Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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World. And welcome to hannity. History on Capitol Hill Tonighel ,republican lawmakers joininawg all 208 House Democrats to remove Kevin Mccarthy as house speaker. To the first time in our nations history. And mccarthy will not seeks speakership again. Now, sources telling mt agaie au hour, some House Republicans have been in Contactblican Withd have started an effort to draft former president donal ad to bee the next speaker. N toldi hat pres that President Trump might be open to Helpingid Ort Term the republican party, at least in the short term if necessarys ,if its needed anyway. But heres former Speaker Mccarthy. Earlier tonight. Loo lets take a look. I believe i can continue to fight maybe in a different manner. I will not run for speaker again. Ill have the conference pick wie. Today s i think today was a political decis. Thingshe democratwa and i think that i think the things they have done in the past hurt the institution. And they just started removing ine and theycommitte just started doing the other things. And my fear is the institution fell today because you cant do the job if eight people, you have 94 or 96 of your entire conference, but eight people can partner with the whole other side. N . How do you govern . And for them to make a motion on because i made a decision for the country that they agreed with, but they choosee to do the othetor, that becomes a problem. Now, this all went down after a motion to vacate was put forward by florida congressman matt gaetz, citing issues because of a recent bipartisan resolution, a c. R. Gh to fund the government through ofdnovember and a lac midnk an on a number of bills, Appropriations Billsions bil ant went forward with a move to oust Speaker Mccarthy. Succesnts fell anyway, given gop the slim gop majority needed only a handful otherans to republicans to get it done. But now uncertainty reigns g io. Supreme on capitol hill. In truth, gate s of the republicans, they did have legitimate complaints returning to regular order passing Appropriations Bills, single issuassing e, balanced budget amendment, term limits, all promise. Icism, fair criticism. But many of those measures could have been deal bhoset, especially in the future, especially issues that would neve ould r have been law at this itme really came down to the fiscal in play here. E. The appropriations process, for example. But the question is this. And every every republican needs to be asking this tonight, was thiss the be strategic and tactical approach at thians moment . Now, there were very, veryre viable alternatives, plans put together by Freedom Caucus members, people like congressman chip roy, who will join us tonight, and Byron Donalds and scott perry, for example. One plan cut well from them, cut spending by a whopping 8 and also had historic bordermeas measures attached, but was opposed by gatesurwas oppo, a fr republicans. And that didnt go far. That left chip roy kind. Of speechless. That plan would have allowed more time needed e for the Appropriations Bills to be passed. And thede second option actually had a 30 cuta in discretionary30 spending. Incd and included, by the way,ican the republican partys border bill, h. R. Par two. That would have been a great alternative. That, again, Wouldgrt Altern Hao resulted in the full 12 Appropriations Bills having been ations b on and hopefully passe so today, the Question Wpassede All was the Nuclear Option needed . Was it worth it . E nuclea well, i can tell you right now, i dont know. Time will certainly tell whether this is a good move or a bad move, but One Realitypubl will not change. Republicans have a minusculeican majority, whoever the speaker is, and it is made u spepakers, of despair. Left groups ranging from moderate left to Freedom Caucus, cons. Vativeof now, gates says that he was ripping the bandaid off the status quo in the washington swamp. But the House Oversight committee chairman, Jim Jordan Le Swamp ,had a different take. T lets hear him. On january third, we said the 118th Congress is about three Thingsee Pass The Bills T that need pass. Do the Oversight Work that needs to be done. Ne band stop the inevitable omns that comes from the United States Senated Statee right befe the holidays. Kevin mccarthy has bee n rock solid on all three. We have passed the bills. We told the American People we would pass 87,000 Irate Agentshe that built that bill, passed parents bill of rights. That bill passed energ htyecurit legislation, passed Border Security, Immigration Enforcement legislatioy,n, the strongest bill ever to pass the Congress Passed earlie tr this year. We have done what we told we them we were going to dogo. Anso all right. Now, keep in mind, republicans hold a ninld e vote majority in one half of one third of the federal government making up that very slim majority as a Coalitioslim Majn of lawmakers. You got the Freedom Caucus, the tuesday, thursday, frida y group, the study group, along mr with moderate republicans, manay from districts that biden won bn in 20 2018, to be exact. To be now, bringing that group together on anything is not anan easy feat. But in eas the end republicans. Let me warn you tonight, you will succeed or you will fail ll succe together. That is undeniable. Wiill, mccarthy accomplished a lot, including a Serious Investigation into bidens Bribert Includiny laundering al, which is ongoing. An Impeachment Inquiry that is now picking up steam and investigation into bidens Weaponized Fbi and doj. Fbi multiple major pieces of including a Border Security bill that i just mentioned, ment, to stop bidens plan to hire 80,000 new irs agents, a bill to stop Big Government restrictions on gas stoves and other appliancesernment on another bill to repeal the worst parts of the so called inflational the reducti. And thats just the tip of the iceberg. Thbut now, without a speaker at all matters involving the Houslving The E come to a gg halt. The gop investigations will bell. Zero republican bills will be sent to the Senatewill Be Ll and republican infighting that will take center stage, tsd which is exactly what Democrats Thd The Media mo ta mob desperay want. And they want to continue for a long period of timant to cr e now, President Trump, earlier today, even in the midst of whats goineaeven in ts g ia took time to post this on truth social. Why is it that republicans are always fighting among themselves . Whrepublicans ary arent they ft the radical left democrats who are destroying our country . Oh, i happen to agree with the president. Presre now a year away we are n from the single most pivotal election of our lifetime. Its all on the line , its a. Roying democrats are destroying the rule of law. Oe, equalic t application of our laws is dead. And by, and, by th the way, as , donald trump and his family are no donald w being targeted s this country has never seen before. Joe bider seen n and his family are shielded, protected around every turn by joes weaponized, doj. The border is an absolute disaster nightmare. E, National Security risk. Our economy is disaster. E suff americans are suffering than in myinflat point lifetime. Inflation is through the roof. Gas pricesio t the roo are throf and going higher, by the way. And our commander in Chiefy Thes Real Significant Cognitive issues that everybody the world can see because its that transparent. He is neither physically nor mentally fit to serve this country. House republicans cant canse solve their differences behind closed doors. How about you ge ht in a room, you throw away your phone and mayb you e you in that roome order pizza and dont come out until you agre untile. Approp knowing how important these Appropriations Bills were. I everrier criticism. Why did the republicans take off the month of augus month t this may all turn out fine. Ne, im not hitting the panic tonight. However, the American Peoples patiencet the , it will run out quickly here. And so the gop take my advice if you want. It seems a lot of people never take iwant, itt. Be careful and you better get a new speaker quickly. Democrat they want you inay complete disarray. They wan. T a distraction away from their failed policies and their feeblepo president. And theyd really love a few moderate republicans to peel a off and actually vote for a democrat for speaker. So will the gocratp behind the w speaker . Will anyone even want the job woulnt will this end in a disas . Wecannot answer that question. But time will tell. We expect a vote on t Ato New Speaker sometime next week. Chairman jim jordan will join us in a momentin a. To first here with reaction, we have former speaker of the house Fo Speakerf Thx news Contw Gingrich is with us, sir. Welcome. Lets get your overallith r, on this today. Well, first, i think its a very sad day because i thinki Kevin Mccarthy is one of the most talented leaders ive ever worked e ev with. I think that he accomplished an amazing amount for having a small majority and being having to take on both the senatetake o and the white. And i think this is really i a tragic outcome. This was a leader who both gained seats in 2020, gained 2 seats in 2022, increased the number of women members, increaser d the number of veterans, increased the number of minority members a ,and he had a vision forlets be a better future. And lets be clear her here,e. You know, if if the University Of Georgia Bulldogs were the Number One Team in the country right now, if you started a gameyou started r of the members of the offensive squad decided they werdee actually on the alabama side and began tackling your ow andn people, you probably get them off the field. Well, think about what we sawt, today. 4 percent, 4 decided they werw morally superior or soellect intellectually pure, so patrioticalluay better that thee would side with the democrats. And thats what they didand th in order to defeat the entire 9 republican caucus, 96 of the republicans voted for mccarthy. 4 voted against him. From my as a longtime republican activist, there are traitorsme. All eight of them should, in fact, be primaried. They should all be drive n what of public life. What they did was to go to the other teamth to cause total chaos. We ought to be focusing on biden on t we ought to be focusing o on the economy. We ought to be focusing on the bordeughtr. Ead yo instead, youre going to get a week or ten days of the media focusingut a on republican disarray. Its an astonishingly destructive behavior by a handful of egocentric people who thinkin theyre superior to 96 of the conference. Look, i do think on the one on kevin side, let me let me analyze this more than anything else. It is hard to appreciate Appry Majorityard to that Kevin Mccarthy was working with. You have moderatewith. S libeo republicans, 18 of them, you know, in districtsf that fr joe biden. They want to keep their jobs. So wan theyre not going to beo as conservative on a lot of these issues. So its Hardt Of Theue to bringl caucus like that together. Its like herding cats. I wouldnt the job. You couldnt pay me to do that job. Theres noe job amount of moned take for that job. On the other hand, i do have a little frustration with kevin, too. Why . With t hehe, as promised, go forward with the Appropriations Bills regular order, which, by the way, you broughty back you were speaker. That led, that to the first andt balanced budgets we had in decades on both ends. So you found way to get that done. Why did they go away for all this when they should have . But he this fight was coming. Ag why didnt they go awausy . Look, let me answer two verydifn different levels. First of all, the house Througlh Regular Order has passed 70 of the government in appropriations. The senate has approp passed zero. Zero. So kevin actually was on a track and in the nexthey two weeks, assuming they can get around to it, they willpropi actually finish all of the appropriations. I think that was just baloneati second, all of theseiden 18 republicans and the biden districts, they actuallyct voted for the two conservative continuing resolutions you described earlier. They voted for them even though they were very conservative. Who killed them . Rie hard right. Why did the hard right kill them . Because they were against any continuingghcause th resolution. Well, if you didnt want didn the government closed, if you didntt want the military not to be paid, if you didnt want the Border Patrol didn not to be paid, and the hardht say goint says to you,s i doing nothing, what are you going to do . And kevin did what you had to do what i would have done, frankly, in his case. But it wasnt the 18 biden districts. There was a problem. Thats there was hard core, hard right people. And thosrde high right people want to go back home and explain why did they think why r. S bette now what they need to be held t their feet to the fire. Why did they think ithre, Wht Ws Better to be two solid conservative continuings. Resolutions that, as you sointed out, include the border, includes deep spending cuts, did everything they claim for, you know, why they did it . Because ultimately matt gaetz, who hates the lets be clear, he hates kevin mccarth, ar hy, y determined about it to find a way to get to toda. O today. Y. Let me be iti thinkled hi its disgraceful and i hope they expelm him fromng the conference. I would have gone along. You had Byron Donalds Freedom Caucus member scott perry, Freedom Caucus member chip roy. Hell be on the show tonight. Freedom caucus member you know ,they had two separate plans. They put togethe tr and you are 100 right. They were voted down by the conservativerivoted dos. That would have been the perfect bridge to get to. Number one, have cuts, have Border Security cuts he in spending and get us to the holy grail, which waspropri the Appropriations Bills that would have been completed. That to meat t was the answer. T. And no, they went against it. I dont know why becausewhy. But consent consider. Well, you do know why. Consider the moderates a you described all voted for these veryll tough, very conservative bills. It was the hard right that voted against themainst th. And people back home want to take a look at how their member voted and askthe mr are just terminally stupid. Do you do you prefer to cove . R everything screwed up . And in terms of the people who voted today with Thee Eight Teds be clear, theyre not republicans. They shouldnt, frankle not y, should in th i wouldnt if i were speaker, they wouldnt be in the conferenceconfer. Id say to them, you proved to me youre hakeem jeffries. This is the conference ought fo to be for republicans more than sps as speaker. That doesnt work either. Well, bless him, will take the speakership if give up the investigation of biden. If you give up the Effor T Up Th to cut spending, if you give up the effort to stop regulations, if you give up the fight against woke policy. I mean, hes available pol and maybe these eight guys would be more comfortable being with Hakeeeight Gum Jeffrn and that totally insane policy rather than pretending that. Theyre republicans. They better get this fixed fast. Tter getthe patience of the American People will run, run out very quickly. Speaker gingrich, thank you. All right. Theaking right now, sourcespeakx news confirming the current majority leadeerr, steve scalis, is asking members of congress wh make hiscalise m the next sp. There was some question about whether or not that would happenhappen and because he hah dealing with some health issues. Meanwhilee Speaker Mccarthyt is not the only person getting the boot tonight. Pelosihe onight she was just eve from her special office in theci Capitol Building in what some believe was a Parting Gift Joom former Speaker Mccarthy. Joining us now is House Judiciary Committee chairman jim jordans chairm, sir, how ar . Feinstein good to beth you with you. One question ive got to ask, an this obably have been thing has been pinging. What about jordan . What about jordan . , what awhat . Jim jordan for speaker. Would you consider ildt . Ave sean, weve got weve got to come to a decision as a conference. Weve got a week to do sodo its important we do that and its important we do that because of what you had in your monologumportantse of w any differences that exis ttr in the republican conference . Pale, pale in comparison to theo radical left that now runscountr the other party and where they want to take the country. So we had better do exactly what you said come together, exactly what Speaker Gingrich said, Come Together And Focus W on the things we told the American People we were going to do. And franklgo y i thought we werese doing that. We had passed the bills. We told them we were going t to pass. Them w we were doing the oversight. We were we told them we were going to do and we stopping the crazy omnibus that inevitably gets sent to us theyy year right before christmas. We were focusing on the Appropriation Process like werewere focusg the likd to do. I thought that was happening. And frankly, i thought, what happened to Speaker Mccarthy was not fair. Ve next question. Would you have people been coming to asking you if youd consider being speaker and would you consider iider bei look, im Gonna Leaveng that to the conference. Of course, ive talked to colleagueo ourse s or colleagues that come to me and talk to me about that. But this is a decision for the conferenceis. And i dont think i dont think the way theyre coming is a great guy. Hes in on your behalf. And im like, i cant speak fos my friend jim jordan, so canyouo i take that as a you wouldul be open to it . Nk i think its a conference decision. I thins a confk Steve Would Alsv great speaker. I think steve has given so much for our countreno muchy. Ng job hes done an outstanding job as majority leader. But i do think the conferencrite to get together and really make we go from here and whos going i know i think this is this is a competitive situation we got rich comes to lower Seat Majoritean y. If the Conference Closeness id like you to be the speaker when you do like you it. Im going to talk to the conference over the next goi we. And i think thats the key. I dont i think this is a day where we say, look d heresay g wasoo notd. Good. I think what happened to Kevin Mccarthy was not fair. Letin mcs out how we come togea as a conference and focus on our agenda. Focus a confs on the three thinu is that this congress, i think is about and we passedt. We many of the bills we told the country we will do. We need to stay focused on that pressure the senate to actually bring them up for goodness sake, continue to do the oversight and then o obviously deal with this Appropriation Process and the spendingl with bill that has to behe done before the end of the year. Ill offer you some unsolicitere advice. If they do come to you and they do offer it to you and youco will consider it. This idea of one persoidn motion to vacate. Ith i wouldnt take it with that provision. That has to go. I dont think thats good for anybody. My humble opinion. All right. Lets move on to. You know, how quickly can republicans, you know, fill this position and move forward with their agenda . We have four of the 12 Appropriations Bills done. We have a c. R. That we didnt want. I thought, again, chip roy, Byron Donalds, scott perry, Freedom Caucus guys put forwardl a plan that would have been a lot better, that would have put the pressure where it belongotpressures on, senate re, and they need to have the pressure put on themhave tvc and then resolved in conference. That would have been a much better way thatbetter to handle it and it would have bought time to get the Appropriations Bills finished with those appro Appropriations Bills finished. Do you believeprls Republicans N Go back to regular order, get those billk tos done, cutsp spending, secure the border and take care of the top priority the er and t. That should be republican priority. I do. Sean. Enat we can pass all that. But if the senate doesnt do anything, youre youre inevitably going hing to be in thise this stalemate situation, this stare down situation where s at some point you got to pass something. And what i hope we would be willing to doomwhat i is focs on the issue thats front and center right now in the country. And center was in the bills that unfortunately we couldnt get the votes for last week. The issue that everyone know evest an front and center is the borderd republicans get it. Independenters it more importantly, democrats get it. If wed have put that on the stopga dep spending Measure Measu and stayed focused on that and talked about that for weeks leadinret leading up to the dea, i think we could have won, but we couldnt get the votes fo r that, which was what was so frustrating to me. I spoke time and time again and e. Erenc lets vote. Everybody knows. One really good issuowe beats 15 pretty good issues every time. Issues every tim pick that one and heres why its so important we come together, because the countriertant to toe out the crime problem, the border problem, democrats have figured i c problt out. So lets come together and focus on that agenda as republicans. Thats that what i hope we do overk an the next week. And i hope the speaker is thi e one who can lead on those issues and the other things that we told the americae ot nwi people we were going to accomplish. If they focus on the two issues sea, one, we have 2 trillione more in debt this year because of bidens Spendinbt Thiause of thats got to be thats got to get under control. The border to t undes have got r under control. Those are priorities that i believe you cae ties i n bring to the American People. And you do not need to compromis e. On last question. Ive now heard fronom a number e of people i know for a factcted donald trump has been contactedg about possibly him being an interim speaker. Is that a realit in intem y . I dont know. He actually i, but i want donald trump to be the next president United States if he wants to be speaker still. While i want everyone here,pres i want him to be president. He ran for president. Hes stillrun hes still going to be running for president. Thats where we need him. Is at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. If he wants to be speaker, then thats fine, tooni. All right. I think you do want temporaril y same to get to at the same time, you to at the same time. I getti that. You probably could. All right. Thank you, jim jordan, great to see you. Coming up, bidens Border Crisis continues to devastate all across the country, especially new york. Ci revealing illegalgrants immigrants are now overwhelming city hospitals. R tim texas senator ted cruz, he knows better than anybody. Well his reaction to that. The vote in the house today as we continue continue, we find missing people who have slipped through the cracks and we bring them home. We need to talk about how you figured out this location. Us cops. We all have our secrets. Check your local listings and streaming on peacock with gold bond. You can age on your own terms. 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New report saying Illegal Immigrantsal are so overwhelmil hospitals in new york city, they dontmingn new have the rs to deal with it. And were also sources telling fox news illegal immigrant Border Crossings yet Hithi Anothet Anotr all time highepteb in september. What aer shock. There will be 8 million Illegal Immigrants in three years thanks to you,e 8 mill president joe biden, whos Aiding And Abetting the Lawbreaking Hereo with. Reaction texas senator ted cruz. Senator, how are you . John, great to be with you. Thanks for having me. All right. Before i get to the border, i want to ask you this. I want the pressure to move to your body and meaning the financial pressure. For example, your fellow texan,h chip roy, got together, other Freedom Caucus members, woul puterm caucus forward two. As one that would have Cutrcentb Spending by 8 , but still funded dhs veterans. And our department of defense. E the second one, what It Wouldse Have Cutcond that by 30 and alo included h. R. Two, thats the house border bill. Then it would have to the senate where you are. And its there that i people like you and senator mike lee and Marco Rubiyou Ano and rand paul, you s would fight for fiscal responsibility in the senate. And finally, the pressure needs to be ther pree because thats where all these ominous omnibus bills usually end up comins g ot of anyway, dont they . Yes. And i thin they tothat would have been a much better path for us to go down. Listen g. , as you know, chip roy was my very first Chief Of Staff when i was newly Electes Newld to the senate. Im really proud of the job chip is doing, and i think hes shownp ink he s smart, coni leadership in the house. And i d pass the other c. R. That chip and other conservatives championed, it would be a muc Vative Ch Bettery than where we are today. I got to admit, sean and i was i haadmit, sg listening to your monologue, the frustration youre expressing i understand. I think im feeling many of the sentiments that republican thi and conservatives across this country are feeling. On the one hand, the housev of representatives is the one bright spot weve got. Weve got a democratic leftwing administration thats doing enormous damage. Weve got a Democrat Senate under Chuck Schumer thats doing enormous damage. One gl and the one glimmer of hope is a republican. I don and so sitting here tonight, i dont like seeing chaos. Osi dont like seeing a mess in the lone republican body at the federal level. I will say at the same timlevel listen, my hope is coming out of this. We unite. Im going to stay out of Leadership Fights in the house. Thats up for the for the house members to decide. But i do hope we come together and say these crazy marxist, Radical Leftist that Arein Destroyingg the country we are unified against i dont know who the next speaker of they house will be, but it hope they focus on something. I called Forhoy Focu A Year Agoy a year ago, which is we should impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas right now for Absolutection Dereliction on the southern border for creating the worstrs illegal Immigration Crisis in our nations Historlegal Imys but but, senator, he tells us the border is closed and that its secure. I mean, are you not believing te them, even though well have at the end of three years at least y 8 million illegalgali immigrants that they have allowed to walk in without background or health checksund that nowor c American City has to pay for every every person at a time. We cant afford it. You mean theyre lying to us . Im shocked. He is flat out lying. Karine jeanpierre stands at the white house podium. She flat out lies every single day. And she doesnt just do so on her own. She does so on behalf of the behaident of the United States. Joe biden is flat out lying. Kamala harrif s is flathe t outr lying. And the important thing to understand what Alejandro Mayorkas is doing, its not just that hes bad at his job. Its not that hes lousy. T. He doesnt know how to do it. He wants this crisis to happen. He looks at the 7. 6 Million People that have crossed under joe biden and his reaction is that is not enough. Hes not trying to stop it. Hes not tryin notg to secure the border. Hes trying to accelerate it. He his job is he wants even more people to come, even faster illegally to this country. Their objective is to turn 7. 6 million into 10 million, intooot 12 million, a 15 million, because they look at every v one of them as future democrat voters and they do notot that give a damn about the dead bodies that are piling up in My Home State Pilin of texas. About they dont care about theth thousands of children being brutalizedou, but the womn being assaulted out of the about the over hundred thousand americans dying of drug overdoses. So americans my hope is the nexr of the house impeaches alejandro. Mayorkas then turns around and impeaches Merrick Garland right Aftek Garlanr goes right r the politicization and weaponized version of the department of justice and the fbi indicting donald trump four times, using the fbi to target the administrations enemies. I think if we lead as conservatives nk i, that is a unifying and winning message going forwar messaged. I think thats great advice for everybody. Senator, i couldnts goode t with you more. Anyway, we appreciate you being with us. Thank you, sir. And straight ahead tonight, republican infighting hit an all time high tonight. Soh tonigh w whats next for the gop . Well, well check in with congressma . N roy of texas, james comer. Also head to hannity. Com tomorrow and thursday night. Audience showsnigh new york city tickets are free. Theres a list of the short list of our instudio guests tomi lahren, tulsi gabbard, charlie hurt, jimmy failla, and much more. Hannity. 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Listen get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. All right. Tonight, the question on everyoneean qs is who wille the next speaker of the house and can republicans come together after Kevin Mccarthys historic ouster . Hi alastai to breaking news, chairman james colmer of the powerful House Oversight committee and texas congressman chip roy. Good to see you bothn chip roi. Ut you chip, weve been talking a lot, about you tonight. Its its frustrating to me. I stayed in touch with you through the whole processtwith you, Byron Donalds, scott perry, you you had two greatput alternatives. You put forwarforward. As for a continuing resolution ,would have bought time, cut deending, secure the borders, protected our vets and our defense departmentpa and. Osals those two proposals got rejected by the conservatives here. Conswhat went on . Yes, john, great to be on aao goeam t to hear from my former boss and good friend from texas, ted cruz anodexas, ted l and to be here with jamie. And like the fact of the matter is theth Democratic Party has noof interest in working with us to solve any of the problems pre American People are facing. They dont want to solve the problem of crime in the nations crime capital. That led to one of our colleagues, democrat, getting carjacke g cad a mere nine blocksthey d away from here. They dont want to deal with open borders. They dont want to dea do at rders orl to the fentanyl pouring into texas. They dont want to deal with, you know, pushing back oal with they dont want to deal with the woke agenda, killing our military. They dont want to deal with any of the pressing issuew of the day. So it is left to us to govern. It is leftis to the 221 of use to figure out how to get it done. And if we haveho some minor disagreements or even major disagreements in our party, then ur party some of that spil into the open. I wish we had pursued the path of the legislationpaislation the forward last week. We should have. I dont know who would i do wouldf youre a conservative cutting 30 from the federal Bureaucracg Froystg and Border Security with a strong bill, which we all work togetheruild pass. I wish we had done that. T no but right now im Focused Likew a laser on moving forward. Sean, we are going to unify. Were going to get throughd. Nifr and come together because weve got to go Stand Up Forcan the American People to maketate sure that we secure the border. The United States cut spending ,make sure we address the frankly, the ongoing proxy wars in ukraine and not go down that road very far. And weve got to make sure that we stan we stan d up for te who sent us here to push back on the democratic agenda. So im focused likmocratice a lr on that. Im not leaving town right now. Im here. I think eed to do our job. Ul we shouldnt adjourn. We should stay here and do what the American People sen t us here to do. And were not going to be distracted from that, in my opinion. T i, steve scalise, is making calls tonight. Are there any names that comd sm to mind that you like for speaker . Inyou like f im going to plae yet. I want to have some private conversations. Ive talked to steve and look,s mainly i want him to hes battling cancer. I had a blood cancer. D i want to make surehealth hes healthy and good for him. And his wife, jennifery r hi, will rally around someone. I assure you, this republican Conferenclly Aroue Ne to come together and rally around and look how this kind of thing happensd. K on. I dont enjoy july or in the end, this could be fine. Im not im not doom and gloom here. However, the American Peoples patience is going to run out quicut quickk. So i dont think you guys have a lot of time. You need to stay there. , not go home, lock yourselves in a room, buy pizza, buy. Come i dont care what the you out w drink and come out with a itthatsspeaker. Ankly, thats what you need to do. And frankly, its got to be somebody thats going to follow through on the promises made. Congressman colmer, im thatacti all other action in the house is going to stop, including really important investigation. How does that stand . Oing well, were going to keep moving forward. Were going to continue to read emailsforward read. Were going to continue to look at bank statements. Were going to continue to talk to Peoplcontinuetalk To E that o knowledge of what the bidens were reall y doing with Respectm To Criminal Activity and with respecinvityt to joes knowledg, were going to continue to be putting together a timelin we e so were not going to stop were going to continue from the Committee Member standpoinit for the Committee Staff standpoint. And were expecting a whole nother batch of Bank Documents to come in this week from our subpoena lassubpoet. So ill ill everythings moving forward. Were continuingeveryts to folt the money and this is an part of it, but its not stoppingppin our work this time next week if i invite you back. But we have a new speakerte chip. Yes. And i believe certainly going to work hard to do it. I mean. Yes. Okay. Wee a new w speaker yes. A week from now. Yes, i hope so. Again, i dont think we ought to leave town until we figure that out. But agai we figuren, these thin. We you know, this this countrys been through a lot worse. And a survivor. We had an we had a we hadd a tr a Treasury Secretary and vice ang. E goinuelinea okay, were going to getg through this and were going to make sure that our country goes forwarduntry mo, secure the border, get out, saying hold the Biden Administration accountable. Days youre not calling those The Good Old Days where we just say, lets go out in the back and have a duellets gobac you know, were not returning to those days anyway. Thank you both. When we come back, President Trump back in court toda ppresent y, the smirking jy thinks hes a Real Estat Dopeyee actually now opposed a gag order against the formerd us ne president. The president s attorney, elina hovell, will join us next to explain what happens aheaxpl we find missing people who have slipped through the cracks and we bring them home. We need to talk about how you figured out this location before us. Cops, we all our secretsust o found. Found. Check your local listingt a text s and streaming on peacock. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure. W. Hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Right . Sadly wow. Wow. So, suddearn. Were not about to hav need Life Insurance conversation again. Conversation again. 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Hi, im stacey and ive lost. 0 on golo i decided to try golo when i had an International Flight coming up and i realized i couldnt fly being the size that i wasi didnt. Expect i my sister in law tried golo and had lost £50, so i thought id give golo a try. I didnt expect the results i got on golo. I got on golo. I was hopeful, expect it to be like this. Golo just makes sense. This plan works. Change your life at goal. Okay . Thats. Com. Theres a book thats endure word generations been shared around the world and is still the bestselling book of all time. Theres more to the story. Explore the book you thought you knew at museum of the bible. Harris faulkner puts americas news in focus. We begin for by former President Donald Trump back in net w city todayof for the second day of the Flimsy Civil Fraud Trial Attore brought by radical liberal new York Attorney general letitiy gea james. So far, the trial has been numbe marked by a number of really bizarre moments, includingalua the 18 million valuation of martion a lago. A its only off by a minimum mr hf of 500 million or a halflion a billion dollars. Doll the judge in the case has the media to stop saying that he valued maralago at that laughably low price, when in fact he actually that ld is pinning the blame on Palm Beach County officiablame onl aa who valued it. Again, tax valuation versuins real market value. The judge has been told, are distinctly anyway fromfrom 1 18 of 27 million. Today, the judge also also issued a gag order against verbal attacksr agains against i staff. Meanwhile, a video of just how radicanst court anwhile l t now surfaced with his comments su is raising questions about his ability to stayhe impartial. Take a look at what he said in his own words sai. Rsial ev now im going to Say Something controversial, even though im being tapebeing tad, juriest wrong a lot. Thats my own opinion. Ive had situations where like, oh, my, my heavens sake,ke how could they have thought that . Well, i have a i have a tool that i can deal with that its called jury notwithstanding the verdict, judgment notwithstanding the verdict. Notwithsi can say there is no pb way that ale reasonable jury would have reached that conclusion. Im following more. Im an impartial referee, but its hard to factor outmy o my own emotionwn s. All right. Here with reaction. Formerth react president former President Trumps legal spokesperson, alina habba, is with us. All right, alina, first of all, the guy is dead wrong. And you brought it up in court today on the issue of valuation of mar a lago. Och its anywhere between a half a billion and 1,000,000,000. What part of this does he not understand . Even though the assessor told him that he should not, you know, juxtapose the two or think theyre similar . Yeahhey are , you hit the naile on the head there, sean. The reality of the situation is that the Appellate Division got it right. We have a judg r ae that has mentioned in his order, frankly, not happy with himselfe at this point that the Tax Assessment of a give n property of 18 million is absolutely not correct, given that the Fair Market Value of somebody, which woulsomebodyd pay for mar over a billion, 1. 5 billion, shouact should be completely disregarded. So you go to a Tax Assessorld B and yoe co u say, my property is worth x, thats what i should pay tax on. T its not going to be the Fair Market Value. It never is the fair value it value. Anybody thats gone to a tax assessor knows that in fac t, palm beach Tax Assessment department, the authorities ther e e put out a statement yesterday while we were in court saying what theyre saying is right, this is thee ta tax assessed value. This is nox ast the Fair Market Value. Youre conflating the two youree our point let me all the time. Let me ask you, i have a copy in my hands of the orgadisclaimers that the Trump Organization provided to banks. Ill read just a little of iton pro. Considerable judgmentud is necessary to Interpregment Da and develop the related datas of current value accordingly. The estimates presented here in are not necessarily indicative of the amounts that could be realized. The disposition of the assets or payment of related. E us the use of different Market D Assumptions and orif estimate methodologies, estimation and methodologies may haveon a Material Effect on the estimated current value amounts because of the significance, etc. Etc. You are Puttint Ceteg the burdeg where it belongs. Youre saying do not trust our valuationstrus. They can fluctuate and very dramatically itically. F. Uciary there is a fiduciary responsibility of every lender. Ty of evtheyre not going to l to the person that wants to borrow the money and what they say their property is worth. If theyre putting it up as collateral,p as ey hav they to do their own assessment. They have to get their own appraisalsey have. Or otherwise theyre not doing their job. Thats not to its ann irrelevant issue. Whatever was put in these financial Disclosurea Vant Iss a exactly, sean. And let me just be Vercty Clearm this this disclaimer is it President Trump calls it a worthless clauseworthles, whih i love that saying because i think it says it all. This is a compilatiosays in. Ia we never said it was an audited record. It is a compilatio record,n of s assessed values as a real estate act. He is real estate. Hes trump, first of all. Secondly, if you put your on trulia right now under new York State Attorney general Letitia James for a million and it sells for 800,000, youre in big trouble, folks, ts and theyre going to come after you because thats not fair. And theyll disgorge profits. Thats what this case is. And its not right. Its notcase right. This judge is a nut. You know, ive been saying i dont think the president got fair trials in new york. I dont think can get a fair trial in d. C. I dont think hes getting a fair trial in fulton county, georgia. So trial, you know, and then so well have the trial and probably guilty verdict in an election year. And then meanwhile, wherr ane he a far better chance on appeal. Thatll happen after the election. Wow. Yeah, that sounds like Election Interference Th thats what thats what it sounds like to me. Yeah. All right, elina, thank you. Wh we , hunter biden pleaded not guilty to gun charges today. Really . Ges todaand now he has to get al job. Well discuss the terms of his releas. Discuse. Conway is next as wext continue. Magnum. Magnum, who are you . Austin. Austin powers doing what i do for a living. Theres always surprises. But youre just like all new magnum p. I. Check your local listings. It was the crime that rocked the nation. Dna was found at the crime scene. 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I dont have those years anymore with jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home. Your new jacuzzi bath or shower is waiting. Now is the best time to call. Were waiving Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Go to jacuzzi, bath remodel. Com or call 800 3482867. Call now streaming now fox nation an exclusive interview with a clerk thats been accused of jury tampering. You never know what goes on behind closed doors. The fall of the house of murder. The clerk in question is streaming now on fox nation. Sign up today for, your last chance to get your first three months for 199 oh zero experience. Hunter biden arraigned in Federal Court today hunten pled notere guilty to all three charges against him. Rememberl thre that hunter stanr accused of lying on a Gun Purchase Form about his drug Addictiont Hi and then illegally owning a gun as an addict. He nowan faces 25 years in prisn and hundreds of thousands as dollars in fine as part of hisp pretrial release agreement issued today, hunter must seek employment, not use alcohol, drugs or own a gun. And he cannot change his address or Phonegun Anange and he must submit to drug testing and a Drug Rehabilitation Prograrug Tm requested. Anyway, joining us now, Fox News Contributor kellyanne requt conway. He already has a job. He could just get more money Fromould Gi Oil Giants with no experience in ukraine and china. Atsraine and chin a job, rig . Well, thats been his job. I think theyre protective d around. Hunter biden is starting to break. We know from chairmaam nd hunten investigation, sean, that the big guy was very involved. His father was very involved in his Business Dealings despite joe bidens lie to thehi American People during the debate where he said ive never discussed business with ms y son we know that thats all life in the investigation. Now, todayro , thats hunter biden on the screen. Hes a criminal defendant. This is non t civil. Didn he wasnt held not he didnt claim im not liable. He claimedt able not guilty. Oush these are serious charges. And protiarp if youre goingth to sleep with the widow of your ficeased brotherf your, make sue can handle you and handle a firearm. Because the other part of the storrehe y is that haley biden, was with whom he was having an affair after his brotherg died, god rest his soul, she threw the gun. Sh se e threw one of the firears out in a trash can. And he is on Tape Screaming at i her about this. So i think if this actually goes to trial , to have all of w that out in the open. Why does it matter . Becaushyoes e the corruption ana crimes against hunter biden and i think the bideinn family are piling up in a way that this will be litigated in 2024. Sean, theres no questio nquesti that joeon main problem with tho polls right now in the public are his age acuity, agilityty, and ability. But all of this, i believe , a pollster of decades is also baked in there. The reason he cant get an approval over disapproval on any major issue, let alone any of these personal attributes, is because people see all of this about the biden family unfolding. They know what they see, but they wonder what they cant see. They cant peek around the corners, whats being hidden, whats being covere get an al disapprd. And in the case of hunter biden and his father, the apple is still affixed hey see, to the tree. They are one and the same. And were just learning about this. Theres a criminalll the tree,r hunter biden. Now it is. B and you know what the sad part is, kellyanne . This is the low hanging fruis a nothing about farrow, nothing about , nothintutiong about then drug issues, nothing about romanig a russia, china, kazakhstan, ukraine. Yeah, not yet. Five years. They havent found that part. Kellyanne, great to see you. Nk you. All right. He unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. Programing lefthis note now we e Live Audience shows in new york city tomorrow, thursday night. Tickets are absolutely free. To Hannity Nidcom it is a rowdy crowd. We throw footballs, we have fun. Weotball yell, we scream, we do whatever we want. Tomi lahren, tulsi gabbardt. , charlie hurt, jimmy fallon. So more on the set with us tomorrow. Anyway in the meantime, thankus you for joining us. Thank you for making the show possible. O set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannitysode. In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. Greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. Life is great. Have a great night

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