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deficit spending and options to pay for their infrastructure bill they're working on now. progressives are advocating for a wealth tax. the white house is reportedly focused on increasing the corporate tax rate, raising income taxes for those making more than $400,000 a year and other tax hikes that would impact the rich. biden -- president biden seems to realize that republicans are not going to get on board for this. >> i'll get the democratic votes for a tax increase. if we took the tax raise back when bush was president, 6%, that would raise $230 billion. >> because republicans have lined up against it, there's new pressure for democrats to strap the filibuster. moderates like joe manchin oppose nuking filibuster. president biden indicated he's open to the idea. republicans are calling it a power grab and they're warning democrats could use the change for immigration reform. >> they're prepare to steam roll the senate into a body like the house because they get in the way of all they want to do, to run up the debt, to raise taxes and you've seen the disaster at the border. >> mcconnell warned if democrats pursue that change, republicans will do everything in their power to slow down legislation. mcconnell would say it would look like a 100 car pile-up with nothing moving, charles. >> i have to ask you, jen psaki who was asked earlier who would be impacted by a future tax hike, gave a curious answer. let's take a listen. i want your response to this. >> he said on taxes, anybody making more than $200,000 will see a small or significant tax increase. to clarify, did he mean individuals or households? it wasn't very clear. secretary yellen has referred to households before. >> families. yeah. >> there's a significant difference between an individual making $400,000 and a household making $400,000. >> there sure is. that sounds like a change to me. i covered biden on the campaign trail. he's refrain over and over again is if you're making $400,000 a year or more, you'll be impacted by this. people making less than $400,000, you don't have anything to worry about. in august, he said there wouldn't be a need to tax people making less than $400,000. he doesn't want to impact the middle class. if this is going to households where people each making $200,000 and they fall into the $400,000 category, that's a significant shift. >> a game changer. thanks. i want the opinion of someone else on this. joining us now, iowa senator chuck grassley who is a member of the finance committee. welcome to the show, senator. they say the devil is in the details. that's a big one. i'm not sure if it's a slip of the tongue. what are your thoughts on that? >> my thoughts start back with where we had the economy before the pandemic. the best economy in 50 years going back to 1969. the biggest decrease inequality between minorities and other people and also just within our economy. also, think how great the economy was. the highest -- lowest unemployment, highest employment in 50 years, wages of lower income people going up a lot faster than wages of high income people. we had a good economy. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. that's my answer to your question. >> even more specifically then, it was -- the reason it wasn't broke, you can trace it back to the implementation of tax cuts that when took place, as soon as they went into place, blue collar wages exploded. more than 3%. every single month year over year. the gap between black and white unemployment, the narrowest it ever was. poverty rates for blacks and hispanics at an all-time low. what if we do the exact opposite way? taxes were promised. elections have consequences. i don't think anybody thought president biden was talking about household making $400,000. i tell people, senator, be careful when you pick up your pitch information. sooner or later you could end up in front of your house. >> the middle income people of this country are smart enough to know when they hear a politician or the president of the united states say only high income people, the very wealthiest are going to pay the tax, they know better. if you go there, you're going to eventually end up paying taxing middle income people. first of all, you're not going to get all you want from the very wealthiest people in this country. because they're smart enough to hire the best lawyers, they're smart enough to find the tax shelters and all of that stuff and they're smart enough to know that i'm not going to work full time if i'm only going to keep a third of my income. >> right. to your point, even at 400,000 if it was an individual, so many small businesses will get swept in to that. i want your thoughts on where this whole fight for the filibuster is going. maybe senator manchin put a cap with his comments. it's interesting how many next down there thought the filibuster was a great idea and now think it's a threat to democracy. >> you just pointed out the key point here. how inconsistent and dishonest the democrats were talking about doing that are. because they defended the 60-vote rule in the united states senate throughout history as far as i know. now all of a sudden they want to change it. what we want to remind them of, they're not always going to be in the majority. they ought to respect what james madison said in the federalist papers about the purpose of the united states senate. it was to bring certainty and consistency to public policy. if you have -- run the senate like you run the house of representatives every two years, you're going to be changing things. they're going to be changing constantly. the united states senate was supposed to bring constancesy to public policy, predictability to public policy. >> senator, the dnc unveiled an ad targeting you and joni ernst, the opposition to the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill. local polls showing you might be in trouble. what is your response to that? people like free money. how do you push back to that? >> isn't it an example of how political this operation was the 1.9 trillion. particularly when we did five bills the year before that were very bipartisan and passed with 90 votes in the u.s. senate. they didn't want to do it because with republicans just wanting to do things connected with the pandemic about $600 billion, the wish lists that the democrats wanted and got wouldn't have been accomplished. so it really is a democratic agenda with the cover of helping people hurt by the pandemic. so it's -- you got to see it as purely as a political move. look who paid for the billboard. the democrat national committee. >> senator, i know you've been calling for the justice department to review how states have handled this nursing home crisis during the pandemic. if rules have been violated. where does that stand right now? >> well, i've discussed this morning with some of the witnesses before the finance committee on the whole nursing home issue that was the subject of that hearing. we have i think four or five states where the attorney generals already investigating it. several of us senators sent letters to the justice department that they should not change the agenda, they should keep their investigation going. but we raise the issue because when you get a new administration like we do now, they might change some investigation. but they ought to proceed. so i don't have an update other than everybody at the hearing that i questioned thought the investigations by doj ought to continue. i think they should, too. >> senator, absolutely. i have one more thing i'd like to ask about. another issue affecting your state. house speaker nancy pelosi weighed in on the election in iowa, the congresswoman miller meeks who was certified the winner by six votes. now the speaker is suggesting that somehow that race might be overturned. let's take a listen. >> and our candidate, the democratic candidate asked for this process to begin even justice scalia agreed the house has the authority to seat members and therefore we can count the votes. six votes out of 400,000 cast. >> what is going on here? >> it ought to take a lot of guts with the thought that 221 democrats voting as a unit could throw a republican member out of the house of representatives that won the election even after two vote recounts and the democratic candidate had an opportunity to go to the supreme court of iowa, come immediately to the house of representatives, that they could slow that vote out and overturn the vote of 400,000 iowans. that takes a lot of guts. at the same time, the same democrats were convicting republicans of the fact that we weren't naming joe biden the winner on november 4. >> certainly smacks of hypocrisy. senator, thank you for your time. we covered a lot of ground. thanks. >> thank you. glad to be with you any time. >> all right, folks. let's take a look at the corner of wall and broad. a crazy day. a record day for your money. the dow closing at a new high, above 33,000 for the first time ever. the s&p closing at a new high. the big driver, the federal reserve. they plan to keep key rates near zero through 2023. we'll be watching. meanwhile, is the crisis at the southern border putting americans in danger? what alejandro mayorkas is saying and why his predecessor under president trump is worried. chad wolf is here. the next white house effort to reopen schools, it's an education summit to talk about it. isn't it just time to do it? so i only pay for what i need. 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>> charles: thanks, lydia. the airports might be getting crowded but not so much for most of the nation's schools. the white house planning an education summit wednesday to talk about reopening. leaders say we know what works with these schools, so maybe it's time to stop talking about just get moving to help our kids. doctor, thanks for joining us. i saw a great article about florida. even folks in the teaching organizations like union representatives admitted that they were skeptical when florida opened up but everybody is pleasantly surprised. the super spreader event didn't happen. >> charles, there's no doubt young people across this country are suffering. you know, their social, emotional and mental health have been so impacted by the pandemic. the goal is to have all children back in school, in person five day as week. there's ways to do this safely. there's no question. much of the country, the benefits of opening schools outweigh the risks. this is of course impacted by the level of community spread of the virus to reopen our schools, we need to keep driving down community transmission, get adults including teachers and school staff vaccinated as fast as possible. with the appropriate mitigation strategies like enforcing masking, hand hygiene, social distancing and better ventilation. we know we can decrease the risk of viral transmission significantly. when the time comes, vaccinating children. this all needs to be top priority right now. >> charles: i know you're a doctor, so that's your focus. but i'm sure in addition to the emotional toll, the psychological toll, which i saw first hand when this began last year, there's also the achievement gap. already have certain students that are two or three years behind under normal conditions. we may have a set of kids out there that never have a legitimate opportunity to go for the american dream. so when a teacher's union says we have everything, september maybe we need vaccinations, should that be the thing that stops it for to your earlier point should we try to get this going with as many conditions as -- that we can put in place and fill in the blanks as we go along? >> well, you know, this is not my area of expertise. if i was the one coming to the table, i'd want to make sure that everyone involved, the children, the parents, the school staff and the teachers all felt very safe and secure and there were the resources available to make that so. so i think that the steps that the current administration is taking to move this forward are appropriate. again, we all want the same thing. we want to do it as safely and quickly as possible. >> charles: absolutely. just -- it's heartening to see the places that are open like florida are open and so far so good. thanks, doctor. meanwhile, folks, there's a suspect in custody following an atlanta-area shooting massacre that left eight people dead. officials revealing key details on a possible motive. we have an update from atlanta next. members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ this is the sound of an asthma attack... that doesn't happen. we're made for. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> charles: the white house scrambling as the border crisis surges. so is president biden's message not to come to the united states too little too late? chad wolf is coming up. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. >> charles: officials saying it's too soon to tell if the shooting rampage that left three dead at atlanta massage parlors was a hate crime. fox news steve harrigan is in atlanta with more from that investigation. steve? >> charles, we just learned that the 21-year-old suspect robert long will now face eight counts of murder. police said today that he admitted to being the shooter at three massage parlors in the atlanta area beginning tuesday afternoon. of the eight killed, six were asian women. it was thought this could be a series of hate crimes against asian americans perhaps linked to the coronavirus. here's president biden. >> i've been speaking about the brutality against asian americans the last couple months. i think it's very, very troubling. but i am making no connection at this moment to the motivation of the killer. >> after interviewing the suspect overnight, police today said that he suffered from sex addiction and the killings were an attempt on his part to eliminate temptation. here's atlanta's mayor. >> they determined that the suspect was on his way to florida, i believe. perhaps to carry out additional shootings. >> there were three separate shootings. the first about 30 miles north of here before 5:00 p.m. 50 minutes later, the shooting behind me in the gold spa. as police were responding to that shooting across the street here, another shooting. maybe that the family helped with the man hunt. they saw surveillance video posted by police in social media. they contacted the police. very cooperative. they were able to track the suspect's phone. they found him on a highway. police used the maneuver to spin his car. one 9 millimeter gun in the vehicle. back to you, charles. >> charles: a terrible story there. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas says news of four terror suspects sneaking a cross the border is nothing new. but with crossing surging, is it time to worry? chad wolf is next. >> the president says he doesn't have plan to visit the border. why not? >> his focus is on action. fo on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it's like my streaming service. well except now you're binge learning. see how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. visit ♪ new projects means new project managers. visit you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at whitney and jane are always sharing tips on ways to save money. cvs carepass... it's my savings secret. carepass members get 20% off cvs health brand products. free 1-2 day shipping... plus, a $10 promo reward. thanks for sharing! join carepass today and get yours. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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>> we fully support transparency. i would encourage you to talk to the department of homeland security for press access. >> charles: the white house pressed for a lack of access ability as the border crisis accelerates. nearly 600 minor children are coming every day. kevin corke has more. >> let's lay this out for the people at home, this is a crisis regardless of the fact that the white house does not call it that. they call it a challenge. this is a crisis that is getting worse by the moment. we had a chance to watch that exchange with kristin fisher and the white house press secretary, jen psaki and listen to how she's trying to equate this crisis with the last administration's approach to illegal migration. listen here. >> limit or a cap to the number of unaccompanied minors that will be allowed into the u.s.? >> a limit or a cap? so should we send some kids are 10 back at a certain point? >> i'm not setting the policy here. i'm asking you what the biden administration's policy is. >> our policy is we're not going to send a 10-year-old across the border. that was the last administration's policy. that's not our policy. >> a little deflection there. did you notice? hats off to my colleague. she just sort of dismissed that sort of pointed jab right there. she said listen, i'm not setting the policy. i'm asking you about your policy. a perfect response. what is interesting is jen psaki's decision to try to frame this as 10-year-olds crossing the border. there's lots of them but lots of adults crossing the border against immigration law as it currently stands. what is interesting, the administration continues to acknowledge this is a challenge, they say or crisis according to others. but regardless of whether or not they call it that, it's the policy that will obviously have to change, charles, moving forward or we'll keep seeing numbers like this grow as we get to warmer weather. very interesting. an informative exchange today, charles. >> charles: hats offer to kristin and you as always, kevin. yes, it's going to get worse, i think. thanks very much. meantime, sources to fox are confirming four people on the fbi's terror watch list have been arrested at the southern border since october. secretary mayorkas explaining these attempts by terror suspects to sneak across the border is nothing new. how big of a concern should this be? i want to bring in former acting dhs secretary under president trump and heritage foundation visiting fellow, chad wolf. chad, by the way, i let the audience know we reached out to secretary mayorkas and so far have not hired back. chad, the policies -- let's be quite frank -- from the campaign trail all the way up to the inauguration and even now, you know, seem to be an invitation that the world is picking up on hence the crisis at the border. you have to believe it's going to get worse than this. >> absolutely going to get worse. not only the messaging has been a concern but also the policy, the executive orders and everything that they have done to tear down a functioning immigration system that they inherited january 20th. all of those factors have contributed to the crisis and the surge that we see on the border today. as far as i can tell, the path forward is to simply treat this as a capacity issue and trying to process more individuals coming in to the country versus border security versus the rule of law and holding those accountable that break the law. that's what is concerning here and i think the crisis will continue. >> charles: i spoke with the mayor of a border town in arizona. we talked about the composition of some of the people that have been stopped at the border from far away as africa, romania. certainly would stand reason that terrorists see this, folks on a terror watch list. everybody gets the sense how porous it is and how easier it is to get through. can you quantify how significantly the terror threat could be because of this? >> i think any time you have significant surge, significant number of individuals, there it was caravans in 2019 or a rush of individuals today, the concern is that bad people, terrorists, suspected terrorists or special interest aliens will embed themselves in that flow of people. somehow cross in to the u.s. and either elude border patrol or get released into the interior as they're doing with most families today. so that's the concern. we saw that back in 2019. so it's not only terrorists or known or suspected terrorists, ksts, but another group called special interest aliens. these are individuals that have traffic patterns like terrorists, perhaps not on a watch list but come from europe or africa or asia into south america and make their way through central america to the border that law enforcement needs to be concerned with. at the end of the day, what is most concerning is that because of the number of individuals that are crossing, we're having to pull border patrol off of the national security mission and to the border patrol stations to care and feed these numbers of individuals. instead of being on the line, doing that homeland security, national security mission that they're trained to do. >> charles: chad, i went to the website for border and customs protection. the numbers are staggering. unaccompanied alien children from 0 to 17. big ben up 166%. del rio, up 141%. el paso up 144%. even more staggering was single adults. in big pen, up 316%. del rio, up 339%. yuma, up 324%. at what point what the administration call this a crisis? i suspect in the dhs they're acting like this is a crisis. >> oh, absolutely. they're certainly acting like a crisis as well as they should. that's what it is. a full blown crisis. the border is on fire at the moment. you need to be concerned. you talk about unaccompanied alien children earlier. we know that is a concern. i think the department continues to talk about six and seven-year-olds knowing 75% of unaccompanied alien children are between 15 and 17 and the vast majority are male. they're trying to appeal to people's emotions, knowing that only 25% are under the age of 15. so we need to be very clear with the american people what is the threat what are the populations coming across and various ways to deal with them. the family units are concerning. up over 170% in february over january as well. >> charles: chad wolf, thanks very much. appreciate it. so what is one thriving state telling the white house if they won't allow text cutting, they'll get suiting? did the white house unveil a major change in the target for its tax hikes? 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free to make policy decisions to cut taxes. they just cannot use the pandemic relief funds to pay for those tax cuts. patrick, your thoughts on that statement. that was pretty convoluted. >> let's take a step back and talk about this provision. when they push this 1.9 trillion bill through a lot of the work was done in the middle of the night. it represents the worst aspects of one party rule in washington d.c. who they did, they put a provision in to micromanage state policies and say surrender one of your core constitutional functions relating to the tax in power where you don't get a large check from the federal government. if the treasury is clear that they're not going to enforce provisions related to this, we'll be fine, but if they don't step up and say that this provision is unenforceable, unconstitutional, we'll be required to go into court and challenge it. the problem is the way they did this -- further innovating state sovereignty than any provision we've seen, this is so much different than anything we have ever seen before. so we're getting more than that treasury department statement in order to lay off. i think that as we looked at this case law, we have a darn good chance of prevailing in court. >> charles: what is really amazing to me, the bill rewarded states that performed the worst with the pandemic. they put more citizens out of work and businesses out of business and on top of rewarding them, they're trying to prohibit other states from becoming even more competitive, more attractive. it's a duel track to reward the worst states and impede other states. look at west virginia. your roll-out was remarkable. kudos to your state. and other things you want to do particularly as a industry like coal may be shut down, how dare the federal government stop you from making your state more attractive. >> that's right. that's why we're concerned about this. i know a number of red states are contemplating tax cuts. we were contemplating tax cuts before this covid relief package was finalized. so we're very worried about this interpretation. because we know these -- this is the tax and spend party on the other side. in the past, they would impose their will on federal policy. this is the first time we've seen them reach all the way down to what a state legislature can do. they try to say, you're not allowed to have that function. they may be hedging right now in their statements, but we needed a clear statement that if the money doesn't come from covid, there won't be an enforcement action. i'm worried about, this it's targeting red states and it needs to go. >> charles: you know, i'm going to let you go here. but money is fungable. glad you're fighting bank. thanks for explaining that to the audience. we'll check back on you on this as well. meanwhile, folks, the white house just say they want to hike taxes on more folks, not just individuals making $400,000, families, better pay attention. your bill might be getting higher. 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anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to significant tax increase. >> president biden promising those making under $400,000 will not be taking a tax hike but later, secretary psaki, said something different. >> anyone making under $400,000 will see a small to significant tax increase, to clarify, did he mean individuals or households because it wasn't very clear, and secretary has referred to households before. >> families, yeah. >> there's a big difference between individual and household income. which one is it? if this is a major change, then just how significant is that? joining us now, "washington examiner" tea on and kelly hyman, there is a major difference. i can't wait to follow-up and find out exactly what this means, if this is going to be households. >> charles, i will be honest, i don't think there will be much luck with you finding out. as an american i give every president a chance but he has proven he is the liar in chief. he said he wasn't going to destroy the keystone pipeline, he was going to allow people to kind of changed jobs. that wasn't true. 11,000 jobs ended within days of him being in office. over $2 billion in wages. he said if the people of georgia elected those two democratic senators that they would get twodollar checks. that was a lie. you can't trust joe biden. the fact of the matter is his press secretary says one thing, he says another and then he makes another thing two weeks from now. where is his messaging coming from? that's the problem with this administration, we are seeing right now. >> but tiana, this would be a seismic, seismic shift from what everyone interpreted and it would have amazing impacts on a lot of households. >> certainly, and we already knew that while they were campaigning, joe biden and kamala harris wanted to impose an extra $200 tax on registering firearms. that would impact people who are middle-class, lower-class. they wanted to toy around with 401(k)s, iras, and the media is not being diligent about differentiating between households and individual filing status, which we know is a big deal and they can't have it both ways. during negotiations about this too trillion dollar bogus coronavirus bill, democrats were trying to use the defense that actually, $200,000 in a household is not much money and blue states. it's the same reason they want to reduce the cat. which is it if $200 isn't enough for a household will joe biden admit he's taxing the middle class? >> i would have to disagree. biden cares about the middle class, that is why he brought the american relief bill, to help the american people. liar in chief, that was our former president, not the president we have now. >> no, it's the current one. the current one, clearly. liar in chief, that's joe biden. that's accurate. >> i am speaking, excuse me -- >> i wanted to correct that, that's inaccurate. >> i would appreciate it, as a woman, i get interrupted a lot because i didn't get to -- >> men and women get interrupted. >> come on, let her talk but as you're speaking, let's stick with this particular topic, if indeed it's the household and not the individual, you can see, do the math, that is a significant difference, isn't it? >> in regards to the american people, no, i don't believe it is going to be a significant difference and biden said, if you make over $400,000 then he wasn't going to tax you. >> i want to bring you back in here for a moment because president biden also saying democracy is having a hard time functioning, so if democracy is having a hard time functioning, who is to blame for that and i got the inference, both parties can agree, strictly partisan bills, some republicans have to cross the line instead of vice versa. democracy and the rest of the way democrats say every day when they don't get their way? >> what's interesting is we were sold on biden, the moderate, the individual who is going to bring all teams to the table, democrats and republicans, and bring about a conclusion that would be a success for all americans and what we are seeing is not that at all. we've seen democrats who are running the shot and are looking to push through everything they can without the support of republicans, which means half of americans are being left out. this is a responsible for a president who is supposed to be much different than every other president we've seen. it's simply not true. he lies and he continues to live. >> i want to bring kelly back in for a moment because we are hearing things about getting rid of the filibuster, we are hearing things about maybe jamming through an infrastructure bill filled with taxes that wouldn't pass and a parliamentarian, getting rid of the senate parliamentarian. this is not the moderates, doesn't feel like the moderate that america was promised. >> i would disagree with you. i don't think the filibuster is going to end, biden had made it clear he supports speaking filibusters, so i think it's important as a democrat to work with our colleagues across the aisle, republicans, and i would welcome the idea. we live in a great country, america, we should definitely have bipartisan support to help the american people, 100%. >> you've got 30 seconds for the final word here, please. >> i agree, we -- >> t hutton, tianna. >> our names sound similar, so i get it. they beg trump not to nuke the filibuster and mcconnell agreed because the last time democrats decided to change the rules, how did that wind up for them? mcconnell and trump change the breakdown of the courts for a generation so i think we are seeing that guardrails are good and if joe biden wants to start getting stuff done, maybe we should start with joe manchin. he needs to get his own party in order down for his agenda before he starts focusing on susan collins. >> looks like he may be the one keeping everyone together. please join us again tomorrow for "your world." "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: i'm greg gutfeld with juan williams, katie pavlich, jesse watters, and sleepovers in the dollhouse, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: you hope by a certain age people understand incentives. telling someone to come on over no strings attached, incentive. telling them not to because you will be sent back, disincentive. most adults get this. too bad joe come into his ninth decade, hasn't. biden now tell migrants, don't come yet. even after his earlier

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,Trust ,Georgia ,Twodollar ,6 Billion ,2 Billion ,Press Secretary ,Another ,Matter ,Tiana ,Seismic ,Impacts ,Campaigning ,Firearms ,Toy ,Lower Class ,Kamala Harris ,401 ,200 ,Filing Status ,Media ,Deal ,Dollar Bogus Coronavirus Bill ,Negotiations ,Iras ,Household ,Defense ,Cat ,Relief Bill ,Woman ,Men ,Talk ,Topic ,Stick ,Math ,Regards ,Functioning ,Parties ,Inference ,Vice Versa ,Rest ,Conclusion ,Success ,Teams ,Support ,Half ,Kelly ,Wouldn T Pass ,Democrat ,Speaking Filibusters ,Colleagues ,Aisle ,Word ,Names ,Tianna ,T Hutton ,Breakdown ,Courts ,Generation ,Guardrails ,Wind ,Stuff ,Keeping ,Susan Collins ,Looks ,Greg ,Sleepovers ,Dollhouse ,Juan Williams ,Katie Pavlich ,Greg Gutfeld ,Jesse Watters ,Incentives ,Dana Perino ,Joe ,Hasn T ,Incentive ,Migrants ,

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