Winnipeg Free Press
A summer to savour
For the town of Gimli, relaxed health restrictions are a boon to businesses that rely on seasonal visitors
By: Ben Waldman / Photos by Mikaela MacKenzie
| Posted: 7:00 PM CDT Monday, Jun. 28, 2021
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GIMLI — The patio at Comodo had been quiet for months until Ying Jie Zhen grabbed hold of the hose late Friday afternoon.
GIMLI — The patio at Comodo had been quiet for months until Ying Jie Zhen grabbed hold of the hose late Friday afternoon.
With a turn of the spigot, water rushed through the rubber snake and streamed out the other end in a focused mist, as Zhen washed away the dust and leaves that for several months had been the only things sitting outside the Chinese restaurant right at the centre of this Interlake town.