Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

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To achieve the American Dream today than it was a couple years ago . Of course not. Because the Inflation Reduction Act was never supposed to reduce inflation. It was a trojan horse for the Climate Change crowd. The only people that helped our biden ands donors who work in green energy. You see, it was all a lie. What do you do when you get caught in a lie . You live more. No one making less than 400,000 a year will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. Its a commitment i kept so far and as long as i am president i will keep it. Wrong. Workingclass families had their tax burden jacked up. Who do you think is paying for all the windmills . You. And biden proudly says he cut our National Debt. We actually cut the federal debt, the deficit, by 1. 7 trillion. You hear me . The first two years we cut the deficit 1. 7 trillion. Wrong again. Our National Debt went up almost 4 trillion and biden took office. At least your energy bill went down, right . This law is helping families save thousands of dollars in energy bills every year with a tax credit and rebates by new and efficient electric appliances. Weather rising the homes, install heat pumps, rooftop solar. Another live. You are paying more to heat your house and power your ac. Unless you want to spend 30 grand sticking solar panels on your roof, this bill does not help you at all. But joe biden thinks hes the most successful president in american history. Name me the single objective we have ever set out to accomplish that we failed on . Name me one. Okay, joe. You failed on reducing inflation, lowering gas prices, securing the border and withdrawing from afghanistan to name just a few. Joe biden has been lying his entire career. The first time biden ran for president back in 1988 he said he graduated at the top of his class. I have a much hire iq than you do, i suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. The first year in law school i decided i didnt want to be in law school and decided i want to stay and went back to law school and ended up in the top half of my class. Back then, the media actually fact checked democrats. I can see he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, that he does not have 3 degrees from college and he was not named outstanding Political Science student in college. Biden went to school on a half scholarship and ended up near the bottom of his class and went on to 1 degree and three. Joe biden rank 76 in the class of 85 at the university of syracuse law school. Joe eventually had to drop out, not for lying about his grades, but for plagiarizing someone else. Why is it that my wife who is sitting out in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college. The first woman in her family in 1000 generations to be able to get to university. They didnt have a platform upon which to stand. There is no platform upon which they could stand. Biden never learned his lesson. He said he use to drive 18 wheelers. He never did. He said he was arrested while marching for civil rights. That never happened. He said he was against the afghanistan wore from the beginning. But he voted for it in 2001. And that is not all. If you are vaccinated, you are not going to be hospitalized. You are not going to be in the icu unit and you are not going to die. We know that is not true. But bidens biggest lie of all is this. I did not know he was on the board of that company. Ive never discussed my business or their business, my sons or daughters. I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. I never spoke to my son about overseas business. I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else having to do with their businesses, period. Joe never discussed business with his son. He just talked to his son hunters Business Partners on speakerphone. He went golfing with them too and went to Birthday Dinners with burisma executives, russian billionaires and because extend businessmen. Here is the truth. This guy has been lying since the day he stepped into washington. He has lied his way all the way to the top but now he has been caught redhanded and we are not going to let him get away with it anymore. So lets turn it over to South Carolina congresswoman nancy mace. She is a member of the Oversight Committee. Congresswoman, thanks so much for being with us tonight. Joe biden even said that he wishes he hadnt called the Inflation Reduction Act that because he knows it had no impact on Inflation Reduction according to the cbo at that time. Why did he do that . Certainly, he was trying to sell the Green New Deal to the American People but as you said in your monologue and Opening Statement inflation is higher than its ever bin. I took my teenage kids to the Grocery Store this past weekend. I said, kids, you will not get anything extra. Just meat, fruit and vegetables. It cost over 400 in groceries for the week. It is just untenable and unaffordable to the average american. It was mind blowing the cost of things that have gone up so much under his leadership as president. They say that because of inflation the average family is spending an additional 709 a month for the past two years, which makes it even more difficult for them to be able to balance budget and people who have 401 k plans invading the 401 k to survive. What do you think congress is going to be able to do Going Forward to bring this to some kind of head as it relates to joe biden . Well, if we dont cap spending this year, nothing is going to happen for the American People. I do blame inflation and part on republicans who spend too much and democrats who spend too much. Thats been a bipartisan problem for some time. I hope the house will take spending seriously this year and that we are not going to break the Spending Caps or do supplemental spending bills. We cannot afford to do that right now. Hardworking americans are paying the salaries of every Single Member of Congress Deserve better. When was the last time that actually happens . With all due respect, Everybody Loves hearing you say that, but it doesnt happen in washington. Where are the people in the big boy and big girl pants to make that happen . There are very few of us. That is one reason that we talk about budget and spending earlier this year. I was screaming from the mountaintops. We cannot do this anymore. We are trillions of dollars in debt. We have 50 trillion of dollars in debt if we dont cut spending. I dont want us to look at anything that might harm us. All those things in 10 years will be unattainable for the federal government. We have to get serious about it and get serious about collecting physical fiscal conservatives especially republicans who will not spend too much. You will see me act that way this fall. Impeachment is another issue. I want you to take a look at this fox news poll. It looks like democrats, republicans and independents are all increasingly believing that hunter biden did something illegal compared to the numbers from february. You have got 19 of the democrats think that hunter did something illegal compared to 9 in february. Republicans 80 compared to 69 . And independents, 50 of independents think hunter biden did something illegal compared to 30 . Given that is the movement of the American People, is there anything that the republicans are going to do with respect to impeachment . We have to continue showing the facts. The Mainstream Media and the left want you to think that this kind of behavior is normal. There is nothing normal about selling your country out for mindboggling amounts of money. The more the American People learn, the less they trust. They know the republicans are telling the truth. I will not stop until 100 of americans know the truth and know what happened with the biden family and the amount and level of corruption. This will be one of the most corrupt presidencies in United States history when we are done with it. We shouldnt stop until every single american knows what happened. The Oversight Committee that you are on is the tip of the spear. What is next . Well, we also have a Judiciary Committee and the ways and means committee. I think it is time this fall when we get back in session to start subpoenaing people. We should know every single witness. We should know every single bank record and bank account. The americans dont trust congress. I want them to trust the evidence that comes forward. Every bit of evidence we find on every one of these committees ought to be released to the American People and let them judge for themselves how bad it truly is. Initially we heard there were nine or 10 banks. When are you getting the next group of bank records . I hope we will get it in the next couple weeks when we are back in session in september. It cannot happen soon enough. We are dealing with foreign banks, foreign countries. Those thanks take time and cost money. If i could show the sars reports we have seen, we cant because they are confidential and it would be illegal for me to do that. But the amount of Money Laundering we are talking about is mind blowing. When you say the sars report you are talking about the reports that are identified by the suspicious Banks Department of the treasury . There were about 175 as i recall regarding hunter biden and nothing happens. That is right. Congresswoman nancy mace, good luck to you. Americans want to see something happen. Take care. Coming up, massachusetts would rather keep a child in foster care then let them move in with this catholic family. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go oh, booking. Com somewhere, anywhere. I just want to lie motionless in a chair booking. Com, booking. Yeah you were always so dedicated. We worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. But we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. Now i see who all that hard work was for. It was always for you. Seeing you carry on our legacy im so proud. At vanguard, youre more than just an investor, youre an owner. Setting up the future for the ones you love. Thats the value of ownership. My name is wendy, im 51 years old, and im a hospital administrator. When i talk to patients you can just see from here up when youre wearing a mask. 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See for yourself at botoxcosmetic. Com adopting and a lot goes into deciding who is eligible. Would they be a good parent . Do they have a safe home . Can they provide the child with basic needs . Foster homes are in very high demand. There are simply more kids in the Foster System than eligible families that can take them in. But 2023, if you want to foster a child you better be on board with child sex changes or the state will deem you unfit to raise a child. That is what michael and kitty burke are alleging happen to them in massachusetts. It is hard to find a more ideal couple than them. Mike is an iraq wore veteran and kitty works with special needs kids. But in a federal lawsuit filed this week, the burks claim the state violated their First Amendment rights when they denied their application to become foster parents. According to the suit, the Massachusetts Department of children and families deemed this couple unfit parents because of their catholic beliefs. They said to us we didnt follow the, quote, lgbtq policies of the state and if you look into it further you could see that they matched up with our catholic faith. The letter that they sent us said they didnt think we would be affirming of an lgbtq plus child. This is part of the alarming trend of attacks on people of the catholic faith. We know the fbi was trying to infiltrate catholic groups while a catholic man was arrested just for handing out prolife flyers next to an abortion clinic. And now being catholic means you cannot adopt a child in need. Where does it end. Lets bring in the president of the law firm representing the burks, mark renzi of becket fund for religious liberty. Mark, good to see you. Thanks for joining us. Good to see you, judge. Not only because of this case, but this alarming trend where catholics are somehow seen as some kind of Terrorist Group by the fbi and Christopher Wray sitting in front of congress and saying the head of the fbi, i dont know what to think about that. Yet what we have got is internal documents that the fbi sought to infiltrate Catholic Church diocese to combat direct sncc terrorism. Let me go to this case. There is an actual shortage of families for foster children. They want families to swear that you will engage in top surgery, bottom surgery, if your child wants it . Is that where we are . Yeah, unfortunately, thats exactly where we are and exactly why the burks were denied. The reviewers said otherwise this family is perfectly fit. The problem was that they wouldnt be affirming to lgbtq views that the state held. And for that reason and that reason alone, the state said these good folks cannot foster. They did it at a time when they dont have enough foster parents and they have kids that are stashing in hospitals according to the boston globe for 30 or 40 days at a time. They are letting their fights about politics and sex harm those children. This is not only religious discrimination, this raises the issue as to whether or not this issue of whether or not you will affirm a transitioning of a child. Why is that even relevant . Why is that a question for adopting or fostering . I agree. Maten its not like massachusetts is saying we wont put a child with you who we think once a sex change or who we think identifies as lgbtq or Something Like that. They wont put any child with this family. They wont license them to foster or adopt the tiniest baby who has never heard the words lgbtq. It is outrageous. It is woke politics poisonous everything and its religious discrimination. The courts are not going to stand for it. Massachusetts is wrong and they will lose. Has there been a case like this brought against the courts not just in massachusetts, but anywhere . Yeah. There have been cases in other places and the foster parents have won. There is a case in Washington State with a judge who is actually appointed by President Obama who looked at a similar situation and said you cannot do this to people. That was a couple years ago. We expect the same thing will happen in massachusetts. There is no way that State Governments can exclude whole groups of religious people for having a supposedly wrong religious belief about sex. That is outrageous and harmful to the kids. It is illegal and cons constitutional and it will lose. There is a reason freedom of religion is in the First Amendment. And the idea that we will persecute actual parents willing to adopt or foster is outrageous when we know the damage it has done to a lot of these children who dont have the opportunity or the chance to be with a loving family or any kind of unit where they feel protected. I mean, it is so sad what is going on. When do you think we need these families in fostering kids. They are in there offering to open their homes and love these children. Its outrageous we are turning them away. It is very sad. When do you think you will get a decision on this . We dont know. We just filed a complaint last week. We will do everything we can to get the court to decide quickly. It will probably be a couple months at least before we see something from the court. Thank you, mark. Much love to you and the parents. How did we end up like this where a loving couple cant rescue a ward of the state because of their religious beliefs . Well, its because we have given in to the tyranny of the minority. We have sacrificed the rights of the many for the advantages of the few. This weekend Vivek Ramaswamy called out that very agenda. The republican president ial candidate was in iowa win a pansexual activist confronted him. I dont have any negative view of samesex couples. But i do have a negative view of the tyranny of the minority. We have now in the name of the majority created a tyranny. I think that is wrong. I dont think somebody who is religious should be forced to officiate a wedding that they disagree with. I dont think somebody who is a woman who has worked really hard for her achievements should be forced to compete against a biological man in a swimming competition. I dont think somebody who is a woman that respects her bodily autonomy and dignity should be forced to change clothes in a locker room with a man. That is not freedom. That is oppression. Up next, Sanctuary Cities are overflowing with illegals. And now they are sending the problem to your neighborhood. 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We see some reel support on the horizon. Where have we heard that before . Oh, yeah, right here in New York City. City streets are engulfed with illegals and eric adams, the mayor, says it will cost the city taxpayers 12 billion by 2025. And with school right around the corner, 18,000 illegal kids are about to be dropped into the citys Public Schools for the upcoming year. And the estimated cost of educating migrant students will cost 32,000 per child, adding up to over a half billion dollars. And who knows if these kids even speak the language, if there are enough teachers to help them, or if they are even immunize. Instead of fixing the problem, mayor adams is just sending it up state. Shipping over 500 illegals to erie county, home to the city of buffalo. But once a migrant got there, all broke loose. One illegal a woman in front of her threeyearold child while another illegal sexually assaulted a hotel employee. And now the county is refusing any more asylumseekers and is asking for help. Governors agreed to plays National Guard members at each of the hotels to act as a stabilizing presence. I guess when you let in 5 million illegals into the country without knowing where they came from, what their criminal history is, you dont know who they are and you accept them into your community. What did we think would happen . Now we are sending in the National Guard. So how many more communities will end up like erie county . Lets ask republican candidate for erie County Executive crissy casilla. All right, i went to ub so i am familiar with erie county and understand that in addition to the one illegal who is charged with the rape of a mother in front of her threeyearold child that the group that Eric Adams Senden is called. Go is alleged to have interfered with a Police Investigation by the chief of police apparently thinking it would make the group look bad. 400 million to a group to send these people all over from New York City . Correct. On a nobid contract. Does that stink to high heaven to you . It does to me as a prosecutor. Let me get more specific here. The County Executive now has said no more. That basically our trust and good faith has been betrayed. What happens now . You say or your county says we are not going to take them anymore. What do you think should happen . Judge, first of all, thank you very much for having me on. I am a wife, a mother of three and a Small Business owner for 10 years. I could not step aside any longer watching the radical left Career Politicians ruined New York State. So i decided to run for office. Months ago when this first started i had a Press Conference where i said that we needed to call a State Of Emergency and that there needed to be a pause to give us time to be able to plan accordingly to what might happen to erie county. My opponent, the County Executive, called it morally repugnant for wanting to put a pause and asking for transparency and asking for a plan. You know what is morally repugnant, judge . Is a woman getting in front of her threeyearold daughter. What is morally repugnant is a hotel worker getting sexually assaulted. What is morally repugnant is the fact that we are now taking just one of our school systems, we are taking 66 kids and putting them into the system, but we dont have the resources to take care of our own kids, let alone taking proper care of the Migrant Children. That is morally repugnant. Who pays in these local schools for these imMigrant Children . We know they are not just from mexico anymore. They are from africa, pakistan, all over the world. Doesnt the school have an obligation to have a teacher who speaks their language . Who pays for this . Who pays for this . This is a question i have been asking for months. I can tell you who pays for it. The taxpayers of New York State. What people tend to forget is that weather its federal dollars, state dollars, erie county dollars, school tax dollars, it is our dollars. We are paying for all of this. We are now paying for the failed leadership of our radical left Career Politicians. This is what is happening. You are correct. Not only are we having to pay for all of these interpreters, what makes it even worse is that our schools and erie county are starting in about two weeks. We have almost no preparation time to get staffing to accommodate all those different languages, transportation. Right now in erie county we have it to a 90 day wait for Early Intervention services. We are trying to get our own kids caught up from covid and now we have brought in an influx of Migrant Children and no plan of how we can accommodate them properly. The County Executive has put an end to this and you agree with that, correct . I agree with it, but the horse is out of the barn. It will be a lot harder cleaning up the crisis that he caused by not having the spine to stand up to New York State and the federal government. The residents of erie county and the suburbs are not going to be able to have to deal with the mess. I think the real problem is this dot go that the firm hired and paid millions of dollars to oversee the relocation of migrants from New York City to upstate. Something smells here. Thank you. Joe biden will stop at nothing to make you pay for your neighbors college debt. Through his illfated new plan called the save plan. A lot of thought went into that, apparently. Biden and wants to forgive the debt of 800,000 borrowers totaling nearly 40 million. Now the Supreme Court just told joe in june, you may recall, that he doesnt have the authority to forgive Student Loans. But he wont let a little thing like the constitution or the Supreme Court stop him. He says got one major cheerleader and congress rooting him on, alexandria ocasiocortez. Congress has given the president that authority in the Higher Education act. The president very squarely has as well using his secretary of education the ability to cancel Student Loans. So why is aoc begging joe for Student Loans . Well, maybe its because she needs a hand out herself. New Financial Disclosure shows aoc os as much as 50,000 in Student Loans. It certainly looks like she is pushing legislation that will benefit her personally and financially. She wants you to pay for her College Degree even though she makes almost 200,000 per year. Based off these new findings, she doesnt seem to be paying much of her Student Loans back herself. Perhaps she is holding out hope she will be one of the 800,000 lucky ones. Or maybe she is too busy going on taxpayerfunded trips to brazil. But we shouldnt be surprised by aocs antics. She loves to make a show of things. This is the same woman who is migrants facilities as an opportunity to have a photo shoot and pretended to be arrested in front of the Supreme Court when she just held her hands behind her back. This is the liberal way. Take a handout and make someone else pay for it. Aoc not sure if anyone has told you this before, but when you borrow something, eventually you have to give it back. Especially if you signed a contract to do so. Coming up, cops are under assault in america. Stop stop let me be direct. Youre watching football wrong what do you call a guy in face paint that cant get the game . A clown sorry, what app was it again . No, no. Just give me a second. Amateurs. Ohhh sorry everybody. Directv sports central gives you access to every game. So you never have to compromise on gameday. Was that necessary . I was just illustrating a point. Oh. Get in the redzone with sports pack. Call 1800directv dude, whatre you doing . Im protecting my car. Thats too much work. Weathertech is so much easier. Lasermeasured floorliners up here, Seat Protector and cargoliner back there. Nice out here, side window deflectors. And mud flaps. And the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dentfree. Cool its the best protection for your vehicle, new or preowned. Great. But where do i . Order. Weathertech. Com. Sfx bubblewrap bubble popped sound. The death 106 as over 1000 remain missing. Search and rescues are on the way as families take dna test hoping to identify anyone lost in the file or. William is on the ground with more. Roll hey, judge. In the distance you see molokai and you see the Town Of Lahaina where the search for victims and for answers continues even as thousands of survivors really assess their life and future. I share 50 dna with my parents, with my brother. I share 25 dna with my aunt or uncle. So, by taking a relative sample as a reference run it against a sample from remains we can look at the level of related lists and identify the sample in that manner. Reporter Recovery Workers and cadaver dogs continue to work down there looking literally for bones and teeth, any kind of soft tissue that would help the dna to make a match. They can take a look at it. As she intimated, many relatives have submitted dna for that purpose. Some Cell Phone Video we have shows you. We are having technical difficulties. Thank you, though. What a shame. Sad scenario. Its another day in the lawless states of america. This summer has been filled with crime and shows no signs of slowing down. In connecticut, this Female Officer is being hailed as a hero for her handling this crazed man chasing her with a hammer. Can you put that down, please . Can you put that down, please. No call [ bleep ] stop stop stop [ yelling ] here in new york, this woman was wielding a gun in the middle of a busy intersection in broad daylight. The police knew they had to apprehend her without putting anyone else in danger. So they decided to get a little creative. She got a [ bleep ] gun. Chill, son. That is crazy. So they hit her to stop her. And last but not least, seattle continues to be seattle. Just this week a fire started at a Homeless Encampment in seattle and nearly burned down an Apartment Building nearby. Drivers on the busy road had to maneuver around the smoldering site, which is totally allowed in seattle. What has this come to . Lets bring in seattle radio host jason rants. All right, jason. You have been following this for a long time. I give credit to the cops and Nassau County who made a decision that a woman with a gun in the middle of an intersection with plenty of cars and people around her is threatening Deadly Physical force and the cops have the right to use Deadly Physical force in defensive themselves or others. But you dont see cops with that kind of, what shall i call it, fortitude that much, do you . No, you dont. In large part because a lot of these officers come from areas that have attorneys general or prosecutors who are looking to prosecute for any unjustifiable use of force. But to your point, this clearly was justified. Lets also point out the training of this officer, the way that he struck the suspect, he could have very easily killed her. The way that he went about doing it, it was about mitigating the threat. Not only did he save her life, but he obvious he saved the lives of other people. This is tremendous police work. By the way, this is an officer in the hospital dealing with trauma as a result. Just another reminder that these are human beings and they are being asked to do a lot. They are doing it without complaint. I wasnt aware of that, jason. You know, godspeed to him. I want to talk about the guy with a hammer. The guy with the hammer had a conviction going back to 1995 and two previous attacks on Police Officers in 2017 and 2020. This guy was allowed out on bail. As far as i am concerned after what he did to that female Police Officer there should be no bail. But we now have these laws that the democrats have no bail, know this, know that, no discretion. We are going further and further into chaos and anarchy. 100 . If its not a law that gets rid of cash bill what you end up having is a uncial of activist groups that collect money and indiscriminately will pay for bail for people who are put in jail and actually managed to get even a small amount of bail attached to them. Whichever way you look you have people who continuously fight for the bad guys. We have created a culture of lawlessness in which we have now rewarded the people who deserve no reward whatsoever. They deserve punishment. But somehow in this new twisted world that the radical left has created, we are now pretending that the criminal is the actual victim of a racial criminal Justice System which is clearly not the case. Im glad we got that on Body Cam Footage so people understand what is going on. And how painful it is for those men and women of law enforcement. Jason, thanks for being with us tonight. Coming up, alec baldwin not out of the woods. Why he could be facing new charges for fatally shooting someone on that movie set. My Mental Health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. Td can be caused by some Mental Health meds. And its unlikely to improve without treatment. I felt like my movements were in the spotlight. 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Time to get ready for the season during the fall Hunting Classic at Bass Pro Shops and cabelas. Save on great gear with our lowprice guarantee. And for a limited time, get Inflation Buster Pricing on select Tracker Offroads Plus Club members receive special financing. Only at Bass Pro Shops and cabelas. If you have moderate to severe Crohns Disease skyrizi is the first and only il23 inhibitor that can deliver clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in Crohns Disease. Control of crohns means everything to me. Ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. Control is everything to me learn how abbvie could help you save. Fox news alert Actor Alec Baldwin could be looking at new charges stemming from the Fatal Shooting on the set of his movie rust. Criminal charges were originally dropped against baldwin back in april following the death of cinematographer helena hutchins. Baldwin has repeatedly claimed that he did not pull the trigger of the gun. I let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes off. I let go of the hammer of the gun and the goes off. That was the moment the gun went off. It wasnt in the script for the trigger to be pulled. The trigger was not pulled. I did not pull the trigger. You never pulled the trigger . I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger. That was the training i had. Today a new forensic report from gun experts say that the good not did not malfunction and baldwin must have pulled the trigger. It looks like alec baldwin could be on the hook again. A Fox News Contributor and columnist for the messenger joins me now. Joe, the truth is that the fbi reports said he had to have pulled the trigger. Now they get another forensic report he was previously charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter. I dont think there is any question he will be charged again. What say you . Guns dont go off on themselves. I am not a legal expert but just hearing about what happened is painfully obvious that baldwin pulled the trigger. It was accidental, of course. The questions that i have is why were there live rounds on the set . Given all the advances we have been movie making, do you need a live round or can you fake it . You can probably fake it. The budget for this movie was only 8 million dollars. Barbie was 150 million. Despite having alec baldwin it was done on the cheap. Therefore were protocols overlooked or did they not hire the right people as far as keeping people safe . Heres the thing. Halyna hutchins loses her life. Shes a wife, a mom of a young kid and there needs to be accountability. Obvious he i cant believe after all this happened they continue to film again and they would put this out despite all the bad karma and all the bad pr that would go along with this particular movie. A lot of questions. Alec baldwin could go to prison. The point that you make is an important 11. Why is there live rounds . People walked off the set because they said it was not safe. The person responsible for the safety on the set was not just the armor. Alec baldwin had a roll, not just as a person who allegedly pulled the trigger. This is the story i am fascinated by. Retired nfl star michael oher who the movie The Blind Side was based on his claiming the tuohy family did not adopt him. They tricked him into signing paperwork making them conservators. Today the tuohy lawyers are disputing the account and the family has given oher his fair share. I want you to know he is suing. They said in the movie as well that they adopted him. They never adopted him. They were his conservators. What can you tell us about this . The story from michael oher is that it was a bait and switch. We are adopting you. Sign these papers. It turns out they will be conservators instead. The tuohys are worth a lot of money. Thats why hes asking for 15 million. Michael played nine seasons in the nfl and made all these millions. Sports illustrated estimated 80 and retired nfl players are broke after the first three years. Could he have incentive to shake them down . Maybe. An 18yearold kid is not knowing what he is signing. Its as clear as mud right now exactly what happened. He is claiming a breach of fiduciary responsibility, trickery, forgery and deceit. They made a hell of a lot of money on him. The fact they told him was adopted is very painful. We will never watch The Blind Side and Sandra Bullock in quite the same way. Its a beautiful movie, but its all a lie. Thats all for us tonight. Thank you for watching the Special Edition of jesse watters. I am judge jeanine pirro. My friend sean hannity is up next. Look at this great audience. Wow, what a great group of people we have. Great to see you all. How are you . These are all my rowdy friends. The only normal people in New York City. Welcome to hannity. Welcome to you at home. Thank you for joining us. Tonight a flagrant Double Standard in our great country the usa. If you are donald trump or a trump supporter you are not allowed to ever dare questio

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