he was the physical embodiment of america's institution. when chauvin murdered george floyd, he was doing to one man what our country has done to all african-americans. many people told us this including joe biden. >> i just want to say a few words about the horrific killing of george floyd in minnesota. it sends a message that black lives are under threat every single day. >> they speak to a nation where too often just the color of your skin puts your life at risk. >> george floyd's last words spoke to a nation where the color of your skin dictates the safety and your future. i am a white man. i think i understand, but i can't feel it. >> tucker: george floyd was murdered because he was black, that's what they told us. they demanded that wade believee that. if you doubted any of that, you are as guilty as the racist cop who killed george floyd beard when a theology teacher in columbus, ohio, learned that lesson the hard way during a virtual class. she noted the cause of george floyd's death was "disputed." now, that is literally true. the trial hadn't even begun yet. but for the crime of observing the truth, the catholic diocese of columbus fired deborah. according to the diocese, she had made unsupported personal assertions and opinions about the death of george floyd. tonight, we are going to do what you are not allowed to do in catholic high schools in columbus or anywhere else in america. we are going to assess calmly and david's honestly as we can what happened to george floyd on memorial day. george floyd's death was sad. every death is sad as we often point out. but the question is, was it murder? that question matters deeply because george floyd's death has been used to reshape how we live in this country. because he died, we have something called equity. and under the pretext of equity, they've been trying to open racism in nearly all of our institutions. you see it everywhere from corporate hiring quotas to lesson plans but they've been told george floyd's death was a racist murder and they are responsible for it. >> it is not incumbent of when black people to stop racism. to stop this, it is incumbent on people who hold power in the society, to do the heavy lifting. and guess who that is? who is that? >> white people. >> tucker: white people are responsible. cnn said that out loud, but many others joined them. now, that assertion led to rioting that killed at least 19 people and may kill more. it destroyed hundreds of businesses. minneapolis, where all of this began, may never return to normal. this is what the city looks like last year. [alarms] [shouting] >> tucker: that was last summer before the city council of minneapolis cut funding for the police. the city hasn't got any safer. in the first weeks of january this year, minneapolis saw a 250% increase in gunshot victims compared to last year. the neighborhood where george floyd died is now more dangerous than ever. businesses are boarded up, residents call it george floyd square. we visited that neighborhood a few weeks ago and walked around just to see what it was like. the whole place was awful. it was not improved, it was much worse. nothing blm has done in the city of minneapolis has improved the lives of the people who live there. on saturday night, man was shot to death in that neighborhood. a reporter from the "washington examiner" tried to get to george floyd square to find out what it happen. as a reporter. but he couldn't, he was informed that no white people were allowed in. that is a snapshot of the equity that george floyd's death has been used to justify. no fault of george floyd, but that is what happened. they suck at reason we are going to assess what exactly happened to george floyd is that it's likely that derek shoaf and won't receive fair trial. now, you may not care, but you should care. that should matter to you regardless of who you voted for. every american deserves a fair trial. period. that's the whole point of this country. equal justice under the law. there is no other point. but will chauvin have a fair trial? they've been staring down national troops. they shut down the streets outside the courthouse on monday. "we need justice" said the people. "justice by any means necessary." the community will burn because we will burn it. it's like something from mississippi in the 1920s. where is the justice department in the middle of all this? where is the so-called civil rights division? to protect the civil rights of derek chauvin who by the way has civil rights yes, even accused cops has the right to a fair trial. your civil rights are not suspended when you are accused. this is america. but of course, the civil rights division is nowhere to be found. they are doing nothing. so not surprisingly during jury selection yesterday, several jurors expressed reluctance to have anything to do with the case. would you want to be a juror? want to explain the threats he would face. >> can you tell us why you weren't sure? >> it's more from a safety and security standpoint. as far as i'm concerned, i feel comfortable -- i just wouldn't want any issues or harm to come to my wife or my family. certain individuals that were there too intimidated or cause harm great if they knew where i lived, it potentially good -- it could damage the house or spray paint the house or garage door or break a window. >> tucker: the jurors are intimidated. this is the point of mob justice 100 years ago in the south, it's the point of justice outside today. the thugs outside the courthouse don't want them to focus on the evidence. they know it might not help their case. most evidence hasn't been seen by the most of the american population. everyone has seen the footage of derek chopin with his knee on george floyd's neck. it's also confusing. as you watch it, you ask yourself, why would a police officer act like that? of course it must be illegal. no one in the media thought to tell us that in fact using a need to restrain and uncooperative suspect is the official policy of the minneapolis police department. in fact, it's taught at the police academy. you are seeing a slide from training from the academy on your screen right now. but you didn't see that slide the summer because our media was busy building a murder case against derek shoaf in and using it to transform this country in which they successfully have. nor did anyone in the press think to report what happened before derek shoaf and put his knee on george floyd's neck. they made certain that nobody could see the body can footage that showed it. they exist so we could know what happened, but they hooked this one. and we only sought because the daily mail, which is from great britain and therefore slightly less terrified and dishonest than our own media is, got a copy of it. the body cam video showed officers working for about 20 minutes trying to detain a man who they believe that just committed a crime. passing a fake $20 bill. a man who clearly had lost all sense of reality. it showed george floyd begging officers to stay with him, he was clearly suffering. the tape is wrenching to watch, it really is. and by the end, you are filled with sympathy for george flip it up but it's not the picture of a murder. it began around 8:00 p.m. on mak called police to report that george floyd had used a counterfeit bill. officers found floyd in a car nearby. immediately he was very obvious that something was very wrong with george floyd. >> hands on top of your head. step out of the vehicle, step away from me. step out and face away. >> please don't shoot me. >> i'm not going to shoot you. >> please don't shoot me, man. i just talked to my mom, man. >> stepped out and face away. >> please don't shoot me. can you not shoot me? >> i'm not shooting you. please, please, please, man. please. i didn't know, man. i didn't know. >> tucker: so george floyd was emotionally out of control and that is why you feel so deeply for george floyd. some of us did, i did come as you watch that video he's panicked, he's terrified, he's hysterical. the question is why? the minneapolis police department does not have some fabled history of police brutality, it just doesn't. this certainly wasn't george floyd's first encounter with law enforcement. from 1997 to 2007, charges ranging from theft. george floyd barged into a woman's home and held a gun, it was a home invasion but he got five years in prison for participating in that. so he's been in custody before. why was george floyd on the verge of hysteria? the police officers wondered the same thing. you've got form nomadic foam around your mouth, said one cop. a bystander looking on said to george floyd "you are going to die of a heart attack. they asked floyd if he had taken drugs. >> no, nothing. >> let's go. >> are you on something right now, the police officer asks. no, says george floyd. but that wasn't close to true. according to the hennepin county medical examiner's office, he had a lethal dose -- he had 11 nanograms of sentinel per millimeter of blood in his system when he was tested at the hospital. how much is that? it's more than three times the amount of fat and all required to kill a healthy person. again, that is not our judgment. that is directly from the autopsy report, the one that people didn't see until after the riots. "signs associated with retinal toxicity include seizures, hypertension, coma, and death. in fatalities from fenton malcolm of blood concentrations have been reported as low as 3 nanograms per millimeter of blood. now, no one is denying this. the floyd families own lawyer admits that it is true. "it is true that the hennepin county medical examiner's autopsy showed that floyd had fenton all in his system. you can see it. but then he insisted that george floyd was actually killed by racism. in fact, the medical examiner -- and you can read this online -- found that george floyd's heart was diseased. a memorial day finally gave way. a press release, his cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicated law enforcement sub dual, restraint, and net compressions." "hypertensive heart disease, fenton all intoxication, recent methamphetamine use at will. according to the report, he was also infected with the covid. that's a lie. in august, after months of -- baker was the chief hennepin county medical examiner. he told prosecutors that mr. floyd, if he had been found dead in his home or anywhere else, and there were no other contribute and factors, we would conclude it was an overdose death. the memo noted that baker said to his fenton levels were pretty high and it was a fatal level of fentanyl. no evidence he died of axis fix. what explains that, why was george floyd telling officers "i can't breathe." one possible explanation is one of the primary symptoms of fentanyl overdose is slowed or stopped breathing, meaning to unconsciousness and death. that might also explain while george floyd was saying "i can't breathe" long before. in fact, george floyd was complaining he couldn't breathe as cops try to get him in a police car as he resisted. >> i will roll the windows down. speak i'm going to go end. >> take a seat. >> i'm not that kind of guy. i'm not that kind of guy, man. i'm going to die here. >> no, you are not going to die. okay, man, okay. i'm not a bad guy. >> please. please. i can't breathe. please! >> tucker: again, no one can watch that footage without feeling sympathy for the man in handcuffs. he is terrified. but does that footage amount to a murder? no, it doesn't. it is so clearly not. the problem is nobody saw that footage during the riots last summer or before them. they weren't allowed to see it. and that could be why last june, 60% of respondents in the "usa today" described his death as a murder. that was done. more facts have emerged from behind the media blackout including the tape which is showed you. that perception is tied accordingly. it has changed dramatically. the percentage of americans who believe george floyd was murdered has now dropped by double digits. in other words, the question of whether george floyd was murdered is in fact disputed by a majority of americans. the bad news is you are still not allowed to say that out loud. one of the few people who's been covering this case honestly and accurately from the very beginning, and they are not many, scott johnson who actually lives in minneapolis. he's a contributor to the power line blog. scott, thanks so much for coming on. does the state -- and you are an attorney, have a murder case against this officer? >> they are going to introduce evidence to report the second-degree murder charge but i'm quite sure they are not confident they're going to get a conviction on that. i think it's a stretch. the charge i think they are going to rest their hopes on is a third-degree murder charge that i think is likely to be reintroduced into the case after having been dismissed by judge cahill. tucker, you reviewed a lot of the evidence that will come in for the defense. and it will be introduced. and i think that a jury should be able to sort it out. he focused on the two basic disputed questions of fact in the case, and that is what juries do. they sit as judges of the facts. the prospective juror whom you featured in the introduction was excused and wanted to express concerns for his safety. and that question has been asked to each of the prospective jurors and i think as of the end of the day today, there were about six jurors who had been seated. i think they will be able to sort out the evidence that you alluded to and more. but there is another problem that you also touched on in your introduction, and that is the mob factor. that is an issue -- i really question whether the judicial system can deal with the mob factor as manifested, visibly manifested in the protection of the courthouse they must've seen when you were here last week or the week before. three blocks of downtown minneapolis surrounded by concrete barriers and barbed wire. and they will be manned by thousands of national guard's. when the time comes, why is that? why is that protection necessary? and i think it's because in the event of a not guilty verdict, the mob would do its thing as it did last summer. and it's hard for me to believe that a juror can't have the possible secondary effects of a not guilty verdict if they were to think that evidence warranted it. on his or her mind when they go to deliberate. and i don't know how the judicial system deals with that. that really is not clear to me having watch the jury selection process over the last few days. it is the rodney king effect where you know in advance that that is going to happen. that is why those barriers are there. the courthouse will be protected, the police precincts, which of also been reinforced, will also be protected. but i'm not so sure about the rest of the city. >> tucker: seems like that's why we have law enforcement, to keep protesters from intimidating jurors into corrupting our judicial system. you would think. i appreciate that. good luck in minneapolis. >> thank you. >> tucker: well, this afternoon "the new york times" issued a fiery statement condemning this show. why? because we committed the one cardinal sin. and that was to disagree with one of its reporters. we will tell you what they said, next. - hi, this is michael youssef. you know, healthy fear is a gift from god for our preservation. it helps us avoid real dangers, but sin has perverted fear, trapping us in chains of irrational fear. today, jesus can give you faith that conquers your irrational fear. will you come to him? - [announcer] find out more today, visit us online at type 2 diabetes can have a big impact on your life. but how can it be prevented? well, the first step is knowing if you something called prediabetes. take the 1-minute risk test today at ♪ ♪ >> tucker: everyone wants to be a public figure obviously everybody wants to be famous, but if you are famous as a special bird and you can right now. if you are a person in the public eye who dares, even briefly, to think to yourself, there it is roughly 1% chance that an organized group of fascists on the internet is going to try to destroy your life. they could get you fired, they pick at your house, they will make sure your kids are miserable. they are not doing it because they like you or dislike you personally, you are irrelevant. they don't care about you. they are doing it because they understand that truth tends to metastasize. once someone prominent with a megaphone start saying true things, people hear it. and pretty soon the whole edifice of lies comes crashing down in the facets of the internet have less power. they were a field as the dishonest thugs that they are. and they don't want that. so they try to crush you before it happens. this is inevitable peer the question is, how do you respond when they try to crush you? there are only two possible options. both of them it turns out were on display today. both come from great britain because of the assault on speech and thought is a global phenomenon. here is the first, winston marshall plays banjo for mumford & sons. marshall has been on the fascist radar for quite some time now. a few years ago, we said something nice about jordan peterson. that doesn't mean that winston marshall is a right winger, he probably isn't. but it does suggest he might be a freethinker, which has been noted as a massive threat to the fraud industrial complex. finally, the other day winston marshall went too far. he praised the new book about anti-folk, he describes in teeth that is what it does, criminal mob. but you co that right now, bigots don't like because it suggested it may be wrong. but they decided to destroy him and today they succeeded. issued the statement over twitter "over the past few days i have come to better understand the pain i caused by the book i endorsed. obviously he wrote this and on point, but he still wrote it. "i have offended not only a lot of people i don't know, but also those closest to me including my bandmate. and for that, i am truly sorry. as a result of my actions, liking a book, i am taking time away from the band to examine my blind spot." is the winston marshall is leaving his job. another victory for the fascists on the internet. that is one way to handle attacks on speech, just as surrender. his crime? no one even knows what he did wrong. but he apologized for it anyway. but there's another way to handle those attacks. it comes from our friend piers morgan whom we told you last night just left his job at a british morning show after failing to be sufficiently impressed by that whiny duchess from l.a. complaining about how hard her life is. now piers morgan knew what the script was supposed to be. you poor, oppressed duchess. but he refused to read it. so now he's unemployed. today, piers morgan -- on monday i said i didn't believe meghan markle and her oprah interview. i've had time to reflect on this opinion and i still don't. if you did, okay. freedom of speech is a hill i'm happy copy to diane. i'm off to spend more time with my opinions. select winston marshall, piers morgan is out of a job tonight. but unlike winston marshall, morgan told the truth. he refused to let the mob make him live. and that is an inspiration to all of us. piers morgan just reminded the world that some things are more important than having a job, like your dignity and your self-respect. history will treat him well. good for you. >> according to "the new york times," no one, absolutely no one is allowed to mention the name of their star tiktok reporter, because it's harassment. read or tweet online, you are threatening her safety. we will tell you the whole story, we will tell you who exactly two she has. that's all straight ahead. >> tucker: newspapers try to keep themselves out of the news. in less something very serious has happened. you see when a correspondent is being detained by soldiers at the tibetan border or when someone has been kidnapped by isis, but you generally don't see it in response to criticism from a cable news show. but today "the new york times" made an exception to that rule and jump ferociously to defense of its social media reporter, taylor n. now we told you about taylor last night and this segment about how the most privileged in our society now consider themselves oppressed. certainly a shining example of that principle. a "new york times" reporter from greenwich telling you what a victim she has. she sent a tweet asking america to celebrate international women's day by supporting her specifically. she faces what she describes as a year-long campaign of harassment. normally, we would be deeply sympathetic to this. harassment is a crime, should be a crime bit of a mob of screaming lunatics showed up but taylor's house, we would condemn that mob immediately. no matter what political position they claim to represent. but that is not even close to what taylor is talking about. according to taylor, saying mean things about her on twitter is "harassment." disagreeing her at all is harassment. failing to affirm her as she self actualize as it attempts to realize her hopes and dreams in this world is "harassment." and so on. there's a lot of real harassment out there. if this is not it. you can see why we included her in the script about the most privileged in our society pretended to be the most oppressed in our society. we were embarrassed for taylor laurent. she spends her entire life on the internet, so of course after a while you become a deeply unhappy narcissist. that is what the internet does to people. and we assumed her bosses would be embarrassed for her too. little did we know that they are all exactly just like she is. welcome of course they are. and that's the problem. the people who run "the new york times" -- anyone who agrees with them is committing assault. here is their official statement on our segment. tucker carlson opened his show last night by attacking a journalist. the one protected group left in america. they make their living trying to destroy their life. the statement goes on. and keep in mind, we are not making any of it up. criticizing taylor was "a calculated and cruel tact it which she regular deploys to attack its intended target." it was all pretty amusing when you think about it. reading a tweet on television is fine, it's called reporting. but when that tweet was written by a "new york times" reporter, reading it out loud to say "calculated and cruel tactic." but calculated to do what exactly? presumably calculated to get more people to disagree with taylor lorraine, which is what they've already established -- it's harassment. it's a pretty good little scam "the new york times" has going. they could to hurt you at will, but you are not allowed to notice. notice what they are doing and you are calculated and cruel. we know this because we experienced at the summer. the times tried to send a reporter to my house just to make absolutely certain that everyone knows where my kids live. there is no news value come it's not even a big house. the whole thing was bizarre and creepy as, but they ignore the request. they only stop the story when we shamed them on the show. to be clear, we would never even consider running a series on where "new york times" editors live. obviously that is disgusting. what country is this? but they tried to do it. the best part is what happened after. "the washington post" jumped in naturally with the piece claiming that this show has incited dangerous harassment by asking "the new york times" not to write a story about where my houses. we are "endangering reporters. the very same reporters who were trying to write a piece about my house. it was also passive-aggressive and crazy that we were happy when the whole thing ended. but then just today, the official "new york times" twitter account sent out that same "washington post" story. "the new york times" described it as a "anatomy of an attack" by carlson that had real world consequences. that is still not the most amazing part of the story. the greatest irony of all is what taylor runs herself does for a living. according to "the new york times" statement today "taylor is a talented "new york times" journalist doing timely and essential reporting. timely and essential, okay. thanks for the adjectives. but what kind of reporting is it, exactly. what does taylor do all day? we could answer that question at some length, but instead we've decided to back off a little bit and invite shawn davis of the federalist who is called the subject very closely. we are happy to have them tonight. shawn davis, thanks so much for going down my coming on. now that we know that taylor is not only having her left stride, but it's destroyed because people are disagreeing with her. what does she do for a living exactly? >> that's a great question. i think she would say she writes about internet culture and tech when in reality she's actually the journalism equivalent of the creeper cruising by the schoolyard asking if they want any free attention in "the new york times." she stocks teenagers on the internet and this isn't my opinion, she said as much. she even talks about how if she were a dude doing what she were doing, people would think it's kind of creepy. and in the interest of equality, i would like taylor to know, what you are doing is creepy. it has nothing to do with what gender you are. >> tucker: i know she reached out personally to the daughter, the 15-year-old daughter of the former trump administration official. and spoke to her personally without talking to her parents first. i didn't even know that was legal. you are telling me she's done with other children? >> right, and she admits as much. she sometimes finds it difficult to really get what the kids really want to tell her because sometimes the parents get involved. now remember, this is a reporter, journalist, whatever you want to call her, who dogs the children of a free-speech activist who was targeted for assassination by isis. what she's doing -- some people might call it journalism. i would call it garbage with real vowel what so ever. she gets them to say things so she can basically mine them for clicks. what's so interesting, and maybe we shouldn't be surprised at this point, she is accusing her critics of doing precisely the same thing that she does for a living, which is to invade people's privacy and hurt them on purpose it sounds like. >> exactly, she went off to her at tech titan, one of the founders of netscape, and accused of not once, twice same things on clubhouse, conference call platform. things he never, ever said. she accused him of using a slur and when she got called out for that, she doubled down and later accused him of allegedly plotting with the white supremacists on clubhouse to take her down. something that didn't happen because not only did he not even speak in this particular conversation, he certainly didn't bring anything up about white supremacists. and what happens is when these little totalitarians accuse you of the environment, what they actually want to is avoid any accountability for their own action. they use their identity as a sword and shield. i can say things against you because of my identity, but if you come after me you can't do that because of my identity. it's disgusting. >> tucker: they are not aggressive, they are passive-aggressive. they are not canine, they are feeling. i have to be totally honest. if you are tweeting out that your life is being destroyed, you need to take a break. don't you think? or being serious. you need to take a break and step back from your job, whatever it is. healthy people don't write things like that i don't think. do they? >> i don't think adults do. and real harassment, real fact, there's no place for that. but people saying mean things about you on the internet, maybe you should be an adult and just ignore it. >> tucker: get off the stupid internet. i found some great joy in that. great to see you tonight. well, before the coronavirus pandemic began, a diplomatic team from washington contained a warning about secret experiments and a chinese lab. that was ignored at the time, but we have it. it's straight ahead. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: in late 2017, early 2018 come american diplomats met, the time the u.s. government was finding it. according to a new report, they didn't have the technicians necessary to operate the lab. they requested help, kind of a big deal. virus is not lab could kill everyone on the planet. the diplomats also told washington, the chinese scientists has identified "bat coronavirus'" that can easily infect human cells. but for some reason, washington appears to have ignore those warnings. congressman chris smith represents the state of new jersey. he's been calling this subject very carefully. he joins us tonight. congressman, thanks much for coming on. it sounds like the u.s. government knew that a virus like the one that has devastated this country could escape from the wuhan lab. >> it's unfortunate if those are all true. i did read the report myself. there were mistakes that were made and to think that such a highly transferable, transmissible virus could be -- could not have the safeguard coming out of the protection, not having people properly trained as unconscionable. but frankly, they were doing things that was brought up in the article and i've read it elsewhere as well, including from the u.s. government when they put it out on january 15th, important information about what was happening. and that is that they are trying to boost the transmissive ability of this disease, not necessarily to the sent it out to the world, but to make something more highly contagious that it already is, you better if safeguard so it does not escape. because then it becomes more contagious. spewing quickly, given all the evidence that is new accumulated, this virus may have come from this lab, wired more people demanding that we find out exactly what did happen? >> many of us are, but there is but unfortunately a view expressed by many that somehow the w.h.o. is on the job and they were complacent in the early cover-up with the dictator of the communist party in china. and even now, a group of people went over to investigate under w.h.o. may not even put out the report soon because it seems to be filled with holes. there needs to be a completely on feathered access to all of the information, to talk to people without fear of retribution. if they talk to the investigators, to get to the bottom of that. we need that for accountability. and so that this doesn't happen again. that is what we are most concerned about. a bill that would give us the ability to sue individuals who have been harmed by this. the communist party there. to get the information. >> tucker: i'm sure it's the only reform democrats have ever backed, right? great to see you. >> remember what the guys in saudi arabia. it's the plan. >> tucker: i hope you get it through. congressman smith, it's great to see you tonight. thank you very much. so first they came for dr. seuss, then speedy gonzales, dumbo, peter pan. the cultural bands are not stopping there. there's been another major exhalation biddy may think adult you may think it doesn't matter, we do. we will discuss after the break. ♪ ♪ ......... >> tucker: turner classic movies announced a new series scrutinizing classics like "psycho" and "gone with the wind." according to turner we see problems in these films whether it's about race, gender or lbgtq mark stein a movie goer joins us now. do you see problems? >> if you look at psycho, and think it's a problem, you are the one with the problem. let's get to the humbug of it. we are not allowed to enjoy these movies if they plain first why you are not meant to enjoy them. they don't want to cancel because they are too profitable so are turner classic movies so instead they're going to lecture you on what you're not meant to enjoy about them. it's a hypocrisy of what i would like to see that wonderful film -- sorry, it's interesting to explore the deep systemic roots of american racism. it's complete humbug. these days have much better movies over on cnn, tucker. you may recall this classic from brian who was nominated for next month's oscars for best animates shorts. >> tucker: [laughing]. >> i think that will be one of the more interesting categories to watch this year.. b >> tucker: i am subverted by you and our producers. i said don't to put him on tv in his underwear because it's too hard on the viewers. >> we are all in youtube boxers. that's techni-color wide screen magnificence. >> tucker: mark stein, thank you very much. well, that's it for us tonight. we are moving on. back tomorrow night. 8 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. sean hannity takes over. >> sean: it's traumatic for the audience. you did it again. you found another reason to do it. >> i had no idea it was coming. sean: it's traumatic for the audience. >> i'm sorry. sean: you're not sorry. >> a little bit. sean: a little bit. humpty-dumpty never got more promotion in his thankk you, tucker. welcome to "hannity." tonight we are tracking multiple breaking scores including horrific details from the 6th woman accusing andrew cuomo of sexual misconduct. a report from the albany times union out tonig.

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,Assertion Led ,Rioting ,Others ,19 ,City ,Looks ,City Council Of Minneapolis Cut Funding ,Shouting ,Neighborhood ,Police ,Hasn T ,Weeks ,Victims ,Increase ,Safer ,Saw ,250 ,Place ,George Floyd Square ,Residents ,Reporter ,Nothing Blm ,Saturday Night ,Washington Examiner ,He Couldn T ,Snapshot ,Fault ,Reason ,Derek Shoaf ,Won T Receive Fair Trial ,Point ,Justice ,Law ,Will Chauvin ,Courthouse ,Streets ,Troops ,Civil Rights Division ,Community ,Rights ,Department ,Middle ,Who ,By The Way Has Civil Rights ,Mississippi ,Yes ,1920 ,Nothing ,Cops ,To A Fair Trial ,Nowhere ,Juror ,Case ,Jurors ,Anything ,You Weren T ,Threats ,Reluctance ,Issues ,Family ,Standpoint ,Security ,Wife ,House ,Individuals ,Spray Paint ,Mob Justice ,Window ,Garage Door ,South ,100 ,Evidence ,Everyone ,Courthouse Don T ,Footage ,Most ,Knee ,Thugs ,Population ,Derek Chopin ,Fact ,No One ,Police Officer ,Media ,Neck ,Thought ,Need ,Minneapolis Police Department ,Building A Murder Case ,Slide ,Policy ,Suspect ,Screen ,Academy ,Training ,Police Academy ,Anyone ,Press ,Body ,Nobody ,Daily Mail ,Copy ,Great Britain ,Bill ,Reality ,Sense ,Body Cam Video ,0 ,20 ,It ,Tape ,Sympathy ,Wrenching ,Picture ,Flip ,The End ,Mak ,8 ,00 ,Counterfeit Bill ,Car ,Hands ,Top ,Head ,Vehicle ,Shoot Me ,Mom ,Control ,Didn T Know ,Doesn T ,History ,Some ,Video ,Police Brutality ,Law Enforcement ,Encounter ,Theft ,2007 ,1997 ,Woman ,Home ,Police Officers ,George Floyd On The Verge ,Gun ,Home Invasion ,Prison ,Custody ,Hysteria ,Five ,Thing ,Heart Attack ,Mouth ,Foam ,Bystander ,One Cop ,Wasn T ,Hennepin County ,Drugs ,Let S Go ,System ,Blood ,Office ,Nanograms ,Millimeter ,Dose ,Hospital ,Medical Examiner ,11 ,Riots ,Person ,Times ,Autopsy Report ,Judgment ,Retinal Toxicity ,Amount ,Fat ,Three ,Hypertension ,Blood Concentrations ,Coma ,Seizures ,Fatalities ,Low ,Fenton Malcolm ,3 ,Fenton ,Families ,Lawyer ,Autopsy ,Press Release ,Memorial Day ,Heart ,Hypertensive Heart Disease ,Restraint ,Cardiopulmonary Arrest Complicated Law Enforcement Sub Dual ,Net Compressions ,Report ,Covid ,Lie ,Baker ,Overdose Death ,Factors ,Mr ,Prosecutors ,Memo ,Fentanyl ,Levels ,I Can T Breathe ,Axis Fix ,Breathing ,Symptoms ,Explanation ,Fentanyl Overdose ,Unconsciousness ,Couldn T Breathe ,Police Car ,Windows Down ,Kind ,Guy ,Seat ,Okay ,Problem ,Feeling ,Nobody Saw ,Handcuffs ,Footage Amount ,Facts ,They Weren T ,Respondents ,Usa Today ,Media Blackout ,60 ,Americans ,Perception ,Percentage ,Digits ,Scott Johnson ,Bad News ,Majority ,Beginning ,Estate ,Officer ,Murder Case ,Contributor ,Power Line Blog ,Attorney ,Murder Charge ,Charge ,Conviction ,Stretch ,Hopes ,Defense ,Cahill ,Jury ,Questions ,Judges ,Injuries ,Two ,Introduction ,Concerns ,Peach ,Seated ,Six ,Protection ,Mob Factor ,Issue ,Manifested ,Thousands ,Blocks ,Concrete Barriers ,National Guard ,Barbed Wire ,Mob ,Verdict ,Event ,Mind ,Effects ,Effect ,Jury Selection Process ,Deals ,Advance ,Rodney King ,Police Precincts ,Rest ,Barriers ,Reinforced ,Protesters ,Luck ,Pomposity ,Statement ,The New York Times ,Sin ,Cardinal ,Reporters ,Gift ,Preservation ,Healthy Fear ,Hi ,God ,Dangers ,Michael Youssef ,Fear ,Jesus ,Irrational Fear ,Chains ,Announcer ,Faith ,Findingtruepeace Com ,Prediabetes ,Risk Test ,Impact ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Step ,2 ,1 ,Everybody ,Figure ,Bird ,Internet ,Group ,Chance ,Fascists ,The Public Eye ,Kids ,They Don T ,Someone ,Truth ,Care ,Megaphone ,Metastasize ,Peer ,Edifice ,Facets ,Lies ,Field ,Speech ,Assault ,Both ,Winston Marshall Plays Banjo For Mumford Sons ,Phenomenon ,Income ,Options ,Display ,Winston Marshall ,Jordan Peterson ,Isn T ,Winger ,Radar ,Book ,Teeth ,Freethinker ,Criminal Mob ,Anti Folk ,Fraud Industrial Complex ,Twitter ,Bigots Don T ,Bandmate ,Spain ,Don T Know ,Job ,Actions ,Band ,Victory ,Result ,My Blind Spot ,Attacks ,Surrender ,Piers Morgan ,Script ,Morning Show ,Whiny Duchess ,Interview ,Meghan Markle ,Oppressed Duchess ,You Poor ,Opinion ,Hill ,Freedom Of Speech ,Diane ,Inspiration ,All Of Us ,Self Respect ,Dignity ,Dangerous Harassment ,Star Tiktok ,Name ,Story ,Newspapers ,News ,Response ,Isis ,Criticism ,Soldiers ,Border ,Correspondent ,Taylor N ,Segment ,Social Media ,Privileged ,Cable News Show ,Exception ,Rule ,Taylor Last Night ,Tweet ,Example ,Principle ,Greenwich ,Victim ,Women ,Campaign ,Matter ,Position ,Screaming Lunatics ,Self Actualize ,Taylor Laurent ,Bosses ,Narcissist ,Little ,Living ,Journalist ,Tucker Carlson ,Tact ,Target ,Television ,Reporting ,Tactic ,Harassment ,Scam ,Will ,Taylor Lorraine ,Summer ,Notice ,News Value ,Request ,Big House ,Series ,Part ,Editors ,Piece ,Endangering Reporters ,Houses ,Washington Post ,Official ,Account ,Attack ,Irony ,Consequences ,Anatomy ,Carlson ,Essential Reporting ,Essential ,Thanks ,Adjectives ,Bit ,Subject ,Stride ,Federalist ,Shawn Davis ,Length ,Internet Culture ,Isn T My Opinion ,Journalism Equivalent ,Attention ,Creeper Cruising ,Teenagers ,Doing ,Gender ,Interest ,Dude Doing ,Equality ,Creepy ,Parents ,Daughter ,Administration ,Trump ,15 ,Children ,It Journalism ,Assassination ,Activist ,Vowel ,It Garbage ,Critics ,Clicks ,Privacy ,Purpose ,Founders ,Netscape ,Tech Titan ,Clubhouse ,Slur ,Conference Call Platform ,Totalitarians ,Didn T ,Supremacists ,Conversation ,White Supremacists ,Identity ,Accountability ,Action ,Environment ,Shield ,Sword ,Break ,Canine ,Adults ,Being ,Adult ,Joy ,Bat Coronavirus ,Lab ,Washington ,Team ,Warning ,Experiments ,Pandemic ,Chinese ,Diplomats ,2017 ,2018 ,Technicians ,Government ,Virus ,Planet ,Deal ,Scientists ,Help ,Congressman Smith ,Much ,Warnings ,Human Cells ,New Jersey ,Wuhan ,Safeguard ,Transferable ,Mistakes ,Article ,January 15th ,Information ,Transmissive Ability ,Disease ,View ,Communist Party ,Cover Up ,Dictator ,China ,Holes ,Retribution ,Access ,Bottom ,Investigators ,Ability ,Reform Democrats ,Plan ,Guys ,Saudi Arabia ,Bands ,Exhalation Biddy ,Dr ,Dumbo ,Peter Pan ,Speedy Gonzales ,Seuss ,Doesn T Matter ,Psycho ,Classics ,Turner Classic Movies ,Gone With The Wind ,Problems ,Films ,Race ,Lbgtq Issues Bo ,Mark Stein A Movie Goer ,Movies ,Humbug ,Film ,Hypocrisy ,The Deep Systemic Roots Of American Racism ,Classic ,Shorts ,Oscars ,Categories ,Brian ,B Tucker ,Viewers ,Producers ,Underwear ,Tv ,Boxers ,Magnificence ,Youtube ,Mark Stein ,Sean Hannity ,Enemy ,Group Think ,Lying ,Smugness ,Audience ,Idea ,A Little Bit ,Hannity ,Albany Times Union Out Tonig ,Scores ,Details ,Life Om ,Thankk You ,Promotion ,Humpty Dumpty ,Sexual Misconduct ,Andrew Cuomo ,6 ,

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