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families of seniors who died of covid-19 in nursing homes. a letter from a group called voices of seniors saying "it is clear that you put your own political reputation and personal profit above the well-being of our most vulnerable family members. the cuomo administration has denied any wrongdoing. same goes for the michigan governorship of gretchen whitmer who tells an nbc reporter she's proud how the state handled the pandemic, but the nbc report goes on that covid positive patients were placed as "fox news @ night"'s negative patients. did end that practice after the first six month of the pandemic. the reporter claims "whitmer's policy compares from new york cuomo, instead whitmer incentivize the process by taking homes to take patients who contracted covid-19. where defends what you said by saying that there was a national strategy. the quarantines will continue plus facts are that nearly half of debts were happening in nursing homes. and as for former president trump, march 16th of last year, ordered a 15 day national lockdown to slow the spread which he later extended through april. wall street journalists pining, that mr. trump's mistake was putting much too much faith in their lockdown models. we will be paying for the lockdown excesses and generation spirit welcome to "fox news @ night," i'm shannon bream in washington. we begin with kevin corke and the new guidance from the president. good evening, kevin. >> mr. biden making all adults eligible by may 1st. that's the most notable headline from his first prime time address to the nation tonight. he says he returns delma expects life to return close to normal by the fourth of july holiday and he lauded his ministrations effort to combat the pandemic. >> two months ago, this country didn't merely have enough vaccine supplies to vaccinate all of the american public. but soon we will. because now all the work we've done, we have enough vaccine supplier for all adults in america by the end of may. >> biden ordering states to prioritize different groups. this frankly, shannon, underscores the ministrations competence that, yes, there will be enough vaccine for everyone. >> all adult americans will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than may 1. that's much earlier than expected. let me be clear: that doesn't mean everyone will have the shot immediately but it means you may be able to get in line beginning may 1. >> also today mr. biden signed the $1.9 trillion covid relief package into law, one of the largest in american history on the straight party line vote. some stimulus payments have to be delivered as soon as this weekend. so what is in it? most people earning up to $75,000 a year it will get a $1400 stimulus check. it also extends $300 weekly unemployment benefits my a boon for people who have been unemployed. here are some of the big numbers. $350 billion for state and local governments, $160 billion for vaccine related needs, and nearly 130 billion to reopen schools and and colleges for thepork in theo critics, depends on your perspective but a lot of money is still back. 86 billion to rescue pension plans, 35 billion to help subsidize obamacare premiums, 3.5 billion for food assistance, that used to be food stamps. so the massive amount of spending associate with the built not to be 26 related has generated a great deal of animus on capitol hill and on that matter around the country. as expected to embark on a cross-country to war to the rescue plan to voters including the keystone state of pennsylvania. the president expected to deliver the same message out west in the days ahead. shannon? >> shannon: kevin corke on the scene tonight for us in washington, thank you. >> you bet. >> shannon: breaking tonight, secretary of state toby lincoln saying he's externally disappointed in taking the extraordinary steps of directly calling out a specific state, california, for convicted assassin harry sicilian long-standingposition of the une who assassinate governments receive the maximum sentence possible and they serve those sentences without parole or early relief. convicted of the 1982 murder of the turkish consul general to los angeles. the crisis on the southern border continues to worsen, the blame game is underway. breaking tonight, mexico's president is blaming the biden administration for the massive influx of illegal immigration into the u.s. chief breaking news corresponded trace gallagher has the story for us tonight. >> let's begin with the numbers. february of this year, there were more than 100,000 apprehensions on the u.s.-mexico border, that's 174% increase from last february. and over all, those are the worst numbers since 2019. the number of and accompanied minors is also at record levels where children are being held longer than the 72 hour maximum, but the outrage over kids in cages faded when president trump left office. remember, all of these people got to the u.s. through mexico which is the reason why mexican president andres manuel lopez obrador said this about president biden, "they see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they are going to reach the united states." they feel that way, the u.s. is not only welcoming migration incentivizing it. for example, here is fox's griff jenkins were construction was stopped at former president trump's border wall and experts say there is a perception that the wall has stopped and now the doors open. certainly the gangs and cartels who specialize in human smuggling or working every angle. one mexican reporters said organized crime and change their modus operandi from "the day biden took office." that m.o. includes briefing, using technology to evade u.s. authorities, even disguising as travel agencies. even biden at me knowledge is the admin attrition policy may have driven the surge. watch. >> the idea that a more humane policy would be in place may have driven people to make that decision, but perhaps more importantly, it definitely drove smugglers to express disinformation about what was now possible. >> she also said later in spanish, "the border is not open." could have fooled several hundred border patrol agents who have now been overwhelmed by more than a month and it's worth noting that peak migration season doesn't really kick in until april or mid-may. shannon? and the reason this happened, shannon, you go back and look at this thing, it goes on forever. go back to 2019 and there were 104,000 at the peak season. talked about mei being peak season and 100,000 migrants then and that was a record. we are very near that record now. it's nowhere near peak season. we'll continue covering this plus more breaking news coming up. shannon bream after the break. k. and trulicity activates my body to release it. once-weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. most people taking it reached an a1c under 7%. trulicity may also help you lose up to 10 pounds and lower your risk of cardiovascular events, whether you know you're at risk or not. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so dad bought puffs plus lotion, and rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion puffs bring soothing softness and relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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>> lauren green live for us in new york. thank you so much. tensions elevated in minneapolis tonight as jury selection in the murder trial of former police officer der chauvin continues. with a militant style group laying claim to the militant zone in the blocks surrounding where floyd died britt mike tobin's live in the ground in minneapolis and has the latest for us tonight. good evening, mike. >> good evening, shannon paired the police chief announced to go arrest in shooting death at george floyd square but that invest edition has problems. a police source tells me when officers responded to that shooting location, they were met at the edge of george floyd square by a crowd, outnumbered at five to one pier the crowd didn't let them in there for the shooting scene did not get the kind of investigation that you would expect in a murder case. to improve your shootings at george floyd square, a lot of the physical evidence like shell casings are snatched up by the crowd before police can respond. the low location we are talking about is 4 miles south from the center of town. the mayor and police chief are reluctant to call the place in a time is owned by the need to get in control in up in the streets again for that gets tricky. the mayor says the square needs to remain a reverent place were george floyd is remembered, yet it is a spot that attracts violence almost every night. >> if there is anyone who is over in that space who is saying that that is truly about uplifting the intersection in his name but yet the violence is continuing, the homicides are continuing, i would disagree vehemently with that position. >> chris kelly is lucky to be alive after the gunfire rattled his car with bullets with him in it. he said gangs take over the intersection every night and cops don't go in. >> it's the gangs and the other people shooting at the gangs. it's a gang battle between gang members so they come by and they chew in with people inside shoe outcome of the ones shooting out are hitting our houses and cars. >> are you afraid you're going to get killed? >> it's the back of my mind but i try not to think about it. >> across the city we found people who say it's time to reopen the intersection. >> the streets do need to open up again. but that's not to say that we shouldn't have may be a park or a certain area nearby for the monument to go. >> not to diminish the importance of what happened and the effect it's had on the entire city, but i do believe it should be reopened. >> one of the potential jurors in the derek chauvin trial and posted on social media that was sacred ground for he was dismissed as a juror. shannon, back to you. >> that's how it works when they make those decisions. thank you for all the reporting on the ground. good to have you. >> you bet. >> shannon: after two months of razor wire surrounding the u.s. capitol complex, a bipartisan group of neighbors on capitol hill is pushing to demilitarized the area. the don't fence the capital momentum movement is gaining momentum. >> though the acting chief of the u.s. capitol police has said there is apparently an imminent threat to the capitol by unspecified militia groups... >> they want to blow up the capitol and kill as member many membersas possible with ths to the state of the union... >> which hasn't been scheduled yet. local patients running thin with 4 miles of fencing with razor wire surrounding the capital. >> we have a group of neighbors on capitol hill who are disappointed in an ongoing basis. >> washington's capitol hill neighborhood has about 63,000 registered democrats to just roughly over 8,000 republicans. but there is a movement afoot to take down saying don't fence the capital as the organizer tells us there may be threats, but there must be another way to handle them without casting a militarized shadow over the city. >> we understand the need for heightened security from time to time but we don't know whether they are threats, this is a beautiful, thriving community in a neighborhood. not sure there are threats which would be helpful as we go along our lives as much as possible. cherry blossoms ready to bloom, beautiful 67-degree weather. >> the mixed messages coming inside from the razor wire perimeter are not helping while the acting police chief says there is a threat to blow up the capital, the democratic chairman and a republican ranking member of the house foreign service committee now agree that "the present security posture is not warranted at the time. delma." >> back to the hundreds of years where the capital is open were the grounds are free and available and they are designed to be by the architecture design. >> the barb wire has come over the capitol and traffic is being adjusted for better traffic flow according >> and if i police. >> shannon: president biden putting a time frame when he thinks there's a good chance the government can allow for small groups to gather outdoors. july 4th. and there are many of caveats. for a reaction to the president's first prime time address to the nation. great to have you both with us tonight. >> thanks, shannon. great to be with you. >> shannon: miranda, let's start there appear july 4th, maybe you can get together with a small group. but shots will be available to everyone who wants them by may 1st. are we to be that we are going to get our lives back, or no? >> i think joe biden's address tonight, the tone was completely off. today in new york, it was a beautiful day, same across a lot of the northeast and spring has sprung all over the country and people are starting to feel for the first time in a long time optimistic. you can just tell the happiness on the streets and people are not going crazy, they are still wearing masks, but they do not need this would drew be as president standing up and talking again about death and destruction, going over all the tragedy of the last year. that is the last thing that anybody wants to hear. what we want to hear is the truth and he kept on promising that he would give us the truth and the truth is that the vaccines are coming down stream really quickly that was the gift he was given by the trump a administration which he never acknowledged which is incredibly ungracious and dishonest. but also we are heading towards herd immunity and i know that people who have been vaccinated are still being cautious but they are taking up their lives, especially elderly people, that they have sacrificed for a year. so i think that all he's doing is being negative and the reason for that is very cynical, he wants to keep us in misery for as long as possible so he can plausibly take credit for everything. >> shannon: bill, "the wall street journal" had a number of pieces, editorial opinion, and others that have talked about how there is a constant message of gloom and doom where people do need to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but there is a piece that ran a couple of days ago that said that there are some of the left who don't want this to end ever. they like the level of control, and they are back on their own footing, travel freely, do all those kind of things, they are not as afraid, they lose a bit of control. is that fair? >> yeah. i agree with that. look, i think there are some people that just want to boss their neighbors around and they don't care what the science says. they talk about science, but they seldom invoke it. i would go a little further than miranda. the thing that struck me as a former speechwriter is a lack of any credit that donald trump for one of the greatest public health achievements we have ever seen, the creation of this vaccine. i think of joe biden had started out -- just give him credit, biden can take credit for what he's done to accelerate the doses or something. but i think if he had shown some willingness to give donald trump some credit, he would be held as a unifier. people might take him a little more seriously here. instead he always seems to be lecturing us about healing and unity without really doing anything to advance. i thought that was a really big missed opportunity. in a speech that's designed for people to look at a president in these times to reassure us things are going to get better, we are on the right track, your government has this, that sort of made a lot more political to me and also just not the truth. >> try to go through the transcript but i didn't see any mention of a situation at the border or the fact there are concerns about covid they are in people not tested and sent in the u.s. or even if they are positive that local authorities say that they cannot hold them there. miranda, what's your reaction to the fact that there wasn't a discussion about the border were a lot of people think that's country beating this crisis contributing to this crisis? >> such a jarring contrast to a president saying that we have to continue to wear masks and we can only -- on july 4th on independence day if we are lucky, if we are good boys & girls club we are going to be able to have a few friends over for a barbecue, big deal. while at the same time he has dismantled all the trump era border protection policies. he has open the borders and we know from the small amount of testing at the local state authorities have been able to do that at least a percent of the people coming over the border are infected with covid. they are not told to be quarantined in a hotel or any of the restrictions that are placed on people who might fly in from london. no. they are allowed to get on greyhound buses and dissipate all over the country spreading covid. it's just... to pretend that is not happening, to pretend that this isn't an absolute catastrophe both on the public health sphere but also on the national security sphere, it's a disaster and his entire administration officially he himself, avoiding questions, telling fibs, pretending that it was somehow donald trump's fault that the border suddenly opened and is porous, that's the most ridiculous dishonest gaslighting things to come out of this administration. incredible. >> shannon: the people coming to the border who are infected, they need medical care. unfair in many ways to send them off when they need monitoring as well. greyhound says they are setting a policy to ask for tests. thank you for your reaction to the knights speech to tonight's speech. >> thank you. >> shannon: nancy pelosi says of course there is a scenario where the state certified result of a house races overturned. of feet already called for the republicans has only been thwarted and is actually a member of congress. we will explain next. we started with computers. we didn't stop at computers. we didn't stop at storage or cloud. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. losing a tooth didn't stop you but your partial can act like a bacteria magnet, so when it comes to your business, you know putting natural teeth at risk. new polident propartial helps purify your partial and strengthens and protects natural teeth. so, are you gonna lose another tooth? 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(deborah vo) i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (vo) discover the exclusive, new miracle-earmini- a nearly invisible hearing aid from the brand leader in hearing aids with over 70 years of experience. (deborah) when i finally had miracle-ear and i could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything. new miracle-earmini. so small and comfortable that no one will see them, but you'll notice the difference. call today to start your 30-day risk-free trial at your local miracle-ear. >> shannon: believe it or not, the 2020 election may not be over. the house committee probing the outcome of an iowa race and with their slim majority as possible house democrats can unseat republican congressman roman in favorof the democratic chall. the how would it work? correspondent chad pergram reports. >> the you see scenario depending what they find of unseating -- >> chad, it's always a hypothetical. can you see this scenario... >> that would be a bold move. >> there could be a scenario to that extent. >> speaker house pelosi swung the door open to certify represented marinette miller meeks and replacing her with democrat rita hart in the middle of congress. miller-meeks edged hart in one of the tightest congressional votes of all time, six votes. >> that's six votes. not 6,000, not 60. >> failed to account 22 legal ballots which could affect the outcome. a house committee is now investigating pillard miller-meeks asked to dismiss hart's complaint, >> withconfidence to actually ws election. >> republicans worry democrats could install one of their own, even though the house war in miller-meeks. >> our committee should not be moving forward with overturning our colleagues state certified election. >> republicans say democrats insist on following state election certifications on presidential cases, but would be willing to override local officials when it benefits their side. >> it would be awkward for them to turn around and say, well, we are going to say the iowans were really wrong about this. >> would want to vote if pelosi wanted to execute a raw powerful move in a narrowly divided house. but... >> nancy pelosi with her various tins as speaker that she can get her members to take votes which may be career ending votes for those members. >> the house hasn't tinkered this much with overturning an election since the 1980s. that's when the democratic majority decided a democrat won and then the in a seat despite a recount paper and republicans the g.o.p. stormed out in protest. shannon? >> shannon: chad pergram on the hill. thank you for that. with nearly $2 trillion stimulus deal done, next up, spin control. >> if you are afraid to vote for gun violence protection because of your political survival, understand this, the political survival of none of us is more important than the survival of our children. >> shannon: let's discuss how the speaker of the houses from her argument with the author of "the great revolt," serena zito. and texas congressman now, dr. lonnie jensen. welcome to you both. >> thank you. spigot legislation is through the house. wrote the book "emily gets gun" tweets this. no gun control law has been proven to reduce gun violence. this house bill is a feel-good measure and virtue signaling to the base. criminals don't get fbi background checks before buying and selling guns. >> she's absolutely right. in 2019, new york new mexico passed a gun regulation bill similar to what they are trying to do in the house in that state and there were absently no arrests made from someone trying to do what they are claiming will happen. that's because criminals do not go through the legal process. i think the thing that democrats are possibly miscalculating is the attitudes that have changed towards gun ownership. between january and july of last year, over 12 million americans bought new guns. 5 million of them were brand-new gun owners. many of them, 24% of them were women or minorities. not only were the huge numbers historical, they also tell you that these people are looking at gun ownership in a completely different way than they did before. perhaps they were ambivalent. but now they have a different viewpoint about gun ownership because they themselves are gun owners. these members of congress and u.s. senators have to go back to their districts and sort of understand how their constituents feel about it and they think they may not understand that people especially during the pandemic and also the riots, they believe that this was something that they need to pursue to protect themselves and their family. >> shannon: we heard anecdotally from a lot of people over the last year who were worried about the unrest that spread across the nature a nation, and it was not two or three cities. some cities saying they will scale back their police services. we are seeing spikes in crime. so congressman, a lot of people are saying that they are deciding to step forward not having thought of themselves as gun owners before. but now they are stepping in by the millions, who want to make the ownership their own. >> this bill doesn't do anything to prevent gun violence. what they do is they rob law-abiding citizens of their constitutional second amendment. the name sounds great. one of the things i know is in congress right away that democrats have a really good way of going out and creatively naming these bills so they sound benign and they cover up the reality of what's happening in this bill. there is already a law in place that requires federal background checks for any sale done. what these bills is a take away rights from law-abiding citizens bear the first bill basically says that the transfer of a gun, not the sale, but the transfer of a gun has to be accompanied by a good background check meeting if i borrow my neighbors deer rifle did do deer hunting, they had to do a background check on me so he can give me the rifle. if we don't do that, then he and i are both criminals and we are subject to $100,000 fine or a year in prison. the other law takes over the three-day right to purchase and it basically allows the fbi to sit on a background check indefinitely and basically deprive someone from owning a weapon. these are bad bills, bills that really remove your secondment rights and almost make it impossible sometimes to buy or purchase a weapon. >> shannon: democratic senator richard blumenthal says that universal background checks are supported by 90% of americans. it shouldn't be controversial. he's happy to get it to the senate floor. senate now majority leader chuck schumer says it is going to get to a vote so all eyes now to the senate as a watch to see how they fill this out. great to have you both. come back soon. >> thank you. >> shannon: remembering the life and legacy of the man called the spanish billy graham. pastor robert jeffress on the mission of luis palau. next. don't open that. wealth is important, and we can help you build it. but it's what you do with it, that makes life worth living. principal. for all it's worth. woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months 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admissions policy at an elite school in northern virginia. thomas jefferson high school accused of discriminating against asian-american students alleging overhaul eliminating neutral stand by. and in some news to pass along tonight, one of the world's most christian advocates, luis palau, passed away. reach millions of people with his sermons and dozens of countries. talking about the legacy of luis palau, pastor robert jeffress of the first baptist church of dallas. always good to have you back. >> thank you, good to be with you. speak i read something recently, had visited with luis said he wasn't sad, ready to go to heaven, and was sure about where he was going. we say bad news to those left behind but he was very hopeful as he faced death. >> he was called as you said the spanish billy graham and for good reason. i had the privilege of knowing both men. i introduced luis in an event a couple levers ago in dallas. billy graham was a member of our church for 54 years in both men were very dynamic and public and very humble in private. but they also had a unique ability, even though they both preached to kings and presidents and prime ministers, they could simplify the gospel so even a child could understand it and both men died with their integrity intact. there was never a whip of scandal of billy graham or luis palau and that's part of an achievement in today's world. >> shannon: they both were used in so many ways, from humble beginnings and from humble spirits they came. i have to think you and your team at first baptist in dallas because you've been incredibly helpful and supportive. in my new book, "women of the bible speaks," i thought to include one woman that people would not put in the company of billy graham, classified as a prostitute, had a real pivotal role of helping the people of israel, the nation of israel but i wanted to remind people that god can use anyone. she was in the right place at the right time and her story is included and is important in the bible. >> that's right. two things i love about your new book, shannon. first of all, it dispels the myth that the bible treats women as inferior, weaker than men. you show that god used women, strong women, to preserve the nation of israel, to spread the christian message pier they would be no judaism or christianity were it not for women. i like the fact you portray women not as plaster saints we can identify with but people with strength and weaknesses. she was a harlot, yes, but god is not nearly concerned with our past as he is with our future. god uses anybody not because of perfection but because of faithfulness. it's a great, encouraging look for everyone. >> shannon: thank you. i include stories of women who have got off track. had this moment of challenge and rose to it. took things in their own hands and still god redeemed that, a lesson in all of that. we feel off-track sometimes but you know he's waiting and he can fix our messes. >> that's right. he's the god of new beginnings. all you have to do is ask for forgiveness and is more than willing to grant it. >> shannon: i need it every day, pastor. >> i'm right with you, shannon. >> shannon: see you again soon. by the way, women of the bible "women of the bible speak," " went from praising china to finally declaring a pandemic a year ago today. "fox news @ night" investigates next. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. and it can help you too. feel the joy of movement with voltaren. ♪ for every idea out there, that gets the love it should ♪ ♪ there are 5 more that don't succeed ♪ ♪ and so are lost for good ♪ ♪ and some of them are pretty flawed ♪ ♪ and some of them are slightly odd ♪ ♪ but many are small businesses that simply lack the tool ♪ ♪ to find excited people who will stop and say 'that's cool'♪ ♪ and these two, they like this idea ♪ ♪ and those three like that one.♪ ♪ and that's 'cause personalized ads ♪ ♪ find good ideas for everyone ♪ with his first prime time address of the nation tonight. fox news contributor dr. marc siegel is revealing how the world health organization under the influence of china wasted precious weeks waiting to declare the covid-19 outbreak from wuhan a global pandemic. good evening, doctor. >> shannon, today marks one year from the date of the world health organization and its leaders, the self named dr. tedros first name the covid-19 virus a global pandemic peer that's far from the story. chairman xi jinping of china called tedros and told him to delay calling this a worldwide pandemic and lunging away 23rd to 2020 when i was tweeting warning to the world, ted tedros announced it was original problem only. tweeted his phrase of china's "transparency" and "seriousness." friday january 31st 2020, the united states declared a public health emergency. donald trump signed an order barring injury to nationals other than the immediate family of american citizens and permanent residents who had visited china within the last 14 days. and yet on february 3rd, tedros still said that banning international travel was not necessary. tedros tweeted about the coronavirus outbreak saying it's only a spark. it wasn't until one year ago today that the w.h.o. finally declared covid-19 a pandemic and by then the virus had already spread to 114 countries infecting 118,000 people we knew of and many, many thousands more that we didn't know of. >> we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction. we have therefore met the assessment that covid-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. >> shannon, how many hundreds of lives might have been saved if tedros in the world health organization had only warned the world in a timely manner so that we might've been commemorating this anniversary back in january or even before rather than now in march. shannon? >> shannon: good question, dr. siegel. thank you. good news before we say good night. dog saving other dogs by donating blood. actually happens in w vrc veterinary hospital. they donate to help other dogs facing traumatic situations, and they are heroes for us tonight. that's it for us from washington. i'm shannon bream. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. ♪look at what's happened to me.♪ ♪i can't believe it myself.♪ ♪suddenly i'm up on top of the world...♪ maybe it is dirtier than it looks. ♪should've been somebody else...♪ it is dirtier than it looks. try new tide hygienic clean. hooh. that spin class was brutal. well you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oohh yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. pick something we all like. ok. hold on. what's your buick's wi-fi password? buickenvision2021. oh, you should pick something stronger. that's really predictable. that's a really tight spot. don't worry. i used to hate parallel parking. 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,Child ,Women Of The Bible Speaks ,Spirits ,Baptist ,Humble Beginnings ,Company ,Prostitute ,God ,Role ,Israel ,Bible ,Myth ,Christianity ,Plaster Saints ,Strength ,Faithfulness ,Weaknesses ,Harlot ,Perfection ,Challenge ,Stories ,Look ,Messes ,Lesson ,Waiting ,New Beginnings ,Forgiveness ,China ,Distractions ,Head ,Voice ,Doubts ,Voltaren ,Arthritis ,Arthritis Pain Relief ,Joy ,Some ,Businesses ,Tool ,Ideas ,Cool ,Ads ,Contributor ,Outbreak ,Influence ,World Health Organization ,Marc Siegel ,Wuhan ,Xi Jinping ,Leaders ,Tedros First Name The Covid ,Self ,Peer ,Warning ,Ted Tedros ,Tweeting ,Lunging ,23 ,Problem ,Transparency ,Seriousness ,Phrase ,Public Health Emergency ,Friday January 31st 2020 ,31 ,Nationals ,Injury ,February 3rd ,Tedros Still ,14 ,It Wasn T ,Spark ,Banning International Travel ,Coronavirus ,Levels ,Both ,Virus ,Thousands ,118000 ,114 ,Assessment ,Inaction ,Severity ,Anniversary ,Manner ,Dogs ,Question ,Dog ,Blood ,Situations ,Heroes ,W Vrc Veterinary Hospital ,Somebody Else ,Top Of The World ,Tide Hygienic ,Velveeta ,Power ,Tucker Carlson Tonight ,Up Tucker ,Tucker Carlson ,Foxnewspodcast Com ,Beginning ,Lockdowns ,Income ,Occasion ,Odd ,Don T Have Kids At Home ,Anyone Else ,Biden Mention ,

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