Tomorrow night after the sentencing. Itll be such an important day in the courtroom for them and for everyone else. Indeed, excellent. Well done, my friend. Thank you, rachel. Well, it really is infrastructure week. And President Joe Biden got to say the words today that he has been wanting to say since inauguration day. We have a deal. And he was so excited about the deal he did something that president s never do. He went down to into the driveway, on the Pennsylvania Avenue Side of the white house with a Bipartisan Group of senators to announce the deal they just made. We have a deal. And i think its really important we all agree that none of us got but we all really wanted. I clearly didnt get all i wanted. They gave more than i think many were inclined to give in the first place. This reminds me of the days we used to get an awful lot done in the United States congress. They did not, i understand their position, republicans and this group did not want to go along with my family plan issues and childcare tax credits. The infrastructure i talk about. That, we will see what happens and Reconciliation Bill in the budget process. I want to thank each and every one of them. A lot of us go back a long way, where we are used to doing one thing. Give each other our word and thats the end. Nobody questions at. They have my word, i will stick with what they proposed, and they give me their word as well. Where i come from, thats good enough for me. I dont think ive ever seen a president do specifically that. Go out to that specific spot which is reserved by the White House Press court with microphones theyre ready for people leaving important meetings with the president at the white house. The president is always left inside the building while senators are out there doing that kind of press conference. That picture today looked as if joe biden was back at his old job in the senate where he stood in that spot many times leaving the white house as a senator after an important meeting with the president. Thats an indication of how excited joe biden is about where this momentum is tonight on this legislation. As President Biden turned to leave, he was asked about this complex to Track Approach to infrastructure. In which the democrats will pass a separate bill without republican support that contains most of what republicans have rejected from the bipartisan deal announced today. Are you committed to a two track system . There is going to be a two track system. Are you confident will have all the democrats in the senate . Im not confident of anything. Nbc news has obtained a list from the white house of what is included in the final deal between the white house and the Bipartisan Senate negotiators. The deal creates 579 Billion Dollars in new spending including 312 billion in transportation and 266 billion and other infrastructure such as broadband and Climate Change resilience. The white house says the bipartisan plan will be paid for by stricter enforcement of current tax law. And redirecting unspent funding from the covid relief bill as well as other possible sources of funding that do not include tax increases. The democratic leader of the bipartisan negotiations senator joe manchin said this. Weve got Infrastructure Package that meets the needs of the needs of this country for the 21st century. And i think its a tremendous opportunity for us to share to the rest of the world we can still get things done in a bipartisan way. Did you commit to supporting a second package that would be pushed through with reconciliation, both of you commit to that . Im committed to working on a second package. Arizona senator Kirsten Cinema did not comment on the second package there in the driveway at the white house. But she did comment about it later. Here is what she said about the bipartisan agreement. There are many who say bipartisanship is dead in washington d. C. And across this country. This historic agreement today between republicans and democrats in the senate and with the president of the United States shows that a group of people who are committed with a shared values to solving the problems and challenges our country faces, we can use bipartisanship to solve these challenges. As rob said and as the president said, no one got everything they wanted in this package. We all gave some to get some because what we did was put first the needs of our country. This does represent a historic investment in our countries infrastructure, and it meets the needs of folks who live from virginia out to arizona. Later, at the white house, President Biden explained the leverage that he believes he has to make sure the Senate Passes both a bipartisan bill with 60 votes or more and the democrats only bill was just a Majority Vote through the budget Reconciliation Process. If they dont come, im not signing it. Its simple. But i expect, i expect in the coming months this summer, before the fiscal year is over they will have voted on this bill as well the Infrastructure Bill as well as voted on the budget resolution. And that is one if only one comes to me, this is only going to come, im not going to sign it. Its in tandem. The leader of Senate Republicans Mitch Mcconnell responded to that this way. It was a tale of two press conferences. And dorsey agreement in one breath, and threatened to veto it in the next. Less than two hours it almost makes your head spin. Less than two hours, as i said, it makes your head spin. An expression of bipartisanship and ultimate on behalf, an ultimatum on behalf of your own base. Leading off our discussion tonight is Cedric Richmond white house Senior Adviser and director of the white house is office of public engagement. Thank you very much for joining us on this important night. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. I want to get to what Senator Mcconnell just said. We saw the president go up in the driveway and commend this group for reaching the bipartisan agreement and the way Senator Mcconnell puts it, a little bit later in the white house, we saw a President Biden threatened to veto the bipartisan agreements that he just agreed to. Whats the president is doing is making sure people understood that this is a two track, dual track process to get his american jobs plan and American Families plan done. And we worked hard to get an agreement across the aisle, bipartisan to invest in americas future and its competitiveness. But does senators were not interested in helping on the American Families plan, and other of his agenda, which she always said would come in a second bill. So, this is the same track we always had in mind to get his agenda completed. The rescue, plan the jobs plan and the families plan. Lets listen to what joe manchin said about the two Track Approach today. The reconciliation is inevitable. There is going to be a Reconciliation Bill. We just dont know what size is going to be. Lets come to agreement there is going to be a Reconciliation Bill. Joe manchin is on board with the Reconciliation Bill, Senators Sinema said ive already spoken with the president and leader schumer about their thoughts on a two phased process and like always i am open to finding a path forward. The way Senator Manchin said it is we just dont know how big the Reconciliation Bill is going to be. What is your sense of what the democrats will be passing in the Reconciliation Version of this, and will you be able to hold the liberals in the house and the senate in place with Senator Manchin . Its about the details and what we want to accomplish. I want to stress a couple of things. Senator sanders is starting on the Reconciliation Process and we are going to make sure that our care economy, education, our investment and families and our commitment to fighting Climate Change is all encompassed in that legislation. So we believe Senator Sanders is going to craft a bill in which all democrats are going to support. Heres the real question, i think the president touched on this today. We are going to fix and remove all Lead Pipe Delivery in water and homes to this country. We are going to collect connect every home to high speed internet. The question, is do i think democrats will vote against removing lead pipes from people who have contaminated Drinking Water in their house . Connecting role communities and poor communities to the internet . Our investments in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Electric Vehicle buses the largest investment in infrastructure in the last hundred years, the largest investment ever and amtrak, and our rail system, the largest investment since the creation of amtrak. This bill does a lot of landmark things in investment. Its real and i think that constituents and people and voters they want to see it past. A close with this. There is an old saying that when two elephants fight, only the grass suffers. This was President Biden doing exactly what he said he was going to do in both the primary and the general election, that he was going to bring people together and make sure that we move this country forward because this is about the American People and he is going to be a president for all of the people. 24 hours ago, i was struggling to see how this could be done with this to bill approach which has never been done before. But it is ripening into something that is starting to make a certain sense about how it is going to work. We just heard Congresswoman Jayapal in the last hour with Rachel Maddow speaking very positively about this agreement today. Even though it leaves out her priorities because she expects her priorities as Senator Sanders does to be dealt with in the next bill. Senator sanders speaking very positively today about this bipartisan agreement. So, it does seem to be taking shape on the democratic side. As intended. Its just a question of what does that Reconciliation Bill end up being and how many compromises will have to be made there . Again, its going to be the president s priorities for the American Families plan, Plus Climate Which came out of the jobs plan. Lawrence, i am so glad you started with that. President biden has been doubted since he declared presidency. Hes not progressive enough to win the primary, he could win the general election. He did all of those things. We couldnt pass the rescue plan at 1. 9 trillion dollars. People keep underestimating joe biden and theyre dead wrong. He said from the beginning i have a rescue plan and then im coming back with a jobs plan to invest in our physical infrastructure. Then of coming back with the families plan to invest in our human infrastructure. Hes been Crystal Clear about what he wanted to do and i think people underestimate his experience in the senate and the fact he completely knows exactly what hes doing. Thats why experience in relationships matters. This is exactly what he was thinking when he designed this. I think people are going to be happy that washington delivers for the people, and have a president that can bring people together when he has to, and hes focused enough that if he has to go at it alone, like what the rescue plan is, hes able to do that. You have had as many as 11 republican senators in the bipartisan cushions, if you have 11 that brings you to 61 its exactly one more than you need to pass in. The senate but is there any indication those 11 could attract more republicans to this bill . I hope he does. And i think it has the possibility to do that because at the end of the day, you invest in the things people care about. Broadband, rail, transit. All of those things that republicans and democrats support. This bill is wildly popular. This is not a hard. About this is actually an easy vote, just like the rescue plan because the American Public supports it. My hope would be it passes with overwhelming bipartisan support. Cedric richmond, thank you very much for joining us on this important night. We really appreciate it. The thank you. Joining our discussion now jonathan caught served as Communications Director and Senior Adviser to senator joe manchin for seven years. All of us john heilemann, and analysts. He is Executive Editor of a recount where he hosts the hell and highwater podcast. Jonathan, this is something you never saw when you are working in the senate. This two Track Approach and the last 24 hours i have to say especially the comments from Senator Manchin and senator cinema, but the president said today in the presence of those republicans in the driveway. Indicates that it actually is taking shape this way. And as much and important as it is for Senator Manchin and senator sinema to be on board with it, it seems those republicans are also on board in effect with the democrats going off and doing a separate Reconciliation Bill. Yes. Senator manchin and his colleagues crafted a great bipartisan bill. They Work Together and everybody is always thinking there is be there would be a two track system. Senate imaginative make any news. He said he was going to support these things. He said you could find ways to pay for it and you are going to see Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi Work Together to get these things done. At the end of the time we go to the august recess, youll see joe biden having accomplished a lot moderates and progressives can be very happy with. John, we have seen Mitch Mcconnells attack plan on this. Hes basically saying he hasnt said in these words yet but in effect what he is saying is that this republican agreement with democrats is enabling the democrats to get their leftwing wish list as he will call it in the other bill. That seems to be the way Mitch Mcconnell will try to pull at least two republicans away from this bill. Thats right. And i think they have done, to this point a masterful job. Im right with you when you confirm my read of whats going on in the senate. It makes you feel good because it makes you think im doing something right. To see the way the progressives have lined up, the signs that are coming out just in the last 24 hours. I think like you i was dubious for eight hours ago. I think the question now is whether the fact that it is falling into place, is there a possibility that gives mcconnell enough time to work the strategy you are talking about, and make clear i mean, if he tries to lean hard on his people, on his caucus and make it clear to them, or enough of them, who you are talking four or more that the agreements are signing off on right now is enabling this larger bill to happen and be able to bring some political pressure or internal institutional pressure, whatever pressure you want to talk about, can he, now that he has its in his sights, does that give him enough time to do the mcconnell stuff, the killjoy stuff that hes such a master of and that i think is the one question i have right now. Is it falling into place a little too quickly and neatly, potentially for its own good in that context . Jonathan, in many ways, the real republican leader on the side of the senate is donald trump and so what is donald trump going to do . What can he do in the coming weeks and months to pull as of tonight, when history was pulled to republicans off the bipartisan bill and it collapses. I dont think donald trump is going to be able to pull to republicans off this bill. This bill is negotiated over a long period of time. And the thing i want to point out, these people are friends. This came together because they all worked together on a regular basis. They have been, or they built a relationship. This isnt like ten people got in the room and decided to chalk it up over who would get white in whats spending bill. We get infrastructure, who would get water and highways. These are ten people who trust each other. I think if anything this list is going to grow and i understand the skepticism and lawrence youve been watching the senate for more years than ive ever been there. I would be skeptical to but i think theres a better chance if the system goes to 70 senators, and it goes to 59. John, i think johnson has a real point there. It does have an equal chance to go two 70 then to go down from 61. And the big question is what does mcconnell really want . Does Mitch Mcconnell really want this bipartisan Infrastructure Bill to pass so that he can get that bridge that he doesnt have to vote for, connecting kentucky to ohio, very important bridge over the ohio river, does he want that to happen or does he want, as he always does with Everything Else to derail joe biden . Thats the decision for mcconnell. Yes and i think thats why want to be. Clear im not skeptical johnson s point. Im trying to look down the road and see where the point of vulnerability is. We know who that is. We know who the sharpshooter is here. We know mcconnell is going to try to make some kind of move and the fact this might not get voted on for some number of weeks, potentially not all the way into the fall when this thing gets to final passage, it means a lot of time. A lot of yardage out there. I think your question, lawrence, is the right question. I think that it not only is the right question about the answer to, it depends on in that period of time what happens to the public support of the bill over a week said elapsed we now in final passage and that i think is going to determine what mcconnell decides and that is to some extent in the hands of the white house and democrats. Can they go out and make this thing more popular . If they can make it more popular, including a red state, we will end up with 70. If it arose and popularity, that is mcconnell will be in very great vantage along the lines of what weve been laying out. If the succeeds, its a big blow against mcconnellism in the United States senate and so thats at stake for him as well. Thank you very much for your expertise on this tonight. We really appreciate it. We will talk about Rudy Giuliani losing his license to practice law today for, quote, engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, this, eat or misrepresentation. In your court found today that Rudy Giuliani is virtually capable of speaking publicly without engaging in at least one of those things. Thats next. Thats next. Its a policy perk for being a farmers customer. customer do i have to do anything . burke nothing. customer nothing . burke nothing. customer nothing . burke nothing. customer hmm, that is really something. burke you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. See ya. kid may i have a balloon, too . burke sure. Your parents have maintained a Farmers Home Policy for twelve consecutive months, right . We are farmers. 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Watch the Olympic Games on xfinity root for team usa and feel the energy 7000 plus hours of the olympics on display with xfinity you get every hour of every day different sports on different screens, you can watch it anywhere and with the voice remote you never have to leave your chair show me team usa. All of this innovation could lead to some inspiration and you might be the next one to represent our nation this summer on your tv, tablet, or any Screen Xfinity is here to inspire your biggest dreams on this very night exactly 52 years ago, Rudolph Giuliani was very excited because the next day he was going to become a lawyer. Rudy giuliani was admitted to the bar in the state of new york on June 25th 1969 and today the day before his 52nd birthday as a lawyer, Rudy Giuliani was disbarred temporarily with permanent disbarment likely after a hearing has been scheduled for that permanent disbarment. The Supreme Court of the state of new york suspended Rudy Giulianis license to practice law today because the court concluded that Giuliani Quote Conduct threatens immediately threatens public interest. The court took action against Rudy Giuliani because of lies about the president ial election that Rudy Giuliani told in court in the course of representing his client donald trump and because of lies Rudy Giuliani told outside of court, which violate the rule that lawyers must not, quote, engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. Rudy giuliani told the court that he did not know his lies where lies. And he said them. The court said ignorance is not a defense for lawyers and cases like this. The court carefully dismantled many of Rudy Giulianis lies. Including lies he told about 30,000 dead people voting in philadelphia. The court quoted giuliani saying repeatedly the former heavyweight boxer joe frazier who died in 2011 voted in the 2020 election. The court said, quote, Public Records show that pennsylvania formally canceled mr. Fraziers eligibility to vote on february 8th, 2012, three months after he died. The court said Rudy Giuliani failed to, quote, provide a scintilla of evidence for any of the burying and widely inconsistent numbers of dead people he factually represented voted in philadelphia during the 2020 president ial election. The court noted Rudy Giuliani is misconduct directly inflamed tensions that bubbled over into the events of january 6th, 2021 in this nations capital. The seriousness of respondents uncontroversial misconduct cannot be overstated. This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president joseph biden. Joining us now, Serena Maxwell host of the Program Zerlina which airs on peacock and back with us is john harlem in. Zerlina, it was inevitable watching the madness of Rudy Giuliani spin out of control. This is stage one of the price hes going to be paying for that. Right, lawrence. I think its a big moment. Finally, there is accountability for lying about the election. And i think it should be noted that this is wholly separate from the federal investigation into his dealings with ukraine, lawrence. So, i think Rudy Giuliani has problems on multiple fronts, and today is a day where the American People can be assured that someone is being held accountable, finally, for lying about the election and causing the insurrection. If you recall, he was even more egregious than donald trump was on that day. He talked about having trial by combat. So he was even more clear about what he wanted. Those people to do, March Up Pennsylvania Avenue to do, lawrence. John, the court was stunned that Rudy Giuliani continued to commit these offenses while this proceeding was going on. And they cited all of the times he lied in march and in april when he knew he was being investigated for those same lies. Lawrence, it calls to mind in the 2008 president ial campaign, you may recall joe bidens best moment. He did not have a great 2000 president ial campaign. His best moment was a debate in which he said famously ever since it came a noun, a verb, a 9 11. That was his joke, a good joke. This document is the Rudy Giuliani of the trump era every sentence is a lie, ally, and another lie. Its not just pernicious and the part you just read or referred to, it speaks to a kind of mental illness. He obviously lost it, went off his rocker. Im not a professional, in this respect but i could use colloquialisms. Everybody talks about how far the ball has been for americas mayor and u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. And all the things, the third, the three, the justice department. How far the mighty have fallen. My, god if you look at his performance as a political actor and as a lawyer in the four years of Donald Trumps administration, you would say that person not technically speaking but pillow clearly had lost his mind. I think that is the only way could explain someone facing these kinds of Disciplinary Proceedings and continues to commit the very crime or the very offense that you know youre about to lose your law license for. Serena, this is the preliminary suspension and the they only do this in egregious cases where they believe the conduct must be stopped immediately. They said in their decision when we do this, it means it is very likely you are going to be permanently disbarred. Rudy giuliani can ask for a hearing,. He has not yet officially asked for that hearing. But he suggested that he is going to want that hearing to try and defend this case. So, we have that hearing to look forward to. That will be a fun time, lawrence. Because every time hes on camera, its an adventure. But i think there are two rules i remember from law school, dont mess with the money, and you cant lie in official Court Proceedings and documents. The lying piece is always a little, its like an asterisk thing because lawyers have a reputation for stretching the truth. But he cant out will fleet lie especially if you know the things you are saying are not true. One of the things that i think is underlying all of this, lawrence, is the connection between what Rudy Giuliani has been doing since the election, and the states passing Voter Suppression. Rudy giuliani is one of the biggest proponents of the big lie, and the states that are the most egregious in passing Voter Suppression laws are those states that turn from red to blue and are undergoing demographic shifts. All of this is connected, lawrence. The big lie is connected to the real truth the demographics in the country are shifting and republicans are terrified and Rudy Giuliani has been the biggest Mouthpiece Spouting those lies. Serena maxwell and john, thank you both for joining us tonight. Thanks, lawrence. Coming up, michigan had bad news today for Rudy Giuliani as well. His lies got exposed there. State Senate Republicans in michigan issued a report condemning the lies of Rudy Giuliani and donald trump about the election. Yes, republicans in michigan issued that report. Michigan Secretary Of State john benson will join us next. Join us next. Neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of Brain Performance. More Brain Performance . Yes, please neuriva. Think bigger. Welcome to allstate. Here, if you already pay for Car Insurance, you can take your home along for the ride. Allstate. Better protection costs a whole lot less. Click or call to bundle today. 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The report produced by a Senate Committee of three republicans and one democrat dismissed one of the big lies told by donald trump and Rudy Giuliani that more votes had been cast in detroit than the number of people who lived there. The report says the more votes than voters theory repeated by president trumps attorney Rudolph Giuliani was based on affidavit from the allied Security Operations Group Cofounder that cites several michigan counties, where there were allegedly more votes than registered voters. However, the affidavit cited several townships in minnesota, not michigan. Even if the document referenced the right state, the claims regarding minnesota townships still were not accurate according to data from the minnesota Secretary Of State. Joe biden won michigan by 154,000 votes. The report focused on lies told by one small county in michigan where a human error in the vote count initially showed joe biden ahead in a county. When that mistake was quickly fixed, donald trump won the county by 3800 votes. The republican authors of the report expressed outrage. That quickly fixed mistake in the county was used by the trump team as evidence of a nationwide conspiracy. The report says the Committee Recommends the Attorney General considered investigating those who have been utilizing misleading and false information about the county to raise money or publicity for their own ends. The Committee Finds those promoting Anteroom County as the prime evidence of a nationwide conspiracy to steal the election placed all of their statements and actions they make in a position of zero credibility. That would be Rudy Giuliani. Joining us now, michigan Secretary Of State john benson. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. Were you surprised to republican senators issued this report . I know the senator who was the lead researcher on the report. Senator ed mcbroom, ive known him for a decade now. Hes in committed to integrity and the truth. Anyone whos committed to those things will scrutinize and tenderness our election and find exactly what his report found. It confirmed over 250 audits and countless Election Officials quarter pinions and majority of michigan also known to be true. That our election was secure, successful, and an accurate reflection of the will of the people. A lot about this question of the Attorney General conducting an investigation of the people lying about this . There is one questions on top of an Election Fraud over the past several months and i think its important the report makes clear the only fraud later did occur in our election was the fraud of lying, and the misinformation and misrepresentation about the truth and the integrity and security of our elections. We want to be in a place where you dont have to continuously fight this battle of misinformation. The only way to ensure this doesnt repeat or escalate in the future is by having the accountability. Its very important the Attorney General looked at base to ensure justice is served, and efforts to deceive and lie to the public about sacredness of our democracy meat accountability, and also can be accountability at the ballot box as well. That citizens can take on their own in future elections. But either way, we have to have clear accountability for those who are trying to deny the truth about our democracy if we want to ensure that this doesnt continue to escalate in the months and years ahead. One of the people this Republican Senate report went after in michigan is the pillow guy, mike lindell. The report says mr. Lindell claims that a tax by foreign and domestic enemies were successful in obtaining access to the Computers Containing results at local and County Clerks Offices as well as the Secretary Of State. In some cases the supposed access included the actual tabulators. However, this narrative is ignorant of multiple levels of the actual election process. I have to say that sounds as if they are being as kind as they could to the pillow guy. Truly. And again speaking the truth and talking with the facts that weve known for months and selling them out in a way that we hope more people here including legislators and lawmakers who continue to push for and promote legislation response to these types of Conspiracy Theories and lies. Legislation that seems to undo the very policies that led to our success. That led to so many people on both sides of the aisle. Bony and participating in democracy in 2020. So my hope is that the words in this report, like the ones you point, out aid to real action and responses from other leaders in the state senate and the state legislator. So we can really put behind us these issues regarding to undo the success of the 2020 election and before it and work to build on that success and find ways to replicate the security and the access we did so well in 2020. Its very clear Rudy Giuliani and the trump people believed they could lie in any way they wanted to about what happened in michigan. Thats something we really havent seen in the aftermath of an American Election before. This belief you can make up any number, you can tell any lie. There is no penalty for doing that. Its a desperate attempt to switch some sort of momentum in your direction. It always seemed both hopeless and insane. It wasnt going to have any effect. What has its done to voters in michigan, and their understanding of their own system . Its created a lot of division among citizens, a lot of confusion which i think is part of the intent. Its caused another piece of the it causes people to lose faith in their voice, and their vote, and in our democracy. That causes them to disengage. Truly a healthy democracy requires everyone to be engaged on both sides of the aisle, fully informed. And active in having brightly placed faith that when they vote their vote will be counted and the results would be an accurate reflection of the will of the people. Weve confirmed that, reaffirmed that. Those reports reaffirms. That we now need to do is ensure that these pernicious flies promoted by bad actors, be they candidates or others who are unhappy with the results seas and arent repeated or escalated in future elections. Aour focus needs to be Undoing Everything we can now to ensure in next years Midterm Election and in the 2024 president ial, that we dont see an escalation or repeat of the same tactics. And the only way we can do that is by holding those bad actors accountable which is why the decision today about giuliani was so important. Michigan Secretary Of State joscelyn benson. Vindicated once again. This time by republican senators and michigan. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it. Always a pleasure. Thank you for having me. Coming up, texas Congressman Colin Allred will be joining us next even if he were not a member of congress because in his old job he was a lawyer specializing in election law and working with attorney to protect the right to vote in this country. Republican governor of texas is now officially scheduled the next big battle on Voting Rights in this country for the week after the 4th of july. Thats next. 4th of july thats next. Thats next. Supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of Brain Performance. More Brain Performance . Yes, please neuriva. Think bigger. Not everybody wants the same thing. Thats why i go with Liberty Mutual they customize my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. cause i do things a bit differently. Wet teddy bears wet teddy bears here only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tonight ill be eating a calzone from doughballs in aurora. doorbell rock on. Tonight ill be eating lobster thermidor au gratin. Really . Shyeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt. Make it two calzones feeling sluggish or weighed down . Shyeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt. It could be a sign that your digestive system isnt working at its best taking metamucil everyday can help. Metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. It also helps lower cholesterol and slows Sugar Absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. So you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. Support your daily digestive health. And try metamucil fiber thins. A great tasting and easy way to start your day. For People Living with hiv, keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including Kidney Problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. Place. Congressman colin allred, thank you very much for joining us tonight. We always appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. Thank you. We will be right back. Will be right back. The brains. With allstate, drivers who switched saved over 700 click or call to switch its the biggest thing that ever happened to small. Lease the gla 250 suv for just 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. I dont just play someone brainy on tv im an actual neuroscientist. And i love the Science Behind neuriva plus. Unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of Brain Performance. More Brain Performance . Yes, please neuriva. Think bigger. Introducing the new citi custom cashâ„  card, a different kind of card that Rewards Rashida where her spending is trending. Just ask overly confident diy Rashida Rashida wait, was this the right wall . Or last minute gift shopping Rashida Rashida im putting a bow on it wow. Even sneaking away for a vacay rashida. Rashida shhh ive earned this . From home improvement, drugstores, select travel and more earn 5 cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, up to 500 spent each billing cycle. upbeat music [narrator] this is kate. She always wanted her smile to shine. Now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. Crowd Cheering therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. So then i said to him, you oughta customize your Car Insurance with Liberty Mutual, therabreath, its a better mouthwash. So you only pay for what you need. Hot dog or. Chicken . Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. As rachel mentioned as the beginning of this hour, tomorrow, foreigner Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin will be sentenced for the murder of george floyd or. It is scheduled for 2 pm eastern time. Prosecutors have asked for a 30 year sentence, the defense has asked for probation. Tomorrow night, at 10 pm, we will be joined once again hearing the last word by the league prosecutors in the case. Jerry blackwell and steve swisher. That is tonights last word the 11th hour, with brian williams, starts now. Good evening once again, day 156 of the Biden Administration which scored a major win indeed in an effort to get a bipartisan infrastructure. We will get to the details of this tentative agreement just ahead. Of course, we begin with the frantic effort underway to find people alive. Beneath 12 floors of concrete and steel after the collapse of two Tower Sections of a high rise oceanfront Condo Building North of miami beach. 55 units on the sham plane towers South Building in surfside were destroyed. Tonight, 99 souls are listed as unaccounted for officially. There has been

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