Republican president ial primary debate at the Reagan Library in simi valley. The candidate battle to breakthrough the crowd on a jampacked stage. Welcome to the second Republican Debate of the 2024 primary, live from the ronald Reagan Library in simi valley, california. This is time for those of us with experience and conservative agenda that Ronald Reagan brought forward. If you are prolife, you have to be prolife for the entire life. The former president is missing in action, he should be here explaining his comment. Militarize the southern border, stop funding sanctuary cities. Last debate he said we were bought and paid for, i cant imagine how you can say that when you were in business with the Chinese Communist party. [talking over each other] Everybody Knows that. If i may address you hung your curtains. They were there before i showed up at the residence. You are scrapping. Here is a fact, though. I loaded up do not incontinued to go ahead like this. Chris, you mentioned the president s situation, my wife is not a member of the Teachers Union, i have to admit ive been sleeping with a teacher for 38 years. The debate can take you to wild places. You are watching Fox And Friends First on thursday morning. Im carley shimkus. Todd i am todd piro, i will not talk over you and i will not judge the Window Covering in your office, i wont do that. Taking a lot of punches. California governor gavin newsom played defense for the commanderinchief. We have a ton of analysis this morning. We begin with Brooke Singman who has the key moments. Brooke. Brooke the gloves came off in california. Of the seven candidates, one in particular bore the brunt of the attacks that is entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Last debate he blasted his opponents as being bought and paid for by china. Tim scott pointed out his business was with a chinese company. You were in business with Chinese Communist party and same people that funded hunter biden, as well. That is nonsense. I will respond. These are good people taint by a broken system and it is not the fault of excuse me. Thank you for speaking while interrupting. I said bought and paid for. You cant be on both sides. Gentlemen, youll have your turn. Focus On The Issues that matter. Everybody knows that. If i may address i actually agree with ron desantis. Brooke former South Carolina governor nikki haley didnt let up on the political newcomer when he fended off using tiktok despite ccp ties. I have radical idea for the Republican Party, we need to win elections, reaching The Next Generation of Young Americans where they are. This is infuriating, tiktok is one of the most dangerous Social Media Apps we can have. It is. Every time i hear you, i feel dumber for what you say. Brooke the fired up former ambassador also unleashing on ron desantis on energy independence, watch this. Ron desantis is against fracking and drilling. That is ridiculous. You did it. You banned fracking. I governor desantis, this is for you. Our voters enacted constitutional amendment. You banned it before they voted and not only that, they didnt vote on fracking. Brooke the candidate that took the most heat wasnt even on the stage. Donald trump hides behind the walls of his golf clubs and wont show up to answer questions like the rest of us. He put 7 trillion on the debt, he should be in the room to answer questions. You are ducking these things, what is going to happen, no one up here will call you donald trump, we will call you donald duck. He owes it to you to defend his record where they added 7. 8 thrillion to the debt, that set the stage for inflation we have. Brooke donald trump was rallying with autoworkers in battleground michigan. I spoke to him late last night and he says he has no regret. I thought it was much more important, considering i have a 56point lead to be dealing with the uaw and the Biden Admin Stlagz is going to destroy their jobs by going all electric. His Campaign Says he will not attend the third gop debate expected in november. Carley interesting comments from the former president there. Bring in Justin Wallen about the debate that took place yesterday. Good morning to you. Second debate in the book, who is your top finisher . Its a difficult question to answer. You could see the pressure on all the candidates to stand out, there was a lot of squabbling and talking over each other. It is difficult for me to say that anyone really did rise above the fray. I think decent arguments can be made. All seven candidates spent two hours and none of them differentiated themselves from each other. Todd that is true to an extent. Out of the seven, the one that stood out was ron desantis. He also did an excellent job of driving home what he did in florida really well. That said, justin, lets put up this poll. An iowa poll, donald trump is over 50 . Well go to, i believe New Hampshire, over 50 , as well. Was any of what you saw last night enough to close the gap . Not by a longshot. That is what i was talking about when we started. There were points that were well made. With a gap like that, 30 points in National Polls and 40 points, it is almost insurmountable lead without a breakout Moment Thachl takes sparkle we didnt see there. We saw a lot of people punching at their weight or below their weight, no one punching above their weight, that is what it will take to be a competitor against donald trump. Carley sean hannity spoke to gavin newsom, who was giving the democratic rebuttal. Listen to this moment about whether or not he plans to run for president in 2024. Watch this. Sean yes or no, will you ever accept the democratic nomination to run for president in 2024 . Under any circumstances at all, yes or no . Im looking forward, i was just in chicago i dont need the long answer, yes or no, will you accept this under any circumstances . Of course not, it is hypothetical. Yes or no . No. Under any circumstances . It is ridiculous, joe biden is our president. Sean did you call me ridiculous . Pay for my in and out burger. Joe biden won. Carley gavin newsom said no, sean hannity had to drag it out of him. How do you read that . Do you think joe biden is 100 going to be the candidate in 2024 on the democratic side . I think practically speaking, yes. We have to balance with one, clearly, the california governor has clear political ambition on the national stage, no question about that. Given the opportunities, i think he would jump at it, but the opportunity would have to be dramatic. I dont think he has the appetite to go headtohead in a primary, it would be something where President Biden withdrew for some Unforeseen Health reason. I dont see that happening unless something happens with a health reason. Todd i think biden won the debate, candidates didnt attack bidenomics. You have debate on fox business and there wasnt a percentage of the debate enough of focus on bidenomics. Second, in and out is amazing, no can disagree. Justin wallin, thank you. Today is big day for joe biden, first hearing on Impeachment Inquiry into biden family corruption. Carley we have david webb, Lawrence Jones and jimmy failla breaking down the biggest moments from last nights debate. Dont go anywhere. Hey peyton, thanks for hosting Slider Sunday. You got it but arent we missing something . Hmmm. Look who saved Slider Sunday again wow. Eli eli eli here we go. A perfect kings hawaiian slider. Tastes good too classic eli. Love that guy seriously . Kings hawaiian Slider Sunday. The only way to sunday somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. uplifting music nothing is everything im celebrating my clearer skin. My way. With skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. In another study, most people had 90 clearer skin, even at 5 years. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. Thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi this is my moment. Theres nothing on my skin and that means everything nothing is everything nows the time. Ask your doctor about skyrizi, the 1 dermatologistprescribed biologic in psoriasis. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Todd there is other nondebate news on thursday morning. House republicans releasing Memo Outlines what they will present today in the biden Impeachment Hearing. Carley Lucas Tomlinson is in washington with the details. Good morning. Lucas good early morning, House Republicans set to show their cards today as the first Impeachment Hearing gets underway. House speaker Kevin Mccarthy says his investigators have uncovered serious allegations, here is some according to the memo. Biden family and partners received over 24 million from foreign sources over five years. Business deals intersected with bid bidens one of the first witnesses is bruce debinsky, he says there is a great deal of evidence collected to date by the committee, the American People deserve to know the truth. Well planned investigation should not be subverted by political motivation or aspiration. Here is jason smith from the ways and means committee. It is clear joe bidens political power and influence was the brand, that hunter biden was selling all over the world. More alarming, biden family foreign pedalling suggest effort to sway u. S. Policy decisions. Lucas the white house thinks the launch is a misdirection play to talk about Something Else, instead of the looming government shutdown. I think it is clear extreme House Republicans want to distract from their own chaos and inability to govern and keep the government open. You see that with just two days ahead of a potential shutdown, trying to distract the public and press with this fake Impeachment Hearing where they will just keep pushing baseless allegations against the president. Lucas according to a fox news poll, half the country think the Impeachment Proceedings are legit, the other half bogus, the numbers are split along party lines. Todd no surprise there. Thank you. Something that is split along party lines to an extent, the menendez situation. Bob menendez will face his caucus for the first time after pleading not guilty to multiple bribery charges, more than half democrats are calling for his resignation including cory booker. Chuck schumer stopped short of calling for menendez to step down. Menendez and his wife are accused of being bribed with gold bars and 450,000 in cash in exchange for u. S. Secrets and favors for businessmen. You have republicans like tom cotton who say we need to have a first before we ask him to resign. Carley remember the College Reporter who threatened a reporter with a machete . She just got a new job, see what it is. Todd and setting the history straight on black history curriculum. That was a hoax by Kamala Harris, we will not do that. Stop playing these games. Todd david webb here with his top takeaways, dont miss it. 00 oi hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . It is lets get out of here. You cant do that. Todd remember her . New york city professor who threatened to stab a reporter with a machete has a new teaching job. Rodriguez was charged with criminal possession of a weapon and Second Degree menacing when New York Post reporters asked for comments about a video of her yelling at students. Rodriguez was fired from Hunter College after that video went viral. Fastforward four months and she is listed as Sk Black History Curriculum says, slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for personal benefit, for slaves, this is personal, what is your message to them . That is a hoax perpetrated by Kamala Harris. Take the line out. That was written by descendants of slaves, stop playing games. Florida is showing how it is done, standing with parents and kids are benefiting. Carley Florida Governor ron desantis faced criticism from Vice President Kamala Harris for Teaching Students that slaves benefited from slavery. David webb joins me now. Good morning to you, david. This is a tricky one for ron desantis to navigate, how do you think he did . I dont think it is that tricky when it comes to the truth. I followed this. I live in florida. There was a lot of fraud in this including attack broward county. Desantis is right about this. The curriculum is a good curriculum. I deal with a lot of education issues, you know that, i have for 20 years. He put up the facts and truth and laid it out clearly. I want to point Something Else out. Tim scott played this game and i dont like this about him. It is not personal. Years ago, when he was pulled over for driving while black, as he put it. He talked about how it represented him and implied it represented every black person in america. He did something similar last night. Im a black man, i have been pulled over for speeding, not for driving while black. Intellectually, if you look at slavery and what blacks took and brought here and learned in advance, when they were finished with slavery and thankfully so, they went on to use what they know to benefit and support themselves. There is intellectual comment that is honest, than the attack. That is false, we have to be honest about things that happen. Carley education conversation did not stop there. Ron desantis had this to say last night. We didnt just talk about parents bill of rights, we enacted the parents bill of rights, elim natoed Critical Race Theory and we have constitution in our schools just like president reagan asked for in his Farewell Address in 1999. Carley name a topic and i will tell you how i tackled it already, do you think that will pay off in the polls . It might and might pay off for many who sat on the sidelines, especially donors. First debate was not that great for ron desantis. Second debate, he overshot in a good way. Low expectitions, he benefited from being direct. Hunter biden front, new Text Messages released yesterday showing conversation between him and his uncle james biden, where he says he is broke and he needs his dads help. This is december 29, 2018, i can work when im in New York City all day everyday but i cant pay alimony without dad or tuition or for food and gas, really it is all gone. I wanted to live by you and teach my course at penn and maybe develop another one to which james biden responded, this is work, you need a safe harbor, i can work with your father, we need several months for his help for this to work. Aside from this being shocking considering the amount of money he was taking in at the time, this shows how intertwined the biden Family Finances truly are. One is the bag man, who controls the money . What is it with bidens Teaching College courses . His father didnt. Carley just here and there. Can you imagine a drug addict thrown out of the navy or recovering drug addict will teach what . About drugs and prostitutes and other Illicit Activity . Who controls the money . Who do you have to sell . Is hallebiden point of sale no . James biden . No. Former Vice President is the person with influence. Carley big news yesterday, hunter biden was getting wire transfers at joe bidens home after joe biden announced he was running for president in 2020. They say follow the money that is what House Republicans are doing today. It is only way to get to joe biden to tie him to this. It is not the gun charge, follow the money, bank records. The lies are obvious. You see progression of lies by denials. Carley well hear more about it in the Impeachment Hearing this morning 10 a. M. Start time. Thank you. Over to you. Todd new video from a second night of looting in philadelphia and chaos in the cities felt on the debate stage as Candidate Tear into mayhem happening under joe bidens watch. The crime in the cities is one of the strongest signs of decaying of america. We have to start prosecuting according to the law. Moral is down because we are defunding the police. Todd we will ask our panel of Small Business owners which candidate they trust to clean up our country. announcer are you frustrated with your weight and health . Before taking drastic measures, talk to your doctor about a natural solution with golo. amber i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried cause it worked. Golos changed my life in so many ways. Before, i was over 300 pounds. announcer on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency. After i got married, i really struggled to lose weight. Nothing seemed to work. Ive lost 75 pounds with golo, and ive kept it off. announcer with golo, you keep the weight off and eliminate starvation dieting. And best of all, there is no prescription required. jason i was 424 pounds. So when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. I dont ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. So im committed to golo for life. announcer go to golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. Fox news alert, travis king, who was expelled from north korean after crossing into the country, has just arrived in san antonio, texas. He was taking a tour in south korea and he ran off, king is expected to face disciplinary action and undergo postisolation support activities. The Defense Department confirming his arrival to the u. S. And he will be taken to the Medical Center overnight. Breaking overnight, looters targeting philadelphia businesses for a second straight night. This video shows a liquor store destroyed. Todd Cheryl Casone is here. Cheryl. Cheryl we are hearing new reports of unrest in philadelphia for a second night. Looters ransacked a merchandise warehouse, leaving empty boxes and it is thought robbers got away with even more. At least 18 staterun Liquor Stores were broken into for the Pennsylvania Liquor control board to close all 48 philly locations. This size lululemon, footlocker and apple store were ransacked and they have arrested 52 people thus far, including this person, social Media Influencer meatball. She was at several locations. It is happening, it is happening. [cheering] cheryl so she is charged with burglary, criminal trespass, riot. Fox news reached out to her attorney for comment. To Anyone Planning to participate in criminal activity, please know there will be consequences. Add one more thing to this story, this was well telegraphed on social media throughout the day on tuesday. This was a secret to no one, they were openly planning and discussing these activities on social media on tuesday and again, that Person Deja Meatball seems to be the leader. Todd thank you, crime like this, big topic at last nights debate with candidates laying out their plan to restore Law And Order. Crime in the cities is one of the strongest signs of decaying of america. We cant be successful if people are not safe to live in los angeles and san francisco. We have to take care of law enforcement, it is not just taking care of them with words. Follow through on what you do. Bring Law And Order back to this your honor ko, not just in cities, we need Law And Order back everywhere, in the suburbs and rural areas. Todd Small Business owners who have been personally impacted by the christmas crisis join me now. You have had four breakins in your Small Business since march. Which candidate stood out with best plan to attack that and stop it from happening ever again . I really dont have a comment on it. Todd understood. Over last 48 hours, your city of philadelphia, i describe as thirdworld stuff, seeing looters going in and robbing, breaking and stealing. It is a disaster. Which candidate stood out to you with the best plan so images stop in philly, new york, cities nationwide. So i spend half my time in florida and half in pennsylvania. What ive seen with Governor Ron Desantis and the feeling in florida is that there is a feeling in florida if Something Like this were to happen, there would be immediate consequences and it wouldnt be accepted. What Governor Wolf did, there is pattern and acceptance of first some activist action followed by destruction of businesses, no respect for human life, destruction of buildings, what i noticed about living in florida, you invest in business in florida, you are protected. We have 12 restaurants in pennsylvania and new jersey, a restaurant four blocks from the heart of the looting and our Restaurant Windows were shattered twice. On the other occasion, nobody came to help us. Todd ridiculous in america that is upon haing. Loreta, we have interviewed you multiple times. We know your coffee house was basically trashed. Last night did you hear enough of an answer from any candidates to reassure you that what happened to you will stop nationwide . Not at this time. I mean, i feel like even here in our state, our governor, they dont really care right now. They have their own agenda what they are trying to do and it is not for the better right now. We have people that are homeless and on drugs and there is nothing to do to get better for themselves. We got to just like try to push forward right now. I would say ron desantis is probably the one who seems like he cares most about his state, his people and making sure things are safe for people. Todd i agree with that. I thought we needed more on crime. I thought ron desantis did the best job there. Quick answer on the economy, i thought there was mised opportunity to attack bidenomics. 15 seconds to you. Who stood out last night, who came in second in terms of their answer . I feel like joe biden won by nobody talking about bidenomics. It was an issue i was worried about, it is one of the top concerns. I thought desantis fought most about the economy because of his track record in florida and that gives him the biggest strength with independents, republicans that are tired of crime, the inflation, the Economic System because florida does have a proven track record. Todd this is a debate on fox business, i would have taken an opportunity to talk about how bad bidenomics is for our country. Didnt hear enough of that last night, missed opportunity. Appreciate your time, thank you. Former President Donald Trump rallying with autoworkers in michigan and delivering his message to bluecollar america. In Jo The Ultimate Strike against globalist class by casting your vote for a gentleman known as donald j trump. Carley how does that compare to what we heard on the Debate Stage Last Night . Lawrence jones is checking in with voters and we are checking in with him next. Hey peyton, thanks for hosting Slider Sunday. You got it but arent we missing something . Hmmm. Look who saved Slider Sunday again wow. Eli eli eli here we go. A perfect kings hawaiian slider. Tastes good too classic eli. Love that guy seriously . Kings hawaiian Slider Sunday. The only way to sunday did you know its Kitten Season . Right now, thousands of kittens are in shelters across the nation and theyre in need of love and care. If you foster a kitten, youll be giving them the chance to grow up and find families of their very own. Visit bestfriends. Org kittens meow is it possible my network could take my business to the next level . It is with comcast business. Powering all your devices with gigspeed wifi. And you get fast downloads and uploads. Pick it up pick it up oh we got this because its powered by The Next Generation 10g network. More speed for your business . Its not just possible. Its happening. Get started for 59. 99 a month for 12 months. Plus, ask how to get an 800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. Comcast business, powering possibilities. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. Carley gavin newsom pressed by sean hannity he blamed republican for the migrant crisis. Sean you believe with all the fentanyl death, is this border secure . Entire system need to be reformed. Sean you are not answering my question. You said joe is successful. Unbelievably successful. We all agree we have a border challenge. The Republican Party is implicit, as well. Sean the border was secure under donald trump. That is wildly overstated. The challenges are more acute and i dont need to be educated on this. Carley this as Border Patrol confirm to fox news 11,000 Migrant Encounters in the 24 hours alone. Todd President Biden joined the uaw striking line. Trump argues Joe Biden Agenda is surefire way to get american jobs shipped overseas. Every time joe biden talk about fair transition to all electric cars, American Labor will be under siege. It will not work for you, it cant work. If you want to save your livelihood and way of life, send a message and join the strike by casting your vote for a gentleman known as donald j trump. Todd the republican frontrunner who rallied with workers while the rest of the field battled it out in socal. Here are issues that matter most to them. Restore constitution so we have limited government that works on our behalf, not weaponized government that comes after us. It will take somebody of a new generation. People say america is in dein cloo, we are in the middle of a joe biden retreat, need to understand this is just a retreat. You can turn it around with the next leader of this country. Carley all the candidates breaking down performances in the spin room. Big question this morning, what do voters think . Lawrence jones will be talking to them at Copper Door Diner in bedford, New Hampshire andin jos us now. Good morning. You have a packed house of diners who watched last night. What are they telling you about who they think did best . Lawrence they r lawrence they are talking about the debate. You have this walk you have to do, learn more about the person you are dating and make your presence known and talk about yourself a bit, i think they clouded that last night. They were all looking for big moments instead of having a moment with the audience and i dont think they did themselves any favors considering you have someone like donald trump who is having 50 of the electorate. Voters say they would love to see the president there to make his case. Nothe sure candidates did the not last night, some did have moments, but was it enough to overcome deficit between donald trump . Im not sure. Todd dana literally had to say im going to shut off your mike pence. Carley hero of the night. Todd stuart stepping in. They wanted to talk over each other and that does not benefit voters. I was going to vote for x, after what i saw last night, im voting for y, have you gotten that sense in the diner so far . Lawrence i know that dana perino finger and has to establish order, that is not good for anybody. Carley showing the finger right now. Lawrence not sure anybody changed their mind because they couldnt hear anything and candidates didnt give them enough time to show themselves. Look, we will see what happens after this, the sad part is i feel like a good three of them, when you come to ron desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and nikki haley, they needed a night. They needed something to charge things in iowa and New Hampshire, im not sure that happened. We will talk to folks all Morning Temperature is so packed, we have two sets of diners. Well have a group and next half another group. Versed opinions here. Carley you are in New Hampshire, a big state for everybody, everybody wants to hear their name being spoken most when you talk to voters. It is interesting that ron desantis, he did this last debate, too, he rose above it all, he was not part of the cross talk. And Vivek Ramaswamy learned from last nights performance and was like, lets play nice and not attack each other. Well see what the voters think. Were interested to hear from what you and the voters have to say during fox and friends. Thanks for joining us this morning. One of the most viral moments from last night is an exchange between nikki haley and Vivek Ramaswamy. Listen to this. Honestly, every time i hear you, i dumber for what you say. Todd people talking about this, Hillary Clinton new portrait, speaking of one finger, jimmy failla, there it is, talking to him about all of this. Carley hes number one. Personalized Financial Advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. I can make this work. It can help you reach them with confidence. No wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. Ameriprise financial. Advice worth talking about. Carley listen to this. A discussion about education taking a very interesting turn at the Republican Debate last night. When you have the president of the United States sleeping with a member of the Teachers Union, there is no chance that you could take the stranglehold away from the Teachers Union every day. By way of full disclosure, chris, you have mentioned the president s situation. My wife isnt a member of the Teachers Union but i have got to admit i have been sleeping with a teacher for 38 years. And. [laughter] full disclosure. Todd Fox Across America Host jimmy failla and also a comedian joins us now. You know, jokes are all about rhythm, jimmy, when she said the rhythm is going to get you if you are mike pence. Are you telling me pence doesnt have rhythm . Todd comedic or otherwise. Jimmy first of all, i had so much fun. The mvp of that debate is dana perino or Stuart Varney not dropping an fbomb on live tv. A lot of moments dude, seriously shut the f up. There was too much cross talk. That stems from desperation. Christies take on Biden Sleeping with a member of the teachers unicon fused people did he just out like a Randi Weingarten sex scandal . Did you not immediately thinking jill, then your secondary thought is does he actually just mean sleeping like is he there at a live event at the house and fell asleep you dont know. Pence comes in with teacher joke. Listen, god love him for trying, i dont know that he goes home with the headline for worst joke because christie had this Perfect Moment that he called trump donald duck. Carley obviously king the nicknames. If thats the name you are coming up with, then you shouldnt be running for president. Jimmy rough, man, rough. Carley moment nikki haley and Vivek Ramaswamy. Listen to. This i have a radical idea are to the Republican Party, we need to win elections. And part of how we win elections is reaching The Next Generation of Young Americans where they are. This is infuriating because tiktok is one of the most dangerous Social Media Apps that we could have. Yes, it is. What have you got, honestly, every time i hear you i feel a little bit dumber for what you say. Carley colorful for nikki haley there. People would like vivek if his hair was higher. Need to work on that. He had a slimy night i do mean this for real. Every time they called him out on a hypocrisy, tiktok would be a good example. What did he do well in the spirit of Ronald Reagan, i dont think we should be attacking each other but he was not speaking to the hypocrisy. If you remember last time around, he was on offense. You guys are all a bunch of puppets and a bunch of dirt bags. They quoted him three different times on Foreign Policy he is like reagan, am i right . Reagan wouldnt do this. I thought it was a tough look. Nikki did great and desantis did great. My only real request same moderators but i think it should be on bravo next time because that was a real housewives episode. Carley get tables so they could throw them. Todd stuart starts talking in that British Voice when he wants to shut up. Senator John Fetterman is not going to be allowed to wear hoodies and shorts after the Upper Chamber pass address code. Are you now worried what this means for your Disco Cowboy Collection here on fox . Jimmy no. I just wanted to know if he landed the roll he wanted in debby does carneys. What was he dressing for . It was so disrespectful for the chamber. Im glad this came full circle. You know . It looks like he was riding the bus with me to fort lauderdale. Its the United States senate. He should be held to a higher standard. I was reading that before this formal dress code was asked. He was asking shouting his votes from the hallway so he wouldnt have to wear a suit and ty. Can you believe that . Thats a thing. Like you are heckling someone on a subway platform . Hey, mets suck. Whats going on here . Carley good they got that one in order. Not good. Todd Hillary Clinton getting her poor central unveiled. Pop up the full screen of the portrait. This is for her work as secretary of state. Jimmy, shouldnt portraits be reserved for winners . Yes. Im more concerned that hunter sold the overseas painting for a million dollars. Todd with a straw. Carley thank you so much for joining us. Fox friends starts right now. Have a great day, guys. Listen, its still th

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