by: FLHSMV Office of Communications
In 2020, there were 746 fatalities from crashes involving alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both in Florida — a decrease of more than 33% from 2019. Even though impaired-driving fatalities decreased last year, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is not letting off the gas for impaired-driving education and prevention efforts in 2021.
Throughout the month of March, when Florida traditionally sees an increase in travel and visitors due to spring break, FLHSMV and its division of the Florida Highway Patrol are leading the Never Drive Impaired campaign in partnership with state agencies and safety organizations across Florida to remind motorists that there is never an excuse to drive impaired. The campaign aims to reduce impaired-driving crashes and fatalities through education and prevention messaging, including creative graphic elements that squash the common misconceptions and rationalizations that many motorists use to justify impaired driving.