Fort Worth racetrack set to become biggest vaccine site in the state
It won't be this kind of drive-thru.
Photo courtesy of Texas Motor Speedway
A new drive-thru COVID-19 vaccine clinic will open at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth — one that's anticipated to be the largest in Texas, and possibly the entire U.S.
Beginning February 2, medical personnel will vaccinate an estimated 30,000 residents per week. The vaccines will be administered by Denton County Public Health, the Medical Reserve Corps, and area fire departments, and only to those have appointments through the Denton County Vaccine Interest Portal.
The site will host 16 drive-through lanes with the potential to vaccinate 1,000 people per hour or 10,000 people per day. Drivers stay in their cars, passing through a series of tents, getting vaccines from Moderna or Pfizer.