announcing his retirement after 20 seasons in the nfl. "fox & friends first" starts right now. good morning, you are watching "fox & friends first" on this monday morning, i'm benjamin hall in for todd piro. jillian: i'm jillian mele. good to see you this morning. i don't think many people are surprised by the drew brees announcement. did you follow him. >> he's a name that is well-known over here, 15 years, 20 years in total. so yeah, only a few football names are well-known here and he is certainly one of them. jillian: that says a lot right there. let's begin with a fox news alert. a chicago police officer is not the face in a precinct parking lot. the 26 veteran of the department was grazed on the chin. he was later released from the hospital. no arrests have been made. detectives are looking into whether the sergeant was targeted. he is the 13th officer to be shot at or shot this year. today, a rendell gas station will descend upon the mexican border as an influx of illegal immigrants come into the united states. jillian: mark meredith is live in washington as the democrats place blame on the trump administration for what they say is him causing the crisis. >> reporter: later today, girl gop lawmakers will get a firsthand look at what's happening on the u.s. southern border, kevin mccarthy will lead the delegation to el paso, texas. republicans say the trip is necessary to expose what they've been calling a border crisis. the latest numbers show the number of migrant children in custody has tripled over the last few weeks. critics say the situation is only going to get worse in the weeks ahead. >> basically they're ignoring all of that and i think sending the signal that the border is open and anybody who wants to come to texas or the united states is free to do so. >> reporter: now, government data shows that there is a surge of unaccompanied minors reaching the u.s. with a 60% increase from january to february alone. now, president biden has yet to call it a crisis. over the weekend his administration announced that fema, the federal emergency management agency, will step in and for the next three months they will support efforts to process, house and transport unaccompanied minors. meantime, this week the house is expected to consider immigration reform legislation. as you know, it's far from a done deal. democrats insist this situation impacting border communities all ayou cross from california to texas is not unique to president biden. >> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. what the administration has inherited is a broken his testimony at the border and they are working to correct that. so this, again, is a transition from what was wrong before to what is right. >> reporter: republicans say this is more than a humanitarian challenge. they argue the surge in crossings is a national security matter and all americans should pay attention to it. >> the border patrol officers told me that the biden administration policies are enriching and empowering the drug cartels in mexico who make money off of the people that they assist in smuggling them into the state of texas. >> reporter: later today we expect to hear from president biden, not on immigration, but on the american rescue plan. but it's possible he'll answer questions about the border. we'll have to see what the day brings. back to you. jillian: mark, keep us updated. thank you. >> as democrats point the finger at the previous administration, senator bill cassidy says all the blame should go to the biden administration for the border surge. >> it is entirely, you can't help but notice that the administration changes and there's a surge. the fact they're sending fema tells us that the 170% they anticipate growing to 350% or even a higher number, they're sending fema as reinforcement, not for today, not for tomorrow, but for three weeks from you now. and what is clear, there can be no equivocation when sending a message to people who are thinking of joining a caravan. it those be our border is closed. you can't say in spanish one thing and in english another, one for the consumption of those in central america and the other for he domestic consumption. it those be the same message. they're not doing that. >> coming up, we'll ask congressman richard hudson to share his thoughts on the border blame game. jillian: house speaker nancy pelosi dismissing republican criticism that the he covid relief package was a blue state bailout. >> i totally disagree. the fact is, it is strongly bipartisan across the country. it's only in the congress of the united states where the republicans have refused to meet the needs of the american people. you can be sure that all of their states and communities will be benefiting from this and they won't be complaining about it back home. jillian: president biden is holding an event on the package today at the white house and will head to pennsylvania and georgia later this week to tout it. vice president kamala harris will do the same in nevada and colorado. president joe biden finally speaking out on new york governor andrew como, this comes as -- andrew cuomo, this calls as many are calling for his resignation or impeachment. jillian: we have the latest. >> reporter: president biden making his first comments on the growing scandal surrounding governor cuomo. biden a long-time cuomo acquaintance talked to reporters after several huge players in the democratic party have called for cuomo to resign. seven women have come forward with allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. but biden stopped short of joining the calls for resignation. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is under way and we should see what it brings us. >> reporter: meanwhile, cuomo remained defiant, saying he won't bow to, quote, cancel culture n the face of the growing number of allegations. despite 90% of new york's congressional delegation asking for the governor's resignation or impeachment, house speaker nancy pelosi is also holding out on making a judgment. >> zero tolerance for sexual harassment, people have to look inside themselves and say -- and governor cuomo also, are they -- how effective is their leadership in leading the state under the circumstances. >> reporter: the new york attorney general is currently investigating the allegations. but making matters worse for the governor, reports that his long-time advisor, larry schwartz, known as new york's vaccine czar, reached out to county executives to gauge whether they would continue of to wait for the results of the probe into the governor before coming up with any conclusions, prompting some to worry whether their he response would impact the vaccine supply to their county. schwartz saying, quote, i did nothing wrong. i have always conducted myself in a matter commensurate to a high ethical standard. nobody indicated they were uncomfortable or they did not want to talk to me. for his part, the governor has also said he did not do anything intentionally wrong and that he would fully cooperate with the investigation. keep in mind, he is also under investigation for allegedly under-counting covid-19 nursing home deaths. jillian and ben, back to you. anita, thank you very much. certainly the pressure growing on governor cuomo and quite a few different scandals at the same time. jillian: let's talk about extreme weather. a record shattering winter storm crippled the western plains with up to four feet of snow. in colorado good samaritans helped stranded drivers. the denver airport remains closed. 2,000 flights were canceled. in cheyenne, wyoming, the national weather service showed these before and after photos of the pileup of snow. some areas could see up to 50 inches. >> to march madness, gone. gonzaga iscrowned the number onl seed, entering the tournament undefeated. the bracket was unveiled yesterday. the other top seeds are baylor, illinois and michigan. duke and kentucky missing the dance for the first time since 1976. jillian: nfl quarterback drew brees makes an important announcement with the help of his kids. watch this. >> after 20 years with the nfl, our daddies finally going to retire so he can spend more time with us. yeah! jillian: that was so cute. the news coming 15 years to the day he signed with the new orleans saints, and what a career he has had. you look at those four adorable faces, benjamin, you're a father, you can appreciate that he says it's time to hang it up, time to spend time with my kids. >> he says his true life's work is still ahead of him. wait to see what hes does, no doubt it will be for good causes and with a beautiful family to boot. the grammy's starting the show on a political note. >> this will be the biggest outdoor event this year besides the storming of the capitol. >> there's more tension in the tent than at a family reunion at buckingham palace. .jillian: beyonce made history as the most decorated woman in grammy history with with a total of 28 wins. >> this is sew overwhelming. i've been working my whole life, since 9 years old. i can't believe this happened in such a magical night. jillian: miranda lambert brought home the trophy for best country album and taylor swift won artist of the year. still to come, fema usually handles national disasters, now they've been called to the border to help care for migrant children. our next guest, a former immigration judge, says biden's promises are encouraging families and kids to make the risky journey. he's live next to explain. >> plus, 102 years young and still going strong, the fran any who has -- granny who is taking the internet by storm after joining an online gym class. ♪ >> an agency that's called the federal emergency management somehow doesn't have the word emergency when it's used for a crisis. by definition, if you call in fema, you have an emergency which is another name for crisis. >> california congressman darrell issa calling out the biden administration as dhs orders fema to help with the surge of unaccompanied migrant children. jillian: this comes after a texas detention facility reports to being filled to over 700% capacity. here to discuss is former federal immigration judge, andrew arthur. thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. jillian: let's pull up numbers here. 9,457, that is the number for unaccompanied minors at the southern border for february of 2021, up 61% versus january of 2021. those numbers are as a whole, that last number you see on your screen, 729 capacity, that's specifically at the donna, texas facility so with those numbers in mind, how needed is fee malld what will they be doing. >> fema is absolutely needed. it's important to understand that when children come to the border illegally, they're apprehended by border control and they're handed over to the department of health and human services within 72 hours. sometimes they can don't that when hhs is at capacity as indicated. so those individuals, those minors have to stay in border patrol custody longer. border patrol doesn't have the ability to care for the children, to feed them, to watch over them. so what happens is agents are getting pulled off the line so they can feed children and take care of children and in this particular instance, fema is going to help take care of the children. they're going to help out border patrol in caring for those children, make sure they get safely in hhs custody so they can be cared for. but the fact is that the mass number of children that we've seen this year is just overwhelming dhs' capacity. >> you have said these facilities, the infrastructure on the border is underprepared. it was built to take care of fewer people. what needs to happen at the border? does new infrastructure need to be made? president biden removed the remain in mexico policy. doesn't the administration have to build bigger facilities to move forward? >> that would be a band-aid, definitely something those be done. the facilities were built in the '80s and '90s, back when it was for single males from mexico. now it's children and family units. so new facilities that can help accommodate that, absolutely necessary. bipartisan committee called for that, bipartisan panel called for that back in april of 2019, called on congress to provide money for that. they never did. that's a problem. more importantly, congress needs to change laws. there are loopholes in the law that's are exploited by people, by smugglerring brings migrants -- smugglers bringing migrants to the united states. congress can address those laws. the biden administration isn't even talking about those laws, unlike two years ago when the dhs secretary found herself in the same position, she called on congress. the biden administration needs to recognize the problem. new infrastructure will help but it's not going to answer the problem. jillian: andrew arthur, thank you very much for joining us and for your insight. we appreciate your time. have a good day. >> thank you so much. jillian: after the break we've been profiling businesses across the country that are struggling to survive the pandemic. this time, todd piro went to visit some of the main street shop owners we met during the last year. >> there were times when we were down 75, almost 80%. we didn't know what was going oo happen. jillian: they reflect on the last year and bring us an update. that's next. for nearly a decade, comcast has been helping students get ready. we've connected 4 million low-income students to low- cost, high-speed xfinity internet. we're working with hundreds of school districts across the country to sponsor free internet and laptops. and parents are seeing an impact. and now we're turning 1,000 community centers into lift zones - wifi enabled safe spaces to study. so more students can be ready for anything. i'm trying to do some homework here. ben: it's been a year since the coronavirus forced our nation's restaurant owners to put their livelihoods on pause as shutdown measures swept across the country. jillian: todd piro made a visit to some of the owners who joined "fox & friends first" at the beginning of the pandemic to see what this unprecedented year has taught them and where they are right glow the date for this is up in the air, so we're just hoping everyone can pull together. >> restaurants are a very important ingredient in the life of new york. >> we spoke with you at the beginning of the pandemic, now hopefully knock on wood we're toward the end here. walk us through what the last year of your life has been like. >> well, that's a wonderful question. because it's like a roller coaster. >> there were times when we were down 75, almost 80%. we were worried. we didn't know what was going to happen. i have four kids. we have a whole family. we wanted to make sure we could financially support the family and the business. >> my wife and i had my son. that's been the glowing part of the year n an otherwise kind of gloomy year. there were moments where you're close to breaking down. i remember when we first reopened here, we had absolutely no staff. so i was here at 6:00 a.m., doing prep up here and then i would go downstairs and make pasta and after like hour 16, you know, it got rough. >> how are your employees doing? >> it's been really hard. as a small business owner, obviously it really hurts when you lay people off, it really hurts that you tear apart the team that you built to create a successful business model. i'm excite todd be able to -- excited to be able to hopefully start hiring people back and getting back to whatever the next normal is. >> the worst thing for me is when you have to fire somebody. >> did you have to lay anybody off? >> we have not laid anybody off which is something i'm proud of. everything we had in savings -- i may never retire, but at least all my people are here with me. >> necessity is the mother of invention. this is definitely a time when business owners like yourself had to get creative. what did you do to survive. >> we tried delivery service, stayed open later, new products. >> i try every day to do the right thing. the margins are very low. >> i was going through any idea that i ever had that could help us to diversify. we created a couple things. one of them is our small batch cocktail company. we linked up with local distilleries. >> you're in the business of providing food. so is a supermarket and big box stores. you were shut more or less. they were not. how frustrating was that? >> i don't understand you how they were allowed to be open and we couldn't be open. for us, it made no sense. they had so many more people going in there. we are just a big a necessity for people in the area as some of the big box stores. >> it was 50% capacity. and here it was no business. it doesn't make any sense. >> politicians want to say go out and support your small local businesses but i don't know if they fully grasp how a restaurant operates. >> when do you think you're going to be able to sit back and take a deep breath and say i can breathe again? >> it's like starting the clock over again. it's going to take two, three years. i'm always one where i want to pick myself up by my boot straps and keep working. i think most of the people in the industry are like that. >> i feel like it's getting a little better right now. i think people are optimistic that things might be coming to an end and opening up again. >> one day at a time. one day at a time. we need to be optimistic and i love the american saying, the best is yet to come. jillian: gosh, they have been through so much. the restaurant closures since the start of the pandemic in new york, as you can see, more than 8300 have closed, in connecticut, more than 600. a lot of the restaurant owners have put their life savings and everything into this to try to keep their doors open and i imagine it's a similar situation where you are across the country. ben: it is, as lieutenantly. you see -- absolutely. you see every restaurant try to pivot and offer take-away. i was amazed by the man who said he spent his retirement because he didn't want to fire anyone. those stories so such resilience and loyalty to your employees. i'm really impressed. it's amazing to see todd on the screen even though he's on paternity leave. jillian: i know. great job on that story. still to come, more protesters in portland overnight, after days of riots in the city. how the feds are taking precautions. ben: with each new revelation in the scandal surrounding new york governor andrew cuomo, more states and federal lawmakers are demanding he resign or be impeached. two of those joining the call join us, next. ben: overnight, secretary of state antony blinken and lloyd austin traveled to australia. jillian: trey yingst has more on the trip. >> reporter: good morning. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin arrived today in asia for a multi-day trip. the first cabinet level travel for the biden administration will consist of visits to both japan and south korea. the pair is expected to hold meetings with officials from the key u.s. allies regarding threats from china and north korea. the new administration has tried to make contact with north korea since mid-february through traditional channels. there have been no reported back and forth communications. on china, the biden team pledged to hold the chinese accountable for human rights abuses. in a new washington post op-ed, the u.s. officials wrote, quote, our alliances are what our military calls force multipliers, we're rave to -- ao achieve far more with them than we can without them. late last week, president biden participated in a virtual summit with leaders from india, japan and australia. the commander in chief said the event went very well but didn't release further at the details on possible other foreign policy developments. after he wraps up in asia, secretary blinken will be heading to alaska. he'll be joined by national security advisor jake sullivan for a meeting for the first time with chinese officials. benjamin, jillian. ben: trey, thank you. it seems easy to talk tough against china but a different thing to bring in tough policies so we'll see whether or not the biden administration can do that. jillian: that is true. thank you. now let's go to this. president biden finally breaking his silence on the allegations against new york governor andrew cuomo. take a listen. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us. jillian: meanwhile, as the governor denies the allegations and refuses to step down, more than 160 lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are calling for his resignation or impeachment including our next guests. new york state assemblyman, angelo santa barbara and thomas o. o'mara join us live. you heard what the president had to say about this. do you think that was enough? we haven't heard from the vice president. >> i think what we're seeing is they're calling on the governor's resignation, in addition to what we're seeing at the state capitol, we're seeing more and more lawmakers step forward to say that this governor just cannot effectively do this job anymore, the scandals that surround him are distracting him. he's in crisis mode, he's in response mode and the biggest fear is we have an upcoming budget and as we can see already he's using his time to try to shore up support. we're seeing him make phone calls, see him try to discredit his accusers, the latest report i saw yesterday where he's using our vaccine distribution, we saw you the person that is in charge of our vaccine distribution make phone calls to county executives to try and shore up support. that is really insulting and disturbing to the new yorkers that have been waiting for vaccines for weeks and weeks, on waiting lists and we're seeing that person that's in charge making phone calls on behalf of the governor to try and shore up support. this is just more of the same pattern of behavior, more abuse of power and no doubt that he will continue to do this as long as he remains in office. he will continue to go into budget negotiations, i believe the same will happen. he will use that budget process to further manipulate and control and try and shore up support. i think this legislature really needs to move expeditiously to he remove him from office as soon as possible. jillian: those are some pretty fighting words there, from you being a democrat, if i may. state senator o'mara, what do you think of what he just had to say? >> well, i can't say it much better than angelo just said it. you know, and there are -- you make a point that he's a democrat but there are many democrats. every republican in the state legislature is calling for this but there are more democrats calling for the governor to step down than there are republicans at this point. i don't make much about the president not having anything really to weigh in on this, but both u.s. senators from new york, all but one or two of the congressional delegation from new york state has called for resignation and so many in the state legislature and the governor continues with his bullying, his threatening, his intimidation and his coverup and lying. the governor has repeatedly lied to the legislature throughout this pandemic, particularly in regard to nursing homes and the 15,000 deaths there. everybody's focused on the sexual harassment allegations which are bombastic and worthy in and of themselves of his resignation and/or impeachment. the nursing home scandal is 15,000 individuals and their families that were impacted by this and the governor's lied to the legislature and the federal government. jillian: we've been talking about this for as long as it's been going on, for almost a year now. our meteorologist, janice dean, lost both of her in-laws to covid in facilities. i want to go back to you, assemblyman santa barbara. what was the breaking point where you styeded he can't be fit to do this jock while all of the scandals are going -- job while all of the scandals are going on. >> there's a pattern of abuse of power. it's on display right now. the governor is exposed for who he is, he's created a toxic environment in the executive chamber. i've been on the receiving end of some of the phone calls from his staff, when i disagreed with him on policy, just last year. seeing my colleague ron kim being threatened like they that, i understood what was going on. that's the way he does things. jillian: were you ever threatened? you said you were on the receiving end of the call, what was that like? >> it's a scary thing. you don't know what to do. it's coming from the governor's staff, that they're not -- don't like what you're doing or don't like what you're saying, essentially trying to silence you and having been through something like that, when i heard about what was happening to ron kim, i knew exactly what was happening because it had happened to a number of other legislator that probably don't want to speak up about it because they're concerned with the governor's style of doing things, the governor's bullying. it's something that's a long pattern, a long history. everybody at the capitol knows that this governor has a pattern of threatening and bullying, controlling and manipulating, he's not interested in being in a he co-equal branch of government. he doesn't like to be told what to do. he doesn't like oversight. we saw that with the nursing home information. we asked for that information. he withheld that information, refused to give it to us. he could have gave it to us last summer because that's when he had the information. but they chose not to. then they chose to -- he pushed health department officials to change those documents, public documents, as the senator said. these are things that are all impeachable offenses. these are things that we can move forward on and as long as he remains in office, the longer there is distraction, there's chaos at the capitol, at a time when we need to move this state forward. we're recovering from covid. we need to get federal dollars to our communities. the governor is not allowing that to happen. he's interested in staying in power to try to redeem himself. jillian: there's a lot of work to be done. thank you very much. state senator o'mara, i owe you a he question. i promise next time you're on we'll get it from you. >> have a great day. ben: thousands of migrants and drugs are crossing into the u.s. amid the border crisis. griff jenkins is live in texas with more. >> reporter: there in the distance, beyond the levy, the rio grande river where all day long migrants illegally crossing the river and needing to make it across this valley. here we see a pile of ladders outside of this residents, the migrants having used those ladders to try and scale the levy wall here so that they can get into the outer community and go wherever they want to go but you can see here, broken ladders where migrants have attempted to come across and a backpack that wasn't here yesterday, when we were here. we spoke to one of the residents who lives just beyond the ladders. here is what he had to say. >> they have to do something about it because it's like they opened up the flood gates. i don't want to talk bad about the guy but it's really ridiculous. i mean, this is not holding them back. >> the other part of the equation, the drugs, the dea making a massive drug bust this past thursday, seizing 308 pounds of marijuana, methamphetamines and cocaine. richard sanchez gave us a tour of seized drugs and having this to say. >> cartels are not going to stop. we're not going to stop either. we're here and we're not going away. we'll continue to do our job. >> they said in the span of the past four days, they've seized more than 1800 pounds of narcotics. bottom line, both officials and residents say they want the politicians in washington to come together to find solutions to stop the flow of both people and drugs. in mission, texas, griff jenkins, fox news. ben: griff, thank you. still to come, a backlash as dr. fauci backtracks yet again on a key covid restriction. fauci's latest reversal and the questions it's raising about the science behind it. jillian: welcome back. for the last year we heard the same guidance over and over again, standing six feet apart will help reduce the spread of covid-19. ben: but now dr. anthony fauci is suggesting we could only need half of that space. carley shimkus with fox news headlines 24/7, sirius xm 115 is here to explain. carley: this is a big deal. a new study found no significant difference in coronavirus spreading from six feet of physical distance versus three feet of physical distances. dr. anthony fauci was asked about this study yesterday. take a listen to how he responded. >> studies suggest that three feet is good enough. >> it does indeed -- and that's exactly the point i'm making, chuck, what the cdc wants to do is they want to accumulate data and when the data shows that there is an ability to be three feet n will act accordingly. carley: this is a big deal for schools, businesses, our everyday life. dr. anthony fauci says expect to have some updated guidance on this front pretty soon. but because of these ever-changing rules, some people are mad. they feel misled, like buck sexton, he said oh, you thought six feet of social distancing was some fancy, super scientific thing they came up with after years of real world testing. think again. another twitter user says just grasping at straws now, live your life, people. and that's really the thing here when its comes to the ever-changing ruse, like i -- rules, like i said, or too strict guidelines that have to be changed as people lose faith in the cdc. and that's not a good place you want to be in. jillian: no, it's not. the former president shares his thoughts on the meghan markle interview. carley: jason miller, he was on with steve bannon on his podcast recently. he revealed how the former president feels about meghan markle. take a listen. >> talking to the president this morning, he goes yeah, she's no good, and now everybody's seeing it. but you realize, if you say anything about negative about meghan market, you get canceled. look at piers. carley: this is not the first time the former president spoke about meghan markle. in 2016, he criticized her after she revealed she would be voting for hillary clinton. there's a new public opinion poll from britain. 58% view meghan markle negatively. people are divided on this front. looks like some folks have more sympathy for prince harry. jillian: i don't get into it at all. sorry. ben: honestly, i don't think that interview went the way they hoped, at least not over here. but maybe it was the u.s. who was their target audience, rather than the u.k. jillian: i think people are divided over here too. ben: really? wow. carley, let's get to a heart warming story. we were looking at this earlier. give us the latest on this 102-year-old woman. carley: a 102-year-old woman who joined her great grandson's virtual -- gym class, this take took place the first time in over a year that she was able to visit with family. if you guys need inspiration to go to the gym, look no further than this footage which is going viral on social media today. [laughter] jillian: i started to say, at 102, she has better moves than probably all of us. ben: i was going to say -- jillian: and her great grandson, not that bad either. ben: thanks, carl each still to come, covid restrictions in los angeles county are being relaxed as hospitalizations drop but is it too late for businesses limited for months. a restaurant franchise owner who fought to keep their doors open at all costs joins you live to sound off, coming up next. ♪ if start me up -- when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. (laughing) (trumpet playing) someone behind me, come on. pick that up, pick that up, right there, right there. as long as you keep making the internet an amazing place to be, we'll keep bringing you a faster, more secure, and more amazing internet. xfinity. the future of awesome. jillian: good morning. welcome back. dozens of protesters returned for demonstrations outside the i.c.e. building in portland, oregon overnight. non-scalable fencing is back up outside the federal courthouse after protesters recently set fires and broke windows. in los angeles police are calling violent protests marking the one year anniversary of breonna taylor's death unacceptable as three officers are injured. benjamin. ben: meanwhile, california has met its goal to give 2 million covid-19 vaccine doses to residents in its hardest hit areas. now, today, los angeles county will lift some of their restrictions allowing gyms to reopen and indoor dining at 25% capacity. that news couldn't come sooner for many restaurant owners including our next guest, the owner of a restaurant in los angeles and she joins us now. thank you, mow neon, for joining -- monique for joining us. talk us through what the last year has been like for you, how you coped during did lockdown. >> good morning. thank you for having us, representing all the restaurants who survived through the hard timings. times. we made it. we are having our best year and then the coronavirus hit us. our sales went to barely 4,000 to 400, 10%, we got desperate but we decided to fight and keep our doors open at any cost. so the day that we've been waiting for is finally here. i can't wait. it's monday. ben: good. it is finally here. and that is thanks in part to the fact that los angeles has been able to lift some of its couped restrictions. it has finally hit the number of vaccines that it needed to do so, 2 million in high need communities. let me just read through some of the restriction that's will be lifted. restaurants for example can open of indoors at 25%. gyms, fitness centers, yoga and dance studios can open of indoors at 10% capacity but with masks required. museums, zoos, aquariums can open at 25% capacity. movie theaters 2-rbgs -- 25%, private gatherings can happen indoors with up to three separate households. how have you prepared for the reopening, how are you going to make your restaurants, your franchises safe for percent coming into them -- customers coming into them. >> we have a long way to go. we had a lot of time to learn the new guidelines. we are paying attention every single detail, cleaning supplies, sanitation, disposable utensiles, touchless payment options, no touch trash cans, every detail is being taken care of and we have to work in groups, not just the restaurants but also the customers. we have a long way to go but i guess we are ready to do that right so we don't have to lose the fight. ben: thank you so much. i'm afraid we have to leave it there. i imagine all those things you had to bring in cost you money as well. we wish you the best. i hope everyone will come in on monday. thank you for joining us, monique. >> thank you so much. have a great day. ben: to you too. jillian: coming up in the next hour, energy and pipeline workers are waiting for the good paying union jobs they were promised two months after the day one cancellation of the keystone pipeline. a congressman and laid off pipeline worker join live on that. we have dr. marc siegel, brian kilmeade and mark hudson all live in the next hour. ♪ so you want to make the best burger ever? then make it! that means cooking day and night until you get... (ding)... you got paid! that means... best burger ever. intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. ben: it is monday, march 15th. democrats are rushing to president biden's defense by blaming the unprecedented migrant surge on the trump administration. >> the administration has inherited a broken system at the border and they are working to correct that. ben: we are live in washington as a group of republicans heads to border for answers. jillian: the president breaking his silence on governor andrew cuomo's scandal, we're live with a report. ben: and bye-bye drew brees, the legendary saints quarterback

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