President trump. Emails a bid to return to the white house. This time he is charged with four counts of a special counsels investigation looking into the January 6th Assault on the capital. Leading efforts to overturn the 20 20 election. A growing chorus of critics is calling it a double standard. They are comparing the dojs treatment of trump so far. Their Potential Wrongdoing involving Mishandling Documents in Shady Business deals All Over The World basically given a free pass. And republican congressmen connecting the dots between trumps indictment and the Blockbuster Revelations of this past monday from devon archer. Is not coincidental. Its a day after you get is testimony which is really pretty to the biden family. And the president gets indicted. Investigating hunter biden in joe biden in the biden family syndicate. More and more evidence is coming every single day. This is not going to deter us from our duty which is to investigate the president of the United States is corrupt. Jonathan turley is standing by on whether this passes legal muster. We have fox news. Mike meredith on the political pushback. Lets get to david. You are at the Justice Department. Yesterday you were tearing through the indictment as quickly as you good. You have had time to fully digested. How do you see it this morning . It is 45 pages and has a lot of information. Special counsel jack smith says this case gets to the heart of american democracy. Culminating with the attack on the u. S. Capitol on january 6th, 2021. It was fueled by lies. Lies by the defendant. Targeted at obstructing a Bedrock Function of the u. S. Government. Collecting, counting and certifying the results of the president ial election. According to the indictment, trump used knowingly false Election Officials do so overtly legitimate Election Results and change electoral votes. Organized fraudulent slates of electors in 7 states smith says that trump attempted to use the power and authority of the doj to conduct sam election Crime Investigation and send a letter to the targeted states that falsely claim that the Justice Department and identified significant concerns that may have identified as, trump attempted to enlist the Vice President to use his ceremonial role to fraudulently alter the Election Results. Really an astounding document. For the first time in American History, a former president is being prosecuted by a political opponent who wields the power of the criminal Justice System for what he believed in and the policies and the political speech that he carried out as president. On social media, the former president was quoted saying why didnt they bring this ridiculous case 2. 5 years ago . They wanted it right in the middle of my campaign. His former Vice President partner now his opponent in the president ial race, mike pence said on january 6, former President Trump demanded that i choose between him and the constitution good i chose the constitution, and i was well. The former president is simon and expected to be in washington, d. C. , late tomorrow afternoon to make his first appearance before the judge. To me know if thats going to be in washington, d. C. . It is going to be in washington, d. C. Not far from the u. S. Capital. Its actually pretty much situated between the capital and the white house. Thank you. We are going to go to mark meredith. That is where President Biden has been vacationing. Checking out the movies. No doubt paying attention to this. Good morning to you. President biden has yet to publicly weigh in on the special counsels latest indictment against his predecessor. We hadnt even gotten to white house statement. Its possible we may not get one even as republicans accused the of using the Justice Department to target its biggest political opponent. Cameras have been capturing the person out and about enjoying his vacation. Last night dinner and a movie with his wife. So far he has yet to talk to reporters about the special counsels move or weigh in on the Ongoing Investigation into his son hunter biden. This week, a former Business Associate of hunters spoke with house lawmakers Behind Closed Doors and reportedly told them that Vice President biden spoke multiple times with Hunters Associates on the phone a direct contradiction from what the president has told both fox and other outlets before. Republicans argue it only further sparks the need for a broader corruption probe. The latest charges against a former president , weve also heard from a number of republicans including the House Speaker who say that the timing of this indictment was no coincidence. Speaker mccarthy tweeting, everyone in america i could see what was going to come next. Distract from the news and attack the front runner from the g. O. P. Nomination. House republicans will continue to uncover the truth about Biden Incorporated in the twotiered system of justice. Speaker mccarthy there. Republicans are already talking about the possibility of Launching Impeachment Inquiry against the president or impeaching the attorney general. 2 top Congressional Democrats won this is not the time for congress to interfere. We heard from the House Minority leader. This indictment is the most serious and most consequential thus far and will stand as a stark reminder to generations of americans that no one including a president of the United States is above the law. The Legal Process must continue to move forward without any outside interference. We have reached out to the white house multiple times and go to this morning trying to get a sense of whether or not they are going to offer any sort of response to all of this brittle white house brushed off the talk about possible impeachment saying they were focusing on the business at hand. This week includes a vacation. Thank you. Constitutional fox news contributor. Terrific last evening. Thank you for coming back today good morning to you. You have cases in washington, d. C. New york city, Southeast Florida and soontobe atlanta, georgia. Which if any do you think go to trial before election day 2024 . Well, most people will bet on the may date. Often courts will yield to federal case of that kind. The problem is that the government filed a superseding indictment. They added claims. They added a party. They had some pretty wide open door for the trump team to say okay, you have a new case now. With these alterations. Give us a new trial date. That trial date would likely be after the election. We still have to see if it is even possible to do that. Keep in mind that case in florida is full of classified documents. The Defense Counsel in those types of cases. It is a very slow process. On the other thing is as you had a chance to think this through, last night on the five the indictment came out. We were scrambling to read it as quickly as we could. He didnt so, so well. Ruth marcus is a lawyer herself. She writes for the washington post. She comes at things from the left. She says in her piece today that it is terrible and tragic even then it has come to this been the last two lines say this. Prosecuting trump on these charges is a grave, even parallel stepparent condoning his behavior by ignoring it would be far worse. Im wondering when you think about the wisdom of jack smith bringing these charges particularly when a lot of the things like for example this letter, there was going to be sent to the states that says that the electors were supposed to be different. And never went. What are they proving . That is a very good question. What concerns me is that many of the people celebrating the second indictment are just simply dismissing the implications for free speech. Those are quite dire and real. This is criminalizing disinformation. The Supreme Court said that i a politician who knowingly lied in the case of alvarez was still constitutionally protected. While the department of justice is saying here is that we recognize that politicians could save most things but just not trump, because he was told they were false. What type of standard is that . You are entitled not to believe some people in favor of others. You have lawyers who said no, this was a stolen election. Yes, you could challenge certification. I disagreed with that. Many people did. That doesnt make it a crime. Very few people are considering the implications of all that for the department of justice is saying that it can now rest politicians who failed to yield, who dont accept the truth according to what the government says it has been established. Let me bring in the Wall Street Journal editorial board. Dangerous implications. Here is the key line i talk about. Kind of a political question. You dont have to be a defender of donald trump to worry about where this will lead. It makes any future election challenges however are valid and legally vulnerable partisan prosecutor. Democrats want mr. Trump to be the republican nominee and whether he intends it or not is making that outcome more likely. You can go back to the 1990s to make the case that bill clinton benefited from an aggressive republican congress. The thing that strikes me we were talking before the show began. Our institutions are being challenged in a significant way. By just about every angle and every party. Maybe 1973 would be similar to what we are experiencing in 2023. Your reflection on those challenges that our Democratic Institutions and how they survive on the other side and what shape they are in. That is an excellent question. Quite frankly, we are in perilous times. The public has lost its faith in the department of justice and lost his faith in congress. Even the courts. We were hoping that if there was an indictment coming, it would be based on really unquestioned the Legal Authority an unassailable new evidence. Neither is contained in this second indictment. Maybe smith can get some of these coconspirators to flip. Maybe they could offer a new evidence. But they dont do it here. The question we come back to is when is the price too high to back donald trump . When smith filed the first indictment, many of us said that it was a strong indictment. A serious threat to the former president. This is different. I think people have to really ask when that price is too high. If free speech defines us as a nation. This is a free speech killing case. We need to deal with those implications. Thank you. I am writing your quote down right now. We shall remember that. Thank you very much. Nice to see you. We will talk again. Lots of implications here. As he said, and the documents case, there were attorneys from both sides say, this is not good. Theres a very specific this one, i went through it again last night. A lot of the things in there we knew. I had read a lot in the indictment that i didnt know. That is like a speaker is making. You could have done this to. 5 years ago if you wanted. And then you have all the coconspirators under threat of indictment themselves. Tomorrow, he will be in court around 4 00. We saw the circus in new new york. Meanwhile, an urgent warning for the New York City, new york, city mayor eric adams. He says President Biden must get a handle on the border crisis before our cities are overrun. Luck on that. We are live outside a hotel in mednet where the Shelter Space is maxed out. And continues to be that way day after day. Where does this stop . Plus this. Credit card rates are the highest ever Crude Auto Loan Rates at 7 . Home prices, the starter homes, they dont exist. The American Dream is slipping quickly if we dont do something about it. Standing on the economic stage after the countrys longterm Credit Rating has been downgraded for the second time in history. What this means where the American Dream. Up next with his milliondollar answer. Looking forward to that. New details after New Hampshire hearses kidnapped in haiti. How the escalating violence is hampering humanitarian aid to the struggling island nation. To make ends meet. Credit card rates are averaging 22 and still climbing. Even car and truck loans can be 15 . But newdays rates are a fraction of that. 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Together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. Its a mission powered by love, made possible by you. Give today. I will be cohosting our coverage of democracy 24. They will say i hate that guy. I love that woman. She spent. That is what ive been so refreshing when you spend time in the country talking to voters. That is why it is a privilege to meet them in to let them inspire me to do my job in the best way that i can. So now for the second time in our nations history, the countrys Credit Rating rating is downgraded and thats no g good. Rising debt in a deterioration in standards of governance. Treasury now calling the cot arbitrary. A good cost taxpayers. Kevin oleary has a take on this. Good morning to you. We were in the same spot 12 years ago, 2011. The only other time. What do you make of it as the Biden Administration bends a little bit of this claim on donald trump. Go figure. Well, it is really about government and policy. There is no way to sugarcoat this at all. It is bad. I will tell you how you measure it is bad. Basically, when you downgraded the u. S. Economy which is what this downgrading is. You are losing a little faith in the u. S. Dollar and the u. S. Treasury bill. The default currency of the world defined by every commodity prized by u. S. Dollars is the good faith of the u. S. Government. The whole world trusted. Most Sovereign Funds keep the majority of their liquidity in u. S. Dollars. That got her 24 hours ago. Now you start to ask yourself, where is this going . Downgraded from aaa to aa doesnt go to a single light. If you are a sovereign wealth fund, you put that in your mind on the bottom line for you and me is the cost of capital goes up. In other words, what it cost for us to borrow money to fund the government in deficit goes up. No sugarcoating that. How does this actually affect the next 24 months . Let me explain. Think about that ships act and the inflation reduction act. We are printing billions of dollars, government planes. At the same time, that is just a lot of spending. It increases the deficit. Thats why finch did this. They downgraded it. Because the camels back to be broken. It wasnt enough for them to say okay, ive seen enough. Forming a new or anybody in the Kitchen Table in america, your carload went up from 5 to 7 or 9 . Thats not going to help bear the cost of your loan and your borrowing and your mortgage going up, period. That is on the economic side of it. On the political aspect of the Biden Administration defending itself. They pointed repeatedly to january 6. From a political standpoint that leads to a lack of trust on behalf of those who are investing in the United States of america. Do you think that to be true . I think that is a political statement surely. Really, this downgrading is about that and the ability to pay it back. And looks beyond any one event. It doesnt matter. The more the government goes on to deficit spending, the more Rating Agencies scrutinize the quality of that debt. If you thought me got to the Point Of No Return where it was impossible to pay this debt back, you would rename the United States of america venezuela. That is what youve got to start thinking about. Its that simple. We are nowhere near that yet. Investors like me look at this every single day and say what happened there . What happened the last 24 hours. How does that change my propensity to bed on the United States of america as a longterm Greg Campbell where i put capital to work . Not lost a little bit last night on the downgrade. I keep pointing this out to people. How can you possibly spend this in a good light . There is no good news. Weve got 2023. Weve got 2011, 12 years apart. Next topic quickly now on blackrock and investments in china. This got our attention. We dont know what it means. This is larry finks defense. It is unconscionable for any u. S. Company to this is the house select committees letter to larry f fink. It is unconscionable for any u. S. Company to profit from investments that fuel the military advancement of americas foremost foreign adversary and facilitate human rights abuses. They alleged that their investments in Chinese Companies are helping these aspects of Chinese Society to do bad things essentially. Do you see a case here are not given . I see a case for Larry Fink Being Pride under a microscope. Burning an ant with a magnifying glass. Thats whats happening to him right now on the helper of the reason thats happening, maybe they could make an argument about the funding that chinese army and espionage and all the rest of that. Thats not his problem. This problem is lack of transparency. When i invest in the largest Money Manager and index fund thats global. A portion of that is based on the larger economies. Its prorated by the size of the economy. China gets a big chunk. Theres no information for me to get. The transparency specifically of what those investments are. The only defense larry fink as an blackrock as it is to shine the light of transparency on every single investment so that you can see whether or not these allegations are true. You dont get to do that in an index fund. Its very hard to. That is his only way to do it whether you are a retail investor, Institutional Investor or actually a Sovereign Fund thats managed by government. He has to do that. The other problem hes got is esd. Hes got esg issues. Why do you make these decisions . We dont know. Lots of issues around transparency. Nice to see you. Please come back soon. Thank you. The Migrant Overspend creating chaos in New York City where shelters are at maximum capacity. Eric adams warns the border crisis will eventually come to a neighborhood near you. Live in New York City right at the site where this is really kind of ground zero for these migrants. That is exactly right. The hotel is both a shelter but also the migrant intake center. Any migrant that once housing in new york as they come here. You can take a look at the line behind me. When sad about this line is that it really has not changed where days but some of these migrants living outside. Ive spoken to some that have been outside for three nights. Some 4 nights. You can see just how cramped and these people live further front of the line looks exactly the same as when i was there yesterday. But you cannot experience from watching at home is the smell. In order to save their spot in line, some of these folks are on themselves. The street serving as men to, bathroom, and kitchen. We had the chance to speak to a migrant who has already spent two nights sleeping outside. Here he is with his translator. We are so tired. Many days here since sleep nothing. Also we want to get some work. They give opportunity to sleep in someplace safe. And to start a new life. The calls are growing louder for the white house to send money and announce a State Of Emergency for what mayor eric adams says is a national crisis. He met with the department of Homeland Security last week. They are defending their assistance beings into cities noting that it is ultimately Congress Responsibility to fix the immigration problem. But they have offered to new york, a dhs liaison for they are going to be based in New York City. Democrats are frustrated with the bone being offered. Sent us a liaison come with a check. Work authorization and Emergency Declaration otherwise is not enough. Mayor adams is having a Press Conference this afternoon at about 11 30. When im hearing from sources is that it will be an announcement about where these migrants are going good when hearing is Roosevelt Island on the soccer fields there. We will get official word and bring it to you when we get it. Thank you. The man accused of breaking into Nancy Pelosis home and is back in court today. What do we expect from that hearing . New report saying that a school in akron, ohio, that was built by lebron james shows dismal test scores for students. Former secretary ben carson will join dana and me to talk about ghbothat. Hes not struggling with cpap anymore. All that rest is working wonders for him. Inspire. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com. Veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately . Many are over 22 , near 30 if you pay late. Why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. Call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate Newday 100 Va Cash Out loan. Veterans can save 500 a month. Thats 6,000 a year. It changes everything for them. It can for you too. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. In my ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. 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Joe biden is at 43 in a headtohead match up with donald trump who is at 43 . We were keen on this group that selected neither. Who are they and how do they break down in this hypothetical match up of 2024 . This is what we found. The favorability tends to go toward joe biden by about 12 points among those who choose neither. If you go and one more, who are these people . About 30 are conservative. Somewhat conservative or very conservative. But we also find intriguing right here, among those who are moderate, just about a half. 49 in terms of their political ideology when asked that question whether it was neither biden nor trump. Zip on over here and tell you that we look at those numbers carefully. We went there at three times. I think when you have those undecideds, i have a friend that caused him neither, they are double haters. I dont like anybody. They might be looking for an alternative. They usually do choose somebody. The neither and neither. Either or either. I am a big question now. Move the needle on those poll for a fact his commanding lead in 2024. Want to bring in ronna mcdaniel. The rnc chairwoman. Its great to have you with us. Thats bull op foul number one. You just basically see that New York Times. Republicans need to stand behind trump 71 . Republican candidates running. I didnt see that a couple of them went against trump yesterday but not very strongly. The trump have this commanding lead at this point . And you see him at all losing that . Its hard for me as the rnc chair in the neutral role to be a fun and on this. I think that the voters right now and the Republican Party are very concerned about what they see as a twotiered system of justice. They saw what happened last week with hunter biden going into court with a Sweetheart Deal that would have provided him immunity for prosecutions that hadnt even happen. You see what has happened today. You see the Biden Family Continuing to make money off of foreign influence. 22 llcs with client and Family Members getting up to 10 million. Theres a lot of concern that the American People feel about what is happening with President Biden and devon archer testifying this weekend biden was on 20 different phone calls with Business Partners of hunter biden. He absolutely lied to the American People. I think this is a real problem that there is one system of justice for republicans in a different for about a the Biden Incorporated family. We are going to hear a lot more of that. We will be in milwaukee for debate. Number one here in the fox news channel. Speaking of that not to get far ahead of ourselves. You have new criteria for this debate. For the one that follows that, things changed insignificantly. For debate number one, your fundraising has to be at 1 . I know youre going to explain it. You go to 3 for debate number two. Instead of getting 40,000 unique donors, you have to get 50,000. The polling criteria, right now it is 1 and three National Polls and it goes at 3 . A small dollar fundraising for meeting donors goes from 42,050,000. We should be stepping up the criteria. Once you get on the debate stage and get a run of the American People, if youre not having momentum and not showing growth in your campaign, thats a problem. We need to make sure that we are putting in front of the republican primary voters that candidate who is going to take on joe biden. Id say thats all that time. You dont go to the olympics unless he passed the premiums. This is the olympic stage of the Republican Party primary. Thats gonna be criteria that you have to meet to be on the stage. One of the things thats happening if you take the indictment is that President Trumps Legal Defense fund requires a lot of money. There are so many indictments. I am wondering how you are doing with that at the rnc that you have people that are willing to part with their hardearned dollars. Maybe small donor. Are they choosing to give to trump and the pack rather than the rnc in the state parties. One of the reports last week for the state parties, their fundraising is really bad. As i understand it making sure we get out the vote piece of the election. Money not going to be there. Will the democrats have an advantage on that front . Certainly when you have the income and sing the president working with the dnc, they are working handinhand for they dont have an extensive primary. Dollars are being split across our entire primary field. Dont forget the infrastructure. Bank your vote which the rnc is putting out is going to be critical for whoever gets the nomination. The party is going to go. I do think it is important for people to realize how important it is to give to the rnc and state parties. We are actually going to be putting together that get out the vote infrastructure for whoever gets the nomination. We will see if more qualified before the 23rd of august. We will talk soon. Thanks, guys. Announcer dana reads points, exports. And water balloon. County executive Bruce Blakeman and the 10yearold girl showed off this viral video to the New York Yankees last night. That was you . Where did you learn that . Softball . Very impressive. Alexa is ten years old. Got a high five minute best pump from harrison bader. Is that right . Ricky shortstop. Also came over to say hello. There are clearly no hard feelings between them. She is pretty cute. Seen down and in. She has got the video to prevent. There is no information about censorship and facebook. How the white house push the company for a special access. We will data that. California politicians writing an open letter to taylor swift. They want her to postpone our concerts in l. A. You will not guess as to the reason why. Coming up. Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. More shopping . You should watch your spending honey. Im saving with liberty mutual, mom. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Check it out, you could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, ill look into that. Let me put a reminder on my phone. Save 700 dollars. Pick up dad from airport . Ohhhhhh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. American journalist remains in russian custo for how long as the administration been spying on peoples facebook profiles looking for a Vaccine Misinformation . That was quite a loaded and inaccurate question which i would refute good facebook and any private Sector Company makes decisions about what information should be on their platform. That was 2021. The Wayback Machine is missing the idea that the white house had its hands and your private social media data. However, exclusive documents now reveal that may be exactly what was happening. Hillary vaughn has not follow up live on the hill for us now. Good morning. Whatd you find out . Fox business exclusively obtain those internal communications between the white house and facebook staff during the height of the pandemic. The communications that we have obtained are too sensitive for tv. The big take away here. There was an fbomb reynolds faceoff with facebook in the White House White house by the white house wanted them to hanover more data. Target users all in an effort to try to get more shots and arms. This pandemic Power Struggle Hit its peak as President Bidens digital director rob flaherty and the white house Senior Advisor for Covid Response join a call where facebook employees were berated by the white house for not turning over more data. Saying on the call, i feel like we are running around in circles. Some partners give us lots of information. Some partners tell us to f right offer that feels like we are chasing our tails but we reached out to the white house for comment. These documents also show that the white house and facebook both attempted to limit the spread of true information on a call between facebook employees in the Surgeon Generals office. Facebook employees told the Biden Administration staff this. Most questioning whether you should get a vaccine under a mandate whether it is government overreach. Thats not false information but it leads to a vaccine negative environment. Thanks for that. Hillary vaughn on the hill. We will see where it goes next online. Check this out. California lawmakers asking taylor swift to postpone her concert dates. They are pushing for more pay and better conditions. Her tour is making a 6night stop and expected to pack local hotels as you can imagine. Comedian joe devito is here. Let me read you found this letter that Lieutenant Governor of california same Hotel Workers of california are fighting for their lives in a living wage. Theyre asking for your support. Postpone your concerts. What about the people who spent all of their money to try to go to the concerts . About the people who work at the venues . It is so strange that she is ending this this open letter. Go ahead and send an open letter. Dont try to handdeliver a letter to taylor swift. Security. It was unpleasant. It is so strange for the Lieutenant Governor maybe you can do something about it. You are the Lieutenant Governor of the state. You have to reach out and bother taylor swift about this. Why dont you do some policies that reduce the cost of living so these people you can keep jacking up the minimum wage. Taking care of her trackers apparently. She gave them 100,000 each. 50 trackers. 100 trackers and making sure gets to the next sitting on t time. It is amazing the power that she has. She crashed ticketmaster with a demand for her tickets. That made people talk about ticketmasters got a lot of these fees in here and all kinds of nonsense behind the scenes and it brought the attention to it. I do think it is sad that we need wealthy people to do things that used to be able to ask your representatives to do. Trust the rich which means dont come to me. I have friends who are going this weekend to los angeles. This has been a big deal. The young daughter was begging. They tried to get tickets everywhere. They can only get tickets in l. A. Now theyve got the flights are three people roundtrip air theyve got the hotels for two or three nights. Plus the marriage. You got that buy that. I understand that the Hotel Workers want one warm money and they are on strike. I understand the appeal. As a young woman, i am in the demographic. I hear you guys upstairs. Rocking the taylor swift. For now they talk about how some of these workers have to sleep in their cars. That is the state of california right now. They are okay if you sleep in your car as long as it is an electric vehicle. They dont feel the need to improve your life otherwise. But the government should do is make it easier for people to live in california. Their wages will go far. Your wager is that the concerts go on. The six nights that begin this thursday. I think there is too much money in it right now. Maybe she says something onstage but that that is her option. I just think that theres too much money at stake right now. It would be nice if she said something. She might Say Something and they would be powerful. I know you work on the show. We see you on the show. We see you this weekend live where . Coming up, i will be in Atlantic City sunday through wednesday. Thursday night with joe mackey from the gym at the west Side Comedy Club in New York City on friday and saturday the 11th and 12 at the brokerage. I have seen this show. Its pretty amazing. I highly recommend it. Thanks for being here. Crazy stuff. Chicago will allow noncitizens to join police force. How does that work . Some critics and lawmakers say this decision defies common, sense. We will check in on common sense next for. Some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. Not at newday. A veteran shouldnt have to come up with money to get money. Sometimes Jonah Wrestles with falling asleep. So he takes zzzquil. The worlds 1 Sleep Aid Brand for a better night sleep. So now, he wakes up feeling like himself. The reigning family room middleweight champion. Better days start with zzzquil nights. This is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. 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Because you call these communities home, and we do too. Pnc bank. And emerging magazine is working to tell americas story in the form of a 19th century style newspaper. The oldfashioned kind for that County Highway Reports on the root causes of our countrys political and spiritual crises. The Magazine Editor at large joins us now. You might know him as an amazing book and although yourself. Somebody loves america. Tell us about county highway. Its a hard copy. Physical object. It doesnt exist on the internet. You cant post and trade stories. You have to subscribe to it or find it on one of our bookstores, feed stores, record stores. We have hundreds of distributors around the country. The whole idea is that most news comes from right here in New York City and america. We have turned inside out. Weve gone out to the small towns. Wherever there is a stop sign in the country there is a story. New york city or washington, d. C. , one would argue. There is a lot of other news right there. We are used to these characters that we see every day on fox. Use the people from los angeles. The men leveled a country which starts at the hudson river gets underserved. The people, that things that go on there, agriculture, other industries that dont get a lot of play are all the focus of county highway. We go to the middle and study the edges. Just on the front page, we cropped disaster. Where since 1917. Not a lot of people talking about that. Everybodys appellation protest novel. Thats part of a country that gets little attention. The miracle of america is your future. A museum in montana. I live in livingston montana. It takes the last 150 or 200 years of American History and crams it into a slideshow museum. You got everything from helicopters from the vietnam war the dolls that colonial children would have played with. I went through the whole museum as though it was a time lapse movie about our country and told our story. This is how we did it. This is how we did it. This is where we are going. You can see all that on this little Roadside Museum in northern montana. It has music and entertainment. Who is your Target Audience . Our Target Audience is everybody that they are targeted by other people. Everybody who feels behind, ignored. Give me a chance. This is what i have got to and listen to me. They can find it on county highway. Com and in our stores which are all over the country. 8. 50 an issue. Theres as many words in h here it even has classified ads. Exit question. If you are 25 years old and you are watching this right now, you probably never read a newspaper because your entire life has been aligned. What would be attractive to them about this . You are about to have a blast from the past. Your grandparents have it for the first time you can hold it in your head. You can pass it to your friend. You will read something that you would not have bumped into online. Thats whats great about a newspaper. You are seeing a bonsall spread out on the page. Great to have you and i look forward to the book you are writing. Great to have you. Lets get you to this news now. Top of the hour. Three big stories stopping the news. The Flash Rotting zombie drugs often associated with City Street Drugs has made its way into more Mainstream Party drugs like cocaine. Plus, illinois governor deciding the law that lets nonu. S. Citizens become police officers. Critics call them measure a fundamentally bad idea. The man accused of attacking former House Speaker Nancy Pelosis husband and his San Francisco home with a hammer is due back in court today. You will have more on those stories throughout the hour. But first. Donald trump indicted over alleged efforts to o

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