Ceiling is right on top of them. Bill we just had an update a moment ago from Emergency Officials saying they arent giving up on finding people alive in that rubble. We are listening for sounds. It is not specifically human sounds. It could be tapping. It could be steel kind of twisting, it could be some of the debris raining down. We concentrate in those areas. From below we continue with using light machinery, saws, jack hammers as we continue to tunnel through underneath. We have hope and every time that we hear a sound, we concentrate in that area. When was the last time your crews heard a sound. Throughout a night every night. Dana well hear from the mayor in a moment. Steve harrigan is live on the scene and he begins our coverage. The headline from local officials here at their Press Conference a short time ago was a figure, 159. Thats the number of people still unaccounted for. Yesterday that figure was just at 99. Now almost 50 higher. 159, that really enlarges the scope of the potential disaster here, the scope of the tragedy. In addition theyve confirmed four dead, three bodies found during Search And Rescue operations in the past 24 hours. They are really going at this site from two directions. Above theyre using heavy machinery. Fema is on site and underneath the parking deck and those conditions you pointed out theyre working with light machines, saws and jack hammers to try to tunnel through and find anyone who could still be alive. Officials here including the governor say the entire process will take some time. First order was the Search And Rescue save lives. We are also caring for the displaced folks. Third thing, why did this happen . They dont have the answers right now but i think that they will in relatively short order. Officials insist this is still a Search And Rescue. That they are using dogs and sonar and cameras to try to find someone still alive. When asked what they base this on, is there any voice, a cell phone call, is there a sound that someone is still alive the mayor of miamidade said theyre basing the Search And Rescue at this point on hope. Back to you. Bill steve, stay with us a moment here. We were looking at a live camera. It looked like theyre throwing more water on that to try to keep some of the dust down. When you describes the sounds and tapping they said it could possibly be the rubble moving and the steel twisting beneath. Can you help explain that to us . First you are pointing out the smoke and why theyre pouring water on things. During some of the operations, sparks have set off small fires. You basically have a smoldering ruins. There is a layer of ash covering everything. It is a grim scene. As far as the sound goes they are using sonar and dogs. Because it is a partially destroyed building there is a lot of debris falling. At times falling on the people trying to rescue others in there. While there are sounds they have not determined them to be coming from humans at this point, bill. Dana steve harrigan, thank you so much for getting us started. Bill thats tough stuff down there. Back to you in a moment. Agonizing situation you can imagine for the families waiting and hoping for a miracle. Dana hoping for a call. My niece and her husband and her son on the seventh floor looking at the ocean. I ask for everybody to pray for survivors. That we can find them. We are just waiting for a miracle. It was awful. Kids and grownups screaming, women and children crying and probably one of the worst experiences ive witnessed in my life. Bill the toughest news of the morning is the number of dead, up to four. The number of unaccounted for is 159. You think about the international community. In this building alone a couple from argentina, Orthodox Jews from russia, israelis, the sister of paraguays first lady. Americans as well. The mayor will join us in a moment and well get the connection established and try to figure out where they are at the moment. Fire and rescue crews are coming in from across the country. Charles burkett knows a lot about that and he will explain what kind of help they need as they start another day. It will be a really long day today and a very long weekend. This could be days, if not weeks before we move on. Dana watching those officials and the dedication and commitment and the real focus. If there is hope theyre trying to find it. Bill one of the mayor was asked about that last hour. It is moving because it is hard to get Fire And Rescue crews to come off the pile and give up their shift. They have to rest to get through this. Well take you back in a moment. Another big story this morning. 93 days. Kamala harris will be in el paso. It a far from the Rio Grande Valley, well to the east by hundreds of miles. The epicenter of the crisis where agents encountered more than twice as many migrants trying to cross illegally as in el paso. Now, yesterday at this hour we talked to henry cuellar, a Texas Democratic congressman. The rgv is his jurisdiction and his area and his blunt assessment of what is happening now with the white house on this issue. You are a democratic congressman from texas. Youve been pleading for help and you just talked about a politically safe trip on behalf of the Vice President. Is that how you see it . Yes, sir. Bill blunt. Tom homan is blunt, too. Former acting ice director. You call it political theater. What will come of this today . I dont think anything will come of it. Thats why she chose el paso. Henry cuellar has been honest from the beginning. She needs to go to the epicenter of this crisis. El paso is a crossing but when you look at the crisis why wouldnt you go to the epicenter and talk to the Men And Women about whats going on . Let me tell you why. When the secretary went to el paso, a tough trip. No one in a green uniform rerespects the secretary or Vice President. [inaudible] so you have two representatives from el paso. She wont she will be asked what is the cause of the crisis . They will tell her its the biden border policy. We told you in the beginning this would happen and when you do this to him. It will be an uncomfortable trip but its a shame President Trump had to shame them to the border. He has been more president ial on this issue than joe biden or Kamala Harris. Bill they changed the policy of remain in mexico. They think that might be one of the root causes for the crossings today. Do you think they go on to change more policies in addition to that . Because that is under consideration right now. Or do you think this administration had any idea that once they changed the remain in mexico policy that they would see the run for the border that we have today . Absolutely knew this would happen. Every week i know this border. Ive stopped searches before. They knew exactly what they would cause. Every week i look for something. What will they do to add a consequence to deterrent or slow the flow . Theyve done nothing. Every week they make another announcement. Three weeks ago there is no [inaudible] because i say when you release people quickly that gives Central America and you get arrested, that brings others. They announced last week they open who came for asylum before. Now they talk about title 42. If they end title 42 you will see a surge like weve never ever could imagine. Now you will have Hundreds Of Thousands at the border because they lifted title 42. Bill title 42 is again quickly for something the president put in place with the cdc during the covid pandemic, they returned people back to mexico saying the country was closed because of the epidemic and Serious Public Health issues. The thought is theyll end that Program Within the next couple of weeks. Bill tom, thank you. Well watch it this hour. We expect the plane to touchdown in el paso shortly. A lot of criticism why she chose that town. Thank you for your insight today. Stops will be dana four hours on the ground and then she will see a Border Patrol facility. Again, it is about 700 miles away from the epicenter. I thought this was kind of interesting. For the last several months she has explained why she wouldnt go to the border. I think we have a look back. Do you plan to visit the border . Not today. But i have before and im sure i will again. Weve been to the border. You havent been to the border. And i havent been to europe. I dont understand the point you are making. I said i will go to the border. The administration has asked im not finished. I said im going to the border. Dana she will be at the border today but just not where the action is. I think that the issues that have been a problem for her from the Communication Standpoint and politically will probably most likely continue even after today. Bill we talked about the stops here. I count four hours on the itinerary, maybe its five. I think perhaps the most intriguing part of today is how she chooses to answer the questions at her Press Conference. So well be watching for that momentarily. Dana well take that live. Fox news alert now. A manhunt intensifies. U. S. Marshals join the search for a suspect after an officer was shot in the head. Ray kelly is coming up. Bill he has a lot to say. President biden picking a second d. O. J. Nominees with ties to son hunter days after reports that hunter used his dads credit card to pay for a prostitute. Miranda devine is digging into the laptop. Dana Britney Spears is apologizeing to her fans after the conservatorship hearing. She said she is sorry. Why . Well tell you. 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Considered Armed And Dangerous Driving a gray 2016 honda with california license plates. The Officer Fighting for his life Critical Condition in the hospital. Police say that he was responding to a suspicious incident in the area. He still has a long way to go. So were just going to continue to pray for him that he continues to improve and pull out of this. This cop is 26 years old. He shot my cop. My cop is in there fighting for his life right now. Thats my focus right now. Bill the former nypd commissioner is ray kelly. Thank you for your time today. Great to be with you. Bill i was struck by what you said two days ago. If cops do their job they will lose their job and thats a problem for all of us. Explain that. Well, that is the perception among Law Enforcement throughout america. There have been so many rules, regulations and restrictions placed on the police after the killing of george floyd that police have backed off. Why have they backed off . Because if they take action, normal action that they were taking just two years ago they could very well lose their jobs or certainly be disciplined. Thats the fact of life. Thats where we are and thats why we see crime going up. Police are not engaged in proactive measures that work so well in reducing crime in america. Literally for the last 2 1 2 decades. That is what confronts Police Officers. Today there is a story in the New York Times about how the Retirement Rates have skyrocketed. Gone up 48 . I think its higher than that, by the way. On top of last years very high retirement rate. So we have trouble as far as policing in this country. There are issues as far as replacement of Police Officers. Issues as far as the quality of those replacement of Police Officers. These are things that have to be addressed by the politicians. So far i dont see any meaningful approach to these problems. Bill you refer to It Retirements up 45 , resignations up 78 according to the numbers we have. Also the crime surges in major u. S. Cities, some of them deal with guns and so many dont deal with guns. You heard the president the other day. Do you think that leadership is sufficient for the moment . Well, i dont think it did anything to help Police Address crime. It is like chicken soup. It doesnt hurt. These are things that arent going to cause a problem but they arent going to help police reduce crime or help police go after the individuals you talked about from daytona. Police are under siege. Theyve been demonized and vilified and they are not going to put their families wellbeing or their wellbeing on the line and jeopardize what theyve worked so hard for. The article that we just talked about in the New York Times speaks about asheville, North Carolina losing 1 3 of their Police Department through retirement. This is a department of 280 people. Onethird of those officers have retired or resigned. Bill thats remarkable. Squeeze in one more question. You heard the message from the white house with the Strike Force Teams that will be organized over the next month to go to major American Cities and root out illegal guns. Is that the solution . Well, i think these they added the word strike but the task forces have been in existence for decades. This isnt something new. Bill new york disbanded it and let it go. Well, the anticrime units in new york city. These are new York City Police officers. They totally eliminated that. It was a major, major mistake. But the task force i believe they still have a task force with atf and the nypd. This is not new news. This is something that has been around for quite a while. Bill ray kelly, i hope you come back. A big issue and it isnt going away. Thank you for your time today. Thank you, bill. President biden employers cant find records. I said yeah, pay them more. Dana President Biden using the Stage Whisper to offer a solution to businesses struggling to hire workers. Will adding to payroll fix the problem . Search and rescue teams racing the clock to find any survivors in the Condo Collapse in South Florida and the number of missing and dead jumped dramatically this morning. The latest after the break. The only thing thats left is hope and prayer. The sensation here is like you are in a war zone because people are Walking Around like a daze. N loan you some of it. Newday can loan you all of it the Newday100 Va Cash Out Loan. Paul loves food. But his diabetes made food a mystery. Everything felt like a no. but then paul went from no to know. With freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose. And he knows when to make different choices. Take the mystery out of your Glucose Levels and lower your a1c. Now you know. Try it for free. Visit freestylelibre. Us if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. 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S. Senators, both of them. We have support from our florida governor. He has been here and weve had support from congress people. We have amazing support from our county. We dont have a resource problem, we have a look problem. We need to stay focused and hope the weather cooperates with us. We have a small fire that keeps breaking out in the basement of the building that were fighting and we did have some debris that was loose up on top of the building we needed to bring some heavy equipment in to pick off. Our First Responders and Search And Rescue teams are constantly eager to get back on the job and are on the job now. Thats all were doing. Dana i also heard as you said you have enough resources and that so many donations have come in and the mayor of miamidade provided some information how people if they want to do donations they would be welcome. I also want to ask about this. The number of unaccounted went from 99 to 159. Whats the process like in trying to assess that . How are you getting the information . Is that through the tip line . I would be careful of those numbers because we dont know how many people were in the building at that time. What were doing is taking the data that we get from the loved ones calling looking for their Family Members and triangulating and putting together a list. So that were building a list of people that are known to have been there. Thats the way were formulating numbers. So we dont really have i dont believe there are good accurate numbers right now. Thats not the focus. The focus right now is on getting the people out alive. Thats all were doing. Bill when you see the Family Members. By the way, we dont need let me say this. We dont need any more donations from the public of goods. Were overwhelmed with goods. We have so many resources here it is unbelievable. Were not under funded with money or not under resourced. We just have a lack of luck now. We need weather cooperation, get the fire out and Search Crews On Top of that pile of rubble 24 hours a day pulling people out. Bill sir, there are various reports about what may have happened here. This could take months before we know. People talk about a sinkhole, people talk about repair work on the roof, people talk about a Building Inspector being there the day of on wednesday afternoon. The building has been there since 1981. Due for its standard 40 year review. Im certain youre well aware of the Building Code for that. There was a study from the 1990s that found the building was moving at a rate of 2 millimeters per year. Does any of that make sense to you right now as you look at this . It does and i think all of that stuff is very interesting information and important information. But thats for another day. We will get the answer. Buildings do not fall down in america. This is the first world country. Thats the third world phenomenon. There is something very bad going on here with respect to this building. Today is not the today for it, tomorrow or the next day. We want to bring people out alive. Bill were you or others aware of what was going on with that building . Not at all. We were aware they were putting a new roof on. We were aware and new roofs get put on these buildings every day. So you wouldnt think that would be the impetus or the trigger for a complete collapse not unlike what happened in new york in 2001. We had both those sort of structures go down on top of each other and pancake. 12 foot balconies, 12 feet between stories, you now have 12 or 14 inches. It is heartbreaking. Bill i want to be delicate about this. Among the architects in your town, were they aware of any issues with this building prior to wednesday . I think people as far as i know, we heard the same things youve been hearing and we will follow up on every single one of those things. I believe there is possibly some validity to a lot of that stuff because it is obvious buildings just dont fall down in america like that. There had to be something very wrong with that property. But like i said today is not the day or tomorrow. Were doing what were doing right now. Trying to get people out of the rubble. Bill we are sending you our best. Thank you for your time. Many thanks. Dana moving on over to this story now. Critics are accusing President Biden of pulling a bait and switch announcing a deal on a 1. 2 trillion dollar Infrastructure Bill with a group of lawmakers but hours later saying he wont sign it unless the Senate Passes another 6 trillion spendsing package without republican support. Mitch mcconnell says the gop will not be going for that. What it does is put my members, including myself who were optimistic doing a bipartisan Infrastructure Bill in the position of our democratic friends having to guarantee that the 2017 tax bill is unwound. Thats our one red line. Dana former economic advisors to trump and obama. What happened here. You had a bipartisan deal for two hours and it was completely undercut by the president. I dont think that its being undercut. What Mitch Mcconnell is describing was the deal itself. If you ask the republicans in the deal they perfectly well understood that there were two tracks. One is the part that republicans will support that does not involve any repealing of the trump tax cuts and the other was left to be a democratsonly bill. The only reason that they carved out a part of the bill they otherwise could have just done the whole thing as the democrats only bill but the republicans in that group want to be able to support and take some credit for doing the transportation infrastructure. So this is not a bait and switch. Thats the deal itself. Dana steve, is that how you heard that . I wouldnt call it bait and switch but a double cross. The whole purpose of these negotiations was to basically say well do a Slimd Down Infrastructure bill and all these other trillions of spending. Covid is over. We should cut Government Spending now that the crisis is over not massively increasing our debt. I have been talking to conservative leaders around the country the last 24 hours. Theyre infuriated with this deal that any republican would go along with a deal that increases spending for the i. R. S. By 40 billion. Why would any republican be in favor of that after the scandals weve had at the i. R. S. Going after conservatives. More money for transit, more money for amtrak and all the things that should be privatized. Less than one out of every five dollars has anything to do with airports, roads and bridges. All the green energy, Green New Deal stuff. I dont see whats in it for republicans. I hope they sprint away from this deal. Dana well see what happens. Then there was this. President Biden Yesterday was talking about how employers could find more workers. This is how he said they should address that. President biden employers cant find workers. I said yeah, pay them more. This is an employees Bargaining Chip now. Whats happening . They are going to have to compete and start paying hard working people a decent wage. Dana is that the answer, austan . Look, in booming Economies Wages go up, no doubt about that. And were now about in the middle of an epic boom. We might have a Gdp Growth Rate 8, 9, 10 for the quarter. So i dont think its a surprise that business is going to have to pay more in wages to get workers. Dana steve. Its infuriating. Here is joe biden, a guy for 40 years not only not started a business, he never actually even worked for a business. He worked for government his whole life and he is telling businesses how to run their operation . You have Small Businesses around the country, dana, that have been struggling to survive during covid and miraculously a lot of them have been able to do it. They finally get their feet on the ground, finally starting to open up their doors with very little profits and joe biden comes along and tells them they should raise their wages at a time they can barely survive. They have to have a profit. These restaurants and Small Businesses have small profit margins. I thought it was rather arrogant for the president to tell them just raise the wages. Walmart can do that and target but not these dana amazon. Not the Small Businesses. Dana i love seeing you on a friday. Bill sends his regards. Steve and austan on friday. Bill a lot of whispering at the white house yesterday. Did you catch that . There was a question, too, about what are you going to do for the American People in your administration and this was the response on that . President biden i got them 1. 9 trillion relief so far. They will be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for childcare. Bill you have that also. Like george michael, also. Dana i think two things. One he uses that for dramatic effect and it works, were playing it. I guess thats what he wanted people to hear. I think its his way of not popping off. He has a tendency to get a little angry. Want to fight a little bit . His way to he actually might have disciplined his children or grandchildren that way. Bill my take. The second voice in his head. Ive been in washington a long time and asking me about 6 trillion. And we already did 1. 9 trillion in march. Dana, trillions. It is a ton of money whether you want to whisper or shout about it. Dana i think you want to shout about it. Bill ill go back to my quiet friday voice. Fox news alert. Vice president harris finally visiting the border this morning. Three months after the president tapped her to lead the response to the Border Crisis. Keep in here on that coverage as it continues. Britney spears reaching out directly to her fans. Why she is telling them she is sorry. Whoa, next. Swollen, painful. Tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. Some patients even felt less fatigued. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Emerge tremfyant™. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Big businesses Like Major League baseball trust tmobile. Because the business of baseball reaches across america, tremfya®. Emerge tremfyant™. Just like tmobiles 5g. From the front office, to the scouts in the heartland, to the virtual draft. And tmobile has 5g speeds that help mlb bring fans to Batting Practice in hd. Obsession has many names. This is ours. The lexus is. All in on the sport sedan. 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Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. When you help heal your skin from within, you can show more with less eczema. Talk to your childs Eczema Specialist about dupixent, a breakthrough eczema treatment. Dana pop star Britney Spears apologizeing to fans embarrassed to refeel her true feelings about her conservatorship in wednesdays hearing. Jonathan hunt is live in los angeles with more. Good morning, dana. Having had her day in court Britney Spears has taken a different message to her fans via her Instagram Page which has 30 million followers. To essentially say her life is not what it might look like on social media. Spears says she loves fairy tales but her life hasnt been one. Despite what some people might think of her wealth and fame. Writing, quote, im bringing this to peoples attention because i dont want people to think my life is perfect because, all caps, it is definitely not. And she goes on i apologize for pretending like ive been okay the past two years. I did it because of my pride and i was embarrassed to share what happened to me. She did share, of course, what has been happening in her real life during an angry and impassioned speech to a court this week as she pleaded to be given back control of her life, run by a Conservatorship Led largely by her father for the past 13 years. She accused her father and other conservators of controlling all aspects of her life forcing her to work, forcing her to medication she did not want to take, forcing her even to use contraception she does not want to use. Her father jamie, the target of much of her anger, issued a statement via his lawyers not addressing the accusations his daughter made directly but simply saying he loves her and misses her. Spears said in her Instagram Post the Social Media Outlet has helped her saying it made her feel she matters despite what she is going through. She has yet to file a formal petition to have the conservatorship ended. Dana well Pay Attention to see if she does that. Bill this weekend new york citys annual pride parade is set for sunday. For the first time in history the nypd is not allowed to attend. Parade organizers have banned the cops from participating in the festivities until at least the year 2025 saying their presence can be threatening and at times dangerous. The president of the gay officers action lead is with me now. Good morning to you. I saw your comment. You called this shameful on behalf of the parade organizers. Explain. Good morning. Thanks for having me here. So we talk about shameful, were talking about a decision thats making unnecessary divisions in the community. I think we look at change, we look at reform, there is always people that are working on that from the inside and this doesnt reflect the will of the greater community. Bill you marched in the parade many times, right and wear your nypd uniform when you do and read your comments how proud you were to be included in that. This is what the group said about a month ago. They said the sense of safety that Law Enforcement is meant to provide can instead be threatening and at times dangerous for those in our community that are tar g eted with Excessive Force and without reason. How do you respond to that claim, brian . Well, first of all, i think our organization that is comprised of people in the criminal Justice System really go out of our way to acknowledge the pain and hurt that many people in our community and communities of Color Experience at the hands of Law Enforcement. And we advocate and work towards real change. Real change doesnt happen on twitter. Movements do start on twitter but were working in Police Academy classrooms and training spaces, in the Police Commissioners Conference Room to really push the criminal Justice System forward to make it more progressive. So were doing this work, you know, from within and ive dedicated a great portion of my life to this work since ive been an out gay man in 2008 and 2009 and our organization has existed for nearly 40 years and were doing this work. Bill doesnt sound much like inclusion, does it, brian . No, no. It is actually it causes a great deal of pain to our members who go into a system every day that historically has not been for them and they put on uniforms or sit at a desk and they work in an environment where they are kind of forcing the system to deal with them, you know. They choose to go on and put on that in those systems and spaces and put this identity on and make it known. And there is a lot of correction that occurs with that. So if you have a Transgender Police officer that is going into this system telling this person that their efforts and their visibility everybody lost their mind this week when, you know, we finally had somebody in the nfl in one of the major sports in this country come out and there was all this support and everybody is talking about visibility. This visibility is important as well. Bill good luck to you. We wanted to bring your story to light. Well see what happens going forward. Brian downey, thank you for your time. Dana fox news alert. Search and rescue teams racing the clock in South Florida. A live report on the Condo Collapse is minutes away. A High School Principal putting pen to paper Writing Hundreds of personal notes to every graduate. Hundreds of them. He joins us next. Fellow vetera because i know theres so many of you who have served our country honorably. Whether its 2 years, 4 years, or 32 years like myself. 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Ends monday judith in this market, youll find Fisher Investments is different than other Money Managers. other Money Manager different how . Dont you just ride the wave . judith no we actively manage Client Portfolios based on our forwardlooking views of the market. other Money Manager but you still sell investments that generate high commissions, right . judith no, we dont sell commission products. Were a fiduciary, obligated to act in our clients best interest. other Money Manager so when do you make more money . Only when your clients make more money . judith yep, we do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Bill are you ready for this . Okay. After a rash of military sightings over the past Decade Congress could release its First Official report on ufos today, miss perino. Will it shed light on the possibility of alien life . It is certainly expected to acknowledge that whatever they are, whatever it is, ufos pose a Serious National Security threat based on the way they move through the sky. Dana the government for the first time will issue this report. If you want to learn more about it on the hemmer time podcast there is a great interview that you did with somebody looking he is a good follower. Bill he went out to area 51 and made a movie with a guy. See it on netflix. He came on our show as well. He is a believer there is something going on out there. What it is exactly. Dana he said it is not disbelief, it is fact that the government has said there is something going on. Bill the reason for this is because the u. S. Navy pilots, theyve got their dash board camera here and you can hear the audio going what is it out there . Whats moving out there . Ive never seen anything like it before. Dana it was when i saw president obama do that interview where he is asked about it and he is very cautious in how he answers and he is thinking through what he can say and basically what i took away from it, there is classified information, who knows what theyll give us in this report, there are some things that cant be explained. Bill we did some research. What i found interesting is that gerald ford as a congressman urged congress to look into this. Jimmy carter testified before he was president that he had a sighting in georgia. Did you know that . Dana i did know that. Bill and then in 2007 harry reid from nevada. Talking about the Great American southwest. He pretty much convened a couple of guys in congress and said lets get this going. Dana one time i asked president george w. Bush if he would tell me if he had heard about aliens. He just winked. I dont know how to take that. Bill thats typical. Dana i got nothing there on that. Well keep an eye on that for you. Moving to this. More than three months after President Biden put her in charge of handling the Border Crisis Vice President Kamala Harris going to visit the border today in the air right now. She just landed arriving a short time ago in texas. We expect to see her later this hour at a Border Patrol station in el paso. Well take you there live as soon as it happens. A massive Search And Rescue effort combing through the rubble of the 12story condo kol ups in surfside, florida. Teams working around the Clock Searching for survivors. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom. Im dana perino. Bill im bill hemmer. Rescuers racing against the clock. Were about 27 hours in at the moment, 28. Digging through the rubble, a delicate operation for everyone involved as they search for signs of life. At the moment four people confirmed dead. 159 said to be unaccounted for. Miamidade officials describing the scene a few moments ago. We are listening for sounds. It is not specifically human sounds. It could be tapping, it could be steel kind of twisting, it could be some of the debris raining down. So we concentrate in those areas. The work is being done at extreme risk to these individuals. Debris is falling on them as they do their work. They are proceeding because theyre so motivated and taking extraordinary risk. Bill were waiting the hear from Governor Desantis about the Search And Rescue operation. So all the Important News as it happens out of florida coming up here. With retired miamidade Fire And Rescue chief david downey. Long days and long nights. Thank you for your time here. We hear about Search And Rescue crews arriving from all over the country. Tell us what you need at the moment. Good morning and thanks for having me. The crews are working around the clock. They have been since the collapse occurred. Resources are coming in. Weve got the specific resources miamidade fire rescue has highlytrained, very experienced Search And Rescue team. Thats being augmented by teams from the city of miami, Southwest Florida and the orlando region right now. So those teams are coming in as well. They are still very engaged in rescue operations. Today they will start a very surgical delayering. Removing some of the larger pieces of concrete and hopefully discover some void spaces where we could have some survivors. Dana could you also speak, sir, to the issue we have this video of some of the Fire And Rescue officials underneath in the basement in knee deep water. The Ceiling Looks like it could possibly be about to fall on them. How dangerous is that work . The work theyre doing is incredibly dangerous but they are measuring the risk. They are understanding the risk. There are Structural Engineers that are part of the Search And Rescue team that are trained to look at these buildings and determine where there are areas that they can go. Where there are areas they cannot go and where there are areas that perhaps they can stabilize. The video that you were looking at you can see they had some shoring in place and they were stabilizing some of that structure. So while it is incredibly dangerous, the risk is measured and they are taking that risk because they are still in life safety mode. Bill we heard the Press Conference 90 minutes ago. I thought a very intriguing question about the sounds and tapping that has been heard over the past 24 hours or so. Can you help explain to our audience what that indicates, whether its a sign of life or whether its the rubble moving or the steel twisting beneath . The reality is it could be either and in my experience in these types of collapses, you encounter both. The Listening Devices that they are using are incredibly sensitive. You can hear a clock ticking. You can hear somebody breathing. You can hear a heartbeat sometimes but there is also that movement of the structure constantly settling. And so absent any specific voice or any specific pattern where somebody is tapping, a lot of times you are kind of chasing sounds and trying to rule them out. Thats what they are doing right now. They are utilizing canines that are trained to find the scent of live victims. They use Search Cameras they can put into small spaces and look around and the Listening Devices that will allow them to hear these delicate sounds. It is possibly a mixture of both. Dana we heard from an eyewitness that was there at 1 30 in the morning. Nicholas balboa. He was on yesterday talking about how he and another man then were able to help rescuers get to a 10yearold boy. Listen to him here. As i decided to get closer to the building i could hear and tell it was a young boy and so he was just screaming and saying can you see me . He was trying to he was sticking his arm out of the rubble and thats how we saw him. We saw his fingers wiggling. I led police and fire to him. If myself and the other guy, if we werent back there i have no idea how long it would have been until they found him. Dana situations like this when you see the dedication of people that chose the profession youre in and the everyday citizen to be able to be there to help. Those spontaneous rescuers. You see it in every disaster. Were very fortunate that he located that child. Bill chief, its tough to watch. You hold onto hope and you hold onto optimism and the prayers on behalf of the family waiting right down the street. What do you say to them as they watch the hours tick by . Well, we tell them that we are still maintaining hope and we hope that they maintain that level of hope. These rescuers are engaged and putting themselves in harms way because they want to recover live victims. They are going to continue to work at that tempo and continue to work diligently until theyve exhausted everything that they can in order to find every last victim thats remaining. I led the rescue team in haiti and we recovered a small child eight days after the earthquake alive. So, you know, if there are void spaces, there is still a potential. This is a significant type of Pancake Collapse that doesnt lend itself to large void spaces but they could still exist. These rescuers will do everything. Dana thank you so much for your time this morning. We appreciate it. Vice president Kamala Harris is going to the border today and is in El Paso Texas and speaking now. Lets listen in. Either they are fleeing some type of harm or they cannot take care of the simple and basic needs of their family by staying where they are. And so we are here today to address and to talk about what has brought people to the u. S. Border and again continue to address the root causes that caused people to leave and flee their home country. I am proud and honored to be with these great leaders. Mr. Secretary, mr. Chairman and madam congresswoman. To build on madam Vice President s comments. As everyone knows, migration involves a continuum. The Vice President is leading our nations efforts to address the root causes that fundamental question of why people leave their home. It is my responsibility as secretary of Homeland Security to address security and management of our border as everyone knows, we face significant challenges back in march. We have made extraordinary progress. I look forward to sharing with the Vice President the progress weve made, the work that remains, and i look forward to today. Thank you. Mr. Chairman. Immigration is the critical element in the history and future of the United States. But when you look at the challenges of immigration today, one of the greatest challenges is congress has failed to pass any significant change in Immigration Laws in 35 years. We have a broken immigration system. Many people complain about it but it is up to congress to do something about it. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee i take that responsibility very seriously and glad to be back in el paso, glad to be here with the Vice President and glad she has taken the initiative under the direction of President Biden so we can take an honest look at the challenge of immigration today. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to el paso and welcome to my community, to the new ellis island, to the capital of the border. I am standing before you with a heart full of gratitude. Madam Vice President thank you for being here. So grateful to Secretary Mayorkas and to all of you for making the journey. This is a really important day and i have a heart full of gratitude. We finally have an administration willing to tackle the big challenges. The challenges that our country has dealt with for decades. Willing to tackle challenges in a meaningful, thoughtful, strategic, compassionate way and that means starting with root causes and understanding what is driving people from their homes. What is making them arrive at our nations front door. And el pasos front door is one that has always been one of dignity and humanity and compassion. I look forward to today and everything that we will all learn and explore together. Time for one question . It is not my first trip. Ive been to the border many times. As the person in charge of the response. The important aspect of this visit is leading this visit after the work we did in guatemala. Because as i long said. I said in march i was going to come to the border. This is not a new plan. The reality of it is that we have to deal with causes and we have to deal with the effects. So being in guatemala, being in mexico, talking about mexico as a partner frankly on the issue was about addressing the causes and them coming to the border at the advice and invitation of the congresswoman is about looking at the effects of what we have seen happening in Central America. And so im glad to be here. It was always the plan to come here and i think well have a good and productive day. According why did you think now was the right time . Dana theyre on the ground in el paso, texas. She will be in lots of different places. Bill she said back in march i said i would go to the border. It took 93 days. Dana i believe, Chris Wallace was able to listen in on that little bit of news there as Kamala Harris arrives. It is very interesting that this is happening now. She just told our own peter doocy she was always planning to go to the border. This issue of when she would go to the border has been a thorn in their side for many days and months. Will it continue after today or do you think this will help . Well, they wont be asking her when are you going to the border because she will have been to the border . You could just see in the questions and her answers, dana, how defensive she is about this. And instead of doing it on her terms, she is basically doing it under political pressure from the media, who has kept asking ever since she went to guatemala that very awkward conversation with lester holt when he said you havent been to the border as Vice President. She said i havent been to europe either, which struck a lot of people as tone deaf and it happens in the context of donald trump going to the border next week. So, you know, you dont have to be a terrible cynic or skeptic to think maybe she is going to the border because she knows the former president will be there next week and is going to criticize her for not having been to the border. I can tell you something, he is still going the criticize her for taking so long to get to the border. If they think that this is going to solve that particular political problem, it wont. Dana we can still hear you. I dont know if we can get the shot back. I want to ask you about this. Henry cuellar a democrat more south down in the del rio sector. And he has been saying i really need you to come and your attention, please come. And then the decision to go to texas was not to the area where there is a problem but to el paso in which the local congresswoman there said that el paso is the new ellis island. Well, it is considered sort of the capital of the border but you are quite right. Where she is in el paso is further away from the real action, the real flood of illegal immigration down on the south texas and Rio Grande Valley down here mcallen is further away than you in new york are from me in washington so there is that question. One, the timing, two, the location. And, you know, nothing will get accomplished today. She is going to have been able to check the marks she went to the border but not a big change in policy. And for all the talk about the root causes and certainly in the end that has to be dealt with as long as there is hunger and violence and corruption in the northern triangle countries people will still be making their way up to the southern border. But that will take years and you have to say well, what caused this big increase in illegal immigration since joe biden became president and the answer is he changed some of the policies from donald trump. And made it more welcoming to come across the border, for instance ending the ban on unaccompanied minors coming from the northern triangle countries. So if you want a quick fix, thats what you have to do. You have to restore some of those policies. Of course, that will create terrible political problems inside the democratic party. Dana dick durbin says we want to do something. Chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee. Chris wallace, what do you have coming up this sunday . Well be talking about Kamala Harris and this trip. Were also going to be talking about the Infrastructure Deal which isnt a deal yet. It will take a lot of work. But were really going to focus on one of the big subjects this week, the explosion of crime especially Violent Crimes across the country. Big spike in homicides and shootings. The president had some ideas. Well talk to a white house official and republican critic an capitol hill some of the rhetoric coming from the president and democrats criticizing police has caused a big spike in retirements of policemen. Questions about prosecutions. So basically well drill down why are we seeing the spike in violence and Violent Crime and what can we do about it . Dana i will be on the panel with you this weekend. I was going to say we have a great panelist on the show this sunday. Dana perino. She will make sense of all this. Dana amazing panelist. You were a hard guest. Dana i love fox news sunday. See you then. Bill talking about ellis island and cuellar the democratic congressman with us yesterday. The administration is making democrats look weak. It is never too soon to look to the next Midterm Election in a 50 50 congress. Dana she said its the new ellis island. There was a process there. Thats where you came and you got you went through all the legal this is not whats happening at the border. Bill they changed the remain in mexico policy and may change title 42. Dana it says you cant come in. Bill those are two big measures. Trump will argue next wednesday that i put in place, i gave you a safe and secure border. He would likely say in the history of america. So dana peter doocy getting a question on the tarmac. Bill back to El Paso In A Moment and miami as well. Crime surging across the country. Police are under siege. Have a look here. Jimmie, are you all right . 58 shots fired. My partner is down. Code three now. Bill police releasing dramatic Body Cam Video. Suspect shooting and killing an officer. Are the Men And Women in blue getting enough support as they struggle to keep the peace on american streets . Dana President Biden tapping another political appointee with ties to Huntder Biden for a top spot at the Justice Department. Miranda devine dives into that straight ahead. Joe biden calls hunter biden the smartest person on the planet. They cant even manage their Credit Card Account for goodness sake. So it really does beg a lot of other questions, what do these russians have on the bidens . If youre a Veteran Homeowner and need cash for your family, call newday usa. Newday lets you borrow 100 of your homes value. The Newday 100 Va Cash Out loan lets you take out 50,000 or more. Use it to improve your home or put cash in the bank. Some of lifes most important decisions are made right here at the kitchen table. If youre a veteran and need cash, calling newday could be one of the best decisions youll ever make hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. Oh, we can help with that. Okay, imagine this. Your mover, rob, hes on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. We cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, asap so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. Yeah i shouldve just led with that. With at t business. You can pick the best plan for each employee and only pay for the features they need. Finding new routes to reach your customers, and new ways for them to reach you. Is what business is all about. Its what the United States Postal Service has always been about. So as your business changes, were changing with it. With ecommerce that runs at the speed of now. Next day and twoday shipping nationwide. Same day shipping across town. 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A former partner at the law firm where huntser worked reportedly involved in helping hunter biden with his burisma business dealings. Miranda devine. Nice to see you. We have the story yesterday about the laptop and the prostitutes in california. What is going on with this prosecutor at d. O. J. Is this acceptable . Does it pass the smell test for you . Hi, bill. It does show what an incestous place washington is. Hunter was, of course, of counsel at the same law firm as hampton dill enger and he was earning 13,000 a month from boys but he was of counsel which is more of a ceremonial role. There are only a couple of emails backwards and forwards with he and hunter. They went to a couple of lunches or a dinner or two. He had a lot more to do with other lawyers at the firm. So im not sure you can really cast too many aspersions. Bill it sounds swampy. Is it . Well, yes, anything to do with the bidens is swampy. If you are talking about washington being an Incestous Town multiply that to a factor of 100 when it comes to the bidens. And hunter biden, of course, has ridden on his fathers name his entire career. His jobs, everything that he did was all contingent on his fathers donors in delaware and various other connections. So this Influence Peddling Scheme that the bidens had going overseas, that was also very much in this country and particularly in washington i think it would be very hard to find anybody in washington who especially in the legal field that wouldnt have had something to do with hunter biden. Bill i know you are digging in the story. You wrote about did joe pay for a wild night of hunter in hollywood . Well dig into that story again sometime soon. Jason chaffetz made the point yesterday who knows what the russians and chinese saw on the laptop . All this is Public Information now because it is on the laptop. Miranda, thank you for coming in. Short on time with breaking news. Talk to you again very soon. Thanks. Dana Search And Rescue efforts continuing in surfside, florida, following the deadly Condo Collapse. Governor ron desantis joins us now. Any updates from you on what you have heard this morning as the Search And Rescue effort continues . Well, the Rescue Efforts are ongoing and i think you guys carried the updated accounting so the good news was more people have been accounted for. Bad news was more people unaccounted for. I know theyve been diligently working through to try to identify anybody that is affiliated with that condo complex. That will be ongoing. Miamidade fire rescue was there within minutes of the Building Collapsing and theyve been there none stop. We also will be doing more to help the people that have been displaced. Initially we had them set up for a week of lodging at hotels. Now we have two great charities. I know i think you guys have put it on the air already. There are two ways people can contribute. One is the shoal. Org and the other is support surside. Org. You have Family Members with relatives unaccounted for and people displaced from their homes. They will never be able to go back, dana. So we got support from fema to do individual assistance. When i was Walking Around there yesterday its a really devastating scene. One of the things that they were picking up originally was a lot of family photos. These are peoples homes. You have all these possessions and they will never go back there even the ones that survived. So they will need a lot of support. So the state wants to be there for them and we appreciate femas support and think well get a lot of private support as well. Bill i dont know what you are hearing from the experts. What are they telling you when we find out a cause . When the American People look at these images they think about a 12story condo on the ocean in Southeast Florida dropping from the night sky at 1 30 in the morning. How does that happen . Well, we obviously need to get a definitive explanation. There is a lot of theories right now. I spoke with a lot of people who are pretty smart. Some theories may turn out to be right. There needs to be a thorough investigation. We need to identify how this happened. Obviously for anybody who perished in this their families will want to know. People who lost their homes have a right to know. Floridians overall want to know, was it something about this building, is there Something Else that may need to be done in the future . So all those questions need to be answered. I dont think that the answer has been definitive yet. But i do think that well get that and be able to proceed accordingly once we have it. Bill is that hours away, days away or weeks away do you think . I dont think it is hours away. What they are doing we do have engineers on site. Part of that is to assist with the Rescue Efforts right now. Any time you go in, they are going under tunnels. The Structural Integrity of this thing. More collapse yesterday afternoon and a fire. All those issues. They are focusing on the rescue. But obviously this is something thats very, very important. I dont know that you will have the answer today or tomorrow but i do think that it is important to get that in relatively short order. Dana no doubt youll be very proud of those Rescue Efforts underway there. As i understand it it was hard to get them to come off their shifts. They had to be pulled off to rest and be able to do it another day. Just one other topic if you dont mind. Vice president Kamala Harris has just landed in texas. She will be on the ground for about five hours. She chose to go to el paso, about 750 miles from where the real problems are down more south in texas. You have made a decision to help Governor Abbott and willing to send some of your National Guard troops to the border. We are sending different state Law Enforcement personnel. Theyll deploy momentarily. 50 personnel before the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and fish and wildlife and Highway Patrol and assets at abbotts request. When florida has had disaster other states have stepped up to help us. We owe them to help them back but also this Border Problem is not just texass problem. We see effects all over the United States particularly with the methamphetamines that are pouring into places like North Florida coming from the border. We believe its the right thing to do but also in floridas interest to get this problem Under Control. Bill thank you for your time. Pen is dana Vice President Kamala Harris landing in texas, three months after the president put her in charge of the crisis. We are following this developing story and well be right back. Mm. [ clicks tongue ] i dont know. I think they look good, man. Mm, smooth. Uh, they are a little tight. Like, too tight . Might just need to break em in a little bit. You dont want em too loose. 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The Border Patrol station is not on the border, it is a bit of a distance away from there. Dana her first visit of many. She will be on the ground for five hours. There with Secretary Mayorkas directly to her left and senator dick durbin of illinois chairman of the Judiciary Committee says he wants to get legislation done and the local congresswoman who said el paso in the comments when harris landed and did some q and a with the press a couple of questions congresswoman escobar said el paso is the new ellis island. That will get attention. Bill i think thats debatable. Dana it stuck in my mind. Bill after this she visits with faithbased ngos, nongovernment organizations and with the shelter and Legal Service providers there. After that around we believe 1 30 east coast time this afternoon is when she delivers remarks and will take a few questions. She took one from peter doocy. He asked her about coming there and she said i said back in march i would get there. Today is the day. Dana the questions then will change. Well keep an eye on her visit and bring you all the latest. Lets go to this now. Shots fired, shots fired. Partner is down. Jimmie, are you all right . Dana partner is down. Words no officer wants to say. Police department in stock ton, california releasing new Body Cam Video of a suspect shooting and killing an officer responding to a Domestic Violence call. This video is very disturbing. Police. Hello. Oh, oh. Dana cops are under siege. Manhunt is underway in daytona, florida after an officer was shot in the head there. Another officer killed in an Ambush Shooting in arvada colorado. Daniel linskey is a former superintendent and chief of the boston Police Department. In the last couple of days those are the ones we reported on so far. There are additionally others. Police are under siege. What is the mood across the country in your opinion amongst Police Officers . I am standing in the Austin Police memorial where the names of Men And Women who sacrificed their lives. Officers are feeling at times attacked and overwhelmed and feel there are challenges they need to meet to keep themselves safe and continue to build trust that has eroded with the community. The scene at austin with the acting chief have done a great job. 100 recruits in the Police Academy. Young Men And Women trying to learn the new ways of policing. Engage the community first. Learning the strategies and tactics and the tools we use as Police Officers to do things. At the same time when a crisis occurred just a week or so ago officer ran towards 13 people shot. Officers will continue to do what they do. Go towards the sound of gunfire. At the same time Police Leadership and community have to figure out how to Work Together to build trust to bring the tensions down between officers and the folks they serve. Dana is part of this these Domestic Violence calls that turn violent against the police or to the person who is being possibly abused in their home. What is to be done there . If things are evolving and they need to figure out a way to engage differently. Is that something that could change . Domestic violence calls are a dangerous situation. Family members will turn against the officer the try to prevent officers from inflicting injury. Making there may be times if you can get social workers and victim assistance folks if there is Domestic Violence there can be zero tolerance for it. If you cant get the Victim Services to break out of the cycle sometimes it gets to the point where it just continues and as we saw yesterday somebody lost their life as a result of a Domestic Violence case. Dana another topic quickly here. Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin convicted for the murder of george floyd will be sentenced this afternoon. What are you expecting to see there . Im expecting to see a pretty stiff sentence. Rightfully so. And i then hope the community and nation can heal from the wounds that atrocious act caused our society and the fabric of Law Enforcement and community relations. A tragic event that has been put behind us. It will never bring mr. Floyd back. Hopefully it brings them a sense of justice and now we need to learn from that and make sure we are Training Officers effectively and providing them the tools so officers can deescalate. Chauvin was not doing the aappropriate thing. In the heat of the moment they might be using Excessive Force and doing something outside of training. Its a challenge but i look at these young kids and these instructors who are passionate in Training Cops For The Future and the solution is here. Dana good to know. Dan, thank you. Thank you. Bill good stuff there. 21 before the hour. Vice president harris back in el paso, texas for the camera. El paso is hundreds of miles from the epicenter of the crisis in the Rio Grande Valley. Will that visit help solve anything . Well talk with the national Border Patrol Council President brandon judd coming up live next. My credit card debt. I needed just one simple way to pay it all off. It was an easy decision to apply with sofi loans, just based on the Interest Rate and how much i would be saving. There was only one that stood out and one that actually made sense and that was sofi personal loans. It felt so freeing. I felt like i was finally out of this neverending trap of interest and payments and debt. Not all 5g networks are created equal. Interest and payments and debt. Tmobile americas largest, fastest, most reliable 5g network. My Plaque Psoriasis. The itching. The burning. The stinging. My skin was no longer mine. My psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen. Painful. Emerge tremfyant™. With tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe Plaque Psoriasis. 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Weve seen zero net gain from her visit to guatemala. Now she is at the border in el paso and we just had congresswoman escobar say that el paso is the new ellis island. That will invite more people to come across the border illegally. We dont know whats going to happen. What i can tell you is weve seen zero evidence that this administration wants to actually secure the border. So if she comes to the border and actually does something she needs to be applauded for it. Because the evidence doesnt show that well see any net gains from this i think this is going to be a grand gesture which she said she didnt want to do. Bill two things here. Ted cruz, listen to what he said about it. El paso is a lovely city, a beautiful place in texas. It is not also it also doesnt happen to be the locust of the crisis. El paso is on the western tip of texas, the Rio Grande Valley is almost on the southern tip of texas. It is 800 miles away. To give you a sense of just how far they are, chicago, illinois, is closer to washington, d. C. Than el paso is to mcallen. She is going where the height of the problem isnt. Bill chicago to d. C. , 593 miles. On it goes. And the number of encounters on the border are stunning. You had 180,000 in the month of may, brandon. Yeah, there are different problems across the border. What weve seen in the past is that there has normally been two areas that are trouble spots. Right now under this crisis, which is the worst crisis in the history of the Border Patrol. Right now were seeing problems everywhere. El paso just happens to be one of those places that is more secure than the vast majority. If she wanted to come to see where the majority of people getting away, she would come to tucson, arizona. If she wants to go where most apprehensions are taking place its mcallen, texas. If she wants to see both you go to del rio. You dont go to el paso to see what is actually going on on the border. She wont get a true sense of what were dealing with as i put on a uniform and patrol the border. She is not going to get that sense from a visit to el paso. Bill it is true that el paso had its own problems and they figured a lot out and not as many encounters as weve noted in other parts of the border. This is live again guys in el paso. Now she is moving on to her second stop. Brandon, weve asked a lot of people this question over the past couple of weeks. Why do you believe this administration has taken a 180 degree approach to this than the previous one . I know the reason. Because President Trump is coming to the border on june 30th. This came up out of the blue. This visit just came up absolutely out of the boy. Bill the policy on remain in mexico, they struck that down. Title 42 covid restrictions they may take that one out next. Why is it that they flipped it 180 degrees . Because they have to. The attention is going to come to the border. It is coming right now. The vast majority of the American Public wants border security. They know that. But again im just hoping that something good comes out of this visit. I just dont have i have not seen any evidence that anything is going to come out of this visit. Bill you are right about President Trump who will be there next wednesday. Well track it and see what indeed comes from it. Thank you for your time today. Thanks. Dana so a university is adding to its woke credentials by releasing oppressive language lists. The word it wants to avoid next. Harris has a preview whats coming up on the faulkner focus. Hello, harris. Harris dana, such a big news days. 93 days in her role on the Border Crisis the Vice President is visiting the region today. Critics and republicans and democrats alike say she is going to the wrong place. Possibly worried about what the cameras might catch. President biden getting some loud criticism over his bizarre whispering to reporters and another biden Family Member set to cash in on the family name. Kat timpf is in the faulkner focus at the top of the hour. Because home values have climbed to all time highs. And so has your equity. Turn it into cash now, while Mortgage Rates are near all time lows. The Newday 100 Va Cash Out loan lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. You could take out more than 50,000. Use it to improve your home. Pay off high rate debt. Pay for big expenses. Or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. Nows the time to use your va home loan benefit to get cash before Mortgage Rates begin to rise. Call now. Hooh. That spin class was brutal. Well you can try using the buicks massaging seat. Oohh yeah, thats nice. Can i use apple carplay to put some music on . Sure, its wireless. Pick something we all like. Ok. Hold on. 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Liberty. Dana a university taking out its eraser for words and phrases deemed offensive to them including policeman, congressman, rule of thumb, picnic and long time no see. Carley shimkus is here to try to explain this. I dont get the last one. I dont get any of them really. Long time no see, whats offensive . I dont know. Maybe people who have Vision Impairment . This reads like a parody. I said it earlier this week. Just because somebody feels offended doesnt make them right. Just because someone feels outraged doesnt mean people need to change their behavior to cater to this person. This kind of list is so common across College Campuses these days. All you have to do is say you feel hurt and people call you brave. Putting a Police Uniform on and patrolling the south side of chicago is brave. Saying that you are offended by the word policeman because it is gendered language is not. Were becoming so soft as a society. It is kind of funny because the outrage machine tends to be funny but it is also a little concerning. You dont know how far it will go. Bill its going on everywhere. Dana its gone pretty far. Bill dana found a story this week. Matthew west. Dana a five time grammy nominee. Christian music singer songwriter of the year in 2018. Had a funny parody video he did as a concerned dad. Tell us what happened after that. If i catch you doing dances on the tik tok in a crop top so help me god youll be grounded until the world stops. Im just kidding. No im not. Modesty is hottest, the latest trend. Dana apparently it caused some people to be outraged. Part of the out rage machine. He is a christian artist. He has worked with rascal flatts and vince gill and comes out with a song for fathers day. Modest is hottest. A song to his daughters are becoming so beautiful and look just like their mom. Maybe time to put on the turtleneck because the boys are coming around to notice. He apologized for the song. One of the tweets. Somebody said to him your song per pet waits purity culture and the idea a womans body needs to be hidden away to protect men. This is about parenting and protecting his daughter. Dana he pulled the video. Breaking news. Lets get to bill for that. Well get back to this one. Bill department of justice is going to sue the state of georgia over its new voting laws. Waiting on Merrick Garland to have a Press Conference. The cameras are set up. A. G. Will appear any moment now and see where this story goes. Whats interesting is that the u. S. Supreme court as we speak has yet to decide on a voting law issue before them at the moment. Now there should be a decision on this we thought we might get it today. It will certainly come next week because thats the final week for this session. But in that voting right they are asked to decide on a case out of arizona that deals with two specific issues. One is whether or not Election Officials are able to throw out entire ballots that had been cast in the wrong precinct. The second issue out of arizona is whether or not ballot harvesting is legal. Now ballot harvesting is a practice that involves a third party that can go collect and deliver early votes. They are doing it in california. It is popular in the democratic party. Republicans dont like it at all. Were about to see what the justices rule on that in coming days. Dana we wait on the supreme court. In the meantime interesting to see on what grounds the Justice Department is going to sue the state of georgia. Is it the voting the voter i. D. Issue . Probably not i would say. There is a provision in the bill that a lot of democrats have been frustrated with. That is that whoever is in charge of the state basically can replace elected officials at the local level. That has been happening a little bit and not saying it wasnt on the merits or whatever reasons theyre deciding. That could be a place where the Justice Department wants to dig in and basically tell them that they have to overturn it and immediately what will happen is this is not just an issue about justice. It will immediately become a campaign and political issue. There are really big races next year in georgia. You will have brian kemp Current Governor running for reelection. It will be a tough election. I might have a challenge from his right. But the democrats wont back down. They won two senate seats in georgia. Warnock is up for reelection again. This is immediately going to get Stacey Abrams a platform. However, joe manchin when he said he liked the compromise idea, basically it was modeled off of the georgia bill. Stacey abrams has on her website the georgia bill is jim crow 2. 0. Bill this administration is going after republican states that changed the voting laws and will continue for some time. There is a case before the u. S. Supreme court. If this case goes forward in all likelihood a year from now well talk about it at the u. S. Supreme court. Dana oh lot of news today and throughout the day. Harris faulkner is up next with the faulkner focus. Harris we begin here Vice President Kamala Harris finally arriving at the border and just finished touring a central Migrant Processing Center and facing growing backlash already for skipping the actual areas hardest hit by illegals pouring over the border. The Vice President said this as she arrived in texas a short time ago. How did you decide now was the time to come to the

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