By Yekaterina Yezhova
MOSCOW, Dec 28 (PRIME) -- The Moscow Exchanges telecoms index rose by 6.1% in 2020 mostly thanks to robust performance of Rostelecom on the back of acquisition of Tele2 and other firms, while MTS is mainly a dividend-paying stock, analysts said, adding that Yandex still has growth potential.
The telecom companies managed to maintain the financial results, which is advantageous compared to the other industries, investment company IC RUSS-INVEST analyst Dmitry Bedenkov told PRIME
He added that the lockdown boosted services and raised the companies revenue.
MTS ordinary shares accounted for 72.72% of the telecom index weight on December 24, Rostelecoms ordinary shares for 22.30%, its preferred shares for 2.99%, and the preferred shares of MGTS, controlled by MTS, for 1.99%.