It comes to gun legislation. So, instead of beginning this hour with whats happening in congress today, we thought wed start with whats not happening, which is a bigger story. So, First Senate Republicans are expected to block a bill creating a commission to investigate the attack on the u. S. Capitol on january 6th. This is their workplace. Not just the centerpiece of American Democracy but this is where they and their staffers go to do the work of the people. The attack led to the deaths of five and injured more than 160 Capitol Police officers. Congress has also not reached any agreement on police reform. They missed President Bidens tuesday deadline for a deal, even though most lawmakers say they are disturbed by what weve all seen with our own eyes in case after case captured on video of Black Americans killed at the hands of police. The family of one of those killed, ronald greene, will stage their own march for justice this hour. And we will see at half staff, tweets about thoughts and prayers. Your senators, your representatives are taking no action, no real action on the Mass Shooting epidemic. California governor gavin newsom said it this way. What the hells going on in the United States of america . What the hell is wrong with us . Well, cnn has new reporting about yesterdays shooting in san jose that left, again, nine people dead. More on that in a moment. But first, republican senators are expected to block what was a bipartisan agreement for commission to investigate the insurrection. Joining us now, cnn Congressional Correspondent lauren fox and cnn special correspondent jamie. So far, three republicans are on the record, they have said that they would support this. Democrats need ten republican votes. Is it going to happen . How close will they get . Reporter well, democrats arent there on getting those ten republican votes. Republican leadership has been working very hard to make sure their members are in line on this vote. Theyve been working for weeks and theyre confident they have the votes locked down. This really began with an effort a few weeks ago by Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell to really try to point out to his members his argument that there are already congressional investigations that are happening, therefore, they dont need to have this commission. You have, in front of you, essentially, just a handful of republicans willing to vote with democrats, people like mitt romney, Susan Collins, lisa murkowski. You also have senator rob portman saying he might vote on a procedural vote on this commission, but he has changes that he wants to see made. The larger list is republicans who are planning to vote against creating this commission, and i just want to point out that in the house of representatives, there were 35 republicans who voted with democrats to establish a commission. In the senate, that number is going to be far smaller. Jamie, you have some new reporting on senator minority leader Mitch Mcconnell and his personal efforts to squash this bill. Reporter well, as lauren pointed out, we know that mcconnell has been pressuring Republican Voters to vote against the January 6th Commission since he announced his opposition last week. But what were told by two sources, two republican sources, is that in the last 24 hours, mcconnell has doubled down, and he has reached out to particular senators he was afraid might be wavering. According to one republican source, mcconnell asked them to vote against the commission as, quote, a personal favor. And the source said that while mcconnell, look, he lets the conference know where he stands as leader, the senators were really caught by surprise at just how insistent he was. Bottom line, he does not want a January 6th Commission, even with the tweaks senator Susan Collins has proposed to address his concern. I want to read you one more quote. This was from a republican source who was baffled by Mitch Mcconnell. The source said, no one can understand why mitch is going to this extreme of asking for a personal favor to kill the commission, and went on to say, quote, how can you have an attack on the capitol and the republican leader is saying, vote against it, quote, it is despicable. Jamie, we heard from Senator Thune that this could spill over into the 2020 midterms and we know from Leader Mccarthy and leader mcconnell that the goal, obviously, is to regain the majority. Is it as simple as that . I think it is as simple as that, but lets remember that these tweaks that Susan Collins is offering would put a time certain on ending the commission. Thats supposed to address it. But i think the bottom line is that Susan Collins has gotten the message loud and clear that her tweaks, whatever they are, are not enough for Mitch Mcconnell. He seems to feel that the commission, any commission, whatever the rules are, will be bad for him to become majority leader and for republicans to regain the senate. Its as simple as that. Lauren, trying to inject some humanity into this, is brian sicknicks mom and his longtime girlfriend, so thats the officer who died after the attack, and we saw all of the hideous attacks on the Capitol Police officers, how they were beaten, 160 of them injured, and so whats happened with their meetings . With brian sicknicks mom and girlfriend meeting and making a personal appeal to these senators . Well, they have met with some senators who were already a yes on the commission. Theyve also met with some senators who had already publicly announced that they were opposed. One of those, of course, senator ron johnson of wisconsin who put out a statement, essentially saying that he respected and expected to have that meeting, but he also made clear that he is in a different position on the commission and that he did make a promise to try to get answers for brian sicknicks mother, but of course, he remains in the same position that he has been in. Obviously, this is a very emotional moment, moments on capitol hill, when it comes to someone who was serving the capitol, who was well known to members up here on capitol hill, their mother coming up and making a personal appeal, a powerful moment for sure. Those votes, very locked in for the republican party, though, which is not the ten republicans, like we said, willing to vote to establish this commission. Lets take a listen, yeah, to his mom, what she had to say today. Police officers were getting attacked. They were getting beaten. Fire extinguishers were thrown at them. They were being attacked by flag poles. I mean, mike and officer dunn here, i should say, they can basically tell you right now what they experienced, and it wasnt a tourist day. It wasnt tourists just passively walking by. If january 6th didnt happen, brian would still be here. Plain and simple. Do you think you can change minds today . I hope so. I hope so. And brian had a work ethic, second to none, and he was just there for our country and for these guys, and he just was doing his job, and he got caught up in it and its very sad. Theyre supposed to uphold the constitution and right now, i dont think theyre doing it. I mean, lauren, they want justice. They want answers, you know . I hear you sighing there, jamie. I mean, how can the senators say, no, thanks . Well, i think that thats part of the challenge of having meetings like this, right . I mean, this reminds me of right after sandy hook, when lawmakers on capitol hill were trying to come up with some kind of bipartisan Background Check Bill and i remember those families coming up to the hill and meeting with senators, many of whom had already made their positions very public on where they stood. The hope is that a personal story, meeting with someone changes your world view, makes you take a step back from the political moment and make a different decision. I just dont think that thats what weve seen happen in the aftermath of some of these meetings. And jamie, one of our colleagues caught up with senator joe manchin, who is, in cases like this, the person that democrats should go to first if youre trying to get the votes of the caucus. And he was asked if this is the time at which there needs to be some filibuster reform. If not for voting rights, if not for some of the infrastructure bills, for this commission. He said, quote, that he is, quote, not ready to destroy our government, close quote, by reforming the filibuster. There were people who really went there to kill members of the government, to destroy the at least the facade, the edifice of the capitol. I find it interesting that thats the terminology. Thats the verbiage he used here. You know, its interesting, joe manchin is in this position where he is standing in between possibly the filibuster going away, and he does not want to do this. But we also have reporting from our colleague, dana bash, that he said to Mitch Mcconnell that, in no uncertain terms, that he thought there should be a commission. I just want to go back to officer sicknicks mother for one minute. What we have seen today is not just heartbreaking. Her son gave his life protecting these Men And Women, and i know a little bit about her behind the scenes, we corresponded. She did not want to come here. She was hoping that this would that there would be a commission, that she wouldnt have to come here today. Thats why it was so lastminute. She really expected, in her words, for them to do the right thing. And jamie, just one more point on that. I remember so vividly after when Patricia Smith, another grieving mother, went, and she was so, she was the mom of sean smith, who was killed during the benghazi attack, and donald trump brought Patricia Smith to a president ial debate. The rnc gave Patricia Smith a platform to make a speech, because all republicans felt she deserved to be heard, she deserved justice, she deserved answers. And the idea that theyre not going to extend that same courtesy to brian sicknicks mother makes no sense. So, the numbers here, we believe, at least 15 republican members agreed to sit down with her. Eight others offered staff. But that means that about half the conference either said no or has not responded, which i think is a startling number. But at the end of the day, lets remember this is about one thing, whether youre talking about Kevin Mccarthy or Mitch Mcconnell, these two men, its about politics. They want to take back the house. They want to take back the senate. And they think that a commission makes them look bad, even a Bipartisan Commission with all of the allowances that nancy pelosi and the democrats negotiated with their republican membership on the house side. Well, im glad everybodys on the same page and knows what its about in that case. I mean, its just really a remarkable point to see where we are. Jamie gangel, lauren fox, thank you very much. Thank you. So, the survivors of the san jose Mass Shooting are speaking out about what they saw when their coworker opened fire. One witness says the gunman specifically targeted certain people to shoot. And were just a few minutes away from President Biden pitching his economic plan as negotiations over infrastructure continue. 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Have the right financial professional show you how. This is what an annuity can do. Rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. Visit petmeds. Com today. Weve got new details now about the man who shot and killed his coworkers at a san jose, california, light rail yard. Again, nine people were killed, and then he killed himself. His exwife and exgirlfriend say that the 57yearold had bouts of anger and mood swings and ranted about his colleagues. Investigators say he targeted his victims and even stored explosive devices in his work locker. And this video obtained by cnn shows a man leaving what police say is the shooters home with a duffel bag in his hand just hours before the shooting. Later, that same house would catch on fire. City officials plan to honor the nine victims tonight at San Jose City hall. Survivors of the shooting and Family Members of the victims are now recounting the anguish there. She left a message from a coworkers phone, saying that she was okay. She dropped her phone. And that was all i heard from her. Ive just got to get to my wife. Praying the whole time and wasnt sure if he was going to come home to us so it was definitely very scary. Nobody should have a gun, not even the good people has gun too. We dont need guns. Thats what 911 is, right . If no one has a gun, and anyone has a gun, you can ask the gun people, thats the law in india. Cnn security correspondent Josh Campbell is live in san jose with more on the investigation. Josh, i understand you spoke with the sheriff just a few minutes ago. What did you learn . Reporter i did. Were getting some new details from the Sheriffs Department on what exactly transpired here yesterday. Sheriff laurie smith telling me at this point based on preliminary figures, authorities believe this shooter fired 39 rounds whenever he arrived here yesterday at this location during that Mass Shooting. This morning, she had confirmed to me some of the weaponry that was used, saying that the suspect had two pistols as well as 11 magazines, so a serious amount of ammunition that was brought here but the sheriff just confirming a couple minutes ago to me that they believe 39 rounds were fired. Now, interestingly, the sheriff also said that it looked at this point as though the shooter may have targeted his specific victims. She told me that present at the scene, whenever the suspect was in the middle of his rampage, there was a local Union Official who did not work for the transportation authority, and according to the sheriff, that shooter walked up to the Union Official and said, quote, im not going to shoot you. And that person was not shot. Of course, we know the people that were shot were people who worked here at this train yard, that leading authorities to believe this was an act of workplace violence. Now, one other thing that were learning as well is there was this incident at the shooters house as this was taking place, the shooting, where Authorities Say a fire erupted at his residence. The sheriff said that she believes that there could have been some type of device that was timed either to go off, to set that fire, or maybe it was detonated remotely, but that is something that remains under investigation. Take a listen to what she said. We got the call of shots fired at 6 34. The Fire Department got the call at 6 37. So, he either someone else set the fire, which i dont believe. Its my opinion that he had some kind of a device in his house to go off simultaneously, perhaps, but we dont know that for sure, and we dont know the cause of fire, but thats being investigated. Reporter and finally, we know that it wasnt just shots fired here that obviously is concerning. Authorities say also that in a locker, of course, this is a place where the suspect worked, in his locker, authorities found what the sheriff described as precursors to explosives, so explosive ingredients in the locker at his place of residence. Of course, at this hour, Authorities Say they still do not have a specific motive in this case, that remains under investigation. The crime scene here remains being processed as well as his residence. Theyre looking for any clues that they can obtain to try to get into the mindset and try to understand what exactly transpired. Josh campbell in san jose. Charles ramsey, former Philadelphia Police commissioner with us now. Let me start here with the reporting that we have on this shooter, his exgirlfriend said he had mood swings exacerbated when he had large amounts of alcohol, enjoyed playing mind games, exwife says he spoke angrily about his coworkers and bosses and at times directed anger at her. Is this someone who the red flag law should have prevented from having these weapons . Perhaps. It depends on whether or not this is something that those two people knew or if it was widely known. But it could have. It could have made a difference. But again, youre in a state that has good gun laws now. You know, it didnt stop this from taking place. You have a lot of people out there that display, you know, that kind of anger, but then they dont pick up a gun and go to a workplace and start killing people. So, its complicated, easy to look at afterwards, but not so easy during the time its taking place. But commissioner, heres the problem. The exgirlfriend had been involved in a court suit there was Law Enforcement and a court case involved with this shooter and his exgirlfriend. There was a 2009 filing in which she described, frankly, a Sexual Assault that she says he committed against her. Commissioner, hold on one second. Were following some other breaking news. The president is about to come out and speak so we want you to stand by for us. The president is in ohio right now. Hes taking the podium to talk about infrastructure and the economy. Please, please. Please sit down. Thank you very much for sharing your story. Its impressive. Dr. Johnson, everyone at chuyahoga Community College, thank you for being here. You know what we call this in my business . We call this a busmans holiday. To have to come and ride a bus again with another guy. Youre awful nice to be here. The only thing worse for an elected official when the president shows up is to say, the worst sentence in the english language is, im at the airport. So, thank you all so much. You got some really great friends here. Mr. Mayor, thank you. Dr. Johnson, thank you very much and for letting me borrow, by the way, marcia fudge to serve as secretary of housing and urban development. [ applause ] you know, certain places just by chance and circumstance can become markers in the course of your life or in the course of the nation. And for me, tric is one of those places. Just a little over a year ago, march 10, 2020, i came to cleveland as a Candidate Running for president to rally hold a rally here at the Community College. Upon unloading, we got word that governor dewine, he did the right thing, wanted large indoor events to shut down because of the growing concerns over the virus and spreading all across america. There would be no rally that night. And life in america had changed. And a long, dark year was about to descend upon all of us. 14 months later, we finally made it to campus. From a year of darkness, were now emerging into the light. And i said from the very beginning, theres no chance, no chance for this economy to come back unless we beat the pandemic. I remember congressman ryan and i talking about that a lot in the campaign trail. You had to beat the pandemic to bring the economy back. And so thats what we set out to do, to help a lot of the people that are right here, and after administering 271 million doses of the vaccine in the first 120 days, and we have the cases are down now from january, down 83 , covid cases, down. The number of deaths has fallen by 85 . Schools are reopening. Businesses are opening. Restaurants are reopening. And i hear that as last nights vaccine lottery, ohio has a new millionaire. I tell you what, who would have thunk it . Million bucks for getting a vaccine. But its working. Now 56 of ohioans have had at least one shot. We got to get to 70 . Thats the goal. Weve turned the tide on the once in a century pandemic. Weve turned the tide on a once in a generation economic crisis. And families are beginning to be able to breathe Just A Little Bit easier. We tstill have work to do but or future today is as bright and wide open as it ever has been. And now were faced with a question. What kind of economy are we going to build for tomorrow . What are we going to do . I believe this is our moment to rebuild an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not a trickledown economy from the very wealthy. That has never benefitted people who are at this college or any other place where theyre trying to make a living. To build an economy, the rewards work not just wealth, an economy that works for the backbone of this country, the people who get up every single day, work hard, raise their families, pay their taxes, serve their country, volunteer in their communities. Just looking for a little bit of breathing room. My dad used to say, Just A Little Bit of breathing room, honey. And tim has heard me say this a thousand times. My dad used to say, joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. Its about your dignity. Its about respect. Its about your place in the community. Its about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, honey, its going to be okay. The last few months have demonstrated what that economy can look like. When our event here was canceled in march, our economy was on the brink of collapse. My mom used to have an expression, shed say, you know, The Greatest Gift God gave mankind was the ability to forget, because if we didnt do that, everyone would only have one child. But all kidding aside, the good news is we forget the bad times. Thats the good thing about we americans. Were always optimistic. But ten months ago, we were in trouble. When i was sworn in, there were ten million fewer jobs in america. And a lot here in ohio. But my first three months in office, the economy has added back 500,000 jobs per month. In fact, weve created, with the help, again, of the members of congress that are here today, 1. 5 million jobs, more jobs than have ever been created in the first three months of any presidency in the history of the United States. Before i took office, the average initial claims for Unemployment Insurance were over 830,000. This morning, we learned that number has fallen to below 460,000. Cutting in half. And were at the lowest level weve seen since march 2020. When the pandemic first struck. Before i took office, almost 24 million americans were going hungry. Marcias heard me say this before. Did you ever think youd see people lined up for miles and miles and miles, going into the stadium to get someone to put a box of food in their trunk . People will never, ever, ever, ever, ever thought theyd need that kind of help. Well, that number of hungry americans, food starved americans, has dropped by 30 . Its still too many, but theres clear progress. Before i took office, independent experts were projecting that our economy would grow at 3 to 4 in the year 2021. Theyre now projecting that growth will be 6 or higher in 2021. The fastest growth in this country in 40 years. To sum it up, covid cases are down. Covid deaths are down. Unemployment filings are down. Hunger is down. Vaccinations are up. Jobs are up. Growth is up. People gaining Health Coverage is up. Small Business Confidence is up. To put it simply, americas coming back. Americas on the move. [ applause ] and that wasnt an accident. It wasnt luck. It happened for two reasons. First, we made the Vaccine Program a priority. As my friends in congress say, i got a lot of heat for just focusing on the vaccine. Goes back to what we all talked about. Youve got to fix the pandemic before you can fix the economy. We were able, with a lot of hard work, get 600 million doses of the vaccine, enough for every single solitary american. We didnt have enough vaccinators, so we went to fema, the United States military, went to the ama and got retired docs and nurses to come out of retirement. Thousands and thousands of additional people to administer the vaccines. We didnt have before. We created more places to get vaccinated, hitting my target to ensure that 90 of all americans would have a Vaccination Site within five miles of where they livement. And now, 50 of all of america, more than any other country, is fully vaccinated. And now, 50 of all of america, more than any other country, is fully vaccinated. 75 of seniors, black, white, hispanic, across the board, are fully vaccinated. Were gettingl lives back. The American Economy is coming back. And thats the second reason were on the move. I committed to an approach of building an American Economy, a different economy, to build back better, not just build back, but build back better. That approach recognized that we all do better when we all do well. And the best way to grow our economy is from the bottom up and the middle out. You know, i dont have anything against anybody on wall street. I dont have anything against anybody making a million bucks, but wall street did not build this country. The middle class built this country. And unions built the middle class. Thats a fact. An approach that recognizes this time when we rebuild the middle class, we have to bring everybody along, regardless of their background or religion or race. Thats the approach reflected in the American Rescue plan, which my friends in the Congress Helped get passed. Because of that law, more than 167 million americans got a Rescue Payment of 1,400. Its gone out, helping families pay their rent, pay their bills, buy their groceries, and maybe most important, give them, for the time, some hope. A little bit of hope. Hope goes a long, long, long way. Those checks matter. Small businesses, restaurants are getting were getting killed. Now, were delivering the loans and support they need to reopen and stay open. Schools were struggling to reopen. So we made targeting teachers to get the vaccine as a priority. We delivered schools muchneeded support. State and local governments, and you know, mr. Mayor, a lot of them had to lay off their employees, cops, firefighters, first responders, because you have to balance your budget. Well now theyre coming back thanks to the rescue plan. Beginning this summer, families with children will get tax relief, tax credit, the child tax credit, which is going to deposit money directly into their banks every month until that money is paid out. By the way, we had no problem passing a 2 trillion tax plan that went to the top 1 that wasnt paid for at all, just increased the debt 2 trillion. Every time i talk about tax cuts for working class people, its, oh my god, what are we going to do . Well, were going to take back some of that 1 money. There you go. And make them pay for it. And thanks in part to part of the rescue plan named for an ohio labor leader, butch lewis, championed by sherrod brown, who i dont think hes here today. Hundreds of thousands of retirees and workers across ohio and millions more across the country can trust that their pensions they worked so damn hard for and sacrificed to secure will be there for them. Unlike my dad, who busted his neck his whole life and when the company went under, he lost his pension completely. Even my republican friends in congress, not a single one of them voted for the rescue plan. Im not going to embarrass any one of them, but i have here a list. Of how back in their districts, theyre bragging about the rescue plan. They touted the restaurant revitalization fund. They touted the fact that were in a situation where theyre dealing with touted grants to Community Healthcare centers, touted i mean, some people have no shame. But im happy. Im happy they know that its benefitted their constituents. Thats okay with me. But if youre going to try to take credit for what youve done, dont get in the way of what we still need to do. The bottom line the bottom line is this. The Biden Economic plan is working. We had record job creation. Were seeing record economic growth. Were creating a new paradigm. One that rewards work the working people in this nation, not just those at the top. We did a study, 85 of my jobs plan or 95 of my jobs plan, you dont need a bachelors degree. 75 , you dont even need a degree thats a Community College degree. It helps. But guess what . The bottom line is, people are going to be going back to work. Theres a new bargain. Everyone in it is going to be in on the deal this time. Now as our economy recovers, theres going to be some bumps in the road. We know that. Of course there will be. You cant reboot a Global Economy like flipping on a light switch. Theres going to be ups and downs and jobs and economic reports. Theres going to be supply chain issues. Price distortions. On the way back to a stable and steady growth. In the coming weeks, my administration will take steps to combat these supply pressures, starting with the Construction Materials and transportation bottle necks and building off the work were doing on computer chips. Were also announcing new initiatives to combat anticompetitive practices that hurt Small Businesses and families. Fixing those problems can help build more dynamic innovative economy and were going to have a lot more to say about that in the days ahead. But this is already clear. Were on the right track. The American Rescue plan laid a Strong Foundation for a new economy that brings everybody along. But its just a first step. Were going to build on the incentive and incredible progress that we have made and set america on a sustainable path to a faster, more inclusive economic growth, and we have to start investing in ourselves again, in the American People again. Consider this. Three decades ago, the United States was number one and some would argue number two in the world for r d spending, Research And Development, as a share of our economy. You know where we are now in the International Competition . Were number nine. Nine. Meanwhile, china was number eight, and their overall spending and Research And Development three decades ago. Theyre now number two. Number two. This past year, japan, canada, italy, france, and the eu have announced significant infrastructure spending. Chinas announced that theyre increasing their research and Development Spending dramatically. Japan is making huge investments and reducing Carbon Emissions and building out the digital capacity they have. The European Union as well. Were in a race to see who wins the 21st century. Now, if i could hold just for a second here, one of the things i found, you know, im supposedly theyd always announce me in the past as an expert in Foreign Policy. Well, let me tell you something, Economic Policy is harder than Foreign Policy. You know what the basis of Foreign Policy is in our stature in the world . One thing. Our economic prowess. Our economic prowess. We must be number one in the world to lead the world in the 21st century. Its a simple proposition. And the starting gun has already gone off. We cant afford to fall any further behind. Nows the time to build the foundation that weve laid. To make bold investments in our families and our communities and our nation. We know from history that these kinds of investments raise both the floor and the ceiling of an economy for everybody. Like when we brought electricity to every household in the country in the 1930s or we connected the country through the Interstate Highway System in the 50s. They created millions of jobs, goodpaying jobs. They set the economy up to grow more quickly and share prosperity more broadly for decades to come. Those electrical poles and wires still help power Rural Communities 80 years after they were built. And its time now to rebuild them. A quarter of all the miles americans travel on roads are on Interstate Highway Systems, built 60 years ago. 60 years after we built it. These are generational investments. Private sector does not make these kind of investments. That kind of Public Investment for much too long. The pandemic exposed just how badly we need to invest in the foundation of this country and the working people of this country. Thats why i propose the american jobs plan and the American Families plan, the generational investments we need today to succeed for tomorrow. You know, as my wife, jill, whos been a teacher for a long time, she used to be ten years younger than me. Now shes 30 years younger than me. She is in every way, god love her. Shes the only first lady ever to work fulltime. Fulltime. She teaches 15 credits at a Community College. 15 credits. Shes a remarkable person. And shes out in missouri right now and kansas doing other things, nothing to do with her job as a teacher. But my point is this. Jill has a constant refrain. Joey, any nation that outeducates us is going to outcompete us. Its a simple proposition. You know, think about this. One of the reasons that caused us to move ahead so significantly as a world leader, an economic leader in the world, was in the late 1800s, early 1900s, we were the first nation in the world to say, were going to have 12 years of free, without any limitation, free education. 2012 years. And the rested of worlds caught up with us and theyve now passed us in many cases. Imagine if we were sitting today and say, were going to set up an education system. Does anybody think 12 years of education is enough for us to compete in the world in the Second Quarter of the 21st century . Im not joking. Just consciously think about that. Is it enough . Its not. And so, im proposing four additional years of education, two years of highquality prek for 3 and 4 years old, not in day care, in school. The studies show that if you do that, those children have an opportunity, a 56 better chance of going through all 12 years of school and beyond without getting in any trouble, No Matter What the background or the family they come from. No matter what. On the front end, those two years are important. And then two years of free Community College. Free Community College. To better prepare our people to get these goodpaying jobs of the future, jobs i saw students training for throughout the Manufacturing Technology center. You know, we need to invest in transportation infrastructure. Drive anywhere, and you can see why were rated 13th in the world in infrastructure. The United States of america is viewed to have the 13th best infrastructure in the world. Come on. This is the United States of america. For gods sake. We need to invest this universal high speed internet, more seamlessly connect our businesses and their customers, expand the possibilities of Job Opportunities in every hometown in america. No matter how big or small. And by the way, if youll hold for a second, think about this. How many of you Men And Women have children who were doing Remote Learning . Think of all the children throughout the country, and inner cities and in rural areas that had no internet connection. Its estimated that some of those kids are going to be pushed, although its only one year, three years behind in their education. Look, investment in highgrowth Industries Like clean energy and electric vehicles, its not just we want to deal with the environment. We want to lead the world in exports of these new technologies. Instead of ceding the Global Market and job creation to the chinese. Theyre building 20 times as many electric vehicles as were doing now. And the technology that goes with that. What are we doing . Its millions of jobs in china instead of here. Its not that the jobs were going to create here but that were going to create to export the technology. We used to be the net exporter of major tlgz. Technologies. I also think and am pushing very hard to make Major Investments in medicines and cures of the future. Folks, diseases like alzheimers, diabetes, cancer, theyre all on the cusp of being able to be dealt with. You know, if we dont do something about alzheimers in america, every single solitary hospital bed that exists in america, the nurses can tell you, every single one will be occupied in the next 15 years with an alzheimers patient. Every one. Costing us in excess of a trillion dollars. So, what are we doing . I came up with an idea and i think its going to get done. And that is that, you know, theres this thing called darpa, which is the defense applied application research. Its the outfit that came up with the internet in the defense department, came up with geospacing and a whole range of things that are related to our security. Im going to do the same thing at the nih to focus on those diseases. Its estimated if we do if we spend 5 billion a myear on tha Research And Development, focusing on what Insurance Companies dont have the money to focus on, we can make significant breakthroughs. Were already doing that. Already doing that. If we invest, we can create millions of jobs, rebuilding the foundation of a strong, fair, resilient, competitive economy and Save Hundreds Of Thousands of lives. 100 of our investment is going to be guided by one principle. Make it in america. Make it in america. If i can hold that for just a second, there is a law that was passed in the 30s, doesnt violate any trade principle, saying that whatever money whatever program the taxpayers are paying for, you can spend it all on american contractors. No ones ever done it, though. I promise you, i signed an executive order. If, in fact, were building a new deck of an aircraft carrier, guess what . I guess, as president , to let contracts over 600 billion a year. I promise you, there will be no contract let to a foreign company. Or any of the product down the line. Right now, what can happen is you can hire an American Company and they can sublet and they can their downstream product with all be foreign. All you got to do is get that particular agency to say, you got an exception. We cant find that job here in america. Well, guess what . Theyre going to find a job here in america. I promise you. Or theyre not going to get the contracts. These jobs will be good jobs, american jobs that deliver good wages and dignity. And look, this is about choice. We can keep giving every break in the world to corporations and ceos, or we can raise the Corporate Tax rate back to 28 . It was, by the way, 36 . It came down to 28 , which is still lower than it was at any point between dollars. Lemm tell this to the press again. In the 10year period between 14 and 24 excuse me between sae 10 and 23010 and 2020. They made poevr a trillion dollars. I think thats good. You know what they did with the trillion dollars . They went out and bought back 56 of their stock. Because the more they buy back, the more valuable the stock and thats how ceos get paid. Ceos used to get paid 35, 36 times the average employee. They should get paid. Now its over 370 times more than the average employer. As my mother would say, who died and left them boss. Im serious about it. You got over 50 going to stock buybacks. And the other percent, i think 42 let me see 56 its 40 no its 38 goes to dividends, which is reasonable. But here is the point. After all is said and done that leaves 8 of that trillion dollars for Research And Development, salaries, new product, new enterprises, new initiatives. 8 . I come from the Corporate Capital of the world, literally, more corporations are incorporated in the state of delaware than anyplace in america, combined, all the rest of the corporate registrations combined dont equal whats in my state. It used to be corporations felt they had responsibilities beyond their taxpayer beyond their shareholders and beyond their executives. But what is it now . Average ceo becomes the ceos for six to seven years. And by the way, capitalism has incentives. One of the worst votes ever made was during the Carter Clinton administration, say a corporation could not deduct from taxes more than a Million Dollars paid for any ceo. So guess what they start doing. 80 of ceos get paid in stocks options. Why do you think they buy back the stock in the to raise the price on the stock. Theyre not bad guys. Its just the incentives. So if we just raise the Corporate Tax to 28 which is still lower than where it was i said between world war i and 2017, that generates 90 billion additional dollars into the treasury for a year per year. That could put hundreds of thousands of people to work. To modernize our roads, bridges, ports, airports, and pay for it. Pay for it. Put people to work to make sure every american has access to highspeed internet so businesses can compete in the 21st century. Kids in every community can get ahead. Another choice. We can ask the top 1 of the taxpayers in america to get pay the same packs rate they paid when george h. W. Bush was president. Do you know how much that generates in 13 billion per year, allowing every student in america to go to Community College for free. When i was in the last administration that i was part of, obamabiden. The president asked me to find out what the Major Corporate entities thought was the most important thing they needed. We interviewed over 340 i think 348 ceos. You know what they said, every one of them, a better educated workforce. But theyre not spending money to educate the workforce. So imagine what we do, Corporate America benefits with a better educated population. Do you want to give the wealthiest people in America Another tax cut . By the way, i dont begrudge them the money they made. Just start paying your fair share, Just A Little Bit. In consequence helps every High School Graduate earn an education. Putting people on a path to good paying jobs and industries of the future. Look, i know i know you know whats best for america. By the way, better educated public helps everybody. Look, my plan is my plan is the right way to invest, spreading key investments over time so we limit the price pressure. This is the right to a invest when we have historically low interest rates. Shevg now with a pran to pay for it that is fiscally responsible thing to do. Of course there are critics out there who want to stand still. By the way, some of those critics are the same people who said that money was no object when it came as i said to that 2 trillion tax cut that went to the wealthiest 1 of america who hold 30 of the wealth in the country. When we need to fix a road or water system or help millions return to the workforce by helping afford child care or elder care or help attend tric. They think thats a bridge too far. Investing in america again is creating growth, more jobs. But there is Something Else we have to do to ensure the highquality jobs exist. We must restore the connection between the success of our economy and hard working americans. The connection has been severed. You remember it used to be the case when you were part of generating a success of a company you shared benefits. Thats long since gone, not a joke. By the way, i im a capitalist. But here is the deal. From 1948 after the war to 1977 i think it was 1977 79 productivity in america grew by 100 . We made more things. Productivity grew. You know what the workers pay grew . 100 . Since 1979 all that changed. Productivity has grown four times faster than pay has grown. The basic bargain in this country has been broken. If you work hard and contribute to the success of an enterprise you share the success. Thats not the case any more. So you can carve out your place in the middle class. Thats how it happens. Thats how it works in healthy medallist economies. Along the way we started seeing the stock market and corporate markets and the Executive Pay as the sole measure of economic success. Let me tell you my sole measure of economic success is how Working Families are doing, whether they have jobs delivering dignity. That means we have to focus on wages like we used to. When it comes to the economy were building rising wages arent a bug, theyre a feature. We want to get we want to get something economists call full employment. Instead of workers competing with each other for jobs scarce we want employers to compete with each other to attract workers. We want the companies to compete to attract workers. That kind of competition in the market doesnt give workers more ability to earn a higher wage. It gives them the power to demand to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace, and helps ensure in america when you walk to work you dont have to check your right to be treated with respect at the door. Full employment also means more options and opportunities for workers including black, hispanic workers. Asianamerican workers, women who have been left behind in previous economic recoveries. When the labor market never tightened up enough. Look, this isnt just good for individual workers. Its makes our economy a whole lot stronger. When america workers have more money to spend american businesses benefit, we all benefit. Higher wages and more options for workers are a good thing. A lot of companies have done extremely well in this crisis. Good for them. Good for them. The simple fact is though corporate profits are the highest theyve been in decades. And workers pay at the lowest in 70 years. We have more than ample room to raise workers pay without raising customer prices. Soaring corporate profits and stagnant wages arent the american dream. And they arent the american deal. Look, im not looking to punish anyone. Im not saying business shouldnt be able to make a significant profit. Instead the risks and challenges of Business Owner they should be reward are are for success in the risks they takes. After decades of workers getting a raw deal its time they be given a fair shake. Weve already seen what happens wheno when employers compete for workers. Companies like mcdonalds, home depot, Bank Of America and others, what do they have to do, raise wages to attract workers. Thats the way its supposed to be. And we got to do two more things. Congress should raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour. [ applause ] no one no one should work 40 hours a week and live in poverty, live below the poverty level. And we ought to pass the protect the right to organize, the pro act supported by union workers. Look, let me close with this. You know, its an overused phrase these days but still accurate. Were at a deflection point in american history. It happens every several generations. We have a chance to seize the economic momentum of the first months of my administration, not just to build back but to build back better. And this time were going to deal everyone in. Everyone has been left out. And breathe new live into the middle class and new hope into those struggling to break into the middle class. We have a chance to make investments that

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