Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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It looks like bidens legal team is going to try to force the government to abide by the original and totally ludicrous deal. Their statement said that hunter will continue to follow the conditions of that agreement on july 20th, 20233. That the Probation Office had agreed to and had recommended put into effect. If the Court Upholds whether as called this pretrial Diversion Agreement. I think its unlikely, hunter would skate charge or any other tax evasion charges that stem out of that same time period. Here to break this all down. Other breaking news Sol Wisenberg former deputy independent counsel, Fox News Contributor and david schoen former trump impeachment lawyer. Explain to us what is going on here. I think this came as a surprise to some people today that indeed the walls may be closing in and not on trump this time. It shouldnt have been a surprise because he is under, you know, there is a criminal investigation filed against hunter on the gun charge, and so Speedy Trial Act comes into play. And after a certain amount of days the government has to indict him and so thats what the judge pointed out on august 31st. She said to the parties, hey, whats going on and today the government said were going to indict him by september 29th. Laura david, four hunters counsel to be saying no, no, no, no, no. We are abiding by this other agreement that the judge seemed blind sided by whether it was first presented to the court. How does that hold up . Well, you know abbe lowell is one of the most experienced Criminal Defense Lawyers in the country. You can sure he recognized what you call a Sweetheart Deal for exactly what it was. He will fight Tooth And Nail to try to enforce it. The United States Supreme Court case from 1971 santa bella vs. New york that allows a defendant to move for specific performance, make the plea deal happen. Based on representations made by the prosecution. But its going to be a tough way to go in this case, i think, because, remember, it fell apart because there clearly was not a meeting of the minds between the defense team and the government in that case that required one of his lawyers, mr. Clark to withdrawal because is he going to be a witness. They will certainly have a Battle Over Whether to enforce that Plea Agreement or not. I think abbe lowell is right to try to enforce that remember, also, the judge never had to accept it. The judge could have rejected that plea as she did and wanted to do additional consideration of it. I think thats going to be a tough battle. Im skeptical of the whole process. Im skeptical of anything that happens with mr. Weiss now. I think that was a Sham Appointing him as special counsel. I think abbe lowell if push comes to shove is going to challenge that appointment. Violates 600. 3. Special counsel. I think you will see all kinds of battles if they dont allow him to enforce the agreement. Laura sol, whats your take on that . My gut is its so ridiculous that even in this court it wouldnt be accepted and they wouldnt be able to go with it. Am i seeing this incorrectly . Well, first of all, i think david meant to say he referred to the Plea Agreement. I think he meant the diversification agreement. Both sides agree the Plea Agreement is off. I think there might be i might be a little in a different position than david on this. I think they have got a real shot at enforcing the Diversion Agreement. Abbe lowell and the hunter biden defense team if they do thats the end of the story for the gun charges, not only that, if that broad immunity provision in the Diversion Agreement is valid, they are not going to be able to prosecute hunter for any tax crimes. Because it clearly covers other tax offenses. David, think about that. We have this trail, albeit kind of difficult, sometimes, to follow. But through all these, you know, you know, Shell Corporations and all these accounts, that ultimately end up getting funneled back to the biden family. Now, was all that income declared. We had a lot of fake email addresses used in this time period as well. Was the income declared . I dont think we know the answer to that, do we . We do not. I dont think we scratched the surface on all that was going on in machinations with the biden family. I dont know that we ever will the other reason by the way this gun charge is a sham, they well know about the Raheemy Decision in the fifth circuit. Thats a decision that, you know, threw out a Bar Gun Possession based on the Domestic Violence problem. So, here, its not a big reach. In fact, one might say its less onerous to say we are not going to be able to uphold conviction for saying unlawful drug user on this application that the right to carry a firearm or possess a firearm trumps that under bruin so on and so on. I think the whole thing is for show, personally. Laura even cnn seems to be catching on and maybe admitting hunters legal woes may go a little deeper. Watch. There is a question about whether this investigation would broaden further or whether there are other potential crimes that are now back on the table. They brought up the potential, you know, Foreign Agent dealing so, look, hunter biden now has a host of problems that he didnt have or didnt think he had a couple weeks ago. Laura sol, they want this to go away. They dont want this flying around next year during the election because it taints biden. I dont care what anyone says the biden family got rich during this time period. He is in Public Service for 50plus years. Obviously, if the son is doing well is he very happy and looks like Influence Peddling to most people who have any common sense. Heres another reason they dont want it to happen, laura, lets say that the courts hold that the Diversion Agreement is off and the government can prosecute, weiss can prosecute hunter for either being on drugs when he purchased the gun or lying about it. Under the Diversion Agreement they didnt charge him with lying and buying. They could still charge him with that if they do it by october 12th. Lets say they do that, whats hunter going to do . He is going to go into court and say under the bruin decision of the Supreme Court, this is unconstitutional. You cant charge me. Laura, thats the same decision that President Biden said was an affront to common sense. An affront to the constitution. Laura that was yesterday. His own son is going to be arguing a different position. It isnt going to be pretty. Laura yeah, so, david, they rely on precedent that President Biden previously slammed. Thats just kind of par for the course here. Both sides do that but, in the end, i think this does it pass the straight face test, the smell test for most americans watching this . You guys are incredibly experienced white collar litigators. You understand how this process works for most americans watching this its kind of confusing. They will kind of get what is going on. Will this be something that ultimately as a political matter, regardless of what happens on the legal side as a political matter does damage joe biden . I think there is that very real possibility. Depends on how long it drags on, also. I think the American People have seen enough of this if its going to tarnish it than it already has. I think hunter is a pitiful case unfortunately. I dont know that anybody has any interest in seeing this prosecution. The question is how much of the underlying facts is going to be investigated and exposed . I dont think, again that, we have even scratched the surface. Thats the real political risk, i think. Laura i think the left has just decided its perfectly fine for the bidens to become multi millionaires while he is in office. They have no problem with that. Meanwhile, sol, something you and i have talked about before, but its gaining traction as you and i predicted it would. This Group Called Citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington. I love it, called crew. Filed this lawsuit to bar former President Trump from the primary ballot in colorado arguing he is ineligible to run from the white house citing the 14th Amendment. This is going to be replicated elsewhere. The Attorney General in colorado has said she is waiting for further clarifications, ultimately going to go to the Supreme Court what of this now. Private groups and private citizens might have a standing problem. But i think one of these state Attorney Generals or even under their Theory A County Official is going to make the decision to leave trump off the ballot. Its going to go to the Supreme Court i think fairly rapidly and i think they are going to rule that you cannot take former President Trump off the ballot without some kind of enabling statute and a judicial finding. As i have pointed out before, there is a statute on the books, a criminal statute prohibiting insurrection or rebullion and saying that if you are guilty you cant run you can no longer hold office. To me, thats the application of that 14th Amendment provision section 3, Congress Passed that almost a century ago. Maybe more than a century ago. I think thats the way the court is going to come down. You cant just have an official deciding trump should be off the ballot. And a court deciding that without any kind of factual basis. Laura yeah. The great defenders of democracy, david, quickly. Quite frankly justice chase said that in griffins case in 1869. He said congress has to act. Its not selfexecuting. These two Law Professors who wrote the article in the Pennsylvania Law Review Have said otherwise. They recognize griffins case is a problem for them. They just say its wrongly decided they have concluded there are many, many reasons why i dont think this applies. Laura sol and david, thank you so much. Now, up next, congress is ramping up its investigations into hunter and joes ties. So what have they just discovered . House Oversight Committee chair james comer is here. All the details. You have dont want to miss it, next. Most . Introducing Power Homeschool the official provider of online acellus courses for parents independently homeschooling their children. I really love how flexible the program is. It allows my child to work at her own pace and on her own schedule. Join the growing community of parents who have discovered the power of Power Homeschool. 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Heres one example. December 4th, 2015. Hunters longtime Business Partner Eric Schwerin wrote to then v. P. Comms director Kate Bedingfield a quote she could use regarding his work with burisma she responded v. P. Signed off on this. And that she would provide a statement from joes office on burisma as well. So, how could joe biden, who claims he has never spoken to his son about his Business Dealings, which we never believed, sign off on quotes about those dealings . Even the White House Press corps thought something is fishy here today. How do you respond to criticism that that show theres was no wall between then vice President Bidens work and his Family Business dealings . I understand the question. I appreciate the question. I get the question. Im just going to let the white House Counsel team answer the question. I bet she is. Joining me now house Oversight Committee chair james comer, congressman, you and i have suspected this all along, Something Else though happened the same day the white house received that email. What was it . Well, the meeting. And we have had testimony and there is emails, there is more evidence of more meetings where hunter was told that they needed to Call Washington for help. We have had devon archer testify and say that. Theres evidence that points to the burisma executives were squeezing hunter biden to Call Washington for help. So we know that hunter biden was communicating with the white house. This email that you just posed d was one of many and we believe there are more that the archives are sitting on where the biden the hunter Biden Legal Team. The hunter biden pr people, the Hunter Biden Shady characters who were paying him were communicating through him to his father back and forth. There was no wall between joe biden and h his son hunter biden and his shady Business Dealings. Laura the meeting among the burisma executives happening clearly they needed a lifeline of some sort or some type of reassurance and its your contention or supposition at this point that at that Point Hunter Kicked in got word through shearn to the comms director, Will Comms Staffer at the white house and then she sought to reassure saying, yes, the Vice President has signed off on these quotes. Thats what you are seeing so far . Hunter biden has been in trouble for a long time. Burisma was a corrupt energy company. Thats why shokin, the ukrainian prosecutor was investigating for the first place. Remember, shokin even seized some assets from the owners of burisma in other countries. This is a corrupt entity. The press was picking up on this. And the biden hunters legal team, hunters pr people whoever they were were communicating back and forth with joe biden who was Vice President so they can be an official Government Position on this. An official government statement to the press corps reassuring everyone that everything was fine and, you know, everything was on the up and up. This is further coordination between hunter biden and the federal government and joe biden. And, remember, we believe there is coordination between the Department Of Justice and the coverup. There is two crimes here, the actual Biden Corruption and then the coverup. And all along the way, there have been people coordinating, people representing hunter biden who were paying hunter biden. People who were representing him in court. People who were in trouble just like hunter biden for crimes. And they were communicating back and forth with our federal government to cover up this crime and to make sure that they could spin the false narrative. Laura congressman, how deep could this go . How many people were involved in covering this up so it wouldnt come out, wouldnt come out during the Obama Administration and toward the end of it, certainly wouldnt come out when biden was running for president. How many people are we talking about, do you think . Well, lets start at the top. We know Merrick Garland has come the National Archives not to cooperate with us. We know that someone told the irs whistleblowers to stand down. We know that just this week there were there were secret Service Agents who were working with us on trying to identify the people who tipped off the Biden Legal Team that the irs was fixing to knock on the door. And our sources at the Secret Service say that mayorkas called them to tell them to stop cooperating with comer and the Oversight Committee. So mayorkas and Merrick Garland are part of the coverup. These are the two arguably highest ranking people in the biden administration. Laura congressman, about that fateful day we were discussing when that communication between hunters partner sh shearn. Didnt the Vice President travel sore. He traveled to ukraine right after that. We have been putting together the timeline. We have been able to get all the wire transfers. We have got the correspondence. We have got sworn testimony, now we are putting the timeline, traveling where joe biden traveled. And theres a pattern here, laura. He did this in romaine i cant. He has did this in china. He did this in ukraine. The three countries that have paid his Family Millions and millions of dollars that they cant account for. Never, not one time has anyone from the white house or anyone from representing joe biden said exactly what this family did to receive the money. I think were starting to figure it out. Especially with ukraine. He went there to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son for corruption. Laura and going for another billion dollars to ukraine yesterday through blinken. Congressman, thank you so much. Now, coming up, why does our military seem more determined to stop a sitting senator than the ccp . Senator Tommy Tuberville is here to react, next. And that provides a challenge to keep the entire class engaged. Schools came to us with this challenge of how do we find a way to hold students interest in attention to address this. We assembled an experienced team to professionally film Video Lessons using some of the best cinematic equipment and technology available, acellus breaks the Course Material into short Video Lessons that keeps the students attention. Students advance through each concept at their own pace and can rewatch videos on demand. Acellus gold incorporates 3di, which is a new method of instruction designed specifically for hard to grasp concepts. With 3di, we can take students into the molecular level when needed or slow down mechanical processes, making them much easier to grasp. Every student has a natural curiosity and that can spark an excitement for learning. As a teacher, when i see students engaged and excited about learning, it gets me excited as well. Playing Russian Roulette with the very lives of our Service Members. Our Service Members are paying attention to this and is affecting how they view the United States. Someone born in a communist country i never manage imagined one of our own senators would be Aiding And Abetting communist and other autocratic regimes around the world. Oh my goodness the pentagon gone leading the media blitz not against the Communist Chinese who they love but against a republican senator. P. R. Guns are pointed at alabama senator Tommy Tuberville held firm against giving than news consent to a slew of promotions. Include the Service Chiefs of the army, navy around marine corps have historically been confirmations without much controversy. But senator tuberville is within his right to put a hold on simple unanimous consent votes which means just mass confirmation without votes on individual nominees. Is he specifically citing the pentagons new rules that promote easier access to abortion since the dobbs decision. So, let me translate all of this for you. Democrats have a lot of ways to solve this problem. One, they could do a deal with tuberville, you know, hands off on the abortion stuff. Its not within the militarys mission. Two, they could hold real votes, just call a vote on the big nomination. But, they dont want to do either of those things. Or dont want to put vulnerable senators like manchin or tester in a tight spot. Instead, they want to say that abortion is integral to the military mission. We know it isnt. They see this as an issue as a winner 2024. Joining us now in tomi tuberville. You are ationd and abetting the enemy now because you actually are holding firm against what they consider to be crucial to the mission of our military. Which is access to abortion. Your response to this . Well, laura, i grew up in a military family. My dad was career military died on active duty. Theres no bigger fan of the military than me up here. Im on Armed Services committee. I didnt think i would come up here and ever be associated with terrorism and communism as a United States senator. Thats wrong. This is coming from the Talking Heads of the white house. These guys i know them all the secretaries. I know them. Dealt with them. Had them in my office. They are good guys but they are using the words coming from the white house. Nobody has told them no in three years. They are not used to saying you mean we cant get our way here . They are not getting their way. And i told secretary austin this almost a year ago. If you do this, im going to block your generals and admirals from promotion. They didnt believe me. They put all this into effect. And, as you said, i can hold just so many of them. If they bring them one at a time, they could get them all they want. The problem is as you said they dont want bad votes. Laura they dont want these senators who are vulnerable like manchin or Sherrod Brown or tester in montana to have to vote on some of these more controversial nominees. Who in your mind is a potential problem beyond the issue of abortion which i agree with you on and its not part of the militarys mission. Should not even be part of this. But who potentially is just, you know, over the top on the woke meter and not really qualified to be in this position of a nominee for a top position in the pentagon . Now, with this opportunity to us setting back and looking at this for six, seven months. We vetted every one of them. All 300 of them. I wouldnt start with just one, there is a huge percentage of the people that they want to elevate to another star, possibly to even a four star. By the way we already got 44. Thats way too many as it is. There is a lot of them all they want to do is. Laura check boxes . Yeah, check boxes. Talk about dei. Everything is about equity. One thing, laura about the military. Its not an equal opportunity employer. I dont care if brown says i want more black pilots. Im fine with that if theyre the best. There is no second place in war. Okay . We have to have the best. And right now we are so woke in the military were losing recruits right and left. Secretary over the navy gets to building ships. He needs to get to recruiting and he needs to get cokeness out of our navy. We have people doing poems on Aircraft Carriers over the loud speaker. It is absolutely insane, the direction that were headed in our military. And were heading down hill, not uphill. Laura could we confidently take on china. No, no. We are running russia into china. They are combining up. And now brics is very, very concerning to me because they are controlling all the petroleum in the world. Laura petro dollar threat. Yeah. Because Pinocchio Joe does not want to dig for any oil. Laura what could they offer you to stop your block on these 300 or so nominations . I have told them from day one, listen, heres the deal. I ran in alabama for a senate seat. I represent the people of alabama. They want a vote on this. Okay . And it goes through the senators. In 1985, joe biden voted for this policy in the military. This abortion policy. Its been great. They have had no problems. I asked them in a hearing, okay, tell me the problem. Let me see the list and letters of everybody complaining about this. Zero. Zero complaints. But now because of roewade. Laura is this political . They want the issue for 2024. Exactly. Exactly. Laura is there anything stopping them from bringing any of these nominees, especially supposedly really important positions, to a vote like they just took five weeks off, right . Four weeks off . It would take about three hours to do one nominee. Laura they are not doing it why again, senator . They dont want to put anybody in harms way. Laura heaven for bid senators have to actually defend their votes on particular nominations. They could bring this policy. Take it back. Take the policy back and go back odd old policy bring it to a vote and we will vote on it. Whichever way it goes. They dont want any vote on this because as you said there is going to be bad votes. Laura Senator Durbin spoke out on this today and he had choice words for you, senator. Watch. What tuberville is doing creating so much hardship for the military families that are involved here, is just inexcusable what he is doing to the that chaby and low live effort to make political hay over an issue that should have been resolved years ago. Laura a senate thats propping up the ccp in many ways and now calls you a communist and people calling you communist now they are saying that you are low life. They are saying readiness is being hampered here. Laura, they are saying that generals and ghirlsz are the most important. The most important people we have in the military are the sergeants, the corporals, the privates, the Second Lieutenants and first lieutenant. Will the beam that do the work not the people ride around in black limousines in washington, d. C. And have a nice office at the pentagon. The pentagon is way too big as it is. We need to send more money back down to the people who actually do the work. We have way too many leaders at the top. It is getting way out of control. Laura when is the last time you spoke to mcconnell . Today. I spoke to him today. He seemed to be doing fine. Laura any support from leadership for what you are doing . Oh, yeah. Im getting more and more. Its kind of building. They are seeing the attack mode. Right now all the people coming out of the white house speaking against me. And of course, its a hard topic to get on top of but we are prolife. We should be. I mean, we are the republicans. Laura hold the vote. Hold the vote, senator. Any time you want senator schumer. Thanthank you for coming in. Laura kevin corke is here with details. I have got to tell you, laura, every now and again we will get a story and this is one of those you will remember for quite a while. Its a story out of pennsylvania, as you mentioned, where a convicted murderer by the name of Danelo Cavalcante remains on the run after incredibly elm brazen he is escaped. The video is incredible. The man described as 5 feet 120 pounds apparently scaled a wall. Then he made his way over a razor wire and somehow got on to a roof line then to top it all off he then jumped to freedom and most shocking of all is he was on the run, laura for a full hour before prison guards, who conducted a head count confirmed his absence. And, yeah, he has been on the run ever since, we are looking at about seven days or so somewhere in the countryside there in the commonwealth. Now, authorities think he is actually been able to come up with some supplies along the way, since taking off. And tonight they are warning the public to stay vigilant. Again, we ask residents to please secure homes, out buildings and vehicles. Cavalcante has clearly already obtained clothing and unknown other supplies. We want to minimize any opportunity to obtain anything more. It is important that we keep pressure on him as we continue to hunt. Important to keep the pressure on. Now, a tower guard, laura, who was actually on duty during the breakout has apparently been placed on leave. This gentleman by the way is a brazilian national. And he was given a Life Sentence just about a month ago for killing his girlfriend in front of her children. A Life Sentence this man is dangerous. On the run tonight. We will certainly keep you up to date if we get any information. But for now, back to you. Laura kevin, thank you so much. And, up next, the return of the branch can a vividdians, masks . Yes, they are coming back. Dr. Scott atlas is here to react and a lot more. Stay there. And to those of you who hear the call answer. Come in to Bass Pros Shops and cabelas for great gear before your fall hunt. Your adventure starts here. Pandemic is over. If you notice, no one is wearing masks, everyone seems to be in pretty good shape. Since the president was with the first lady yesterday, he will be masking while indoors and around people. In alignment with cdc guidance. Laura well, first of all, can you imagine what the press corps would be saying if malign that tested positive for covid in the white house and President Trump was putting the Medal Of Honor around the neck of an American Hero maskless . Well, cnn and msnbc, they would be melting down with recriminations. Think about what they would be saying well we already have an idea. Remember, they just lacerated trump when he took off his mask after he had tested positive, you know, been in the hospital, came home from the hospital, standing alone at that time on the white house balcony. And he was by himself, not a person in sight. They went crazy. And now the democrats are getting very excited though because, in some parts of the country, masks are making a comeback. I saw seven or eight people over the weekend when i was biking outside and they were in masks. I see them on planes, on trains. I give them a wide berth. Now, one school in the peoples republic of montgomery county, maryland is requiring children to mask up now. I kid you not. So the power of covid propaganda among liberals, its mindblowing and, yes, show me a conservative wearing a mask and im going to show you a liberal at a prolife vigil. Over the weekend in obama land i came across this sign. Masks mean business. Yeah, it was marthas vineyard. How ironic, it warns you to wear your mask to protect others and to help keep businesses open. The pandemic lies of old. Didnt you miss them . I didnt. The signs were slapped up in 2020 on the island and never came down. Typically liberals. Immune to facts. And just like the seasonal flu, scar flighty and tony the terrible are back and circulating on air. A bit of a Fantasy World where we are pretending that covid is not relevant. Is that the right call in your eyes to not make masks part of the conversation going forward. You know, not only should it be part of the conversation, to be very clear when there is the need to use it. There is no doubt that mask work. Talking about an individuals effect on their own safety. I am concerned that people will not abide by recommendation. Laura joining me now is dr. Scott atlas, former Trump White House adviser. I feel you and i have lived in a time warp these last three plus years, right . We knew the masks didnt work all those years ago. That big Influenza Study with cloth masks and they just tried to destroy everyone who questioned the mask back then. But now here we are again, the masks are back. What do you say to this madness . A. Well, laura, we have a crisis of both competence and ethical behavior here. I mean, to hear fauci and birx who presided over the biggest Healthcare Fiasco in a century with completely wrong information spewing out, misinformation and pseudo science. Heres the facts. Number one, there is no deadly pandemic present. There hasnt been now for a couple years. Number two, there is no Public Health emergency. So therefore, there should never be an Emergency Use Authorization for some kind of experimental drug which we are about to see. The third point, which was more specifically about masks here. Masks do not work, period. Thats the science. Thats all the data. If you believe in science at all, you look at the studies that were published by the cdc back in may 2020 that showed that masks were not protective for people in a viral respiratory infection. This has been validated over and over again. Annuals of internal medicine. Danish study of 2020. Not protective randomized control tower. The cochran study was not single study. It was analysis of all the sound Scientific Data surgical medical masks did not show reduction in viral infection. The second point was there was no difference between surge masks and n95 masks. So this is complete nonsense. We have a crisis of not just competence. We have people who refusal to admit they were wrong look downs dont work and they will not admit they were wrong. Laura kids coming in as freshmen they have poor math skills. Often writing and readings skills are way below par and a lot of this can be traced back to the lockdowns. So the damage that was done to young people is incalculable and no one was ever held responsible for this. But, earlier today, biden addressed the fact that he wasnt following his own cdc guidelines. Watch this. Explain to the press i have been tested again today. Im clear across the board. But they keep telling me because this has to be 10 days or something, i have got keep wearing it, but dont tell them i didnt have it on when i walked in. Laura oh my god. So he is doing this big on the masks again and testing and holding his mask in his hand. Laura, were obsessing about testing for a virus that is endemic. This is not a pandemic. This is an endemic virus. There is four or five coronavirus endemic. It will never go away. This is irrational behavior to do this kind of testing. I mean, frankly, you know, its up to individuals now. At this point we have to be human beings. The distinguishing feature of a human being from an animal is the ability to reason. That means critical thinking. I look at the elections and im frightened even more because the 2022 elections, eight governors were running again who had severe mandates on lockdowns and seven were reelected. Laura reelected. Reelected by voters. The governors who destroyed the voters children, who destroyed the voters careers. Who literally killed people with their guidance. So we have to have people wake up, be a critical thinker. The era of trusting people because of their title should have been over years ago and to listen to birx and fauci offer advice, this is audacious behavior. Its outrageous. These people are responsible for massive destruction in this country, including, like you said, kids. And they personally have destroyed trust in science and Public Health. Laura dr. Atlas, thank you so much. Great to see you dont. Update on the new york city Migrant Crisis and the scariest words ever uttered by kamala. Raymond arroyo has it all seen and unseen is next. Laura its time for our seen and unseen where we reveal stories behind the headlines, raymond arroyo. I know you have an update on the story that you brought us last night on the hotels in manhattan being transformed into the migrant centers. Whats the latest . It feels like new york menieres outside the Roosevelt Hotel have been transformed into shelters for illegal migrants. I spoke with local Business Owners and those that work in the area. What have you seen being this close. Your story is backed up to the Roosevelt Hotel. What have you witnessed . Its really horrible. Children, kids, babies, mothers, fathers, on the floor. They dont know what they are doing. Its affecting business, all the businesses around the area. What you think about the city spending 225 million to house the migrants here . Those are crazy numbers, the city needs those numbers no doubt. Why does new york owe this to the rest of the United States to pay the bill . That i dont know. They should definitely be felt differently. I will tell you what i feel about this. Theres homeless vets in the city and state and we are not taking care of our own people i believe. I believe in helping everybody but how do we go about helping other people when we are not even taking care of the homeless vets that sleep there and he could no longer sleep in his doorway because now its taken by the migrants. Its a travesty and shame, shame, shame. Have you heard about the Pilot Program theyre offering to people in which they are going to offer them five different states to go out of, give them a stipend to live out for a year and give them work. I got this from a friend of mine who is a counselor in the hotel. To speak of this is not a solution. We have to do something about the border. Laura, the city of new york spent 5 billion to care for the 100,000 plus migrants and more are coming. We dont know who they are. Laura we have 7. 5 Million People and counting and then got a ways. Public schools and esl programs are overloaded with not enough teachers for the american kids. It is ridiculous. People underestimate the dangers. Ice arrested 366 illegal people with Criminal Records and 75,000 illegals have now been named National Security threats by border patrol. The worst is yet to come and as always were talking about scary things. If her joe biden and all the world, these could be some of the most frightening words ever uttered. The word of the day is understand. Joe bidens going to be fine but let us also understand everyone is president , everyone is president. Understand when they take the oath that they must be very clear about the responsibilities they may have. To take over the job of being president. I am no different. Why dont i feel reassured . Thats like verbal, everybody runs to the toilet. The conversation with Kamala Harris is becoming more urgent because the president Giving Quickie speeches and when he hosts ab an event, he wanders out in the middle of the proceedings. [applause] laura, look at the faces of the photographer and one of the attendees. They are like where the heck is he going . Should i leave . I dont know what to do here. Its amazing he gets away with the spirit laura it looks like the Medal Of Honor recipient was almost relieved when biden left the stage. I sensed a feeling of relief coming over him. The white house spokesman claims it was all planned. He left as planned when there was a pause in the program in order to minimize his close contact with attendees. Laura what . [laughs] laura, the dog that ate secret Service Agents did not have close contact with people, but bidens in close contact. He shouldnt have come to the event. Laura raymond, hes hanging the metal around the recipients neck. Two elderly gentlemen, this man is an American Hero. I dont care are we doing Contract Tracing still . Im sure theres a lot of Contact Tracing we should be doing for biden p. R. To god, this is a nightmare. At least you found the exit, thats a plus i will give him that. Laura thats progress and we will take it where we can get it. Great to see you. Thats it for us tonight, dont forget that must follow me on social media. If you loved for some reason my posts on instagram over the weekend. I dont know why you did but you did. Its america now and forever, Jesse Watters has a great show and he takes it from here. Jesse welcome to jesse waters primetime, tonight. Everybodys president. Understand when they take the oath that they must be very clear about the responsibilities they may have to take over the job of being president. Jesse Kamala Harris coming for the throne. I didnt necessarily want to be given all of this attention just because of my identity. It takes a brave and unique person to do this, to be a

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