'Trees of gratitude' in Palo Alto decked out for nation's 245th birthday
Uploaded: Fri, Jul 2, 2021, 10:01 pm
Time to read: about 2 minutes
A group of high school students in Palo Alto have taken responsibility for decorating two street trees seasonally, a neighborhood project that started in 2012. Courtesy Jessica Yang.
Festooned in flapping patriotic pennants and flags and pompoms in red, white and blue that dangle from their branches, two well-known bike-median street trees at the intersection of Lowell Avenue and Bryant Street in Palo Alto are decked out to celebrate the Fourth of July.
The monthlong decorations gracing the so-called Trees of Gratitude are the latest iteration of community spirit and joy in the Old Palo Alto neighborhood. The tree-decorating project, which started in 2012 and was handed down from resident Catherine Debs, has been adopted by a group of Palo Alto and Gunn High School students who see the tree displays as a public service project.