Fox news at night. And breaking right now, all eyes on philadelphia after backtoback nights of rampant looting and dozens of arrests. We are monitoring what could be night three. These, on the right side of the screen, live pictures of philly. And if crime breaks out well break in live with the very latest. Meanwhile Christina Coleman is live with what happened and what were learning about the suspects arrested so far. Christina good evening. Reporter good evening trace, second round of looting and flash mob thefts reeked havoc in philadelphia last night. This comes after crowds of thieves smashed their way through stores in several parts of the city tuesday night during an hours long crime spree. The looting started that evening after a judge ruled to dismiss charges against a local Police Officer who shot and killed 27yearold Eddie Irizarry during a traffic stop in august. Demonstrators peacefully protested the judges decision however police say criminal opportunists to advantage of it and went to Town Ransacking and stealing from a whole host of businesses including foot locker, lululemon, gang stop and at least three pharmacies stealing medication. The Pennsylvania Liquor control board closed its 48 philadelphia locations after thieves smashed their way through at least 18 staterun Liquor Stores during all the mayhem, the senseless violence, not keeping some from opening back up for business. We opened at 9 00 this morning and well open again at 9 00 tomorrow. Were not going to let somebody do Something Like this thats going to break our spirit and break our commitment to the community. Reporter at least 52 people were arrested in connection to all the riots and looting, including three juveniles, two 14 year olds and a 16 year old. Very disturbing trace. Trace we are watching to see what happens again tonight, christina thank you. Trace well, the fox news at night Common Sense Department doesnt need to offer up an explanation about why looters, robbers, and shoplifters feel so emboldened to take whatever they want from wherever they want. Common sense and everyone else, for that matter, understands that crime, minus consequences, equals permission. But even when crime appears legal, the Surveillance Video showing the various shoplifters or smash and grabbers usually ends with the criminals quickly fleeing, like they did something wrong. But in Southern California, two female thieves walked into a nail salon and supply store and walked out with several hundred dollars worth of stuff. And even though all of it was caught on camera, none of it would be pursued. That is until one of the suspects returned to the scene of the crime. Not because of guilt, mind you, but because she left her phone, credit card, drivers license. The thief demanded her property be returned to her. The store owner agreed, as long as the suspect returned their property. Well, the criminal was outraged and sum Sharely Assaulted the catch ear for even asking it be returned. Common sense think thats the very definition of a crook that fears no recourse, rips someone off, return to the scene and demand you be allowed to rummage the lost and found. Lets bring in former fbi special agent nicole parker. Nicole great to have you on as always. Heres a Philadelphia Business owner and ill get your response. Watch. Since this situation has happened, a lot of people say, you know what, jay, its time for you to get out of the city. And that hurts me because i love it here. I love the people here. Theres so many good people here in philadelphia, theres only a couple bad apples that ruin it. But i think that theres a mentality here in philadelphia to, you know, get out while you can. Trace yeah, and thats kind of a common theme across the country, nicole. You have city leaders allowing bad people to force out good people. Its absolutely abhorrent, trace. Were seeing this over and over, the situation in philadelphia is absolutely disgusting. We had 50 arrests that took place and at least people were arrested because whats happened is people observe these looters across the country and theres no accountability whatsoever. So when theres no accountability the crimes will continue. One of the individuals who was arrested had been out on bail, originally charged with a third degree murder, the da reduced his charge and hes roaming the streets. Its violent offenders that are repeating over and over and over and its got to stop. Trace yeah. Meantime in baltimore, a Technology Company ceo Neighborhood Pablo was murdered this week, she was a Forbes Magazine 30 under 30 highly recognized, very successful, allegedly killed by a man who was sentenced to 30 years in prison, nicole, in 2016. Heres the Baltimore Mayor talking about this. Its Heart Breaking that she is no longer here with us. Especially at the hands of someone who, as i said the other day, should not have been on the streets in the first place. Now, we will continue to make sure that we are working with our States Attorney and our partners to make sure that he does not get that same fate again. Trace the problem, nicole, is theyre not working together. Theres nobody working together to stop this, whether its baltimore or philadelphia or san diego, it doesnt really matter. Right, and you know, this situation with this Tech Entrepreneur that was murdered, my condolences go out to her family. She had such a bright future, the forbes 30 under 30 list, that is quite an honor. And for this violent serious offender to be out on the street after originally sentenced to a 30 year sentence and they get dismissed . Its disgusting and despicable and these progressive liberal policies are ruining our country. Yeah. I want to put this up because dc now at 200 murders, a record so far. Here is the dc mayor Muriel Bowser with what she thinks might be a remedy. Watch. We need more officers. We dont have the officers that we need and, sadly, weve lost three to four hundred officers in the last four years. We havent had officers in our schools and we have policies that make it difficult to recruit new officers. People commit crimes and theyre not held accountable. Trace the mayor never called for defunding the police but she did march with black lives matter and put black lives matter in front of the white house painted on the street there. Clearly there is an idea that if you become a Police Officer the politicians wont have your back. And who wants to be a Police Officer. Would you sign up in the nations capitol today. Oh, absolutely not. I dont know any Law Enforcement officer that is enjoying working in any far left wing democratic city. It is dangerous. Elected officials dont have the backs of Law Enforcement and shes sitting here complaining but its her attitude and approach that drove out the three to four hundred Law Enforcement officers. Who is to blame other than the elected officials. Americans need to wake up. If you do not like what youre seeing in your cities you need to take it to the ballot box and elect those that believe in Law Enforcement, enforcing the law and backing the blue. Trace we remind them again and again they voted for these things, whether its Sanctuary Cities or defunding the police you voted for this. Nicole parker great to have you on as always thank you. Thank you. Trace did you see this . Because President Biden went to california and arizona, two border states though he did not actually visit the border where thousands of migrants are crossing illegally every day. Marianne rafferty is live with the very latest on this. Maryanne good evening. Reporter good evening, trace. President biden has spent the last two days in arizona and california, states that venn a hot bed of illegal immigration and thats why the president is facing fierce backlash for attending events and fund raisers instead of seeing the results of his Border Policies firsthand. We had the lowest rate have illegal immigration in 45 years and all joe biden had to do was not screw it up, just continue to follow 0 the law. They need to take this as a priority. Theres still no clear path to address this issue from the white house. Reporter and customs and Border Patrol sources telling fox news there have been nearly 50,000 migrant encounters in the last five days alone with roughly 25,000 now in custody. Border patrol agents have privately said theyre at their breaking point. Meanwhile the border did get a high profile visitor today, tesla founder and x ceo elon musk joined representative Tony Gonzalez to tour eagle pass where our team on the ground says theres been more than 2,000 migrant crossings every day for a town that has a population just under 30 thousand trace. Trace can you imagine the ratios there . Marianne thank you. Carl demaio reformed chair man, and Pete Peterson Pepperdine School of Public Policy. Gentlemen welcome to you both. I want to play this sound, yuma county supervisor talking about President Bidens arizona visit, not to the border but to arizona. Watch. Ive invited him several times come and see for himself the challenges that he has created in border communities. I dont believe hes got enwithin 200 miles of the international crossings. Trace i mean, its kind of hard pete to say the border is secure if you actually go down there and see that its not secure then what do you say. This seems to be a pattern with this president. You know, he came into office promising to be this compassion ate. But when you look at the crisis whether it be maui, he still hasnt gone to East Palestine with the issue there. Hes only been to the border once and that really is the Major National crisis of our time. Hes just not present. And this leads to this continuing impression of the president that hes disconnected from these major crises. Trace i know karl youre talking about this on your radio show in california thousands of migrants are being dropped off in the streets of san diego very close to the boards. Here is bored of supervisors jim desmond watch. Our Immigration System is broken. In the absent of Efficient Government resources and support. It is a clear we, San Diego County, we cant just continue down this path. And so we must declare this Current Situation a humanitarian crisis. Trace it could be eric adams. It could be i mean, it could be a bunch of these leaders across the country, they all have the same problem we cant sustain this. Anybody going to knock on Gavin Newsoms dor and say maybe this is an issue you need to deal with. No, by the way there was a unanimous fifty of two democrats and two republicans on the San Diego County board of supervisors calling for Government Action at the border but they were very nebulous about it because you need to have these democrats not get too far out over their skis on this. They need to call for an immediate surge at the border of personnel, National Guard certainly, plus we have to go back to the policies that President Trump had shown was were able to stem the flow. And thats remain in mexico, empower Border Patrol agents. I met with Border Patrol agents this week, the morale is at an all time low they say their hands are tied, San Diego County 9700 migrants in the last 11 days, of 5 00 tonight they will break 10,000 as of close of business tomorrow. Trace if you look at the numbers, pete and carl both, hes talking 11,000 plus, those are the encounters, not the gotta ways, not the ones that snuck in all together. There are on any given day 13 to 14 thousand Border Patrol agents covering the border, 500 miles, they just cant handle it and theyre being moved to different areas so theyre being pulled away from the check points and in comes the fentanyl so forth. But im getting behind myself. New york city now distributing flyers at the southern border, theyve been distributing them but heres the new one were going to put up on the screen. New york city is one of the most expensive cities in the world theyre telling migrants. Go to a more affordable city. San diegos right down the road you might as well go there, right, pete. The impression in the New York City case is most migrants are being buffed in from texas and the texas governor. That is not the case right now. In the last year, there have been about 120,000 migrants that they know have come into new york. 60,000 of those are currently in homeless shelters. So the same thing with san diego, youre looking at major Unfunded Mandates coming down from the federal government, not protecting the border and all of those problems being put on city and state government. Trace yeah. 15 seconds carl. 11,000 is what the New York City taxpayers have to spend every month for each migrant for hotel rooms. City of san diego is about 7,500 for just motel rooms. Those are Taxpayer Funds going to Illegal Immigrants who should not be here in the first place. This is a complete disaster and biden refuses to do anything about it. Trace does indeed. Carl demaio, Pete Peterson gentlemen thank you the Impeachment Inquiry under President Biden is underway. Kevin corke is live with exactly what republicans are saying theyre investigating. Kevin good evening. Reporter good evening trace theyre saying there is something there there when it comes to the finns regarding hunter and joe biden. But frankly today it was anything but smooth sailing for House Republicans because, yes, wile they are taking their time and creating this latest step, whats likely to end up in an impeachment, well, they ran into a few, lets say setbacks with their witnesses today. Among them Fox News Contributor and Gw Law Professor Jonathan Turley who actually told the committee he did not believe that the Current Evidence would support articles of impeachment. That is, of course, before, adding that, yeah, he thought an inquiry was fair gachlt Oversight Committee chair james comer continues to lead the charge. For years, President Biden has lied to the American People about his knowledge of and participation in his familys corrupt business schemes. Evidence reveals that, then vicepresident joe biden spoke, dined and developed relationships with helps familys foreign Business Targets. These Business Targets include foreign oligarchs who sent millions of dollars to his family. Reporter millions of dollars to his family. Thats going to be something youll hear a lot. Meantime House Democrats accuse republicans of a different type of corruption, suggesting they are abusing their power to target the president. We are wasting our time. This is an embarrassment. An embarrassment to the time and people of this country. Reporter hers is a sentiment obviously shared about the white house which tonight in a statement said of House Republicans, they should focus on doing their jobs to avoid economic disaster. Not these Partisan Dc Games that have nothing to do with Helping Americans lives. And there will be more of that im sure, trace. Trace more i be deed. Kevin corke live in dc. Kevin thank you. Lets bring in former Deputy Assistant attorney general john yoo, john, fox news writes the following quoting here, the 250,000 wire hunter biden received from his Chinese Business partners was labeled as a, quote, personal investment despite his legal team claiming the funds were part of a loan and previously saying he never received any return on his investments. So the money is for, quote, a personal investment and yet the team biden said they never received any return on his investment. What do you think of that, john . Todays hearing shouldnt overshadow the good work that comer and his investigators are doing. They are the ones, not the Justice Department, they are the ones uncovering things like this wire, which seem to just be payments in exchange for nothing. A noshow job. The Justice Department actually prosecutors American Company who does this with the sons of Foreign Government leaders. So the problem with the hearing today is that it was establishing the legal grounds for starting an Impeachment Inquiry. A lot of people wanted to see new facts but the committee has been releasing those facts over the last few weeks as they discovered them including the news of this kind of wire that went of course to President Bidens home address in fact. Trace on that note i want to check you on the timing john to make sure were on the same payabling and what you think of it. The wire was sent to joe bidens house in july of 2019. The white house said that hunter lived there during covid but yet covid was a yearplus in the future. It just doesnt quite jive. This is what the Comer Investigation has to nail down. People are saying, whats next . Whats going to happen with this committee . We only have the initial evidence that you just need to start an inquiry. Thats just like starting a criminal investigation. Thats different than proof beyond a reasonable doubt which you prove at courtroom. So you need to get questions to witnesses. You need to bring in people like hunter himself under oath like other biden Family Members under oath. Because not only do we need to find out about more about the money, the 25 million that came in, we need to know where the money went. And then did President Biden and his family actually do anything in exchange for that money. And were there any coverups of any federal investigations into it. Trace i want to play this, Jonathan Turley, i have 15 seconds on the back side for you, john, watch. In fact, i do not believe that the Current Evidence would support articles of impeachment. That is something that an inquiry has to establish. But i also do believe that the house has passed the threshold for an Impeachment Inquiry into the conduct of President Biden. Trace dont see the fire but boy there is smoke. Your final thoughts on this, john. Theres way more evidence here to start an Impeachment Inquiry than there was, i think, with President Trumps first impeachment involving ukraine that went on three years ago. Trace yeah. John yoo great to have you on as always. Meantime a Civil Fraud Trial Against Former President Trump will begin as planned on monday after an Appellate Court judge refused to grant mr. Trumps request for a delay. With us now former spokesperson alina habba former president s now spokeswoman alina habba. Michael cohen, trumps former attorney, his fixer, said this. Lets not for get, alina hob a made a terrible error, trumps attorney, by failing to check off a certain box that had the case as a jury trial. It is now a bench trial. So judge and goron will be the seoul decider on what the damages are. Trace yeah, no surprises cohens going after you, hes going after pretty much everybody alaina. Your thoughts . Oh, im so happen you asked me about this, i cant even tell you. Michael cohen im not sure youve seen a courtroom before, im pretty sure you havent other than when i beat you a few months ago. But lets remember something. Those of us that do litigate under that under 63 c12 which is what this case is, you dont have a right, an absolute right to a jury. And that doesnt mean that i could check a box michael. So next time you should do a Little Research before you bash somebody. Im not surprised. But, look, this is a man who has made a career of being relevant by Walking Around from prosecutor to prosecutor, from 3letter Government Investigations to investigations to try and take down trump. Thats his identity. So its not surprising to me that a man is upset with me. Look, he tried to sue President Trump. We beat him. That was not very well publicized because the left media doesnt want you to know. But this is who this guy is. So i really hope, you know, he is careful with his words, he should be. He should educate himself but this is a man who doesnt have a license in the Southern District of new york, as we all know, called him a fraud and he went to jail i have about 30 seconds for you, what do you make about the former president s children being dragged into this and the New York Times saying he could lose some of his Marquis Properties . What a disgrace. The Trump Organization is an amazing american story about business owned by a family. And now theyve used his politics to go against his children. I mean, its terriblement never mind him and the 850plus employees that work for this organization who i know and love. This is a terrible thing. And these children and all of them, have done nothing wrong. Its a disgrace and its a political witch hunt. Its a witch hunt now on children and family because they dont like trump. By the way our country was doing a whole lot better. Trace it starts on monday. Alina thank you so much for coming on meantime coming up a Virginia School board is hit with a lawsuit brought by parents who demand they stop ignoring governor youngkins policies. And Vivek Ramaswamy last night called on teens to avoid social media. Do you think people under age 16 should be banned from using apps like tik tok and instagram . Let us know on x and instagram at Trace Gallagher. Weigh in well show you the results and read the best responses in the nightcap. 8 21 on the west coast. Heres a fox news at night trip across america. Heres a live look on avalon bay a on the coast of Southern California about 29 miles away. And now on to protective stadium in Birmingham Alabama home of the uab blazers. Its not tuscaloosa but good night lyla grace and roll tide and live look at boston university, if you cant join us live, dont forget to dvr. Were coming right back. Neither snowcapped mountains, nor puddles of water, nor unexpected detours with a 20 foot drainage pipe, can stop the ruggedly capable telluride xpro from getting you to your Dinner Reservation on time. Okay listen, your deodorant just has to work. I use secret aluminum free. Just swipe and it lasts all day. Secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. And hours later, i still smell fresh. Secret works ohhh yesss. Its because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. Im at a point now where ive outgrown my house. Growing up, every me id get out of the shower, i would itch. My First Experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. Tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. If youd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i wouldve told you youd lost your mind. Mara, are you sure you dont want To Go Bowling with us tonight . Yeah. No. Theres my little marzipan [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs were just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ Imitates Trumpet Playing ] and we wanted to thank americas numberone Motorcycle Insurer for saving us money. Thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are exactly like me . I know, right . Well, cherish your friends and loved ones. Lets roll, daddio lets boogiewoogie . Trace a Virginia School district now being sued by parents who say they violated the republican governors guidance on transgender policies. Kevin corke is back with us live with whats in the lawsuit and how the governor reacted. Kevin. Reporter trace, Governor Glenn Youngkin here in the Commonwealth Of Virginia obviously right across the bridge says local School Districts dont really have a choice in adopting his administrations new policies for the treatment of transgender students, warning that the remaining holdouts are frankly putting themselves in legal jeopardy. Quote, theres no decision to be made here. Our law is crystal clear. The governors position, according to supporters, bolsters the fundamental rights of parents. That is, if a child isnt old enough to make any number of basic decisions about their life and their Health Without parental consent, because they lack capacity and experience, well, this should be no different. You cant get a tylenol or aspirin in a School Without parental permission, how in the world can you begin to talk to a child about questioning their own gender without parents being deeply engaged . Reporter lot of parents will agree with that position. Now the lawsuit, trace, argues that Virginia School boards have to adopt governor youngkins administrations policies which roll back many accommodations for socalled transgender students urged by the previous administration, the democratic Governor Ralph Northam trace. Trace lets bring in Bethany Mandel and, for American Federation and senior fellow and author of the new book the parent revolution. Corey, bethany, thank you for coming on. Bethany to you first, what do you make of the lawsuit to force the School Districts, this is in your area, to adopt the governors transgender policies . This is exactly why youngkin was elected. This was a purple state that leans blue and he was able to get elected in virginia because parents understood that he was their fighter. And this is him following through on that promise of why he was elected. I think its fantastic and he thinks its fantastic. Hes pushing this hard and he should be. Trace i want to move on corey to you because the los angeles unified School District is quoting here a week of action. Each day devoted to a different lgbtq plus celebrity. This is for Elementary School as young as five, Monday Jazz Jennings Lgbt Activistment tuesday Marsha Johnson transender. Thursday a gay wnba star and Friday Gay Former nfl athlete. A lot of parents are asking the same question, cant we teach the kids to read right and teach math. Taxpayers arent getting what they paid for. They pay 20,000 per student a year not getting basics right why are they focusing on other topics. Its so strange how the far left is focused on inserting topics into Elementary Schools, focus on the basics, get the matt reading and arithmetic correct. Trace thats it. Bethany you look at the numbers from city journal, 59 of third graders cant do math correct in los angeles. Free throw of third graders cant do english yet the journal says pupils chair experiences of discrimination or privilege along 12 action ease including race Gender Identity Sexual Assault Mental Health and body size. This mapping allows seven year olds to see themselves as the lens of intersection ality. What do you this i about that bethany . The left has controlled the American Public Education System for decades and they are failing and they are flailing and they understand that they have no answers, they have no way of righting this ship. And so they are shifting their focus to all this Lgbt Indoctrination and trying to distract us. And, honestly, the right is falling for it in some ways but we have to fight back against it. We cant just let them decide that the Public School system is now where you learn about et jot page. We need to understand that this is how theyre shifting away from the fact that they are failing americas kids. Trace it really is big time. Were talking about by the way the second School District. Los angeles has now rescinded the covid vax mandate for employees because, what theyre telling us, corey, is because there is evolving medical data just in the past ten days, that thats the reason theyre doing this. Heres an attorney, her name is Jennifer Kennedy at the lausd school board meeting. Watch. In the name of health, you demanded that employees submit to an irreversible Eua Injection A medical procedure with documented risks like blood clots, myocarditis, stroke and death. In the name of safety you demanded submission to the shot that never did, never could, and still does not prevent infection with or transmission of sars cov2. Trace Talking Brand New science corey. Theres bs in that brand new science thing but that aint it. Where have they been the past few years. We knew this all along and the Grocery Stores were open tprivate schools were open, the Public Schools should have been open too. The reality is Teachers Union held childrens Education Hostage to receive multi billion dollars payments from taxpayers. We saw in los angeles they had a report on safely reopening schools. They wanted a Wealth Tax Police free schools, medicare for all in order to reopen schools. It was a hostagetaking scenario but im glad they overplayed their hand because parents got to see what the hell was going on in the classroom and so many parents have woken up and pushed back at School Board Meetings but theyre showing up at the ballot box too to hold authoritarians responsible once and for all. Trace it opened a lot of parents eyes over the past three years. Bethany corey great to have you on as always, thank you meantime a former professor at Hunter College in New York City seen holding a machete at a New York Post reporters throat in may appears to have a new teaching job this fall. Heres correspondent nate toy. Reporter Shailene Rodriguez appears to be teaching students again in New York City. Shes listed as an Ad Jufrjt Professor at the Cooper Union School of art, a parttime position at the school which offers degrees in Architecture Engineering and fine arts. Back in may she reportedly accused Hunter College of capitulating to racist wyatt nationalist and misogynist when the school fired her after this. Get away from my [bleep]. Get the [bleep] away from my door. Lets get out of here. These videos are from the New York Post which shares common ownership with fox news. You see Rodriguez Chase The Photographer outside her apartment with the machete. She eventually turned herself in to police to face one count of menacing and one count of harassment. She smiled at the cameras while leaving the Police Station for the courthouse. This happened after she aggressively approached a Pro Life Student at Hunter College. This is [bleep] propaganda. What are you going like antitrans [bleep], [bleep]. Reporter Hunter College and the School Of Visual Arts fired rodriguez after her arrest but she believes shes the victim. Rodriguez is due back in court on monday, expected to be there in person, but as the Legal Process plays out it seems she is back to teaching just four months after being fired. The Cooper Union School of art did not respond to fox news request for comment. Trace. Trace nate foy, thank you. Coming up the mayor of San Francisco says she has a new felon solve the drug crisis in her city and a lot of democrats dont like it. Still ahead a parents Worst Nightmare well tell you what one couple found in their babys stroller. And a bear crashes a Birthday Party. The days best viral videos next. Heres a live look at the city by the bay, San Francisco, 35 minutes past 8 00 here in california and we will be right back. Dry skin is sensitive skin, too. And its natural. Treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. Formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. Its clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. Aveeno® to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. 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Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. Serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. People 50 and older with at least 1 Heart Disease risk factor have higher risks. Dont take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. Put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. Ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. Trace first up in tonights real news roundup the United Auto Workers union may expand strike to more auto plants tomorrow. The strike is now on day 14 with no deal yet in place. The union has shut down one Assembly Plant at each of the Big Detroit Three plants as well as dozens of parts and distribution centers. California governor gavin newsom signed a bill today that requires Fast Food Restaurants with more than 60 locations in the nation to pay their employees at least 20 bucks an hour. The law will take effect in april of next year and, yes, the price of a big mac is certain to go up. Its time for us to get serious with treatment and with support for those suffering from addiction in light of what has happened with the number of people who are dying. Trace that is San Franciscos democratic mayor london breed announcing a new plan that requires residents to comply with drug testing and treatment programs before getting welfare checks. The mayor says San Franciscos a city of compassion and accountability, but the plan will get some bush jack from her progressive counterparts on the city council. Lets where i in psychiatrist and former ms. Laguna beach. Dr. Yalda safai. Dr. Safai great to have you on. Shes saying listen the Homeless Services to get them, you need to have treatment and you need to be clean. Is there a possibility of this actually happening . This is really tricky because on the one side when someones plagued with addiction, every money they have, any cent they make goes into feeding their addiction. If were giving these Vulnerable People money were part of the problem. Were perpetrators basically. On the one hand theres that. On the other hand, if a persons struggling with addiction doesnt have money to get drugs, whats going to happen . Crimes probably going to go up. So if youre going to take the money away from people who are struggling with addiction, you have to implement policies to help them. Trace fair assessment. I want to move on because last night we were at the debate and interviewed Vivek Ramaswamy a couple of times. So he said a couple of things that would be very interesting to you. First he said that he was, well, in fact lets just play this and well talk to the doctor about it. Heres the sound bite one. I have to be very clear about this. Transgenderism, especially in kids, is a Mental Health disorder. We have to acknowledge the truth of that for what it is. Trace telling a psychiatrist it is a Mental Health disorder. What do you make of that statement . According to the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual of psychiatry, which is the bible of psychiatry, currently Gender Dysphoria is categorized as a disorder. However, trace, youve got to keep in mind there was once a time homo Sexual Assault was also considered a disorder so im just going to leave it at that. Trace yeah. So you would debate that with vivek about the outcome so where is he getting that . Do you think hes actually getting it from the book itself . It is coming from book itself, thats true. But we also evolve. Up until 1990 we thought homo Sexual Assault was an illness we no longer think that so maybe in ten years or so it wont be in the book anymore. Trace the second thing he said was about social media. Watch. And this isnt a Republican Point or a democrat point, but if youre 16 years old or under, you should not be using an addictive social media product, period. Trace the conversation was really about tik tok, dr. Safai, right . Then it kind of morphed into social media overall and, you know, i was talking to him on the set and i asked him about this and he said look this is the way it should be you have to cut it off at some point and i think 16 years old is a point. He compared it to fentanyl and hes absolutely right. Addiction is addiction, right . Theyre all kind of reinforced with the secretion of dopamine, we talked about this before. But cutting social media at the age of 16 might not be practical. Since when does a 15 year old listen when you tell them not to do something. I think we need a better policy for this. I think we as adults dont know how to handle our own phone addiction. So were not good examples for our children. So lets start with ourselves. Trace as the father of two girls and i can tell you by the time they were 13 or 14, they were fully emersed in social media and its really hard, because all of their friends are also emersed in social media. Really hard to say you need to put that down, that is no longer allowed. Like what . What do you mean. Exactly. Trace its just tough to police that kind of stuff. Exactly. Trace so, yeah, thats the thing. Dr. Safai thank you as always. We appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Trace well, first up in tonights viral videos, a Hump Jack Whale was rescued after it got tangled up in rope and chains attached to a whooy ten miles off the coast of australia. The rescue team at sea world freed the whale after about 15 minutes where it rejoined other whales along that migration rout. What or not what you want to see hitching a ride right . A tennessee couple was shocked to find, and you have to look close, a venomous Copperhead Snake inside their babys stroller. You can see it, right, pop its head up and slither around in the carriage. Luckily the parents spotted the snake before they put the baby inside. And talk about an unwelcomed party guest, In Mexico A Bear crashed a boys Birthday Party by jumping on the table and munching down tacos and french fries. The boys mother remained still as she covered her boys face and avoided eye contact with the bear. Just dont touch the bear. The bear eventually left because it was full and they ordered brand new food for the rest of the party. If you have a viral video to share, share it with us at Trace Gallagher or at fox news night on social media. Okay. So here we go. Coming up, we still got dr. Safai sitting here and this is great because the age old question were going to ask you we just asked her. Do you think people under 16 should be banned from using social media . Theres a lot of discrepancy. Its not just black and white like we said. A lot of people have different views on this. Theres still time for you to weigh in on x and instagram at Trace Gallagher. The Nightcap Crew is next and maybe the doctor changes her story. Maybe she changes her answer. But first, a live look at meade bay and the island of antigua in the british west indies. We are coming right back with social media and age limits. On your period, sudden gushes happen. Say goodbye gush fears thanks to always ultra thins. With rapiddry technology. That absorbs two times faster. Hellooo clean and comfortable. Always. Fear no gush. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. 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I think we shouldnt count on the government to do parenting for us. This is a choice parents should be making and its hard to enforce from Public Policy as well as in your own household but parents have to start somewhere and i think 16 is a good age. But, god bless us if were going to try to enforce it in any way. Trace its really interestling. Kevin corke do you have any changes on what bethany said . You know i agree with her a hundred percent. Your job as a parent is to parent. And i think if you teach your children properly, theyll mostly make decent decisions. Sometimes theyll fall off but i dont think thats a reason to not let them have access to that. Trace i think Christina Coleman and maryanne both have children here and its interesting because you have to go through this social circle, right . Because all of their friends are also on social media, christina, and it really is hard to tell your child that they can no longer hang out with their fends even if its online. Right, and i find that kids are going to get ahold of what they want to get ahold of. Its important for us as parents to put in context what theyre seeing, to know what theyre seeing, to monitor it and teach them to be responsible. But if you do notice your childs going down a rabbit hole on line and getting involved in something scary then absolutely take it away. Trace its interesting. I want to see if dr. Yalda safai has changed her theory on this at all, maybe you havent, because the whole thing is as you were talking about addiction, and you wouldnt give kids anything that would make them addicted under the age 16 and yet we are doing it in this case. Its like forbidding fruit right . You tell a 15yearold not to do something theyre going to want to do it, theyre going to find a way to do it. Its not practical. I would say find limits based on how old your kid is but a ban is not going to work. Trace carl demaio your thoughts. I was kind of surprised when he brought it up at the debate last night because were not for bans, were for freedom and exercise your freedom responsible and thats how parents are supposed to teach kids. Sometimes mistakes are Learning Opportunities and i think that bans are just again enfringing upon freedom. Trace marianne rafferty. My 11 year old has not asked to be on social media and im going to stretch that out as long as i can because its nice having dinner and talking so, you know, no electronics at dinner. Trace weve gotten everybody in there. Instagram the poll says yes, 73 on x say you should be banned, instagram 69 . Numbers higher than i thought. Dina ray says social media is detrimental to everybodys Mental Health but adults have more Coping Mechanisms and thicker skin to handle the toxic interactions. Philip i said no because the pressure is too great for Young Americans to keep up and unfortunately social media is our town hall. Cindy said i kind of wish it was banned for all of us. Life was so much better for all of us. Thank you for joining the nightcap and for watching americas late news. N. Im Trace Gallagher. See you back here. I went into a depression. how do you feel about that . pretty sad. I posted it to show that kennys not always happy. Within 24 hours people had donated over 5,000. No, youre kidding. we set up the Patriotic Kenny Foundation to give Mobility Scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this wouldve happened without tiktok. judge jeanine hello

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