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You know what love is on thanksgiving . I love you so much and im so thankful for you that im not going to see you. This year if you love someone, it is smarter and better to stay away. Well be alone physically, but we are spiritually together celebrating in a way that is even deeper. The story is, my mom is going to come up and two of my girls is the current plan. But the plans change. But thats my plan. Sandra and that grabbed a lot of headlines. Laura ingle is tracking it for us. How long for the governor to change his tune about those plans . We crunched the numbers, looked at time codes. It was exactly 1 hour 33 minutes for him to Reverse Course and change his plans. As others plans go forward others move forward. He is letting folks know things are getting so bad in new york he is putting some restrictions in place for some areas where those cases are spiking, limiting the hours of restaurants and exactly how many people can gather for their thanksgiving day meal safely in new york. Now, Governor Cuomo is doing that quick about face with his own plans after first announcing his 89yearold mother and two daughters would come over for thanksgiving. Well call it a fierce backlash online he announced he would cancel those plans. If you have plans to hit the bars in pennsylvania the night before thanksgiving you will have to move your preparty somewhere else. Last call for alcohol at restaurants and bars is 5 00 p. M. In an effort to cut down on the lack of social distancing as cases around the country climb. The numbers tell a staggering story. The u. S. Now averaging more than 1500 new covid19 deaths a day. The grim data comes as three major drug and Biotech Companies ready vaccines showing between 90 to 95 efficacy and once approved by the fda Health Officials say some front line medical workers could start getting vaccinated as early as december 11. Rising cases sending thousands of people to get in line at the Testing Sites ahead of the holiday. Some people waited for five hours in New York City on sunday to get a test. Some medical experts say even if you get a negative test it may give you a false sense of security hoping to be safe around the dinner table because the timing of when you get your results can vary and sometimes you have to get tested again. Right now in new york there are approximately 50,000 people being tested per day. You compare that to 30,000 people a day back in september so you can see where were at with the need for testing. Sandra. Sandra laura ingle, Happy Thanksgiving, thank you. Jon developing now the General Services administration approving the official governmental Transition Process for the biden team. Gsa head emily murphy wrote i came to my decision independently based on the law and available facts. I was never directly or indirectly pressured by any Executive Branch official including those at the white house or gsa with regard to the substance or timing of my decision. To be clear, i did not receive any direction to delay my determination. Peter doocy is live in wilmington, delaware. What is President Trumps reaction to the transition . Good morning. Mr. Trump is giving Current White House officials the high signs its okay to begin Helping Biden officials who are soon going to take over in official government roles. It came in a twopart tweet that says this i want to thank emily murphy for her loyalty to our country. She has been harassed. Threatened abused. I dont want to see this happen to her, her family or employees of gsa. Our case continues and well keep up the good faith and i believe we will prevail. In the best interests of our country im recommending emily and her team do what they need to do and told my team to do the same. Biden Transition Officials had been raising money from private donors waiting for the gsa to ascertain they won. Now they have more than 7 million at their disposal. The number one priority is figuring out what to do about covid19. A Transition Official tells us that theyll begin meeting with federal officials to discuss the pandemic response, full accounting of the National Security interests and gain complete understanding of the Trump Administrations efforts to hollow out government agencies. Later on early this afternoon we do expect to see an official rollout in wilmington, delaware of the Secretary Of State nominee Antony Blinken and the dni nominee avril haines. The National Security advisor nominee Jake Sullivan and the incoming special president ial envoy for climate john kerry. John kerry is going to have the keys in a Biden White House to the 2 trillion biden Climate Change plan. Jon. Jon Peter Doocy Reporting from delaware. Peter, thank you. Sandra lets bring in bill mcgurn main street columnist for the Wall Street Journal and former Speech Writer for george w. Bush and Fox News Contributor. Great to see you. Everybody starting to form their opinion on what were seeing as this biden team comes together. Laura ingraham gave her thoughts last night. Listen. Bidens entire administration is basically going to look like a rerun of the series canceled four years ago except this time without its popular leading man, obama. Now we know what theyre going to do. What obama did but it will be worse. Sandra do you agree with that, though . I generally agree. He wants to distinguish himself from donald trump. They generally fall in the camp of more moderate liberal interventionist. They dont Mind Intervening overseas as were doing it through the u. N. Or w. H. O. More friendly to deals like the paris accord and iranian deal. If you look at these picks, it is not where the progressive influence is really going to shine. I think the progressives in the Democratic Party are more concentrating on domestic policy like Climate Change and so forth. Except for john kerry. So i agree with that. I think so far it is looking a lot like a return to the obama years. Sandra meanwhile as you just heard our big leadin this morning two days away from thanksgiving and were hearing from politicians east to west coast and what they believe that you need to do with your family to stay safe but they take it a step further and tell you what you can and cannot do. Here is stefanik from the republican party. New yorks 21st District On andrew cuomo and his restrictions. You should not be celebrating or following Governor Cuomos edicts. Governor cuomo today said he is spending his thanksgiving with his 89 year mom and daughters who are traveling. Rules for thee and dont apply to me. Thats why new yorkers are so frustrated and why he is the worst governor in america. Sandra its tough. He now changed plans. He was facing a lot of criticism for those plans because he has been telling everybody to stay home, bill. What is going on here with this do as i say, not as i do coming from these big politicians . Yeah, i take it in two ways. First look, i enjoy a good gotcha moment as much as anyone. Watching these politicians whether its nancy pelosi caught getting a midnight hairdo or Governor Cuomo intimating he is going to violate his own rules. Those are enjoyable. But the real issue, what it really should tell us is not the moral hypocrisy of the people doing it. Thats fine. What it really should tell us is that the rules are unworkable. They are so unworkable even these people cant obey it. That leads to my second point i think weve relied too heavily on government edicts one size fits all. The better way to do it. Legitimate concern about transmission in the home of covid, and just tell you what the risks are in order. If you are having thanksgiving dinner with three uncles over 80 who have diabetes and Heart Conditions it is different getting together your young parent in your 40s and getting together with the next door neighbor that has a couple of small kids. I think we would do much better to give people guidelines and assess the risks rather than these one size fits all. Ill give you another example. Father jenkins president of notre dame was roasted when he was caught at the white house at a ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett without a mask. Everyone was calling him a hypocrite. Okay. The larger story is he kept his University Open this fall and thats a tremendous achievement and he did it he had setbacks and so forth but they adapted. Thats what the emphasis should be. Sandra interesting based on your suggestion lets tell people what they can do to stay safe and then leave that up to them. Leave the responsibility up to these American Families to do the right thing. The Surgeon General this morning stuck with me. He said preparation based on the number of people you are having make sure you have the space, separation and ventilation. Good advice and perhaps we can listen to that. A lot of these restrictions are tough for a lot of families to swallow when we see what some of these politicians are doing. Thank you. Jon defund the police getting very real in some american cities. Well tell you which city is slashing the Police Departments budget and what it means for keeping those citizens safe. Plus the governors of new york and new jersey accused of not following their own Covid Restrictions. Will the restrictions do more harm than good . New york city councilman joe borelli with more on that. The reaction from everyone should be extremely angry. The party that constantly lectures us on following the science has decided with this issue to abandon all the science. Its time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem, and done. And now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50 on the sleep number 360® limited Edition Smart bed. Only for a limited time. Sandra Seattle City Council members approving the citys 2021 budget. A 20 cut in the funding to the Police Department. Its less than the 50 cut some Council Members promised activists during the Chop Zone Protests over the summer. It will have a big impact. Dozens of vacant jobs wont be filled on the police force and the Police Officers guild could take longer for officers to respond to 911 calls. 134 officers have left the department as of october 31st. Im proud of new yorkers who had the courage to tell the truth and the strength to stand together. Thats what new york tough really means. To be tough enough to say i love you, i care about you. Jon thats new yorks Governor Andrew Cuomo accepting an emmy award yesterday. The governor honored for the way he used television to provide leadership in the early weeks of the pandemic. But he is taking heat for a now rescinded Nursing Home Policy that critics blame for thousands of covid19 deaths and he is facing charges of hypocrisy for initially planning to spend thanksgiving with his mother. Meanwhile new Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is addressing video of him and his family being heckled while eating outside without masks as murphy faces backlash over new covid19 restrictions. Joe borelli is a New York City councilman. Thank you for being here. First of all, new york Governor Cuomo. What do you think about the idea he tells new yorkers the way to show love is not to get together with your family for thanksgiving and then plan to get together with family for thanksgiving . Its frustrating to say the least. I have to admit, jon, the governors initial reaction was right. His mother is 89 years old. She has the right and deserves to be with her son the governor and grandchildren in the house where she spent 12 years with her husband when he was governor. That would require a nuance to allow Travel Requirements and capacity limits that the governor spoke out against. That type of nuance he hasnt afforded to any other new yorkers as he sits there and dictates to us and treats us like children as though we cant follow guidelines to make our thanksgiving as safe as possible. It just underscores the general hypocrisy from our leaders and it should be really, really frustrating to new yorkers like me who want to see our families, who want to take reasonable precautions but dont want to miss out on another opportunity to spend time with our loved ones. Jon after telling new yorkers that they should not get together with their families, here is what the governors plan is or maybe was. The story is my mom is going to come up and two of my girls is the current plan. Jon that got revised and we got this from the Governors Office quote, as the governor said, he had been discussing seeing his mother with two of his daughters for a fourperson thanksgiving in accordance with allstateissued guidelines but he said the plans were still changing. Given the current circumstances with covid he will have to work through thanksgiving and wont be seeing them. Dont tell his mom, she doesnt know yet. It will be because he is working now that were told he is not going to be dining with his Family Members. Right. Lets be clear. This was his plan. He admitted it himself and it was only because he got inquiries from a number of different Press Outlets trying to find out why he would Say Something so hypocritical of what he had said only hours before in one of his daily press briefings. This isnt the first time he is being hypocritical. He lives in a mansion, tax pay or expense with a few Family Members and every day there is police detail, security, cooks, servants, cleaners, assistants. Those are all fine for Governor Cuomo in the Governors Mansion but he is the right to dictate to us we can have no more than 10 people . I have 11 people in my family. So again its frustrating for myself and people like me who are just forced to comply essentially with the governors mandate or risk being shamed or potential enforcement or whatever he plans on happening to those of us like me. Jon you will have to figure out which 9 you cant invite to thanksgiving dinner. Across the hudson river in new Jersey Governor Phil Murphy was heckled after he was caught dining out without masks on. Here is his response to the heckling. I dont condone Out Of Bounds behavior but im a big boy and i think i speak for my wife. Lets leave my family out of this number one. Lets all keep each other in our prayers right now. This is a very stressful period were in. Jon it was very politically adapt. I dont condone Out Of Bounds behavior. Didnt take responsibility for what he was doing. Leave my family out of it and lets keep each other in our prayers. All very nice stuff but doesnt address the central point, joe. Look, heckling someones family was wrong when it was Sarah Sanders and wrong when it was Kristin Nielsen and others. The woman was nasty. She is underscoring the frustration that new jersey residents have that they are continuously put under lockdowns and businesses suffering while the governor may take these kind of risks into his own hands. We see political hypocrisy from speaker pelosi, newsom and deblasio trying to squeeze in gym workouts before he shuts down gyms. Be responsible and wear your mask and take action to protect yourself. It undermines all those who you see politicians acting hypocriteically. Jon joe borelli New York City councilman. Happy thanksgiving. Sandra joe biden picking obama era officials for Cabinet Roles shifting from trumps America First policies. A big day for two very lucky turkeys as they head to the white house for the annual pardoning ceremony. How you can get involved with that next. I felt awful because of my psoriasis. I was covered from head to toe with it. It really hurt. Then i started cosentyx. Okay, thanks. That was four years ago. How are you . See me. 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Com sandra it is the bottom of the hour. Time for some of your top stories. Hospitalizations from covid19 at a record high for a 14th day in a road. 85,000 americans are currently hospitalized from covid19. All this comes as the federal government starts distributing regeneron antibody treatments today. Jon Brooklyn Synagogue faces a there are 15,000 fine for holding a large indoor wedding. Thousands of people were there and social distancing and mask wearing guidelines were clearly broken. Sandra New York City first and only black mayor has died at the age of 93 serving one term in the early 1990s during a difficult economic time in new york marked by high crime rates. His successor Rudy Giuliani was one of his harshest critics but news of his death giuliani was first to praise him for his lifetime of service to the city. Jon President Elect joe biden is filling out his cabinet naming former Secretary Of State john kerry to be president ial envoy on Climate Change, a new cabinet position. Biden also has chosen obamaera fed chair janet yellen as Treasury Secretary. They point to a distinct change from President Trumps America First ideology. Lets bring in our panel this morning. Washington times opinion editor charlie hurt and Fox News Contributor jessica tarlov. Thank you both for being here. Jessica, what do you think of the picks he has named so far . Im pretty happy with the picks that have been named so far. Joe biden promised a return to normalcy and this is about as normal as you are going to get. You can see from the reaction of the International Community that they feel a lot better. Breathing a sigh of relief that america is back. Well no longer be America First but america together with our allies to take on serious challenges that can hurt us at home and abroad. Jon charlie, what do you think . Is this the end of go ahead. Charlie. Im sure the International Community is very, very pleased with all of this. The problem is that its sort of the wrong lesson that joe biden has learned from this past election. The eight years of barack obama democrats lost over 1,000 seats and it wasnt because they didnt like barack obama. It is because they didnt like those policies. The thing that people do like about President Trump and have liked about him from the beginning has been his America First policies. All this talk about getting back into the paris climate accord, cozying back up with iran, all of these things that take America First out of the focus of our agenda is going to turn around and hurt joe biden terribly going forward. Jon jessica, donald trump was elected in large part because he promised to drain the swamp and now joe biden is going back to many of the old previous serving obamaera officials to fill these key posts. Isnt that maybe a contradiction . I think there needs to be a little bit of clarification what the swamp means. To me swamp people are people who end up in jail. People like paul manafort, people like michael cohen. People who actually work in trumps orbit. People who scam folks and take advantage of their own government for their own profit like the trump children. People putting people in positions who served the country for decades. Not get shunned in the International Sphere are not the swamp. Things cant be like they were. We need to evaluate decisions we made like entering the iraq war. Everybody in the Incoming Administration said was a mistake at this point. When charlie says americans liked the american first policies. Talk about the people hurt by the trade war with china and iran increased Nuclear Capabilities out of the nuclear. Putin was smiling in helsinki as trump said he told me he didnt interfere in the election and pull out of the Nuclear Forces treaty in europe so putin can have increased power there. Jon the iran deal in particular, charlie. Would you expect to see a Joe Biden Administration try to return to that . I cant imagine lord, i hope not. Of course, any advancements that they have made since the iran deal have been entirely because barack obama gave them billions of dollars in pallets of cash to sew terror and Nuclear Ambitions all over the place. The other thing is i agree with jessica about the war in iraq. There is a lot of introspection that needs to go around. The problem is that joe biden himself and john kerry is bringing back into administration all voted for the war in iraq. So for them to now say it was wrong, all theyre doing is admitting that they have terrible judgment. Jon well have to leave it there. Charlie hurt and jessica tarlov. Thank you both. Happy thanksgiving. Sandra Millions Of Americans are traveling for their thanksgiving holiday despite a cdc Recommendation Urging them not to. I feel like a hermit. I need this. My family and friends need this, too. Sandra well take you live to one of the Busiest Airports in the world to see how it is handling an uptick in travel plus what republican gains in the house mean for how nancy pelosi will have to lead. Will she be able to deliver on joe bidens agenda . We will hear from new york congresswoman elect Nicole Malliotakis next. Still fresh. Unstopables inwash scent booster. Downy unstopables. I feel lucky jon a big day for two iowa turkeys. Theyre feeling lucky. They made their debut yesterday with a grand welcome at the Intercontent Nall Hotel in d. C. Ahead of todays big pardoning ceremony. There is still time that you can help pick the winner. Head to the white houses website and vote on whether corn or cobb should be named the National Thanksgiving turkey. Sandra these are decisions that matter. I will go with corn. That means you go with cob. Jon lets keep it equal. Sandra thats a deal. Well watch that. Jon, thank you. Democrats meanwhile will hold onto the House Majority by a very slim margin. The Balance Of Power right now showing democrats with 222 seats while republicans have 204. There are still nine races yet to be called and gop candidates are leading in all of them. Joining us now in new york congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis. Thank you for being here this morning. Thank you. Sandra give us some sort of idea about how House Republicans plan to lead through a Biden Administration. What is whats the strategy . Well i think we still need to wait for all the boards to certify both in these congressional races and the president ial race. We could end up with 213 members in the republican conference which means that nancy pelosi and the democrats would have the smallest majority since world war ii. So that is something that should be celebrated for this country that were going to see hopefully more bipartisanship. Most importantly well see somebody people in this conference who come from backgrounds like me, the daughter of immigrants. My mom is a cuban refugee. We have a dynamic freshmen class made up of immigrants who came from whether it be under soviet union rule in the ukraine or fled korea or fled cuba, you have a dynamic freshman class who understand what socialism is and were hoping that some of those democrats are going to come with us to shut down the socialist squad. Sandra it is interesting to hear you say that. Youve talked about forming a squad of your own, republican squad to Counter Balance the aocs in the house. The New York Post last week i believe had a piece saying that your plan is to dunk on aoc. How do you fight socialism . Im the only republican from New York City. This is her backyard and we need someone here who is going to push back and provide a Counter Balance as she gains friends and allies in the State Legislature here in new york and now the city council and the upcoming election. We need to make sure there is somebody in New York City who is challenging her but more importantly there is a Natural Alliance thats forming on the national level. We have Victoria Sparse who came from the ukraine. A member from cuba who came as a 6yearold boy. Many of us have a Natural Alliance because of the family story that we can share with the American People. That message needs to get out there. You are also hearing from the democratic side people who are very upset with the leadership of nancy pelosi. The fact they lost so many seats and they are saying that socialism is a bad thing we should not be talking about it. They shouldnt be talking about defunding the police. So this is our opportunity to not only form alliances on the republican side but with some of those democrats because remember, that small margin some of those Democrats Join us to support the police to make sure we stop Nancy Pelosis radical changes to Election Laws, potential stacking of the courts. Those are ways that we can be very influential in this upcoming congress. We have to look for the nation to preserve freedom, liberty and the american dream, not just tow the party line. Sandra nancy pelosi speaking of which this was her message at her weekly presser last week. Listen. Do you know that half democrats that nearly two million more votes than donald trump . I say that because well, everybody turned out and it was a great victory a mandate. Sandra mandate. How do you respond to that . You know what . She lost so many seats because there was a mandate. There was a mandate for her and her party to cut the crap, work on the issues of the American People that they care about. You need the covid Relief Package. She has been trying to jam an ideological wish list and take the new York Bail Reform that was a disaster here trying to put it in a covid Relief Package to make it a federal law. Releasing convicted felons over the age of 50. Changing those Election Laws to strip away states rights to be voter i. D. Same day Voter Registration that you cant verify that it is an eligible citizen or lives where theyre voting. American people are rejecting with. With the socialism and defunding the police they scared americans and why she lost so many seats. Sandra you have been making a lot of headlines for the republican squad about what you are talking, Dunking On Aoc and republican image reboot. We would love to have you back. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate it. Thank you. Jon across the country, sheriffs are saying no to enforcing some of the thanksgiving stay at home orders. New york Governor Cuomo says sheriffs dont get to decide which laws they enforce. What about sheriffs to ignore Immigration Laws leading to Sanctuary Cities . Well get into that. Plus Los Angeles County banning indoor and Outdoor Dining as covid19 cases surge. Why one restaurant, an l. A. Institution for 90 years, says the new restrictions could shut them down for good. How are we supposed to survive now . We have to close the outside were going to have to tell 11 of our employees go home. How are they going to pay their bills . Heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, so you dont wait for life. You live it. Sandra starting tomorrow Los Angeles County is ending indoor and Outdoor Dining for at least three weeks. Coronavirus cases have doubled there in just the past two weeks. Restaurants will be allowed to offer takeout and delivery but many owners say that will not be enough to keep them in business. That includes the owners of kanters deli. An l. A. Hot spot since 1931. They believe the government is trying to put them Out Of Business. Jacquelin and mark join us now. Welcome to both of you. We understand how difficult this time is. We welcome you on a holiday week and hope you are doing okay. Thank you for having us. Sandra an incredibly difficult time for all the Small Businesses in this country particularly restaurants. Why do you believe the government is purposely trying to put you Out Of Business . Well, i dont know if theyre trying to put us Out Of Business theyre trying to keep people safe. Not just us, a lot of businesses. So its frustrating that we have a big following. We havent been open this whole time for dine in or dine out like on the streets but open for delivery and takeout. Thanksgiving is coming up and it is just a lot of things are coming up. The food costs have gone up and a lot of restaurants are all restaurants are struggling in big ways. What we really need is actually a little bit more of a Stimulus Package real soon. I speak for all restaurants i think. It is just unfortunate. Its hard, you have some lawmakers that make decisions but they are trying its hard for them to balance it too. They get pressure that the hospitals are filling up. You ever to find the right medium of it and they try to say after 10 00 maybe a curfew. It doesnt solve much. It just is a matter as long as you follow the guidelines and you are keeping everything clean and safe and i think that should have enough. Maybe for sitdown dining outside maybe you dont want to go more than four people or try to limit. Sandra something other than shut down all together. Jacquelin, we understand the frustration. Some point out the fact keeping the ability for drivethrus to stay open doesnt help Small Businesses like yours. It helps the buying giant Corporate Companies that are likely to survive this. Here is fox 11 los angeles reporter on that. Almost all these chains have drivethrus. Who will pay the price . Local restaurants who played by the rules and not fueling the spread. Does that point make sense to leave the drivethrus open but folks like you have to struggle to survive . I believe its unfair and i really worry about the employees who live weektoweek. How are they supposed to pay their bills . We have been open 90 years. My brother and myself were the third generation. How are those people who are living weektoweek as it was, how are those people getting laid off, how are they supposed to pay their bills . It is really unfair to ask that of us and to let the drivethrus we have two commissary and we have drivers provide food. Were open for takeout. The uber drivers were able to still maintain the few employees we have left with takeout delivery. And even in the parking lot. We have a large parking lot. Make it a drivein movie theater. Sandra we love our Small Businesses and restaurants like yours. We wish you the best as you fight through this. Please be well. Thank you, sandra. Sandra happy holiday week to both of you. Jon pennsylvania joins a growing list of states imposing new restrictions as covid19 cases continue to rise. What that state is banning that could make for a very different thanksgiving dinner. Plus the resolving door between politics and the media. Familiar faces you will see in the Biden Administration and how they will shape the future of his presidency. When it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. Finding understanding doesnt have to be. We can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org. Sandra tom brady failing in a comeback effort monday night. Buccaneers down three. Brady is picked off by rams safety jordan fuller. His second interception of the game. Los angeles takes the victory in tampa bay. 2724. Last nights game also made history featuring the firstever all black officiating crew led by referee jerome boger. Jon joe biden bringing in tony blinken to Secretary Of State and Barbara Quade leading the department of justice. Contributors for wellknown media outlets. How will the Revolving Door between media and politics affect the Biden Administration in howie kurtz has some thoughts and joins us now. Good morning. When joe biden does unveil tony blinken as his pick for Secretary Of State today he will be introducing the Global Affairs analyst for cnn. This Revolving Door is spinning even more quickly between the media and the government. A mini exodus at msnbc for obama veterans who became cable pundits. Former Time Magazine editor has left msnbc for the Biden Transition and also leaving there for the transition as you mentioned former obama prosecutor Barbara Mcquaid and zeke emmanuel. Jen sake is state Department Spokesman has left cnn. Connections are often behind the scenes. John meacham was an nbc contributor but dropped from the role for Helping Biden with speeches. There is nothing wrong with the game of musical chairs. Many high profile people have moved back and forth between fox news and Trump Administration. More journalists joined democratic administrations like bidens. Many pundits calling these early nominees dull, unexciting, washington insiders, janet yellen not a Lightning Rod but it is essentially what joe biden promised as a contrast to the trump years. Jon so does this mean Back To The Future in terms of, you know, Foreign Policy and domestic policy really . Back to the Obama Administration . Well, there may be some fresh faces as he rounds out his cabinet in other top positions but hardly surprising that biden will want to pick people he is comfortable with. He worked with blinken for 20 years. Theyve been around the block. Inside the beltway. Jon howie kurtz, Fox News Media analyst. Thank you. Sandra and the fox news alert with Coronavirus Hospitalizations now in the u. S. Hitting record highs for the 14th straight day officials across the country are ramping up restrictions in an effort to curb the spike of infections ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Jon good morning. Im jon scott. As cases surge in california, Los Angeles County is set to suspend Outdoor Dining for three weeks beginning tomorrow. Thats just one of many places nationwide that have introduced new covid19 restrictions just this month. Sandra in Pennsylvania Democratic Governor Tom Wolf is banning restaurants from Serving Alcohol by 5 00 p. M. The night before thanksgiving. We have to start thinking in a much more focused way on measures to protect our hospitals, Healthcare Workers and fellow people. Sandra lets bring in katie pavlich. Fox news contributor. Good morning to you. First to what were seeing happen across the country with the spike in infections, Hospitalization Rates are going up. It is a huge problem we continue to face as a country. There are tough decisions that have to be made at the local and state levels to stop the spread. So how do you see whats happening . Are some of these restrictions going too far or could it be enough to help stop the rising number of infections . Well its been eight months since the American People were asked to shut everything down to work from home if they could. People were shutting down businesses and losing jobs, for 15 days to stop and slow the spread. That turned into 30 days and here we are many months later with a number of coronavirus cases across the country. I think the real key problem here is that socalled Political Leadership has been the ones trying to lead the charge here to get the American People to continue making serious sacrifices that not only just affect them but affect their families for generations to come and yet they are the ones violating their own rules which tells us a few things. Theyre either violating their own rules and putting Peoples Health at risk or theyre implementing rules that dont work and therefore they know they dont work and theyre violating them, or they dont believe the virus is as serious as theyve been telling everybody and they dine out as in Gavin Newsoms case indoors at a restaurant with members from the medical profession. Called Top Brass Doctors at the restaurant with gavin newsom. If they want to now come back after months and months of americans making serious sacrifices for the sake of the better good without any results and putting an arbitrary rules at the last minute after theyve done this work to accommodate the government while these politicians violate their own rules, yeah, it goes too far. They havent seen any results based on science that justify a lot of these and what theyre doing. Sandra speaking of the hypocrisy here is what we heard from Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday that is spurring a lot of outrage. Listen. You know what love is on thanksgiving . I love you so much and im so thankful for you that im not going to see you. This year if you love someone, it is smarter and better to stay away. Well be alone physically, but we are spiritually together celebrating in a way that is even deeper. The story is my mom is going to come up and two of my girls is the current plan. But the plans change. But thats my plan. Sandra of course the plans did change. Katie, bill mcgurn we had at the top of the 9 00 hour this morning and from the Wall Street Journal and he was basically saying in response to all these politicians that are violating their own rules that they are setting for their own people he is basically saying wouldnt they be better off putting the emphasis on mitigating the risk, open the windows, moving celebrations outside when possible, help inform people rather than just restrict them . Its not that they are just restricting them. They are lecturing them about how they can love their fellow Family Members, which the implication there is that if you dare to get together with your Family Members who you havent seen and maybe some of them are elderly and lonely and they want to see their Family Members because theyre at the end of their lives in other ways and theyve been left alone without any access to people they really care about and need, the implication is if you get together with your family that you dont love your Family Members and you are somehow putting them at risk. And so instead of focusing on exactly what you just talked about ways to mitigate the risk if you are going to get together with your family and allowing people to make decisions for themselves about what they are willing to tolerate in terms of those risks, its really just a lecture, it is Virtue Signaling and on top of it you have the legal implications that bring up a whole bunch of constitutional questions about Governor Cuomo calling on Law Enforcement to enforce the number of people individuals can have inside their private homes. Sheriffs pushing back saying were not going to enforce rules that are violating peoples constitutional rights. So when you have these again its the Credibility Crisis we have from the top and it is very difficult for people to take seriously rules that are implemented for them when the very people telling them are lecturing them about feelings, how they should behave and how to love their Family Members while not giving them great advice about how to actually slow the spread should they get together. Sandra we want everybody to have a safe and happy and healthy thanksgiving. You as well, katie. Great to have you on this morning. Thanks, sandra. Jon americans are still flocking to airports ahead of thanksgiving despite covid19 cases surging in nearly every state and pleas from the centers for Disease Control urging people not to travel. The Transportation Security Administration says more than 900,000 passengers were screened at airports nationwide yesterday. Casey stiegel is live at dallas ft. Worth airport . Weve been seeing a large traffic flow. Passengers waiting in line to get bags checked and go through security. Its the nations fourth Busiest Airport here and officials expect 65 volume compared to last year. And nationwide that number is actually lower, in fact. Aaa is suggesting that about 50 of americans will travel by air than they did last year. 50 less, i should say. Its still not stopping the lines. Los Angeles International airport has been a mad house reportedly boston logans airport as well. Some travelers say, however, they arent going to let the cdc ruin their Holiday Plans despite the surge of the virus across this country. I feel like a hermit. I need this. I need this. My family and friends need this, too. Im not letting this hamper my lifestyle and life. Family and friends are really important to me at this time of year. Jon Public Health experts fear if enough people celebrate in large gatherings numbers will go higher in the weeks before christmas. Aaa says the vast majority of americans will drive to their destinations this year. They make up about 95 of all thanksgiving travelers. Some 48 million americans are expected to hit the roads and that is only 5 down from this time last year. Sandra. Jon Casey Stiegel from dallas fort worth. Sandra the number of confirmed cases surge across the country. The nations top Infectious Disease expert says the outlook is worrisome but can be turned around. Were now at over 250,000 deaths, a quarter of a million deaths. You could get well over 300,000 and close to even more than that if we dont turn things around. The numbers can be stark. They can be sobering in many respects and frightening. But we have the tools to prevent that from happening. It is literally within our power to do that. Sandra dr. Fauci says slowing the spread and saving lives can be as simple as social distancing and wearing a mask. Jon more high profile republicans traveling to georgia to campaign on behalf of the gop incumbent senators david perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the runoff elections. Iowa senator joni ernst joins those two candidates with three stops across the state today after appearing with senator perdue in griffin, georgia yesterday. He stressed how important the races are at his first rally. We continue the message of were the last line of defense now. These two senate seats will determine the majority in the senate. Well make over 125 stops in the next few weeks taking that message directly to the people of georgia. Jon matt finn is live in stone crest, georgia. There is another election recount scheduled for the state . Jon, the first recount was a part of georgias state audit. This second recount is now at the request of President Trumps campaign. This is one of the Ballot Recounting Centers in decal be county. Inside prep work going on for the second recount. Machines being examined. Ballots coming in. It will be busy tomorrow as the second recount begins tomorrow morning. Must be completed by december 2 at midnight. Throughout the morning our crew has seen Police Escorted Delivery Bans dropping off boxes some marked Dominion Voting and ballots being delivered as well. 5 million ballots were just recounted by hand in georgia as part of the state audit. President elect biden declared the winner by 12,000 votes. This time around the recount will be by machine. It will be uploading the results of the recount as the counties come in. Georgias first audit did discover thousands of ballots that were not tallied but georgias secretary of States Office says it doesnt expect the second recount will change the outcome much at all here in georgia. Now the possibility of it changing, you know, 2020, you never know, crazy things happen. The likelihood is very low. As part of the second recount the president s campaign has requested that signatures be checked again. Georgias secretary of States Office says here in the state signatures are checked on the front end before someone submits a ballot and basically the ballot becomes anonymous so it is nearly impossible to reverify someones signature. Sandra critics are saying Bidens Administration may be a repeat of the obama era. Our panel will weigh in on that next. He is picking mostly bland retreads to his cabinet. John kerry will be mr. Climate change. The globalist and long time biden flunky tony blinken as Secretary Of State. They will do what obama did but worse. Attention veterans, todays all time low Mortgage Rates just dropped even lower. Veterans who refi now can save Three Thousand dollars a year. With newdays Va Streamline Refi, theres no Income Verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. 3000 thats a big deal. Good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. With the Ninja Foodito intelligesmart xl grill. Ing just pick your protein, select your doneness, and let the grill monitor your food. It also turns into an air fryer. Bring outdoor grilling flavors indoors with the grill that grills for you. Tonight, Try Pure Zzzs all night. Unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. And longer. Zzzquil pure zzzs all night. Fall asleep. Stay asleep. Jon joe biden is set to fill out more of his cabinet today after announce than several highlevel and historic Foreign Policy and National Security picks yesterday. The President Elect also has named obama era official janet yellen to be his Treasury Secretary and has tapped former Secretary Of State john kerry to take on a new cabinet position, the special president ial envoy on Climate Change. Joining us now Fox News Contributors rachel camposduffy and richard fowler. Thanks both of you for being with us. Rachel, you probably heard what Laura Ingraham said before the break. She said on her bram last night that joe biden is picking mostly bland retreads to his cabinet. What do you think about the choices made so far . Is this going to be another Obama Administration . Yeah, but usually the sequel of the bad movie of the obama years will be worse. We can see from these picks that donald trump was right. If biden wins, china wins. What you can see is that they are going to absolutely reverse Donald Trumps very effective policies on china. What that will mean is yes, well have this climate czar in john kerry, he will put us back into the paris accord which allowed the chinese to continue to pollute. They will continue to steal American Jobs, steal American Technology and steal americas future. This is a really, really good deal for the globalists, for big pharma and big tech. It will also be as we know globalism has worked very well for the biden family. The hunter biden laptop emails that big tech tried to cover up in order to help joe biden show that the biden family not just hunter, but the big guy, which we all know the big guy is joe biden, that they also are compromised. That our supposedly now President Elect joe biden is compromised by the Chinese Government and also put in place people in his administration who we know will make sure that the information on that laptop doesnt get further investigated. The American People wanted to be investigated they better get some of those senators elected in georgia. The senate is our only hope. Jon i want to read part of john kerry oped in the boston globe. He writes again he is writing as the new climate czar if you will. You could just as easily replace the words Climate Change with covid19. It is truly the tale of Two Pandemics deferred, denied and distorted one with catastrophic consequences and the one with greater risk if we dont Reverse Course. This pandemic, the covid pandemic began in china and we know that china didnt exactly do what they could have to stop it. Youve also got China Contributing far more to Carbon Emissions than the United States. Theyve been given a pass on that even during the obama years. Shouldnt john kerry get tough on china on both counts . Thanks for having me, jon. A couple of things. I dont think there is any evidence to what rachel laid out as joe biden engaging with nefarious behavior with china. To talk about china specifically. There has been a lot of movement on china on the Democratic Party side toward where the president is. I think if you talk to folks who like what rachel would call the radical left, if you talk to Bernie Sanders and ocasiocortez, they have a problem with the United States relationship to china. I think that what you will see from a Biden Administration is one that will hold China Accountable while also understanding that there is Holding China accountable we have to protect American Farmers. What we saw in the past four years under donald trump is this. They tried to hold China Accountable. As a result of that a lot of American Farmers were hurt in the process. Weve got to have a more balanced approach. Thats what you will see from joe biden and the Biden Administration. Lets be clear. You can have a problem with the ideology of many of the individuals joe biden selected but you cannot question their qualifications and their abilities to do this job. All of these individuals are qualified. One i want to point out in particular is the new u. N. Ambassador he has appointed. 35 years of experience. One of the few africanamerican women to hold this post will be at the United Nations standing up for the American People and Homeland Security latino man for the First Time Ever in American History will hold the position. Same for tin tell against community. A woman will have this role. Lets think about this for a minute. No matter what party you are in you have to acknowledge the Biden Campaign and the Biden Transition Team is really looking forward facing for the first time in American History a woman Vice President. A woman running national intelligence, an africanamerican woman at the u. N. Well have a latino man running Homeland Security. This is what america looks like. Jon it will be interesting. I would just say, jon, i dont think americans are impressed with the Identity Politics approach to filling up the government. 80 million of them that voted for joe biden is interested. Jon well have to leave it there. Rachel kam pos duffy and richard fowler. Thank you both. Sandra fox news alert now 10 21 a. M. On the east coast looking at a brandnew record high for the Dow Jones Industrial average up 400 points on this tuesday during a holiday week. It is less than just over 10 points away from 30,000 now. If it were to close at this level it would be a record close as well. Continued optimism on wall street. A lot of Solid Earnings continue to come in and youve got a 400 point gain on the dow. Were watching that and more officers leaving the Seattle Police department after deep budget cuts. The impact on Public Safety from california to new york. More sheriffs are taking a stand against state covid19 restrictions saying they will not enforce thanksgiving stay at home orders. Governor andrew cuomo says sheriffs do not get to decide what they enforce. What about sheriffs who ignore Immigration Laws leading to socalled Sanctuary Cities . Well get into that. Its not up to you. You dont have that right. But it is signifying to the upstate sheriffs what theyre doing is theyre being political. Three thousand dollars. Three thousand dollars thats how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. Record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. With the Va Streamline Refi theres no appraisal, no Income Verification, and no money out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. Sandra it is almost the bottom of the hour. Time for top stories. Doctors urging the cdc to inform people of the side effects of a covid vaccine. They say patients may feel muscle pain, chills, headache after the first shot that could be good signs of an immune response. They fear the side effects will make People Choose not to return for their second dose. Jon teenagers are the latest participant in vaccine trials. Cincinnati Childrens Hospital said it is seeing promising results in those who receive the vaccine. Sandra increasing pressure to pass a smaller Coronavirus Aid Package before the end of the year as the virus surges across the country. President elect bidens Team Reportedly Pushing Pelosi and schumer to cut a deal even if it is smaller than what they were pushing for. Jon the Seattle City Council approving its 2021 budget and slashing Police Department funding by nearly 20 as 34 more Police Officers there have left the citys force over the last month. Dan springer is live in seattle. So is anybody happy about all of these developments, . This is a budget that people on both sides of the issue of defunding the police are attacking. Protestors wanted the city council to keep its pledge to cut police by 50 . Business and neighborhood groups say Public Safety will suffer as cops leave the force in droves. In the end the Council Voted to cut the Police Funding by 18 . That does not include a bunch of layoffs. Instead, the city is doing a bit of a shell game taking the 911 call center and Parking Enforcement out of the Police Budget and putting it under a different department. Also the council rejected calls for a Hiring Freeze of officers so next year up to 100 cops can be hired. The problem is record attrition this year. According to one report, 144 sworn officers have left the Seattle Police force this year and the number is expected to rise to 200 by january as homelessness is out of control. Murders are way up along with robberies and violent assaults. Were at a crisis point as far as having enough officers available to answer the 911 call let alone followup investigations. We dont have enough people. Over the summer during the height of the protests in seattle 7 of the 9 City Council Members pledged to defund the police by 50 . Yesterday one of the two no voters said the call to defund by 50 was an empty and misleading slogan. But the way the mayor and city council are avoiding more pushback is promising 70 million from a huge payroll tax on successful businesses to be spent on Community Safety programs and antidiscrimination projects. And Protest Leaders will have a say in how that money is spent, one of the ideas, jon, is to let social workers respond to some 911 calls instead of police. Well have to that goes. Jon good time not to be living in seattle. Thanks very much, dan springer. I dont believe this is a Law Enforcement issue. We are so busy enforcing and keeping our citizens safe by arresting robbers and Child Molesters and home burglars. Making criminals out of normally lawabiding citizens doesnt make sense. Sandra fresno county, california sheriff on this program yesterday. She joined several other sheriffs across the country who are refusing to enforce Covid Restrictions like lockdowns and curfews this Holiday Season. Tom homan a former director of ice and thanks for being here this morning. Do you agree with the sheriffs going at it on their own saying we arent going to enforce this . Absolutely. I think they are Great American patriots. They understand law abiding u. S. Citizens have First Amendment rights, too. These governors and democratic governors think that protests turned violent and tell the police to turn a blind eye because they have First Amendment rights to gather and petition the government, they have that right. Law abiding citizens dont have a First Amendment right to go to church or have Family Gatherings . I think these sheriffs are american patriots and god bless them. Sandra weigh in on the broader problem right now. We have a rising Infection Rate happening across the country. Weve got Hospitalization Rate going up as well. Deaths are climbing in numbers. There is a huge problem with the pandemic and covid19 in the country. Many of these local municipalities are trying to do their best to force restrictions to stop the spread. You may agree with them or not agree with them. Weigh in on it. How should it be handled . Look, i think the cdc made it clear. I think Wearing Masks when its appropriate is the right thing to do. Social distancing when appropriate is the right thing to do. What the governors have done, there is no law that has been enacted by a legislature. They just decide to make a decision. And they want Law Enforcement out there to enforce a nonlaw against u. S. Citizens but refuse to let the same Law Enforcement officers work with ice to arrest people around their jail which is their job to keep criminals locked up and keep our streets safe. They refuse that. It is hypocrisy that Law Enforcement cant do the job unless protestors commit crimes or work with ice to take Public Safety threats off the street. Thats a nogo for the democratic governors. They cant have it both ways. They cant say enforce this against law abiding citizens and estimate ignore criminal statutes that was legislated by either congress or State Legislature. Sandra as you well know andrew cuomo in new york doesnt agree with you. Listen. How a Law Enforcement officer says i choose not to enforce that law, i believe that Law Enforcement officer violates his or her constitutional job as a Law Enforcement officer. Thats a dictator. So you are not a Law Enforcement officer. You cant pick and choose. And if thats the way you run your Law Enforcement agency i dont consider it a Law Enforcement agentz. Sandra if the sheriffs dont abide, many of them who have said that, tom, could they be held responsible by governors like andrew cuomo . First of all lets be clear. Governor cuomo is stating misfacts there. Lying to his people. There is no law. No law was enacted by his State Legislature. If anybody is a dictator its him. Ill say the same thing to Governor Cuomo that i said in my last hearing. I pay a lot of taxes in new york. He works for me. He works for the new york state taxpayers. He is accountable to us not the other way around. We arent accountable to him. So to him vilify Law Enforcement for protecting the First Amendment rights for new york state residents is abhorrent. It is insulting that a governor would say that. Sandra lets look at some of the restrictions. The Quarantine Restrictions he has put in place for his state that are very strict, much stricter for any other state was issued by executive order. Yeah, i get that. But the State Legislature has not enacted any laws in the state of new york. Look, the problem is its inconsistent across the country. New york state Governor Cuomo has beenville filing Law Enforcement for years. It isnt just covid. He has been Attacking Ice Officers and compared them to the gangsters on the street. He wont allow Law Enforcement officers in new york to work with ice. Him along with the mayor of New York City deblasio has knocked ice out of the rykers island jail. Lets not get things mixed up with Governor Cuomo. He has been against Law Enforcement from day one andville filing them for a couple of years. This is just his latest argument why Law Enforcement is less than they used to be. Sandra as we listen to what you are saying and take that in and heard what the governor has to say and other democratic governors across the country who have tough restrictions on their people, you see and you say that you believe the cdc and science and says to wear a mask, social distance. If that isnt going on and that certainly isnt going on in some areas of the country. We dont like to think so but it is. Should something be done at a local or state level to help enforce some of the things that we know significantly slow or stop the spread of this virus . Should anything be done to enforce that . Maybe a State Official can enforce it. What he is asking someone to do, he is asking local Law Enforcement to enforce something that isnt a law. If he wants to send down an executive order, you cant tell local Law Enforcement enforce a law that hasnt been enacted by any State Legislature and attack law abiding citizens and their First Amendment rights at the same time telling them you arent allowed to arrest protestors or help ice. You cant have it both ways. Sandra there was a large jewish wedding thousands of people. He is warning legal action against this. A lot of these states are facing it now as we all try to do the right thing and people have different ways of doing it. Great to have you on this morning. Did you have a final thought . No, i think at some point we need to trust the American People to do the right thing. The American People know covid19 im not belittling it. It is a significant issue were dealing with. Hundreds of thousands have died and it is serious. At some point you have to let the American People take control of their lives. Most citizens will do the right thing. For those that dont well hold them accountable. You cant violate their First Amendment rights, too. While protecting the First Amendment rights of people out there committing crimes. It is just not the way this country is supposed to be. Sandra we appreciate your time this morning, tom, thank you. Jon President Trumps first America First policy is coming under attack. James mattis says its dangerous for our National Security and calling on the biden team to eliminate it. Fox Friends Weekend cohost pete hegseth joins us with his thoughts next. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . 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Consult your Healthcare Provider before starting on omnipod. Simplify diabetes. Simplify life. Omnipod. Sandra a Teen Vogue Columnist painting a grim picture of the United States saying she rejects President Elect Bidens call for unity because it doesnt square with United States history. Tell us about that, carley. This is a teen vogue column. It is very important because it really represents what joe biden will be facing for the next four years. That is the tugofwar between what he wants to accomplish as a moderate democrat and what progressives are demanding that he do. And you can really already see that unfolding with the cofounder of the black lives Matter Movement saying we want something in exchange for supporting you. Or the members of the squad trying to influence his cabinet picks. And all of that is really to be expected. I think joe bidens problem over the next four years runs deeper than that. He has been in politics for decades where obama was this young, fresh, exciting politician. Joe biden is not. Many members of the progressive wing see the joe bidens part of the problem and they have become more energized a President Trump administration. So they are now speaking out louder than ever before and they want joe biden to do and accomplish goals in terms of how they see the Country Evolving in the future. Sandra here is more from that Teen Vogue Piece at its core americas values are White Supremacy and capitalism. Bidens call for a United America boils down to nationalist propaganda and racist policing the u. S. Has privileged the lives and security of some residents at the expense of others. What sort of reaction is this getting, carley . Well, the typical reaction. I think that a lot of folks that this is a column that was printed in teen vogue because a lot of folks who read teen vogue believe this and are intrigued by it. There is this overwhelming sense within the progressive wing that we are a failed country. That we have yet to atone for our sins and that is sort of why this really piques the interest of conservatives as well and why theyre so overwhelmingly to embrace ideas like patriotism and the National Anthem and Law Enforcement. The other side is trying to rip that down. I will be curious to see how joe biden really responds to this pressure because it was very easy for President Trump to support strong borders, to support Law Enforcement because thats what his base wants him to do. There are these two opposing ideas within the Democratic Party. He will have to try to represent all of those people. Jon so up next will the Biden Administration put an end to President Trumps signature America First policy . Why former Defense Secretary james mattis says its time. Veterans, record low Mortgage Rates have now fallen even lower. By refinancing at newday you can save 3000 a year every year. 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What will change if the America First policy goes away, pete . He is just flat out wrong. It will become america last, a system where we interconnect to these international and globalist systems that give priority and prerogatives like the paris climate accord, like the u. N. And others to china and other socalled developing nations who take advantage of it and you can run a truck through it. It is just flat out not true. If you look at what the president did with nato, the tough love he gave our allies to say you dont actually have a country if you cant defend yourself. You cant free load off of us like you have for the last 50 years. You need to pay up. Or where he fortified alliances in the middle east around iran and said this is the new alliance that you didnt see coming and this deal enriched you. It wont happen any longer. And china. A quick and steady rise while drafting off unfair trade practices, total duplicity that Donald Trump The First president ever stood up to and said we understand who you are and what you are doing and we wont allow it to happen anymore. America is the only country capable of staring down the communist chinese. It is a fool harded oped for james mattis to say this. America first should be our lodestar. Lets put our citizens first with foreign pollz. Other countries will follow that lead if you want to stay free themselves. This could be a bad preview of things to come. Jon let me read more on the oped of james mattis. Not even the United States is Strong Enough to protect itself on its own. It needs help to preserve its way of life. Cooperating with likeminded nations to sustain an International Order is of mutual security and prosperity is a Cost Effective way of securing that help. Doing so means resisting the temptation to maximize u. S. Gains at the expense of countries that share its objectives. Im not sure that America First ever said maximizing u. S. Gains, did it . Well even if it did, whats wrong with maximizing u. S. Gains if america is strong, thats good for free nations around the world. A serious question. What other country in the world has the capability of the military. Maybe the br its sort of. Maybe the australians kind of sort of. Maybe the canadians, they have great fighters but their National Prerogative hold them back. The legacy alliances are important at some level but only if the countries are willing to defend themselves or be part of a collective effort if needed. A lot of these countries have forgot about history and have totally gutted their militaries to pay for their welfare state. China knows a lot of their opponents are fundamentally unserious. If we slide into that the United States of america, we lose the only leader for freedom. If you are free but dont have an army, you arent free. You are subject to somebody. Thats what donald trump understood. Jon interesting to know whether china and russia decide to follow the same kind of suggestion. Pete hegseth. Good to have you on. Thanks. Sandra thank you. The first doses of a covid19 vaccine could be available next month. Now the debate over who gets that vaccine first. Why teachers say they should be among the first in line. At tmobile, we believe you should get more. Thats why weve merged with sprint. Now its about to get even better. And as we work to integrate sprints network, our nationwide 5g keeps getting stronger. With the capacity and coverage to reach more people and places across the country. Who says you cant have it all. Now is the time for 5g. Now is the time to join tmobile. You might think you were born with a slow metabolism. D to lose weight, thats exactly what these people thought. woman i lost 75 pounds with golo. announcer nambu lost 48 pounds. Hannah lost 60 pounds. And graham lost 131 pounds. 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Or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Visit enbrel. Com to see how your joint damage could progress. Enbrel. Eligible patients may pay as little as 5 per month. Sandra there should be enough doses of the covid19 vaccines to vaccinate 20 million people. Teachers unions say their members should be among the first to receive the vaccine along with doctors and nurses. Will there be enough . Jackie deangelis is live in New York City with the latest. Healthcare workers, first responders, vulnerable populations are with first in line. With schools closing in New York City again to open schools and not close them again teachers will need the vaccine. Now the National Center for Education Statistics projected that there would be 3. 7 million teachers in this country in september of this year and of course keeping the classrooms open is key for so many reasons. If we can get them vaccinated earlier we can keep schools open which will allow parents to go to work and get our economy going again. Sandra Hhs Secretary Azar said the Cdc Advise Re Committee On Immune Sietion Practices will make a recommendation to the cdc direct for how to prioritize populations for distribution. He also noted the quantities will be initially scarce. He also explained that states would get their share on a pro raita basis. We reached out to the Biden Administration but they didnt get back to us. The American Federation of teachers referred us to its executive Council Resolution stating initial Vaccine Production will not be sufficient for all people to be vaccinated at the outset. A well managed National Priority Distribution Plan must give priority to the most highly vulnerable in the community including essential workers. Of course, the aft believes teachers are essential. Sandra Jackie Deangelis on that story. The thanksgiving getaway underway at airports across the country even as the cdc warns americans should stay home if they can and states hit hard by a surge of new cases issues more restrictions. Welcome back to americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Hello, jon. Jon good morning. Im jon scott. As millions take to the skies ahead of the holiday, some strict new rules also taking hold today. Pennsylvania is banning Alcohol Sales at bars and restaurants through thursday. Los angeles going even further completely shutting down indoor and Outdoor Dining as the county restricts restaurants, wineries and bars to takeout only for the next three weeks. Sandra tough times for many of those restaurants. Jeff paul is live in santa monica ka, a restaurant affected by the new ban. Whats the reaction there this morning . Overall its frustration. A lot of Restaurant Owners and staff are scrambling to figure out what to do in l. A. County starting tomorrow. That is when the Outdoor Dining ban goes into effect issued by the l. A. County Health Department. What is really frustrating for these Restaurant Owners they have invested in Outdoor Dining. This one has some barriers set up. Some planters, a little turf on the ground. Several tables to deal with the people. Even this restaurant right here jamisons built an entire deck to entice people to come out and spend a little money. They can do the takeout to go food still but they say it doesnt pay the bills. It was the Outdoor Dining that helped them break even. So they really dont know how they will keep the lights on for the next three weeks when the Outdoor Dining ban goes into effect. Its just been devastating. Now that we have to close the outside, were going to have to tell 11 of our employees go home. And how are they going to pay their bills . The decision was made to shut down outdoor eating after officials saw an unprecedented surge in coronavirus cases. A local Health Director says they came to that conclusion in order to slow down the current spread due to people interacting with different households often without masks. Starting at 10 00 p. M. On wednesday just a day before thanksgiving dining outdoors is suspended until at least middecember. Our goal is to not arrest folks. Our goal is to not use the criminal law to enforce these things but to utilized indication, to utilize humanity, to talk to folks about the issues. There is one city that will not be banning the Outdoor Dining here within l. A. County. The city of pasadena. Its because they have their own Health Department and they will be judging those numbers on a daily basis. Sandra. Sandra jeff paul, thank you. Jon new yorks Governor Andrew Cuomo changing his own Holiday Plans after getting criticism. Cuomo had said he planned to spend the day with his daughters and his 89yearold mother in albany. Critics immediately called him out for hypocrisy after he urged new yorkers to avoid gatherings to stop the spread of coronavirus. Cuomo then canceled his plans were told. Senior advisor to the governor saying dont tell his mom, she doesnt know yet. Sandra there is a pushback to all these new Coronavirus Restrictions ahead of the holiday concerns the new say no thanks to thanksgiving pan dates. The Pacific Legal Foundation Policy director. Were not saying say no. I dont think this piece to my knowledge is saying no to the Safety Measures that are being enforced. But it is some of these restrictions that are being suggested just go too far. You can speak, joe, to the constitutionality of some of these. Do you take issue with any of the restrictions were seeing across the country . Yes. Thank you for mentioning that as well. We have no problem with the actual mandates themselves in a lot of ways. Every family needs to consider what is safe for them and what makes sense. But the problem is that governors and local officials like in los angeles are abusing their emergency Power Authority by continuing to unilaterally rule for months and months without any legislative input whatsoever. Sandra you say an emerging Infectious Disease can justify emergency actions. As the lockdowns drag out governors continue to operate in Emergency Mode without approval from the peoples elected representatives. Emergency powers cannot lawfully continue without democratic input for this long. And thats an important point. Where do you think the tolerance is from people for these restrictions to keep people safe . I think its starting to weigh down on people. As you just mentioned andrew cuomo had a hard time following his own orders. Number of other states theyre talking about adding criminal infractions to all this as well. It has been pressing down on people. It is more important than ever that governors look to legislators and courts begin to look at some of these Emergency Orders insure they are doing things in the most narrow way possible to keep health and safety but not sandra the cost that restaurants are incurring to adopt to rule changes. This is evil. No other way to describe it. Business owners have spent thousands of dollars to set up Outdoor Dining after government forced them to close indoor downing and now forced to close Outdoor Dining too. The broader point is so many of these restaurants, a majority of these restaurants tried to accommodate the rules. Here in New York City they put outdoor setups, heaters out. Built tents in some cases. Plants and flowers to accommodate the Outdoor Dining. Then you say you cant serve a meal at all. Theyre out all the money they used to accommodate the lack of indoor dining. Right. Such a shame. What weve found there are still businesses that are operating. Sometimes that can lead to political favortism. Adding to the legislature not just for the governors Executive Orders and mayors Executive Orders you have a better chance of getting a fair, even application of the law. Sandra youve seen some of these sheriffs have spoken out and said we arent enforcing these rules. We arent going to count how many folks are walking into susie smiths house and tell them they have to eliminate two of them. They dont in many cases believe that these are restrictions that need to be in place. People in their houses can make their own safety decisions. Where do you stand . I think thats right. When you start implicating the criminal law in these Emergency Orders is when you get into trouble. Again governors should have some limited Emergency Powers but that is when there is an immediate crisis. Weve been involved in this for months. There is more appetite now to get more people involved. The Legal Foundation has a model bill we would suggest of all states that respect separation of powers which says that after 30 days detime if the legislature and governor cant agree what the Emergency Power should look like the order should expire. That will force their hand when you consider all the pluses and minuses when it comes to what happens with Emergency Orders we want to make sure everything is narrowly tailored. Sandra should be clear the video were using now is thanksgivings past of people gathering in large numbers. Thanksgiving wont look like that this year for many of us. It is an unbelievable time and we want people to be safe and want people to enjoy Family Members. Ist is tough. Appreciate your time this morning, joe. Thanks. Thanks for having me. Jon cancel culture hits the u. S. Congress. One of the senates longest serving lawmakers strong armed giving up her top spot. Her crime . Being too nice to another lawmaker from the other side of the aisle. Cabinet choices have Government Pros with decades of experience. Critics say its more like a comeback of the swamp that President Trump worked to drain. Thats up next. If trump was the ultimate outsider, blinken and the rest of joe bidens picks so far are the ultimate insiders, washington, d. C. Insiders. Just dropped recoe to new all time lows. Veterans can refinance their loans with no Income Verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call to newday usa can save you 3,000 every year. You could start saving, beginning with your next mortgage payment. Refi now at these historic low rates. Sandra President Elect joe biden announcing who he plans to nominate for his for his cabinet. The gsa has given the biden team access to resources. Peter, are we expecting to hear from biden today . Good morning. Good morning, we are expecting the hear from the President Elect today, sandra, as well as the six people he nominated yesterday to key National Security roles, one of them John Kerry The New Climate Czar who is going to run point on the Biden Administrations 2 trillion plan to fight Climate Change. While happening. Biden staff and trump staff can Start Talking to each other for the first time. In the days ahead Transition Officials will begin meeting with federal officials to discuss the pandemic response, have a full accounting of our National Security interests and gain complete understanding of the Trump Administrations efforts to hollow out government agencies. The biden side had been growing impatient with the gsa and raising money to fund their transition but now they have access to more than 7 million taxpayer dollars to get them to inauguration day. They are about to get access to classified and privileged government files including the ins and outs of Operation Warp speed. I think that they will get the benefit of whatever the scientists have been telling these various committees. As you know, we now know that they were getting information that they were not sharing with people. Clyburn is a key biden ally. He also said he thinks there are there is room in the administration for jobs for Stacey Abrams and Bernie Sanders but it is worth pointing out that so far the progressives who have really put themselves out there for jobs like Elizabeth Warren for treasury have not gotten it. Theyve been passed over so far. Sandra thank you, peter. Jon more on that topic. Joe bidens choices for key cabinet posts include longtime washington insiders. The President Elect will nominate former deputy Secretary Of State antony blink blinken to head the state department. Michael goodwin is a Fox News Contributor and he joins us now to talk about it. Interesting as peter doocy was just mentioning there has been no announcement of a Bernie Sanders as secretary of labor and Elizabeth Warren did not get the Treasury Secretary job that she supposedly wanted so badly. What is it saying to you, michael . Well, good morning, john. I think what it really shows is what joe biden and who joe biden is comfortable with. Not surprisingly he is comfortable with the people he worked with before in these agencies but i think more importantly it is not so much about the people as it is the policies they represented. That i think is the most troubling part of this. That when you look at john kerry, for example, and the iran pact on the climate deal, none of these were popular. None of these worked in americas favor. They were not popular around the world. Particularly the iran deal. You see how the facts in the world have changed with united arab emirates, sudan making a peace treaty with israel and recognizing israel. Now saudi arabias crown prince meeting with the head of the israeli government. These are enormous changes that joe biden and john kerry and their ilk never saw coming. They thought they werent possible. John kerry said recently there would be no separate arab peace with israel. It depended on the palestinians. That turned out to be absolutely wrong. Tony blinken, of course, from the obamaBiden Administration. The issue here is does joe biden have any forward ideas or are we just going back to the ideas that were repudiated by the American People by the Trump Administration and by the facts that happened after the policies were changed . So that to me is the most troubling part of this. Jon k. T. Mcfarland doesnt seem to think much of the nominees so far. Listen. This is globalism at large. The first thing that will go out the window as you pointed out America First. These guys will get out the american checkbook, rejoin all the International Organizations which we underwrite and pay for and the problem is that none of them will stand up to china. Jon china and iran. President trump canceled the iran deal. Can we expect that somehow will be renovated now . Joe biden has said he would like to do that. But i think that the facts on the ground in the mideast basically say you shouldnt do that. You dont need to do that. You were doing better this way when youve got the arab stays uniting with israel against iran, why would you want to coddle iran and give them a boost when youve really got them on the run . Dont forget President Trump gave the order to take out soleimani, the mastermind of destruction. Biden said he wouldnt have done that. Nato as k. T. Mentioned. Think of all the additional monies that nato is now paying for the common defense. Germany, etc. None of them were paying their fair share before. President trump got them to increase dramatically the amount of money theyre spending for the common defense. That would not have happened under joe biden and now well criticize the Trump Administration for not taking better care of nato . I think trump actually strengthened nato. Jon i want to touch on another topic with you. Cancel culture hitting the United States senate. Senator Dianne Feinstein is going to be leaving her chairmanship of the judiciary committee. Her across the aisle ally or friend i guess we could say Lindsey Graham spoke about why. Listen. Dianne feinstein stepped down today as the Ranking Member because apparently i gave her a hug and thats an unpardonable sin. They literally ran Dianne Feinstein, who is a great person, out of her job because she said something nice about me. Jon is that the way it will work in washington these days, michael . Apparently. What was really striking, jon, is in the fox news story Chuck Schumer apparently had a long talk with Dianne Feinstein. Schumer being the minority leader, perhaps majority leader. Well see what happens in georgia. He basically talked her into doing this. And so i think the real significant issue here is not that the rabid left wanted this but that schumer agreed to it and pushed her out. So that to me is a remarkable thing of how the leaders of congress, the leaders of the Democratic Party, nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer are not really leaders, they are followers of the most radical members of their party and in congress as well. That is what i think is most striking and it really sends a sour note, i think. Joe biden talked about unity. This does not feel like unity. This feels like war by another name. Jon incredible. Just fun and Interesting Times to watch. Michael goodwin, thank you. Sandra. Sandra the pentagon promising it will never be intimidated by russia after the kremlin claims they chased off a warship. Joe bidens promise to rejoin the paris climate agreement is one step closer as he chooses one of the plans authors, john kerry, as his climate czar. With the nation in a recession can the economy bear the cost of that plan . More on the price tag just ahead. Some hot cocoa . Mom, look are you okay . Head home this holiday with the one you love. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers at the mercedesbenz winter event. Sandra top stories on this Tuesday Morning making headlines. Federal government signing off to start the president ial transition. President trumps chief of staff mark meadows along with the white House Counsel convinced him to let joe bidens team start the process after weeks of contesting the election. Jon the pentagon reports russia is lying about chasing off a u. S. Warship. That response after the kremlin claims its navy threatened to ram the u. S. S. John mccain for entering russian waters. Pentagon says not only was the mccain in neutral territory but also promises our navy would never be intimidated by russia. Sandra some good news ahead of the thanksgiving. The price of a holiday feast feeding 10 people is at its lowest in a decade according to the American Farm bureau. A little more than 45 can get you a turkey, stuffing and sides and pumpkin pie. For 10 people it comes out to less than 5 per person. If we lose these two senate seats in georgia, pelosi will run the house, schumer will run the senate and the president falls short and biden gets to be president you are going to have pelosi, schumer, and biden. Thats a trifecta from hell for big government. Jon on hannity last night why the Georgia Senate races are so important. He made a big donation to both republican candidates. His Reelection Campaign wired 1 million there. He asked fellow republicans to follow his lead and send any money left from their campaigns to georgia which could make the difference. While the focus is on the Senate Runoff elections in georgia republicans have taken back a number of house seats with nine races still not called and all of them favoring gop candidates. What will a slimddown majority mean for democrats in the house . David spunt is live in washington with more on that. David, the speaker of the house nancy pelosi used the word mandate when talking about democrats keeping the house . Yeah, she did and many republicans would take issue with that word mandate. Democrats are ahead as far as house seats are concerned but they are not that far ahead. Nancy pelosi will remain speaker in the next congress the third most powerful person in government but no question republicans have made many gains in congress as we head into the 117th congress. Lets take a look at the current Balance Of Power right now. Were looking at going into the next congress 222 seats that democrats hold while House Republicans have 204 seats. It only adds up to 426. 435 seats. Nine races are still outstanding three weeks after the election. Those nine races that have yet to be called but currently led by republicans. This includes two races in california, one in louisiana, one in iowa. The iowa race, jon, separated by just 47 votes. No joke. Five races yet to be called in new york and new york 11 we have the story of congressman max rose conceded to his opponent to republican Nicole Malliotakis but we havent officially called that race yet because of military and other outstanding ballots. If republicans win all nine races outstanding it brings the Balance Of Power to 222 democrats and 213 republicans. Close. Kevin mccarthy will remain the republican leader. We go across the capitol to the u. S. Senate. Right now republicans have the edge with 50 to democrats 48 senators, but that georgia runoff could change it all. No question. Millions being poured into that race. If democrats both win it is 50 50. The Vice President of the United States, Vice President elect Kamala Harris would cast that tiebreaking vote. Weve seen it happen many times with the current Vice President , mike pence when he comes in the chamber and casts the vote if its a 50 50 tie. Jon david spunt. Thank you. The paris accord was not designed to save the environment. It was designed to kill the american economy. I refuse to surrender millions of American Jobs and send trillions of american dollars to the worlds worst polluters and environmental offenders. Thats what would have happened. Sandra that was President Trump dismissing the pair it climate accord even as joe biden appoints john kerry to be the climate czar. It has norkd by republicans as a job killer. What does it mean the u. S. Is set the repoint that pact . The American Action forum joins us now. What does it mean . Well good morning, sandra. I think the important thing is not so much that President Elect Biden wants to make climate a priority and created a position as climate czar for former Secretary Of State john kerry. The question is what will they try to accomplish with the paris aagreement . Rejoining as it stands doesnt do much. Paris is an agreement where we cut emissions but no enforcement of those promises and weve seen lots of violations around the globe. My presumption is they will try to have a paris plus where you have promises to cut emissions and some sort of enforcement mechanism. Thats where the rubber hits the road. If we enforce it around the globe we have to enforce it in the u. S. What does that look like . Sandra interesting. The New York Post Editorial Board takes on kerrys appointment as the climate envoy saying we look forward to the anticarbon lectures. Kerry negotiated the iran nuclear deals. He had to pretend to cheer an accord that gave away several points. Nonnegotiable. Tough inspection requirements and helped craft the 2015 paris climate accord. Nonbinding triumph. Sounds by your laughing there something you agree with. I think it does raise questions about the structure that President Elect Biden set up. He has a climate czar. The key job of that czar is to get china to comply if theyre serious and not make empty promises on emissions. How do you do that . Leverage on china. I dont think you have leverage by having a climate czar. You need other weapons of diplomacy, Economic Security and force and trade and those things. Thats what the Secretary Of State uses. They have a Secretary Of State. Who will do what and how does this actually change the position of the u. S. Versus the world in this issue . I think thats the open question. Sandra we will continue that conversation in just a moment. Our team has been watching the big boards as it began trading this morning and it was set for quite a rally. That rally has continued and ill alert our viewers we are looking at a record high for the u. S. Stock market. The dow crossed 30,000 for the First Time Ever and ill also note that the dow just closed above 29,000 for the first time back on january 5th. So you have a market rally that seems to continue now that joe biden is the President Elect. The president has given the green light for that transition to continue. A lot of this is optimism over a coronavirus. Doug, if i could get you to weigh in on this historic moment. I think this is remarkable. We have never seen a recession recovery like this where weve seen equity markets function smoothly, fantastic and rise throughout the recession. Thats never happened before. Weve seen housing markets rise during the recession. We never saw that happen before. You have to ground it in the tremendous advances in medical Science Behind the vaccines and the other therapeutics weve heard so much about. The antibodies and therapies to allow us to treat people more effectively. With that as the force behind it we can now get the economy to function better and thats what the market is reflecting. Sandra for those who love the market stats i can tell you that this, if the dow closed at these levels it would be the ninth record close in 2020. Despite everything that has happened isnt that remarkable . And this after it hit 22 records in 2019. Final thought . 2020 is like no other year and add this to the list. Sandra good way to put it. Douglas, great to see you this morning. Thank you. Jon. Jon new yorks mayor bill deblasio slapping a Brooklyn Synagogue with an eyepopping punishment after a wedding celebration that thousands of people took part in a plot to keep it secret. Diners told they have to take a covid test that adds a 50 fee to their tab at a manhattan dining spot. Were live there next. And, your uniquelyyou health needs . 1 in 400 trillion. Roughly. Thats why walgreens created something new. With personalized, Realtime Health alerts. Cash rewards on. Everything. And pickup in as little as 30 minutes. Introducing mywalgreens. A whole new way to wellness. Have just dropped even lower. Rates introducing mywalgreens. Using their va benefits, veterans who refi at newday can now save 3000 dollars a year with the Va Streamline Refi. At newday theres no Income Verification, no appraisal, and not a single dollar out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. Wake up in a Winter Slumberland with a cozy casper mattress and pillows, soft percale sheets, even glow, our magical light for better sleep sandra new york mayor bill deblasio slapping a Brooklyn Synagogue with a 15,000 fine for hosting a massive wedding earlier this month violating the citys Coronavirus Restrictions. The fine comes after the New York Post exposed the secret celebration posting a picture of thousands of guests ignoring social distancing protocols and not Wearing Masks. Jon in manhattan restaurants are looking for new ways to create a safer Dining Experience as covid19 cases rise. One place is now charging customers 50 bucks for a coronavirus test before letting them in the door. Fox business christina is live at that restaurant. You have to pay for your rapid covid test when you make a reservation, christina . Yeah, thats exactly it. A 50 rapid covid test. Think of it like a night on the town. You have some bubbles, take a test and you can go have dinner or listen to live music. This could be a glimpse into the future for indoor dining. The way it works you is pay 50 in advance, come to the location on a tuesday for tonight, get the nasal swab up your nose. They say theyll give you a glass of bubbles for 15 minutes. If you test positive you cant go into the venue. Negative you can walk right in. Employees, staff, anybody coming to the building will have to take such a test. I spoke to the owner about city winery why he is making the 50 test mandatory. Listen. For the next six months is really critical to both be safe but also have some real business. And so having a test at the front door is just another protocol that can be added. At protocol that can be added. With the 1,000 restaurants that have already closed down since the beginning of the pandemic in march you can understand why they are trying to stay ahead of the curve. Tonight and tomorrow night are sold out. Everybody paid that 50 for the coronavirus rapid test. Jon unbelievable. Thats creativity. Thanks. Sandra billionaire bill gates was toppled years from the top of the worlds richest list. The man behind microsoft getting knocked down another peg. Well tell you who is taking his place. Officers handing out feasts. It was an anonymous donor who fed these people so nobody knows how to thank. Who to thank. Try a little kindness veterans can shortcut the refinance process and save 250 a month. 3000 dollars a year. With the Va Streamline Refi at newday, theres no appraisal, no Income Verification, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. Sandra bill gates no longer the second richest man in the world. He have is now number three on its list of the worlds riches people. Elon musk is number two now. He earned more than 100 billion this year alone. Who is richer than both of them . That would be jeff bezos from amazon. Jon nearly 30 families in virginia getting thanksgiving dinners with all the trimmings thanks to a generous donor who wanted to be anonymous. Officer derrick funn and linda toney join us now. They helped hand out the food. A fun police assignment, huh . It absolutely is. Were excited to tell you a little bit about it. I can tell you we had i wanted to tell you about this donor, the resident of our county who contacted our police chief back in october and said that he and his family wanted to partner with us to feed families in our county that dont normally get the opportunity to perhaps have a great turkey meal and a meal at thanksgiving. This donor came forward and we were able to identify families through our School Resource officers and through our Community Policing officers who could benefit from this donation. Jon it had to be difficult, i suppose, derek, just to pick the lucky 50, when huh . It wasnt too bad. We are very close with our community and usually we are pretty have good relationships. It wasnt hard to come up with families. Jon give us, linda, some samplings of the reactions you got when you showed up with free thanksgiving dinners . I want to tell you about the donor and when his reaction and officer funn can tell you about some reactions from the community. This resident of our county, community member. He didnt want to be in the limelight. He wanted to make sure families benefit and understand the relationship and how positive it should be with police and he didnt want to be in any pictures. Assured us if we got to a donation location with a family and there was more than 4 to 6 people because each meal actually fed 4 to 6 people. If there was more than that to please let him know. He and his family would buy more to make sure everyone got fed. His reaction. Very humble and were very grateful. Officer funn can tell you about reactions from the community. Absolutely. So the families were very happy when we showed up. Just happy that they can sit down and actually get a meal. I can tell you that i remember being a young kid. I actually was a recipient as a young man of getting free meals at christmastime and thanksgiving time from the local church as well as the salvation army. It really was a blessing to be a part of Something Like this. We need to remember in these covid19 times there are still a lot of people unemployed, people who have lost their businesses and lost their jobs. A lot of hurting people out there at this thanksgiving time. Absolutely. It is truly a blessing. You dont always think about or remember if you are able to provide for your own family others arent as fortunate. The fact that someone from our community would want to give back in such a huge way. What a true meaning that is for the Holiday Season especially with everything going on with covid and other things in the world lately. Jon the photos show so many of your fellow officers out there with bags in their hands. It must have been a fun time to get together and go do something great for the community. Absolutely. It was fun just to get out and see Smiling Faces and just serve the community. Jon and there must have been some real surprise on the faces of the people when you rang the doorbell, huh . Absolutely. They were just very excited to see us. Again, im sure that some people didnt plan to have a thanksgiving meal so the fact that we showed up with bags they were just very happy to see us. I will tell you for us folks making deliveries were part of our School Resource officer program and recommendations from our Community Policing officers so i think that speaks highly of the relationship that we have with our community so that the family and maybe the children could see their School Resource officer who maybe they hadnt seen because theyve been in school virtually. That only does positive things to strengthen and continue our relationship with our community. Jon hats off to the donor who made all of this possible for 50 families to get free thanksgiving dinners in your county. Lieutenant colonel linda toney and officer derek funn. Thank you for joining us this morning and Happy Thanksgiving to you. Sandra thats a great story. Backers of the defund the Police Movement celebrating a victory in a major american city. Seattle cutting its Police Department budget. How that decision will impact the city already reeling from crime. If youre on medicare, remember, the annual Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your coverage. Begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare. And take advantage of a wide choice of plans. Including an aarp Medicare Advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. It can combine your hospital and doctor coverage. With part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. 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Now more than ever, count on unitedhealthcare to help you get the care you need, when you need it. We can even help schedule appointments or find a specialist. Enrollment ends december 7th. Call unitedhealthcare or go online today. We make it easy to enroll, too. Its time to take advantage of all the benefits of. The only Medicare Advantage plans with the aarp name. [sfx mnemonic] finding the right words can be tough. N it comes to autism, finding understanding doesnt have to be. We can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org. Jon congresswomanelect lauren beaufort who hails from my home state of colorado is looking to harm herself while on capitol hill. The gun rights advocate has asked Capitol Police about carrying a weapon while on capitol grounds. The practice is allowed for lawmakers with some limitations, under decadesold congressional regulations. She also owns shooters grill, gun themed restaurant. Sandra Seattle City Council members approving the 2021 budget, including police, as the city is facing a surge in crime with a Record Number of Police Officers leading the force. Dan springers live in that city with more. Good morning. Good morning, sandra. Murders in seattle are up nearly 50 this year, along with aggravated assaults and robberies. Meantime, Police Staffing is that a 30year low, even as the population here is going way out. There has been plenty of pushback to what the counsel did last night, and it cut the Seattle Police department by 18 by moving 911 call centers and the Parking Enforcement over to a different department. And by not feeling all the officer vacancies created by a Record Number of resignations. According to one report, 144 sworn officers have left the force this year, and the number could rise to 200 by january. Only 100 officers will be allowed to be hired next year. We are in a crisis point as far as having enough officers available to answer the 911 call, let alone follow up investigations. We dont have enough people. But activists who have been protesting since the killing of george floyd in may are not happy, either. At the height of the conflict this summer, seven of the nine City Council Members pledged to defund the Seattle Police department by 50 . Six of the seven reneged on that promise. Softening the blow to activists, though, is a 70 million pot of money they will choose how to spend. That money is coming from a massive payroll tax on successful businesses. Most notably, amazon, which is right now Building Office space in nearby bellevue to accommodate up to 25,000 employees. Deborah juarez, City Council Member who had never caved to the protesters, said yesterday, defund the police by 50 was a slogan and it was an empty and misleading slogan. It caused damage, it caused pain, it caused trauma, it caused anger. Taking that position was not easy. In fact, she had protesters show up at her house during the height of the protests this summer. Sandra . Sandra dan springer live in seattle for us, and i will alert you back to the big board to this morning. What a ride this has been, jon. You look at the dow topping 30,000. It happened just a short time ago, and it seems to have plowed right through their come up to 500 points. 30,086 is the new number there. Its just building optimism over a vaccine, how this could dramatically change the landscape or covid19 in this country. That optimism is feeling a big rally this morning. Jon you know, sandra, i was working here at fox news when they had to add an extra digit to the down numbers, because it was going to cross 10,000 for the first time. Sandra [laughs] jon that was a big deal back in the day. Hate to say how long ago that was. Sandra indeed. It just blew through 29,000 in january of this year. Despite every thing thats happened in 2020, look at that. All right, jon, great to be with you this morning. Jon see you again tomorrow. Sandra well do it again tomorrow. Outnumbered starts now. Lets begin here. The list is growing this hour of cracking down on tightening covid19 restrictions. Right before thanksgiving holiday, which promises to be unlike any other. Health officials are warning we are at a critical stage in the battle against coronavirus. Los angeles county is now on the cusp of a new lockdown, as cases are surging there. Parts of New York City also set to increase restrictions. Pennsylvanias governor banning Alcohol Sales at bars and restaurants tomorrow night. Thanksgiving eve. In arizona, the first county in the state to issue a voluntary nightly curfew to try and stop the spread. An

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