Oh. Oh, my god. Fox news alert. The Hawaiian Island of maui has burned beyond recognition. Devastating wildfires have roaredthslandeyond across the ie and residents compare it to the apocalypse. Ntat least 53 people have been killed already with the death toll expected to increase significantly. Dozens more are missing as thede island now resembles a war zonne. Oh, my gosh. Look a oh, mt the harbor. Baok a oh, mt the harbor. This looks like baghdad or something. The historic popular Vacation Town of lahaina is almost unrecognizable. Thousands of people have evacuated it, leaving behind Charcoal Cars and homes. Rescuegnizable crews are workind the clock to fight the fire. Joe bidens asking for 12 billion in fema aid to help hawaii. The scorched islands home to everyone from surfersg ev to workers, retirees. Even Oprah Winfrey owns a home surfe. Rah winfrey owns a home the devastation will take years to recover from. Lets turn it over to traceac gallagher, anchor of fox news at night with the latest traceel. And, jesse, these really were like firestorms coming through. We should begin by saying is the damage is certainly widespread. And the images, as you sawwides there, were astonishing. T ri but right now, that is Theght C Second biggest concern, because there are still hundreds of people missing still hu. Families and neighbors are now using google documents, trying to locatsingents to e their lovh although we should note thatt Cell Phone Service is not working on much of maui. And thats also a factor when youre trying to find people. For now, as you mentioned, the death toll just moments ag o was increased to 53. The mayor of maui believes that number will rise. The mayor also says that 1700gsv buildings have been damaged or edestroyed, mostly in and around the town of lahaina, which is mostly gone. And that includes the majority of the boats and the shipsbor. In lahaina harbor. You saw the helicopter, the Air Picturessa where the pilots were just but astonished atage has what damage has been done there. Authorities in maui still dont know where the fire started oriy what sparked it, but it spread rapidly because of stron dontgs from Hurricane Dora, which passed near the Hawaiian Islands. Some people got away from the flames by jumping into the ocean. And residents of la chinatown of say they had little time to grab what they could and get out. Watctle timeh. Woke up this morning and got on our phones to pictures of our house just just down to the slab. Nothing but smokjuste. An cinders came with our clothes. We got on. Ot and a dog and two kids. N. Its crazy. Have similar stories. Each year, the Hawaiian Islands are hit with fires that burnsto wide swaths of territory. But the coastal areas of maui,of the second largest Hawaiian Island, are much more prone because its very dry with an average of about 15 inches of rain a year compared to the mountain inches s of maui, whicf get upwards of 300 inches. Well have much more on the Fires On Fox News at night tonight, including an interview with a pastor whose churcha in lahaina is no longer there. Jesse. Is nall right, trace, thanks. Well see you at 11. Yep. Okay. So now the question becomes, std what started the fires . Well, theres a few factors in play. First, theres Hurricane Dora hurling 60 mile an hour windsa, across the island, pushing push hawaii. Sland, pushing that fed the fire. But we dont know if it started it. This is an interesting thing, though, wasarted it it tt that the island was also in the midst of a crippling drought . Its dry season there. That also could have triggered it. But residente triggered it. S had a significant amount of fire prone grass and shrubbery. These nonnative grasses are highly flammable. Theyve been introduced into hawaii from out of state. Wealthy buildersthese , landscad demands, imported drier greenery that sparks more easily. And what about the possibility that this was manmade . 85 of wildfires in thee camp United States are caused by negligence like campfires, cigarette and of coursfie, and h arson. And theres been a rash of arson in hawaii overbeen a r thr two years. Could have been a combination of factors. Highs. Couldv a combi winds cod down the power lines, a lit down the power lines, a lit anythings possible. And well update you as soon as we know more. But for now, turn it over turn to william lajeunesse, whos live on the grounditis o. Well, jesse, ill tell you this. Were at a shelter right now and people are dropping off all kinds of blankets and towels and pampers droppingt kind of thing. The amazing thing ive heard and ive people as you know,ard, pol theres a theres a blockade. Police will not let people into et lahaina. S two problems. Number one, theres a lot of people still in lahaina who diod survive, but they wont leave because they are not being allowed back ie becausn. Well, some of those i heard one individual is actually has a diabetes medication. They need ice to keep it, to keep it cold. They dont want to leaveheneed number two, because police are not letting people in and theres no Cell Phone Service. No one knows whos alive and whos dead. So whoive an theyre taking boa. Theres a harbor just south of china where ive spoken to two individuals who have already gone in and getting in and getting off and checking out lahaina and checking out an, seeing if. Ecking out people are alive and then coming back. Thats the only way in or out right nothe onlyw of the devastt in the videos that we have looked at. Ive talked to one individual and this was amazing, right . She was on a sailboat in the harbor when the fire started and said there was so much gasoline and petrol in the area between the breakwater in the wharf, which is not a huge area that literally the ocean caught on fire. It was that bad. I heard the story of one individual who was in the t water for more than 12 hours waiting to be rescued. Those are the kinds of stories i think were going to hear coming out. Jesse, and please send our prayers to all those people youve talked to. We hope everything gets straightened out to. Rning it starting over now to sands dyer. He owns and runs the gemini the charter boat out of lahaina. Hes taking people to the airport on the other side of maui, as well as Buying Supplies and then bringing themi back to the people who need help. Ng people so were Hearing Stories that people had been escaping and diving into the ocean because that was the only place that was not on fire. Tell us what youre doing. Yeah, i the its really devastating. Im going to do everything i can at the moment to help the community out. And everyones coming together ,but its very, very difficult to do so without cell service, without power, with people running out of gas, water, food. And we really need help out oi here. So im doing my part. Ive got a catamaranhavearan an im bringing 50 people at a time from one side of the island to the other to justn to escape all the devastation. I personally just sad w lahaina with my own eyes from my boat as we were crossing by on my the other side to the other side of the island. I live here and it looks like a complete war zone. Itcomplete war zone. It is really devastating. Since when you board people onhey tell to the catamaran, what kinds of things are they telling you . Well, its people that have families that they members that they cant get a hold of and people that have medical issues they need to get over here because the hospitals over here on this side of the island, as opposed to what hypothyroid people have medication issues, people with all types of really, really dire needs. And, you know, im just doingopa my part to try and help as many people as i can heres. How is the emotional state state ofof these people . I mean, theyre obviously missing loved ones. They have medical issues. How are People Holding up . Are peopoh, its its heartb. So, for example, yesterday the only part of the west side of maui were your Cell Phone Service is up by the kapalua the airport. So i drove up there just to gett in touch i with my family back e florida. And there were people that were getting news that their house was burned down, that their loved ones are missing, lt that i mean, people were just breaking down left and right. It was really, really difficult to watch. And its a really, really awful situation. All right. Well, sanjay, than really k youh for everything youre doing. And we pray for you and all the people in hawaii and maui and hope every body findsthey all the people that theyve lost. We love you. Than k you so much. Family h i appreciate that. And we my family has set up a gofundme account. So if anyone wants to help in that way, its under the wayne dyer go fund me. Thats my father. And im also friends with will cain. Hes studying one up as well. So get in touch with, you know e ,either of us and we can help these people. All the money is going to the local familiesof the m. Cal familiesof the m. We have a very generous two months. Thank you. Sense a very. Well, the gold rush puts seattle, washington,ttle on the map. Seattle didnt have gold, but it was a distribution hub, railub, an shipping. And then the Timber Industry provided boeing with wood to build their early planes. Bill gates, headquartered microsoft in seattle, and it became kind of a tech center and money funded research universities, beautiful infrastructure. Ucture cifrastructure. Ucture flourished, but Everything Changetyd after the black lives matter riots. A group of anti police vagrants roped off a big chunk of the city and claimed it was theycity and claimed it was they called it chop said it was an autonomous zone, not a part of america. The city let them go on like that for a month. It was violent. People were killed. The press was shut out. Out i use my voice. The following. Are you going . All right. Your client. This. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Did you hear that . Seattle caved to chop, slashing their police budgetmil, by 40 million, triggering a Violent Crime wave. The citys never recovered. E citys never recovered many shops are littered all over the city. Homeless set up encampmentr recs and chased off intruders. Multiple tents, piles of trash and open air Drug Use Spilling onto northeast 125th street. Its a public sidewalk on myk base. The far left activists would stop to sweep seattle. How many of these people are you going to take in to your home, sir . Trying stop th, to interfere ant down my coverage. You guys got to get in shape, man. You know youre going to , right . And this unhinged woman at the camp Startedrted Throwingg W Objects in my direction and chased me with a ski pole downit there doing it pretty good. But i wouldnt ski for some homeless crew. So comfortable they set upw o their own swimming pool. They cant take. They cant taktable the these tf things away from us. And we deserve to stay where weve developed and where were building. The reasoning for the pool was e something that i decided to put in forhave dec for the people h. The encampment, to enjoy, to keep us cool. We are working harpeople hd to p that and keep it clean. In july, there was a huge turf war outside a hospital. It started when a Homeless Guy Named Coconut was exiled from a fentanyl den. Coconut was upset, so he started his own fentanyl den. Coconut then came back with his sidekick, monkey. Rob the fentanyl. Then. Then set off a homemade ied. Its monkey and Coconuts Turfd now. Policethen i started quitting. Today, the force is down nearly 25 . Lieutenant Jessica Taylor was with the seattle d pd ford for 23 years. She just quit. E she wrote a scathing resignation letter. Hingits about 15 pages long whe she just torches the city council and especially the police chief, adrian diaz. I have never in my life witnessed such weakness when ito comes to enforcing the law. This perfect combination of failedrcing the Leadership Hasr a perfect storm of incompetence and chaoeates. Nd cha its no wonder seattles become a Laughing Stock of the nationos and the globe. Theyre laughing about us on the international news. Na arent you embarrassed . I am. Its mortifying. Ws. The city that once pridedlf itself on progressiveness and prosperity has now become a hotbed for crime and anarchy. Lieutenant and taylor went on ta priorities, playing politics and pandering to Radicalying Tad Ideology rather than genuinely serving the city and residents d best interests. Their absurd policies have turned seattle into a playground for anarchists and criminals, and they seem utterly concerned with the devastating consequences of their action s. If you havent noticed, the criminals are running this citynnin. Lets turn it over to former seattle lieutenant Jessica Taylor. So, jessica, why did you leave exactly . Wel well, the city of seattle is just a hot mess. Ss. Dumpster fire just out of control. And i just cant participate in it any longer. So i handed in my paperwork. M do you blame the politicians or the police chief . I blame everybody. I blame the mayor who has no plan for anything. But he keeps saying he has a plan, but nobody has seen it yet. I blame the city council. Theyre absolute extremists. Theres no other way to put it. Y they have their policies are just off the charticies ths the chief, hes, you know,pretty pretty much just a yes man does whatever hes told to do. And the citizens of Seattle Police officers are justbein being sacrifice. Do these leaders recognize how bad things have gotten . You cant not. Theres needles everywhere. Theres homeless and trash everywhere. And i make it personal. Time went out to help the homeless. I know how bad it is. Theyre just not implementing anything. They are not doing anything. It is out of control. It is not safe. Nothing. You seem really emotional about this. Yes. I love this city. I love this job and this and this leadership has just got to go. O it is time for the citizens to back the officers and for the officers to just get up and help out. When did you notice things really, really going downhill . Probably about it really started to go downhill really bad around the chaz situation. Thats when it really took a dive. Were the politicians scared after the chop, Chaz Disaster . Well, the politicians, i mean, theyll tell you a different story than what actually happened. Y than haat actually happened. Y than a Takeover Of The East Precincpt there. Its on your screen. It wasnt it was abandonment. They surrendered a large portion of the city. Yes. Yes and how has that preventeden this city from recoverinted thg well, you you know, everything that i stand on is, you know, trust and integrity and,know, to you know, to uphold and defend the constitution. And you can no longer do this job if you cant even work out of a precinct that serves one fifth of the city. Dty. O you think the chief is corrupt . I think that theres some moralo issues. Yes. Doesut he abuse his office . If the rumors about the taylor swift concert are true, then yes. Whats the taylor swift Concert Rumor . Well, the taylor swift rumori is that he barged his way into the taylor swift concert, made its Way Upde His W to the fronte lots of people have paid thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to go to the show. And there he is, Bashing A Vithere he is, bashing and its a violation of the policy. He should record himself. Okay. Well, lieutenant. Very brave woman. Thank you for your service fora all years in the Seattle Police department. It is a shame that hes badging his way to the front row of a taylor swift concert while everybody else is stepping r ovg needles, junkies and fending off crooks. We salute your service, and we really hope this city recovers because its a beautiful. Thank you. Coming up, want to know what next year is going to look like . We just found out. Straight ahead , mysteries, plots, secrets. Join me as fox nation investigates some of the biggest ones around in fox files, part one. From a tragedy with potential implications. You know, if it did happen on purpose, we need to know. To a bizarre theory. Trying to find out if the moon landing is real or fake. Out of this world encounters. Youre all sworn to secrecy. Fox files part one streaming now on fox nation. Im got to go. The Omaha Steaks Anniversary sale is here for over a century, weve guaranteed the highest quality in everything we offer. To celebrate, were offering you 50 off sitewide. That means youll save 50 and get our 100 guarantee that youll love every bite. Never tried omaha steaks. Save an extra 30 with promo code. First time visit omaha steaks. Wsj. Com slash tv today. It takes dedication to care for our elderly, especially when they need it most. At visiting angels, we help seniors remain independent and safe in their own home and give families that special Peace Of Mind knowing that their loved ones have the best care possible. Americas seniors need our helping hand so if you care about caring, come on and join our team. 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[narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. I can be the winds of change. Fox alert. We just learned joe bidens campaign strategy. Ca prosecutors have askedprosec the d. C. Judge to set the triaul date for trumps january 6 case. On january his second, a trialaa that could end up goinl g for two months and donald trump would have to be physicallyp in courtshingt in washington, d. C. Every daony for those two months, january and february, meaning the front runner for the republican nomination would miss the iowa caucuses, the nevada primary, the New Hampshire primary, and the cauce South Carolina primary. That means no rallies, no. Fundraiser s. 0 ocl hed be stuck 9 to 5 monday through friday in a d. C. Oc thro. Courtroom. But thats not all. Beginning in late march, trump would have to be in a new york courtroom, sitting well the table from sitting alvin bragg, keeping him off the campaign Trail Throughh of y april and in may, trump will have to sit back in court forme the maralago documents case in florida. Ca president bidens using these partisan prosecutors andto physically prevent his opponent from campaigning. Gross election interference. And joe biden still has not even been asked about this once by the media. Bidens Department Of Justice even designate that donaldgh trump a flight risk. When Prosecutor Jack Smith got a Search Warrant to crack into trumps twitter accoun t, mps twitter accoun he made the case to the judge that donald trump, the most famous man in the world who has a Secret Service detail, would Somehoman Inw flea the country and no one would notice. And you kno w what . An obama appointed judge, judge beryl howell, agreed. Impeachment is the only option. Republicans have now. Oversight chair james comer says after additionalal bus biden Business Associates are subpoenaedin, the biden family is next. This is always goingfa to end ay with the bidens coming in front of the committee. We are going to subpoenafami the family. Were told joe bidenly. S were told joe bidenly. Brother, jimmy, will be subpoenaed to testify. His bank records will be next. Subpo then hunter will be subpoenaed next. His banknext his records. The biden family will resist and will immediately launch an epic court fight. But the point the case will bemi made for impeachment. You haves bribery, Money Laundering, Racketeering Briberyand Obstruction of justf allegations. Joe bidens personal Bank Accounts will eventually be hit with the subpoena. This is why joe biden is desperatet with to keep trumn court during the election. So, joe can lay low, letelection his lawyers in the media block questions and subpoenas and stumble into a second term. Because if joe biden loses us, hell be indicted by trumps justice department. So both candidates, trump and biden, must win this election o in order to stay out of prisoneo. Stephen miller is the founderamc of America First legal and he joins us now. T how do you even react to this . Do you think the judge is goinhg to Off On A January 2nd trial date . Well, we know that the judge in washington, d. C. Is Anington Extreme Leftist and they hav den been pushing and pushing and pushing cases with this judge. Knowing that theyre going to give the government or shes going to give the government eveto r they. But lets just take a step back for a second. Theres no country in the world that would put the opponent on trial during the actual primary itself. They would at least pretend they would at least play, make believe. They at least try y to plausibly put the trial somewhere where theyre like, oh, this is an election interference. This is just aey would uatedn e. They are saying during the iowa caucus, duringey the New Hampshire primary, we are going to bench the person who isd at 40 plus points ahead at this point in 2012. Mitt romney was five points ahead. He was within the margin of error. A rer. This in a republican primary. And they are saying that tha prt candidate cannot be on the ground, that anyone who has studied who is does no tt knows anything about the iowa caucus, knows iowa voters expect you to be there on the ground, shaking hands, standing with them,messag going to diners. And the message is going to be to iowa voters t. S gu you cant vote for this guy because hes on trial. He will no ot be available. J he might go to jail, vote forat somebody else. Thats what the governmentg to is trying to do. N ambiguoudo as. E goin you think theyre going to getg away with it . Its really up to the house, h isnt it . I mean, the housouse e has to create a degree of pressure and aa degr degree of intensity and focus and determination that is going to make it very clear to the Department Of Justice and to the judges adjudicating this case, they are not going to be ableadjudica to get away. And that, yes, that there will be criminal investigations and criminal charges. The house is going to refer to the Department Of Justice for action in 2025, a multitude of cases based on what theyre investigating. But right now, if im in the Department Of Justice and im part of this corrupt you im part of this corrupt g were getting away with it all, were pulling this off, were literally saying in writing, were going to bench the leading candidatate during the caucus. Were going to have him in on triacaucus, l over tweets that t three years ago. New information. Newjesse read the indictment l, well, on january 2016. Oh, 24 hours, donald sent a message on twitter. These things have been knowni for three years and theyre putting him on trial now and theyre saying, you knowon o what . Its working. Nobodys stopping us. Nobodys being impeached. Nobodysbody iping being i beinr criminal charges. So, yeah, they will get away with it. Honestly unless there is a fundamental change in how the house and the senates well, and that includes many senate republicans, have been on the Sidelinesnd O engage with this issue. Well, when they Geten Gageback from their week vacati, stephen, maybe theyll come ups with the plawell come n. All right. Good to see you. All busy flying all arounda plb, the world, getting on, Gettingti The Luxe treatment from foreign countriengtreatmens when were g our country. All right, stephen miller, everybody, thank you so much co well, americas favorite socialist, Bernie Sanders, madee a name for himself by promising to redistribute the wealthrsstrh turns out he has made good h on that promise. Hes taking the wealth fromcampi his Campaign Donors and hes redit to his donors and hes family. According to a report from fox digita famoml. Bernie quietly funneled 200,000 from his Campaign Fund to the Sanders Institute fund. Well, whats the Sanders Institute . Its good question. Ion, its good question. Ion, acexist because in 20 19, while bernie was preparing for a second run to the white house, the Sanders Institute said it was ceasing operations to avoid the appearance of e appearimpropriety. But we looked at the books and the sanders never shut down. Theyre still cutting checksr s the Sanders Institute cut a check for 100,000 to their executive director, dave driscoll, whose dave driscoll,l. Its bernie stepson who runs the Sanders Institute. Oh, well, that would be bernies wife, jane. So if you donate to Berniefor Sanders for president , Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars go to bernies wif thousane and kids. S in the real world, thats a felony. But in washington, thats b business as usual. And thiand this isnt the firse bernies wife was flagged for financial shenanigans. The wif bernies wife, jane sanders, had to step down from ste a Burlington College for Falsifying Records to get a shady 10 million loan. But she left with 200,000h 2 in severance. And then00,0n that Teeny Collegs closed for good, citing crippling debted c. D bern weve invited Bernie Sanders to appear on Jesse Watters, prime time to explain expla his Campaign Finance scandal. Lets see if hes mainn enough to show up. But well also take his wife. So should you have to bee. Able to answer questions like this in order to vote . Can you name any of the 13 original colonies the United States, spain and brazil . Hey, grab more delectable. You know that Likable Charactera . The clickable delectable. Yes. Hmm. Must be delicious. Delectable, likable treat. Deliciously delectable, delectable. My employees. 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If you or someone you love is a farm worker, field worker, chemical applicator, or anyone who handled or worked with the Herbicide Paraquat and then developed parkinsons disease, dont delay. Call the victims Justice Group if you or someone you love were exposed to paraquat and were diagnosed with parkinsons disease, called the number on your screen. Now im going to play me one. Help me. Everybody deserves to be able to use the toilet. Raising children means you need support. Kids with a truly hands free shoe that can handle Anything Mothering throws at you. Where did you get that chainsaw . Amazon. Oh, its time to upgrade to the original hands free, smart, shoe free shipping, free returns, free the way you can get your own business today. This is going to be on. Why are you here . I want to get punished for this is not a game show. Special forces Worlds Toughest test season premiere monday, september 25th on fox saturday baseball night in america on fox new junior at the braves. That was alonzo defense ohtani,o the angels take on the Astros Kids Baseball Night In America Saturday at seven easternound on fox. Hi, im norma and i my t. Loe on glow once i enter menopause. I did not like the fact that i had gained body fat around my waist. To f happen. Ive never had that probleapart after starting golo and taking release, i immediately saw an improvement in my waistline. A lot of people expect to fall apart as they age, but since taking release, ive never felt better. Thanks to golo, im 66, but i feel like im 30 six. Remember when you turned 18,turd you were finally an adult in the eyes of the law, e 26 a and thanks to the 26th amendment, it means you go tmendment, it means you go the right to vote. But republican president ial candidate, the fake rama swamit isnt so sure. 18 year olds are ready for that kind of respons s18yeae a. Hes proposing a constitutional amendment that would make 18 to 24 year olds pass a civics test before they had the right to vote. Its the same test immigrants take befor e they become citizens. If you pass, congrats. Heres your registration form. But if you fail, youd have to wait untis a l your 25th birthday to vote. Unless you do six months of military or First Responder service. Primsie time was intrigued by this idea, so we decided set to the test. We decided what is the supreme Law Of The Land . Dont drive, dont care, dont still love your neighborecla as yourself. The declaration of independencre ,unity, diversity,. Nity, diversity, okay. We have a thing called the constitution, which i cherish. What is the name of the Economic System we have here in the United States . I couldnt tell you the dollar bill, dollar, dollar bill, your capitalism, ism . Democratic socialism. Thank god its no t. Thank god its no can you name the three branches of government thr . Ern . Oh, my god, i actually cant do that. Can i get some help . How . W . I surrender. I give uurrenderp legislative. Yikes. Judicial. Legislative. Executive. Supreme court. I havent studied this. I donrtt know how many original column these were there. Im going take a strong guess and say 25, ten, 13. I dont. I dont know. I didnt mean to say that. Name some of them women, florida, United States, spain and brazil, maryland, delaware ,virginia, pennsylvania was, the best becausepe it was the spookiest. Oh b, women didnt always have the right to vote. Hey dgao you remember whenve they gained the right . The its on the tip of my tongue. Spit it out. After world war two, 1862, 1942, in 1980 1920, go ahead and clap. What is the name of our National Anthem . Is there another name other than the National Anthem . Oh, my god. Um. Starspangled banner. The star spangled banner. Who did it strangle the United States . Read it. Who are you and what is this . Dont make me laugh. Youre going to be on Jessewattr Waters prime time. At do what do you want to tell Jesse Watters . A Fox News Channel . Yo jesseJesse Watters. Um. Have a great day. Knocking on the spot. Not a tester. Hear keep doing cartwheels. I hear that you have great Maple Siruave grp. You h jesse. Whered you hear that from . I heard it from the grapevineam . Rouge. E the Big Rama Swami is a 2024 president ial candidate. All right, so, vivek, is this a real proposal . Because a constitutional amendment, its kind of tough to get through. Na get through. National unity, jesse. And this is no. T a republican idea or a democratic idea. It is addressing a crisis of National Pride in our country. 60 of Young Americans now say that they would sooner give up their righns say tt to vote thas to give up their access to tik tok. This is a crisis. Young people do not value a country theyre just passively inheriting. We value a country that we have a stake in creating and building and knowing something about. And so, yes, i want to revivean citizenship. I want to revive civic dutd civ we ask immigrants to pass thator test for a reason. Thats a good thing. Every 18yearold in this country should have to know the same thing that an immigrant does, too. That will revive our civic spirit. And its part of a broader nationalist vision. If i may say, i agree with you. In this thousand percent, vivek, but do you really expect the democrats and even some republicans to go along with this tone . A lot of Politician Ins want ana ignorant populationtn. They do, which is why we need less politicians and more people who come from outside of politics in office. Thats why it takes an outsider to get the job done. I come from the school of thought of Ronald Reagane job do on this. Jesse. I dont just give voters what they want to hear and spoutest dont what thd bacf they disagree with me. I believe in persuasion. Were not a bunch of animals. H were human beings. The sshuman beings. Us different as human beings and citizens from animals is that we candifferenan being. So did this idea poll well initially in tests . Nt one no, it wasnt one of my best ideas on the poll rankings, but thats okay. Nd i s i believe in it. It is a firm conviction. I stand by and i believeta i win persuade the people of this country. This is what we need to revive r the next generation. All right. I hope we will hear it, although everyone wen. Interviewed would have failed and not been able to have voted, but we didnt give hiy nm a chance to study. So if you give him a chance to study, maybe they would have done better. Vivek, thank you so much. And we expect to see them will have debate stage in about a little over a week. Thank you. Thank you. Up next, the python huntress, south dakota is hiring. Were inviting people from across america to get in on the action. We have more jobs than people. Thats why im helping out. South dakota recognizes most out of State Professional licenses our industries, except other states, apprenticeship programs. And to ease the financial burden, were investing in scholarships to get people trained and on the job. Governor . No. Yes. You missed the spot. South dakota Freedom Works here. Hi, im mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. And im here today to tell you about a Hidden Health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. Sleep deprivation. And thats why you need to know about Relaxium Sleep. You see getting a good nights sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, and a double blind placebo. Clinical trial Relaxium Sleep help people fall asleep faster ,stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. Relaxium Triple Action Formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr. Eric ciliberti. Itll regulate your Natural Sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better sleep through the whole night. 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Burmese pythons have taken over flrmese pythons have taken over are fighting back to lose their. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Lets go. So how did a snake native to Southeast Asia end up in the swamps for the Sunshine State . Well, back in miami, in the miai eighties, at the height of the cocaine days, the city saw a boom i in the exotic pet trad. You know, to impress people. So they started breeding pythons. But once the high class miami residents realized the reptiles grow up to be 20 feet long, they started letting them loose in the evergladetarteds. Now, floridas overrun by theser predatorids. There could be maybe 300,000 pythons living in florida. And theyre ravenous. Decimating the population of native birds, mammals and other reptiles and eating anything they could swallow, including gators. So florida is hosting a Python Hunting Challenge in the everglades. Is something i know a thing or two about. Have you wield a machete . Because once we get to snake, one of the things you want to do is humanely kill it. You want me to chop the head off the snake . How am i going to chop the head off the snake if im going to be running in the other direction . Snake hunters from around the country have a chance to win 10,000. Our next guest is knowton as the python huntress. Her name is amy siewert and she joins me now. All right, python huntress, subg how do you go about subduing these reptiles . We jump on them to catch them. First of all, that soundsll stupid. So so youre really fine. T you jump on them and thenhe you grab them by the necn y thk yep. Absolutely. And then once theyre secured, then we. We dispatch. But we have to search for them first. Okay. Is there an approach that you use . Because just jumping on a Burmese Python seems. Risky . Yeah. Its obviously risky there. Every situation is different. Some of them are really easy and boring and some of them will take you on a wild ride. So you never know what youre going to get with them. Ing to get with them. Bitten by a python . Oh, i cant even h count. So many. So many. Where is the most beautiful place to be bitten by your . Yeah. Bitt okay. En that happened. Yeah. M. How do you execute . I everything that we do has i everything that we do has American Veterinary Association of humane forms of euthanasia for the pythons. So i use a captive bolt gun. You call it euthanasia . I mean, were dispatching them. Okay. And so what do we do with the skin . Do we make wallets and purses where you can see the wall of skins behind me . So, yes, i actually skin on my own. I have my Snowbird Condo and then i have them professionally tanned. And then i make different products. I have apple watch bands and bracelets and things like that. Okay. I t i think you should send johnny a satchel. He could Definitelhijohnnyy Uset to carry his goods around. Do you recommend this for nonexpert hunters or do you just get lets just them cowboys that fly down for the hunt, you know, not knowing what theyre doing. You know, its its not as easy as what it looks. And its really hard to find these things. Even though florida is overrun them. They are very cryptic and very hard to find. Ov them, t know what youre doing, i dont recommend it. However, we do have the Python Challenge going on this week, so we have a lot of people in town that, you know, you have to go through this little course before you can sign up. So, you know what a python looks like. So there are a lot of people down here. So its its a lot of fun. But if o but dont know what yoe doing, you need to be careful. Okay. Should we send down there just to kind of put his life in danger . Come on down. I ill take you on high. Okay, lets see about that. Weay, lets see about that. Good luck. And good luck with the ten grand. I have a good feeling you, honey. Thank you very much for it. 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This means less bathroom interruptions, improved stream and emptying and less urges to go during the night. Let Super Beta Help you return to normalcy. Find it at walmart or these retailers a heart attack. Do they have Life Insurance . No. But we have Life Insurance, john. Im trying to find something we can afford. Fortunately, in only a minutes, selectquote found john a 500,000 policy for only 29 a month. And his wife and a 500,000 policy for only 21 a month. Go to select qualcomm now and get the insurance. Your family needs at a price you can afford. Selectquote we shop you save fox news at night has you covered. We begin with breaking information from critical events here home to the global conflict shaping our world. We will cover it in full dont miss Trace Gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night. You remember this lady you remember this lady telling you right now that there is not real. That is tiffany gomez, a Marketing Executive from aarketing executive from s. Her what made tiffany freak out . Well, now we have the full video and the freak out started over some airpods. Right now, this plane here in the house, in the volunteer to get a volunteer to fix my. Our friends at the daily mail caught up with tiffany ate. Her home right there. And she says you can lifes beed up and people shouldnt judge because they dont knowbue her story. But we have a feeling Jesse Watters, primetime might v to know her story a little bit better t next week. I wil im going to be awayy on assignment, buton well be working on something for you involving hunter biden for when i get involvi ban august 21st. Weve come across some intelligence. We. Co just need to fluff out, if you know what i mean. Lets do some text, dolores for michigan. If biden can win an electionfr from his basement, who says trump cant win an electio hisn from a courtroom, hes going to have to try. Gloriae , for michigan. I keep forgetting, is it jimmy the chicken or jimmy . Four fingers. Its the chin, frankie. Four fingers. Alliteration. Scott from ohio. Sounds like bernie figured out bidennomics. Ut yep. To the tune of 200,000 at least. We think its only 200,000. Were going to look in those Bookleast Wes later. Charlie from oregon. O jesse rei would love to purchase one of your tshirts, but thanks to biodynamics, i am unable to do so at this time. Well, you know what, jimmy . Were going to send you ai will tshirt. Ill just give you a larg jue scale arizona. I answered every one of johnnys questions without a problem. Well, you can vote, but if you couldnt and youre young, that says, no way. Thats all for tonight. Dvr the show and always remember im watters and this is my world. Welcome to hannahs 40 crowder. We got a real rowdy crowd all my friends the only normalye people in all of New York City ths room tonight. Ew york city thank you for being with us. U thank you at home fos r being with us. And by the way, tonight, the joe biden bribery, Money Laundering allegation scandal that is heating up in bigan and major ways. Soon the media mob that hased been protectinia mob

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