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declaring that science is back after another epic clash over covid restrictions on when we can finally get back to normal. senator rand paul and dr. anthony vouching feuding it from americans need to continue wearing masks after getting vaccinated. >> you've been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show. you can't get it again, there is virtually a 0% chance are going to get it and you're telling people that have had the vaccine and have immunity, you are defying everything we know about immunity by telling people where to wear masks who have been vaccinated. >> let me just state for the record that masks are not theater, masks are protective. >> if you have immunity they are theater, you are wearing a mask to give comfort to others, you are not wearing a mask -- >> i totally disagree with you. >> jesse: the two going after each other again today. >> instead of saying it might happen, he needs to show me a scientific study showing that it is happening because i'm not one to wear a mask for the rest of my life or something that might happen unless you show me that it actually is happening. >> he's dead wrong. i don't have anything personally against him but he is just, quite frankly, incorrect. >> jesse: and a major development about getting kids back in classrooms, the cdc changing social distancing guidelines in schools from 6 feet to 3 feet. all right, fauci says he doesn't have anything personal, i don't believe that, i think these two hate each other and it's kind of entertaining. >> greg: i thought that was the most volatile battle until i saw joe biden take on a flight of stairs. thank god they didn't have a three knockdown rule or the stairs would be president right now. look, in order to escape the prison of two ideas which is always going to be freedom and restriction, you have to continually reframe your position based on data and that's what rand paul is constantly saying, what is the data tell you? you have to be, as a leader, the adult in the room meaning you weigh the cost on the benefits of staying put or pushing ahead. it's clear, that rand has done more of the work but that's because fauci is not a leader, he's not supposed to do that, he's always supposed to be extra safe even when it harms society so i honestly wish we had a debate like this every week because you saw the yen and the yang, the process versus the change, it's interesting how the right in the form of rand is leading the charge for a change in a return to freedom based on science, given how the media misreports the writers being neanderthals because rand's science is unparalleled, he was very clear, fauci was basing his opinion on conjecture about the possibility of a variant, that hypothesis can suppress your freedoms indefinitely because that possibility never goes away, so that's why rand paul can say, it doesn't matter if there's a slight possibility, you could do that forever. >> jesse: when you are in the white house did you overhear dr. fauci talking trash about rand paul? because i've got to tell you i think he said 150 years ago they would've challenged each other to a duel. >> kayleigh: i think you're right. i never heard dr. fauci talk about senator paul but here's what i did here. i remember sitting in my office and being told that it was unquestionable some of the science being proffered in the early days of covid and i watched fox and i saw this guy saying things that sounded very different from what dr. fauci was saying and i remember scott who ended up coming into work for the administration, look at the data, he brought a huge stack of papers, back in may or june, i kid should be in school, here's the data. look at the devastating effects of the lockdown that dr. fauci was saying something different. that science mattered and just because it came from the trump administration it was called unscientific. and dr. scott atlas has been proven right. >> jesse: i think you probably saw scott atlas on "waters world." so i will claim credit. sandra, you have the mask debate and now the cdc saying "i think we can do 3 feet in the schools, how do you feel about 3 feet? do you think that's going to be okay? >> sandra: if that happens we know we can get more kids back in the classroom. i agree with greg, i think it's an incredibly healthy debate that we saw with rand paul and dr. fauci, the american people, their world needs to see it, we need to see that debate because another doctor we've all been listening to throughout this, he was just on fox a short time ago, saying why the selective science? why do you only have dr. fauci and these others touting this science that proves that we won't spread the virus with the masks, where is the science that shows the loneliness that so many people are going through as a result of this pandemic, where is the science when it comes to that, where's the science when it comes to the loneliness so many are experiencing. for gosh stake team i, get our kids back in school. all those headlines saying this virus going to be gone by april or may, you are seeing that significant drop in cases now, his "wall street journal" article was get the vaccine, return to normal. people need incentive to go get the vaccine, they need to know that their life can return to normal and that potentially they can start to drop the mask. >> jesse: juan, do you think rand paul gets under dr. fauci's skin? or do you think he's just used to this by now? >> juan: i think you like the theater more than i do. if your health care plan allows you to pick a doctor and you had a choice between dr. paul and dr. fauci, you better take dr. fauci. i think the american people are pretty clear on this, fauci has 60% plus of the american people saying he's done an excellent or good job in handling the virus. so the idea is even in theater you know what, you've got to acknowledge that the script changes, things evolve and as the cdc comes across new information as they come to new conclusions i think the audience should applaud that we are being given the latest evidence and the latest information in order to protect ourselves and our families. >> sandra: what if it's too late or too slow? >> greg: he didn't change, though. >> juan: we need to protect ourselves so if you hear dr. fauci saying, right now we are unaware of the impact of the variants, we can see the infection rate in this country is level, it was dropping and now it's level and we worry it will be going up. we see what's going on in europe, neither having lockdowns in europe where previously they were saying, we are going back to normal. we want to make sure that doesn't happen here. we want to have an incentive that says let's all wear the mask, take the precautions now so we don't get into europe's situation again. this should not be political theater but even in political theater you should applaud people who are looking out for you. >> jesse: okay, juan. cases haven't leveled in the u.s., they are dropping like a rock. incredible. there's been no leveling. no leveling, man, we are going south. as we've been vaccinated. up next, joe biden promised to restore america on the world stage, but he just got embarrassed two times. putin openly mocking him and we will tell you what just happened with china. 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>> i do. >> juan: putin responding by a challenging biden to a "live debate." the president's "quite busy." sandra, this whole idea of a biden-putin debate, i'm struck by this because what are they going to debate? it sounds like putin got his cage rattled here. >> sandra: i guess that's one way to look at it, juan. i guess i could kind of turn that around now, do you think it's healthy to see this happening on the world stage so early in biden's presidency? i was talking to mike pompeo on our show yesterday, he looked at the exchange after we played it, "it takes one to no one," and putin wishing him good health, he said it all seemed a little bit childish to him so i think it's interesting to see this happening months into joe biden's presidency when foreign policy is supposed to be his strongest suit. pompeo's point is focus on america first, we saw that under the last presidency, he did give him props however, almost conceding for the killer remark and agreeing to that. he said that's basically point to that. as far as meeting with those officials, foreign policy is going to have to be joe biden's strength, he's going to be held to that, juan. >> juan: jesse, we had intelligence reports this week that said that putin tried to get trump reelected end of the biden, looks like he made the wrong bet i will have a rough four years. >> jesse: i don't care that biden called him a killer and they yank to their ambassador. putin is always getting upset about something. i care what biden does, if he blocks the pipeline deal between europe and russia like trump blocked it that's all i care about. he's had a rough 24 hours, you have to admit that, russia, china, mexico, the stairs. that video is everywhere, him looking like, i'm not going to say it, it's everywhere, it's like the guy throwing the shoe at w except w looked agile. i understand ford fell down the stairs and got mocked for it. he was a great athlete. that was something he couldn't really live down. at least he didn't throw up on the japanese like bush 41. we will given that, this meeting they had with the chinese, they are coming to our soil and talking trash and we let the cameras and, why do we do that? why do we do that? at least donald trump whatever the dignity and their respect and respect and behind the scenes bring in the killers on trade and turn the screws to the chinese, that's how you play it. china is a paper tiger, we hold all the cards. if we want an oil embargo we can do it, if we want to sanction their guys we could make these guys fall apart in 24 hours. china knows the donors want to go back to normal and make a killing off all that slave labor and the mainland so they are going to throw it in our face, black lives matter, meanwhile, china is a killing machine, tens of millions of their own people in the last century. i'm not even talking about forced abortions so they have no right to come over there and talk trash. i think we hold all the cards. >> juan: getting right away jesse has talked about, that china conflict is getting hotter and hotter, looks to me like the u.s. is going to have to increase military preparation both in cyberspace and maybe even in outer space, were going to have to say something about taiwan, hong kong, africa, latin america, is the u.s. public really ready for a 20 a 21st century cold war with china? >> greg: i don't know but i do think that the president needs to take some steps to deal with china but i don't think he can take steps. >> sandra: uh-oh. >> greg: i don't blame what china did for one minute, all they did was use the talking points of our media and media and the democrats against them. how dare we lecture china when we slaughter thousands of blacks every year. that grossly inaccurate statistic is out there. when brave journalists actually look at the statistics they find in terms of unarmed black men that are killed in custody under a variety of circumstances it's about two dozen, right? but because of deliberate profit-seeking networks like cnn we have were up to the view of americans about what's going on and china exploited it so we just got schooled on morality by a country that uses slave labor and imprisons people based on religious beliefs and they did it by exploiting the dishonest narrative that networks used to turn a profit and speaking of warped views, "the new york times" today reports 79% decline in new covid cases since january. so that's not leveling off. >> juan: is leveling off over the last couple weeks. anyway, back to you kayleigh grade what would winning against china look like? the u.s. and chinese economies are so intertwined, bonds, investments, trade, what do you think? what's the prospect? >> kayleigh: it's a great question and i think winning used to be a massive trade deal like what president trump did with china, winning now is entirely different after the pandemic unleashed by china which by the way was not addressed during that encounter and one thing that is incredible to me, to jesse and gregg's point, not only were we lectured by china but you had the secretary of state say in front of china "america is not perfect. we have mistakes." why are you saying that to a bully sitting in front of you as they by the way, denied committing, the forced abortions, forced sterilization's, they deny but in the biden administration we will apologize for america on the world stage. by the way let's also not forget north korea threatened us this week, too also quite a week in the world of foreign policy for joe biden. >> juan: thanks, kayleigh new claims of canceled culture after the editor of "teen vogue" gets forced out before she even started her job. the firing was over tweets from when she was a teenager. that's next for you on "the five." ♪ ♪ financing the home of your dreams doesn't require going to different lenders. sofi is a one-stop-shop for your finances- designed to work better together. get a home loan or home refi or fund home improvements with a personal loan. all in one place. that's better together. and get lower rates on personal loans when you have sofi money or invest. that's better together. and that's why members choose sofi to help make their dream home a reality. ♪♪ [ "could have been me" by the struts playing ] to help make their dream home a reality. ♪ don't wanna wake up on a monday morning ♪ ♪ the thought of work's getting my skin crawling ♪ hey, mercedes? 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>> sandra: kayleigh, i want to go to you on this, that some of these were tweets she said when she was 17. does this just go too far? >> kayleigh: absolutely, sandra, i think there is no denying we are in the craziest period culturally. what happened on "the bachelor," a girl name rachel was canceled after giving a sincere and heartfelt apology. then you go and ask chris harrison who was canceled for giving a comment about someone else who was canceled and he hit the nail on the head, he apologize for that, by the way. we have to give people an opportunity, did something, when she was 17 and if an apology is not enough, what is enough? if you can't apologize and be forgiven, what do they need to do? what are the next steps? is a public flogging? she apologized, move on, let her have a job and a life. >> sandra: that's a good question, jesse. >> jesse: i support public flogging. i can name several people i would like to flog right now. i feel bad for her because i'm a very compassionate person, she lost her job, her boyfriend lost his job, i give her a job if she'd work for me but she probably hates me and would not work for me at all so that's fine. but it does seem like the left are starting to eat their own and that usually signals the end of something like this. i have a feeling cancel culture might be winding down, that usually indicates the time is running out. it does seem to me that we only can cancel people because of the internet. you couldn't dig into someone's past in '96 because there was no internet. maybe it's not such a good idea to write down every thought that goes through your head on the internet, so everyone can see it, you're just getting all of these internet assassins more stuff just shoot at so maybe the novelty of writing down every joke you think might be funny when you are 17 is not a good way to live life. >> sandra: it's a good lesson, continued lesson learned. right? juan, it wasn't just staffers going after her, it was advertisers that started going after ""teen vogue"" in the wake of this controversy, major advertisers suspended their campaign with the publication so there was a lot of money on the line, too, here. >> juan: that's exactly right. for them it was a business decision. but you know, to me, i really do believe in forgiveness and i think, you think about this as a juvenile, juveniles make mistakes. i just think everybody who is 16, 17, you do crazy stuff. even if it's a criminal act, sandra, in the courts they give you a separate set of rules with more grace because you are tried as a juvenile. and so here i think -- >> sandra: you don't think she should have been canceled or? >> juan: i think the business decision is separate from all this talk about cancel culture. i think alter beauty and burt's bees, those are million-dollar deals for conde nast and what the head of conde nast said in a statement was not only was the staff upset but he said the reas of their magazine took offense to this end they were feeling blowback from not only the advertisers but the readers and the staff, that's a lot. so i think they had to make a decision. but i do think that, you know, a moment of grace for someone who is so young. i hope this is a difficult memory as she rises to much higher things in life. >> sandra: she was pretty accomplished, she had already done a lot that led up to her getting this position. greg, did you send any questionable tweets when you were 17 years old? >> greg: try 37, 47. before i go to my rant because i will get on a ranch, can we just say what an awful brand ""teen vogue"" is? it's not really for teens, it has nothing to do with vogue, how to the editors at "vogue" cope with the fact that teen "teen vogue" is basically marxist teen teen ad prop, not even covering what they are called, teen good, good housekeeping, we are going to do gender issues, they actually hijacked it and nobody talked about it. we predicted this would happen. it was okay, remember how okay it was what it was only white people getting canceled? but now you have a young, black, talented woman getting canceled, is this practice still worth it if you can take down ten other white people but you have to sacrifice one young black woman who doesn't deserve it. i'm so disappointed, juan, in you because where are the mentors? right? joy reid was nearly fired for blatant bigoted, homophobic blog posts that she initially denied, she wasn't fired, she was protected by her network possibly because they needed a "patina of diversity," or phrase. but given her experience and her success, shouldn't she have the guts to demand conde nast stick to their guns and fire their news staff because they can and protect this young woman who only did something wrong which is, what about don lemon? don lemon has a voice, he's successful, he is black, why doesn't he come to the aid? where are the mentors of color who are defending these people? lastly, i said this before, the achilles' heel are corporations, they are cowards. the actual mob is very, very tiny but with the mob has is they are immovable and that scares people. ten people can feel like 100. advertisers are scared, they are scared of nothing and everything, same goes for viewers. you don't know how many viewers or writers or readers there are that are upset so this is all a giant mirage created by some very loud voices. company just stood up once, just stood up once and said, you know what? we are sorry but the newsroom has to go, we believe in this woman, she can hire the people that they she wants, they may be all people of color but you narrow-minded weirdo mob, get out of our boxes, get out. but conde nast are a bunch of cowards, they are pathetic and disgusting. >> kayleigh: exactly. >> juan: greg, this has nothing to do with race. i don't think it's right to bring race into this. >> greg: okay, one come away to miss the point. i said stand up for people, stand up for people. >> juan: you said, you said "where are the black mentors?" , i don't think that's what this is about, greg. it's not about race. >> greg: okay, okay, okay, jonathan swan, you can't find anything brighter than a swan, he's the guy, we are all going to rely on jonathan swan? >> juan: greg, he worked with her, he knows her. it has nothing to do -- >> sandra: i've got to leave it there, guys, i'm getting yelled at. coming up, spring break insanity, wild video of a guy in handcuffs running away from the police. ♪ ♪ this is one of the most powerful men in the world. yeah, i'm just an i.t. manager. okay, this is "just" an i.t. manager destroying cyber threats with a vengeance. we've edited out the violence. no, it's not violent. i'm just using sophos to defeat cyber threats. we'll never fully understand how "just" an i.t. manager does it. i use soph...(beep) "just" an i.t. manager doesn't have to tell us how he does it. we just know he does. 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[yelling] >> he's got handcuffs on! >> kayleigh: jesse, i mean, wow, you've been to a spring break or two, i don't know if as a student but certainly as a journalist, have you ever seen anything like that? >> jesse: yes, as a journalist i went to spring break, absolutely. there is a guy is a legend, a legend with a record now but a legend nonetheless, this is a hall of fame spring break moment, the grits, the to termination, the hair, the physique of a cross-country runner, he actually thought he could make it. it's always hilarious when people run away from police in cuffs but it's even more funny when they do it in sand because there's no way they are getting away but he actually thought he could do it and i think i would be remiss not to mention the body who pulled the squad car door open, that's a good friend. maybe a bad influence but a good friend. >> kayleigh: yeah, you know what, i had the exact opposite thought when i saw this, how did the guy get away? he darted, greg, i'm surprised the cop caught him. >> greg: i'm glad the cop caught him and i hope the cop body slammed him and him into the sand and he ate a gallon of sand and i hope he actually goes to jail and serves time because there's one thing we always talk about, resisting arrest is a mistake and it always elevates things, so we can't cut some little slack because it happens to be summertime and spring break. i hope he serves five years. i hope he misses homecoming. i hope he misses college, i hope he misses college. >> kayleigh: i have a statement for you, greg, from the clearwater police chief. "while many of the young adult in the video think this is funny, it turned what would have been a very minor violation to one that will have severe consequences." sandra, apparently they arrested for other people that day including one individual who was battering a police officer, i've been to spring break before, i've never seen this kind of violence, what are your thoughts? >> sandra: i don't get it, unless has buddy was like jesse watters "do it," he was the one who opened the door but to that point he probably had a super minor violation, he would've walked away from the cops within hours, whatever it was and now this is going to be a serious violation and greg, after saying that a 17-year-old for her tweet should be forgiven, this video is going to live forever for this kid. a picture him graduating college, trying to get a job at goldman sachs. b3 his dad will work it out. >> sandra: i have to say i did not partake in the spring break experience, i'm 1 of 6 kids, my parents said no, high school, college. i kind of think i'm happy about that. i think it looks like chaos. >> kayleigh: yeah, this was certainly chaos and wand, the charges this guy is facing, escape, disorderly conduct and resisting an officer. i for one think you should never resist police officers, this guy included, what are your thoughts? >> juan: well i think, you know, we didn't really have spring break last year so i think there's a lot of pent up energy and people were anxious to get out there but, you know, what does strike me is, boy, as someone who grew up in a tough neighborhood, i have i think if a black or latino kid ran out of a cop car, that person's life would be in danger. it wouldn't just be a matter of worrying about whether you get caught. this kid is going to have an interesting story to tell his friends in the future but that's a very dangerous activity to run out of a cop car. >> greg: exactly. >> kayleigh: that's exactly right, we floridians can't wait for the spring breakers to go home. go home, get out of here. all right, guys, fan mail friday, next. ♪ ♪ good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. ♪ ♪ >> greg: perfect. it's fan mail friday, i'm told we may have to go to joe biden in 5 minutes so let's try to kick out one question or more, from thomas gee, what is the one thing you miss about being a teenager? wong, was it those penny farthing's? >> juan: i guess, to a day, you're starting to feel spring in the air, i can imagine being down at the school yard and hanging out, you know? and you think, what a great afternoon, you know? especially in new york, i grew up in brooklyn, people had their coats off and people were smiling and talking on the street, that's teenage life. >> greg: kayleigh mcenany, it was not that long ago, you are probably in the park guzzling beer, smoking dubious. >> kayleigh: that's exactly right. immediately, i miss my textbooks. as lame as that is, my glasses, i would curl up and help my mom put up the christmas tree. i had to do that to make the binders. >> jesse: just because you are in for her doesn't mean you have to act like her. >> greg: what you miss about being a teenager? stuffed into lockers? >> jesse: i didn't hear that because someone wanted me to say something about what i just said that i miss playing football, i used to play football, i loved it, i love football and i miss it and i can get that kind of adrenaline doing anything else. except squaring off with wand sometimes, that's about it. >> greg: sandra? >> sandra: i miss rollerblading and biking every door, i didn't get my own car as a teenager, i rollerblade and biked everywhere. but now i miss it. >> greg: rollerblading, you are an '80s teen. we have time for one more. if you could change the ending of any famous movie what would it be? jesse? be to "the princess bride," i didn't like how he was a limp stiff in the end at the very end, do you remember? >> greg: have never heard of a limp stiff it. >> jesse: get up! >> greg: what's wrong with us question kyle [laughter] >> kayleigh: i would say, i would say "braveheart," i love the freedom ending but i wish william wallace was there to stay and didn't lose his life. >> greg: mel gibson loves movies where he dies at the end. >> kayleigh: that is true. >> greg: want? >> juan: i was just trying to think about it, greg, i don't know, i can't think... a lot of these westerns. talking about teenage life, as a teenager i loved westerns. the good thing about westerns is they often have an ending where the good guy wins. i like that. >> greg: what about you, sandra? >> sandra: i loved "the cutting edge," the hockey player and the figure skater who end up tearing up. at the end -- >> greg: db cooper? >> sandra: db sweeney. they never show the gold medal in the case in the father's office at the end. b3 you know what movie's ending i'd love to change? "the exorcist," i'd love to see sequels of her playing the same role. linda blair was so interesting. or "jaws," why does the shark have to die? than ever happens, you know. keep going? still waiting? okay, we are going to toss to it, looks like it's about to start. well done, everybody. >> in fact, over the past year, 3800 of such incidents have been reported, everything from physical assault to verbal accusations. and it's all harmful. and sadly, it's not new. racism is real in america and it has always been. xenophobia is real in america and always has been. sexism, too. in the 1860s, as chinese workers built the transcontinental railroad, there were laws on the books in america forbidding them from owning property. in the 1940s as japanese american soldiers defended our nation, more than 120,000 japanese americans were forced to live in internment camps in obvious and absolute abuse of their civil and human rights. asian-americans have been attacked and scapegoated, people who are perceived as muslim know what it's like to live in our country after 9/11. for the last year, we've had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating, scapegoating asian-americans. people with the biggest pulpits spreading this kind of hate. lee, this is about our nation, this is about how we treat people. with dignity and respect. everyone has the right to go to work, to go to school, to walk down the street and be safe. and also the right to be recognized as un-american. not as the other. not as "them," but as "us." a home against any one of us is a harm against all of us. the president and i will not be silent, we will not stand by, we will always speak out against violence, hate crimes, and discrimination wherever and whenever it occurs. and it is now my great honor to introduce the president of the united states, joe biden. >> president biden: thank you, good afternoon. sorry a little late, we had an opportunity to meet with leaders of the tapi community downstairs, and it was heart-wrenching to listen to them. as many of you know, we were originally planned to hold a rally to thank our supporters, but given the recent -- the events of recent days, we didn't feel it was appropriate. we canceled that rally. what we want our supporters to know, we'll come back and hold stock that rally another trip, but today we want to speak about something else. i said from the beginning of my campaign for president that we needed to come together, that we needed to unite as one people, one nation, one america. i said in my kickoff speech in philadelphia, i said that very same thing when i spoke at gettysburg, i said that in my inaugural address. i believe with every fiber of my being, they're simply some core values and beliefs that should bring us together as americans. one of them is standing together against hate. against racism. it's a poison that has long hunted and plagued our nation. to be vice president and i, as i said, met a little bit earlier just before this with leaders from the asian-american community in georgia. we talked about tuesday's mass shooting, about another example of public health crisis of gun violence in this country. eight people killed, seven women, six were of asian descent. all fellow americans, each one of them we mourn. their families are left with broken hearts and unanswered questions, and the investigation is ongoing. at the vice president and i are being regularly updated by the attorney general and the director of the fbi, working closely or with governor kemp and local officials. whatever the motivation, we know this. too many asian-american have been walking up and down the streets and worrying, waking up the past year feeling the safety of their loved ones are at stake. they've been attacked, blamed, scapegoated, and harassed. if they've been verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, killed. documented incidents against -- of hate against asian-americans have seen a skyrocketing spike over the last year, let alone the ones that happened to never get reported. he spent a year of living in fear for their lives just to walk down the street. grandparents are afraid to leave their homes. a small business owners targeted and gunned down. attacks on some of the most vulnerable people in our nation, the elderly, low-wage workers, and women. in fact, asian-american women suffered twice as many incidents of harassment and violence as asian-american men. we are learning again, what we've always known. words have consequences. the coronavirus, full stop. at the we had today with the bh leaders, and that we are hearing across the country is that hate and violence often hide in plain sight. it's often met with silence. that's been true throughout our history. that has to change. our silence is complicity. we cannot be complicit. we have to speak out, we have to act. my first week in office, i signed an executive order directing federal agencies to combat this resurgence of scene phobia. the department of justice is strengthening its partnership with the aapi community to prevent these crimes. in addition to its other work to take on violent extremists and domestic terrorism. i'm calling on congress to pass and get my desk get to my desk the covid-19 hate crimes act. at the house just past for your authorization the violence against women act, a law i offered over 25 years ago, what are my proudest achievements. i call in the senate to swiftly pass it and get it to my desk. over all the good that laws can do, we have to change our hearts. hate can have no safe harbor in america. it must stop. it's on all of us, all of us together, to make it stop. something else should bring us together, and that is a belief in science. science isn't something that should divide us, there's nothing political about it, there's nothing partisan about it. one of america's best examples, the lack of commitment to science is headquartered in atlanta, the centers for disease control and prevention. the cdc represents the best of this nation, brilliant minds, deep faith in science, and a strong commitment to public service. we came here to thank them for all the work they do, and especially the work they've done over the course of this pandemic. we owe them and their families our gratitude. we wanted to convey to them the absolute commitment to give them everything they need to do their work and get it done. free of politics and card to buy science because of them, we are making real progress. we just met my goal of administering 100 million shots before my first 100 days in office. we did it in about 60 days. we are not stopping now. the american rescue funds, more vaccines, more vaccination centers, and more increase in testing.

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