15 Dec 2020 / 18:29 H.
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SETAR: Two former executives of a solid waste management and public cleansing concessionaire in the state pleaded not guilty at the Sessions Court here today to receiving RM170,000 in bribes to approve false claims in 2017 and 2018.
The accused, namely Environment Idaman Sdn Bhd (E-Idaman) former chief executive officer Mhd Saiful Anuar Zainal, 51, and former chief operating officer Azmi Amin Sarji, 51, made the plea after the charges were read out before Judge Murtazadi Amran.
For the first count, the two accused were jointly charged with receiving a bribe of RM170,000 from Syarikat Azhar Prestige Environment Sdn Bhd as an inducement to approve payment to the company even though no work was done.