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Hide millions of dollars received from foreign sources. Now, that information could become public as g. O. P. Lawmakers look to turn the tables on the bidens. California republican congressman daryl issa will join us in a moment. We have fox news coverage. A case that critics say is an evidence of Double Standard at the d. O. J. We begin with chad live with us on capitol hill. Chad, what will republicans do now . Trace, good afternoon. Republicans want to strike back. They view the prosecution of the former president as political. They believe there are two tiers of justice. One for the bidens and one for former president trump. House Judiciary Committee chairman jim jordan has questions for delaware u. S. Attorney david weiss. Weiss handled the hunter biden case. This Plea Agreement that was put together, that the judge said no to a week ago, i mean, i think that is hugely significant because they tried to hide information in the diversion part of the Plea Agreement instead of putting it in the Plea Agreement itself and the judge caught on what they were trying to do and said timeout. Go figure this out. Weiss offered to talk to jordans committee this fall. Some g. O. P. Members believe the archer Interview Points to corruption tied to president biden. Some conservatives demand impeachment. A new Impeachment Resolution for mr. Biden. The evidence is there, theyve got the bank accounts. Weve got witnesses. Lets go im ready to pull the trigger on privilege motion. I think we i hope were going to see a timeline laid out very quickly in the next few weeks that the American People deserve an impeachment of joe biden. But its about the math. Its unclear that republicans have the votes to impeach the president. The g. O. P. Has a four seat house majority. 18 republicans represent districts carried by president biden. That is bad politics for them and their voters, right . They won these districts with the president carrying their districts. If youre talk about impeachment, youre not talking about Kitchen Table issues which republicans have been successful at of getting people to go to the polls. At the same time, the politics of the moment might demand this. Now, the biggest Muscle Congress has is the power of the purse. Some republicans want to cut funding for the d. O. J. Or eliminate funding for special counsel jack smith. Trace . Live for us on the hill. Chad, thank you. All right, same crime, different punishment. Former Baltimore Police commissioner Daryl Desousa pled guilty to tax charges in 2019 and was given 10 months in federal prison. Thats a far cry from the deal offered to hunter biden. The prosecutor in both of those case was leo weiss raising questions now over how the Justice Department treats defendants differently. Lucas tomlinson is live in wilmington, delaware. Lucas, whats he saying about how the d. O. J. Is treating hunter . Well, good afternoon. He says he owed the u. S. Government 67,000. As you mentioned, received a 10month sentence. Hunter biden allegedly owes millions to the u. S. Government and is not likely to see any jail time. Everyone should be held accountable across the board particularly if even the value, the money value, you know, is some of the things that you described with the gun and, you know, narcotics. You know, its, you know, i you know, they should be held at the same standard as me. Hunter biden has been charged with a misdemeanor for not paying over 2 million in taxes allegedly. Criminal tax attorneys Tell Fox A Misdemeanor for this much cash is unheard of. Normally this would land you three to five years in jail. ExPolice Commissioner received 10 months for owing 67,000 in taxes as we just mentioned. President biden has long denied he has ever spoken to his son about his overseas Business Dealings. That claim challenged by the exbusiness partner that said hunter routinely spoke to his father while speaking with Business Associates including in person at a popular d. C. Restaurant. The only reason i think he lied and lied from the start and lied so vehemently about having no discussions period with his son is because he knew he was up deep in so many of his sons business matters. He knew. He put himself on the phone more than 20 times to help his son get business. As the sitting Vice President , that itself, harris, is an act of corruption. Now, hunter biden is due back in a wilmington, Delaware Courthouse right here in about three weeks. He will allegedly plead guilty. Ok, Lucas Tomlinson live for us in delaware. Thanks, lucas. Lets bring in the california congressman who serves in the house Judiciary Committee. Great to see you. Oversight committee releasing bank records next week from russia, from ukraine, from kazakhstan. What do you anticipate . What do you know about these documents . What are you expecting to learn from them . Well, i think were expecting to learn is in detail how they used a series of Shell Corporations each with a bank account to move money around and ultimately some of that money got into accounts that belong not to hunter biden but to other family members. Its that you know, look, i have a son thats about the same age as the president s son. And i dont have a Joint Bank Account with him that moves money in and out. Nor would you expect that. And yet, thats one of the things they had that makes no sense at all. Why have a Joint Bank Account if youre not doing business with your son . Yeah, ill put this up on the screen. This is a passage from the hunter biden Plea Agreement. This is during calendar year 2017. Biden earned substantial income including just under a Million Dollars from a company he formed with the c. E. O. Of a Chinese Business conglomerate. For what exactly, we dont know. 666,000 from his domestic business interests. Whats that . Approximately 664,000 from a Chinese Infrastructure Investment company. 500,000 in Directors Fees from a Ukrainian Energy company. 70,000 related to a romanian business and another from an International Law firm. Its not just the totals but the job descriptions and what he got these for which is vague as all get out. What do you make of this . Well, look, i was in business for a long time. If you cant describe a business, people want to know what kind of Funny Business youre up to. And thats exactly the case. These vague business, you know, they represent the why would you pay that much . By the way, why is it that it flows almost with no cost simply payments. You know, usually in business, you have large expenses that go into the product youre creating. In his case, its usually one trip or two. Often with the Vice President that then got him a contract for the Shell Corporations. But more importantly, ill tell you, in business, you want to make things as simple as possible. His Business Dealings were as complex as possible. And that moving of money and complex relationship is one of the reasons that his bank records were spotted and alerted so many times as questionable. I want to play the president s denials and then contrast that with the evidence were now learning. Watch this. Never discussed my business or their business, my sons or daughters. Never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. Ive never spoken with my son about his overseas dealings. Ive never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period. So now we know thats not true because 20 times, i mean, devon archers testimony, others, democrats are also acknowledging this. But the i mean, the pinnacle of this, congressman, is that you have this from then Vice President biden to devon archer congratulating him saying that its great that hes in business with his son. That is more than anything else proof that all those things were false statements. Well, exactly. And you know, if i were to make a statement that was untrue to an f. B. I. Agent or d. O. J. , that becomes a crime. And yet, when you essentially yell, you know, yell out in response to the press that its not true or even to congress, it seems like you get a pass. The fact is the Vice President and by the way, i think even back when he was senator, has consistently been in business with his son and the idea that he doesnt talk to his son is simply disputable based on real records that weve seen including some text and so on that came out of that now infamous laptop. So we know that he communicated with his son regularly. We know that he knew his son was a drug addict and he was trying to help him. Id like to give him the benefit of sympathy as a father. But i cant give him a pass on systemically lying about it and continuing to enable his son to make money and, by the way, not pay his taxes. Congressman, always great to have you on. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Yeah, and it comes down to actually you talk about these things. When you go through the actual text of What Devon Archer said, he talks about, you know, abuse of soft power. He talks about the biden brand. He talks about the fact that just getting the Vice President on the phone was prize enough for the people on the other end of that. As republicans have said over and over again, the brand was biden, period. And it sounds more and more likely that they are heading towards that track of possibly starting an impeachment inquiry into the president. Sounds like theyre going to use it as a Fact Finding Mission to get to the bottom of this. Yep. Indeed. Ok. Ok, still to come, another batch of Facebook Files appearing to show the white house pushing Big Tech To Promote Biden Friendly news organizations over others. Details on what they were trying to prevent you from seeing coming up. Plus this. We are able to identify jane doe as karen, we are going to continue to work this particular case as we did the gilgo four investigation. Police investigating the gilgo Beach Murders announcing they have identified yet another victim. Could her murderer also be tied to suspected serial killer Rex Heuermann. Former f. B. I. Investigator bill daly up next. Are you a veteran, own a home and need money for your family . Newday usa can help. Veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the Va Home Loan Benefit is a big one. By using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100 of your homes value and take out an average of 70,000. Use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks uuuhhhh. Here, ill take that woohoo ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. Enter the 10,000 powered by protein max challenge. Here we go. You are looking live in portugal where a week long celebration of World Youth Day continues. An estimated one million young people from Around The World are gathering in the city to hear pope francis deliver opening mass. The event is being dubbed the catholic woodstock. Approximately six months after we formed this gilgo task force, d. N. A. Profile suitable for genealogical comparison was developed from the remains of karen. Were going to have no comment on what, if any, suspects we developed at this time. This is a confidential investigation so im not going to be taking any questions. But our investigation is continuing. Ok. So new details today on the investigation into the gilgo beach serial killings and police this morning, you heard there, identifying another victim, jane doe number 7 is now known to be 34yearold karen vergata. Her remains were found on new yorks fire island in 1996. And authorities did not name a suspect today during that news conference. Thats important to note here. Former f. B. I. Investigator bill daly joins me now. Bill, i want to touch on that first off. Is that they havent quite connected vergatas body to heuermann. But holding a Press Conference in the middle of the day seems to suggest they might be close. What did you make of this . First of all, good to be with you. It certainly is very kind of compelling the facts that they are having a press Conference Today in the middle of the day kind of making this announcement. But probably say even more compelling is the fact that this has been the hard work of this newly joined task force that was put together by the Police Commissioner in suffolk county. As you can imagine, this case has been going on for a long time and for a while, it was actually, you know, in kind of abeyance and not moving. Kind of a cold case. Only in the past year did they bring together a Task Force Made up of not only state and local authorities but f. B. I. To help them. They help both in the indictment of the Suspect Heuermann but also, in this case, it helped identify miss vergatas remains. One thing id like to point out, when they mentioned where these remains were found and found 15 years apart. First remains were found in 1996. The others were found in 2011. They were found at two separate locations. One location, 1996 location was actually on fire island which is not really adjacent to gilgo beach in the same general area. Also in a part of fire island thats not accessible by motor vehicles. Only get there by ferry or private boat. And the other a beach near gilgo beach on a separate barrier island, those remains were found in 1911 2011, sorry. Lets remind folks here, lets pull up the bodies discovered at gilgo beach and remind folks of all the victims that have been identified so far. Were still missing three. Theres still remains out there of three different people that have not been identified yet. And it sounded like today that authorities were saying that the d. N. A. They found on vergata has been linked to the other three unidentified bodies. So bill, does that help police . And how much time do they have to identify these bodies if they want to include this if they are able to connect the dots to Rex Heuermann . Well, i would probably say not speaking from a legal standpoint but they have time to incorporate the Additional Findings they may have that could lead to the Suspect Heuermann. However, i think its important to note that, you know, Finding Closure On who these individuals are is the first thing. Bring closure to the families who may have been missing for all these many years. But also, in connection to this case, to see whether or not they are connected with heuermann. Or is there another individual or individuals who are responsible for these other remains . It is quite chilling the fact that all these kind of 11 remains were found in and around the same area. But over a period really a decade or more. The time at which those remains are out there in the elements and the area that theyre found in is right between the bay and the ocean in marshy areas where there is degradation certainly of any of the evidence but also of d. N. A. So i think it calls it really highlights the fact that d. N. A. , technology, has advanced extremely far from the 1990s to where it is today. Keeps advancing today. Genealogical d. N. A. Ancestral d. N. A. The data base that the f. B. I. Maintains on d. N. A. Is all coming into play here and helping to resolve some of these old cases like this one and hopefully bring it to conclusion where we have an individual or individuals who are responsible for these deaths. Well, it sounds like prosecutors are hoping to get some more d. N. A. From heuermann because i dont think that maybe the pizza crust and the other d. N. A. They found in the trash is going to be enough to convict him. Really quickly, im curious about this. How likely is it that investigators are using this latest identification to, perhaps, Pressure Heuermann into a confession . And theyre gaining on him that they might have evidence to connect him to this latest body . And the rest of the bodies . How much do you think thats going on behind the scenes . Well, im sure theyre trying to use every vantage point, every lever they can pull in order to put pressure on them. However, to this day, hes remained his innocence. Im sure his attorneys have told him to remain in that posture all the way along. I dont know how much more of this information may compel him to come forward if, in fact, he is responsible for these and the additional deaths. Im sure theyre trying to do everything they can. But were talking about this point. The state will have to prove its case in court. D. N. A. Has become kind of the mainstay of being able to convince juries as to someones guilt or innocence along with other technology, the location of cell phone data. So i think theres a lot of information out there that for the police are gathering which will be helpful in the eventual prosecution of the current case and may lead to more charges. It was, i imagine, a big day for the vergata family today and other three families watching this. Many families out there with missing loved ones watching this to see if, perhaps, their loved one is included in this. Bill, thanks so much for joining us. Youre welcome. Stick with it. Thank you. Trace . Well, a judge in Southern California is in Police Custody now accused in the Shooting Death of his wife. What police found when they entered his home. And hundreds of new york city migrants are sleeping on the streets outside an overflowed intake hotel. Now, missing where did they go . New York City Councilman is on deck. He says theres no room. And he always seems to be trying to find more places for them. Its going to end up looking like l. A. And portland and seattle. Its way out of hand now subway refreshed everything. And now, theyre slicing their meats fresh. Thats why this pro proffers the new grand slam ham. So does this pro. I just love a grand slam. Ham. And if we proffer it, we know youll proffer it too. I knew hed love that sandwich. Were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. A suspected Human Smuggler with an a. R. 15 is caught on camera here leading a group of migrants through the rio grande river. A drone captured this video near eagle pass, texas. It is the same stretch of river where the body of a dead migrant was found earlier this week caught on a floating barrier that texas officials have put up to stop people from crossing the dangerous river. The incident now prompting renewed calls from democrats to remove that barrier. And this is a battle that will go on and on. Of course, now, the d. O. J. Is suing texas and dragging mexico into this, trace, where they Say Something like this might create an International Incident if somebody dies in that river because of this. Right accident our team at the border saying, look, the numbers are ticking back up. You talk about, you know, the smugglers and stuff. Cartels are kind of running the show down there. Cartels are telling people when they can cross and how they cross and how much money its going to take to cross and the numbers are going to tick back up and as soon as the heat drops a little bit, youre going to see numbers shoot up in a big way down at the border. Meantime, less than 24 hours after hundreds of migrants were seen sleeping on a new york city sidewalk, they were suddenly gone yesterday afternoon. City officials not offering details on exactly what happened to them. It comes as the city struggles to find housing for the flood of Asylum Seekers pouring into the city. With us now, new York City Council majority leader. Where did they go, right . The city is saying they went to an interim place. And the only place we really know where, about 110 of these went. People went. Is to a church on long island. Thats a lot of unaccounted people, joe, whats going on . Yeah, beyond sleeping in the church basement, i dont really have any idea. Look, let me be clear, though, im glad theyre not camping out in front of the hotel. We have to be more proactive in front of all of these migrant shelters where this type of behavior is happening. But to be clear, trace, weve leased over 100 hotels for this purpose. We have a population of migrants right now larger than the population of Helena Montana where we are paying for their room, board, health care, education and everything. This is an unsustainable situation and evidenced by fact these people are sleeping on the streets because they wont stop coming. Eric adams was pleading with the Biden Administration and well show that sound and get your response on the other side. There is no room. We have not got money, you know, out of the 850 million that senator schumer and the leader was able to push through, we got 30 million. 30 million. And there were bordering states that received more money than us. And theyre using the money to bus people to new york. I was going to push back on that in a second. Want to hold that for a second. Mayor said he will not have tents on every street. But this is a guy who rolled out the welcome wagon, right, he said come on in. Bragged about the fact they were a sanctuary city. And now hes like the Sanctuary City Status is just unattainable. Yeah, i think the first thought maybe there would be 5,000 people, 10,000 people, maybe it would be a cute experiment to show how progressive we are. Now, unfortunately, hes not wrong. There is literally no more room at the inn and new york taxpayers cant bear this brunt any longer. Trace, were paying more than the entire budget of the Fire Department and the Sanitation Department right now every single day to pay for this crisis. We simply cant afford it and, unfortunately, the federal government has not been a partner. If anything, they have been an adversary on this because they were the ones who originally started flying mike grants and bussing them to these states. It was the federal government that started this process. It was the federal government that opened the borders. Thats the point. The reason the money, shes saying theyre not getting any money in the Border States. The reason the money is going to new york is the speaker of the house is from new york and the leader of the u. S. Senate is from new york. Fact that the money goes to new york city is wrong because they are not Border States and they are not facing the kind of pressure we are and new york and eric adams and none of these other states said a word when these migrants were Flooding Arizona and texas which they still are and nobody said a word until they came their way. Your final thoughts on this. I empathize with people on the Border States. Now our whole country is a border state because of the failure of joe biden, period. Full stop. We had a president who made this issue a priority and things were much better. Not perfect. But much better. We need to go back to the policies of the trump administration. Yep and keep talking about we need immigration reform. Immigration reform would change the immigration system. It would not stop people from coming across the border because even with immigration reform, you can only let in so many. Joe, always great to have you on. Thank you. Police in california have arrested a judge in connection to his wifes Shooting Death. Anaheim police entered the couples home yesterday after reports of gunfire. And they found the woman dead inside. Senior correspondent Claudia Cohen is live in california now. Claudia, this has really rocked this quiet neighborhood. Even the Justice Department in Orange County. Thats right. It really has. Were talking about a long time judge and a former prosecutor now accused of murdering his wife. Take a look at thinks mug shot here. This is jeffrey ferguson. He was taken into custody last night on suspicion of homicide. He is 72 years old. And hes now accused of fatally shooting his 65yearold wife. Happened at the couples home on east canyon vista drive in anaheim hills. A quiet suburb of Orange County south of los angeles. They arrived at the home shortly after 8 00 p. M. After getting reports of a single gunshot. They found a woman suffering from a gunshot wound. She was quickly identified as Cheryl Ferguson and pronounced dead at the scene. Sources tell local media the couple lived at that home for many years and their college aged son lived there, too. But at this point, its not clear if he was home last night. Nor have police said what led up to the shooting. What kind of gun was used or if they recovered any weapons. Ferguson has been a Superior Court Judge since 2014. Before that, he spent 30 years in the Orange County District Attorneys Office where he worked with the major narcotics enforcement team. Hes now being held at the local jail on 1 million bail and away from other inmates he might have sentenced to that very same facility. That is standard procedure in high profile arrests like this one. Ferguson makes his First Court Appearance next week. But its a little unclear where that would happen because of all the work and all the years that he spent there at the Orange County d. A. s office. Sources tell us that this case might be moved to a different jurisdiction. All right, claudia, thank you so much. Trace . Potentially damning new details in the latest batch of Facebook Files. Critics say they are proof the white house tried to censor free speech on line. Details on who and what the Biden Administration were trying to silence. Shawn duffy and Carley Cooperman will join us on that. Were learning more about accusations against two u. S. Navy sailors charged with accepting bribes in exchange for sharing our military secrets. What investigators say they gave up to china. 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Com you really got the brows. Does it matter how you get across the finish line . Apparently so, outrage over a somali runners performance during the World University games in china. The female sprinter took more than 21 seconds to finish the 100 meters. That was 10 seconds behind the leader. The untrained runner not even in the camera frame. Where is she . With the rest of the field here. She then skipped across the finish line. An investigation then revealed the runner is actually the niece of the chairwoman of the somali Athletic Foundation who has since, trace, been suspended. Ok, i get the outrage over that connection, you know, at that point, you know youre not fast. You just skip, have fun. What happened is they actually thought she got hurt coming out of the gate. Shes gotten hurt. Maybe we should look at her. Then they realize yeah, it took her like three times the amount of time to get to the finish line but the runner who won it actually did so it was a bit of embarrassment. There you go. Two u. S. Soldiers accused of spying for china. The Justice Department says they gave chinese Intelligence Officers Sensitive Information and even photos of military exercises, equipment and facilities. The chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt is live here with the details. Jonathan, theyre worried there might be more like these two . You know, frankly, at this point, trace, they dont know whether these were two isolated incidents or part of a wider program by china to recruit spies within our military. Either way, according to prosecutors, these two sailors sold out their country for fistful of dollars. We have entrusted members of our military with tremendous responsibility and great faith. Our nations safety and security are in their hands. When a soldier or sailor chooses cash over country, and hands over National Defense information in an ultimate act of betrayal, we have to be ready to act. One of the sailors, naturalized u. S. Citizen born in china, was stationed at Naval Base San diego. The other at Naval Base Ventura county. They sold information about naval exercises and operations and sensitive photos of ships and facilities. Now, both of those bases, by the way, house the u. S. Pacific fleet which leads many u. S. Operations and exercises that would be of critical interest to china and which would be central to any potential conflict over taiwan. Now, spying on and among other nations is not unusual, of course, but the extent of chinas operations, Officials Say, makes it different. China, among all such nations, stands apart in terms of the threat that its government poses to the United States. China is unrivalled in the audacity and in the range of its maligned efforts to subvert our laws. So the efforts to prevent chinese spying are ongoing and Officials Say they will continue to hunt down and bring to justice anyone in the military who betrays as prosecutors put it, trace, their sacred oath to defend our country and sacred it is indeed. Very concerning. Jonathan, thank you. Attorneys are now offering an alibi for the alleged idaho killer. Where they say he was when the murders took place. And the white house pointing the finger at republicans for this weeks Credit Downgrade. Why are red states in the south leading the nation in Economic Growth . Former Congressional Budget Office director doug holtz is up on that next. Bidens did the pitch and said this is why bidenomics is working. Heres why its so great. Dont downgrade us. They downgraded the u. S. Credit rating because they didnt believe what biden said. More shopping . You should watch your spending honey. Im saving with liberty mutual, mom. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Check it out, you could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, ill look into that. Let me put a reminder on my phone. Save 700 dollars. Pick up dad from airport . Ohhhhhh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I gotta good feeling about this, yeah im with it i gotta good feeling about this yeah, so lets get it im feeling good Vibes Pano Ai chooses tmobile for business for 5g solutions. Because tmobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Sleep more deeply. And wake up rejuvenated. Purple mattresss Exclusive Gelflex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure, and instantly adapts. Sleep better, live purple. Visit purple. Com or a Mattress Store near you. So the white house is now blaming republicans for this weeks Credit Downgrade but the numbers tell a very different story. A dozen u. S. States have higher ratings than the federal government with the majority of them being surprise, surprise red states. That list including texas, georgia, florida, Governor Newsom is probably not going to like that one and tennessee and south carolina. Doug is a former Congressional Budget Office director and president of the American Action forum. Doug, good to see you on this friday. Glad youre with us to break these numbers down because youre a money guy and you get how this works. So just looking at that study that was just put out about the states that had a higher credit score, doesnt this prove that red states handle the post pandemic economy a whole lot better than blue states . So what i think is really interesting about this study is that if you put the list of those 12 states down and you break down the list from almost any source of the states with the best business climate, its the same list. So these are states where we have rapid Economic Growth for creating jobs, were getting new businesses. They are typically right to work states. Theyre often currently governed by republicans. But on a bipartisan basis, theyve managed to make a commitment to keep taxes low. Keep regulations reasonable and to have a good growth environment. Thats a real lesson for the federal government. Both parties should be working very hard right now to not raise taxes. Not increase the regulatory burden. Its up 400 billion since the president took office. You know, the its a simple lesson. And its right in front of everybody. And they should simply follow it. You would think they would follow it. You know, i remember if i remember correctly that republicans, house republicans, speaker Kevin Mccarthy wanted to work with the white house early on on the debt ceiling. And the white house and the president dragged his feet up until the very ninth hour. And then they did finally get a deal done. So republicans are going to come back to Congress Next month and theyre going to want to balance the budget. Shouldnt this be motivation for the white house to work with them this time . Well, again, a lesson of the states is that states are subject, all except one, to some sort of balanced budget requirement. And its not really the balanced budget piece that is so important. What matters is theres a rule that you have to obey in putting together your budget. It has to add up in some sensible fashion. And weve seen how it works at the federal government level. The house passes one thing. The senate doesnt pass anything. They set up new bills they cant agree on. End of the year, they jam something through thats a trillion dollar am any bus spending bill. None of the states operate that way. They get better budgetary outcomes and higher Credit Ratings as a result. Thats a good lesson. Good idea to get back to regular order and not the kind of last minute negotiating were likely to see this september. Well see if that happens. Something else thats adding up for americans at home is gas price. They continue to rise and have been rising the last month here. Take a look at this. Were about averaging about 3. 83 for unleaded here. And its gone up. Not only just in the last week but in the last month here. So, you know, the Biden Administration at the same time, doug, has been forcing these regulations on reducing emissions and thats been putting a lot of pressure on Auto Companies to put out electrical vehicles. But when you think about how much an e. V. Costs, i would think that youre pressuring these companies to run over to china. Should the president put a pause on his green policies right now . At least until we get through this. Well, every year, we see higher gas prices this summer because of vacation season, the fact that the regulations require different mix of gasoline for environmental reasons. And refineries have to go have some down time for repairs. So were used to this. Were laying on top, however, of a real push by the Biden Administration to move to entirely electrified transportation. Theres no way we can do it as quickly as they seem to think. Right now, theres no national grid. Theres no national charging system. These cars are enormously expensive and bought only by the elites. And the average person is stuck with gas that costs a lot and the prospect of it going higher because the saudis are cutting back their production to raise oil prices. So this is not a great situation for the average american driver. Yeah and theres already pressure on the electrical grid because of rising temperatures as well. Doug, thanks so much for joining us. We appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks. Well, we have talked about etiquette in the workplace. But what about Movie Theaters . What some film fans are doing thats leading to confrontations. And what, if anything, can the theaters do about it . Plus when we think about china theft and spying on the u. S. From china, its usually over concerns over its military and hightech tactics. Coming up, were going to tell you what the simple things theyre stealing from us that has American Farmers on edge. Former c. I. A. Station chief will be here on that. There are currently more than 750,000 unfilled Cybersecurity Jobs in the u. S. The Google Cybersecurity Certificate was made to fill that gap and help grow the workforce thats keeping us all safe. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. My Little Family is me, aria, and jade. Just the three of us girls. 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The Monthly Payments can be expensive. With an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. Crowds are finally heading back to the movies and bringing a long some poor behavior, like talking loudly or taking pictures, and also taking over concerts and broadway shows. Madison alworth is at a Movie Theater cracking down on bad behavior. What nefarious activities are they involved in, madison . Nothing out of the ordinary todays world, its about the phone, texting, scrolling on the phone, taking videos for social media. The problem is, the neighbors dont appreciate that. At alamo, you get one verbal warning and after that you are out. We talked to new yorkers about this. Almost everyone said in a recent movie experience they have had someone near them thats been disruptive and some cases its kinds of escalated. Its common sense, we are here for a movie, and for yourself as well. Respent your time, enjoy the movie. Someone got exposed, someone was doing a quick text message and we are watching a movie, just we are just trying to relax. So here at alamo, they put out frequent psas, and tell us the policy means kicking some customers out, it has helped them bring more customers in. We have seen a lot of people, converts from other Cinema Chains who had some poor experiences. Gone to theaters and seen bad projection, bad sound, bad fellow moviegoers and they hear about us through some of our psas. That plus some really big movies this summer has helped to bring people back to the theaters. Alamo says they are back at nearly prepandemic levels and comes to amc, the best weekend since 2019 after barbie and oppenheimer came out, and second best saturday in food and drinks on the 103 year history. Need a refresher, we are too used to netflix on the couch. Back to you, trace. Trace . We are so used to watching movies alone, when you get around people it tends to be annoying. Aishah and people are getting into flights, a man in florida got beat up because the guy was sitting in his vip seat. Its dangerous in the Movie Theaters, too, why i have not gone to see the barbie movie yet. Trace started with tom cruise. Aishah chinese spying across the u. S. Is bolder and bolder and hitting americas heartland. Trying to steal the hybrid seeds out of the field and they wanted to take it to china and every time they steal a seed they are stealing from an iowa or american farmer. Aishah hi,

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