Alex is live with the latest. President biden spoke with french president macron about deescalation tactic s. President macron will be in talks with President Putin today. Germany will visit the u. S. Today. If russia were to launch an attack on ukraine, the capital, kiev could fall in less than three days. Here is sullivan on fox news sunday. Russia could take Military Action against ukraine or choose to take the diplomatic path instead. The key is, the United States needs to be and is prepared for any contingencies in lockstep with our allys and partners. Russia has 70 of what is needed. What that could mean for our allies. Had is the single greatest threat europe has phased, this is a dangerous point in Human History once again. It has dangerous consequence says if and when that happens. General milley estimated 50,000 lives could be lost if russia moves forward. Troops landed in poland yesterday and u. S. Trooped prays at fort bragg as they deploy. United states has promised sanctions russia if an invasion takes place. Ashley and todd. Todd mike pompeo says it is not just russia, Biden Administration has failed to deter threats on multiple upon fronts. The Trump Administration had step necessary place for americans and peep theyll live across america, this presents risk to Eastern Europe and ukraine and people, but iranian people, israelis people could suffer and what happens on Cot Rean Peninsula is dangerous. This is a sign of american weakness, this is what bad guys do when an american president wont stand up for the country. Ashley the Pont 00 Peanut gone claims not preventable. The attack was carried out by terrorist carrying 20 pounds of explosives, despite the belief it was a multi facetted attack. Former Naval Intelligence officer Robert Charles joined us earlier to weigh in. Listen. It all depends where you start the chapter of the story, they shouldnt have given away bagram, we wouldnt have left Tens Of Thousands of allies there. The investigation found taliban most likely did not know about the attack. Todd. Todd ashley, the afghan interpreter who helped rescue joe biden during a snow storm in 2000 sat finally back on u. S. Soil. He arrived in america last week, five monthsbidens botched in afghanistan. People behind, that is scary man. We are under risk. Todd that man who we once named muhammad for his safety joins us with the combat veteran who helped him escape, brian ganty. How does it feel to be free . Yes, sir. I feel excited getting out from afghanistan right now. I am in the United States and im very excited in the United States. Todd do you feel betrayed by the American Government . Yes. There is very, my heart for me and my family. Mohammad aman khalili. Describe how you got your family out. Let brian take this one. Yeah, i had a lot of help with a lot of people. I was going to do whatever it took to get him out. We had lots of people helping or wanting to help. So many different people wanted help. I was trying to be the gatekeeper and create the right route for him to get out. Todd aman, what was the most difficult part of this entire ordeal for you . The most difficulty for me it took me a long time, it was very scary on the roads because it was new power or new in afghanistan. The taliban were on the roof and checking and watching as everybody to find out and arrest them. I was very scary, very scared from them for me and my family because i had worked with the u. S. Forces for about 13 years. Todd in addition to working with u. S. Forces, you rescued a bunch of senators, one was joe biden. Do you have resentment for what he put and you your family through . It is okay, it was part of my job, as a company, we went through to todd are you mad at the fact it took you this long to get out of the country, when you should have been able to say, joe biden i saved, you why not save me and my family now. Right now, we expect joe biden and meet him directly and tell him hello and how are you, we are the family that came from afghanistan and we help you that time you got stuck. Todd what do you think he will say to you if you get a chance to tell him that . Briefing for the public, the community announced the forces of afghanistan, ask him assistance because it was scary time and right now is scary situation and i ask him, please do not forget me and my family as i helped you and you need help me. This is humanitarian assistance, that is all. Todd do you know others that are trapped . I am fortunately one of my older son is there, he was a security officer, but after my getting out from afghanistan by a team, the taliban took him for prosecution. He contacted with me, the other day, i tell him, please do not go to the office, they will kill you or put you in jail, he is in a safe house. Todd are you still helping other . I am, i am trying to get his son out and another gentleman from a power one valley op. It is our hands are more tied now, there are more strikzs and paperwork to go. Todd do you think the government should be doing more, brian . They are doing a lot on the backside, i had state Department People directly in touch with me and they really are trying, there are still other groups out there im working with, couple congressmen have things going on. Todd where would we be, specifically aman be without the help of the other groups, specifically yours . He was in the one house, one room in kabul scared and every single day he was contacting me and it wasnt a good situation, just glad i got the opportunity to do this. Todd without you and the amazing work of those like you, the carnage and horrificness were see nothing afghanistan would be a lot worse. We cannot thank you, brian, enough. Were happy, aman, to have you here in the usa. Congrats on a harrowing ordeal, we wish you the best of luck. Thank you for your time and best of luck to you and your family, both of you. Thank you. Thank you, todd. Ashley bill marr is joining the long list of peep whole say it is time to get rid of democrat mandates and move on with life. We know who covid kills, help the vulnerable stay safe and let the rest of us go back to living normal lives. Ashley talking to dr. Marc siegel about that next and speaking of democrat mandates. Stacey abrams caught maskless in a classroom full of students while fighting Mask Mandates. Shes not the only one that has been called out next. Not only do centrum multigummies taste great. They help support your immune defenses, too. Because a healthy life. 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And after youve achieved all that, you take on whats next. Ashley president bidens open border policy leading to Record Number of Illegal Drugs flowing into the country. New analysis found that Fentanyl Deaths have doubled in 30 states in the last two years. Joining me now is dr. Marc siegel. Doctor, last week there was a report that came out and said the lockdowns shattered Mortality Rates by covid 10 . Then a stat said Opioid Overdoses increases by, i think, little over 28 , cancelled Mortality Rate with the lockdowns, then you have wide open borders, its become a Breeding Ground for the cartel and flowing into the country. Do you agree with that . I agree with how you just set that up. I think covid deaths should be anything related to it. You have open borders, of the fentanyl found in overdoses, 42 are two milligrams or more, which is a lethal amount. A lot of times kids and teens are a lot of problem. Three times the amount of deaths from Drug Overdoses than two years ago, over 1300. They may be using something illicit thinking it is one thing and ends up being laced with fentanyl that came across the border and fentanyl is more powerful than morphine and causes somebody to stop breathing there is no antedote because Emergency Crews are overwhelmed and short staffed and not getting out into the field. On top of that, a point you are making, Social Isolation we are seeing among teens and young adults and depression and anxiety and increased drug abuse because of the pandemic. Ashley narcan is that drug that revives peep frel this. This was happening more and more in 2018 and 2019. Marijuana was starting to be laceed with fentanyl, something harmful as a blunt turns out to be a death that we have on our hands, have you heard anything about that, as wel marc completely. 10 to 50 times more powerful and people that are sending this across the border are lacing everything with fentanyl, Mass Production of illicit chemicals made in mexico and china and sent to mexico and sent across the border by drug cartels victimizing our young, some of whom have been on prediction pain killers, people on the medical side, doctors have to watch out about the use of pain killers leading to illicit drug use, laced with fentanyl. Fentanyl is the problem now. Ashley more peep nel media say people need to learn to live with covid. Take a listen. Covid is not russian roulette, any virus can kill anyone at any time. We know who covid kills, doesnt it make sense on helping the vulnerable stay safe and let the rest of us go back to living normal lives . Ashley dr. Siegel, your thoughts on what bill marr said that. Marc glad hearing that from bill maher, it is something called cocooning, you take those most at risk. It is elderly and those with conditions and the obese, even the obese. That is the target group we want to get vaccinated and Wearing Masks in close quarters. The rest of the population, to target them with the rhetoric and the super imposed mandates and threats is what caused depression, anxiety and resistance so nobody is listening to you, go back to focusing on those who need us most, that is the purpose of public health. Thanks for getting up early with us, we appreciate it. My pleasure, have my coffee, good to see you. Todd rules for thee and not for me. Mask hypocrisy caught on cam as Stacey Abrams and caught maskless. Ashley Brooke Singman is joining us. Brooke we have a classic case of do as i say, not as i do, with Stacey Abrams, facing backlash for the most recent photo op. The democrat smiling with those masked up. Brams perhaps is defending the glaring hypocrisy, our Campaign Writing Stacey Trusts Science and supporting masking, she wore a mask to the event and removed at the podium so she could be heard by students. Only with folks who were masked. Masking is becoming a key topic for candidates in the upcoming georgia race. Stacey abrams is set for a rematch against brian kemp calling covid guidance incompetent and immoral and calling the democrat out, writing Stacey Abrams wants Mask Mandates but they wouldnt apply when attending a photo op. And Jamaal Bowman is out on tour, caught twice this week flexing his unmasked face days after tweeting we must stay vij lents, make sure to mask up, stay safe and get boosted. Jamaal bowman has not responded to backlash from the photos. Todd thank you. A Panelist Onnisise says republican election bills are just as bad as chinas genocide uyghurs. Joe concha has lots to say about that next. mail recipient 1 thank you. Thats open. mail recipient 2 all the mail is open. mail recipient 4 so this ones open too. delivery man yeah, that ones open. mail recipient 5 why are you delivering mail to me thats open . delivery man dont worry nobody read them. mail recipient 6 and thats okay . delivery man oh that looks kind of serious. mail recipient 6 you cannot just bring me mail thats already opened. Todd there has been a lot of chatter about the state of cnn, with our own joe concha saying the collapse is complete, cnn host doing their best to send a different message. This place is not perfect, it will never be perfect. We will always have flaws, we will always screw up and have to run corrections. We always have to work to make it better and better every single day. We lost our leader this week, but were not going anywhere. Ashley joining us live is Fox News Contributor joe concha. Why do you disagree stelter . To run the Crisis Management division and to be the cnn media correspondent, wearing all those hats at once is impressive, why do i disagree with him . Because the network is collapsing, considering what happened recently, Network President jeff zucker has there the past even with the Network President resigning, the network is lying to its viewers. It was more than that, given the reports as far as zucker and his girlfriend, advising andrew cuomo how to hit donald trump on covid at the height of the pandemic while making cuomo look good and getting interviews between andrew cuomo and chris cuomo at the time. That is laughable that is why jeff zucker is out. It is chris cuomo. He also out recently, the biggest star is gone. From business perspective, they lost 90 of audience when compared to same time last year. Imagine 10 people in a room, watching cnn and nine have left the room. Business is horrible, it has no leader and this is the state of cnn, which has no credibility and not the network i watched growing up during the two gulf wars when objectivity was something to behold. Now it is a shell of itself and it collapsed. Joe what stood out was loyalty, employees, people on air had to jeff zucker because it told me they, too, believe they should only be a Trump Bashing Fox bashing, January 6th Exploding Network and that shocked me, that is not what cnn used to be. Todd u. S. Has no room to criticize genocide and china. Joe, when i saw this, i said cue concha, cue the tape. Joe all right. Who are we to criticize china human rights records when we have attacks against unarmed citizens and assault on voting right . Sports, i think it is possible and necessary to just shut everything out if you are to enjoy the actual games themselves. Todd isise did not censure that and they promote today. Are people at espn too ignorant of what is in the republican Voting Preservation Bills . Joe. Joe todd, we love sports, we talked how cnn used to be a great network, espn was, as well, and what it wants is escapism. It is impossible to differentiatisise from msnbc from the view at this point. And news flash for j. A. Adande, comparing the uyghurs to slaves, you need a photo id, to go vote. Nothing will happen to him, he will be the next anchor of sportscenter. If you are conservative, you are shown the door quickly, it is hay liruous on some level. Ashley okay, joe concha live on monday. And Congressman Mike Waltz says nbc is refusing to air his at which calls out companies for profiting off the beijing olympics. Entangled with communist dictators and propping up the genocide games. What can we do . Time for freedom. Ashley the ad was due to air tonight and also features Enes Kanter Freesom, saying the ad was not rejected per nbc universal, changes to the ad were requested to air. Enes kanter freesom will join Fox And Friends to address their concerns. Todd State Of Emergency by the freedom convoy. Ashley the world is watching and supporting truckers, including leaders in the u. S. Taking on gofundme for shutting down their fundraising page. The Louisiana Attorney general is one of those and is joining us next. I like that built just for me. With the new Ww Personalpoints program, you take an assessment, enter your goals, the foods you love and what fits into your lifestyle. You dont have to eat diet food. I can enjoy the things that i really love like wine. Cheese. You can add points for eating vegetables or being active. I lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. The all new Ww Personalpoints program. Get started for just 10 a month at ww. Com hurry offer ends february 7th your kindness outshines your highs and lows. Your strength can outlast any bad day. 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Ask about vraylar. Nothings tougher than a mahindra tractor. You are greater than your bipolar i. Except a bigger mahindra tractor. Pound for pound, this ones still tougher. Tough. Tougher. Tough. Tougher. Mahindra the Official Tractor of tough and stewarthaas racing. [ muffled ] ive got a race this weekend. [ muffled ] ill see you later. Ashley mayor declaring State Of Emergency. Hundreds of demonstrators protest canadas covid mandates. Todd republicans threaten to sue gofundme. Capital of canada is in State Of Emergency, truckers protest mandates. People were arrestd and hundreds were ticketed. Ottawa police have threatened to arrest. Threat to Public Safety as local police chief takes it a step further. Listen. The city is under siege, this is a threat to our democracy. It is a nationwide insurrection. This is madness. Ottawa residents are suing in the protest seeking 10 million, same amount raised in gofundme in support of the truckers. Gofundme says they will refund donations after it froze funds to the official campaign. The Company Claims it was because there was violence connected with the convoy and the protest became occupation. Many are calling out the double standard after it promoted capitol hill organized protest that created a portion of seattle back in 2020. They took over a whole area and people were getting hurt, assaulted, there was a death. They sent out a separate tweet themselves to encourage folks to donate to that cause. That is what im saying, how can you come in and make a political scombrment impose political well when folks are trying to support those standing up for freedom and rights. Ashley new trucker fund on the site has raised 4 million and in the state, facebook shut down a group of 130,000 people planning a convoy to did sheing c to protest mandates here. Todd joining Me Is An Ag Planning investigate gofundme, jeff landry. I remember from law school, hypotheticals, i feel like this could be one of them. You dont need to be a lawyer to know what is going on here, isnt this theft . Theft, it is ridiculous. The mayor of ottawa should have gone to portland and seen what upon antifa did there. Gofundme basically supported those types of what they called protests at that time, which turned violent. Yet none of the money was cut off. We have truckers that are simply expressing their right and their frustration and grievances with the government and yet Gofundme Go Out and solicit services here in america and louisiana, people here in louisiana give to them and then they cut that money off. Those are things that my colleagues and i, general ashley moody, Patrick Morisey were discussing over the weekend and we fully intend to investigate that. Todd what actions do you intend to take following a potential investigation that shows wrongdoing . What legal steps can you take . Well, were going to be meeting today in our Consumer Protection division and look at what is called a cid, civil investigative demand, questions well be asking gofundme directly as to what evidence they have that basically they believe supported their decision to cut this money off, what exactly is that particular evidence . Was there a government that pressured them to do that . That is important key and some things well be looking at. What is deficiency between why they cut this money off and why they allowed montow go to groups like blm and antifa when they were protesting and many protests turned violent. Todd i understand many states will take action based upon state law, staying in louisiana for a moment, what are consequences to gofundme if they are found to have violated the Louisiana Deceptive Trade Practices Act . One thing we can do is levee fines and it also gives those people who gave to gofundme, through gofundme platform to this account, ability to recoup money and trouble damages, as well. Three times the amount of money they gave and so again, i think there are steep fines and what we hope, gofundme doesnt conduct themselves like this again and allow their platform to be used the way it is supposed to so these types of organizations can be funded. Joe 30,000 foot view, this is latest example of big tech censorship, do you agree . Absolutely. Look, four yiers ago, i was one of the first Attorney Generals that rang the Bell On Big Tech and power they were basically accumulating at the time. There are many others that are investigating tech platforms. You mentioned facebook shut down a page under which people were thinking about organizeing and protesting in washington, d. C. This is right out of 1984 orwelian type activity. Is the government pressuring these companies to do things like this . Those are questions that i have. Todd an important question that needs to be asked, thank goodness we have ags like you asking those questions. This instance, facebook, google, the situation with big tech has gotten out of hand. Thank you, sir. Ash. Ashley spotify ceo addressing the latest joe rogan controversy, what he just said about his future on the site and cdc is considering changes to vaccine guidance. Cheryl casone has everything coming up next. So many people are overweight now and asking themselves, why cant i lose weight . For most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they dont even know they have it. Conventional starvation diets dont address insulin resistance. Thats why they dont work. Now, theres golo. Golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps Control Stress and emotional eating, and losing weight. Go to golo. Com and see how golo can change your life. Thats golo. Com. If anyone knows about resilience, its athletes. But today team usa isnt the only team being put to the test. Businesses are facing mountains of their own. And just like our athletes, theyre rising to the challenge. Relying on the nations largest gigspeed network and the worldclass secure solutions from comcast business. For todays Olympic Winter Games and every day after, well be there, keeping businesses ready for whats next. Comcast business. Powering possibilities. ™ there are some days that nothing can prepare you for. But being ready its about how you react. So when new challenges come up, you find a new way forward. When you meet other people facing what you faced, you start a business dedicated to helping them. And after youve achieved all that, you take on whats next. Todd retired general Keith Kellogg sounding the alarm on possibility of Nuclear Breakout from iran as white house scrambles for the nuclear deal. Listen. I think you will see a Nuclear Breakout, enough to produce Nuclear Weapon within the year. It is a fools errand to get them to the comprehensive Plan Of Action issue the iran nuclear deal. Todd ashley the cdc is considering adding more time between vaccine doses. Moving the goal post once again. Cheryl that is right, increasing time between vaccine doses. The cdc telling the panel to lower chance of Heart Inflammation and would apply to anyone 18 and older or those 12 and older who receive specifically pfizer. While rare, incidents of myocarditis did occur. It is very complicated. You only have an hour show. Ashley no time for that. Ford is stopping production, killing my dream of wanting that new bronco. Cheryl eventually you will get it, they are halting in mexico and Biden Administration has no fix for this crisis. U. S. Commerce secretary saying we didnt get in this mess overnight and will not get out overnight, this has been a problems decades in the making. Demand for chip system running higher. There is a bill in the house that includes 52 billion to support domestic chip manufacturing. Intel is building a new plant, but overall, we could have been working on this years ago, we just werent. Todd got to get it do meftic. Big news on the joe rogan front. Cheryl spotify refusing to silence joe rogan despite calls for removal of him from the platform. I strongly condemn what joed and agree with his decision to remove past episode, i do not believe that silencing joe is the answer. We should add late friday rogan apologized for past comments. Todd cheryl casone, have a great week. Americans are vote withing their feet by fleeing blue states in favor of republican policies and new Census Numbers show which democrat strong holds are impacted most. Ashley lets check in with Brian Kilmeade for what is coming up on Fox And Friends. Brian everyone will stay aboard to watch mike huckabee, here is what is ahead. The ad nbc does not want you to see, mike waltz and Enes Kanter Freesom join us live with what Many American corporations would rather do, make money than stand up against china. Then weville a governor here with her fight for womens sports, the new law for girls going up against transgender athletes. Rachel camposduffy will be here this morning. We start now in 11 minutes. Please wear something, it is a monday. Its my 4 05, theshowmustgoon, migraine medicine. Its ubrelvy. For anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. Without worrying if its too late or where i am. One dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. Unlike Older Medicines Ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. Ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. vo what makes my heart beat . Having everything i want in the place i love. Jamaica. Heartbeat of the world. Lets go ashley Vice President Kamala Harris wants to get out of the d. C. Ahead of the mid terms and find more roles suited to her skill set. Believe the v. P. New staffer can will straight platform. Harris lost a handful of key staffers first year in office. Todd she wants more jobs . Okay. Texas, are you ready, new york congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez headed to the lobe star state. Rallying support of and says narrow rose. Looking to unseat henry cuellar. She lost to square are a in the 2020 primary. Wash ash outlining the plan they will pure if they gain the house in the midterms. We will investigate the origins of covid. Investigate the a. G. s research into calling parents terrorists. We will investigate afghanistan withdrawal. Why did we have 13 new gold star families . Because this president Closed Bagram that allowed a Suicide Bomber out that killed the individuals. There is a lot of places that we chold them accountable. Ashley meantime 21 House Republicans accusing the Biden Administration to get to the bottom of covidsorins. Demanding hhs and nih turn over long requested documents on the Wuhan Institute of virology. Americans are saying high high tax states heading to states mostly governed by republicans instead. Thats according to 2021 census data. Mike huckabee joins us live. Can i get into all the numbers. A lot to bog down your brain at this time in the morning. Long story short people in blue states are leaving to go to places like florida. I would be one of them if i could and south carolina. Is this a hopeful sign for the republicans in 2022 because people are fed up whats going on in niece states especially with high taxes. Its a real helpful sign for republicans, it just shows that people will ultimately vote with their tires. You know, people are sick of paying high taxes and being under Government Lockdowns and im convinced that one of the things they are sick of is the double standard where politicians like the mayor of los angeles, the governor of california, they go and they take their mask off so they can have photographs with celebrities they insist all the people of california mask up and stay home and dont go to church. Its nonsense. And people are sick of the dictatorial rule of some of these mayors and governors that have far exceeded their constitutional authority. So, yes. Todd what i dont understand, governor, why dont blue state leaders understand this Breaking News . People dont like taxes. Why dont they adjust not only taxes but their policies according to keep feel from fleeing . A lot of it is because they are so bone headed. Think about what happened in new york. You have got andrew cuomo who had to resign for a host of reasons. He was so arrogant. You see an arrogant pride on the part of some of these politicians. They just dont believe their arm pits stink. They believe everyone elses do but not 30s. The result of this kind of Sing Guy Larr arrogant is just disgusting. This is a single rule about leadership. Leaders never ask heroes to do what they are unwilling to do. Leaders are demanding others do what theyre unwilling and absolutely wont do. Todd speaking of arrogance. Ashley yeah, democrat Stacey Abrams is facing criticism she went maskless when she visited a school where all of these kids have a mask on. She says she trusted science and masking in schools as the current recommendation but also, governor, if she trusts the science then she should know that kids are at a lower risk for this. Their Mental Health is suffering. And she is just smiling right in the middle of them. Thats a great example what i was just talking about. Stacey abrams who says i dont need no stinkin mask. But these kids, by golly they do. The truth is we now know the cdc has affirmed it that the cloth mask dont work. In fact, for kids, it can be more dangerous because these are kids like my grand children that are constantly touching their face, they play with stuff, lizards and god knows what and stick their hands up on their mask. They are breathing in everything they are touching. It just isnt healthy. So the mask is not so much protecting them against covid. Its exposing them to everything they touch which is a heck of a lot worse. Stacey abrams probably should have just said hey, kids, do like i do take off your mask and lets breathe some free air for a while. Todd its sad the hypocrisy we are foisting upon our kids. Sad they have to watch what adults do and make decisions and how they must feel watching this quickly point out, governor, fechuching of governor, Stacey Abrams is running for governor of georgia. If im a republican i think you would agree with this. I run that picture not only in georgia but throughout every single race comes the midterms. It points out this hypocrisy. Governor mike huckabee, we appreciate your time as always. Thank you, sir. You bet. Todd he said goodbye. I guarantee. Fox friends starts right now. Rules for thee but not for d as in democrat. As stacy abrams and congressman Jamaal Bowman are caught maskless. This is demonstration of their power. This has never been about health. This has been about control. Conclusion Border Agents apprehend ago Grouch Snugglers attempting to sneak 400,000 drugs into our country. This as bored officials paid 1. 9 million aarrests in 2021. Continuing to rock big cities. Latest brazen robbery happening louis vitton. The Washington Post leftist ideology we are

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