Exonerated. But i still will be the new jersey senior senator. Jesse what does gold bar bob menendez have on the big guy . How does seattle fight crime . That is not a thing that happened on the street. Jesse i cant save you if you dont want to be saved. Plus do you realize how much pressure was on you from the 50s . I think he wanted to get in the end zone just as much as the swifties wanted him to. Jesse when in the Washington Post sent david to war and joe biden not to run for raise the reelection we thought it was because they knew impeachment was going to air their dirty laundry. Or maybe the agents who delivered the president s Briefing Saw A up close with their own eyes that joe was on his last legs and there was a risk Kamala Harris was going to be in oakland any moment. It was not enough to jar loose the ticket. As of right now, joe biden is still running for the democratic nomination. And things cannot get any worse. President biden two of the great artists in our time represent a legacy of hiphop in america. Ll cool j. [laughter] by the way, that boy has got that man has biceps bigger than my thighs. Jesse the president can say ll cool j and called him boy. If you dont vote for him, you aint back. The Power Brokers are going to have to give the big guy and a nudge. Over the weekend, the Washington Post, the Washington Post sent another shockwave to the capitol of leaving bret baier unravel for the first time. Is blue the Washington Post poll donald trump beating joe biden by 10 points. That is a Ronald Reagan 49 state landslide. So the president is trying to throw the guy he is running against in person. Does it have anything to do with the polls . Polls are polls. Right . They are going to be all over the place. They are going to they dont have please tell the whole story and that is the way a poll is. Jesse the polls actually do tell the whole story because donald trump was indicted this spring the second he started polling ahead of. President biden. They were covering it like they were covering a funeral. These numbers are simply staggering. For the sitting president. 44 of people in this Public Safety are not as well off as they were at the start of the Biden Administration. Two and a half years ago. Whether you believe that or not, look, theres a good chance that this, people just trying to send a message in the polling right now given the other frustration we have seen. Jesse they are sending a message. It is not just the country. The owner of the Washington Post, jeff bezos, is sending a message. The worlds third richest man has joined the cia to move the Democrat Machine against biden. But why. Basis is a democrat, right . Sure. This is about business. Joe biden ran on breaking up amazon. Elizabeth warren has talked about trying to break up amazon. Would you seek to break that company up. President biden i think if amazon should start paying their taxes. Okay . I dont think any company i dont give a damn how. They are, they should be in a position come on, man. That is not the capitalist system. Patrolman besides going after the Intelligence Agencies, going after the monopolies is the most dangerous move in dc. Tomorrow, we expect the Biden Administration to file a Massive Antitrust Lawsuit against jeff bezos. Bidens lawsuit against amazon would bust up pesos 1. 3 trillion empire. But pesos has another reason to put biden out to the pastor. When amazon workers try to unionize, the president sided with amazon workers. President biden that is what it is about in my view, providing dignity and respect for people who bust their neck. Amazon, here we. [cheers and applause] watch. Watch. Jesse that was a declaration of war. And bezos has gone behind bidens back now and form an alliance with the cia. You dont. That unions against bezos and tried to break up his monopoly without paying a price. And bezos has had the cia in his back pocket for years. Amazon and the Intelligence Agencies have billions in contracts. Software, clouds, surveillance. Amazons board is stacked with former intelligence professionals ready to do bezos bidding and basis once biden gone. That public with a push poll. As in push joe biden off a cliff. And all the billionaires are in on it. Bill gates says Global Warming is an exaggeration. Tim cook says he is going to keep advertising on twitter. Musk has moved right. And no basis has put a pot while out on the big guy. Hillery knows the donor class better than anyone. You can smell a loser. Already planning bidens loss on russia. I dont think the sport all of the, you know, deniers, theres any doubt that he interviewed in our election. Part of the reason he worked so hard against me is because he does not think that he wanted me in the white house. The russians have proved themselves to be quite adept at interfering and if he has a chance, he will do it again. Jesse hilary, nobody wanted you in the white house. Mary katherine anne, i used to book your car is 10 years ago. So a welcome to the show. [laughter] you moved up, jesse. Jesse i have. I have. Dont worry about it. Tell me what you think is going on with bezos. This seems like all out war against biden. What you are missing is that he is the right kind of billionaire and i mean sort of notions leftleaning one. We dont ask any questions about his motivation. It is totally fine. Look, i think there are real powers at play here and that the threats that biden has made against emma, amazon i think are relevant. The other thing is what is the play by basis because on one hand, he says that biden should step down or that but then we have max come in with the second punch that says, theres no one to replace him because he specifically has and picked a very weak vp that everyone sort of acknowledges, hey, this wont work out very well. So he has really put the Democratic Party in a bind. And really real weaknesses that you see in this poll. Look, to and i think 10 points lead is an outlier . For sure. But they are looking at it and going to is this an indicator of things to come and i dont think that they are going to be care. Jesse do you believe that certain people in Corporate America have had it with joe biden . And they would rather run it back with trump . I think the there are real forces who are running up against the Reality Buzzes are here which is that they have tried for a long time to tell everybody that bidens coaching. By the way, if you cant get ll cool js name wrong. Right, how many times has he said it in every song he has released . Jesse ll cool j. My mom knows that. It is in the lyrics. Yeah. But they have been trying to tell you that he is confident that everything is cool. Is very obvious. That is not this and the American People see it including huge numbers of democrats. The only thing unified on is that biden is too old to do another time. That is with democrats and republicans and independents leave. 65 to 70 plus . So congratulations to the unifier i guess. Jesse do you think a lot of these intelligent people because they are crawling all over the white house, i mean, they know more about joe biden than joe biden knows about himself. Do you think that they see a chance that he does not make it sadly . You know, unfortunately does not make it and all of a sudden kamala could russia moves. That means china moves. That miss the whole world makes moves and they are not willing to take that risk . Look, i cant say too much what is going on behind the scenes. I dont have a lot of sources, but i will take a look, these guys including the brightness and the croppers of the world, keep getting elevated to the positions where they can lie to the American People. They have done into congress. They have had to admit it. They did in the hunter biden letter to everyone and yeah, those people keep being elevated. And then they keep telling us to just leave everything and everything is fine. Well, both biden and kamala are problematic for the voters of america. That is very clear in polling and they put themselves in this position. And i do think they are getting worried about how that is going to go. Jesse uhhuh. Worst decision joe biden ever made was tapping copa because it is really put him in a pickle and theres nowhere else to go. I will have the car ready for you in about 10 minutes. Mary katharine ham, we will see you soon. Thanks so much. Robin i was in seattle giving a speech. It was dark and raining. My driver referred to it as the set is. Seattle is now on track to the beat its alltime record in the number one city in america that people want to leave. Some would rather die than live there. Get to the door get down on the ground right now hands up get your hands up on the ground fingers down on the ground. Victims are out. Hold on. Hold on. Jesse seattle is just a city of mistakes. Aaron wise drugs. They did relies. They recriminalize. And out the addicts are on a warpath. You are welcome. Congratulations, murderers. You have blood on your hands. Blood on your hands jesse when i was out there in seattle, we unleashed johnny on them. Laura 104 what is going on in seattle . It is wet out here. Johnny we have some rain going on. We are not out of the pandemic. Do not come. Johnny Violent Crime is up 25 . You feel safe . I do. I feel very safe here. I have never seen any crime in seattle. I dont believe that number. People are getting robbed out here. Carjacked. I have never heard of anyone getting robbed. Crime is a social issue that could be solved by giving people their basic needs. These people are sick. Johnny how does seattle fight crime . It is not thing that happens on the street. They will try to right people on the street. Someone is going to brobbey every second . I live in in awe. Okay. Sorry. Stay home. Johnny with a mask on . Yes. Johnny that protect you from anything, right . It does. I have to laugh at that. [laughs]. Johnny seattle defended the police but how did that work at . Absolutely did not. We are working on it. Other ways that you can spend the money. Corey collins . Im calling the police. [laughter] is about loving each other. White wooden we got to bring it down and start over. Boy. That escalated quickly. Police officers are not allowed to pursue criminals in a car. Is that a smart move . What is he going to do with the criminal . Johnny arrest him . How about our Constitutional Rights . Johnny so you shouldnt go to the cr jail . It is not a good idea to be chasing people to traffic. Johnny what if they are a criminal . You got to let them go. Tran14 is going to commit war crimes. Maybe. Roll the dice. Come on. Yeah Johnny Seattle drnys drug use and then they criminalized it again. Oh, my god. You are from new york. Johnny i follow people shooting up. Did you . Okay. And they were bothering you . Johnny i was in a car. You are in a car, oh no, they were hurting you so bad, oh no. Im in danger. Johnny where is chazz . Who is chazz . You mean Sonny And Cher . Johnny chaz bono. The summer of love. Some good that came out of that. What was that . From predetermined. Johnny seattle like joe biden . I would vote for joe biden again for sure. Johnny what has he done . He pointed the war in russia. [laughter] he is an older guy but he is smarter. Johnny what is the best thing he has ever done . Love his wife. Johnny but his wife seems to be kissing the second gentleman. If that is what makes her happy, im sure he has not a problem with it. President biden everyone knows that i love her more than she loves me. Johnny you are going to be on Jesse Watters primetime. What you want to tell jesse . Hi, jesse. Save as, jesse. Jesse i save the world, but im not sitting seattle. Im sorry. Seattle voters wanted is. Im sick of trying to save people who dont want to be saved. Why do i care more about seattle that the people of seattle. A victims advocate to the actual served 25 years in seattle. She just quit. She writes this. The current climate is one in which a victim or family does not support alternatives to incarceration for the offender. They are viewed as not caring about systemic inequities that disproportionately affect communities of color and of being blind or racial injustice. So if you are assaulted by a a black male seattle bullies the victims into asking the court to go easy on them. Even though he shattered my eye socket, please send him to we have instead of person. He is more of a victim than i am. And seattle politicians are more concerned with people who document the crime in the crime itself. But our next guests, jonathan joe, does it anyway. He holds a mirror up holds a up to seattles wicked reality. Walking by, deals happening in broad daylight. People buying fentanyl right in front of me. How much did you end up getting . Like a 20. You pay 20 bucks for that . Yeah. I got a dude coming at me with nunchucks. What are you coming with an ax . Why are you coming at me with an ax you got a knife. League. Point [bleep]. Jesse joe is a seattle journalist. I cannot believe some of these people what they said to johnny. That they should just let criminals steal that they should burn the police down and that they dont even notice the crime. What the heck is going on there. First book i want to apologize on behalf of the reasonable people of seattle. This is not the city we wanted to show to washington dishwashing world. You just have a lot of people here now who are in different. This is almost become norm normalized. The openair drug use. To homelessness. The rampant crime. It just is a sad State Of Affairs right now in this city. Jesse so if they keep Voting Democrat and things, getting worse, is there any reason that they would ever change . Theres a common refrain in this city. You hear it all the time. You get what you vote for. And this is pretty much a call out to the folks here in seattle who remain in different or, lean or left. Up and that is the problem right now. You and i are both in the media business, we are in an information war. Theres is a class of people here who Say Homelessness is okay. Lead them indian cabins. Openair drug use. Just fine. Crime like some of the people in that segment said, no problem. But im telling you right now, jesse, there is major pushback happening in seattle. We have got a City Council Election coming up in november. And we are hoping, the reasonable people of seattle come out and vote new Council Members in. And that could potentially turn the tide. Jesse should i stop trying to save the cities . It doesnt seem like they care as much as i do. What do i care more than they do . Jonathan, come on. Jesse, youre absolutely right. At the end of the day, you can only help people who want to help themselves. And part of our job i think in the media is to show the these raw realities what you are showing, are what im showing, this is not what these politicians want out there, especially out of seattle. Look, im from the east coast. Im from boston. Of my friends about what is going on is yelled. They dont believe me. Until i show them the video. We have got to keep showing what is going on. It is the only way to the Holding People accountable. Jesse all right, thank you for so much of what you do. Some of your figures are absolutely terrifying. And i guess that that is what we need to do to prove the point. Good luck out there and stay safe and watch out for guys with axis. Come back again, jesse. Take care. Jesse all right. Cole bott bob menendez has something on joe biden. With fastsigns, create custom graphics that get tails and tongues wagging. Fastsigns. Make your statement. Dude, whatre you doing . Im protecting my car. Thats too much work. Weathertech is so much easier. Lasermeasured floorliners up here, Seat Protector and cargoliner back there. Nice out here, side window deflectors. And mud flaps. And the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dentfree. Cool its the best protection for your vehicle, new or preowned. Great. But where do i . Order. Weathertech. Com. Sfx bubblewrap bubble popped sound. Jesse gold bar bob menendez his head out of hiding to say it is witchhunt and he will be exonerated. If you think he is guilty because of the envelopes of cash with egyptian Finger Prints on them, so did his Windbreaker Hanging in the closet and gold bars and his estate, and the free Mercedes Mackay vrbo city and his driveway, you are wrong. I firmly believe that all the facts are presented. Not only will i be exonerated. But i still will be the new jersey senior senator. Remember, prosecutors get it wrong sometimes. Jesse why is gold bars a confident . Where he howard hunters laura to defend him and he might have an ace up his sleeve. Gold bar bob good everything he knows about bribery from the big guy. They Work Together for years on the Foreign Relations committee when joe was saturday. Biden was the chairman went gold bar was a freshman. Gold bar look at up to joe and wanted to be like him. Biden was chief Ranking Member of the senate Foreign Relations committee over a decade. He went to 60 countries. Met hundreds of foreign dignitaries. And can place holds work related billings in foreign aid. Used up cash flow to a country until they increased free coach freeze the eighth until you get paid. That is the code washington lives by. Joe held up in the ukraine. 200, pay. Gold bar time to the same move in jersey. But was sloppy. Why take the gold bar when you can take a wire. So what does gold bar have on the big guy because biden and these guys raided gold bars house a year ago. Seized his gold bars, his cash, his bands, was bidens quizzing bob to find out what he knew about him . , or did they drop this indictment a week before the Impeachment Inquiry to say, hey, dont look at me. That is bribery. But just like how hunter tossed his gun in a dancer behind his school and blamed the latinos, gold bar bob says he is being set up because he is cuban. For 30 years, i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account. Which i have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my family facing consultation in cuba. Jesse gold bar keeps cash in his closet because he is worried castrol will confiscate it . Well . Marco friedl is dead and you were born in new york, probably. You never lived in cuba and your parents came to america and 53. Years before castros revolution. And the defense sees your bank account if you are human . No, it is only if you are a trumped voter. Senator rubio is given. I dont think his life savings are in his windbreaker. Does not make any sense. Which is why gold bars should have listened to the big guy and had plausible deniability. Joey diaz is in new jersey comedian. Joey, what is going on with my friend, joe gold bar bob. Listen, you have got it right with what you learned in this. Biden but y you got to remember. Im from the city. The senator is from there. There is a history. Not anymore. I like the people who are there now, 13, the town is cleaned up. But if he was understated to will and must, and that is all you need to know. Jesse [laughs] him having his money in his house because he is keeping, you know, gold bars. Are making we got to have an eight or somebody who you are willing to split 20 with and let them hold it. That is very amateur. For a gold bar bob. You know . That she is so she has no friends, no political. Well, talking to the Human Union City roots. He would never have that in cuba has. They have the cash, fingerprints on it. They got fingerprints on the 30 cash. Sewn into a windbreaker . Why wouldnt you just put it in a safe . Or. Or under your mattress, you are sowing it into a windbreaker . It is felony stupid. Jesse [laughs] when he goes in front of the judge, that felony stupid. You left it. You did not even did not even tried. Like you, you did not even bury it in the backyard. Nothing. Down by the hudson river. At a cemetery plot. You just left it there and he got caught and i dont know. He got indicted in 2015. He beat it. You know. I have nothing against the guy. He has got deep jersey connections. You know . Maybe he will show up with christie. I dont know. I dont know. How he is going to beat this one. Jesse how about joe biden, he lets them dangle in the wind for a year. What is going on all year . I dont know what bob is doing anymore. But look at him. He is getting old. Maybe he was saving money for a rainy day. Times are getting tough. But im not a quick. And cuban. Jesse [laughs] you know . So i know both sides. But jesse i dont know. I think nadine might have been trouble. I think nadine, the new wife, it was trouble. She introduced him to the egyptians. And he was thinking with the wrong, you know what, and now look at him. Now look at him. Not a good look. Not a good look. No parole. Jesse no. Has had it in there. He Still Believes he has got another run. Jesse we will see. We will see about that. He mightrun somewhere besides office. That is for sure. He is probably running away from his wife. Thank you so much. Shoutout to union city. Thank you. Jesse always. Something is going on with taylor swift and the nfl. It is not they kind conspiracy. I know it. Jesse the u. S. Taxpayer is giving ukraine over 100 billion in aid. But did you know that were not just buying them weapons. We discovered that u. S. Government spying buying seeds and fertilizer for ukrainian farmers and covering the salaries of ukraines first responders. All 57,000 of them. That includes the team that trains this rescue dog named joy to the comb through the wreckage of russian strikes looking for survivors. [dog barking] and that he u. S. Also funds the divers who we saw clearing unexploded ammunition from the countrys rivers. To make them safe again. Swimming and fishing. Jesse so we are defining a police but fighting ukraines police. And seed money . Did you know your tax dollars are bailing out Small Businesses in ukraine. Russias invasion struck ukraines economy by about a third. We were surprised to find that the keep it afloat, that u. S. Government is subsidizing Small Businesses. Like tatiana abramovitzs network company. That is key. Yeah. Jesse we are paying ukraine is to make cardigans. After iraq and afghanistan, i was convinced the mistakes has worn off nationbuilding but we have not. And whats the difference between nationbuilding and Money Laundering . I dont know. Because the pentagon failed its last five audits. The ability to pass back and who who are the or the fact that the doordie has not put an object is not suggestive of waste for fraud abuse. It suggested that we dont have an accurate inventory that we can pull up of what we have where. So in my world, josh. Yeah. That is waste. How is that waste . If i give you A Billion Dollars and you can tell me what happened to it, that to be is wasteful. Jesse [laughs]. And the pentagon Just Announced they cant account for 6000000000 Euros in ukraine. And on top of that, president zelenskyy just sacked his Defense Minister for back. Dont worry. The Clinton Global Initiative is announced is in charge of ukraine new construction. So this is turning into an International Financial war crime layered over actual war crimes. But if you ask these questions, ukraines Transgender Cia Sponsored Disinformation czar sarah will hunt you down and have its way with you. Russias War Criminal Propagandists will all be hunted down and justice will be served. As we in ukraine are led on this mission. By faith in god, liberty, and complete liberation. Jesse i remember when joe biden slipped and said americans were fighting in ukraine. It is true. But the New York Times Reports Americans fighting the russians in ukraine are being medevac out back to journey for surgery. Now, it sounds like every modern american war. They are stealing our money and flying to is. A start to congressman roy, wall. He is a former windbreak commander. We are paying people to the net scarves in ukraine. Tell me how that helps our National Security . It is pretty rich to hear the democrats pound the table about defending American Police and that we are sending billions overseas to find their police and against environment and everything else. That is that is news to me. Look, i have been on the record. I think it is in our interest to stop putting cold. But here is where im changing my position. Biden has not explained this to the American People. He does not have a strategy. He doesnt have a plan. He has been gathering all along and he has backed us into a stalemate and the thing that is so ridiculous and unfair is he keeps coming again and again to the American People and saying with inflation out of control, with our border of a controlled, if you dont dig deeper into your pockets, you dont support democracy. How about they put a finger in the chest of the germans, the french, the italians, and ot others, until the europeans to dig into your pockets and pay up for a war that is right on your doorstep because that is exactly what President Trump that. This would have never happened under president from the. He would have had that europeans pay enough and if they know if putin did their to do it under term, he would have been in this to an it does not back as into another and this work which is what is happening. Jesse we are lurching towards another 20 year stalemate like afghanistan. I just remember the iraq war when you find out a toilet seat cost 10,000. By the time it comes from iowa to the back that, it is 10,000. That is what is going on here and then when hilary shows up, with her hand out and says she is going to launder money through the world bank to save the kids, that sets alarm bells off and peoples minds and that is what we have this outofcontrol inflation because theres no respect for our money. Theres absolutely no respect. It is one thing to send them weapons. You can make the argument. But if youre sending them seeds and you are paying an emt and you are paying people to sell me a cardigan. Something does not sit right. And this has got to stop. Well, i have the argument sent them the weapons. They are doing the fighting and dying. They are asking us for the bees and the bullets. But we have to have oversight of it. We have to know where it is going. We have to be able to account for it. Number two, as long as it takes is not a strategy and that is what biden is saying right now. American people just keep digging deeper. And trust me, send me your bank check and if you dont, you dont support democracy. Well, that is insulting. It is really close. The least he can do is lay out a plan and then the next thing you can do is to tell germany which by the way just backed away from its commitment to live up to its 2 of its Defense Spending just backed away from it. How about you guys pay up and yeah. Jesse no one is putting that money. This is what on their doorstep. Jesse yeah, something has got to give to expect if they dont want do now, though. Carmenzoom he has got to give. If they dont do now, when will they. Jesse i do know i do know. I dont know if they ever will. But this smells like another massive boondoggle where everyone gets rich and the American People get hosed. And i dont like the way it looks. Congressman, and thank you so much. Now that mexican cartels doing business with the cia . We will be right back. If it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off a porcupine and youre sweatin your next trip to the loo colace is the brand you need to soften stools were all agreed 2 should be easy to do trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. They slept on me for 15 years. Things i collected, pollen, dust, dander. All that time they could have protected me with an allerease mattress protector. It wouldve been soft and blocked 99. 9 of dust, dirt, and allergens. Allerease for a clean, healthy nights sleep. Hi, im michael, ive lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. Most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. But since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. Thanks to golo and release, ive got my life and my health back. Jesse dware take a look at americas most powerful agency, the cia. What have they been up to lately . They are not fighting communism anymore. What are they doing with the billions we give them . Why does it seem like the caa when they are not keeping us safe are moonlighting as Corporate America Secret Police . In 1953, if he is, after the cia was founded, the they over to arounds government. Why . Oil. Their minister at the time told western Oil Companies to get out of the country. Were called the caa and the cia started a coup and got rid of the prime ministers and brought in someone a little more friendly. The same thing happened in cuba. Brad friedels biggest sin was killing Corporate America. American companies lost hundreds of millions when castro kicked out of the food companies. So the Cra In Court The after that, prior to the video for the next 60 years. When the agency placed bushwhacker for multinationals, theres collateral damage. Like the southern border. 10,000 third world migrants march in everyday. Courtesy of the drug cartels. Even planting their flags on our territory. Look at the. You think that is venezuela. Attacking border agents. Fighting off cops fingers. Oops. You are seeing the cia could not put a stop to that . When migrants or for Big American Companies and keep wages low. While the cartels make billions and the cia is nowhere to be found. Hector bri ellis is a former d. E. A. Agent and author of the last knock. So hector, what kind of relationship that is the caa have with these cartels . The cia notoriously has had a friendly relationship where or a Working Relationship with cia needs the monies. Derived from the cartels and illegal activities that they get involved in support of their operations. The cia cannot find some of the black operations with money from [indistinct] because they have to report on how they spend the money. So that have a large amount of money that they can use on the operations, they basically go to bed with some of these cartels and these criminal elements around the world. Jesse so they use the cartels for dirty cash to fund their backups to hide it from congress and oversight. What exactly is the strategy in Latin America right now . Because i dont know. What is it, three or four or 5 million migrants have come this way. And the cartels are richer than ever. That is correct. The cartels are in control of our border. The cartels basically dictate who comes in, who does not come in. They issue rispens so that those that pay the cartels can basically our land into our country by coyotes that also worked for the cartels. And they are making about 50 billion a year. Wheres rcia in this case . I dont know. I dont see them basically opposing the cartels. They are not doing anything to stop this disaster that we have at the border. So therefore, i have to come to the conclusion that maybe they are getting money themselves from the illegal entry of all these people into our country. Trouble if the cartels are making money like this, then the cias black ops fund just exploded. When donald trump talks about targeting the Cartel Operations in mexico, with drones or with strikes, do you think the cia would ever let them get away with that if he was reelected . You know, that is a great question. I dont know because if you recall a couple of years ago, when i think it was 18wheeler nights or moments were traveling from the u. S. To mexico to attend a wedding wedding, they attacked them. They were all women and children. They killed, like 18, 19 of them and then they bring three babies in their baby chairs and the cars. President trump immediately when to the president of mexico, lopez obrador, and stated that we should do more against these cartels. And lopez obrador, the president of mexico, replied that is what im trying to prevent a war. We are going to go basically deal with the cartels with abrazos, not bozazos. It means hugs could not bullets. What does that tell me. As working extensively. From hector, i got to run. I got to run. But that was very insightful. We will have you back soon. Thank you so much. Up next, nfl has a love story. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose new neuriva ultra. Unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including Mental Alertness from one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. Try killing bugs the worryfree way. Not the other way. Zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you dont have to. Zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. vo in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. woman bingo im moving to the lake. Gotta sell the house. vo ooh thats a lot of work. woman ooh vo dont worry. Skip the hassels and sell directly to opendoor. woman bingo. vo get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. Jesse the chief debuted their secret weapon is not put taylor swift. Swifties Dating Chiefs tight end travis kelce. She watched the game next to the cultys mom. Great pr for the league. Because more women are watching football now than ever. Emma was glued to the game last night when she found taylor was in the box. Wanted to know all about kelsey mark kelce. Erin andrews the dub mahomes. I heard she was in the house. I knew how to i think he wanted to get in the end zone as much as the swifties wanted him to. Jesse the nfl is willing. To introduce a love story to in the league. Travis kelce has a lot. Because he has had a lot of big catches in his career. [laughter] this would be the biggest. [laughter] jesse i was commissioner, i would have jalen hurts date breanna rihanna. All right, so women now are obsessed with football. It just happened like that. Yeah, just happened like that. Look to taylor swift is americas Princess Diana in 2023. Americans are rooting for her now more than ever before. They have been so excited for taylor to finally get her moment, probably have a happy ending and travis kelce could be that for taylor. Sean you are seeing that they are going to get married. No, i dont even think that they are officially dating. Taylor swift gets picture was of the one and everyone thinks they are a couple. I dont even think the her boyfriend and girlfriend you. I think they have been texting for what we know, her team has been told the media today, it has been very casual. He has a texting relationship. The she is very interested in the fact that he has her toes pursued her. The man is pursuing her. He is unapologetic about being interested in her and every single guy taylor hesitated at least in the past decade has been a british Victorian Era soy boy child and finally she has got a man. Jesse she has a real man who played football and she is already talking to his mom. Are things moving a little too fast . Hey, one thing about taylor swift is that she is going to meet your mom on the birthday. She did this. And she is doing this with travis. And i think is a really perfect scenario for her. She is the time ago that time ago that you want to bring home to mom. It is just that it it is just that it is going to be the girl is he going to be the guy i should say that america loves and america allows travis. They have never been this excited about something. Neither are women of america. And i think the nfl just doubled their ratings. And it was a brilliant pr move whether it was organic or not. And i know women already liked football so they will email me. Alex, thank you so much. Dues. I traveled to seattle with johnny and he brought a nick dipillo. He brought it on the plane. Oh, he loves his little neck pillow and the worst part of the whole trip was we were walking to the airport to together and they said, johnny, is that you. Yeah. They recognized johnny. But before they recognize me. That hurt. Lets do tests those texts. Peter from port orange, florida, biden better shut his mouth about ll cool j or else he is going to get the corn pop treatment. Danville, indiana. Do you have the name of gold bar bobs taylor . I have a suit and need lines. From south aurora, i would be needing scars if i was giving 115 billion. All right. Have a great night, everybody. Go eagles. And this is my world. Sean welcome to hannity. A ton of Breaking News this morning. Economic insanity. Order chaos, democrats in disarray. The very latest from the bob menendez briberg

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