you are "the faulkner focus". the president dispatching his homeland security secretary to the border as the number of migrants crossing illegally into the united states keeps growing with historic numbers of unaccompanied minors among them. texas officials warning they do not have the resources to address the deteriorating situation. democrats in texas say the white house should listen to officials on the ground there. the biden team still insists there is no crisis and republican senator tom cotton says that is no accident. >> if you are joe biden the democrats and they don't believe in borders, they don't think it's a crisis. they think this is a feature, not a bug of their policy. they have literally turned detention centers designed to turn people away at our borders into reception centers. >> harris: now fox news is getting an inside look at a migrant camp in mexico just across the border from brownsville, texas. a camp where the group doctors without borders reportedly says the conditions are in humane. griff jenkins is there. >> we're there and that camp behind me just closed. it was open for about two years after president trump issued that remain in mexico policy. if you look here along the river, this is the rio grande river that separates mexico and u.s. we can give you a drone shot and viewers can see the drone just over the u.s./mexico border separated by this river and looking into the camp. there is no one in there. the folks you see are the cleanup crew. these are mexican workers cleaning up the filth and trash that built up. we are told that somewhere between 500 and 800 were here at the very end of it. at its height a little over 1,000. where did they go? they crossed into the u.s. under the new administration's policy and we talked to a few of the migrants who actually didn't make it across. we're told that number was very low and those folks are essentially homeless here in mexico on dangerous streets. the one gentleman we talked to who doesn't speak english with our translator was able to tell us that he was here for roughly 14 months waiting in that camp and he says if he can't get access legally to cross, he will do it illegally. listen. >> asking for help to be with our family and for work and that's all we are asking for. at the end i will be with the family. i could cross illegally. >> the ones that have crossed over were caught and released at the bus station in brownsville. you remember last week 108 migrants tested positive under the testing protocols. the new number is 185. brownsville said they've tested 1,553 since january. when you call it a crisis or a challenge, we're approaching numbers which we haven't seen since 2014, 2019, and we have the new fold now, the risk of covid and what is being done. on this side of the border there are some ngos testing migrants. none left in this camp but if you look at the numbers that were in this camp, the 800, many of whom have crossed under the asylum new remain in mexico policy being lifted, what about the thousands that are crossing illegally between the ports of entry? the rio grande valley sector where the white house team visited because it is ground zero we're told they're seeing 1500 to 2,000 apprehensions every day right now. that's way up from where it was and under jay johnson, he said a crisis was 1,000 or more. they are getting pummeled there. border patrol agent texted me this morning saying we can't catch them and release them fast enough. harris. >> harris: wow, a crisis rolled inside of a pandemic. you are right to point that out. there is nobody testing those people outside those entry points. they are flowing in without any of that attention and we know now by testing some that they are positive. griff jenkins, thank you very much. meanwhile the biden homeland security department is reportedly not testing thousands of migrants before releasing them into the united states, either. instead of relying on border communities just to handle all of that. so you see what's going on? where give was just outside our u.s. border in mexico, then when they get here they want those cities to deal with it. telling "the washington examiner", quote, cbp personnel conduct initial inspections for symptoms and risk factors and consult with on site medical personnel. the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention or local health systems as appropriate. former acting gds secretary chad wolf. wow, just -- it's frightening to think we had a system in place where this didn't have to happen. so what has changed to the point where the biden administration feels like they need to put all of us in this together? >> you are absolutely right, harris. we had a system in place when we left the administration that allowed to deal with a surge in the number of folks coming across that border illegally. what we've seen the biden administration do since inauguration is dismantle every one of those programs. you mentioned the remain in mexico program and asylum cooperative agreements, construction of the border wall and the list goes on and on. what they decided to do to replace it. they took tools off the table. the only thing they've replaced it with is a message that says you can come, don't come now. that doesn't work. obviously the other tool they have put on the table is simply catch and release which is going to incentivize more people. >> harris: i apologize with breaking news. this is important, cdc saying if you're fully vaccinated here is what you need to know. >> safe for those who are fully vaccinated. when i say fully vaccinated i mean people who are two weeks after their second dose of either the pfizer or moderna vaccine or two weeks after a single dose of the johnson & johnson vaccine. before i talk about the specific recommendations, i want to underscore a few more points. first, robust clinical trial data demonstrate that the current covid-19 vaccines are highly effective at protecting vaccinated people against severe illness, hospitalization or death from covid-19. however, there is still a small risk that vaccinated people could become infected with milder or asymptomatic disease and potentially transmit the virus to others who are not vaccinated. understanding the size of this risk in vaccinated people and to the risk of transmitting the virus to others who are not vaccinated is an ongoing area of research. second, it is important to note that this is initial guidance. the science of covid-19 is come flex and our understanding of the virus considers to rapidly evolve. the recommendations today are just the first step. as more people get vaccinated and the science and evidence expands and as the disease dynamics of this country change, we will continue to update this guidance. importantly, our guidance must balance the risk to people who have been fully vaccinated, the risks to those who have not yet received a vaccine, and the impact on the larger community transmission of covid-19. what we all recognize to be the overall benefits of resuming everyday activities and getting back to something -- some of the things we love in life. it is against this back drop and current state of the pandemic we have developed these new recommendations. with today's initial guidance it is important to note we're focusing on activities of fully vaccinated people can resume in private settings such as their homes under two scenarios. the first scenario is fully vaccinated people visiting with other fully vaccinated people. in this slide these individuals are represented by solid green circles. in this scenario, cdc recommends that fully vaccinated people can visit with other fully vaccinated people in small gatherings indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing. remember we're talking about private settings where everyone is vaccinated. so what does this mean? if you and a friend or you and a family member are both vaccinated, you can have dinner together wearing masks. you can visit your grandparents if you have been vaccinated and they have been too. now i want to talk to you about another more complicated scenario. it involves vaccinated people visiting with unvaccinated people. when fully vaccinated people visit with unvaccinated people, we have to consider the underlying risks of the unvaccinated people. and any unvaccinated members of their household. we take this approach because all of our guidance is rooted in making sure we are keeping people safe. so cdc recommends that fully vaccinated people can visit with unvaccinated people from one other household indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing as long as the unvaccinated people and any unvaccinated members of their household are not at high risk for severe covid-19 disease. in the slide people who are vaccinated and at low risk for severe covid-19 are indicated by solid orange circles. this means that none of the unvaccinated people or any unvaccinated members of their household, for example, are an adult over age 65 or have an underlying condition such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes that could increase their risk of covid-19-related hospitalization or death. here is an example. if grandparents have been vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and her family even if they have not been vaccinated so long as the daughter and her family are not at risk for severe disease. they are solid orange circles. second, if an unvaccinated individual or any unvaccinated member of their household are at high risk for severe disease shown here by hollow orange circles, everyone regardless of vaccination status should still wear a mask and physically distance and choose to meet outdoors or in a well-ventilated space. this is recommended to keep the individuals at high risk who are unvaccinated safe. similarly, when fully vaccinated people are visiting with unvaccinated people from multiple households, everyone should wear a mask and physically distance and meet outdoors in a well-ventilated space. moving on to quarantine away from visiting. in addition to these new recommendations on visitation and private settings, cdc's new guidance also recommends that fully vaccinated people do not need quarantine or get tested for exposure to someone with covid if they're asymptomatic. at this time the cdc is not adjusting current guidance on trial. we believe they're an important first step to -- in our efforts to resume everyday activities in our communities. however, we remain in the midst of a serious pandemic and still over 90% of our population is not fully vaccinated. though we're working hard to get there. therefore, everyone, whether vaccinated or not should continue to avoid large size gatherings and non-essential travel and when in public spaces should continue to wear a well-fitted mask, physically distance and follow other public health measures to protect themselves and others, covid-19 continues to have a tremendous toll on our nation. like you i want to be able to return to everyday activities and engage with our friends, families and communities. science and the protection of the public health must guide us as we begin to resume these activities. today's action represents an important first step. it is not our final destination. as more people get vaccinated, levels of covid-19 infections decline in communities and as our understanding of covid immunity improves, we look forward to updating these recommendations to the public. i know this is complex and i've covered a lot of ground this morning. so i want to recap the main points of our initial guidance release today. in summary, fully vaccinated people can visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing a mask or physical distancing. visits with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk of severe covid-19 disease indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing. and refrain from quarantine and testing following a known covid-19 exposures if a vaccinated person resaims asymptomatic. for now we'll continue to examine this in the upcoming weeks and update our guidance accordingly. fully vaccinated people should continue to take precautions like in public like wearing masks and physical distancing. wear well fitted masks and physically distance and adhere to other measures when visiting with unvaccinated people at increased risk to severe covid or unvaccinated household family member at increased risk of covid. wear mass,, physically distance and visit other measures when visiting with unvaccinated people from multiple household. avoid medium to large size crowds. follow guidance and follow cdc and health department travel recommendations. as i close i want to stress that we have -- we continue to have high levels of virus around the country and more readily trance missable variants are confirmed in nearly every state. while we work to quickly vaccinate people more and more each day, we have to see this through. let's stick together. please keep wearing your well fitting masks and taking other public health actions we know work to help stop the spread of this virus. thank you so much for your time today and i will now turn things over to dr. fauci. >> thank you very much, doctor. i would like to spend a couple minutes on a different topic having to do with investigational therapeutics to covid-19. if i can have the first slide. on a previous briefing i had mentioned to the group that there were a number of investigational therapeutics including mono clonal antibodies and other things. >> harris: that was a lot of news. some of it very good. that was the cdc director delivering some news. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel joins me. that was very easy to understand and i heard the headline to be if you are fully vaccinated, two weeks after your second shot or two weeks after your johnson & johnson single shot you can hang out with small groups of fully vaccinated people without a mask. that's the headline. >> absolutely, harris. without a mask and without distancing. that's the headline and that was anticipated because that's the guideline that cdc pulled back a few days. here is something that wasn't ever on the table. incredibly exciting. they are moving into the arena of if you are vaccinated and you move into a single household with an unvaccinated person and they are low risk, you can go without a mask and distancing. that means grandma can come and visit their grandchildren who, if grandma is vaccinated. if she is fully vaccinated and grandchildren are low risk groups they can come without a mask and distancing. that wasn't on the table before. we're vaccinating the elderly at a rapid clip and reaching to the point where we're over 50% of the elderly being vaccinated. i can now envision a scenario where a lot of happiness occurs where people are reunited. >> harris: i can also envision church. what she said places of worship. she said well, when you are in public still wear a mask, try to avoid medium to larger gatherings. if you are in them wear a mask and socially distance. we're seeing some states open up. church could pop up to 100 or more people in some areas and faith has been one of those areas where people felt like their freedoms were crushed. this gives people some hope that they can go and gather spiritual hope. i would think. i don't want to oversell it. you are the doctor. >> you hit on the other really important point here. i listened carefully to this. areas of good ventilation or outdoors. not only outdoors. so that is to your point. you can go to church now but you wear a mask at church and you distance at church. but absolutely if you've been vaccinated we'll be able to be okay. cdc will be okay with small gatherings provided precautions are still taken and ventilation. can be indoors. >> harris: how important is the quarantine element of this? this gets people back traveling. this gets people back to some part of their lives if you are fully vaccinated you don't have to quarantine unless you have signs of sickness you don't have to test. >> that's another big point. i am all for that. i want vaccination to replace testing with travel. i think it is very awkward. i went to madison square garden last week and test to get in but vaccinated and i'm thinking we have to -- vaccine is more reliable that you won't spread covid than testing. i'm happy about that. if you're vaccinated and travel to another state you don't have to quarantine or test. that's a good step also. >> harris: i bet there are a lot of grandparents out there who are dancing a jig today because as you pointed out many of them have been vaccinated. if other people in the household or visiting household can get fully vaccinated as well i see reunion breaking out and that's hope. dr. siegel. good to talk with you. thank you. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: crowds are gathering outside minneapolis courthouse right now. the police officer in the death of george floyd was delayed. chauvin is charged with murder and manslaughter in floyd east death that happened last may. the judge delayed jury selection now until tomorrow. the trial has minneapolis on edge after rioting and looting rocked the city last year. nearly 1500 businesses suffered an estimated $500 million in damage. matt finn reporting live in minneapolis. matt. some areas i'm hearing it described as a war zone because of all the security. >> it feels like one right now, harris. all types of fencing and barbed wire, national guard is around the corner. it is calm and tame right now. we have this delay right now. it is all centering around the lingering third degree murder charge against former police officer derek chauvin. the state said it is filing an appeal until the issue with the third degree murder charge is decided. the judge in this case previously dismissed a third degree murder charge. an appellate court ordered that he was in error dismissing that third degree charge and urged the judge to reconsider adding it. the judge has not reinstated that charge saying he no longer has jurisdiction over the charge, the appeals court does. chauvin is charged with second degree murder and manslaughter. the judge wants to continue with jury selection. both sides are scrambling this morning. the prosecution is asking for the delay arguing introducing this jury to the story and the charges and then adding that second degree murder charge later on could lead to an appeal. >> we are not trying to delay this case. we don't want to create appeal issues that stem from the court's jurisdiction. it's the authority of this court to hear a matter. and so it's creating an appeal issue where we shouldn't be and we can avoid it. >> george floyd's death led to international riots and protests. this city has been bracing for this trial. there has been a lot of anticipation and preparation for this morning. now we're on this hour by hour to stand by to see if jury selection will even start in this trial. a short while ago said if there is a stay issued in this trial, it could be delayed for 30 days, harris. we'll keep you updated. >> harris: i want to acknowledge the music in the background rally for justice got about 1,000 rsvps for attending an event today. they're anticipating a large crowd, a peaceful crowd to be out there. we hear the music and they are hopeful, as i understand, with all of those assets from law enforcement that it stays that way. there are many groups. there are a long list. matt finn, thank you very much. meanwhile business owners in minneapolis are worried about a repeat of the looting and the violence that gripped the city last summer. now they are asking who will be looking out for them? this man owns o'donovan's irish pub. this woman owns a saddle and harness shop. both hurt by the previous rioting. i will start with you and tell us what you experienced last summer and what your concerns are now. >> good morning, thank you for having me on. we -- when the covid struck and the governor put the shutdown order on bars and restaurants, we closed march 15th of 2020. and then this unrest after the killing of george floyd happened. minneapolis just turned into a ghost town and there were was nobody down there. no workers coming into offices. i would be down here every day and i have had this pub 21 years and i've never seen anything like it. we ended up being broken into not once, but twice. the first time they broke in glass and stole a little bit of alcohol from the bar. the second time they came in, which was -- that was in the end of march, second time was in june because we tried to reopen in june of last year. we tried for a weekend to test out and see what it would be like. it wasn't worth it. again it was a ghost town. we shut erd, we closed down the bar at 9:00 saturday night saying this isn't worth it. three hours later there was a young man shot and killed at the corner outside the bar and thank god we had sent our staff home and with all our team was safe and back in their own homes. at that time and then the following day we were broken into and they cleaned out the entire bar of alcohol. just when that happened it was three or four days that nobody was in charge in minneapolis. it was scary to watch what was happening in our city and minneapolis is such a beautiful city, such a great place. it was heartbreaking. >> harris: it is. dear mott. thank you for telling us exactly what you experienced because the pictures were horrifying but your own personal account is more so, the days and days and days of where it seemed out of control. joan west is also with us. your saddle and harness shop. tell us about your experience and what you would like to see happen now. they have a lot of law enforcement out there. >> yes. so that night that it happened, sitting at home watching it an unfold on tv and just felt so when helpless. didn't think that the crowd would move our direction. and the news crew was just right out in front of our store filming. we got a bird's eye view of what was going on. i was talking to my brother on the phone saying they're out in front of the store, what are we going to do? and he says we just have to hope and pray that the boards that we put up with protect us. they won't get in. and no more than a second after that they broke into the store next to us and they started -- you could see them jumping in and taking their stuff out and destroying their store. and then the next thing we know is we lost feed. the news crew left. so sitting there at home pacing back and forth with a wrenching gut feeling not knowing what is going to happen until the next day when you come in to see what your store is like. luckily, we had a couple of tenants that live upstairs. we have apartments up there and they came down to kind of protect our store a little bit and pushed the people along saying there is nothing in there. you don't need it. we live upstairs, you can't burn us down. we have women, children, families that are upstairs. another thing that they did was they tried to put out the fires that were being built in front of our store. so they were moving up and down with buckets full of water. >> harris: you owe a lot to those people. >> oh, yes. >> harris: there were places that were not shown mercy. it sounds like they accomplished a lot on your behalf. this was more, too, about fear because as was laid out you didn't know when it would end. we covered it night after night. your thoughts on what you have been through, what the city has been through, and your feeling about today. >> oh yeah, we didn't know when it was going to end. we felt safe when the precinct around us took their barricades down, a month later. we were in fear for it. what will happen now? you know, we are going to probably board up but we're hoping that the city of minneapolis will step up to the plate, which they say they are going to do, and protect us. they got everybody in line, police officers, the national guard and they will call it and nip it in the bud hopefully this time. we kind of feel confident in that but it is scary about the unknown. >> harris: can only imagine. you have been through so much and know how hard a struggle it has been for businesses like yours. minneapolis is such a beautiful city and we wish the best for all of this and for you guys joining me, i'm so appreciative. thank you very much. we'll be watching. just to point this out to the audience, we mentioned the peaceful gathering that they are anticipating. very separate situation from what dear mott and joan experienced. did you see all that damage and violence, the fires and what not? we hope it holds together. let's move on. separate girls and boys departments in stores could soon be a thing of the past. they want to merge them. just take the signs down. go shop and whatever you find you find. is this going too far? plus new pushback to president biden's neanderthal comment. it has oxygen and lives as more states lift their covid-19 restrictions. power panel next. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa >> i don't think it's fair to say it's neanderthal type thinking. it is natural to have a sensitivity to freedom-loving americans who say we'll do the right thing. we know what to do. give us our freedom back and lift some of the mandates. that's the nature of america and i understand that. it's not caveman thinking, it is common sense. >> harris: with tensions high over extended lockdowns arkansas governor reacting to president biden who likeened republican governors like him to neanderthals for lifting covid restrictions in their states. meanwhile in idaho people were burning masks at the state capitol as former cdc director tom free den says mask mandates are the best way to move forward. >> if you keep a mask mandate in place you will be able to open more and be more likely to keep it open without risk to people not just other customers, but the workers there as well. mask mandates are a way of preserving our health and our economy. >> harris: former cdc director should have watched the president's cdc director on this program a few minutes ago who laid it out in what we really need to do. guy benson host of the guy benson show, jason nichols professor of african-american studies at the university of maryland. gentlemen, great to see you. jason, i come to you first on all of this. your top line thoughts. states reopening and they aren't just republican states. what about connecticut, is he a neanderthal, too? >> i think specifically about as yeah hutchinson. he should focus on the fact that arkansas ranks eighth in covid cases nationwide. it still has hot spots like one county. they rank 46th in vaccine distribution. rather than clapping back at the president i think he should focus on what is going on. because his common sense doesn't seem to be working for the people of arkansas. as far as these other governors, i think they are also in a similar situation. i agree that we should look at this on a case-by-case basis but also listen to the experts, listen to the cdc, listen to what it is they're saying. and if they are saying that we should keep social distancing and masks in place, i think that's what we need to do. >> harris: we got it from the current cdc. she laid it out well and we get to see our grandparents if we're fully vaccinated and they are, too. the facts are what they say. let's get to this and guy i'm coming to you. dr. siegel writes the president himself is calling the governors of texas and mississippi neanderthals for premay touring removing state mandates but relaxing trump immigration rules leading to over 100 migrants who tested positive to enter our border communities and beyond. this inconsistency spreads fear as well as covid. guy. >> they are expanding the capacity at some detention centers to 100%. so that raises questions. is that neanderthal thinking on behalf of the president himself or his administration? they should have to answer those questions. the president himself should answer questions at a solo press conference. we haven't seen that yet if him as president. look, it is almost one year since the whole thing blew up. a brutal year. so many of us are fatigued and frustrated. others have lost so much and i get it. we're on the 5-yard line. vaccinations. it is so exciting hearing the guidance from cdc earlier this hour. it is not just a glimmer of hope but a floodlight of hope that's coming. i get some some people are frustrated waiting to see what will happen. should we be more careful or err on the side of opening up? i wish more of us would have more restraint and humility because so many people have made so many strong pronouncements for 12 months about what exactly would happen if a leader did x, y, or z. in so many case he they've been wrong including experts. humility would go a long way here. it has been in short supply for the last year and has fed some of the current environment. >> harris: you are thinking specifically of places like florida and their governor and how when you compare the lockdown positive cases to those places that didn't do those restrictive lockdowns the numbers are not all that different. all right. we'll move on. gentlemen, thank you. even more pressure for new york governor cuomo to resign as the media begins focusing on the sexual harassment allegations against him and three additional accusers come forward. we're up to five now. what will it take for real change? it's a new day for veteran homeowners. with home values high and mortgage rates at their lowest now's the time to refinance and turn your home equity into money for your family. that's me. introducing refiplus from newday usa. take advantage of record low rates plus get cash for security today or retirement tomorrow that's me. refiplus. only from newday usa. >> harris: five women are now accusing governor cuomo of new york of sexual harassment. the first one said resign you disgusting monster at 50 state lawmakers say the governor should step down or be impeached. cuomo says he isn't going anywhere. one called out all the times he wanted republicans to resign for sexual harassment claims. "new york post" columnist miranda devine is a fox news contributor. that was not a short list. miranda, good to see you. we're up to five now. it seems like this is becoming more bipartisan. is it? in terms of the push against the governor? >> it really makes no difference whether it's one, two, four, five or a dozen. he is not going anywhere. he has told us he will brazen through. his style of politics just being impervious having the hide of a -- he saw other people see it through. biden had an assault allegation against him and he prospered and went on with barely a blip to become president. i think women need to start realizing sexual harassment is merely a weapon of war in politics. it is used against people when it is convenient. at the moment, andrew cuomo served his purpose. he was the anti-trump candidate last year. he was held up by the media as the absolute model of pandemic leadership simply because it was a contrast to donald trump and would do damage to the president. now he is no longer of any use. he is white and male and progressive women of color like leticia james are ambition and maybe she wants his job and democrats are fed up and kept their mouth shut through the time he was useful and now they're coming out. it is an insult. >> harris: it is amazing to me we talk about this in terms of him because there were potential victims with this and we know there were victims with his other scandal the nursing home disaster, the deaths that were potentially covered up. i want to get to this, though. back to the politics. president -- vice president kamala harris and elizabeth warren are pretty much silent on cuomo. not too long ago they felt this way about sexual harassment allegations against justice brett kavanaugh. remember this? >> she is putting herself out there knowing that they are going the try to excoriate her and she is doing it, i believe, because she knows that this is an important matter. it is a serious matter who serves on that court and she has the courage to come forward. she has nothing to gain. >> women have made credible allegations and they have a right to be treated with respect and respect means you investigate this allegation. >> harris: miranda. >> the double standards and hypocrisy we should not be surprised. it just shows you that women are just as bad as men when it comes to weaponizing sexual harassment when it is against their ideological and political opponents they go in guns blazing. when it is one of their allies who is being accused, they are quiet. so do not -- all i'm saying to women is do not trust any politician who says they are on your side in this issue. >> harris: miranda devine. thank you very much. cancel culture could be coming for classic cartoons. aren't these people exhausted by now? one "new york times" column shift is targeting speedy gonzalez and peppy la piu. how fans are coming to their defense. refiplus from newday usa. it lets you refinance at today's record low rates plus get cash. with mortgage rates low and home values high refiplus can help you lower your rate plus turn your home equity into an average of $50,000. money for security today. money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus from newday usa. i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance if cosentyx could help you move so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ for nearly a decade, comcast has been helping students get ready. we've connected 4 million low-income students to low- cost, high-speed xfinity internet. we're working with hundreds of school districts across the country to sponsor free internet and laptops. and parents are seeing an impact. and now we're turning 1,000 community centers into lift zones - wifi enabled safe spaces to study. so more students can be ready for anything. i'm trying to do some homework here. >> harris: fans of the classic cartoon character speedy gonzalez coming to his defense today after a columnist said it embodies stereotypes. one person said this. i will say this i loved watching him growing up. he always outsmarted the ones trying to catch or attack him. i'm mexican. i don't want him canceled. that was a tweet. cartoon skunk peppy lepew will no longer appear in the upcoming sequel after the same times writer said it perpetrate race culture. kat timpf, peppy lepew. >> how people are spending time looking at cartoons from forever ago looking for things to be offended by essentially. speedy gonzalez i want to get to that because this is very interesting. this has happened before in the past. they've tried to cancel speedy gonzalez. lat-in americans, particularly mexican americans have gotten upset by that. cartoon network pulled speedy gonzalez. the league of united latin american citizens. anti-discrimination group fought to get him back on the air. now years later we're doing this again? i wish i could explain, harris. i really wish i could. >> harris: well, you know, i guess my question is who gets to decide these things for us? you've got pepe lepew now. there is this group as you describe them sitting around watching old cartoons writing down ways we can be offended. do they not like happiness? don't they want fun? don't they want a jumping off point for us to talk about some of those stereotypes and bring them forward? i don't know. i don't get it. who are these people? >> i'm glad you mentioned the jumping off point. the way we get to the present is understand. you need to be able to examine the past. how will we do that if we try to cancel everything from the past instead of using it as a conversation point to talk about those issues, how it was then and how it could impact the way we see things today? this urge to cancel things i don't understand. it is really detrimental. >> harris: pepe lepew, by the way. they say they he is trying to force one of the characters to kiss him on the cheek that we saw in that video. we'll move on. a california bill would ban large stores from labeling boys and girls departments regardless of whether the clothes and toys were marketed by gender. one user tweeted you have people defecating in your parks and sidewalks and this is what you are focused on, seriously? the left on a mission to erase women. now it's boys and girls. next mother/father. people will be called it, them, those, or robot one, two, three. this is a look at how retail now is going to change some things. what is your take? >> my take is also if you violate it, you get a warning and you end up having to pay $1,000. i don't get with year we've had and businesses have had why they would be sitting around saying we need to figure out a new way to find stores. stores in california are only allowed to be open 25% capacity right now. i think maybe the government should focus on getting that under control before they start fieng people for how their stores are organized. >> harris: thank you very much and thank you for watching the "the faulkner focus". after the commercial break "outnumbered." i'll be observing your safe-driving abilities. play your cards right, and you could be in for a tasty discount. 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