Uncontrollable or insane impulsion to wander. So that was the problem. It wasnt they disliked being enslaved or yearned for freedom and basic humanity, no, no, the problem according to Samuel Cartwright was that black people as a group were inherently defective. They were maniacs, always running away. Thats what he said. 107 years later it is embarrassing to repeat something this stupid out loud. So obviously insane. E. But heres what you should know. It was taken very seriously at the time and so was Samuel Cartwright. Cartwright was not a french character at all. He was a nationally prominent physician, a highranking officer from fairfax, virginia, he went to penn medical school. Ro he was a credentialed man of science, a man who commanded the respect of the country. 50 years after the civil war, one of this nations leading medical dictionaries continued an entry for this. So with retrospect, we would call Samuel Cartwright a bigot, which He Undoubtably was. But he was more than that. He was a practitioner of something called scientific racism. Ue it scientific racism is deeper than simple prejudice. It is the use of science to justify the dominance of one group over another group. They have a history as long as science, simply because of the impulse to dominate is inherent to human nature. So its not really about color, though it is called racism, instead it is called power. Dr. Seuss wrote about this, you may want to talk a look at what they wrote, assuming you can still buy the books. Scientific racism never actually never went away. L no one talks about this anymore, instead are medical professionals and law professors, politicians, and Cable News Hosts have identified a new disorder they claim explains everything. Its called whiteness. And universities its become of article of faith that we are not to the indelible stain of whiteness, america could be a utopia. Only whiteness stops in the way. That is why we must abolish it. As Harvard Magazine put it, abolished the white race. Only then can we be happy. Lots of people seem to believe the spirit they are not all badb people, just as not everyone who believes in Samuel Cartwright in the 1890s. They are looking for meaning in our lives. If you hand them a unified theory of everything, Someth Percentage of them is going to buy wholesale. They were nice people at jonestown in guyana, they just didnt know any better. It is their leaders that you wonder about. Al and when they talk about this new iteration of scientific racism, when they talk about whiteness, they sound very much like oldfashioned bigots. Take this guy for example. His name is eric michael dyson. Hes a tenured professor, at some Stupid College or another. He lives in an exclusively white neighborhood, he goes on television a lot. Watch as he talks about race and ask yourself if he sounds different from david duka . He doesnt, only the colors are changed are changed. Speaking about the maggots, im sorry, the maga. We stood by to see Snowflake White men who were incapable of taking critiques, who are willing to yet they call it snowflakes and they are the biggest flakes of snow to hitn the earth . They are incapable of criticism, they are incapable of tolerating different spread they are scared of all, oh, my god, Critical Race Theory is going to kill your mother. They dont understand i theory. Tucker white man, they are the problem. You hear that so often, that you dont pause to consider what a change this is. He used to be only a few years ago that the one thing you couldnt do in america was attacked people in public on the basis of their race. I dont like that group because of their skin color, lets hurt them. You couldnt say that, its the one unacceptable thing and for very good reason you cannot maintain a multiracial democracy and less people of every color have exactly the same rights and responsibilities under the wall and are considered the precisely same moral value under god. Ci you have to have that. That is the most basic prerequisite. U all lives have to matter, otherwise it cannot work. Its pretty clear that our Leadership Class for whatever reason doesnt want it to work. Obviously they dont, look at what they are doing. When you hear people ascribe blood guilt to a specific racial group, when you hear about the sin of whiteness, what you are watching is the death of our future as a country. We cant live in a nation of warring tribes. We know very well what thatou looks like, because its a history of the world. It is miserable and bloody. Most americans, of all colors on some level understand this. They dont always have the words to articulate it, but they know it. When their kids come home to schools with assignments suggesting that all races are not equal, that some groups are oppressors inherently and others are oppressed, this is called Critical Race Theory. This is the term that most people go with. Critical race theory, thats what we so often debate on television. Critical race theory is an inaccurate description. The phrase Critical Race Theory doesnt mean anything. It obscures rather than illuminates. It is designed that way. Y. It is designed to confuse you. What is happening in our schools, military, and government, is both simpler and easier to recognize than that. It is not Critical Race Theory, it is racism. Not neo racism or reverse racism, those are meaningless terms. We havent said that often enough or clearly enough. And because we havent, because weve been tied up in some pointless debate on a concept that nobody can actually define, the race hate, has oozed from universities and infected on the highest levels. He got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to and hes more than happy to do it. Feed him a script and he will read it. Here is millie yesterday, the man in charge, hes working to understand a concept called white rage. I do think its important for those of us in uniform to be openminded and be widely read. In the United States military means the university. And it is important that we train and we understand. And i want to understand white rage and i am white. I want to understand it. What is it that causes thousande of people to assault this building and tried to overturnnd the constitution of the United States of america . What caused that . I want to find that out. I want to maintain an open mind here. And i do want to analyze it. Its important we understand that because we need we come from the american people. Ca it is important that the leaders now and in the future do understand it. Tucker hard to believe that man wears a uniform. Hes that unimpressive. What is white rage . Its one of those diseases that only affects people with certain melanin levels. It is a race specific illness. That is what mark milley learned from reading about a prayer thats why hes making his soldiers learn about it too. They need to know. Watch. Ive read karl marx, ive read lennon, that is not making me a communist. What is wrong with having an understanding of the country that we look to defend. Its offensive that we are choosing our general officers, are Noncommissioned Officers outcome up being woke. Tucker hes not just a pig, he stupid. He reads communists to understand communism, but its interesting he doesnt read White Supremacists to understand white supremacy. Why not . Go to the source . Because mark milley would be fired instantly if you read those books. And getting fired is the one thing he doesnt want. So he reads about white rage as if its totally real. Its a medical condition. And by the way, since its a medical condition, and what age can you catch white rage . Most of us assume that ourit 2yearolds were teething, now we know its there whiteness thats making them so angry. We appreciate your contribution to our generations scientific racism. By the way, have you read anything recently about winning wars . Apparently not. We could go on, and on, and on. Each one of them spewing race hate. Whiteness, white rage dressed up as some new academic theory. You certainly have the tape. Well spare you, because youve seen it everywhere. The question is, and this is thc question we should meditating on day in and day out is how do we get out of this vortex, the cycle, before its too late . How do we save this country before we become rwanda . What should we be teaching our children so they can live in the country that you want to live in, a country full of many different kinds of people who actually like each other . Who are happy to work together, who are united ultimately by the core fact which is they are all americans. That is the question. Its something that Victor Davis Hanson has thought a lot about and we are very happy to have them on tonight. Professor, thank you so much for coming on. Very simple question, we are moving into a direction that will destroy the country, that is not an overstatement. Thats clear. What do we teach our children to avoid that . I think the first thing we do is we have to be a little bit more humble. And that is what we are trying in the United States to do, multiracial democracy, constitutional government, that is rare in history. It almost never happens. In the west it only happened to the west and the last 2500 years. The norm throughout history is that we identified by how we look, i wear superficial appearance. We hire by our blood relative, our first cousin. But the idea that your race or your appearance is incidental and not essential to who you are is a very radical idea. But if you want to be regressive and go back to precivilization tribalism, then you could do no better than what we are doingy now. So that is very dangerous. But besides of being humble, we need some gratitude. This may not be the greatest generation, this generation bit ive been teaching for 37 years and i can tell you that each fiveyear period, the ability to comprehend, to analyze, to use inductive thinking has declined. We dont like to say that, but its true. E. And i think we really have to think of ourselves as just maybe we owe something to thein h people or who was actually slaughtered at gettysburg, and why were they killed . How will we inherit that gift . We lost almost 700,000 americans trying to fight, some to preserve, but the majority to end slavery. We defeated fascism, nazism, communism, and we lost a lot of americans. They have no clue and they dont want to know. Or we need a little bit of gratitude for the people who came before us. Whats the alternative . Okay, if we have to be perfect to be good, what are the other countries doing . Why dont more people try to come to the United States . And all the other countries combined. This destination is more popular. If i say to myself america, i want to be a citizen of mexico, i cant do it. I dont look mexican beautiful black person says they want to be chancellor of germany, good luck. And if a latino, black, or a white wants to be a full citizen of whatever that would mean an communist china, you are never going to make it. So we are unique and we have to start appreciating how unique we are. History tells us theres a rule, if you dont believe youre better than the alternative, than there is no reason for you to continue. So i think we are getting to the generation, the first time in civilizations history, where this generation feels that their country is worse than the alternative and are more critical than of our enemies. So a little humility, little gratitude, and a little recognition that we are betterse than the alternative. And that is good enough. Youve got to love the country, or else whats the point. I agree with that completely. Victor davis hansen, thank you so much for that. Thank you. Tucker its important. Youve probably seen the footage of a Condo Collapse in florida. Its pretty awful. Learning a lot more about what has happened. The latest on the ground in surfside, florida, next. Watch the Olympic Games on xfinity root for team usa and feel the energy 7000 plus hours of the olympics on display with xfinity you get every hour of every day different sports on different screens, you can watch it anywhere and with the voice remote you never have to leave your chair show me team usa. All of this innovation could lead to some inspiration and you might be the next one to represent our nation this summer on your tv, tablet, or any Screen Xfinity is here to inspire your biggest Dreams Tucker you may have seen the awful footage of a Condominium Tower Collapsing earlier this morning in florida, surfside florida just north of miami beach. We have the latest on that, andrew. What we can tell you right now is that we know 102 people have been accounted for, but at this time 99 people are still missing. This operation has been going on since 1 30 in the morning. Just think about this, people were fast asleep in their rooms, and our condos. That is when this building came crashing down. There are more than 100 units inside. We are being told that around 50, may be even more units, are impacted by this. A lot of People Living nearby said they felt it, they heard it, there was dust in the area for several hours. In fact, we even heard from one person who described what they heard, what they saw it, and just how terrifying this this entire collapse was. Rd these the huge building, gone. It was the craziest thing ive ever heard in my life. Look at the building, its gone. First responders are working through extreme elements trying to get to people as quickly as they can. In fact, they were in the basement of this building, the parking garage, underneath all of this Rubble Wading through water after pipes that burst trying to get to as many people as they possibly can hoping there are people to rescue. What we know about those Rescue Operations that they are using sonar, they are using canines, and they are just digging through the debris trying to find people. At this hour we know about three dozen people have been rescued. Three of them from the rubble, one of them as a young boy who was pulled up early this morning. We do know a mother and daughter were rescued. That mother actually had to have her leg amputated. So there is a surgeon here who helping with those operations, but they have been looking through darkness, raining, lightning. These First Responders have not stopped since 1 30 this morning trying to find as many survivors as they possibly can. Tucker. Tucker andrew, thank you for that report. So Tall Buildings justss collapsing seems like an ominous sign. We dont know what caused it. It seems worth finding out, its part of our effort to tell you whats going on in this country. We bring you this, Charles Bergen is the mayor of surfside. He joins us now. Mayor, they give so much for coming on. Any idea what caused this . This is kind of shocking. Buildings like this do not fall in america. Y this is a Third World Phenomenon and its shocking. I was out there at 1 30, 2 00 this morning and it was just a site that weve never expected to see. I thought it was going to be a balcony that had come off, but it was half the building. Its a 134 Unit Building and approximately half of those units are just gone. They fell into sections. You may have seen it in some videos, it was not unlike what happened at the trade center in 2001 and its really disturbing. All that aside, we need to focus on getting people out alive and that is exactly what we are doing. Tucker yes. You took the words right out of my head, this does not happen in america, this is a Third World Phenomenon. One thing this country is really good at is rescuing people, our First Responders are superb, amen. But is there any suspicion at all that this mightve been intentional . You have to say it, its so strange. We just dont have the luxury right now to speculate and we are going to speculate as soon as we get out as many people as we can. That is my sole priority. Weve been doing that since 2 00 this morning. We had guys running into a building we were told could eminently collapse, so we has heroes, we have all the resources we need. We are not short on resources, we are just short on good luck. We need a lot more good luck good luck. Tucker exactly pair that is kind of life. I hate to ask you this as bluntly as this, but do you know how many casualties there are . There are casualties. There are casualties. And it is frightening to think of how many more there are going to be. You need to understand, that thing came straight down. There is to be 10 feet between the balconies, we now have about a foot and a half. Its horrifying actually and i think right now we are starting to get into that horrifying portion of the recovery. The good news is weve got every resources we need and yes, thank you, we are going to keep looking until we find everybody we could possibly find. Tucker mr. Mayor, thank you for this. Appreciate you taking the time. My pleasure, thank you. Tucker so no one is more out of the group in washington m than Marjorie Taylor greene, a brandnew member of congress. I and maybe because of that, she sees things that others did no longer notice but she noticed something odd in a new piece of legislation for which she joins us next to explain what it is. Tucker lots of washington insiders one thing you can say about Marjorie Taylor greene, she really is a washington outsider. As close as you will find that congress, that is fresher. That means she often notices c things that people who have a been there for a long time misprint thats what happened earlier this week when Marjorie Taylor greene found something lurking in a Infrastructure Bill. That bill states that is, women show be presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged individuals for the purposes of te this subsection. That was news to Marjorie Taylor greene, so she tweeted this, Mp Construction company is woman owned and im offended to be presumed socially and economically disadvantaged. We checked, and it turns out many government clauses assume that women, the majority of thel american population, are economically disbanded. What is that . Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene joins us now, thanks you so much for coming on. How surprised are you to learn that you are a victim . I wasnt just surprised, i was outraged. As a matter of fact, im very angry about it because i can tell you this, i am probably one of the only members of congress that owns a woman owned construction company. Y ive been successful in 11 states. I can say a lot more than the federal government. Weve had a turn of profits, not a lot. I can tell you is a member of congress has been successful in business, im not only surprised, i am very angered to be considered in a category that is socially and economically disadvantaged. As a matter of fact, i dont consider myself that way at all. Because im American Woman and i live in a country through hard work and i can be successful, that is exactly what weve done. And our family Construction Business that is a women and owned business. Ns so for democrats to treat women and put us down in a category where we have to be a victim in order to succeed, i find that extremely insulting and i see ic as a continuation as the democrats war on women. Tucker its strange, because most americans are women. So how can you have an oppressed minority thats actually the majority of the country . I mean, it doesnt kind of make any sense, does it . No, it doesnt make sense. But this is how democrats achieve their agenda. They have to divide everyone up in some sort of politicalsn identity, whether you are a woman, lgbtq, x, y, z. Whatever. Transgender, black, hispanic, asian they have to divide everyone up. They have to give you the message that you are a victim and you cant be successful unless you are using their policy or their Governmentid Program that they are going to provide for you at a cost to the american taxpayers. And that is how you will be successful. You see, they dont believe in individual rights, they dont believe in our freedoms, and they dont believe in Americans Independent will and hard work to be successful. That is not just who the Democrat Party is, they are the party of socialism. Thats why in every single bill i read, and believe me i read them, because as a Business Owner im used to Reading Contracts and readingnd information and anything i sign my name on. That is why in this transformation bill i was completely shocked and angered and insulted, frankly, as a woman who has been successful in the construction industry. I you see, what democrats want in this discussing Infrastructure Bill that they just got through the senate and biden announced that they have a deal for, you see, what they want as they want a transfer of wealth. They dont want to give contracts to transportation companies, at trucking companies, two Paving Companies that are able to actually do the job and do the job well. They want to provide it to minority owned companies or Women Owned Companies who they consider our socially and economically disadvantaged. And this is everything wrong with the democrats policies. That is why im very much against it. Tucker the party of rich ladies telling you that ladies are oppressed, i love it. Boy, you are new to this ed probably the only one who did. Thank you for coming on come appreciate it. Thank you. Tucker we talked about Britney Spears, that was even more unexpected. Never done a Britney Spears segment before. She told us that a spears is being silenced by powerful people and that she is not alone. Turns out to be more interesting story than we realize. Youve never heard of it at the time. There is something there, it turns out. A former federal prosecutor h joins us in a moment to explain what is there and what it means for everybody else in america. Stay tuned. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. If you have One Hundred Thousand Dollars or more of Life Insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. Dont cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what its worth. Visit conventrydirect. Com to find out if you policy qualifies. Or call the number on your screen. Coventry direct, redefining insurance. Tucker what if your tv show was tanking and he lost more than half your viewers since january . Do you think that would be exactly the moment to rerelease your book on the basis of evidence that people love you so much they are going to buy it . Probably not. But if you work at cnn, you are a squeaky little guy that hosts the media show on cnn, you might just try it. And if you did, what would happen . You might sell just 2,000 copies in the entire first week. That book currently ranks 4,007 on the best seller list. There are many howto manuals having to do with hvac, or hanging drywall, or insulation that are outselling that book. By the way, we dont mean to be mean or anything. Its just, all signs point to one conclusion. Get out of media, immediately. Get out of media. Maybe its time to get out of media. Just saying. Well, the very last minute we talked about a topic we had never talked about before i ever thought about talking before. And that is Britney Spears. She said people are controlling Britney Spears life in a way that is completely unamerican. Apparently, its not just about Britney Spears. Its about how people in charge use their power. Heres what i said. U why should we care about a rich pop princess, right . I think its deeper than that. I think it goes to what we talked a lot about which is the rock in the machine and how society also plays a part in a weird form of oppression. The people, the monsters in power that controlled the puppet. Not just her, but the message it sends to every girl, every boy out there, that you are disposable and the elites can own you. Tucker well, thats a pretty dark picture shes painting, but it probably doesnt just apply to Britney Spears. But back to Britney Spears. Is Britney Spears being prevented from doing the things that adults are allowed to do ig this country and why . She is, can they do it to you too . Francine, thank you so much for coming on. T so i read, and i dont know if its true, but i think you would note, that Britney Spears is being prevented from having children. Or by the some sort of court order or getting married cannot be real . Om you know, tucker, it doesnt seem like it should be real in america. She is almost 40yearold woman who is very wealthy and successful based solely on her own talent. And yet, it is true. She has conservators, that is people like guardians if you want to think of them that way, that decide everything for her. Including what she can and cant do with her own body. Whether she can get married, whether she can have children. There is someone else who decides how much money they can spend. She has an allowance, shes worth millions of dollars, and she gets about A Thousand Dollars a week and an allowance. So now shes in control of no aspect of her life and i think it should frighten all of us, considering if it can happen to someone as wealthy and popular as Britney Spears, who couldnt they do it to . Tucker its also a little bit weird considering weve got tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, mentally ill vagrants wiping your butt on their lawn every day and you cant do anything because they have economy and you cant tell them what to do, but Britney Spears can be prevented from having kids from a conservatorship . It seems strange to me. The differences that Britney Spears had a lot of money which means she has a lot of people who were willing to go to court to try to get accessme and control over that money. That is exactly what they did. She cant decide how to spend anything. Now, ive talked to some people here in california, i am in l. A. Right now. Ive talked to some people here who say the attorney that is thn Court Appointed attorney for her and the judge are very fair and just people. The problem is, Britney Spears didnt pick this lawyer. Her lawyer is Court Appointed. That means the judge pick the lawyer. When she said she wasnt allowed to get her own lawyer, she is. Exactly right. Because shes not even considered to have Thege Capaciy to contact with a lawyer, much less be given the money by her father to pay for a lawyer. So she can even choose her own lawyer and a country like this where everyone has a lawyer. Tucker i just think its so strange. Remember when alex jones no, we are not going to defend alex jones. And then everyone was due platforms. Julian assad didnt like what he printed, so he threw them in prison. We should worry when an american citizen is treated like this. Francine, thank you. Thanks, tucker. Tucker so dr. Jill biden, not actually a doctor, but she is trying to make americans get the shot. Shes traveling across the country to brown beat them, no matter whether or not they needk it. We dont want to gloat or anything, but we do have the tape. We are probably going to show it to you after the break. As the covid19 vaccines become available you may have questions. And thats normal. So, for the latest information, visit getvaccineanswers. Org its up to you. Tucker well, the House Judiciary Committee passed six bipartisan antitrust bills today that fit finally in the end need to break it up with the Tech Companies. One bill, called the american choice Innovation Online act prohibits Big Tech Company from giving preference to their own products on their platforms typical Antitrust Legislation. It prevents them from discriminating against their competitors. Another build called and didntn play act and that bill could force Tech Companies to break up in the end and sell their assets. They will pass by a single vote by two republicans. Matt gaetz. Republicans have talked about Big Tech Censorship for years who were against censorship. Only a handful of supporters of the bills affect mostt republicans on the Committee Opposing them. Why . Lets he become a big Tech Companies like google, facebook, amazon, and apple Lobby Heavilym against the bills. Apple ceo tim cook called nancy pelosi personally to complain about them. A who else took a Side Big Tech to oppose the Antitrust Efforts well, lets see, House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy did that. He said the bills would give Government Antitrust Agencies too much power. More power than google has . Probably not we dont know where the Talking Point came from, may be from jeff miller his old friend. Hes a republican consultant and fundraiser and Closed Mccarthy for decades and hes a lobbyist for apple and amazon. Those two companies paid the for more than 1 million combined two years ago. These bills are out of committee and they need to be voted on in the house on the senate and by the way, they are not perfect. No bill is perfect. But this might be the best chance to pass Antitrust Legislation to curb the power of big Tech Strangling The Democracy and of course of congress to do just that. Dr. Jill went to nashville on tuesday and she told the locals that she was greatly disappointed in them. Because they werent taking the Coronavirus Vaccine at the rate she wanted them to and they didnt appreciate it. This state still has a little bit ways to go. Only three in ten tennesseans are vaccinated. [booing] well, youre booing yourself. [laughter] tucker youre only booing yourself. Real doctors are starting to have some concerns about these vaccines. The cdc acknowledge the vaccines linked to higher ranks of the potentially fatal Heart Inflammation where they say young people shouldnt take these vaccines. Last night we spoke to one of the men who invented the mrna Vaccine Technology about his concerns. My concerns are that the governments not being transparent with us about what the risks are. And so, im of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept the vaccine or not. Especially since these are experimental vaccines. This is a fundamental right having to do Clinical Research ethics. So, my concern is that i know that there are risks, but we dont have access to the data. Certainly i can see the riskbenefit ratio for those 18 and below doesnt justify vaccines and theres a pretty good chance it doesnt justify vaccination in the very young adults. E tucker the government is aimed being transparent about the risk, well, the cdc director is insisting that its notke actually significant risk. The process of claiming that she contradicts her own agencies data. Watch. To put this in perspective if we have a group of 1217yearolds who are working to vaccinate over the next four months we can vaccinate a million of them which would be12 great strides. Over the next four months we could expect 30 or 40 of these mild selflimited cases of myocarditis. For that, if we were to vaccinate 1 million we would avert 8,000 cases of covid, 2,000 hospitalizations, 50 icus days, one death. We raise the risks and the benefits of the vaccine. Tucker thats just not true. As noted by alex berenson, and we checked, you go to the cdc website you will find cdc numbers that contradict the cdc direction just said. According to the cdc out of a Typical Group of 1,000 young people who take the vaccine,th more than 25,000 are expected to have side effects one in four. Another 700 will likely provide the market require medical care and two will be hospitalized. Alex berenson can do math, the author of unreported truths. First of all, great catch on this, think you for doing this. How can the cdc director Say Something this cdc contradicts . Thats a really good question and it is interesting because if you look at the meeting that they had yesterday. The numbers are in there. Theres been other papers that theyve written over the last few months, you can get to the truth. Er but then, the scientists comes out and they say things arent supported by their own data. Whether its because they are bad at math or they have a Teacher Unions yelling at them that they had to get kids vaccinated or they are aware of how important pharma is. I dont know. I dont know why they cant tell the truth, but they cant tell the truth, tucker. Tucker it is scaring the heck out of people who are very provaccine and im in the category, im completely for t vaccines always have been. But if they are lying about the harm, why would you trust anything that they have said to come . I dont know, i dont know what the frenzy to Vaccinate Kids is. They will be they are very, very low risk groups. I just dont understand when you sort of look at statebystate, once you vaccinate older adults, it doesnt look like there will be much benefit at all from exiting younger people. What the frenzy is on this i dont know. By the way, i just want to say one thing which i know we are short on time but this piece that i wrote i have something called substack which is a newsletter that is longer than my twitter feed and shorter than the book. Your audience has been great supporters of the booklets, but this is a way to get information out quickly in a way thatsoo easier to read than twitter. Ay i hope people come take a look and judge the numbers fors themselves because as you said, you and your team were able to see how clearly the cdc is not telling the truth about this. So come to substack and take a look for yourself. Tucker we should say its one of the last protected Media Outlets right now it not controlled by google or facebook, is that correct . Thats right. You know i was up against amazon, they tried to censor me. Its noncensorable and people read the stuff for free or they can subscribe and pay. Its an audience like you, when the last bastions out their independent journalism and im glad to have raised. I hope i will be able to turn this into a newsletter thats about more covid where i can report on important issues outlets arent covering. Thats why its called unreported truth, the same as the booklet. Tucker there so many of those and i think history will be the judge as well. Alex berenson, i appreciate it. Thanks, tucker. We are out of time and you s can believe it and hour slips by. We will be back tomorrow night 8 00 p. M. The show thats the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Now, ladies and gentlemen, sean hannity how are you doing . Sean big show tonight, not a surprise for once. And here at 9 00 p. M. , all is good, life is good. Welcome to hannity, coming up my latest message to the mob and the media. New Polling Numbers tonight shot americas media is one of the least trusted in then the entire world. For good reason. The latest from president sippy cup, yeah, really bizarre behavior again today at the white house. Its getting worse than ever, more obvious than ever, weve got the tape to prove it

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