalem and west bank. Other than support in statement and words, direct involvement from the plo, another escalation in this. There is support, no way condemned by palestinians in the west bank. It is important to note many militants are armed and have ammunition and engaging in gun ba battle. We were in the West Bank City for what was supposed to be standard exercise, we were with the army and they were engaged in Gun Battle Witmilitantats Th west bank. Hamas has fighters in west bank close to cities. Just a few hundred feet from isr israeli areas. It takes twentyfive minutes to get there, there could be an Extension Spilling into the west bank. We have been covering this story since it started and israel is preparing for months of fighting in this arena and gaza and palestinian factions and hezbollah and moving trips, tanks and artillery as we speak. In East Jerusalem and west bank, last night looking on messaging apps, they were sending videos of clashes taking place with Israeli Security places in East Jerusalem and it points to the fact that the region is on the brink of a disaster, larger conflict that could spill over and create a scenario where the entirety of israeli population is participating in this conflict and scenario where israels closest ally may have to get involved according to israeli officials because we asked about report of naval carrier and what this means and they see this as symbolic and important. Remember population of nine Million People and there is supply of weaponry here, tanks, Artillery Unit and they will need more ammunition and they have requested more iron dome missiles. There are questions about what all this means and what level of support israel will need. There are thousands of troops this direction and that direction, tanks and ap cs and firing on gaza right now. I tell you, they are destroying northern part of the gaza strip and will in coming days or coming hours, enter gaza and when they do, be engaged in Gun Battle And Hamas and Jihad Inside Gaza will try to kill Israeli Soldiers and it will be ground war israel has not seen in decades. Carley trey, 3000 reservists called up. We trey i want to interrupt you here and tell our viewers, there is a body bag and body inside of a Police Officer and we will show my camera man to be thoughtful with this shot, we want to show you horrific nature of what is unfolding in israel. We can continue to talk here. Carley we are praying for this family. That is someone who lost their life in a horrific Terrorist Attack that should have never happened. I said eight killed at this location and 30 officers across israel . Eight officers and 37 across israel. Many of these Men And Women were the first line of defense for communities and they were not armed. We have seen areas hit with rpgs and showed you hamas Pickup Trucks littering this town. They came prepared to slaughter anyone in their path and they did just that. I will stop talking here, you can discuss, i want to give this the respect it needs. Carley yeah, trey. Trey i want to remind you that is not just an Israeli Police officer, that is someones father, someones brother, maybe athlete, musician, we dont know. We will try to tell their stories and get more information about who these initial responders were. They are humanings and they leave behind mourning Family Members and people whose entire world is shattered as a result. Carley a victim of terism are, someone who loved their country and served in Law Enforcement and wanted to protect their community. How do you protect your community while people are sleeping and Police Officers slaughtered. We pray for that man. Bring in israeli spokeperson, ben walhouse, thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me carley are you anticipates a it is monday night here and two days after these hand heinous and barbaric attack into israel and massacred and murdered entire family and women and children and elderly and kidnapped and taken hostages more inside gaza. Forces are Fighting South of israel, clearing the area of terrorists and making sure civil beans are safe and looking to other front in the north. We have hezbollah, who have carried out attacks against israel and north of israel and are keeping eye on every front. Carley we are looking at a truck and what appear to be bodied piled up in the truck. It is 7 30 local time in israel, is this a 24hour effort . We are here 48 hours and you are still collecting the bodies of innocent israelis. We are 48 hours in and fighting and trying to decimate capabilities 234 gaza and looking north and looking to protectivilians. It is not an easy thing hamas has been controlling gaza for 15 years and instead of helping to in invest taking that apart, is not a quick thing, it will take time. It is something we resolve to do and result to sports us in doing. Carley major, i know you called up reservists, are we expecting to see Ground Force Incursion in the near future . At the moment, we have to stop the attack inside israel and from terrorists and stop attack emanating from gaza. We are under constant rocket fire from gaza. That rocket fire is on civilian population and gaza is our neighbor. It is our neighboring territory and every attack from gaza, that is directed at our civilian population and fire into civilian towns and cities. You mentioned, we called up reservists and those are people who have families who are leaving homes and children. My mattress, this is where i sleep and my children are in a bomb shelter in tel aviv. Whenever there is siren, us being called up to help protect our country. Carley thank you. What youre looking at the moment is our report ertrey yingst, who has taken us to a police station, digging through the rubble. Eight officers were killed there. 30 across israel and we watched live with you and had i moment of Silent Prayer for an officer working around the clock here. Trey these workers are looking to find bodies of officers and militants behind here. Some of the bodies were going to move here. Were going to move here. Some of the bodies are militants and officers, they will have to oich them at later point. This is scene of what is taking place. They dont have time to go through and identify each and every person. They have stacked 10 or 11 bodies into the back of one truck and will move them. War has erupted, they are doing their job with a clear mind and continue on and that is just simply the reality israel faces, you can tr trucks filled with bodies. Carley how long have the rescuers been working . You have been working around the clock. This is reality of war and terrorism. Any indication how long the Rescue Workers have been working . Trey they have been working since yesterday. This was under siege for hours. Militants pushed forward and slaughtered people inside. The effort to recover bodies, some from personal perspective and some from a health perspective, entire town smells like Rotting Bodies and dangerous to be around corpses. It is important in this story, this is what war loobs like. This is what is taking place. It is pure horror and this town does not havie electricity. There is no water here, were staying at town a few towns away to show the world what is taking place here. It is horrific. Carley we are glad you are describing to reality. This is what they are living in. Stand by. Fox news contributor Keith Kellogg joins us now. That image right there of d darkness and no electricity, it is unfathomable to me. This is september of 2023, three years ago, september of 2020, we were sitting on the lawn of the white house watching a peace deal between israel and bahrain. First time since 1994, how did we get here . Thank you for having me. This is because the Biden Administration and obamaBiden Administration before that want to normalize relation with iran. We said that is not going to happen. The Real Organization behind this is iran and supporting hamas and hezbollah in the north. This is same organization and same nation that chanted congress, death to israel. This is a Terrorist State and it feeds off weakness. That is war fare. I remember when i went to auschwitz in 2019. I remember getting back on Air Force One and said this is first time i ever believed in existence of god. He looked at me and said it wasnt god, this is man. It is going to be ugly, tough, tough fighting involved in gaza and maybe to north with hezbollah and we sit back and say, they have to finish this job and go after especially the leadership of hamas and hezbollah and everybody else. We did with soleimani. It was said about hostages, i hate to say this, the probability of us Guesting Hostages Out is not high and they cant think about that as primary effort. If hezbollah comes in, they, as well. Kayleigh there are nine deadern ms, essentially more, we dont know. There are american hostages and ambassador friedman said an American Citizen is missing. Is it conceivable that brian told us, we do not hear from the president of the United States. We have not heard from him since saturday afternoon and there are deadern ms and no president to speak on this. I am stunned by this. This when you remember when we were in the white house, if we lost a single american, President Trump put the world on notice, we are coming to find you and we will find you. If you try to Phone Baghdad or soleimani it is disconnected number. This president is missing in action when it comes to this issue. Kayleigh one quick question and we have 10 seconds here. Ambassa ambassador obrien has a Special Forces unit devoted to hostages, do you think President Biden has sent that order . No, he hasnt. Brian peter doocy is live with more on the Administration Response or lack thereof. Peter, yesterday you were talking about the music coming from the white house lawn and barbecue taking place and i see this report no remarks from the president today, is that what you hear . It is possible they could do something publicly, but that is uncommon temperature is a federal holiday in washington, d. C. And federal government operates despite everything happening in israel and americans killed or captured, operating with a skeleton crew. We deal with this sometimes when there is cries happening at home or abroad, you can tell if the president is in the oval office or situation room. Look down and i dont see a marine standing there. Doesnt mean the president is not working on this, it goes to the feel here on campus that it is a federal holiday and things are going off as planned. People are out of the office, they are working remotely, we have more about this barbecue yesterday. We were up and down all afternoon and started to hear music and asked what was going on. We were told there was a barbecue for some staff. I asked how long President Biden was there, here is what they sent me. President biden is supporting israel against these attacks. Yesterday after talking to Benjamin Netanyahu to ensure what they have what they need, the president held an event to thank the staff. This date was chosen because there was not white house activity to require their work. They deserve recognition and no small petty comments change that. We are told President Biden is on top of this, he will not tell us that in person today. Brian thanks so much, appreciate it. That is latest on barbecue gate, latest to happen out of this white house. Cutter has stepped in and said, i will negotiate for your hostages, are they fair balance . They condemned israel for their action and volunteering to negotiate for release of hostages. Kayleigh the president is not there, i would love to know from peter, if you run up to upper press, the pres has free access to that point, is the Press Secretary in . Are they sitting at their desk . It is a federal holiday, guess who doesnt get holidays . American hostages and Rescue Workers who are discovering bodies in rubble. Why have we heard from the former house speaker, kevin mccarthy, but not the current president. You have Secretary Blinken yesterday got calling for ceasefire after a slaughter of jews we saw most jews murdered since the hoelocaust and callin for a ceasefire. Israel is fighting a war that we potentially helped fund by releasing that money to iran. There were weapons left behind in afghanistan, potentially with relationships we left behind in afghanistan or maybe perhaps iranian spy Ring Infilm Traited a ring tasked with overseeing renegotiation of the nuclear deal. Maybe that is why we havent heard from joe biden. You bring up good point, he oversaw this and reinserted and fired by President Trump and reinserted by President Biden. What role has iran played in this . Secretary of state said there may be correlation, wall street journals around directed this and they met in beirut with senior leaders. Look at the hallmark, if this was surgically coordinated by land, sea, and these are nots thicks you see from hamas on their own, this is larger Overarching Orchestration of what is happening here and you have to wonder why, what is the goal . They are trying to draw israel into conflict. If iran, they are trying to do the same thing with the United States. We need the president to answer to families. We have missing americans here and an active war and how is the United States going to be drawn into this and you have senior diplomat able to lower the temperature. I dont trust blinken. Blinken admits iran funds terrorism and they wouldnt exist without iran. Broader concern this might turn into regional war and perhaps beyond that. New world order with russia, china, iran, War In Europe and middle east and concern with destabilization throughout the world. You mentioned kqatar, did any of their money go to fund the attack in israel over the weekend . No. That gives you the power to say im getting my 6 billion back. That was for oil sales. Now they are thinking that money is coming, we dont have if now, we will get it and fund a massive operation to attack and anileate israel. Qatar hosted the world cup, no more of that. They are hosting hamas leadership and condemning israel. Brian there is video of them celebrating and praying immediately after. You have 6 billion, you are making money and 60 billion from sanctions. We just saw large explosions there, we will keep an eye, if we get trey yingst back, let me know. Greg palkot has more. Ive been covering this for 25 years and never seen anything like this. What ive been hearing from locals, they have never seen anything like it either. We were greeted on day three of the israel and hamas with air raid sirens. They did not get them all, there were wounded in nearby villages. We flew in early today. Today around noon time that airport was targeted by rockets from gaza. The gaza strip, home base to hamas, Islamic Jihad and pounded with airstrikes coming out of gaza and seem to be Ratcheting Up and a virtual seize based in jerusalem cut off to the people of gaza. R remnants being sorted out. As trey has been showing, these are scenes of horrors in last few days when militants came across. Over 800 dead and on the palestinian side 560 dead and that will change. All this from what im hearing on the ground in the capitol of jerusalem is inevitable ground action into gaza which everything is pointing toward. Tanks coming in, of course making this very dangerous, what you have been talking about is hostages, figure around 130s, we believe possibly americans among those hostages and americans have been killed, nine killed according to State Department and this could be spreading from lebanon from the Hezbollah Group infiltrated, two were killed, one captured. This is the real nightmare for the government here, they could be waging war on several fronts. Seeing a lot here, nothing like in the past, external war with different country, easy esh to take than internal Battle And Ternal War that saw death and destruction, for israelis, have not seen anything in a long time. Back to you, guys. Thank you. For viewers, we have seen explosions there, this is israel with retaliatory strike, we saw explosions there, earlier, we will keep you updated as to what you are looking at. Bring in dan hofman. You have to have weapons that come across the border and hundreds of terrorists. How does that happen that this was not picked up on . It did happen. It is precedented attack, coordinated, land, air and sea with roughly 1000 hamas terrorists. Israel did not collect the reporting and did not have i intelligence to know. Irgc leadership was meeting with hamas and this is a very costly in Intelligence Failure compared to 9 11 and 36 days after 9 11 taking the fight to the memory. The hostages were in harms way in gaza to carry on relentlessly with the mission and succeed with it. Kayleigh this is clearly israel retaliatory strike, how does this play into the Ground Incursion . Seen tanks coming, how does this work in coordination . I think israel is mounting Air Strikeings and i dont think israel can live with hamas to plot Terrorist Attacks, i expect a costly and bloody Ground Offensive in gaza and they need in intelligence to distinguish hostages and enemy combatants. I can tell you from having served in war zone in middle east and south asia, without that it is hard to be successful on the battlefield. Kayleigh there was a rally on time square in hamas, which is disgusting. Make clear for viewers here, there is no moral ekquivalency when we talk about the two sides. Israel will act in retaliation, there is no moral ekquivalency between the two groups. Palestinians should be as angry at hamas as we should be. Denying a Diplomatical Ly negotiate settlement. This is the situation were in and there is possibility of a wider war in the middle east that could be looming given iran involvement and third front with syria. Can assist there and deliver public message to try to deter hezbollah and syria from launching forward attack while israel focused on gaza. It is difficult to deliver public message when the president is not using we were talking before about the deleted tweet, Anthony Blinken came out after, was it your comment, when he was talking about, you know, we should ask for a cease fire. His tweet or x, after speaking with the Turkish Foreign minister, i spoke on the hamas Terrorist Attacks, i encourage for a cease fire. He got blitzed on that. And he has since deleted that. And michael walz, the administration showing its true colors. Offense in gaza, blinken encourages a cease fire. Think about that. Thousand dead, 9 means dead, some captured, still being held hostage he is saying a cease fire because he talked to turkey. Fouryearold debating sitting in the blood of their parents, who harmed no one but supposed to put down arms, arms they didnt bring up themselves. Or reports from The Killing Field of the festival, women were raped next to the bodies of their dead friends. Thats what he is calling for a cease fire. Look, there is no peace, there is not going to be peace. Eradication of hamas. And the palestinians could have chosen a different route. They elected hamas to power in 2006, there could have been another choice, Palestinian People actually support hamas, every palestinian is not hamas there is great support for hamas is important point to point oukabir as well. Im not kidding. I wish you were exaggerating. Aoc has been the most moderate of the squad but constantly called for vds for israel, boycott, divest and sanction. Sanctions an israel and is very supportive of a state that wants israels destruction. Aoc a Card Carrying Member of association of america, sponsored that rally in times square, that was just horrific. And just disgusting to watch, i am sure some of you as well watched. What is interesting, Anthony Blinken, they seem to have no handle on this whatsoever. Its not just the Security Failures of the isrealis, but our Security Failures, why do we not know that this was happening . As much operations as we have on the ground in particular in syria. Lead over the border. Throughout the Biden Administration, Secretary Blinkens message came as the office of Palestinian Affairs said we urge all sides to refrain from violence. They took that statement down. This afternoon we expect to hear remarks from nick kay haley, remarks from former President Trump, he will talk about peace through strength. He will contrast his message, his policies toward iran. His policy of Peace Accords in israel of that of the current administration, the former president of the United States will speak today. The former speaker of the house will speak today. The current president of the United States joe biden will not. As we watch those explosions in gaza, city gaza and bodies pulled from the rubble of that police station. Those families in our prayers. Thanks to everyone, now here is america report

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