Diversion program. Its the same prosecutor that took forever to navigate a Pretty Simple fact pattern, sam prosecutor who negotiated a plea deal that fell apart with just a slightest scrutiny from a federal judge. Folks on the left and the media, which may be redundant will remind you it was approved by donald trump and thats true. Its also true wise was supported by the two democrat senators from the state of delaware. I dont care in wise was appointed by martin van buren. What i do care about is a prosecutor and a process we can trust. One who gathers facts and dependent of political pressure and moves and responds fairly and quickly and most of all justly. A senate might think the Department Of Justice was trying to drag the Hunter Biden Case Out Beyond November of 2024 in the president ial race. Congress does not have the power to indict or to take a matter to court. Congress can investigate and will be joined by the chief investigator from the great state of kentucky, House Oversight chairman mr. James comer. Mr. Chairman, lets start with hunter biden himself. Do you think if you were the prosecutor, do you think enough evidence exists to prove that he accepted money from Foreign Companies or Foreign Countries for work, and do you hit defense would be able to convince a jury what that work actually was . No. Hunter bidens committed many crimes, trey. What youre referring to, i believe, is a violation of the Foreign Agents registration act. Not to mention that the sitting Vice President s son shouldnt even be a Foreign Agent at the very least he wasnt registered as a Foreign Agent. He was lobbying on behalf of some very bad people in some very bad countries. So not only that, he took the money and he tried to conceal the source of all those payments and he started he would wire the money through various Shell Companies and then once he got the money to the end of the Shell Companies, then hed launder it into his own Bank Accounts or into the Bank Accounts of Family Members. Thats called Money Laundering. Hes violated the Foreign Agents registration act. Hes committed Money Laundering and six major banks of the United States had dozens and dozens of suspicious Activity Reports filing with the treasury that indicated they felt like the Vice President s son was Money Laundering. He also committed tax evasion and we heard from the irs Whistle Blowers that they didnt pay a penny of tax on any of this money they laundered from bad actors in bad countries to their Shell Companies. We have a lot of crimes that were committed by the president s son, but were concerned as you know about the president of the United States. We heard System Testimony Two Weeksing A that he was a central figure in this and he spoke on the phone and had dinner with many of these bad people from these bad countries paying his Family Millions of dollars. We know david wise, same person but a different title and it took a long time to get to Special Council. But its also the same guy, correct me if im wrong and plead to two Mice Demeanors and the Felony Gun Charges and how moved are you with this thirst for justice and doj by appointing Special Council on friday afternoon. This is a joke. All that Merrick Garland did was validate the point that many republicans have been making that the Department Of Justice was weaponnized. Ive been very vocal in saying we didnt need a Special Council and ive been on the other side of a lot of colleagues in the house and the one reason i would give for not wanting a Special Council was what weve seen. The fact that ive got no confidence that Merrick Garland would appoint anyone credible. I never dreamed hes hed do as bad as think did with wise. Not only did wise drag his feet for five years and try to negotiate a sweet Heart Plea Deal with the president s son and he left the statute of limitations run out. That was one of the biggest complaints from the irs Whistle Blowers testifying before the Oversight Committee and was there frustration they knew they were coming up on hard stop as far as trying to prosecute the president s son for obvious crimes of tax evasion and violation of the Foreign Agents registration act, but wise intentionally let the statute of limitation run out. We learned in that testimony, trey, that the irs Whistle Blowers never knew about the 1023 form from the fbi that bill barr handed over to wise that alleged hunter biden and joe biden were involved in a Bribery Scheme in ukraine even though wise knew the irs was investigating suspicious wire from ukraine. So we have no confidence in wise. We have no confidence in Merrick Garland. This will not deter our investigation and well continue to move forward and try to present the American People with the truth about this family. Before i let you go, i read a quote and ill attribute it to you and i need to compliment you and you said youre concerned no matter what side of the aisle if there shall Family Members that may be trafficking in the name of one of their elected Family Members and i think we need more of that. More folks saying its wrong no matter who does it. I know youve got a lot of work to do in kentucky over the august work period and theres a lot of Work Waiting On You Come September too when you get back to dc. Thank you for joining us on a sunday night, chairman comer, from the great state of kentucky. Thanks for having me, trey. Impeachment used to be serious and rare. It is after all the political death penalty, removal from office and perhaps forever barred from Holding Office again. Democrats impeached donald trump twice and did not come close to a conviction. Now, republicans are fighting over who will be the first to file Impeachment Articles against joe biden. So what is the Legal Standard for impeachment . Are we in this cycle of impeaching whoever the president is, has impeachment turned into another way to make the news and the Fundraising Ploy . Joining us is former congressman jason chaffetz. Okay, chairman, you were on the chairman of the oversight commit thee and smart guy with your finger on the pulse of American Politics and a tough question from the House Republican standpoint, what makes them think Kamala Harris would be a better president than joe biden . Oh, i dont think thats the standard, trey. I dont think you can look around the corner and say, were going to make a political decision. I dont think thats part of the consideration. But the reality, shes going to be the president if you get rid of joe biden. Shes going to be the president. How is that president better . It would be a horrific moment but thats the consequence but if you dont stand on principle, you know, there used to be a i served with a congressman from the fourth Congressional District of South Carolina he was a good guy. He made really great arguments and his name was trey gowdy and made passionate speeching about Congress Standing up for itself and to have a backbone and they also said, hey, listen, we are our special teams subpoes good as our enforcements and he was right. The atmosphere were in right now is that those subpoenas can only be administered by the Department Of Justice. So i think im with Speaker Mccarthy on this one. Speaker mccarthy floated the idea of an impeachment inquiry. Thats not impeachment but an inquiry and i think that would do well in the courts but we know that abby lowell, hunter Biden Attorney wraps up the House Of Representatives in court as quickly as possible and the house given the moves over the last couple of days has got to go and have a the vote on the floor of the house. Is there going to be an impeachment and i think thats going to be compelling by a judge to enforce a subpoena by saying the house is needing to investigate these things. Folks in the republican majority, slight as it is are citing things for which joe biden and jim jordan in the House Judiciary Committee and not Early Intervention program peachment hearings Impeachment Hearing Ands why not do it the right way and the democrat didnt do it and President Trump the first time around and they didnt do it that way and why not investigate first and charge later. The consent of the requirement in the constitution and thats a senate prerogative, but edwin piece, the former attorney general wrote eloquently for the Heritage Foundation saying theres a so equal opportunity to appoint somebody but theres a coequal opportunity to dismiss somebody and i happen to be someone thats impeachment is more common for those that are Senate Confirmed and relates to the president and thats the highest standard and we dont want to have a pingpong match every sin l time a president selected and we just drused an impeachment and articles in the Washington Post the day donald trump was inaugurated saying it had begun. Thats not the way to get to the country and theres obvious crimes and you have a Department Of Justice and they will not administer them adhering to the dually issued subpoenas and it happened to me. It happened to you. Theres got to be another way to go to the courts and force it through the courts. Were in violent agreement with one another. Thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Thank you, chairman. If youre going to the Iowa State Fair, be prepared to run into someone running for president. And the latest on charges and trials involving former President Trump. Senator joni ernst and Fox News Contributor Andy Mccarthy join us next. Were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. Let Innovation Refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. Well, im not 100 sold yet. Okay, have you considered its fine, flo. 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The Iowa State Fair is one of the oldest state fairs in the country. The largest gaterring in the state of iowa and largest place for politicians running for president. Rick and ted cruz and Mike Huckabee are proof doesnt guarantee winning the nomination. Joining us is someone that know as lot about how to win iowa and thats senator joni ernst. Let us in on the secret. Whats the secret to winning the Hawkeye State . Hey, trey. Its really great to be with you, and you know in South Carolina that these early competitions really matter and to win in iowa youve got to get out there. You have to share a message that resinates with iowans and press a lot of the flesh and there is no better place to do that than at the Iowa State Fair. All right. Do you think you were one of my favorite colleagues by the way if people cant already tell. You were one of the people i enjoyed the very most and youre honest. Im going to ask you a question and i know youll tell me honestly if you think the outcome is still yet to be determined, i mean, the polling indicates the former president is just a run away favorite, but do you think theres still time for someone to make it competitive in the iowa caucu caucuses. Well, i will tell you honestly, the president is polling very well here and he is a favorite across iowa, but it has been interesting just to hear people say i want to hear from all of these incredible candidates. I think at the end of the day, what most i hear from iowans is they want to beat president joe biden. So that is the focus here in iowa whoever the candidate is, it is the person thats going to put the bidens out of the white house so it has been exciting. Again, the president , President Trump is polling really, really well in iowa that i think a lot of people are interesting in hearing all of these other fabulous candidates. I met your governor, kim reynolds through you at a Motorcycle Event in iowa, and it seems like she, like you, trying to be fair, trying to be, i dont want to say neutral but welcoming all the candidates and do they like that and like the fact youre trying to be fair and not biased and welcoming to all the candidates or would they prefer you to say this is who we are voting for and you should also. Youre right, trey. You met governor kim reynolds at a roast and ride event you spoke at. Thank you for doing that, but we welcome all of the president ial hopefuls into the state of iowa. Thankfully the gop remains first in the nation in iowa with our caucus. The democrats fled iowa. They have gone onto your home state of South Carolina, but we want to welcome them, we want to stay neutral and senator chuck grassley, the governor and i all remain neutral through the caucus process because we want everyone to engage in iowa. Taxpayers great place to test your message to get out there, visit with voters, and eventually set that stage on the caucuses. Before i let you go, whats your favorite thing to do at the Iowa State Fair . And you cant tell me it is to introduce or walk around with your colleagues because i know that cannot possibly be true. What is your favorite thing to do at the Iowa State Fair . Well, probably my favorite thing, trey, is to get into the livestock barns. We have so many incredible young ffaers and 4hers that have raised these an mattes and know how to show them. I have a great group of folks up from Southwest Iowa that i grew up with and their kids are showing animals now and we love to reconnect at the Iowa State Fair. So its incredible. If youre not used to agriculture, youre not exposed to it, this is the place to b. I grew up on a hog farm. I know other kids are raised on a hog farm. Senator joni ernst, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, trey. God bless you. Lawyers for former President Trump were back in court testing the limits of what can be said and done pending trial. Meanwhile prosecutors in georgia seeing poised to charge there as well. Our country went 250 years without seeing a former president indicted. Soon itll be four indictments and about 250 days. Will the cases get to trial before election day and what should we be looking for between now and then. Joining us is former federal prosecutor legal expert Andy Mccarthy. Donald trump is a defendant and running for president of the United States. Where are the boundaries on what a confident can or cannot say pretrial . Yeah, i dont think we know what they are, trey, for the very reason you pointed out. We went through nearly a quarter of a millennium without this situation, and now its upon us, and i think anybody who says they know exactly where the boundaries are when you have two constitutional interests rubbing intense each other in ways we have never Ken Temporal Integration Plaited before and its foolish to know itll come out and the judge that resides over the case that President Trump is in in washington this week, tonya drew a line that cant be sustained, which is she said that running for president participating in the american Electoral Office process is a constitutional right. That has to give way to the dual administration of justice. To me that suggests that the justice part of the administration doesnt think it has to yield to the other constitutional concerns and i dont know of any constitutional right that has that kind of supremacy. You have to draw lines that are sensible. All right. I want to move to the indictment itself and what do you make as a Career Prosecutor and im sure you noticed there were a number of Unindicted Coconspirators Nameless at this point. Will they soon be codefendanted or think theyll be cooperating witnesses during the governments case in chief . Yeah, i dont think either, trey. Those are the situations were familiar with and to me its being driven more by politics than by law and my theory for what its worth is that smith indicted trump alone and named people who would have otherwise been defendants, some of them as unindicted coconspirators and hes trying to get the case to trial. Theyre on a political calendar and want the case tried in the early part of 2024 so that they can have the evidence and the hearings from the case in the minds of the voters as they go to the polls toward the end of next year. I think thats been whats been driving this. If he had indicted all of those unindicted coconspirators and a number of those are lawyers and the resources that are thrown at this case and pretrial litigation was entailed with the early part of middle of next year and its inconceivable to basically focus on trump alone and they may get around to those other conspirators in this case. Jot president want as new judge and he wants a different venue,. Can he have those things heard on appeal or wait and lose to get to bring them up on appeal. If im President Trump, if i can get a case up to appeal prior to trial and as youre pointing out, the preference in the law is that you try the whole case in front of the trial judge and then it goes up as a bundle on appeal, he i think needs to get this case up to the Appellate Court on the charges in the case, more importantly than who the judge is and where the case is tried because i think there are legal arts to be made against arguments to be made against each one of the three variations of charges theyve brought. Theyve brought civil rights ri, obstruction and trade. Had if i can get a case up to appeal, thats what im arguing about. I feel like i get a chance to go back to law every time theres Andy Mccarthy on our show. I mean that in a good way and not crazy Law Professors i used to have and one i understand and Andy Mccarthy, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Thank you, trey. Coming up, the fbi is back in the news again for all the wrong reasons. Congressman mike johnson weighs in next. Im your overly competitive brother. Check. Psych and im about to steal this game from you just like i stole kelly carter in high school. You got no game dude, thats a foul and now youre ready to settle the score. Game over. And if you dont have the right Home Insurance coverage, well, you could end up paying for all this yourself. So get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, yeah, like me. Thanks, bro. Take a lap, rookie. Real mature. If you want to be here. It all starts here. At Bass Pro Shops and cabelas, we have the widest selection of the quality brands you love to get you outdoors. Whether youre a seasoned pro or just starting out. Our friendly, knowledgeable outfitters will help you find the right products for your next trip. Shop with confidence with our lowprice guarantee. Plus, Club Members Save even more on great gear with exclusive member pricing. Bass pro shops and cabelas, voted americas best outdoor retailer. 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If you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. Serious or lifethreatening lactic acid buildup and Liver Problems can occur. Tell your doctor if you have kidney or Liver Problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. Dovato may harm an unborn baby. Most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. Detect this i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Ask your doctor about switching to dovato. Welcome back to sunday night in america. Radical catholics, those are not words you typically see together unless youre reading fbi memos. You may recall an Fbi Field Office in virginia was concerned about all of Violent Crime and extremism being committed by catholics. Fbi director chris wray was shocked and one memo from one office and sure seeps to look like a lot more than that. Joining us now is congressman mike johnson from the great state of louisiana. Congressman, another week and more questions for the fbi. Whats the latest from these radical jihadist nuns . The fbi director himself Chrichristopher Wray testified t was a one off and nothing to see here and, folks, it was a Rogue Operation out of Rich Monday Field Office and now Richmond Field Office and now we know about two weeks after his testimony, there was an unredacted document that tells us the real truth and at least two Otherfield Field Offices were directly involved including portland and los angeles and, trey, for all we know it was a whole bureau approach to targeting traditional catholics as potential domestic terrorists. Were not making this up. It is really incredible this would be happening but the doj has been weaponnized and theres no other way to say it. Congressman, theres one thing to not know everything thats happening in every single field office. Thats one thing. Its another thing once you learn to still get it wrong before you go to congress. I mean, the director just either seems to be struggling to grasp what is happening within his bureau or he struggles to tell you the truth of whats happening within his bureau, neither of which is very good. Youre exactly right and thats how weve summarized all this and hes per jerkinsed himself or perjured himself and the fbi is engined in all sorts of nefarious activities and federal Court Opinions now detailing what weve all known to be true that theyre censoring and silencing operation and conservatives in the churches and perishes and next time and the town halls and the first question that everybody asked. Where is the accountability and using every single one and losing your faith and system of justice with nothing left at stake. Their congressman cannot indict anyone and thats outside of his powers and i used to get his powers and that was my old job and that may be your next job and not your job now and going to speak to prosecutors and recently Special Council was finally appointed and hunter biden case watching you guys during the Robert Mueller hearing and the one with the Mueller Report during the hearing and it was Robert Mueller. Someone else was running that investigation. Are you also interested in the prosecutors and fbi agents that david wise is going to hire as part of his special counsel team. Thats a great point and we are. Primarily thats because we dont have a lot of faith in mrs changed his story on the course of five weeks over summer and we dont trust this guy and when we ask for Special Council, i think the American People deserve that over the hunter biden matter. We didnt want somebody inside the doj whos in on it and answering to Merrick Garland and defies only the spirit and the letter of the federal regulation on point that says a Special Council is supposed to be from outside the government and the whole idea is that you get an objective third party and thats not what mr. Wise is. A lot of work in august and louisiana with your constituents and waiting on you to get back to dc. Congressman mike johnson from the great state of louisiana. Thank you for joining us. Thanks, brother, good to see you. Coming up, young people cannot legally buy alcohol, tobacco, firearms or lottery tickets. What about social media that may be the biggest threat of all to their Mental Health and well ask the expert hi need new glasses . Buy one pair, get one free at visionworks how can you see me squinting . I cant im just telling everyone . Hey buy one pair, get one free for back to school. Visionworks. See the difference. I need it cool at night. 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Kevin whos a clinical psychologist. Cara, im going to start with you. Theres a long list of things that young people cant do because we dont think theyre old enough to decide for themselves. Should setting up a tiktok or Instagram Account be among them . I absolutely agree and look at things like a lefty Surgeon General said these children are outgunned by the programmers, by the designers of these technologies in these social Media Companies that are basically striving to addict children younger and younger to these products and you look at research from Companies Like facebook where i used to work and they formed a team, this is according to the Ball Street Journal in 2021 from a whistle blower and formed a team to study the preteens and this is under 13 yearolds, 9 to 11 yearolds and create products for them to try and maximize their engagements on the screen and i have a daughter and i dont want to be having known a lot of programmers and designers and very smart people. I dont want to be fighting them to stop her from getting on these platforms and i think in this case, the law is a teacher so let the law teach. Let a thousand flowers bloom in the states and lets see what our labs and democracy come up with to help our kids. All right, doctor. Theres connectors and benefits to access information and how can we take advantage of the good that social media can offer while insulating young people from the dangers of some of which cara made reference to. Theyre spot on and your question is how do we stay psychologically healthy and just like how do we stay physically healthy and moms and dads do have to be an expert at this and theres a lot of experience in data and what kind of child are you trying to raise and whats the value and most kids even talking to them when youre parents, i want a child thats kind and thoughtful and knows how to think and do you want a critic or a critical thinker and have that discussion with the child . And then what youll see is a lot of behavioring either line up with that or dont line up with that. Thats how we change and correct course. We absolutely need outside help because these companies, when i listen to them in congress, i was like wait a second, is this big tobacco or big it . Because it sounds the same and that should terrify every parent around and then have some real specific rules and guidelines. We all achieve more things when we have rules and guidelines and some of those are, no, we dont use the phone in these settings. Go out to dinner. You see phones interfering with the real valuable things in life, and we have to balance that out. When we balance it, it has less of a negative effect. All right, cara, theres plenty of thing things my wife d a police would come for me and following along on the social media accounts and would be her preferred social media account and how do we enforce that and not going to lock parents up and let kids do it. How do we enforce a law that requires parental permission . Were not going to lock kids up and not going to lock parents up. I tell people having worked in the social Media Companies you care primarily about the one thing and that is their bod tom line and give bottom line and when you give parents the recourse and targeting the pocketbooks of the companies and not finding the chump change like a few Million Dollars is what they find in the corners of their couch at the big companies, but you actually give these parents say private reichs of action so they can take on these companies where again theyre vastly ottomanned and thats going to be the outgunned and thatll be the Enforcement Mechanism and shifting the burden to the companies and instituting the Age Verification Measures so that they with all of their vast large resources can fix the problems and helping parents out in the fight. Thank you both for joins us on a sunday night. Coming up, human traffic asking a stain on the soul of mankind. Tim tebow is trying to do something about it and were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. With a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne Sensitivity Gum enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. Im a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. Woman why did we choose safelite . We were loading our suv when. Crack safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when theyd arrive with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Hey, jamie. New client . Yeah, and youll never guess who, but lets just say she saved when she bundled her dream house and her dream car barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Well, i wouldnt be so sure. It could be oh, its definitely barbie. Everyone knows who she is. Were standing in front of her house, dude. Barbie in theaters now. Welcome back to sunday night in america, Human Trafficking is using fraud and coercion for labor. And a desire to stay in the United States to control their victims. People dont like to dwell on the thought of children or anyone else in bondage, it is happening in staggering numbers. Tim tebow trying to any something about it. The tip of the spear, when it comes to combating Human Trafficking, welcome to you tim. People, cannot Imagine Victimizing anyone taking advantage of vulnerable people, yet it happens, we must be educated and aware, as painful as it is, right . There is no doubt. We have to be educated and be aware, and willing to take off the blinders too long we have kept on blinders and thought if we just go about hour business, we dont have to look at it, but we do, we have to be aware so awareness can lead to action and action to khaled to lead to change and change lead to more rescues so Boys And Girls dont have to go through one of the worst evils in the world, we have to be willing to look at it, address it and see it. So we can change it as a society, trey, last year, you were so kind to have me on to talk about our birthday campaign, you and your followers made such an impact, i want to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, there was a amazing survivor that wanted to write a sweet note to you and your followers and all that supported the Protection Center. I would love to read that nugget to you. I can remember, how it felt to be afraid all the time even after i was rescued it took a long time before i really believed i was safe, i knew that powerful people who hurt me, wanted me to disappear. They wanted to keep my voice silent from testifying against them. Day after day the staff proved i was safe, my heart began to trust and heal, finally the powerful people that hurt me have gone to prison, now im studying to bekibecome an attorney, i want girls who survived these injustices to know they dont have to be afraid any more, they can have hope for future, thank you for supporting the Ttf Protection and in thailand, because of you, girls like me will find protection and justice and a safe place. So, trey, to you, and to everyone that supported, the Protection Center last year, that is from a survive or who went through horrible injustice. So thank you for stepping up. You know, tim, people want to know does it matter, does it count, does it make a difference when i give to worthy causes, there is the answer on the Protection Center in thailand. Tell us about what unknown is. Unknown is this years birthday campaign. It is terrible that we have have it, but it is called unknown because this are several different Law Enforcement databases that House Child Sexual Abuse material in one of the Law Enforcement databases there is at least 50 thousand Boys And Girls, who their identity is unknown, their location is unknown. And they are getting abused over and over again, and that abuse in images and videos is traded all over the world like we traded baseball cards, they are exploited and forced to do terrible things. This unknown campaign, is with the heart, to identify them, locate them and rescue them and bring them to longterm restoration, we know that although we might not know their identity right now, god because, this is our calling and purpose to identify them, to know them, and locate them and bring them to longterm restoration. Mark tim tebow is right, knowledge leads to action which leads to protection which leads to saved and changed lives, happy birthday, i had gotten you a Florida State cap for your birthday. You went to Florida State. I was going to congratulate you on way South Carolina ended last year, and you start this, you know. Mark he went to florida, you know what, i find amazing, tim, we didnt spend one second talking about your athletic career. Because you have moved on, in my opinion to do something which will change the world a thousand times more, times over, than what you acomp bl on the field, thank you, tim tebow. Looking forward, thank you so much and thank you to all of the people that have supported God Bless You guys. Amen, God Bless You too. Thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, have a grit week, until next week you can find us on line. Or trey gowdy podcast, good night from South Carolina. Hello i am anita vogel with lisa boothe and david webb, the big story. A bombshell new report claims that President Biden had at least two chances to prevent the Kabul Airport suicides attack in afghanistan that killed 13 Service Members in 2021, the report coming from a new report, in which a

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