Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240704

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Plus dennis quaid. Im a football player. Theyre going to pump up the volume here. What happened yesterday . A former president being prosecuted by the sitting president will leave a blackco stain on the fabric of this country. But lets not forget whose move this was. The New York Times reported that joe biden directed his Attorney General to prosecute his rival prosecu. Quote, mr. Biden privately told his close circl e of advisers that mr. Trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of june 6th. Of according to two people familiar with his comments. He also told confidence that he wanted Attorney General Merrick Garland to stop acting like the Attneral To A Ponderoud to take decisive action. Dent this is not an independent justice department. This is not an indepen stice ded. Special counsel. This prosecution is being directedecutio by the commander in chief and now the Corporate Media is engaged in Aengage Bloodthirsty and libelous wad r against one man who represents more tha wn 75 million americanc the media was aghast att Sarcastic Lock her up chants. Remember her . But last night appeared aroused at the thought of donald trump imprisoned. Bloodlust was in the air at cnn. When i first learned bl. Dictmentdictment i had a long conversation hith a friend of mine, ryan reilly, and i told him how proud i felt to be an american at that moment. I much in the way that i did when i learned that our military had killed osama bin laden. Because to the media. Use to tjanuary 6th is more sacd and solemn day than easter memorial day and their own mothers funeral combined. The media lass wet night compared january 6 to pearl harbor, the civil wa r, and 911. I suspect we all will be looking back on Last Nightg N as as a Turning Point in this horrible chapter of american history. From time to time, america faces threat to times fu monsters who want to destroy our democracy thatac happened in 1861 with the confederacy, pearl harbor in 1941. We were bombed. Our system was very much in danger, our democracy. You think of rudy giulianer. L you know, americas mayor after 911. Thats not only not caring about this really craziest attack since 911 to happen in this country, hes actually fueling it. This is why well never be able to reaso n with thesewith people if they think Donald Trumps a Bin Laden Confederat ea rebel kamikaze. Never Characterizing Himreat Tru in this way allows the left to treat trump like a war criminal. Light him up with indictments. Indictments that were literally used against al qaedindicta. Conspiracy to defraud the United States was what ales qaeda associates were charged with after 911. Another charge, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding was used to takee down the Colombo Crime Family conspiracy against rights and other charge. Well, that was designed to stop gned tthe from terrorizing bla. The indictment says trump liedth about the election being rigged and that he knew it wasnt rigged. S no first of all, youll neverprove prove at trial that trump thought the election. Wasnt rigged. Its all he talks about to thiso day. But even so, if lying about Anei Election was illegal, then youd haveon to charge the entireen democrat party. How can you wintiretic part n interference, though . Thats what im scared about in 2020, but rightly, because i think hes an illegitimate president that didnt really win. So how do you you know, Fight Al Against that in 2020 . You are absolutely right that trump didnuty ritctl actually win the election in 2016. He lost the electiony the elects put in office because the russians interfere. Because you can run the best campaign. You can even become the nomineee and you can have the election stolen from you. N fro i believe he knows hesn illegitimate president. Conspiracy to defraud canpirt be used to charge just about any political gang. Henr hillary got together with the fbi, the cia, and the Obama Administration to lie about russia collusion. They knew it was a lie. Ey knew itthey defrauded the fie they doctored documents. O lie they conspired to lie to the voters. The press. Schiffto th walked into an intel a briefing where they said there was no collusion. And then they sai he walked out and said there was for two years. Thats not a conspiracydefrau to defraud us. If joe bidens campaign bidensconspires with the fbi e cia and Silicon Valley to hoax the nation over the laptop, wheres jack smith on thatere in both parties say what hes saying is a bunc is sayih of. Nobody believes it except them. Believehis and his good friendy giuliani. You mean the laptop is now another russia, russia, russia hoax . Anotheys exactly what this gu. Exactly what is this whereseo hes joee biden . In both parties saying what hes saying is a bunch of garbage. Y can you believe that guy . Can you believe that guy said that . Unbelievable. So what we hav . Jahere is this this emotional special counselmh jack smith cited Fact Checkers in this indictment, said trump must have known that there wascr no Election Fraud because Fact Checkersfact c said there was an Election Fraud. Jack smith wanted trump to jae the same Fact Checkers that said the virus didnt come from a lab. The Laptop Wasthat sai fake, ant the border isnt open there. Indicting trump because ise the experts. Firm thats the firm legal Ground Grn Pr which to arrest a former president. Now, the media says this is the biggestesident. Legal ev. All time. This is a momentous legal event, the most significant legal event of our lifetimes. Onf one of the most significant legal eventsicant ever in the history of this country. It is up there with Marburyus Versus Madison Brown versus board of education, dred scott. Dred scott. Really . Dont buy the hype jesse sguar my prediction, trumps going to lose in the d. C. Circuit e dcbecause its the d. C. Circut and win on appeal in the supreme court. Bunt the case will probably las. Past the election. Ans case is so airtigh airtight, why is abc news owned by disney, deceptively editing Donald Trumps january 6 speech last night to make it look like he incited a rioight to t . Were going to walk down to the capitol and we fight. We fight like. And if you dont fight like, youre not going to have a country anymore helle. Were going to walk down to the capitol and we fight like. Thats that i not what he sa. They took a line from the beginning of the speech and a line frobeof his sm the ef the speech to make it look like trump violently unleashed the crowd into the capitol. Sa what he said was march peacefully and patriotics much. O they didnt include that. They doctored it. At was k that was Pierre Thomas who fronted that package. Look at them. Kage. Abc news chief corresponde. That wasnt a mistake. He madnded. Istake he. The hes been in the business a while. That mightwhile. Be one ofn the dirtiest edits ive ever seen in my career. Abc news should be ashamed of ad itself and prime times demanding Abc Addresswe and account for it. And we have a request. Buquest why would they do that . Theyre supposed to be legit, right . Well, limbaugh explained it perfectly years ago. Listen, i know they desperately wantlisten trump gone, and i know that not they desperately want it codified that trump cannot runot run again. Because make no mistak againe, they remain scared to death of you and they remain scared to death oan remf trump. They believe that they can they can destroy this bondy ca t exists between you and trump if anthey somehow make Trump Lookk Bad and make trump look like jprobate. This is about criminalizing a man who represents half the nation toxic, fying him bli with a blizzard of charges, Deceptive Smears and salacious allegations so that he so publiclyso Tha Scandalized and h ones going to touch him. Thats their plan hthat i. And georgia is showing its cards. The Fulton County sheriff says if trumps indicted, theres going to be a mug shot. Unless someone tells me differently. We are we are followin g on our normal practices. And so it doesnt matter prastas your status. We have we are mug shots ready for you. The sheriff better be carefulre what he wishes for. That mug shot might make the most Famouful Whs Man In Ama more famous. And well get to that in a second. But before we do, heres how stark this is. This judge iisn the january six case is an Obama Appointee in d. C. The most democrats city in america. This judge,this tonya chacon worked at Hunter Bidens law firm. Her old law firm sponsored the steele dossier. Nsored t shes an obama donor nicknamed jae punisher for how harsh shes been with january six defendants. Shes already rulefense. D againt trump in the past. But this is where it gets interesting. Donald trumps lawyers lickingng his chop s. The theyre going to be relitigating the 2020 election in open court fo0 elr months. And this is exactly what Donald Trumps been dying to do. T we now have the ability in this case to issue our owngae subpoenas, and we will relitigate every single issue in the 2020 election in the context of this in litigation. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had o have, which is t Subpoena Power since january 6 in a way that can be exercised in federal courts. This election came down to just about 40,000 votesarizo, between three states arizona, wisconsin and georgia. Hal trump had to have flipped half of that 40,000 and he wins the electoral college. Thats about his razor w thing as you can get. Which makes you understand why trump was Fighting Stand Whyo Ha every vote. And that fight is going to continue in Court Nexoing Tot year when philly, detroit, milwaukee, clark county, nevada, and maricopa county, arizona, and the entire state of georgia are going to havethat to prove on the stand that they ran clean electionshe. Ly but thats only the appetizer if trump wins. Afte appetiz. R he pardons himseg welcome to the revenge tour. Oh, hell be out for blood. You think hes going to let bygones be bygones . Goin hes going to put his men at pus justice and the clintons, obamas the pelosis, the shifts, and yeah, of course, the biden. Everyone will be legally assaulted. Their family memberse legall, their foundations, their businesses. Everythings fair game after this. Everythitrump wont caree about reelection because hes only serving one term. Biden is creating a one mant wih Wrecking Crew with a list a mile long. Washi a lot of people are goingngle to get fired in washington and the rules are going to changs are g e. Holle scream and holler all you want. But if youre goinu g to trydiei to make a 78 year old former president die in prison away his friends and family hit him with 78 charges after spying on them and impeaching him twice. Oh, you Better Believe its open season. So 2016 was the biggest political upset in americanrsia history. 2020 was the most controversial election in american history. And if trump wins in 2024, it will be the great comebackican s in american history. But the best part about all of this is this you decide. What happens. Lets bring in eric trump. Hes the executive viceso president of the trump organization. So, eric, you know, notric, p voter or a political guy, as as the president son. How do you feel about all this . Well, jesse, weve dealt with this nonsense from the very beginning. Withse fro with all wit the impeachments. We dealt with it with the slanderous russia lies the fact Thath Ussia Li we were colludine kremlin, that we had secret servers in the basement of emlin, ttrump tower. Its been lie after lie after lie about my father. Any of the things they could do to weaken him, to take him otmn, to otherwise distract hido. You know, they slander her name from day one. So this isnt new to. Us. Theyre desperate. My father created the greatest Political Movement in the thstortey of this nation. The love for the man is unbelievable. You see it in th for t mane Republican Party right now, where hes absolutely running away from the rest of the field. I Meanrunnin Frothe rest of, mae him up by over 70 . Hes going to win the primar y i and hes going to go you know, hes literally going to be running against joe bide be gn, who is doing terribly on just about every Quantifiableg Te Fru and they want to take him out of the race. And weve seen this beforet ve g weve seen the fbi be weaponized. Weve seen the dog be weaponized. Wev wee seen the Dirty Gamesweapon and the dirty tricks. And i think my fathers we legacy is actuallys going to be exposing these frauds for what they are. N 2016 he exposed them in 2016. They were upset about it. They werhes exposing them agai. People get it. People are seeing a man, t. The former 45th president of the United States, who has loste his First Amendment right. They see political speeciticalhe be attack. I mean, literally, theyre trying to strip some ofk these rights and throw him in jail for the rest of his life over political speech s. You know, theyre watching president ial Immunity Fly Oun T The Window all while the statements my father had and i know this Becausthents Myt there that day, they were great statements. They were perfect statements. Were perfecstatemenyou use they ten times. All his tweets were fantastic. Bu times. T they will do nothing more than crying that abc wass absolutely astonishing and how Deceptive Thatsey was that we just played. How is your father going to grapple with all of thesed tu trials . Turn that around, get the nomination . And ifrn hes fortunate enough to win reelection, seek just this for all of the injustice thats taken placen. D just you know, hes going to hes going to win. Hes always had to do well since hes gotten intoight the political game. Hes going to fight like. Hes going to fight these guys. But what should reallye hell be telling to everybody is how fast you see jack smith go on tv. You knowd be tolis, were going. This incredibly fast. Were definitely going to do before the election. Armean, doesnt that tell you that theyre doing this for one motivation . And thats to take the guy out . This is the weaponization of the system. Ed it th but, you know, even ifw ab you believed it this time, how about the last ten times when its failed . How about what they did to kavanaugh . How about what they di how d to himabt wh over the ukraine . How about what they did to him over russia . I mean Ukrainewhat Ahat they, h literally weaponizing the irs againslitet all conservatives . This is what they do. And this is what my father, n ar more so than any person in american history, has shown the american histo people. Hes literally exposed these frauds for exactly who theyand t are. And its sad. Were no better than some of these third world countries around the world i k. Orld. You know, we are literally trying to imprison l political opponents. Were better than this. And so my fathers going to fight wheand so is gon hes i fighter, jesse. You know that better than i do. When you seeesseen you s all ofe out about joe biden, the bribe allegations, the wire transfers from All Over The World for nothing, for no reason, and then you have a massive coverup, what does that tellhapn you, the fact that this is happening and hes trying to prosecute directly your father. Can you imagine . That was me. Eric ci mean, Haley Biden Isba receiving money from romania and chinrbara a and these othern countries. I mean, what product do they sell . Thats what i always say. You know what a business were in. Weve been in the Hotel Business for the last 30 years. We sell real estate. Werow wha e tee in golf. L l you know, what product do they sell . And everybody. Thats a Rhetorical Question seo Everybody Knows the answer to that, you know, and they dont do a thing about itand t i mean, this kid was out there literally living in his fathers house, had top secrett documents behind the corvette. Yents. T my father is the one ber charged all while doing, you knowge, and illicit drugs. Yet my father is a guy being charged. And tell me its gross. Absolutely unbelievable. Ieverybody sees it. And if they dont see it, theyre going to see it because Thereryone Se will be an impeac. And if this trial actually goes down beforif te the election, youre going to relitigatetch. 2020. And that should be interesting to watch. Eric trumperic t and jesse, letu let me just tell you one thing. My father cannot wait to take Discovere Thathey on the people. There are a lot of questions about january six, trust me. Yeah. Erofhow about all the videotape . How about all the fbi agents that were in there . Theres a lot of questions. I meanagentsat were , why didnp the 10,000 national guard, fathknow, reserve troops10,000 t my father, you know, they approved. Why didnt they do thated . Behind the scenes . They might regret Fasthe Trackia this trial before the election. Well see how it shakes out. Eric, always a pleasure. Pleas thanks for joining us. Oi upning nex ut, impeachment and e biden get up off that. Thank you. Better get up off that. The right mattress makes everything clear. Oh, the book club that wants me to move to the woods as i call it, the right mattress matters will find yours. Come to black friday now. Save up to 50 with queen starting at one 7999. Mattress firm. Looks like youve been sleeping well. Meghan. Hes back. The mypillow guy, and youre looking good. Feeling good . Well, just when you thought it couldnt get any better. Weve got the best pillow ever. Mypillow. 2. 0. Im interrupting this commercial to let you all know that you have made mypillow 2. 0. A huge success. And because of your amazing support, weve expanded my pillows, u. S. Manufacturing and jobs to make for this. Were clearing out our Percale Bed Sheets and to thank you. Im giving them to you at close our prices. King size only 39. Us set queens 35. A set full size 29 and twin sizes just 25. 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And by today that has baddest superstars on the planet unleashed in primetime all new Friday Night Smackdown At Eastern On Fox friday, donny osmond on fox and friendsabout anywher. Expand your team with a fiber freelancer. It turns out hunter biden ist not just a deadbeat dad. Hes a deadbeat tenant to the guy who leased hunters pad in venice beach is saying hunter biden left his multimillion Dollar Mansion Trashelliond after just six mon. Sources tell the daily mail that hunte r and his southn wife african wife, melissa, turn this beautiful hom, ed thie, a, state of disarray and disrepair. One source says, quote, hunter and melissa were horrible tenants. They were totalle tes. Y disrespectful. They go on to say hunters wife, melissa, was rude and entitled. They destroyed the Stereo Ane Tment in the hom and someone came to fix it. They were uncooperative. They alsereo, thative. O left th. But thats not even the worst. You ready . Yothe bidens skipped out on thre months worth of rent. Hunter left the home in tatters and stiffed the owner. Stic80 grand. This was so embarrassing that the owner decided not to takeo hunter to court out of respect for the bidens. Coso i guess thats just another bill. Hunter will skip out hunter onr bidens prosecutor brought charges against his political opponent. He caught dinner in a report movie. I like this] president telling you. The president s trying to arresesse Thtrying Tt His Rp to his eyeballs in bribes. And the reporters question is, how do you like the movie . Thats how you get Promotede Ime in the media. But biden might be on vacationdi for a lot longer than he planned. One of the irs whistleblowers, the democrat, joe ziegler, is about to hand oves, r a newo hand tranche of docs to congress. These include offshore ban ke f accounts tied to the biden family. The bidens can run, but they cant hide. Biden insider devon archervo jut sat down for an intervieww with tucker carlson. We hav e a transcript. I will ill summarize. Hunter says. Archer says hunter was selling access. Biden knew they were hunters Business Associateere Hunt Is Ih the room at dinner, and archer said the prize was hunter dad being able to get his dad on the phone for clients. Putting your dadhe, the Vice President on speaker in front of your clients was a quote, abuse of soft power, says archer. Archer said that the vicher. E president , joe biden, thanked him for going into business business with hunter and knew e business was. Newpsiness w on a letter from joe biden with Vice President ial stationery. So you got Devon Archeionaryr and tony bubba lansky. We now have two biden Family Business partners who say thatde joe biden was aware ofient the business and met clients. And congress is going to interview additional biden business partners. Y james bolger, who just happens to be a relative of the famous mobster whitey bulger. E impo and its going to bede impossible for democrats to defend this Aftermocratd Thie Additional Bank records and hear additional eyewitness testimons and addy. Of course, the bidens wouldnt take bribes. Well, almost everybody the bidens have business with have been charged with briberyve bee. The ukrainian ceo, the f ing spy chief for china, patrick ,tn not to mention the romanians, the kazakhstan, ns and theremais mexicans, they all have problems. How do you explain these you e and emails from hunter . Ready . Quote, dont mention joe being w involved. Its only when youre face hereto face or this one quote, the bidens are the best atactl doing exactly what the chairman. Wants. Or this one i have brought every Single Person youve ever asked me to bring to the effing white house and the Vice President s house. Ive delivered on every single thing youve ever asked. Those obviously werent illusions hunter was delivering. So the white house is going to have to deal with an impeachment because we believe the house is going to open an impeachment inquir hs open y tha supercharging the investigatory powers. Thisrgthe inveigator is smart. Ee heres the strategy theyre being deliberate, methodical, bringing the factse. And building the case. So at the end of the inquiry, they caso ary,n lee the evidence and say, we have e havethe records, we havehe the officers, we have the emails, we have the whistleblowers. Joe bide emails. N, youre either going to tell us youre not running for reelectionl us, john, or wee going to launch a full blown impeachment. This is whatn imhmen that does. O if joe steps down, promises not to run for reelection gavin newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are the ticket. Kamala, im sorry, but theres no way biden is going to survive a full blown house impeachment. Theres just no way it last. Nthse a fullblown all of this evidence is on the table. Table. Forcedthe media to engage on it. But if joe wants to rollt. The dice, republicans movet. With impeachment. But without the impeachment, withachmen back to back to back to back trump trials. The media is not going to cover anything else. Bidens going to hidel is and trumps going to be criminalized in tv. But if republicans time this right and follow the evidence where it leads impeachmenteads,m is going to run counter to tr year. Istrials next dana perino, as my cohost of the five and coanchor of americas newsroom, she joins me now. Ink it i i think its smart the way the house is moving towardve to impeachment, because you have to put something against pug ag in the spring. Do you see it playing out out this way . It could. It of depends on these documents. The fact that joe ziegler, thatw one of the irs whistleblowers is going to reveal higoinmore documents. I think one of the things thats happening is if the House Republican happenis s are thinking, lets sequence this, we can match up with thewe trump trialsmatch up, things mio might work. But also, if these documents come Iese Docu Out and they shoe assume that they might show, thenat you will have some people in the house, you know, champing at the bit to try to move faster. Morrow theyre going to want w to impeach tomorrow. I mean, they want to impeach garland. Ant toeachmayorkas and biden al. Or they could just try to win the 2024 election. I would go with biden. Forget about Mayorka2024 Ei Wous and garland. These are small potatoes at this point. You go for the big guy because thats where the big guy is. As b do You Thineen K the Democras Understanddemocr that theyre gg to have to grapple with Foreign Bank Accounts from the biden family wires from russian text,t messages that were reading, Eyewitness Testimony . How are they going to defend that . Dana i are aboutt 48 48 hours away from reading anonymous quotes in th ferats New York Times from concerned democrats who are really worried about the evidence thats coming out, just like about two months ago, we got Anonymous Sources sayingt theyre very concerned about Kamala Harris and her position as vp. Harris and theyre very concere about joe bidens health and age. So these conversations so are taking place within the democratic party, theyre pretty disciplined. Th leak out too much. Are st but there are strategic leaks. And you see governor newsoras a hes always right where he needs to be at this time because hes ready to swoop in. Do you see biden, the tough guy, saying, to with it, impeach me . All you want. Im moving forward. I dont care what you got. Im going to fight thit you gos so my head says it would w make sense to say, look what io have done. I said id be a transactional president. Prt. Econom y is better thenected. You could have. This is a perfect excuse for hi jesse m. Deal. One termer. Thats right. I am so proud of what my administration has done. Im going to step off to the side. Save your legacyto step up, save your familys legacy. Thats what my head says. All right. Bufamilys t i dont know joe biden,l. What is your party says that hes going to want to fight and then we might be privy to some really good fireworks on the democratic side. Oh, its about time weve had enough on that. So thats plenty weve had plenty. Thank you, dana. Dennis ple quaid and cocaine ti. His town has a new sheriff, joe price will be 1000. Were talking about hiring a gunfighter. What do we know about him . Why dont you take my call . What does it say . That i got to do . Im doing and answered the phone every time and rings. Youre still looking good. Im still feeling good. You know, ive got all your mypillow products. Mattress topper. Bed sheets, my pillows, towels, slippers, blankets, sleepwear. Oh, charles. 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Download self and get the credit you deserve. So who brought the coke to the white house . Weve been trying to figure it out. Prime time filed a Couple Ofcoke Foia requests with the Secret Service and the fb titi. The Secret Service. They were the first ones to tell us. Now were appealin secretg. Pealin and then today, the fbi followed suit and denied a requesg. St for any expedited cocaine docks, telling us that finding cokecs telli in the whio is not, quote, a matter of widespread and exceptionala in Media Interest in which there exist possible questionsnt about the governments integrity, which affect Public Confidence. S no one at all is questioning the governments integrity. Ffet we only heard three different stories about where the coke was Founwhere Thd and then whato house lied about not being on the scene. The coke was in a surveillance camera, a blind spot, and then not a singlecamera trace of Dnar Fingerprints were recovered. And the Secret Service blew up the bag of coke. They literally lit it on fire. Thats destroying evidence. And this is the same Secret Service thats covered upt about, i dont know, three separate hunter biden Crimes Involving crackt i and guns. So prime time believes questions about the governmentsx, integrity do exit and the Public Confidence is prettpublicy low. F i dont know if the fbi has seen polls recently. Heres a random poll we found 92 of voters arent buyings ar the socalled Coke Investigation and they say see a the media wasnt interested in the story. Binders been askeget wat a int ten times. Joes been asked about it. He ignores it. Hes been aske tad even trumps talking about it, finding coke in the whitet it house is actuay one of the most interesting things to come out of this white house. And that goes for you to write. No telling, mom, why . Because i said so. Its me or them. Or t take your pick. Yeah. Excuse me. Teenage gm them fries. My guy. Yeah. Yeah. Actor dennis quaid starred in some of the most classic films in hollywood history. Many h people dont realize that throughout his career, though, he w. Addicted to cocaine but quaid cleaned up, went to rehab and found god. S fait his faith is what saved him. And now quaidh s out with a new album of Gospel Records called fallea nen. Id joi and dennis quaid joins mens now. How are you doing, dennis . Hey there, jesse. Hows it going . Pretty good. Ng so when you were filmingood. In hollywood back in the 80s, were you doing cocaine during the filming . Yes, i was. Nis yes yeah, i was. Ye at night that. A lot of sleepless nights, either going to bed, going to work with one hour of sleepur sometimes. You know, none s of those movies that you show, though, youd have to go back to like great l, of fire for that. Did you guys have a Cocaine Budget for thaavt movie . But but maybe they did. But by the time i made it to parent trap, i was kind of cleaned up. D of cle all right. All right. So how did you clean up . Leanwas it one of Those Rock Bos moments . Well, i you know, i was i was a at a band at the time, and i think the last movie i did with Great Of Fire was in a band. And we did a gig at the palace g theater in hollywoodig. And we got a record deal that night, and we broke up that very night. You ever see that movie, the commitments, where the Band Splivi T Up as soon as they make it . That was us. And it was. It was becausee of me. I was i was pretty much a mess. Bu t i had one of those white home. Light experiences when i got home that night that i saww mysf myself, you know, either being dead in jail or losingerythi everything that was really important to me. Ng thaallyand i put myself intob the very next day. As and that was before they had, like, Swimming Pools and room service and rehab. You know, this was like one of Those Hospitalas Type Rehab Things that you didnt go to the cushy rehab and know that they didnt have those. Bu dent so i missed that that experience. But how bad was it, though, when you before you hit rock bottom, dennis . Om i mean, was it something that was affecting your career wheree you known in the industry as aaa as a bad boy . How bad was it . Well, i think it was kind ofad known as a bad boy. Yeah, i was playing bad boy parts. But, you know, cocaine was pretty was Juswas Prett Pervasie back then. And hardly anybody was hiding it. They were it was it wasou in movie budgets, you know, and, you know, there were articles in People Magazine back then that it wasnt addictive, you know, then you had people start dropping and, you know, it was but, you know, it went through it got through it. It and, you know, leaves a hole in your life. Ole that you know, everybody that has that hole that they tried to fill, you know, my faith was something that was the thing that really got Me Throughthe Th that. And it ended uthatp gettinge en, with this in the end, which cafinished, which is this record, i made god fallen, which is really, you know,piritl about my spiritual journey. It i of of hymnson and from the Baptist Church that i gre andw up in and songsw that i wrote that are verypersol personal. Well, the new album is fallen, a gospe. L record for sinners. Dennis quaid yes, i wanted to have the biggesfallet possiv audience in the united. Go youve got a big audience. The centers dennis quaid, denn from joining see time and ill see you around town. Thank you, y jesse. Are. All right, buddy. Take care. Bears will be taco bell be. Right back. Back in my day, we didnt have all of these types of Fancy Chicken for sure. You have Buffalo Wings and fried chicken. Well, we didnt have garlic farm or Sweet Bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill both ways. And its not every time. Yeah, right. Where . Here from my the right mattress makes everything clear exactly where my passport is. 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Thursday its Baseball Night In America on the election heats up for the Astros Go Head head against judge and yankees good bye place to go for rules battle for the top of the Nl Central Against pirates for a magical night. This Baseball Night In America thursday at seven eastern on fox when you cant watch. Listen. Get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. Fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. Fallout from the latest trump indictment. They are only doing thk. Feel like you did talk to us. Make water cooler. lets lets bring in Business Correspondent kelly ogrady. A zoo kelly and shiner has a bear that looks like a dude, but china is denying this is a Dude Denyingis in a bear costum. And china would never lie about anything about animals, especially bears and bats. Now, the zoo insists the bear is legit. And the bears name is angela, a traditional chinese name name bear. Tell me what you think. Human or bear . Bea okay, so i say human. And heres why. S in all right. So a lot of zoos in china have actually been accused of Making Animals look a certain way, like Spray Painting Dogs and whatnolook int. Ed at and look at it. It i mean, at least theyre only spray painting them, right . No and they were saying, oh, no, no, no, it couldnt possibly be a human becausea human thisr person would be in 100 degree weather in a bear suite in 1. China really cares about human rights abuses. Exactly. C reallall right. Esse so were both Goingweh Du With Dude in a bear suitde and were were pretty joh confident that chinas lying. They have a track record,s a new york fed up with taco bell. Taco. S suing them he says theres not enough meat in his mexican pizza and. Me their ad says theres a lot more meat. We have the mexican pizz meaa he. Dn i didnt even know mexican pizza was a thing. texicanso in the ads, kelly, ws it show . Like the guy that is aible l horrible looking Mexican Pizzaoo with just you know what they do not look like they do in the ads. Yeah, this this doesnt look like the juicy, thick thing that you see in the ads. Apparently with 549. Whos really upset . Im gonna try this. Is that all its cracked up to . Taco bell. What do you expect when youre gonna get Taco Bell Kell right. So youre not joining the class action against taco bell . I think ifine clas you go order. Okay, you know what youre getting . Youre not. Youre not getting tac kellyo. Ing af you get somethingte afterwards. All right, well,. Oopi ove well be joining me when we had a little bit of lets just issue overshare today. You know, on a beach is overrated. Did you read the vote . Because, you know, ifo have s you tried to have in the poolot ,you know, thats not easy. T have you ever tried to putd p anything Ratchet Nowut Roundn Ig the commercial . Oh, im. Youre not out of your hair. I Gotta Go Jiggle Will Beight B right back. Now, i know you watch the view constantlack. Watchy. Wh, and you saw this live, kelly. So when you saen you sw this lit 11 00 today, what did you think . Well, of course, i never mis0 s. Im surprised they didnt, you know, Goinr Missedg into co sooner. Abc right. Which is the view was on. They hosy hot the oscars. St the theyre always up there getting people off the stage and whatnore alwayt. Shame on that producer you. So if you were the producer, ucer,duld have gone and tackle whoopi. Oh, yes. 100 thrown shoes. Just been like, oh, cu wt to black. Like we dont we dont need. You do not want well be talking about. And you dont want her talking about poor. No one wants that image. Ats how view ratings drop as a producer. Obviously, theyre focused and they cant afford any more ratings dropping. All right. Go enjoyey cant mexican pizza. G this ones on us, kelly. Love it. Thank you. Well, paulany p finally pays the price. I gave you my buy your wallet and i was very. 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A trio is the first and only two with triple protection now. Oh sweet jackson intestinal reat worms. Inclm no problem with some good trio. This drug class has been associated neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders for winning protection, go with some paprika trio. Because sherman is a demon, a predator that ruined families, this investigation is from over hunting the Long Island Serial Killer hosted by nate voight streaming now on fox nation. David to pape the mentally ill canadian illegal alien knew this drug addict who lived in a tree house and believe alien wss was in San Francisco court today for hammering paul pelosi in the head. Drop the hammer. No. Hey, hey, hey, hey. What is going on here . M broot getting any on fro to Page Trial Set to begin ninth, but he should have been l deported long before hammer time. But california is a sanctuary state, so gavin didnt give him the boot. Even though the mentally ill tree dweller had a long ra boope now, whats on the rap sheet . Wo they wont telull us. We filed the full request for the city asking for de papes raa requp. They denied us saying state law. It means they can it hidden. Muh weve also asked for a twoot page mugshot and so far theyres just ignoring us. But youll probably see trumps mugshot in about half an hour. Ye and this isnt the first Timeho California Ignoredt in a us, put us through the ringer just to get poorly dui footage. Remember after he was involved in that grisly car wreck and napa valley, remember that scene where cops knew the crash was serious . Like felony serious . It was a total wreck. Tot ali mean, two cars, busted airbags, broken fences. Fences pelosi even tried to flashs Police Donor Card in front of the office to flasr. H papa knew he was in some trouble. You would Thine K The Valley was going to throw the book at him instead of going to three yearsu probation, a dui course dad court fees and one day of community service. And today, Prim Communie lead that polyps completed the community servicde, all 8 ag hours of it. So what dihours d Pauly Actuallo to serve his Community Sommelier lessons investmentest presentation, we dont know because napa county wont tell us. So well file a formal request with the county to get the deets. And we have a feeling the community has not been served confuse the situation with my car. Its been saying that i needed an oil change. I needed more oil. Urgent. Put more oil in. Ove so i pulled over over the weekend. This guy put not one, but two of those little bottles of oil in close the hood. Everything good right now . My car is still flashing needs oil needs, you kno, needw, i dot know if this is a malfunction from the computer in the dash, but i cant get riior in d of it. T. I dont know. Computers. I definitely dont know. Car computer dont kns, but i also maybei mab need more oil, maybe two jugsno. Isnt good enough. So, i mean, thats annoying. Whatwhat do you do in this situation . We do touch peyton from virginia to the Democrats Justtm Hand donald trump Subpoena Power to investigate pow the 200 election. Yeah, i think they did. Uth a craig, south carolina. Jesse, thank you for gettingro back to bidens impeachment. Ryy if Everybody Talks about trump, biden wins and that ts their plan. The trump trial for the first six monthsthe trumx. But the impeachment counter. Phil from kentucky, theres snow in the white house and its raining money in ukraine. Biden really is a weatherman, krystal from nebraskcrisa. Wow. Im so glad dennis quaid shaved ,his beard. You know, honestly, i didnt even notice that. Guyst notice that stuff. T dale from beaverton, oregon. Jesse please do not recommend flossers. Please de become the new cigarette, but everyone flicks them on the street. They do. Y woul why would they do that . Thats littering. Ge just throw it in the garbage. What are you going to say . It like ruined your gums. In that case, my guns are trash. Paul from maine. R prjesse, last week you asked a sleep tips. Have you tried drinking a warm glass of milkve you bed . No, im not too. I need a Little Something than a warm glass of milk. Thats why. I enjoyed the wine. Tim from palmetto, florida. Fal. Shout out to my wife, felicia. I love you. So, felicia, that is it foror tonight. You got to dvr the show. I figured it out. You can figure it out. Even can figure it out. He he cant figure out pretty much anything. But i figured out how to do this. Always remember, im waters, and this is my world. All right. Welcome to hannity. Welcome. This incredible studio audience. All of our rowdy friends are here tonight for a good time. Thank you for joining us. All right. Goank you joinint, 2024 republican president ial candidate, Florida Governor Ronn Desantis will join us live. And we will ask the governoror what he thinks about this challenge. About this, overnor i interviewed california governor gavin newsom. He made this challenge

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