Tiger, just to bring you down memory lane, you will do a two hour debate with ron to say make it three, three hour debate. Tis . I wyeah. So, i mean, with one notice,ean with no note okas. I look forward to that. Okay. So tonight we will ask thk gove Governor Desantis, give him a chance to respond. And by the way, one of the conditions was what, gavin . [cget to moderate it all myself, so ill be fine. All right. Getsheall righow about us the oy away. 15 months away. Not minute, 15hs away,s from th0 four president ial election. Democrats there desperately trying to force americans to focus on Anythine Americg and or than their partys presumptive nominee that pumptive would bed grandpa, uncle joe biden. Now, that includes the democrats in bidens Department Of Justic The Deme Ar Democratic prosecutors all around the country, all Making Headlines with a bevy of suspiciously timed indictments against what is right now joe bidens chief political rival. That would be donald j. Trump. Biden himself is nowhere be found as the 2024 Campaign Ramps up. He unite the president of the United States, who is supposedly running fostatesr, is spending h his next ten days at the beach, by the way, when he has noon, shiritt on. He is not a pretty sight. He is not in the white house, demonstrateds no, quote, leaderp is not on the Campaign Trail winning over voters. Ay, th by the way, theres a picture of joe being held uper, his wif, jill, walking along the beach seemingly to strugglseemingle in delaware in the night sand. He i s, by the way, during durin the day demonstrating g day,his ability to leisurely b a bicycle. He didnt fall todayicycle. Good job, joe. Were proud of you. Out of[a Sightpplaus Out of minw or at least thatsha what democrats and the media mob would like you to think. They want you to focus only on trump indictments proceedings january 6, documents, Anything Other than joe biden. And we went the timeline lastgh. Night. If joe biden gets bad news the next day, theres another trump indictment. Shocking. But despit tru e the hysteria and cooked up political charges and indictmentand cos against dd trump, the weak case about what payments in new yorkk ca from eight years ago documents at maralago. Uments aby way, didnt hillary o have top secret classified documents . If i remember, No Reasonablei prosecutor ever prosecute. Di didnt she delete 33,000ls subpoenaed emails with bleach . But no, the chappaqua home. No arrest of Hillary Clinton . No home. Charges brought in that case. And by the way, the same thing with joe the. He had documents in not in one n place. Otand four separate places, not one of them raided. Thd noof against him either. In fact, the only candidate, onl by they way, that if we talk about it, accused by a crediblet fbi source of Taking Moneyak Frm a Foreign National in exchange thata policy decision. That is the one guy struggling to wh in andhat beac struggling to even move a beach chair in delaware. And that is the sitting president of the United States of america. In other words, joe biden is serious. Very real. Bribery allegations. S. Now, in addition to bidens deteriorating mental and physical abilities a bidene Corruption Allegations against the president. Thiscorruption all is a clear cl danger. The media can ignore it all. Di they want, but this is real. We all know that biden lied about his involvement in his sons shady International Son deals. S he said over and over and over again, i never once talked to my son hunter, my brother or my brother or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business deals. No, he didnt just talk to them. He was involved in them. We know about the Papewe Knor Tl of shell corporations. We know about the suspicious activity reports. And we know about foreign cash. Often from our top geopolitical foes flowing magically intoflown the bideg n Family Coffers and a business led by a person that crmitted at the time he was a crack addict with no experienceac at all in the businesses that they were engaging in with of our our strongest enemies. Now we knoesw about the mountaie of hard evidence on hunters hard drive implicating , his very own father linking him directly to financial payments from these foreign business deals. You know, half my income goeforn to pops. 10 for the big guy. R oh, im sick and tiredthe ofs e paying for pops his home repairs. We also know r about the irs whistleblowers and the witnesses claiming to have recordingstleblowe, th. All of t we know all of this looks very n, although bide you wouldnt know it if you were watching any other channeg anl about. Now, of course, thanksf co to bidens Ultra Partisan and weaponized doj, joe biden will not be seriously buvestigated or, held accountable, but he will an tried in the court of publitc opinion. And all of thid s before 2024. 2 that probably is all in the end will likely matter. And right now, bidens poll numbers there, frankly. s pol al. Look at the New York Times siena poll. The president s approval times. Rating at a low 39 in a head to head matchup. Well, theres a new poll out tonight by Insider Advantage donald trump up by one in this poll. They are now n tied at 43 each. A Growing Number of voters are now doubting bidens character. They no longer trust himacter. E they dont think he is physically, mentally, Cognitively Upismentally to the job. And frankly, they dont even like him as a person. Likeover the last few years, we have now witnessed the real joe biden up close and personal. And frankly, its not a very pretty picture. By the way, its not just theset very real Bribery Allegation Thw and his cognitive troubles and his odd mood swings. We and frankly, we saw thisinland in finland. Pretty creep pretty by joe bides its been seen over and over. Dont let your children near the guy. Manydren nea americans are repuo by joe and dr. Joe bidens attitudesee and dr towards thein seventh grandchild, fouryearold beautiful little girl in arkansas who until recently was totally shunned by the entire biden family. Thats a pretty mean, soulless,g despicable thing to do. The childs mother wante td her daughter to be part of the biden family, bubut o they rejected this fouryearold girl over thatover and over agaiveovern, wouldnt even acknowledge her existence. That was, of course, until las,t friday when terrible poll numbers forced biden to finall y have to acknowledge that his own granddaughter is a lie and living in arkansas. And what was a weekend Newwhatse Hemp and he now says he wants to meet her for the very first time in four years. A joe is. Who joedp now, if you want to know who joe biden really is as a person, you can look no further than this story. He is not the sweet, congenial grandpa that he would like you to believe is. W frankly, what were witnessing and learning is were seeingit, a cold, calculating Career Politician who cares more aboupn wealth and status than his own family. And by the way, Whenfamily You E joe biden through that lens, all the corruption, the Bribery Allegations seem very plausible, dont they . Here with reaction tonight. We welcome Fox News Contributor ari fleischereactionse welcor, s governor mike huckabee. Guys, good to have you. Let me governor, me, let me begin b with you tonight. Serio this is a really serious thing because with the information we got from the 1023 formed, i mean, you have a credible fbavei informant getting credible information from the head of burismnformantediblea. The head of burisma is describing what is nothing short of Pure Briberothing sy tt he paid the bidens, what in this casin this e, he said in tm and was quoted in that forming, as saying 5 million to each ofs biden. He said he didnt want to have to pay ford he didto it. He thought hunter, who he was w in business with, was stupidsmae and his dog was smarter thanr hunter. But yet, you knoan huntew, were beginning to see money flow back and forth here. Money fl is a real Bribery Scandal your mind . I dont pretend to be a lawyer. I dont even play on tv. But i dont thinu k you have to be a lawyer to say that thish just stinks to high heaven. Look, id rather defend madonnas modesty than i would try to defend joe biden with all of these accusations infl are going on with briberyar and influence peddling. And i want to be very clear, and youve done this repeatedly. This is not about hunterthis i o hes a mess. Hot mess. But this is about t joe biden. Ass about how much did he get as the big guy. This Big Guy About Whether as sg Vice President , he sold presi influencdee, but not justo th to anybody, but to Corrupt Officiale S in ukraine, russia,a and worst of all, communisndt china. Okay. So, ari, that raises the question, what are countries like ukraine and china and Russia Ukrai D and romania and mexico and a dozen countries more . What do they expect . An admitted crack addict at i the time to offer them in terms of servicen terms for what nancy says will be north of 50 million paid to the biden family and some members of the Oversight Committee suggesting it may be as high as 100 million. What possibly. N could hunter biden offer them . What service . S, what expertise for that kind ofd of money . Its simple. He offered them the intervention of the Vice President of the United States to help solve tes totheir problems. To fire the prosecutor who was looking into burisma. Buriits simple. And then devon archer, his business partner, testified it was the illusion of it all. Look, sean, if i was pitchingif clients now and i said, hey, before we get going in this meeting, ive got george bus hhe wan on the line. He just wants to talk to you about the weather. Hey, mr. President , greatalk ab to you here. Everybody in that room go, oh, he can you can get theroould president down the line. Isnt that Everybody Knows what that woulanownd be. The difference is no politician i ever worked for would have gotten on that line. It would have been unethical. It was tha corruption. E bide n joe biden got on the line more than 20 times. That is corruption. Okay so, governor, isnt burisma really the one case that we really have a lot of agformation and evidence on . Because ive played over and over again on this show. Joe bideais shown bragging that he withheld 1 billion taxpayer dollars to ukraine, gave 6 hours to fire the prosecutor and son of a b, they firedy the guy, which meant thatation the Investigatioinn Into Burismh that was paying hunter and them and the biden family, all this money, millions of dollars. They got what they paid fos,r. Hunter continues to get paid, money and you know what . They benefit financially. I donheyt know if theres a bigger Slam Dunk Case for that allegatio n that do you cant think of it. I mean, this is a pretty obvious joe biden boast about gettin is g shokinukrain the prosecutor in the ukraine fired the resulte of that, 1,000,000,000 of u. S. Taxpayer moneiony now goes to ukrainee because joe got what he wantedbs after threatening them. That in itself is stunning. But i do want to correct one thing, what he actually said, because weve one thinbecause watched him nowh there at rehoboth in delaware. He actuall y said son of a ,a because thats what he mostly has been doing beach the past sy days. So just to clear that up. No expletives at all. Well said. At th but, ari, when you look atis this tape and then you look atei joe biden, he said it repeatedly as a candidate, repeatedly a president , i never one time spoke to my son, hunter, or my brother or anybody for that matter, about their Farm Business i deals. Only in the last two weeks did the white house begin a narrative shift, and they began to adjust that statement. Now, as weve been telling you, joe was never in business r. H hunte and but yet we have now. Thanks devon archer. We we have confirmation of a phone call that took place in december 2015. That wase in december 4th, to be exact, where the Peoplcee The Te lead people at burisma desperately needed to get washington dcs help and joe goo got on the line and that led toe a series of events that followed right thereafter. And that led to the moment where joe said youre notg getting a billion unless you fire the guy. Fire did burisma pay for the firing of the prosecutor Thatring Archer suggested couldt have put Burisma Out Ofed B Businessuris . D that and that also opened the door that hunter continued to get paid, in other words, enrichment for the biden family. Sure, hunter delivered. Hunter delivered. His father was the one who was came across with the delivery of fire and the prosecutor Othes Burisma got its moneys worth out of hunter biden because his father ter bide took official governmental action at his sons behestntal. Look, sean, what father doesnt talk to his chil r doesnd business. Every father talks to their children about their lifs . E, their business. Hows it going . What are you doing . Especiallyist one who portrays himself as a loving father. So when joe biden denied, with all that vehemence and he said, ive never, never talked i to my son about business, period, i instantly thought hes gone too far. Why is he denying it that strenuously . E thaand the reason is because he was protecting himself, because he knew he was involved. He knew he was on those phone calls. He knew his son used him to purveew his sy that impressit my father will intervene for you. And it wasr joe biden was covering up his own corruption. With that answer, that strong, which we now know is a lie. Tis aand now we also know the ma is protecting the biden syndicate. Ari fleischer, governor huckabee, thank you. Here with more reaction, South Carolina senator linseyres engrahamator. But lets comparee and contrast how the Biden Dojj Treats donald trump versus joe biden, especially what we were just Discussingtrump Vers T and day. So hunter biden gets a Plea Sent Deal that nobodyor in your audience would get millions of dollars of unpait. D. T goin hes not going to jail illegal possession of a gug n he getsunt a diversion opportunity never go to jail. Hidden in the plea deal is a promise never to prosecute the based on all the financial dealings youve been talkingal i about. When it comes to donald trump, they make up lies. They push to a court, a dossier thats absolutely russianthey descent. E stre they manipulate the stream of evidence and nothing happensam. So if youre sitting at home and youre mad, you have a right to be mad whenu it comes to donald trump, there are no rules. Destroy him, destroy his familyu. When it comes to hunter biden and joe biden, they get away with almost everything. Iden and geif you want to change it, we better win in 2024. How did Hillary Clinto in, joe biden get away with top secret classified documents . How did it in hillarys case, how did she get away without wit a raid . How to joe get away withoutht a raid . Had it hillary, get awayy with deleting 33,000 subpoenaed emails and nothing happened. Not no raid, no arrests, nothing, chargesr. What . Well, is there double standard . The only reasoraham Wdoublen Ke Burisma Deal that about a week before he goes to ukraine,uk burisma, officials payraine, about four or 5 millionr to hunter biden and his friends to get himd hi to fire the prosecutor. That worked. T medias no independen. In this country. Theyre in the tank for the Democratic Party. E Tankthank God for jim jordan. And representative kolber, if it wasnt foifr them, we wouldn. Know any of this. So what do we do . Donaldwe do . Donald t trump is gt like. Hes going to win the nomination. Hes going to be the next president. This indictment that they came thist a bunch ofo its going to hit a bunch of legal walls. Sean. Hia of legaltheyre actually trg to charge the guy with. Yeah, lindsey graham, you know the odds of him winning in washington,s of h d. C. Are nt to zero. I mean, 5 of the population in dc voted for trump in new york city, 12 in fulton county, georgia, 26 . Do think he can get a fair trial in those venues . I do not believe he can. Sean, any conviction in d. C. Against donald trump is not legitimate. So theyre accuse. D. Theyre charging him with the crime of taking bad legal advice. Thats what this is about. Theyre trying to criminalize the Attorney Clientclien relationship. Theyre trying to criminalizte i exercising of the first amendment. The judge in this case hates trump. You could convict trump of kidnapping lindberghs u can co baby in change d. C. You need to have a change of venue. Vew judge and we need to win in 2024 to stop this crazy. Yeah, well, where where is the Whatsapp Message investigation as well . Ttm sitting here with my father frweekin. 5 million from a chinese oil company. Yeahil. Lindsey graham, thank you. When we come back, the judge overseeing trumps January 6tory case has a history of bringing politics into courtroom. The great one, Mark Levinmarc will join us. Also, will governo Lubr Desantis take up Gavin Newsoms offeron and have a one on one debate . With goldman, you can age on your own terms. Retinol overnight means retinol overnight means the smoothin retinol are now for your whole body. Plus, fast Working Great Corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days, go by champions your skin tones. We know one thing and one thing only backs strange backs from weekend chores, dip pulled backs, doing your favorite hobbies. We even know dont the expertss. We even know dont the expertss. More than 100 years available at a store nea gill runsr you. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure. Sure. Hes the who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. The w wow. So suddere gettin. 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Thats one 809 0860601 800 9086060. Call now. Hello colonial pan. It started to manifest itself in nightmares. Countless veterans like quinton lived with the invisible wounds of war and sadly, roughly 20 a day take their own lives. Canine warriors saved molly in this. She saved me. She made me a hole for 20 a month. You can help us rescue and train shelter dogs to serve veterans in need. Call at 800 2668502 and save two lives. Thats 800 to 6 680 502. Follow the latest trump indictment. They are only doing that so they are only doing that so they can cover goli, taste your goals. And i think you will, too. I compare the winds of change. All right. When former President Donald Trump shows up in court tomorrow, he will be appearing before a judgemorrow, ill be Whd A Reputation for coming down especially harputationd on janu. Rioters, by the way, why didnt we ever go afte r . The people involved in the summer 2020 riots . 574 of them, dozens of dead americans, thousands of injured cops, billions of property damagecops. She al anyway, she also said that what happened that day should neveso sair be compared to thos4 riots. Why not a riot should never happen any place anywhere. This is the exacre. T same judge who released all of the Trump White House records to thecommie january committee. So if the Special Counsel is Prosecuting Donal D Trump Forelecti challenging the results of the election, what about all the times that democrats did the exact same thing . We jus t happened to have 45 minutes of tape but will run only a small portion. I believe he knows hes anil illegitimate president. I think its alsolent. Critil to understand that as ive been telling candidates who have come to see me, you can run the bestyou can ca you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you. I think m yo hes an illegitimate president that didnt really win. So how do you, you know, fight against that how d 2012t you are absolutely right. The president is illegitimate, racist, occupying the white housccupyinge, the Russian Weigg in on the election, the russian attempt to have the election. And frankl, th y the fbi is weighing in on the election. I think make the make it makeset his election illegitimate. Its illegitimate. And my biggest fear is that hes going to do it again with the help of vlad, his best l, and were going to be stuck for six more years of this guy. And thatof this is terrifying. Its terrifying. Would you be my Vice President ial candidate . Folks, look, i absolutely agree. We had thik,s little election back in 2018, and despite final tally and the inauguration, rsee the situation we find ourselves in, i dos have one very affirmative statement to make. We won. I believe was a stolen election. And im not saying they stole it from meas a sto. They stole it from the voters of georgia. How amazing any of them getting charged. Now, when the democrats made those remarks, no one was questioning whether or not they really believed the statementseally be. E hi here with Reaction Nowit i youre going to love is an upcoming book. Its called the Democratic Party hates america, the host of life, liberty levin, right here on the fox news levichannel, the great one, mark levin, you by the way, mark, is the he is the only guest in the history of cable newsws that tells a host, thats it. Im don, thate. Mark, i just want to get your general thoughts on all off it. Obviously, you got a lot to sayke t. Mark i want to have a heart to heart here with you, sean, and your audience and america. N you know whats going on in your country. Dyou know what you whats goingr you see were unraveling. My greatest concern, and i praye im dead wrong, is thatmocrat the Democrat Party is creating a combustible situation here ps the Democrat Party is destroying our schools. Is its destroying parental rights, its destroyin dg the nuclear family. Its destroying people of faitmh. Haf its gone after the catholic church, the Democratter Thchurcy is promoting censorship and all of its departments and agencies. Its destroying our traditionsrt. Its destroying law and order, our police. Crime is rampant. Our military cant keep up now with personnel because. Its destroyed our military. Or is. E biden and joe biden likes to talk about the bottom up in the middle out. Thisbottom ud th is top down passive revolution. Passive in the sense that its not a violent revolution, but its the kind of revolutio n that antonio gramsci, an italian communist, and even leni n, about where they take over the institutions of government, they take over the institutions of the culture and they impose their will. We now have a government thats banning Household Products fro light bulbs to automobiles in order to controroo automol l we have a government that is destroying our lifestyle, os driving up the cost of energy. It ie beforeg upt wors it gets better. Driving up the cost of food. People are having difficulty making ends meet, and yet their Propaganda Operateking Ens and that is, the media tells you how wonderful things are in this country you h according Tos Statistic or that statistic. Whatshi happening now has is something that has never happened in american history. In 247 years, not just0 years. The indictment of a president. E we have a hundred charges against this president from a democrat d. A. In manhattan, a democrat d. A. About to in atlanta, a democrat Attorney General in new, ft a radical leftwing rogue prosecutor. Ly now two grand juries completely theyof control out. They will use any toolab they can. They dont care about free speechout fr. They dont care about the bill of rights. They dont care about Attorney Client rig privilege. E ab they dont care about any of it. This is a Democrat Party thatths is power hungry and they see Ant Opportunity right now to monopolize the government, t and politics forevermore, to destroy the Effectivenesspo F the republican party, which is why they keep promoting voting, systems that will ensurehe that they are the Majority Party forevermor majorite, whicy theyre trying to make t two areas a territory, puerto rico and the district columbia u state. So they will have four democrat senators Foreverr Democr more, k is why they attack only the conservatives on the court and intimidate them with their mobs and threaten them t in ordr to try and get the decisions they want and threatened with them with with expanding the court in order to destroy the courg the cot. You look at everything thats going on in this country. This is a part this coy that has country. This is a party that in 1857hint got behind the Dred Scotthed sc decisionot, which tore this country apart and resulted in a civil wavil war r. And thats what i fear now. I fear it could be five years, ten years, 15 years, i dont know. And i pray to god that im wrong. But look at the sycophants and surrogates t look, msnbc and cnncn and how they sneer and they attack tens of millions of americans like like we are White Supremacy klansmen. Theyre the party of the White Supremacists and the klansmen. Were not. Were the ones who defeated them. But take who look at what theye doing to the country. The censorship. Every departmentg to the of the government from the white house ou thet bottom up, middle out, censoring the american people, destroying the language. We cant even agree on what a woman is and a man a is destroying our our colleges and our universities, our Public Schools through their union bosses. And so ei forth and so on. What theyre doing to donald trump here swhat t, they doing t because they figure theyre going to get away with it. T away wit. To sto p . So w so we have this passive toe p Itwn Revolution that is taking place. It is antiamerican. It is marxis it in name and shape. And this, Ladies And Gentlemen ,is the problem that wereg. Confronting. Well, marks book, the Democratic Party hates america, is out in september, and i can announce tonight thact i am the first interview, a full hour with mark levin. This is a booka that America Needs to read. Great one. Great to have you. Thangre you. K you. Up next right here on hannity. So you remember we interviewed gavin newsom so wellom. ,s Governor Desantis accept the challenge of newsom and debate him llenge a with me as thek in moderator. Well, well check in with Governor Desantis straight ahead. The day you get your clear choice, dental implants makes every day a confident day. I never hide, smile day, a life of the party. 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You might remember earlier this year i interviewed california governor gavin newsom. Not that long ago, i floated i basedlue,a polic debate, you know, red versus blue, Red State Versus Blue state between gavin newsom and floridvina governor. Ron desantis. Heres a Friendly Remindery rem govesay governor, isnt Governor Desantis economy as the only word im going to throw out of itthe only . Ou. You minute, minute, then you go at it. Next topic, right. Opic. And moderate it that way. M and you have my word, ill moderate it that way. Im all count on what you would do to our debate with wrong to say i make it three. Gov wow. That would be how many of you would like to see that would you like at this would be a debate that highlightwoulds what our Major Political and philosophical divides in this country. You know, why is there Mass Immigration fromones . Blue states to red ones . How do you reconcile a lot of these issues that are so importanissues tt, you know,gh m states with high Income Tax Rates againsx t states that havelow inco low Income Tax Rates or none at all, like in the or of floridaf whats the difference Betweener A Sanctuarencey state and stayig states that actually respect Immigration Laws . What about the issue of america . Should we remain Energy Independent or restrict the use of fossil fuels altogether . Now, Vice President harris recently turned down y debate. Tunitrecent Governor Desantis gavin newsomdt says hes only open to it. Ask o hell do it now. We ask Governor Desantis, we welcome him back to the program. Governor, how areapplause yog . Thanks for having me. Great to have you. All right. O ha veyou gavin, make the offer. Your answer is absolutely. Im game lets get it done. Just tell me when and where well do it. And heres the thing, sean. I mean, in in one respect, the the debate between california and florida, you know, has already beenn calg as you suggest, people have been voting on that. Theyve been votinn that. G on wh their feet. They have fled california in record numberave fleds. Florida has been the number one state for net inmigration. We have the number one ranked economy number one now in education, crimeconomy. E at a 50 year low. But in another sense, this is ther low. Ense, Th Debate Forf our country, because you have people like yoe joe, they wouldi love to see the californication offo, the United States, biden may not even be the nominee. You could have gavin newsom, you could have Kamala Harris. And i think if we go down that direction, thats going diree american decline. We cant seen de america decline anymorm ame. We need to reverse ame american decline. Governor leavitt, let me askricn you, because i know this issue of of africanamericanding curriculum came up. And my understanding is that you had a Pane Il Ofredomina predominantly africanamerican scholars build out the history of of slavery, africanamerican history in the country. And you were attacked by Kamala Harris over that. In my and am i wrong in my understanding that these were predominantly this this curriculum was put together by africanamericanss scholars predominantly . Yeah, exactly. Cod one of the leaders was a former chairman of the u. S. Commission on civimmn cil. Kamala is lying saying somehow these black scholars designed a curriculum to try to say there was somehow good with slavery. That is not true. They show the injustice of. Slavery. They told all the stories throughout all o theferican american history, including black history, and shes trying to demagogue it to score hck e is tht political points. But, sean, we fight b back against that. Weact do not bow down to the mea mob. We dont bow down to the left when they are trying to demagogue and liegoing on about things that are going on in the state of florida. So ive stood up for thoseor ida. Black scholars. I thank them for their job and they did a good job. I believthey djob. E were livino time where democrats, Espe Criminalizeedcrats political differences. I noticed the story about a massachusetts d. A. Wants the attorney, merrick garland, to prosecute you for sending Illegal Immigrants to marthasat vineyard. Ca my understanding in that case, by the way, they threw them ofse island in less than 24 hours d and we did a background check. There were enougd check. H roomsr every one of those Illegal Immigrants. Is it true . My understandingse is is thats every person that went to Marthas Vineyard signed a waiver and did so voluntarilyf . Of course, it was shocking. I mean, give me a break. What a Farce Thatthey A theyre doing. What a crock. But it just shows you three left in this country, they want to criminalize their political opposition. They want to weaponize the institutions of government to go after people that they cant beat through the political proces bes. Issu this was an issue in my reelection, sean. Some people were attacking mee t over the fact that weve been very strong against illegale immigratio sn. And what was the result of that . We won the greatest republican landslide we in florida gubernatorial history. So this is a crock. Soits a total abuse of power. But it doesnt surprise me that they would try to do that. Last question. I noticed your response to the indictment of president trumpy yesterday, and i knowan your rivals right no yourw, but you said something that really stuck with me and that is i hadont believe any fair republican can get a fair trial in washington, d. Ctr. Orlton new york or in fulton county, georgia. Better should there be a better way to justice and not put Liberal Democrat votes in Conservativenr Districts for trials . It should be a districvati at wa there is a fair balance of a jury pool. Absolutely. I mean, in d. C. , they will go after you. If youre republican, the facts. Be. Republicans dont have a fair shot there. They should be abl e to have trial a fair trial somewhere else. All right, governor, were going to work on the details a behind the scenes with your office and governor newsoms office. We appreciat office ane you com accepting that challenge. Thatll be interesting. Tvcepting you for being with u. Straight ahead, youre never going to believeright, s the big administration is blaming the drop in the u. S. N the u. Credit rating shark tank. Kevin oleary is next as we continue. But town has a new sheriff. Sheriff, to be with us. Were talking about hiring a gunfighter. What do we about him . Why dont you take my call . What does it say that i got . 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Not everyw, fitch credit agenc, they just downgraded americas credit rating, citing a, quote, steady deterioration in standards r governance. That would be joes governance. Higher interest rates, rapidly increasing National Debt, which is getting scaryl debt. But as per usual, unableunable to take any responsibility forrl any of their endless failures. Well, joe bideesn administration blamed donald trump, whos not been there for almost three years now, two and a half years. Anywayt thre, meanwhile, bidenh for endless crippling regulations continue puss. Get this, a proposal from. The Transportation Department that the tra effectively require all new cars to be electric by. 2032. Ah. Im about to buy as. A corvettex and im holding on to that for the rest of my life. This comes just one day after ec ford announced that it expectsts to lose 4. 5 billion in electric this year. Ar ouch. And it just keeps getting worse. Gas prices, i told you, are on the rise again. Barrel the oil headed north tows 100 bucks a barrel soon. Reaction chartoon. Tank hosts The One And Only kevin oleary. Sir, how are you . Great to be here. Thank you. All right. Thank yoooking a thesese economic numbers and the downgrade. Whats your reactionic numbers r it. You know, some people say a recession, maybe not a recessioon,recession. N. Where do you see the economy . Because i read this week our fel two thirds of our fellow americans are still living paycheck to paycheck. Lets go to that finch. Downgrade. It has nothing to do polit with politics that gradesicy are based on policy and whatan theyre doing is if youre a company or a sovereign like the united a states and you isse debt, they rated single aa triplea. Triplea is the best you can get. America for a longu time has always been triplea because people have faith that faie govethe government will py back the bonds that people buy from them. And most of the world trades on The American Dollar and commoditie thes. If youre a Sovereign Wealth Fund in the middle east or in Norway Ormiddle East in swil a lot of your liquidity is inan american dollar treasury billsdt. What happened in the last 48 hours . Theres no way to sugarcoa this. Its bad news. Its basically a Rating Agency saying , you your faith in thehe ame American Government to pay you back has been diminishedri aaa from a triplea to a doublea, and that has nothing to do with any one event. Its just a long term grinit id on debt being issued by the company regardless of politicsyt at all and the propensity to pay it back. So this is very concerningus because the way it affectse the you and me, sean, and everybody listening to us right now is the coslistent capital to am. The cost, in other words, we money from other sovereign nations to pay our deficits just went up because a Double Anbond is not a triple a bond. And so thats not good because r Sovereign Wealth Funds and other investors start saying, whats a single day . This is not good. And so yelle. N came out in defense of this, saying, well, they have the wrong data. Shes jawbonin wrog. Nobody buys that. Its gone from tripl eo to double. Thats bad. Doubamericans dont Want Electrr Vehicles in the numberics that theyre pushing on us. Then we have john kerry trying to put Emission Standards on farmers and their equipment, which is only goinged to raise the cost of their their production of of the food that we eat every day on top of the seed price increase, fertilizer price increase. Why are they punishingback the backbone of our society . The hard working people in thibu case that actually feed us every day . So again, thats policy,here sean. And heres the issue. The only way ie issue. This worg term is the market has to be the market. Is tof you want to buy anrobl electric truck, you probably live in the city because if you live in a rural region and youre driving five or 600 miles a week, it doesnt work for you. And until they fix that problemi ,were going to need gasoline. And i always say energyne is energy we should be talking about as a country is energy and security, regardless of the source. Securit lets try out. Kevin oleary, great to have you. Thank you. A up next, this is allegedly one of the biggest debates ofl h the day. T. All right. I know this is crazyknow thi, by with me. Is this a real bear or a person dressed up in a bear suit . Were going to let everybody weigh in when we get back. Ill explain it all straight ahea i willd. So musty in here, everybody. Darth vader, everybody. Darth vader. Dan it attracts and traps excess moisture, eliminating the source of odors. Everybody. Darth vader, nail fungus is nasty. Opting out starts improving the appearance of Fungus Toenails in just two days. Its clinically proven formula. Penetrate to the nail. For results you can see quickly optimal give fungus damaged toenails a makeover. Ever wonder how much your neighbors house is worth . 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Some reason the whole internet is talking about this video Of A Sun Bear at a chinese Zoot Standing on its hindving and actually waving to people. Peopneaple think its a huma in a bear costume. The video goes viral, forcing the Zo Theo To Out and say thatt is really a bear. Buit is ret people are still sk here now to discuss this very important, harth d hitting topic,red coho outnumbered cohost on how at the Washington Examiner opinion editor kaylee mcghee. Wh itor kayy welcome, both of you. Thank you for being here. I want to so simple, kai, where . Do you stand that real the bear will keep well keep showing iti 1,000,000 fake. I will stake my life on it. Stak wil e your life on a cheap lie. Youre going to see like themes in it. Got literally. Watch one that we know better than that. Tohe when that bear bends without to hold on a second. Keep that tape rollcond, keep it wrong. Now. Okay. Youre saying a human cant bend down like sayin that that. But, you know, human beings, i done tht. How much yoga, the the footing. I mean, it looks like those. Pee what are those onesies that people sleep in now . It literally, literally looks liketerally a onesie. I could make a better costume than that. China. Okay. Betstumim. S and ap what do you mean by a you m onesie . Theyre like the footeean by a s that we see commercials for wecause none of us would wear it. Now you have to wear one on set. A onesie. Okay, i wear Sweatpant Sean ir sws, a to thin shirt. Okay. I also think its fake for two reasons. First, that bear has better posture than i do. Okayr has and second of all, if china says something we have learned by now, shawn, thatd by you believe the exact opposite. So if china is saying the sun beare s, i believe its a fake. All right, shifting gears, lets go tiseao. I still think its a real bear. I dont care what anyone says. All right. Shifting its gears, spotlight continues hurting from the Dylan Mulvaneyg from scandal and other brands are now reaping the benefits. Look at , this molson coors, owner of beers like coors light and miller lite, they theyre reportine arg an 11. 8 surge in sales over the Second Quarter results in the company, Outselling Bud Light by 50 whopping percent. Now, i warned that this i would happen. Now theyre laying off warneund and hundreds of workers because some idiot that works in the dep h. R. Department and marketing department, you know, went t we forward with a campaign nots ar. Knowing who their their customers are. Is that the pieuse we a remains as large as it is because we all love beer and therefore. But miller lite and coors light can assume all of those jobs. Right, and all of thoseuld yo workers that are now looking for work and you would thinku f with the installation of 12,000 taps, that 50 increase before this bud light outsold both of those brands. Now they are Outselling Bud Light by 50 . Thatslight , th a tremendous i. So it looks like hopefully, rather than maintaining that profits likeully, the same selew rate increase and absorb. You know what i would do if i was and molson . Sea i would contact every fired employee, anheuserbusch,loye and id hire them. Yeah. And bud light has served an andh important lesson for the entire country in that corporate wokeism haigem. S its limits. Ouy people have to deal with radical leftism in their kids classroomm has, in the Medt Community and now in the grocery aisles. And theyre finallyy inn an their foot down and saying, enough. Yeah, i look, i understand people made their decision. I just hate to hear that madei get blown up, throu but through no fault of their own will hire them. You good to see you both. Thank you. Hi. Dience programing note another live on his show tomorrow night, new york citrrow nig y. T ji tickets are free. Our instudio guest, jimmy failla. Lara trump. Dagen mcdowell. Brian greenberg. Ticketn s. Hannity. Com to register. Its that simple. Please set your dvr monday through friday 9 p. M. Eastern 6 p. M. Pacific. So you never, ever, ever miss an episode. Unfortunate. Thats all the time we have this evening. Thatll the te let not your heart be troubled. Stay tuned. Pueg gutfeld will put a smilt be your face here tomorrow. Happy wednesday everybody. Ight what a great night. So joe biden, merrick garland, r the doj and special Prosecutor Jack Smith just did something nobody coming. For they endorsed donald trump fori. President. How they might have even elected hi

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