divisive language? it is dangerouit divisives. e sure and we are going to have to make sure that we understand that we're not at risk with this man talking in the way that he's doing. or is this going to go t are there going to beo atta attacking? whom are they going to attack? what are we goinckg to do? t i've got to get on with trying w to get an investigatioitn going >> trump's not even in officeis yet, and they're trying to open up a preemptivn ance ande anti-r investigation for a threat they dreamt up. biden's locking up trump and he can't talk about it becausei he's gagged. where's the investigation into that? eric holdehewhere e investr shoh lack of self-awareness, worried about what a politicized politic justice department would look like and in doing so, betrayed the exact playbook the left uses against their enemies. >> watch this. if a the president told a compliant attorney general, i don't like what this congressman said about me or did about me open an investigatio dn on that person.l that attorney general could tell a compliant united states