What devon archer told congress about the biden family brand. And it is damaging. The Senior National correspondent kevin corke is live with the breakdown in dc tonight. Kevin, good evening. Reporter evening trace. Devon archer telling congressional investigators that hunter biden used the then vp joe biden as, quote, defensive leverage to send, quote, the right signals to his foreign Business Partners. All while selling him as the brand that offered capabilities and reach, as well as a unique understanding of dc. That from archers comments and a transcribed interview before the House Oversight committee on monday this week. Fox news digital obtaining the more than 140 Page Transcript of archers interview which took place Behind Closed Doors. President biden and the white house have repeatedly denied that the elder biden ever discussed the foreign businesses with his son, nor did he have any knowledge about his sons business dealings. But the answers in the transcript to dispute that because the then Vladimir Putin attended din weres Hunter Bidens associates. Page 24 asked what i meant by Biden Family Archer said i dont think about it as joe directly but its fair, thats fair to say obviously, that he brought the most value to the brand. He continued on page 30. Obviously having those doors open, you know, sent the right signals, you know, for burisma torques you know, carry on its business and be successful. Then to page 116 in a response to a question about selling access. Question, its not about selling access to his father its about selling the illusion of access to his father. Is that fair . Archer then applied is that five fair . I mean, yeah, that is, i think its almost fair. Trace would you say officials have denied the president was ever at a dinter with hunters foreign Business Partners. Theres actually an april 2015 email from a burisma Board Advisor written to hunter biden the day after the dinner thanking for him for allowing him to meet his father and quote spend some time together. That would obviously contradict everything that mr. Bileden the elder would say trace. That about sums it up. Kevin corke live in dc thank you lets bring in special agent nicole parker, nicole not sure if you heard kevin but it was really kind of spot on, takes it piece by piece, what happened, what the transcript actually says. We have heard democrats said, yes, joe biden meant with Hunter Bidens Business Partners but he was only talking about the weather. Well to the Federalist Devon Archer says the following, quoting here, if youre sitting with a foreign Business Person and you hear the vicepresident s voice, thats prize enough. Pretty impactful stuff. Hunter biden had the highest access which was, of course, the biden brand. What do you think about the word for word transcript . As a former fbi special agent this transcript is very, very powerful evidence. Obviously theres going to need to be a lot of further investigation to occur but clearly the bidens, it as that they secured Business Deal Withs foreigners based on their name. Joe biden was allegedly on 20 phone calls and inperson meetings. Thats not just to discuss the weather. Any investigators going to dmooefl that and not just to talk about the weather. Im sorry, ive never been on a Business Call with my parents or with a family member. Thats just entirely inappropriate to think that people would believe that. But what were coming down to is it appears the bidens made millions of dollars based on their family name. They used their brand, they used it to intimidate people, get burisma out of legal trouble and this is something that needs to be investigated. I think that the unfortunate part is that it appears the Department Of Justice is not doing their job and doing a full and thorough investigation. You know, it appears that members of congress are having to do the were, the whistleblowers are doing work, devon archers coming forward, the hunter biden laptop. If the fbi and Department Of Justice arent going to investigate it, the truth is going to come to light one way or another. And you do have an fbi whistleblower, dont discount that fd 1023. That is extremely powerful. As an investigator i want to correspond Rob Rate The Devon Archer look at the 1023 see if there were wire transfers, look and see what was told in the 1023 matches to devon archers testimony and based on what im hearing it does, the little we know the two phone calls from the 1023 that joe biden was definitely on corroborates with what were hearing. I would like to hear the recorded phone dprauls the 1023. The i have had has to corroborate and its time to get to the bottom of this. Trace and i have to jump in because we now know from the plea deal that hunter did get money from china which kind of shows you, im going to play a little bit of the president and followed by Jonathan Turley and i have about ten seconds for you to wrap it up. Watch. My son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about . China. How involved were you in your sons chinese shakedown text message. Were you sitting there . No. I also think its clear that the president has been lying for years, lied during the campaign, lied as president. And those lies were repeated by white house officials at his behest. All of thats quite serious. Trace yeah, ive got to go nicole but it really does show, you have the plea deal and the president , he was lying about this. And thats exactly correct. He is lying. Because hunter biden said himself in court in front of a judge that yes he did receive money from china. Trace exactly right. Nicole parker great of you as always. Thank you. Thank you. Trace meantime why are some Foreign Companies spending billions of dollars buying up massive amounts of u. S. Farm land that just so happened to be near u. S. Military bases . Some members of congress believe this is all about china. Christina coleman is live with more on this developing story, christina, good evening. Reporter good evening, trace. Yes, some montgomery counties tearius Company Called plan write associates according to Public Records is at the center of of this controversy. Flannery bought over 800 million in land over the past five years near Travis Air Force base northeast of San Francisco. This group is suing local farmers accusing them of inflating the price of land in that area. Now lawmakers on both sides of the aisle worry china is behind this effort prompting National Security concerns. The air force is investing this situation trying to figure out who is financially backing this group. Flannery and associates now owns all of the land to the north of the base, to the east of the base and the south of the base right up to the fence. They have simply been gobbling up the land in this area. For what purpose . We cant figure it out. My thought is we should be alarmed. Chinese Spying Efforts are sophisticated, theyre pervasive and growing. The fbi director has testified that he opens a new china related counter intel investigation every ten hours. Reporter disturbing indeed. Also last year a chinese firm purchased farm land in north dakota about 12 miles from grand force air force base, local officials eventually voted to end their contract with the chinese firm citing National Security concerns and possible chinese spy efforts definitely are keeping federal officials busy. Right now, theres nearly 5,000 active fbi Counter Intelligence cases, and almost half are related to china, according to the fbis director. Trace. Trace and the director said repeatedly that china is threat number one. Christina thank you meantime former President Trump pleaded not guilty to federal charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 election. Justice Correspondent David Spunt was at the courthouse live at the nations capitol. David long day great work good evening. Reporter good evening. Former president back at his home in new jersey tonight after making that appearance earlier in Dc Federal Court this afternoon. Now this is trumps third indictment in four months. I watched the proceedings, the former president stood up, stood up, pleaded not guilty to four criminal charges stemming from his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 president ial election results. He was fingerprinted today but no mug shot taken and he was released on his own recognizance. These are the charges that he is facing in this case. Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. Obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy against rights. The scene outside the courthouse, the Majority Media with just a few anti trump and pro trump protesters yelling at each other. Nothing got Out Of Control, luckily. The courthouse its self just across the street from the u. S. Capitol the building that was under siege on january 6th, 2021. Inside the courtroom special counsel jack smith did not make eye contact directly with the former president. Now, smith did not charge trump with insurrection but he did say that the former president s crimes are not that he said the election was stolen, it was what smith said trump did to use Fake E Electric Tours and fake certificates to try and change the results of the election. This is the persecution of the person thats leading by very, very substantial numbers in the republican primary and leading biden by a lot. Reporter that was the president before leaving washington, dc. He faces up to 55 years in prison if convicted on all of the counts today. Trump seemed to anticipate further legal jeopardy, trace, about a social media post this morning saying, quote, i need one more indictment to ensure my election, end quote. The 45th president may be projecting some political bravado but legal analysts say the charges in both cases underlying in the federal case, the miami documents case, the florida documents case, rather, and this case, could put him in some serious legal jeopardy trace. Trace well revisit that. David spunt live in dc. Thank you the Washington Post is reporting former president obama warned President Biden that donald trump is a more formidable candidate than democrats realize. Marianne rafferty is live with the latest on this surprising news. Maryanne, good evening. Reporter hi trace. Back in 2016, president obama was among those who dismissed the idea of donald trump ever becoming President Branding him an unserious reality tv star. I continue to believe mr. Trump will not be president. And the reason is because i have a lot of faith in the american people. And i think they recognize that being president is a serious job. Reporter now obamas message to his former vicepresident is to not underestimate trump. The Washington Post reporting oh bod a warned Biden Sharing his worries trump could be a more formidable candidate than Many Democrats realize. Obama was a major fixture during the 2020 election, while his exact roll in the 2024 race has not been determined he is expected to return to the Campaign Trail and hold large rallies in crucial swing states and play a key role in outreach to young voters. Along with those campaign stops, obama will also lend a hand to help bring in the bucks with Fund Raising Efforts reportedly expected to start this fall. And while its still early a recent New York Times sienna poll shows President Biden and trump are in a virtual tie in a hypothetical rematch. Getting interesting. Trace thank you. Lets bring in president president ial candidate and author of as goes california larry elder. Washington post writes the following, former president barack obama at a private lunch with President Biden earlier this summer voiced concerns about trumps strength, a loyal following, a trump friendly Conservative Media echo system and a polarized country underlying that trump could be a more formidable candidate than Many Democrats realize and now of course you see the New York Times sienna poll is deadlocked. What do you think . Washington post might be on to something. Regarding obama its less confidences in Donald Trumps political strength and more a lack of confidence in joe biden. Remember, obama tried to talk him out of running in 2016 successfully. He wanted him not to run in 2020. In that book called game change, obamas quoted as saying how many more times is joe biden going to Say Something stupid. And he said do not underestimate joe bidens ability to f things up and he didnt say f. I think he thinks hes pretty Stereum Trump wrote on truth social i need one more indictment to ensure my election. He might be right. You look at the numbers but what do you think about the indictments so far, the latest today. I dont think very much of it. In the 45page indictment, jack smith repeatedly praises mike pence for resisting the pressure to fail to certify the election to certain states. What jack smith does not say is that the same mike pence a few weeks earlier was on cnn and while he said that trump and i will never see eye to eye about what should have happened on january 6th, i believe trump acted recklessly he said, but ive yet to be convinced he did anything illegal. And regarding the Trump Interpretation of the electoral count act which jack smith was completely without any kind of basis, congress in december of last year, trace, amended the act, changed the language to make it Crystal Clear that anybody couldnt interpret it the way that Donald Trumps lawyers did. Well, if they couldnt interpret it that way why do you need to clean up the ambiguity. Thats my reaction to that. Trace people forget youre a lawyer, you know what youre talking about. Not all lawyers know what theyre talking about. Trace im sorry youre a lawyer i pa positively apologize. This one does. Trace slate says they lost their super power saying simply put time for california to accept reality. There will never be 50 million californiaians as predicted for decades instead it will stall out at 40 million and eventually it will fall behind texas as americass most populous state just like new york fell behind california back in the 1960s. You cant just target the rich you have to adjust the way they do things. You cant lost about 500,000 people. Thats why i wrote the book and why im running for president and asking people by the way to go to my web site larry elder. Com, 1, i need 40 thousand individual Donation Toss qualify for the first debate in 2023. Trace would love to see ow the stage. Larry thank you. Thank you. Trace appreciate it. My pleasure. Trace the fox news at night Common Sense Department fully believes that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, to an extent. Chicago ace democratic mayor Brandon Johnson apparently has a different definition of extent because this week when a group of chicago teenagers looted a 711 convenience store, a reporter accused the teens of participating in a mob action. And the mayor chided the reporter and defended the teens saying the word Mob Dehuman Ices the suspects and that its not open from refer to children as baby al capons. So common sense looked up the word mob and capone is nowhere to be found. A mob is simply a disorderly crowd of people intent on causing trouble, kind of like teenagers looting a 711. Does the mayor believe rampant crime in i can would go down if only the criminals got more respect . Maybe instead of mobs and gangs we call them clubs or coatries. Sounds less mess asking, more community oriented, kind letter gentler thieves. Common sense is pretty sure these teenagers understand they can shop lift at will and will face zero consequences. But for the mayor to again and again ignore the victims and give the suspects the benefit of the doubt, is unlikely to convince these includes and coateries to stop stealing stuff that doesnt belong to them. Lets where i in criminal defense and Trial Attorney brian claypool. Bryan, great to have you on. I mean, you know, after a Shooting Back in Millennium Park in chicago back in april, you know, the mayor came out and said, you know, its not constructed to demonize you, at some time somebodys going to have to be strong and say this is not right. These people are not doing the right thing. Trace, youre exactly right. What the mayors comments do is they aid and a bet the commissioner of crime. So youre more worried about humanizing the crooks and dehumanizing the victims. That is a recipe for more violence and more crime. Weve had prosecutors that are arent prosecuting criminals and now mayors that are enabling crooks. We live in very serious and dangerous times. Reporter yeah its amazing you talk about serious and dangerous times we were touching this with larry elder the fact that california is having some problems, so law, who works for cnn tweeted this, cnn by the way has gotten robbed three times up in San Francisco covering stories on crime. She tweets the possible, in oakland shooting a story about crime, got broken into again but this time our car was completely empty. We were across the street this happened in second. At the Rental Car Return Lot the employee tells us of the 250 cars returned yesterday, 27 of them had been broken into just more than 10 of cars. And the mayor there keeps telling the media is exaggeratinging the problem. Theyre not exaggerating, this is legit, these numbers are real. Trace trace not only that, did you hear about lowes . They fired an employee, try to maintain a shop lifter. So we really really live in really bizarre times and ill tell you, cnn ought to listen . Were a country western guy music, jason aldine. Yeah, of course. Did you hear the song not in a small town. Yeah, window he did that. Did you that, fantastic. Around here we take care of our own and you cross the line and your times coming. I mean, his song really resonates with where were going. Its sad in our society where people have to be their own police. Trace right. And thats really, really sad. Trace but kind of segues perfectly brian into our next segment here because this is in stockton california. Its a 711 where, again, a robbery in 711 and watch what happens b24 seconds. Well worth it. Look at this. Aint aint nothing you can do till police come. Hey, hey, no, dont. Aint nothing you can do man. Dont do that. Dont do that, man. Dont do that. Trace so they beat the guy up for stealing all the sec vets a trash can full of cigarettes you know its a matter of time before the employees are fired. Thats exactly my point. Employees are having to become Law Enforcement and theyre even being fired now and reprimanded if they stop thieves. So if you dont stop somebody from doing that, seven seven 11, i was on a couple weeks ago with mcdonalds with 10 people rummaging through a mcdonalds. If prosecutors arent going to prosecute and if Political Leadership is not going to call these people what they are, crooks and punks, then youre leaving it in the hands of employees to have to protect their own businesses. Trace yeah. And were borderline living in an uncivilized society. Trace you are going to get a very stern level from Brandon Johnson the mayor of chicago brian. Thank you, thank you. Trace ass trace. Trace coming up we have uncovered video of the president of the Largest Teachers Union giving unhailing speech where she calls your children her babies. Well show it to you next. Later in the nightcap former american professional Soccer Player carli lloyd criticized the Us Nationals Team for celebrating a i tie with portugal. And many fans are not happy about that criticism but do you think its justified and is it ever okay to speak speak bad about your old team. Let us Know On Social Media twitter and jam at trace gallagher, weigh in, well show you the results and read the best responses coming up in the nightcap. Meantime 8 21 on the west coast. First, live look Mount Rainier in seattle. Spectacular. Now a live look at the chicago skyline. You can see right there, 10 21 central time and finally the bay in massachusetts, courtesy of surf line. If you cant join us life, dont forget set your drr and watch us any time. I buhat sooner the better. Thanks to skyrizi, im on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. Nothing on my skin means everything nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Learn how abbvie could help you save. 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The beer giant blames the Volume Decline of bud light for the plunge. Makes sense. The brand sales to retailers plunged 14 in the wake of that Controversial Partnership with transgender influencer dylan mulvaney. Its even weird to say that we have to do this in todays age but to us its just common sense that we have to do this to define what a woman is to protect women. Years ago title nine was signed and now it feels like the left is trying to erode that. Reporter republican kevin isnt it signed a womens bill of rights into law in oklahoma to take care of what he calls Out Of Control gender ideology. It clarifies the difference of male and female beefed on biology a persons reproductive characteristics as determined by birth newest court claims the new hires for 2023 are not prepared for work. The report in the Wall Street Journal says Remote Learning during the pandemic left students short of basic skills and employees are trying to teach new workers General Knowledge and soft skills such as working with others on the job, dont you know well, the National Education Association President Becky Pringle gave quite a performance in a recent key note event. Recent unefforted video shows her call students our babies and encouraging the Righteous Fight For Freedom but those babies, are they really free . Thats the whole thing. Bring in our Education Panel Corey Deangelis for children and Jill Simonian at prager u. I want to play the sound bite because its worth playing. This is Becky Pringle. Watch and watch. We will never be broken because we are, and we will always, always do what we must to be worthy of our students thank you nea for all you do every day for our babies. Trace except theyre not her babies. These resist every the parents babies. Thats kind of the thing. What do you think jill. I cant help but laugh because yes trace i saw this floating on social media. Aside from the fired up speech that she gave i really want to let everybody know about fun facts. Nea, one of the biggest Teacher Unions in the country spent 41 million last year in 2022 for political activism causes while spending 37 million to actually protect teachers. So we know that they are a politically activated group. And those are the people that are in charge of educating our children, and that ace what we reject at prager u kids. Trace thats the thing part of the problem is you have to respect your passion, she is clearly passionate but the whole problem of parents trying to cut parents out of the deal, cut them out of the equation. Look, there overly political, 99 of the Campaign Contributions were from democrats last year. Shes just totally unhinged pulling a Dwight Doing The Whole Mussolini and freaking out. Look, these are the people that want to col your childrens classrooms and their mind time to fight back and take your money to somewhere else private or Charter School, not stacked by lunatics like Becky Pringle the head of the nea and the best way to do is that is school choice, allow parents to vote with their feet. You talk about school, the i Promise School thing, every eighth grader in that school, every single eighth grader failed the state math test. Heres dr. Ben carson and his reaction to that. This requires a little bit of humility. What that means is, you look at the places that have been successful, who have the same kind of students and have been successful for them, and you say, what is it that theyre doing that were not doing. Hes given about a mill and a half dollars and something is not right there corey. What do you think about this. More money is not going to solve your problem, thats proof here with the lebron james school. Look, he could open a Charter School or a Private School and had more autonomy now he went with the district run government run institution stacked by the teachers union. So the unionized schools cause half the problem. Too. Even if it wasnt Charter School, thats how the market works, some succeed some fail but this is a districtrun unionized school that failed and had tons of money. Trace very good. The hill writes the following here, jill. This is about boys, right, boys becoming more conservative figures represent a striking shift in boys as recently at the late 2000s, they occasionally outnumbered conservatives, right . In the carter error both Boys And Girls leaned liberal nowadays its girls drifting no the left. Does that surprise you girls are becoming more conservative or liberals. Shannon im a mom of daughters but what weve seen in the politically driven classrooms over the last few years is that the future is female, which is wonderful for the young girls but at the same time vilifying our boys and calling our young boys toxic and its really sad to not be able to uplift our young men in that way and i think that these young boys are getting a little bit smart about what the system is trying to indoctrinate them with. Its trying to tell them theyre tock i can so the young boys are now saying wait a second. I want to to return to logical rational thinking based maybe on American Values of hard work and boy and girls are different but we are all worthy and available. And thats something we also celebrate at Prager U Kid Boys celebrating girls and we can all learn about our American Values together. Right. Is the border tired of beingville and iced . I think jail hit it on the head alienating the boys in the School System by saying being a boy and mass is this good news some are trying to be conservative . But this is only 23 , a large portion of that survey, the vast majority, at least 60 of the boys identify as neither liberals. But wait until they get to college. What they havent done maybe theyll do at the higher levels of eyed i dont jib confirmity. Then you have to wait until they have kids before you come back. And coming up, what Facebook Files are now telling us about how much influence the white house had. We called the dr. And Houman Hemmati janz us live on set next but first a Florida Deputy performs a dangerous stunt to stop a run away boat. And the race that got us Somali Government position suspended. Your days next viral videos next. The day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day. A lets dig in day. Mm. A chow down day. A take a big bite day. A perfectly delicious day. Mm. [ chuckles ]. A love my new teeth day. Because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. A clearchoice day changes every day. Schedule a free consultation. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Dont take breztri more than prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Ask your doctor about breztri. Trace well, Facebook Files revealed that the tech giant bowed to pressure from the white house over posts about the covid19 vaccine. Here with us doctor Houman Hemmati Board Certified ph. D. And research sign activity. This 10u7d bite from President Biden from 2021 to give us some context on all this. Watch. Whats your message to platforms like facebook . Theyre killing people. Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated. And theyre killing people. Reporter so that was all disinformation the president was saying there back in 2021 and now we know they were littering true information. Its unbelievable. If youre in the medical profession, you know, its just got to be annoying as all get out. Annoying is an understatement trace. I mean this is shocking. Im actually in disbelief to see that here in United States of america a country founded upon the principle of free speech where we codify that in First Amendment of the constitution. Facebook, the largest social Media Network actually admitting, not even hiding this, they admitted that they bowed to Government Pressure and censored information that turned out to be true. Yeah. Reporter many of us new back then it was true, we were saying It Shroud Slay but it goes against what the government wanted, a government that goes out of its way to censor speech is exactly what this country is against. Im flabbergasted and there has to be accountability. We need systems in place that go beyond the First Amendment that prevent this from happening and have strict punishment who anyone who dares ponder with this. I always thought confirmity is the energy of science and now suddenly youre like, okay, the truths is what the Administration Says the truth is. Reporter i just had a paper come out in a Major Medical journal. Guess what happened . I didnt just submit it and have it published, it went through multiple rounds much reviews and disagreements, and even then they wanted us to make tweaks. Why . Because thats how science works, feedback, debates, disagreements and without that you get no progress at all and thats what happened during them. We actually moved backwards during covid instead of forward and it hurt people. Talk to me about what theyre calling the holy gray tweeting the drug was test order 70 different cancer cells in the lab including those derived from Breast Prostate Brain on ovarian cervical skin and lung cancer and was effective amongst them all. Sounds amazing. Sounds amazing. You take these with a grain of salt when it says holy gray. And a science brief and not a publication, you always have to say why whats going on. I think this is a lot of hype and unfortunately whats going on here. Cancer deadlines are not actually tumor. Maybe some of the cells came from a patient but theyve been sitting in a lap multiple labs perpetuating sometimes decades they dont really address tumors some some way and they can do anything. In a human that will take a decade or longer before a human actually gets this drug and they test. Trace so ai can now detect Breast Cancer along with some of the best radiologists . Is that a fair assessment. I really believed it they trained ai to determine rent nal images. Ai based on medical will get better than a human and at one point we wont even need real radiologists to look at these images. Trace covid youre not worried about a spike. Im not worried were seeing some hospitalizations but not the surge of desks. Some people are saying were going to see the surgeoning of desk. Were not. The people at risk know theyre at risk at this point and if they want to protect themselves they know what they need to do and if not its on them. A lot of doctors saying the same thing as you but only a matter of time before la county says lets put the mask back o. They can try. Trace dr. Houman hemmati, thank you. Thank you. Trace first up in tonights viral videos fritz the baby hippo turned 1yearold today and celebrated with sweet watter melon a fitting treat as today happens to be annual watermelon day. Of course fritz knew that happy bifrtd day fritz video of the space x rocket from cape canaveral. Chris took one from a nearby beach. The rocket part of a mission that Success Flail deployed communications satellite. You heard of run away trains, heres a rupp away boat. A Florida Deputy had to leap into the unmanned vessel from another boat going roughly 40 Miles Per Hour not to gain control after its captain fell overboard. Thankfully he was pecked up by a Good Samaritan alls well that ends well. The United Kingdom offering the drone deliver i didnt have service sometimes delayed with more traditional forms much delivery. This will be in operation the next three months with intentions to extend depending on how it goes. Each drone can carry 13 piece of mail at a time a somalian is now in pressure after this video. The World University games in chime a went viral. The athlete representing so mallial in the 100 meter sprint quickly fell behind, dropped off the screen. The Selection Process prompted the Somali Government take Discipline Area action and admit the athlete was not a runner which we probably knew now incredible footage of the August 1st Super Moon captured bial murphy of san antonio nicely donal. Look at the texture and details, super moon happens when the moon is full and at its closest to dearth making it look more beautiful. If you missed it a second now predicted for august 30th. And if you have a viral video like this to share, their is with us. Coming up was it in poor taste for form u. S. Womens National Team player carli lloyd to criticize the current players for celebrating a tie . Is it ever okay to talk bad about your own team . Still time to weigh in on twitter and instagram at trace gallagher. The Nightcap Crew is next. And take a look at this. Thats a live look at Can Paly Beach In July courtesy of surf line. 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Were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. Trace were back with the Nightcap Crew, kevin corke, moifshths dr. Houman hemmati, Jill Simonian and larry elder. Tonights topic Team Building former us womens team Soccer Player carli lloyd criticized the team for celebrating the tie game against portugal saying the team was lucky to not be going home. So do you think its beneficial or harmful to criticize your own team. Larry elder, lets start with you. Well, i think the idea is to make sure your team is motivated. And if your criticism makes your team motivated tom brady would say go ahead and do it. Trace really. Im a tom brady kind of guy he criticized his team all the time to get them to raise their game. Trace and he would go in the whommer room and yell you guys suck. And from the university of michigan. On that note i appreciate that larry but tom brady wont necessarily go out in public and criticize his team. So i think you have to criticize in private and praise in public even if theyre doing a horrible job in the public arena praise them, you can criticize and tweet and give them info all you want. Heres the thing and maybe you agree or disgrow kevin corke. The whole concept was she was angry because they tied the game and they were dancing and all Set Broughted and shes shag are you kidding me . Youre celebrating a tie . Nobody sell brats a tie and that was her criticism. I agree with the criticism i think but there is a time and a place for everything. So i think the doctors got it right but i think a goodnay steward, come on guys, lets not settle for ties and then dance on the end zone or the pitch, lets act like weve been here before and. Yeah, i think thats what she was saying. Marianne rafferty your thoughts. Yeah, supposed to be cohesive especially in public and she should have said it Behind Closed Doors and just had a strong front. Trace yeah, but in fairness going back to Tom Brady Larry elder, the whole concept was tom brady would say i succeed, right before the sentiment he would say i suck, i sucked today and would point somebody out and say you success yesterday and you need to get better. That was kind of the thing. But as an old college quarterback, you know, im not flexing there dr. Hemmati but sometimes you have to do that. Ill get your answer but heres the nightcap poll. Is it beneficial or harmful to criticize your own team, beneficial 57 , look at that the numbers are great, harmful 43 on twitter. So they agree with me. Larry elder wins again. I didnt win the california thing but i won that. Listen, the good news is i just got word you could be in the debate for this for getting that answer so that could put you over the top. Jill simonian your thoughts on this . Oh, im tough and im mean and my kids will say that i will criticize and, for the sake of giving constructive criticism to be better, to be excellent because theres no other way to be excellent if you just say oh, oh, yeah, everything great. Melissa constructive criticism yes if it improves the team. Coaches do this all the time. Its all in the delivery and the purposes. I like that. Kathy reilly encouragement for successful improvement is for criticism. It allows the team to reflect and push the team to do better and tyler says often times when you criticize your own team whether it be in sports or other aspects in life it is because you love them and want them to stay on the right course or return to it if they went astray. Thank you all for joining the nightcap. Thank you for watching americas late news fox news at night. Aim trace gallagher, well see you back here tomorrow. Having triplets is. Amazing expensive. 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