>> maria: now, even though the biden administration will not admit that we have a migrant crisis on the southern border, they have to know it. they see the surging numbers of migrants, more than 100,000 last month alone. and quietly, they are scrambling to meet the moment. mobilizing fema to house and help process the exploding number of unaccompanied minors arriving at the border every day. that's right. fema, the agency we use to clean up after disasters like hurricanes and wildfires. biden wouldn't be sending fema to the border if there wasn't a disaster there as well. and it's not just families and unaccompanied minors being picked up at our borders. it's criminals as well. here is texas governor gregg abbott told me yesterday on sunday morning futures. >> first two and a half months of this year they made about 110,000 apprehensions including in those apprehensions are 800 criminal aliens, criminal aliens who have previously been arrested and exported from the united states. 78 sex offenders and 62 gang members, which include ms-13 gangs. >> maria: customs and border control is reporting that they arrested 22 fugitives. including some of them wanted for child sexual assault at the border just last week. and while it is a crisis for america, illegal immigration has become big business for organized crime. >> i was charged with going after the drug cartels. and i had a fundamental understanding then and i do now that the cartels know when to exploit the southern border. and they are doing it now masterfully. it's very organized. paying a lot of money per child to get them across. individuals they have on the watch list for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border. we need to wake up. >> maria: coyotes and cartels charging smuggling fees from anywhere between 1500 and $50,000. depending on the migrant's country of origin. and they are coming from all over. minority leader kevin mccarthy said today from the border it's people from iran, people from yemenand sri lanka. what does the biden administration do now own up to creating this developing disaster at the border and change its approach or dig in, continue to ignore it until the humanitarian crisis becomes a national security catastrophe? my next guest has a plan to fight biden's radical immigration policies and stand up for the rule of law. texas attorney general ken paxton is with me now. mr. attorney general, it's good to see you don't. thank you so much for being here. we now know that the dallas convention center is now being a house for 3,000 migrants, male migrants amid the border crisis and we know fema is there to help. have you seen any difference? any light at the end of the tunnel? >> no. as a matter of fact, i think i was on your show right after biden was sworn in and i predicted that we would have a crisis and that the spread of covid would occur that we would have more crime as governor abbott mentioned yesterday on your show. and now we have got 3,000 people in a convention center in dallas all packed in there. we don't know what their condition is or health status. is he about to issue national rules about wearing masks at work for citizens of this country. just doesn't make sense. >> maria: what is the capacity for these buildings that house these migrants? i'm being told that it is over run in some cases. it's expected to hold 200 people. they are up to more than 1,000 people crammed into one building. >> it does not surprise me. these are large buildings, are but, still, when you put 3,000 people into these buildings and i don't know how they have it allocated and potentially talking about bringing even more in as the crisis continues. it's surprising to me that the city of dallas agreed to do this but apparently there is money in it and they had no problem putting their citizens at risk. >> maria: i want to ask you about our border agents a.g. paxton because i spoke with one of my sources at the border and he said to me, maria, we are hearing rumors that in the next four years we are going to lose 5,000 agents to mandatory retirement. the biden administration has stated they will not be replaced. so we're talking about 14,000 agents nationwide to protect our borders, which sounds impossible. >> you know what? that's incredible. it's incredible that they are not replacing border agents especially as the number of people crossing the border is massively increasing. it does sound like a completely open border situation. and we can see the consequences right now. the effects on my state and those consequences are just going to get worse both from a crime standpoint, from a health standpoint and a cost standpoint. it's going to be a really bad crisis as we move on. >> maria: which is why you have filed suit against the administration for blowing off the law, coming in and reversing president trump's tough stance on this with executive orders. where are you on that? >> so, one is i'm really hoping other states will follow. i'm hoping other states will follow suit. join us or file your own. we need help in fighting this administration. we are waiting for our day in court. we have an injunction that supposedly stops them from not enforcing the law. but it doesn't seem to really matter, because they have created this narrative that anybody can come and they don't seem to be sending people back across like they are supposed to. so, i'm looking forward to our day in court to show exactly what they are doing and hopefully to stop this. >> maria: we also have information that not only are drugs and human smugglers coming across the border but code is covid iscoming across as well. what can you tell us about that and what do you want to see the biden administration do about it. >> this is the part i don't understand covid has been such a problem across our country. the biden administration has made a big deal out of it as they should. yet, you have got people coming across the border we don't know what their health status is. and we are finding a certain percentage of them do have covid and that's coming into our country. i really wish the very least at least stop the people that have covid from coming into our country. i think that, at a minimum, makes sense. >> maria: while you are suing the administration, twitter is suing you. saying you don't have any stance suing the administration. what do you make of that? >> well, this is crazy. look, we have asked twitter for basically answers, if they are going to operate in our state they have to answer. it's state law. despite that they have taken this to california to ask a california judge about texas law. it doesn't make any sense to me. but i guess i understand why they want to be in california because they don't want to answer questions in texas which they are ultimately, if they are going to operate here are going to have to answer those questions. >> maria: all right, a.g., great to see you don't. thanks very much. we will keep following it and putting a spotlight on it and thank you so much. >> thank you. >> maria: ken paxton joining us in texas. also here tonight is texas congressman troy. chief. you have on the frontlines of all of this as well. what can you tell us? >> good evening, maria, thank thanks for having me. we do have a crisis at our southern border. you are not going to get mr. biden or any of the democrats to nit it because i think they look at this as an opportunity which i will get into a little later there is a crisis our leader was down there today with other members of congress. you talk to the border patrol. they are thin in their numbers. they are trying to deal with this influx of migrant people coming to our southern border. being invited totally invited by this president. so, of course, we are going to have a problem. you're going to see all these migrant children being warehoused in these camps that are full to the gills right now. and the problem is going to continue to get worse as the days and the weeks and the months progress. he has got to reverse course. this is inhumane. inhumane. >> maria: i took the show to the border in april of 2019, congressman, and i was witnessing firsthand how children were crossing the border and they were alone. i spoke with a number of kids on that day in april of 2019. how has things changed. are you saying you have seen a direct 360 change ever since the biden administration overturned the trump policies? >> well, what i have seen is a county sheriff and will forth man county sheriff past 8 years. we have a human trafficking issue. it's an issue across our nation. when you start allowing all of these migrant children to enter our country, to be released to a sponsor or a caretaker, which we do very little vetting of, you are just adding -- i said that president biden is aiding and abetting in the crime of human trafficking by allowing these children to just be released into my state, texas and across this country, with very little vetting of the people that they are going to. but he is complicit in this. is he welcoming these children. it's not only dangerous to the migrant children that are coming across, it's dangerous to the american people. and as sheriff, i saw it firsthand. i lived it. i had to explain last year to a gentleman that lost his mother, 81 years old, that was killed by a migrant. he was from honduras. and what was interesting, when i talked to her son, in my office, i had to say to him i'm sorry what happened to your mother, but this individual from honduras, he has been deported six times. six times. enough is enough. >> maria: how is this putting our agents in harm's way? i just spoke with the a.g. about all of these retirements that they are expecting. that the biden administration may not replace as well we were hearing stories of one local congresswoman telling the agents not to carry their machine guns to the bridge because it's making the migrants feel uncomfortable. there is a drug war going on. are our agents in harm's way? >> it's very dangerous. you know, it's very dangerous for law enforcement because local and county and state law enforcement across this country have to deal with this. now the border patrol is having to deal with there. and their numbers, they are having a difficult time, and so they are having to deal with all these migrants coming to these checkpoints, what about all the different -- the individuals that are coming through that are undetected? those are the dangerous ones that we have to be careful because those are the drug traffickers, the human traffickers and those are the ones that we really need to be careful because when they start infiltrating our cities across our great country, it's going to be law enforcement's job to clean up the mess. but the point i'm making here, maria, and then i will finish, is i said earlier this is an opportunity. you don't have the democrat party, joe biden is not calling this a crisis. he calls this an opportunity. because the more migrants that come into this country and those that are already here, when they're talking about amnesty or a pathway to citizenship, what they will do is just trick these individuals, sprinkle them to all of these state, these swing states that are swing states, right are r., where we have that short, that thin margin and now all of a sudden they are going to be blue. they are going to be blue. >> maria: i understand. >> this is a power grab. there is about one party rule. and we have to stop it. it needs to stop today. >> maria: yeah. i understand what you are saying. we will be talking about their hr 1 voting law that they would like to see happen coming up in the program. congressman, it's good to catch up with you tonight. thank you, sir. we will see you soon. coming up, how president biden no stranger to inappropriate touching allegations himself is refusing to call on governor andrew cuomo to step down. yet he had no problem speaking out against justice kavanaugh. donald trump jr. will weigh in. he joins me next. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ be right back. with moderate to severe crohn's disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? 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if you have an accusation like these what is it now seven or eight? i have lost track there are so many coming out of the woodwork. all of them seem to be tied somehow to the new york democrat party, also, which leads me to believe that there is probably dozens more people that are just worried about reprisal affecting their, you know, job security, working in the democrat party going after the leader of new york's democrat party. but it's this sort of hypocrisy that goes on. it andrew cuomo were a republican governor, they would have perp walked him into a court how by now. beyond the sexual harassment allegations you have a few allegations now that seem to go much further than that, there was actually touching involved. that seems to be more like sexual assault to me. you then also have the added benefit of the fact that he lied about sending your grandmother into a nursing home to her death times a few thousand and then tried to cover that up. this guy was made a hero when he seems like he is maybe the biggest predator in american politics today. and yet that's what you get if you are a democrat. you can get away with it. no one is going to hold you accountable. the media will give you an emmy award while you are either sending nanna to her death or you are groping one of your staffers. that's what's going on here. and if this was done -- i'm in florida right now. if ron desantis did that as governor of florida, he would be in jail by the now. but andrew cuomo will likely get away with it. joe biden won't even comment on it. didn't stop joe biden from commenting on brett kavanaugh or any other republican that's been accused of these things. joe biden probably not the best person to talk about these things given his history of sniffing children, et cetera. but that's what it is. it's a double standard that we have to correct. it can not continue like this anymore. there should be equal justice under the law. right now there is only justice under the law if you are a republican. you get justice served upon you usually in a negative way. if you are a democrat, you get away with whatever you want. >> maria: and you have written about this because it's aided and abetted by social media in some regards who has taken a side on all of this. cancel culture is alive and well for some reason they have decided that andrew cuomo is expendable right now as the "wall street journal" wrote in its op-ed. take a step back for us, don, and tell us about the policies as you see it in this first 60 days of the biden administration. what strikes you most about all of the overturning of the trump policies whether it's immigration, whether it's this massive spending package, and we will be talking, coming up, about massive tax increases that are on the way. >> of course. i mean, i think it's probably the most disastrous first 60 days in the history of american politics. and certainly the presidency. is he trying to and will be able to say the border issue is donald trump's fault. we don't know how because the border wall was working. the numbers were going down. there wasn't sort of the drug trafficking. all of these stories, by the way, maria, you are hearing nothing about. the number of drugs coming across the border. will trafficking sex slave was caused by joe biden. when you say congratulations we won't be enforcing our laws. we will give you free healthcare. we will give you free education, what do you expect? they then say you, america, you must shut down your business, you must wear a mask. you must could this. but if you are infected with covid and come across the border immediately we will release you into american society. what could possibly go wrong? that's the pseudo science that's been driving the nonsense of this administration. >> maria: i know florida feels a lot different tonight where you are than new york and many other states, don, also a result of those policies. donald trump jr. great to see you don't. we will keep watching. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. >> maria: coming up next, we are digging in as president biden is planning the most massive tax increase since 1993. plus, the woke mob is now going after senator ron johnson. the senator is standing by live to respond exclusively next. ♪ usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa. so you're a small business, usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? 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that is being debated right now. it is very possible that u.s. companies and those making $400,000 or more a year will initially foot the bill for this stimulus. and, remember, only 10% of the plan is actually covid-related. but the tax writers may want to remember one basic fact, money is mobile and money will go where it is treated best. we see that over and over again. remember back in 2017 when president trump passed his tax cuts and jobs act which took tax rates down for every income level and brought the corporate rate down from president obama's 35% rate to 21%, which made the united states competitive with the rest of the world: almost immediately we watched companies increase spending on r and t and other expenditures. we saw businesses pick up hiring sending the unemployment rate down to a record 3.5% by the beginning of to 20. we saw the economy grow and the stock market rally for self years and in doing so, it lifted americans' wealth. we saw the opposite under president obama's 35% corporate rate that triggered a string of acquisitions from american companies of irish companies. the corporate rate in ireland under the obama administration was 9% in ireland. causing american companies to acquire companies in ireland, move their headquarters to ireland and enjoy that 9% rate instead of the 35% they were seeing at home. money is mobile. because people are mobile. why else would we now see droves of individuals moving out of new york and other high tax states and take their salaries with them to enjoy no state income tax in florida and texas? and a quick word about that capital gains tax. if you made money in stocks this past year, and i bet many of you did, you are going to share your earnings with the government. it's just a question of how much. i will ask you this: if you knew that you would be charged 20% by selling your stock in 2021 or almost 40% in 2022, when would you want to sell your portfolio? the answer is obvious. if everyone tries to beat a 2022 deadline, expect a massive stock market sell-off before the ink is even dry. we know the democrats love to use the tired phrases of pay your fair share and tax the rich. because these one liners seem to resonate with the populist. but the truth is the highest earners have been and continue to pay more than their fair share. the tax foundation says that the top 10% of earners pay 70% of all income tax. of course there are those companies that have been able to get around the tax all together by hiring leading tax attorneys and using every trick in the book to pay as little as possible, legally because they can afford to hire as many tax attorneys as they need. because money is mobile. the biden administration might want to lose the one liners and instead focus on america's bottom line. everyone knows whether you are the biggest of corporations or the smallest of households or the leading super power in the world if you want to get your financial house in order step one is stop digging the hole. stop overspending. stop jamming expensive provisions into an emergency spending package that has nothing to do with the emergency you claim to be dealing with. the biden administration has already made the mistake of reversing all of trump's immigration policies, simply because they were from president trump and like we have said for months, they created a crisis at our border. we have already seen the impact that bad policy has had on high tax states. the biden administration ought to learn from those mistakes and remember that money is mobile and hopefully think twice before causing an economic crisis as well. this tax increase will be another crisis of joe biden's making. democrats will have to own othis because, just like the 1.9 trillion-dollar spending package, they will try to pass this tax increase without a single republican vote. the question is, if we don't try to hold them accountable, will they even care? joining me right now to talk all about that is republican senator of wisconsin ron johnson. senator, it's great to see you don't. thank you so much for being here. what can you tell us about the spending and tax plans? >> well, first of all, you laid out the case against the tax increase quite well. money is mobile. one thing can i point out is you will very soon seen the fundamental difference between republicans and democrats when it comes to taxation. republicans believe that the hard earned money that you earn is yours and that, you know, we want to let you keep as much of it as possible. democrats, remember president obama famously saying you didn't build that they believe and they have faith in government and they really think it's government's money and they are pretty generous letting you keep any of it. that will be a fundamental difference. i hope that in any kind of tax reform we actually focus on tax simplification and tax rationalization but just as the disaster they have created at the border by reversing president trump's successful policies, they are probably -- they are bound and determined to do the same thing. they will start punishing success so they will get less of it. tax anything, you get less of it, and that could be a very sad fact of what happens when president biden raises taxes. >> maria: will you be able to stop any of this? will republicans be able to push back on this radical agenda? >> not if the democrat are bound and determined. they will use the second round of budget reconciliation the revenue portion of that and i'm sure they will be talking about a wealth tax. they will talk about as you said raise corporate tax to 28% he. again, money is mobile. it's funnellable and it can move around and it probably will. it may take a little while. as you point out, you raise the capital gains rate that dramatically people sell off stocks when there is pressure to sell you know what happens to prices that could be a disaster for the stock market. >> maria: what about hr 1 this voting law that they would like to materialize? can they use reconciliation for that? will you be able to stop that? >> no. and so pray for the health of senator manchin and senator sinema in that they also honor their promise not to do away with the filibuster. >> maria: so it's all about the filibuster. so far we have heard that senator marchen wants to keep that in place, right? >> right. and he has certainly convinced me in my private conversations with him. so, again, i hope he holds true to his promise because it would be a disaster to eliminate that 60-vote threshold. that's what we are talking about is enforcing massive piece of legislation not related to the budget that you have to have some kind of bipartisan cooperation. 60 votes. and today's senate was split 50/50. 10 republicans signing on. that's going to force compromise and bipartisan. that's not what president biden and democrats are focused on right now. >> maria: senator, let me ask you about your comments recently about that have caused you to get slammed by the woke mob. they are coming after you because of something you said about the rioters that you were not afraid because they were trump supporters. can you explain what you meant? >> well, first of all, i condemned and i wasn't talking about the people who actually stormed the capitol and assaulted police officers. i condemned that as i condemn, quite honestly, anybody that rioted in the summer leftist activists sparked riots as well. i was just talking about the vast majority of people that i know that are trump supporters that love law enforcement. support law enforcement would never even think of rioting or breaking the law. that's the vast majority of people that came here to washington, d.c. sure to protest legally. to say try to put pressure on people like knee vote the right way. but not to storm the capitol. not to riot. and so, again, it's completely been blown out of proportion. there was nothing racial in my comments whatsoever. the left is happy to use the race card whenever they can. this is about riots and rioters and leftist anarchist rioted 570 different cities caused $1.2 billion worth of damage. 25 people lost their lives. 700 law enforcement officers were assaulted and injured during those riots but the left wants to forget about those. apparently those were righteous riots. i'm trying to push back on their false narrative and they are attacking me for it. >> maria: by the way, we have talked about the result of that many times in terms of the 7-foot high fencing around the capitol and the barb wire. senator tommy tuberville it nancy pelosi providing black suvs to democrat congressman but not republicans. do you see any of this? what can you tell us about the security being put in place around the capitol right now? >> i haven't heard about that. but i have actually heard push back by democrats that are asking for these fences to come down that we're not aware of any unusual threats. unfortunately we live in a world where there are always certain threats in the background and you have to have good intelligence and flawmplet place. we don't need 8-foot high concertina wire tip dollars fences with 5,000 national guard troops here guarding the people's house. i think that's completely unnecessary. it's here for a reason try to reen40s point their narrative 74 million americans that voted for president trump are potentially domestic terrorists or potentially armed insurrectionists. that's the narrative they want. that's what i have been challenging and that's why they are attacking me. >> maria: the show must go on, senator. have you pushed back on this agenda and you are now being hunted yourself. senator ron johnson, we will keep following you. thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> have a great night. >> maria: coming up, how some ninth graders are being told they should join a special club to dismantle their own white fragility. the outrageousness coming out of our schools. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ feel the cool rush of claritin cool mint chewables. powerful 24-hour, non-drowsy, allergy relief plus an immediate cooling sensation for your throat. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. opportunities are all about timing. so if you're turning 65 or retiring soon, it's time to take advantage of a plan that gives you more for your medicare dollar: an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. call unitedhealthcare today to get $0 copays for all primary care doctor visits, $0 copays on preventive dental, and $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions. in 2019, members saved an average of $7,200 on prescriptions. you'll even get free annual eye exams, and free designer frames. don't miss your shot. if you're turning 65 or retiring soon, learn about our wide choice of plans, including ppo options, call unitedhealthcare today. we'll walk you through your choices and find the right plan for you. catching a good opportunity is all about timing. so, enroll today, before the moment slips away. it's time to take advantage. is someone trying to steal your butterfinger? 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>> i mean, of course, i think we should all actively. >> go ahead, christian. [laughter] christian tate. >> i'm sorry, we have similar names. >> maria: you are right. i'm sorry about that. go ahead christian walker, go ahead. >> i just think, you know, placing people into a box based on their skin color and telling them that they should feel guilty that's the exact behavior that we overcame after jim crow. we have moved past this as a country and it feels as though this is an effort to refuel ration tension. it's not a solution. >> maria: kristin tate, it feels to me that it's an assumption that all of these kids are racist before they utter a word out of their mouths about anything. >> exactly right. we should all be fighting racism wherever it exists but that's not the goal of critical race theory. cr. >> it is just this divisive world view that indoctrine united states students to believe that no matter what they succeed at or don't succeed at isn't because of how hard they worked but by the color of their skip. this is extremely demoralizing world view. especially for students of color who are being told that all of our institutions are biased and working against their own best interest. so parents need start fighting back against this and demanding that instead of busying themselves, pushing this left wing indoctrination, educators work on actually fixing basic education because in spite of record funding our schools are producing pathetic results. consider that in new york city 140 schools have at least one grade with a 90% state exam failure rate. it's pathetic and our students are being failed. >> maria: i think this is a really important point. christian walker the problem is we are teaching this kind of stuff and we are not teaching history. we are not teaching science. we are not, i mean, look at what kristin just pointed to in terms of performance of our schools. >> yes. it's being weaponized against our children and especially white kids right now. you know, teaching them that they are guilty for something that their an sis tores did. i know i have a lot of white friends whose ancestors weren't in the country during the time of slavery or jim crow. this is a dangerous thing for our children to be learning and it's especially sets a dangerous precedent moving forward for future generations. we should be teaching children that they are overcomers and victors. not victims to their skin color. >> maria: um-huh. what should be gone it at this point? i mean, we have got billions of dollars going to the schools right now in this latest package. spending package, kristin, and we're not even seeing all schools open. >> that's exactly right. well, parents are starting to wake up to what's going on. and they are increasingly pulling their kids out of the public schools. another thing that i think should be mentioned is that our largest geopolitical threat, which, of course, is china, is developing an entire generation of highly skilled students to make china the number one world power they have launched what they called a strong base plan which incentivizes elite students to study subjects that will allow china progress in its technology and science developments. how is the u.s. going to compete on the world stage when our educators are focused on this indoctrination that completely on secures what should be the point of an education. i mean, only 1/3 of u.s. eighth graders are proficient in math. an abysmal 15% of american high school students know basic history. we now have a generation of american students that have no idea when or why the country was founded and we cannot rely on a generation to defend our liberties and freedoms that they don't even understand those liberties and freedoms in the first place. >> maria: i'm glad you mentioned china because another angle on this is that it's not enough to just denounce the ccp and its behavior as bad, which we will be doing later on in the week. you have to also believe that the free world is superior. and how can you believe that the free world is superior when all you're talking about is systemic racism and how bad america is right now. final word, christian walk winterringer kristin made an excellent point and i can promise you kids in china are not study aring jirnd studies or how to hate while people. we should be teaching them subjects with the skills to fight for freemans moving forward. it will critical chris theory only continues to undermine it. >> maria: all right. we will live it there christian and kristin good to see you both. thank you so much. we will take a break. when we come back, steven miller is here with the very latest on the border crisis tonight. how democrats now claim they inherited a broken system. ignoring that there was no migrant surge until after president biden signed away the trump border policies. that's next. ♪ ♪ eader in hearing aids with over 70 years of experience. 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joining me stephen miller, trump advisor and speechwriter. always great to see you. john ratcliffe called this hr 1 bill legalizing cheating and you say? >> if a foreign country adopted the election rules, the democrats proposing hr 1 they would intervene and ask for international monitors and call it a corrupt election pier that is how radical this is pure they are nationalizing the election process, not for the purpose of verifying their identity and verifying eligibility, but to prevent states from engaging and common sense and five rog antifd measurements with voter i.d. my advice to republicans would be put this front and center. should we have a simple requirement to vote in this country that you demonstrate you are a resident of your state, citizen of your country, and you meet the legal requirements to vote. if we can't engage in fundamental security checks, we will continue to have unsecured and unverified elections. >> maria: they want mail in balloting to be the standard and that opens up the door to fraud. talk to us about whether republicans can, in fact stop this and can't the republicans overturn what has been a complete mess at the border? >> so it really comes down to whether or not joe manchin keeps his word to protect the filibuster. if joe manchin breaks his promise on the filibuster, then all bets are off, not on just he come on passing a radical amnesty proposal, on engaging in radical social projects, for example changing the definition of gender to rogue women sports. you go down the list one issue will be pushed to the pipeline. it all hangs on one democrat in west virginia. so it is a scary situation. >> maria: wow i want to talk about the border. listen to nancy pelosi talk about where this crisis started. here she is. >> what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that in the children's interest. so this, again a transition from what was wrong before. of course, we also have to look to central america, mexico and the rest, the corruption, its violence and all of that. >> maria: stephen, she is blaming the trump administration. >> i don't know where to begin. let me just say this. she talks about children's interest, the heartlessness of joe biden's immigration policies and nancy pelosi's immigration policies cannot possibly overstated. children are being abused, they are being sexually assaulted, they are being victimized by criminal cartels who make a large financial profit at their expense. all to be the big business demand in this country for cheap. so u.s. workers get hurt and migrant children get hurt all to pad the bottom lines of big businesses in america and cartels in foreign countries. it is shameless. it is morally depraved peer of the u.s. border right now because they dismantled trump's highly successful come unprecedentedly successful border measures, because they did that our border is the global epicenter of child smuggling. it is now the global epicenter of child trafficking. they are devaluing migrant life in a way that is truly reprehensible. whether you are a democrat, whether you are a republican, whether an independent, we should all take the stand together that we cannot allow migrant children to be traffic were smuggled in the western hemisphere, period. >> maria: just terrible stephen miller great to get your insights come of course, we will continue this conversation with you. thank you so much and thank you all for watching, "fox news primetime," i am maria bartiromo and i will be back at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night, "tucker carlson tonight" again right now. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." a year ago, just a year ago most americans understood that social distancing was a form of punishment. it's not good for man to be alone. that was one of the very first observations in the book that forms the basis of western civilization. and we have lived accordingly come apart from the death penalty, the harshest things we do to criminals in this country include separating them from other people. and we have chosen lethal injection over solitary confinement. that is how bad human beings need to be close to

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Civilization ,Human Beings ,Lethal Injection ,Solitary Confinement ,

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