Alabama republican partys annual Summer Dinner last night. The charges put forth in the indictment are an outrageous criminalization of political speech so this ridiculous indictment against us is not a legal case, its an act of desperation by failed joe biden and radical left thugs. Every time radical left Democrats Marxist Communist and fascist indictment, i consider it a badge of honor because im being indicted for you, thanks a lot. Biden piles on trump, president is facing troubles of his own. The newly released transcript, the House Oversight interview with hunter Biden Associate devon archer pulls back the curtain. On Hunter Bidens alleged Sketchy Business deals with his dad the daily mail points out the interview unveils shocking revelation including Hunter Bidens habit of putting his father on speakerphone during meetings with foreign Business Partners, pleadings the white house with hunters Business Partners missing from the white house visitor logs. Joes attendance at meetings with hunters Business Partners are more expensive than previously admitted hunters law Firm Lobbying u. S. Officials and orchestrating the strategy for burisma behalf without registering. All of this on your hunters plea deal fell apart last week and former Attorney General bill barr tells fox news justice does not appear to have been applied equally. No one should be that than the people working on the january six case in the in that way it appears the Hunter Biden Case was settled and Attorney General cannot walk away from this and cant say is handled by this person or former trump person handling of the Hunter Biden Case which crystallizes this deepseated feeling or two standards and here you are being aggressive against President Trump. Im not saying it improper to bring the case that it an aggressive move versus i think lenient treatment of plantar biden. Obviously evidence is piling up, its overwhelming but in a weird way, beasley a lot of the information was kept from voters before the election but a lot of this is what people have always known about the biden family, joe biden was ran out of all the six running for the white house several times over think a serial liar so in a weird way it shouldnt be a terrific surprised this is going on. Maybe we shouldnt be nailing the details down now. This is so obvious years on and this corruption was going on and joe biden was a Business Partner him, he wasnt an associate talking about the weather, it is obvious monday when devon archer gave his testimony Behind Closed Doors the did not go well for democrats, media and the narrative when congressman dan goldman was a prodigy of adam schiff rushed to the cameras to try to explain why it was clearly normal for joe biden speakerphone to talk about the weather with a number of hunters Business Partners despite the fact joe biden maintained to this day hes never discussed business with them, never met these people, there voters of them, weve known this for years but thinking of this on a broader scale of what this means, people say this is d. C. , it happens all the time but i was thinking about ukraine and when joe biden was Vice President , his job was written ukraine of corruption, they were telling ukraine the couldnt join nato, they couldnt join because there was too much corruption. The reason was one of the most corrupt companies in ukraine so while joe biden is supposed to Read Companies from corruption, the biden family was engaged in it being paid 80000 A Month For Hunter Biden and you think about this in the context now of russia invading years later and what it means, ukraine was kept out of nato for corruption and joe biden was supposed to peanut up and was engaged and now there are consequences. If you are a coalminer, you want to go to the coal mine to get cold so if you are the biden family of course you will be attracted to ukraine. Republicans are incredibly frustrated by all this and have been for a long time but it is interesting a lot of this stuff wouldnt be coming out right now in such explicit detail if republicans hadnt won the house and the work theyve been able to do so in a weird way it does Show Elections do matter. Collections do have consequences as well and when i think about this story how they look at trump and what devon archer was testifying, i was watching to see what they had to say, much of nothing. There is a study that came out that showed msnbc and cnn on that same day they used trumps name over 700 times, devon archer, less than 50. That tells you where it is, totally laughable and trump is clearly benefiting, there might not be enough indictments to feed the fundraising goals. [laughter] this is what we have become, the media has no interest in legitimate news stories which is corruption of joe biden completely silent on it and the silence is not only a dereliction in duty but also complicity in the coverup we see from the white house when we talk about these issues, we talk about it on fox news and other networks but no one wants to talk about it. If he would have been a governor in illinois, fbi would have been on his tail. He probably be in jail by now so is the nature of politics as we know it, its unfortunate what we are but thank god for House Republicans getting answers the American People desperately ne need. Its going good to only fbi. [laughter] one of the things that blows my mind when you step back from this, you have this corrupt Company Country that no normal person can find on a map or at least i couldnt, however normal i may be but theyre sitting there trying to figure out how are we going to make this work . What is there lucky aseptic sleeve . Getting a lobbyist in washington d. C. And here comes a billiondollar bribe what does it say about the state of government today and how much influence and completely ignore American Interest concerned about any interest abroad. It seems this whole thing has been a longterm grip and it Vice President work at the home of it, he was lucky to have Family Members more than willing to enrich themselves and many others to the tune of possibly 30 million in the biden family but water runs downhill so they were looking for that corruption of gravity to find ways where you have rich authoritarians who desperately wanted access to the Obama Biden White house and willing to do whatever it took in order to take the spigot on and i dont think hunter biden was the restaurant, he was put in place and given relationships in places like ukraine and china and uncle jim was doing the same thing but the more it widens out, the more we see the greater scope but drill down on the details, it is damning for this president because every denial hes made has been proven false and is the problem with the strategy, is so much that can be proven false. Everything from the relationship talking to hunter about Business Dealings but the laptop itself, did they think some journalist werent going to look into that . They think wasnt populated by people who were going to go through with a fine tooth comb . Not only authenticate it but have these fruitful details that keep emerging. The portrait they paint is not just a Trouble Crackhead but also a family that was on the take for decades. It also shows how corrupt and lazy the media is but also how corrupt a party can become when the media never asks questions. They assume the media would never ask questions. Thats the truth, there are other people in the media, independent journalists will think god willing to drill down and take the primary sources and tell the truth. Heres the distinction thou though. I put you in that category. Thank you so much. The interesting part is with got an impeachment that may happen and the American People, most of the mainstream does not cover this. I had a friend who came over during this time, shes a liberal and didnt know anything about this. She didnt even know joe biden seventh grandchild. They are not covering it and when joe biden meet his grandchild, he may tell the mom get her w2, shes a biden now, we are about to make money with her people dont even have access to information because he got social media censoring this information and they will turn on your post and they dont want it to be exposed. Now we are hearing the story line may have changed the goalpost on what joe biden may have known or didnt know and it changed but he theres nothing that proves he did anything wrong. The message saying im sitting here with my father and we want the money to be transferred immediately tonight, if that doesnt show you he was involved in a way beyond just listening in on phone calls were not willing to accept the truth. Its indisputable he lied about the extent good stuff. Up next, Empire State Of Mind declined. York citys woes are adding up. We will tell you when we return. [time clock sfx] the new dexcom g7 sends your Glucose Numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where youre heading without fingersticks. Dexcom g7. So easy to use, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. sfx crowd noise. Ref whistle sarah, you got this. Ok . sfx Referee Whistle say, what you wanna say and let the words fall out honestly, i wanna see you be brave with what you wanna say and let the words fall out and let the words fall out but they lost and let the words fall out not really. What you wanna say not where it counts. I wanna see you be brave just wanna see you be brave 1 out of 5 young People Struggle with disorders like depression, dyslexia, adhd, ocd, eating disorders, and anxiety. Every year, over a million young people visit the er because of Suicidal Ideation and suicide attempts. 5,000 die by suicide. When we ignore mental health, we lose our children. The Child Mind Institute is a reliable, relentless, and revolutionary voice for children. Give today at childmind. Org. Every business thats why Comcast Business De is launching theal. Mobile made free event. With our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. Its our best internet. Powered by The Next Generation 10g network and with 99. 9 reliability. Plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. Its the mobile made free eventhappening now. Get started for just 49. 99 a month. Plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. Comcast business, powering possibilities. Yeah messages and everyone else will come back to the weekend show. A missed empire state of the client, a new Study Reveals nyc takes the top slot. In the world, yes. For weed consumption. Big apple or should i say, the big apple is a World Largest canvas consuming study according to a study with Animal Consumption thats different. Too many vegans, annual consumption. Topic more than 60 metric tons a year, very impressive but thats not the only problem the liberal city is facing after a riot broke out, one of the busiest parks. Fridays mayhem unfolded after popular Twitch Streamer announced a giveaway for fans at union square park. Thousands descended on the park, things escalated into absolute chaos, rioters were seen damaging cars, stores and other businesses before police made more than 60 arrests, the Twitch Streamer was arrested when citing the right and all unlawful assembly. I want you to look at this and comment, our fearless mayor eric adams had interesting blame to place for the destruction. This is not a police issue, its a parenting issue. We need to be clear on that. Police is the response after an incident happened but there should be a proactive approach and i wonder with the thousands of children there hurling dangerous objects at Police Officers, disrespecting the residents in the area, attacking each other, how many parents text their children . You should stop them if you want to talk to your kids so the Twitch Streamer or the parent . Seems like an easy scapegoat. I think the broken clock correct twice a day and in this case, he is correct. I remember The Good Old Days walking through the streets of new york and the trash and cold pizza. Now it smells like fragrance of marijuana every time i jump into jimmy failla, things things have changed quickly and this is the standard, it shouldnt be and when you go to cities like california and los angeles specifically, chicago and a lot of places they legalize, you dont smell it on the street and quickly enough you do on the streets here. They need to rethink the standards. You do smell it and range rovers and los angeles. I will tell you, los angeles is not a walking city but it is here new york, why dont people eat edibles . Affect. Im with john about, we smoked dry, i dislike it was as much a Cigarette Smoke but i dont think either should be legal. You notice the Three Martini Lunch has turned into the noontime puff. It used to be business men were going back to work and these guys are not going back to work. To come out in the middle of the day sitting on the side of the street smoking a joint. Its not its 12 a grant in new york city. Seven dollars important 30 a gram im not familiar with how much they are supposed to cost but its hard to buy things if you dont have a job so to get the money from somewhere and a broader depiction of new york and how sad the city has become. His current everywhere and buildings are empty. We are not letting the market decide because the unfair and of Big Government is turning big pot into a big nuisance. Charlie hurt. Not only too many free giveaways but no responsibly. You can get away with not doing anything and not working and you can get fed and i look at these people and i like you are not living your best life and seco second, its really depressing but how do they eat . Marijuana consumption does give the munchies but other Food Giveaways . In my doing it wrong . We are all doing it wrong. Paying for crap, youre doing it all wrong and lock up the spam because everybody is feeling it and i saw you the other day, in line paying for spam with cash but im surprised, you dont like the smell of it, im allergic to wheat. Ive not done well, i ended up in the er. Its not for everyone. If you have no control and weed smoke is on the corner and people who are allergic to it or dont like it or dont want the kids around it, the government does come in because someone has to clean it up. Parents are doing it. Have a Legal Cannabis market in new york, people paid a lot of money for licenses, but the illegal stores are open and theres no enforcement. Eric adams new york blame the parents, you dont fix the city and let the market decide. Explained to me the van parked out front with the mermaid. [laughter] i just keep walking past it. [laughter] the fishtail you are wearing right now. So good. Coming up, portland residents are fed up with crime, drugs and homelessness taking over the street so they getting out of dodge, the city is losing big bucks. Thats coming up next on the big weekend show. sfx Thunder And Rain youve been so kind and generous i dont know how you keep on giving for your kindness im in debt to you for your selflessness my admiration for everything youve done you know im bound im bound to thank you for it la la la la la la la la la la la oh, i want to thank you show my gratitude my love, and my respect for you i want to thank you thats a great calm. Welcome back to the big weekend show. People are fleeing oregon is unchecked will policies along homelessness and crime to search. Data shows exodus started in 2020 around the same time crime began to rise. 2021 and 2022 saw a number of homicides by Homelessness Rose 50 2019 2022. These policies left resident helpless as they watch beloved city dk before their very eyes but some have had enough and the hidden estate where it hurts and new Data Analysis finds Oregon County where portland is located lost A Billion Dollars in income is 14000 residents are now voting with their feet. Do not hold Police Accountable for this at all. I hold our City Accountable for defining police and making it, we are in a situation where we dont have enough police force to protect our citizens and we did this to ourselves. This is terrible. Attacked by a homeless person who threw a bottle at her face and shes a doctor and luckily had the wherewithal to call 911 and when she came to, she was knocked unconscious but its a recurring theme in portland and i am from there and my family still lives there and thank god they are not in the county, my brother was a Police Officer in a city there for a long time with a have this crimes like and three years in a row of increased crime including increased homicides so they had an Anti Gun Unit Two try to take the guns and by the policy that was disbanded because the mayor and da, Liberal Unholy Alliance of total dingbats an hour talking to an economist last week who dubbed it death by suicide because we hear the citys, chicago and San Francisco the could be in this death but portland has out to themselves with their policies. Summer of. We saw march 2021 over 20 Police Departments, major Police Department defined the police by almost 900 million, talking about a significant money here. I dont understand how people capitulated is narrative that puts police about and we defined Police Station to happen. What you think happened here, can things get better . It is death by suicide, its not like its an unattended unexpected consequence of these policies, this is what happens when you put these policies in place at these places where we see including new york city, the resume of democrat policies and i would argue it goes back to whether it Great Society or war on poverty, a complete failed government promises but politicians i feel we are getting to the end of the line where promises are obviously blowing up in their faces and people are catching on to it. Something has to break because this is intolerable whether democrat or republican living in these places, you want to live in a city like this. Your life should matter. To answer how this happened, how did people capitulate to this event the police . It was a bunch of Cowardly Leftists who decided they were going to stand up to this defund mop because they were not really reject the winning of racism if you dare to stand up for law order, corporations got in on it, billions of dollars to blm and use it to buy houses and they didnt do anything to rebuild the communities they literally burned to the ground places like minneapolis and portland but the numbers are so astonishing because it happened so quickly. This says the data shows before 2020, portland had 15 consecutive years of growth and now its a complete waste and you have A Billion Dollars of income that left the city and if the tax base goes, theres no businesses, no jobs, no tax money from high earners to pay for services the city council wants for Homeless Programs so it is a death loop so they are not doing anything to change to get people to come back in the people who can leave our people who have highpaying jobs and can work remotely they are also passing more bills to allow for more homelessness. They are encouraging more homelessness which means more crime and they are not getting people into rehab and not getting People Mental Health care who desperately need it and if the da and mayor, they hate cops, theres no other way of saying it, people dont feel safe and thats why they flee to these counties outside of mount mama because they are having success, they look at portland and see what not to do. Do have hope for your city . Theres always hope. When there are great people and portland has always been a magnet for creative interesting people and once they start voting a different way, that city and every city like it is renewable but it will take a lot of work in the background and they havent shown it yet. And perhaps decades. A lot of passion. Straight ahead, a shocker. Gassing up cheaper than charging it. His ev dream is not all that its cracked up to be. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. My name is juanita segura, and i was diagnosed in November Of 2014 with nonsmall cell lung cancer. The first time i heard about Biomarker Testing was actually, my husband. He just started researching about lung cancer. And i found out about Biomarker Testing and im like, yeah, i mean, why not . Lets try it. Comprehensive Biomarker Testing is looking for either substances in the blood or mutations in some of the genes of the cancer cells that can help us identify special types of lung cancer that can be treated with what we call targeted therapies. [juanita segura] letting my children know brought all of us a sense of hope. To give them hope that mom is going to be around to see you grow up. And i promised them that. If you or a loved one are facing nonsmall cell lung cancer, ask your doctor about how comprehensive Biomarker Testing before treatment may help you and your doctor decide on the best treatment for you. Visit noonemissed dot org for more. Welcome back to the big we can choke, biden and administration pushing to buy electric vehicles and even though prices are coming down, drivers are not rushing to buy them. A Study Suggests hesitation may be justified charging a cart apparently costs more than filling up at the gas station. Entry Price Vehicle is 2. 77 for 100 miles, more expensive to charge than to fill up with gas and while Price Vehicle is below 50 more to charge them pump so interesting, theyre not just coaxing people and to buy cars, they are forcing companies to do this. Ford lost 16000 for every electric vehicle they sold and they plan to spend 50 billion between 2022 and 22 to six to continue losing 60000 a vehicle sold and they are pushing this on people not to mention practicality for people with like you who live in the country. A good rule of fun dealing with the government if the government is forcing you to do something thats good for you, you should stop and ask questions because why did you have to force it on me if its a good deal i can get really 400 miles with my truck and this is a big problem with tvs even if you are willing to pay more to charge your ev, you can only go like 200 miles and the second you drive off the lot, the battery start decreasing i love all of this and its great that there is a market for it but apparently is not a huge market for it because its not the deal they promised and if it were, they wouldnt have to force us to do it. So they claim evs are more environmentally friendly but the more we learn about it, its actually a lie that evs are emissions free or arent having an impact on the environment whether it batteries of africa, rare earth from china and this applies to solar panels which i found out have double emissions. [laughter] i want to hear john kerry and Aoc Greta Feinberg address these things because of the grill concern, if you care, you are harming the earth forcing this program on people and at some time we will have innovation, when the demand and innovation intersect, you will have a superior product but you have this forced demand and the reason they spend this money is because u. S. Government is backing their losses so they got nothing to lose, no incentive not to do this but even in places like super green california, governor numbskull is telling people not to charge the electric vehicles when the power grid is overrun when there are heat waves because the grid cannot sustain electric vehicles they have, how are they going to when you cannot sell gas powered cars in seven years in california . It will take so many decades and billions of dollars to fix the grid in california what they will never mathematically be able to do that but they have no problem forcing this down peoples throat. They keep saying the cost of vehicles is coming down thats not true. They are subsidizing these companies to have 60000 loss in every vehicle they produce so guess what, you are paying for it. This is something coming up the 2024 president ial election, former President Trump talked about it along with others. We are going to save the american automobile. We are a country consumed by the radical left Green New Deal yet everyone knows Green New Deal is fake and will lead to our countrys destruction. We are a nation whose leaders are demanding all electric cars even though they cant go far, cost too much and whose batteries are produced in china with materials only available in china when unlimited amount of gasoline is available inexpensively in the United States not available in china. The country would do such a thing, how foolish can we be . Its fake but also dangerous for people to sit at a Charging Station for an hour. It takes an hour. Can you while you are at the Charging Station . [laughter] much more than that but i recently came in contact with a friend who has a tesla and when we went to dinner a couple weeks ago she had to charge our car for an hour and id rather have a gas car but i dont think they have thought this through the Biden Administration and democrats in congress, gavin newsom. He got a group of people youre going to tell they have to buy an electric car, for black people, poor hispanic people, workingclass, people you say you want to help part of your coalition to win an election. You are failing on the. People cant afford this trash let alone sit in a car for an hour and wait for it to charge if you dont have a tesla cooper charger. Its outrageous. Is the about the environment, its about Freedom Of Movement and controlling whether people get to go to work and what energy they use and after covid, we know they are perfectly hap happy. I do not like that at all. Thats what a lot of Conservative Talk comes from. Coming up, dumbbells, barbells and google maps. Gen z taking tik tok by storm with the five to nine early risers trend, healthy and positive movement here to stay . Big we can show debate next. sfx crowd noise. Ref whistle music sarah, you got this. Ok. You can be amazing you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug you can be the outcast or be the backlash of somebodys lack of love but i wonder what would happen if you say, what you wanna say and let the words fall out honestly, i wanna see you be brave with what you want to say and let the words fall out honestly, i wanna see you be brave just wanna see you just wanna see you but they lost just wanna see you not really. Just wanna see you not where it counts. I wanna see you be brave i just wanna see you just wanna see you be brave gotcha. Take that. Whoa bruh im fine. That smack looked bad. Not compared to the smack down im giving you. You sure youre, ok . You know youre down 200 points, right . Lucky, she convinced me to get help. I had a concussion that couldve been game over. In actual reality, youve only got one life. Dont mess with your melon. If you hit it, get it checked. That Katie College singing karaoke. Welcome back to the big we can show getting up at the Crack Of Dawn to get a workout in, thats nothing new. Thats right. Tik tok taking it to a new level, gen z hyped up the five to nine before the nine to five. The trend . It features a lot of selfcare and wellness including you guessed it, influencers hitting the gym the wee hours of the morning, is catching on and over 70 million views on tik t tok. This is funny. I realized there are a lot of gen z and everything they do is the most important thing in the world and oh my gosh, i discovered this thing called morning. [laughter] its true, they do something in the only ones in Human History to discover the sun comes up early and an opportunity to get things done but gave them credit because it takes a special class of people to get up at 5 00 a. M. And be productive, a great time to be a responsible adult and have time to yourself to get your workout in and get stuff done and at the end of the day happy hour comes up and youre not missing your workout. You only get so many sunrises in life so its a good thing to the as many sunrises and sunsets is possibly you can. You cant get back if you miss it. Time to go so i can give you a positive but. If im not going duck hunting in the morning not getting up at 5 00. Im so confused, what do they do at 9 00 . They go to work. Oh, i thought it was selfcare. I thought they went to bed at 9 00 and out of the bed 9 00. I was like, losers. They discover a time of day before if you have to go hunting or whatever but state late as well. Thats what they are saying, you have to supercharge your night meaning no drinking during the week, go to bed early and put your phone away an hour before you go to bed. Why would you have a hangover and not be paid for it . You are the author of the Mermaid Truck but this is not for everyone. Not everyone is a morning person in our Sleep Experts who say this could be to your detriment because if you try to get up at 5 00 a. M. When your rhythm is not flexible and cannot be changed to be a late morning person, you are in for a world of charlie hurt. I did you give me the question . [laughter] i live in miami so sometimes im in bed at 4 00, 5 00 or 6 00 but i see people leaving at 11 but ive got to tell you, certain cities you really see this like los angeles, california you see Beautiful People who care about their upkeep and they will do that but sometimes you notice with this younger group, it doesnt last long and they allow it to go as long as it is a trend. Fitness people, he wrote up in arizona, its a flex. The earlier you get up, i was up at 3 30 a. M. And ran 15 miles before i did 17 loads of laundry. My brother is up at 4 30 a. M. And hes been doing it for over a decade and i admire that. I tried to get up at 6 00 a. M. You get up at 8 00 and tell everybody you got up at 3 30 a. M. [laughter] europeans stay up late and get a plate, its a cultural thing, certain cities struck down. Will this be the thing that saves jen the . Will in macon a more productive generation . All of this goes out the window. They are paying for taxes and paying for college. [laughter] we will be here at fox news. Stick around, Big Weekend Flops are next. [phone alert] good thing the new dexcom g7 can alert you before you go too low. Now, thats more Peace Of Mind with dexcom g7 imagine no possessions i wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger a Brotherhood Of Man imagine all the people sharing all the world. You, you may say im a dreamer but im not the only one i hope some day youll join us and the world will live as one [announcer] call 18662000223 or visit alanon. Org help welcome back to the big weekend that show its time for Big Weekend Flops our picks for the biggest fails of the week i am going to go first for its outcome of this monkey snatches a womans purse as she attempts to take a selfie in the Indonesian Jungle she was able to get the bag back after a brief tussle with the buggy. I was helpless i do not like monkeys. They are too smart they know things, they do things they steal things he was hissing at her but you tried to get it back they are a little psychotic for me. Glad she got back you got to watch her stuff around and pick works monkey so my swimsuit last year in costa rica. Like so you go we do not like that. The exigency and wearing it . Works yes, i did. [laughter] it its better than i did he was better upset. Charlie . [laughter] okay, this is like a scene out of Mission Impossible a Crazy Body Camera Footage captures a Florida Deputy successfully jumping onto and stopping a runaway boat going more than 40 miles an hour. This is of the boat driver falls off but i think they were waterskiing or something. We should take a minute here. Cops do remarkable things. And that right there is truly extraordinary. Quickly she could to keep the boat. If you watch the whole video clip took it like 10 minutes to get fast enough to get next to the boat. Thats how fast the thing was going is headed right for land. It was going to blow up all of miami. With pigs request but then you stop it not good. Its not good at all. Is not the kids a toy, little text that create create a spoofs Ankle Monitor called little dikes. Under house arrest for his kids. Tiktok is known for creating hoax of products that look realistic which he sometimes sells on his website. [laughter] this is a bunny. I think its kind of hilarious. I personally do not like it it could be getting the kids ready for something bigger. Know its a warning. Im going to put a Ankle Monitor on . Works and i was going growing up my mother sewed us a tattletale tattletales or red tail out of your if you told on my brother or my sister you had to wear the tattletale all day long pickwick sneetches get stitches in other words . [laughter] what it was humiliating. You go to the Grocery Store wearing a red yarn tail progressed its a good warning you dont want to reel in progress adjusting like putting kids an in those kind of situations. Like adults now, its kind of weird dont steal a kids innocence because thats true. Get them a jag. A jaguar. Great car. Cooked practice a nice car abso. Should get a Police Car Part of the back of that one . Works absolute right. Facebook vowing to bit Biden Foxbusiness confirm Associate Platform suppressed anti Vaccine Information and opinions at the behest of the white house annow we have files revealing it was all In The Name Of avoiding a vaccin a vaccine negative envt so here you go the unholy alliance of Big Government and big tech without the twitter twr file spirit started to see some of the truth dripping out of facebook within you the stuff was true they were still suppressing the information. Saying they would use a Borderline Demotions to contain what they knew was not balsa. Quickly were censoring vaccine side effects while they were mandating everyone take the vaccine. This is the problem we learn this Information Facebook and social Media Companies are doing but doesnt make a difference . Works i do not know. Thats why we are here pickwick that does oppress with you back here tomorrow at 7 00 p. M. Eastern for the weekend shepherd one nation hi, welcome to Saturday Night i am Brian Kilmeade this is one nation. Matt is standing and on the on deck circle. Andrew out sending sub the chef and so much more. Jamie on the Cance Council culte they try to cancel him, it did not work first i want to start with this. Lying to her face theres been so much talk about the 2020 election this week i dont know if you missed it, one side had do you challenge president bidens win, conversely how dare

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