Ters pri you believe the Border Wall Works . No. So why is Biden Building20 miles 20 miles of border wall . Ive seende commander many times i was never worried and ive never been bit by commander. Lion a Secret Service rebellion. Bidens dog bites everything that moves oregon. Meet your new drag queen mee police chief. Plus, big news about the speaker. What happened . Like a Music Speaker . Like speaker from utah. After the collapse of the soviet union, we Expectedt Unio Social Experiments to stopn communism. Discredited, arrogant central planners. Wescredite know what works. Prisons wall. Supply and demand. Guysth ral plan using their own locker rooms. So why is the Democratic Party turned us in the lab . Rats. Their emotional problems do notn give them the right to play god. Police officers have beein their n swapped out for antiviolence peacekeepers. Heres a peacekeeper in chicago. Video obtained by cw sub shows o him ripping his yellow peacekeeper vest off to pummelg and pillage. When you and i grew up, wehi d the authority. The police chief was someone you wanted on your side. Not anymore. Meet your new police chiefef was and your high. So this oregonian drag queen has one mission to police. The policessio . My name is da mohamad kashmir, and im a tri chair for the Oregon Health authoritys measure 110 oversight and accountability council. Im a muslim woman and im a pakistani first generation immigrant. We know that theres a Law Enforcement folks working antagonistic towards, you know, what should be a common united goal. My fear is that folks working s will continue to blame israel, intend for the failings of local Law Enforcement and local government officials. Its frustrating to see that we dont have any way of holding our Law Enforcement partners accountable. If its not a drag queen running the city, its a mayor getting by a drag queen running the city. Nn its just like communism. Intentions count more than results. Who cares . Theres a crime wave. Drag queens are empowered. If this continue. Store shelves in washington, dc will be just as empty as they in w in moscow. According to people who work at the cbc in columbia heights. A big group of kids like 45 or more. Walk in before school, after school, and late at night to steal chips and drinks. They even throw the food and beverages on the groundat c and stomp on them. Stop at cvs. Havebse kids wbefore s been ales are aware of when new shipments come in and thats when they target the store. Were told that Street Vendors Ine Allegedlre that y paying pee to go in and steal stuff s ao they can resell it. When we walked down 14th street in northwest d. C. , we did notice Street Vendors selling toothbrushes, men and women, body wash, car fresheners, as well as laundry and cleaning supplies, which are some of the same items no longer available at cvs. Ailable if broken Supply Chains wont clear out the shelves, then the looters will. And cnn just calls looting, shopping without money anyway. So who cares . It is and now, as the gregca mones donts, looter get mulligans. Thats right. After meatballmulligan and the b cleaned out the apple store sorrows day of the year, larry krasner, the streets calm. Uncle larry says some of these looters are probably valedictorians in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well look carefully to see whether this is a one off situation. And theyre fundamentally law abiding people strolling into the capital with a clean record ois a oneon january 6. Got your five years hard time,ea but smash and grabrs har 5,000 in iphones. Mulligan. Today, crime is just an opinionn. What matters is who committed o. The crim e. Because if certain people commit a crime, then its not a crime certain commit just like well decide where you live. Ifjust you move to chicago, expecting chicago politicians have decided chicago is now guadalajara. Decid you live in a progressive petri dish. Edchicagos suddenly crawlingngi with latin americans. N a e petri you cannot track. You aint checking them good at the polling station. U dont you dont know that nam, but you want to spread em all over the city. But im its impact. We aint having it. But yeah, we come in a community of black people where we already get the scraps. Do you want to take the little scrap, the resources that we have and put us at the bottoms t of the barrel . Thats not fair, and i wont have it. So the mayor w and barrel . Of chicago just the m flew to the border to wrap his head around the migrantsthe situation. And New York City mayor Eric Adams Justmi flew to mexico cit. This landing and mexico city was briefly suggested beginning of the year. Really the journey of trying to be on the ground and understand, you know,d the whole flow of migrants, migrants and asylum seekers. Did he wear a jets hatet tat to mexico . Thats going to curseto us. Biden turned every state into a border state and everyvery s mayor into a borders are the disorder at the Borderta State D biden to build a wall . Yeidens, bidens Executive Order is waiving 26 federal laws in tenbide i write in the book that he gets a lot of advice from these left wing historians. He gets a lot of advice from from the progeny of the new deal founders, the grandchildren and children of these people. And he hears from them. But whats going on with joe biden . Joe biden is a chameleon. Joe biden came into the senate and he threw in with a racist and the segregationist because he thought that where the power was. And he was because he thought that for the power was and actually he was one of the leading racist and segregationist opposed integrating Public Schools and now joe biden is about equity and antiwhite racism and open borders he has erased the entire american marxist agenda instituting a by Executive Order by regulation and violating Separation Of Powers in the constitution and look around all the things you talk about on the five and on the weekend is not Climate Change or Mother Nature it is manmade so who are these people and why are they doing it . I look at the history of the Democratic Party then they will understand this is par for the course they can be confederates one day and then 100 years later they can be a marxist they can support eugenics one day then the next day pretend to be republicans they project their own history from slavery and segregation so i said thats enough of that we have to explain who was responsible. They wake up every day trying to figure out how to screw Civil Society and anyone who stands up against it. They oppose the bill of rights they opposed Freedom Of Speech and Freedom Of Religion and freedom to protest the fifth and sixth amendment and they turn to the 14th Amendment Post civil war that was intended to help blacks, equality and due process and they twisted in a bizarre way to get trump off the ballot this is the party we deal with they dont play in the constitution sandbox. Then why is he building a wall . 20 miles might as well buy one thats 20 miles that will not be blocked so it is another fan dance from the Democratic Party they will get the media to support now building a wall notice he says hes doing it reluctantly his hands are tied behind his back so he can play to the radical kooks but on the other hand to pretend that hes very serious about securing the border we have 7 million illegal aliens hes not serious about anything and they are quickly approving documents and stamping them in to get federal id cards so the children will be voting in the selection they want to flip texas look at it through a lens of power to be the Monopoly Party the state party and they have a Monopoly State Media which all regimes do and that is the keyword hypocrisy is not a normal party it doesnt just play politics with allegiance to the party rather than to the country. Jesse the name of the boo book. The Democrat Party loves america. The Democratic Party hates america 400 pages long. Jesse we have a copy here at the desk we will read it and love it like all of your books thank you so much mark live in any time you turn on fox on the weekend he is on. Working seven days a week. Thank you so much. Fox news alert republican president ial candidate ramaswamy of victim of a hit and run by the crazy protesters campaigning in iowa and confronted by a vulgar mom a honda civic slammed into his car the police were called them the couple fled he stayed on the scene and mixed it up. Every person deserves to be respected. The beauty of this country is your have the right to express your opinions even though i disagree but im proud of you for expressing your view in one of the ways we will do this is through open debate. Republican candidate joins me now. Are they trying to hurt you when they ran their car into yours . I cannot speculate that i would say that person was looking me off and screaming as they rammed into the back of the car nobody was in the car thankfully and everyone is okay. But also. These were mostly good peaceful protesters. But that is a good thing these were a couple of french bad actors going to more inappropriate methods but i dont want that to interrupt our Tradition Protesters show up we will have good dialogue with them. [laughter] jesse are mostly peaceful protest . Mostly peaceful. The people get the car should be held accountable but i respect free speech especially for those who disagree with me we have to be better than the other side and hold ourselves to the other standard and thats how we will save the country. Jesse i know most of these people are great people. I get that but tell me about the crew that was a little gnarly. There was a lot of not going to use on this y program, mostly young people. Ou but what i see in their eyes, jessi, is that theyre lost. Theyre hungry for a cause,see some causein tt. One is complaining about my policy on shutting down Teachers Unions. Another on Climate Change. Another calling me transphobic. Another opposing my position on ukraine. So it was a diverse smatteringr of concern. A lot of name calling. But what i saw is really a bunch of people who are really lost and hungry for direction. And at the point when i told them, look, i congratulate you for expressing your Free Speech Rights when they cut me s off in responding, i said, let me let me know when youre done. And then i responded to them. Aws what i saw was a softening. And i have hope that young a people in this country, many of whom think they hate this country, literally hate this country. I think theyre just lost in search of purpose and meaning. And it is our job as leaders, not just to vilify those young people, the people at the core should be held accountable, but more importantly, to give them direction for where were leading this country. And so im trying. They dont have anything like that. So they just have ridiculous. Things that they protest. But when you do talk to them, ust havethey pro youre right. N and you humanize yourself and they kind of relaxd. You can move forward and hopefully that happens. Hopefully you just file an insurance claim. Vivek and we can straighten that all out with you, everything. But we saw a little bit of that tonight, jessi but youre right. You hit the nail on the head. Its when they run out of causes to actually protest, right . That they make up new ones instead. W a littit of thbut thats okays well get this right. Get it right. And tell everybody in iowa rl eb i love them. And good luck out there. Just make sure you make your sure your seatbelt is fastene id on. Who is you . Thank you, jessi. I appreciate it. All right. Well, what is a Million Dollars to make a Sidewalk Wider for jerry nadler . Fox nation brings him closer to the truth with fox justice. And now is your last chance to get your first three months for 199. If it wasnt you who did it. Exclusive Crime Stories you cant see anywhere else. This is Jeffrey Dahmer as he actually it and terrifying true cases that have captivated the nation. It was the largest ring in the history of america at that time. Theres a heck of a lot. It still needs to be answered. All part of fox justice on fox nation. Sign up today for your last chance to get your first three months for 199. Hi, im mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and im here today to tell you about a Hidden Health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. Sleep deprivation. And thats why you need to know about Relaxium Sleep. 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Because we looked under the hood and all of these politicians, republican and democrat, theyre all asking for goodies. And were still going through the earmark requests. O the pork is crazy. F thesans repuready . Forn in california, they wantia a 2r million bike lane. Why does a bike lane cost 2 million right on the side of the street like they do here in manhattan, or if they need their own lane, paint it. Eir jerry nadler obviously not a bike rider. Y nadl instead, nadler wantser to spend 1,000,000 to widen his sidewalk. Sorry, jerry, you let in the migrants. You either send them home or seh you go on a diet, widen the sidewalks, coma diete on. Pelosi wants 5 million to reimagine an entrance to a 5bway station. The Subway Entrance is named entr milk in san franciscos gerber hood. So it has to be fabulous. But i could reimagine a new entrance for a lot less than five mill. Ilhan omar wants a 4 million Farmers Market every. Farmers market. Ive been to a bunch of tents with a tablen to, some honey, some rhubarb. 4 million for a minneapolis Farmers Market. Does she even know. Rmers ma how much money . 4 million is. W and omar wants another 4 million for george floyd square. Yeah, george floyd has his Ownow Intersection after that kind of money. That intersection better look like the miracle mile when theyre done with it. Tter looaoc wants 3 million toy if a bard should be removed from the harbor, i not 3 million to remove the barge. 3 million to study whether to remove the barge. Ould b heres an idea. Leave it there. I juste but no remov saved us . Heres another idea. Remove it. And let it sink there. I just saved sink. Us 3 millio. Aoc also asking for a half a Million Dollar antiracist oyster reef. Currently, there are no oysters in flushing bay. Oysters usually dont thrive in the bay with Rustg Y Barges in queens. So somehow aoc is going to get oysters to grow in thet bottom of the bay. And when thrive w they somehow do, only black people will get to harvest them. Them. No whites. So this Congress Still earmarking, still insider trading, still not handingn in work on time. Were going to say this again. Vote them all out. Charlie hurt, fox news contributor. Its like one is more outrageous than the next. Cos morealthough the one that it do sort of understand is jerry nadlerha wanting to widen the sidewalks and we should get behind that. Yeah, because because other people could get injured if hes coming the sidewalk. Youre everybody either like theres hardening of the sea. Yeah. Its like its like the koolaid man coming into the party. And if dont get out of the but way, youre going to wind up. But heres the thing that just sort of blowat blows. You run through all of these things. Youve got millions of dollars for Traffic Cameras. Do you know how unpopular Traffic Cameras are or a Zero Emission Street Zamboni . No. Right. Nobody needs that. These are the zamboncameras w h. Were making it hot. Yeah, thats right. It was. Thats the globathl warming. Mig all of these things are so wildly unpopular, yet somehow as republicans failed to to closeo the deal with voters. Charlie. Charlie. Half. Half of these earmarks are for republicans, and which is probably why they go wrong with. We had a thing the other day. I wanted 11 million for a Machine Gun Range who shot machine guns . You just shoot them at the side of a boulder. T the sithats it. That sounds like 4th of july to me. I think thats right. Thats that jus like up there with apple pie. But but honestly, republican voter apples are the only ones who want to do something about the spending. Republicans should focusabout entirely on this listsp of projects and focuuld focus o. And you talk about inflation. Yeah, everybody feels inflation. Everything google pay, anyhat we of this nonsense that we spend money on divides a dolla srn in your wallet. Exactly. Causes inflation. Exactly. Why diyod they just go to the floor and just take this list and just read it and say aoc wants a half a Million Dollars for an anti racist oyster farm in flushing bay . Have you ever seen flushing bay . You cant even see the bottom. Well, you got it. Thatsing bay. Nnot eve why thers down there. Theyre not growing oysters. Yeah. Then theyre racist and theyre racist. Those are going to be some delicious oysters. Im glad to fight racism with those things. But, you know, i saw on the internet where aoc said it wathare dead ng oystes very confusedoe about all this. She doesnt understand why we need to have a speaker where everybody has headphones. Its a we actually had yesterday she wanted a Library Bathroom for a half a Million Dollars. Youve renovated your bathroom. Ovated did it 10,000. Y 20,000. Mean youv. 10000 . E probably been nice his and her sick little. No, no. Actually, i would be the perfect speaker. I am the guy that gets up when the bill comes. Im suddenly like, oh, i got to go to the bathroom. Yeah, i do the irish exit. So i probabl y spent a lot less than that on the bathroom, much to my wife. She should just get it. She just get a cheap s. O. B. To get in there and start. Its just start just out w crossing stuff out, you know, when you get the bill and everyonesget th. Well, you know, you guys drank and i didnt drink, so im not paying for your alcohol. And then make it all about inflation, right . Everybodhoy will vote. All right. Well, you solved the Inflation Problem right here. Charlie and jessi. We will not be speaker, but you guys give it a shot. Well, the Secret Service just turned on joe biden. Something unexpected has a debit card. A debit card. The all new experienceraores money, debit card and digital Checking Account. It finds payment no ordiebit cad erase your Credit Scores without adding debt. Ly from its no ordinary debit. Its the smart debit cardyâ„¢ d only from experian. 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True skin get what your skin truly craves. Someone in the white house has been a very bad boy. This time its not hunter. Its commander. The first familys dog, the german shepherd, has developed a taste for white house staff. Dailymail. Com got these exclusive photos. Heres Commander Chewing on the white house gardeners arm like a milkbone. Its not just landscapers on the menu. Axios says housekeepers, chefs, butler Ask Co S And Carpenters G been living in fear of bidens dogs for years. Biden i know what youre thinking. Has commander Bittens Binder as someone who spends a fair bitt in the oval office with the president. Did you ever have a troubling sr with commander . No, not at all. So he never nipped you . No. Were you ever wary of being around him . You know, when i was of the biting incidents that you had heard about, absolutely no. And ive seen commander many times, i was never worried and ive never been bit by commanderm be. Es ive binder safe for now. Co but Secret Servicemmande engines arent. Last week, commander beaafe fort his 11th agent and the white house in its first deportation ever, has removed commander from the property. D comm the Secret Service. Tired of being chewed, toys pr to cnn, saying that commander has been a lotore more people than has been reported. Agents reveal that thope Biden White House is a hostile and dangerous Work Environment t. They say these biting incidents have shattered the trustents hav between the Secret Service and the first family. And its Gottenthe Truse sect a Boiling Point that agents had to speak out. Our verying own stupid son of a, peter doocy, asked binder about a lawsuisked abot. Its the 12th known incident of this dog biting a white house staffer. A lot of timesbi when that happens, theres a lawsuit. Isnt the president worried about getting suedr a lo . G sued i would refer you to the Secret Service or the first ladys office. Theyre saying its dr. Jills fault. Commander bites people. Why cant the bidens raise animals . How many people do commander and hunter need to bite before they consequences . And how many more secret Service Agents need to be bitten before they start finding prints off the back of coke . I mean, enough is enough. As gutfeld said, it. Put the dog down and putdown a commander down, too. Ronald kessler is the author of the first family detail and knows the Inner Workings of the secret servic e. So describe the relationship now. Between the Secret Servicee sect and the biden first family. Actually, protecting biden has always been the second worst assignment in the secreten has service long beforet the incidents involving the dog because of his lack of consideration. You see this with the dog. The fact that he would allow yois dog to remain after the first bite alone is outrageous. Imaginthis witthe dog. E if a hot his dog bite someone on the front lawn. Animal control would be brought in. Police would be brought in. And yet biden allowed this to continuine. The reason hes considered the second worst assignment of the Secret Service after hillary, whos so nasty, the agents that she tries to make their lives miserable every da considey, is, first of, the biden will on the spur of the moment, decide to go to wilmington sometimes several times a week. And so the agent as cannot plan their personal lives at all, Justes Total Lackeratio of consideration. Secondly, whenn. He was Vice President , biden would swim in of female agents, both at the naval observatory and also at his pool in wilmington. And they were offended by that. They signed up to take a bullet for the president , but not to see joe biden naked. And just think of it, these of, pute linenow their lives on the line every single day. And yet they havngle daye to coo work. Until now, biden has finally removed the dog in terror, you know, as basicallybasicall being terrorized by these dogs. You never know when theyre going to attac k both this dog and the previous dog. And it tells you something. In fact, a lot about bidensg ac character becaustuale biden, Ass Calling Card claims to be compassionate and care about Little People and to be empathetic. Yeah, i mean, its true. Everybody knows it, kessler. Whats worse, if youre a secret Service Agent getting bitten by a commander or seeing joe bidens skinny dip. Now, come on. Do you think commander learn how to bite things from joe . Because he used to nibble on jills fingers . Think well, theres definitely something Goin H Becauseg on the because, you know, its happened repeatedly. You know, weve had dogs in our house and they never want to biting people. And theres definitely some atmosphere. I think that that creates this. Theremospheres a very malignant situation. So right nowcreates. So let me just. So wouldnt it be awkward, though, kessler, if your dog was continuing to bite the people protecting you and youre Walking Around the white house, youre seeing all the people that hes bitten. Now were up to 12. En how isnt biden a shame of it . That is the hypocrisy of joee biden. Bif it if it i benefits him, if he can play with his dog, he doesnt care about secret Service Agents or anybody else who could be in danger and are in danger. It really focuses attention on this guys character. And i thin thak people should te heed. All right. We are taking hit and were worried if, you know, if youre going on a white house tour, dont leave any coke and just Watc H Out Forr Comm commander. Just very dangerous situation overander. There at 1600. Thank you very much. No offense to german shepherds, right . No offense in german. Should not all dogs behave like that. Thannse to g. Ikk you so much, everybody. Go check out kesslers books. They are the be thank yot. Sarah ashton cirillo. Ukraines american trans gender spokesman, was suspended after threatening to hunt downod those who questioned ukraines corruption. Next week, the teeth of the russian devils will gnash ever harder and the rabid mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy. M in russias War Criminal Propagandist will all be Hunted Downollable and justice will be served. As we in ukraine are led on this mission by faith in god, liberty and completece l liberation. Ohio senator j. D. Vanceerved. Thinksn this there is a cia pla. And now we know its true because sarah is back from suspension and scored a bookbook deal. During my may trip to the United States with the support of the armed forces of ukraine, i signed a two Book Contract with Potomac Books publishingts the last weeks of allegations and accusations have created new and unexpected opportunity to bring the on the groundunexpt truth and facts of ukraine to the Global Community to havye putting to rest all the russian rues, propaganda, gossip and rumors that have surrounded me. Heres something interesting. Thats not a rumor biden is concealing Rampant Corruption In Ukraine and is Terrifiedblicf The Public finds out congress will stop sending the moneiny. A leaked Strategy Memo says that corruption could be tearing ukraine apart faster than russi ukra and democratsase are looking to buy up ukrainian land, Build Infrastructurerd De are on it with our tax money, and then sell it at a huge profit. Cture this all comes as zelenskyy sacked his top defense officiald then sat a hugs for g. Ukraine smells a lot like afghanistan. New plan. 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God tells us tour take caree of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Why do vitamins why do vitamins and supplements cost s more now . Other companies are charging other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. Thats why force factors partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices for all americans. But theyre al products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improvce facto ie your health, but theyre also delicious, easy to use and affordable. And affordable. Thats the number one best selling Superfoods Brand in america. Rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor when you cant watch. Listen. Get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening to build up or they tell you they want to get inflation down. How ithats 1800 6303838. Fox news alert. An arrest has just been madeox for the murder of Progressive Activist Ryan Carsonrest has ini york city over the weekend. 18yearold brian dowlingtyk. Was seen here crying after being questioned by police. Is accused of Stabbing Carsonn to death in front of his girlfriendbeing. The video is difficult to watch. Dig know. Rninit is yeah, yeah, i kind ryan carson. Unfortunately didnt survive the incident. He was a prominent liberal activist. He worked on the Inflation Reduction Act with chuck schumer, helped create Drug Injection Sites in the city and spoke out againstominen the police. A friend of carsons sayst. Re hedductio have wanted his death to be used to advance leftwing policies. His friend told the gothamist hed feel sorry for his killer and would likely see him as someone who was failed by aus broken city. The truth is, dowling shouldnt have beeiend sayhis cn street. Hes a mentally ill guy with a rap sheet and even his familot y had reported him to cops. And if his death is useded to advance liberal policie s, then sadly, he died in vain. One of californias largest Teachers Unions is demanding the district turn High School Parking lots into homeless tent cities. The latest round of negotiationcitylatest rs. The union demanded that School Parking lots allowoi homeless families to live there. Homeless first of all, whens the last time youve seen a homeless family . A mom and a dad married with a son and daughter, sleeping when together. I mostly see a lot of singles when i walk around bringing drug addicts and mentally ill people on School Grounds whereyl they set up tents and do god knows what. N school tell me how thats going to help little johnny aces s. A. T. S. Its not. The Teachers Union knows its dangerous because they asked for half a Million Dollars to pay for extra security guards. Use th and how did homelessness get assigned to the teachers Unioeylion Dolfor Extrn . Is the Teachers Union going to get involved in Ukraine Policy All Of A Sudden that . Actually, they did. Randi weingarten has been there four times, by the way. Did anybody ask the school if they want homeless living there . Well, we did. Y asked and they say they dont wantmels them l. Next, Johnny Hit The Streets to see if anybody knows about the speakey hit thr. Theyre theyre back. You are going to jail the day with all new episodes of crazy or twist undeniable. Its on video slots that defy reasoning. I understand that my pants are down. Its weird. And the best acting youve ever seen. This was how many grams cops . All new episode tomorrow only on fox nation. Sign up today for your last chance to your first three months for 1. 99. Grass fed beef in every bite. Jinx is real dog food made by real dog people. This is going to be out on a lets go. Oh wont complete reality Worlds Toughest test. 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Bradbury details the first president s fight for freedom sunday. Kevin mccarthy was oustedameric speaker tuesday, but has that news reached the americanan people . Johnny was curious. Big news about the speaker. What happened . Like a Music Speaker. Like speaker for music. Despicable around the music stopped playing. Yeahc is, it was a little bit ol coup de a little overthrow. Im not going anywhere. The who was the speaker of thelep house . Trump. Joe. Kevin mccarthy. My mom. Presenta not your house. The house of representatives. What kevin mccarthy. Mccallister. Now were pretty much speaker list. So who would you nominate to be speaker . Less,. Trump. I like jordan. Donald trump. Oufavoritewhats your favorite u that Donald Trumps ever done . Some black guys out of jail beyond say the out of mycess, house. Congress is in recess. That Meansthot Getti not gettint of work done. Is that fair . Theyve been once again work donek done in the first place. Thats normal. It may not be fair, but its normal. Its not fair. Im when was the last time you had a recess and fifth grade recess is over. On. What should congress c be spending our money on . Losiclosing down the border for one city like animals. What kind of animals . Rhinos like Chris Christie . , no, man. More jobs. So not Library Bathrooms. Not library battles. Ne aoc wants to spend a half a Million Dollars of your onr mh for one Library Bathroom. We go to the library. We got Porta Potties for that is stupid. But if you want if you gotending money, thats what you do. Its your money that shes spending. M. Oh, my money. Yeah. No. How dare they . If your Congress Member is watching tonight, what dof re you want to tell them . Get out of recess. Enjoy your vacay. Enjoy youe is grind d time. Do some work. You justo some cant show up an a bunch of sheep. What do you want to tells. Jesse watters on fox news . Were just kee. Oh, i cant keep telling the news. This is my world. Big shout out to kevin. Nd its you and the target. See the target. Be the target. See the details on the target. Text time. Steve from marco island. He can we send commander to the border, please . Pleasethats not nice. We got a new border wall. Tim from nevada. Do racist oysters tastele differently yet . Little more briny. Tamm my summertown, tennessee. My brother has a concrete business. Usiness,how we get jack to get v the sidewalk contract. You have to know a politician. Thats it. Barry melbourne, florida. So maralago is only worth 18 sidewalks. Jason from springfield, missouri. Mjessi love your brother,into but please dont Shoot Machine Guns into boulders at my 11e gu million Machine Gun Range. I can shoot. I well, please. Thats all for tonight. Dvr the show and alwaysis i remember im waters. This is my

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