This is the cover of the book "Good Things Out of Nazareth: The Uncollected Letters of Flannery O'Connor & Friends," edited by Benjamin B. Alexander. The book is reviewed by Rachelle Linner. (CNS)
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"Good Things Out of Nazareth: The Uncollected Letters of Flannery O'Connor & Friends," edited by Benjamin B. Alexander. Convergent Books (New York, 2019). 400 pp., $26.
This new book of Flannery O'Connor's letters will, inevitably, beg comparison with "The Habit of Being," the 1979 collection edited by Sally Fitzgerald. One of the pleasures of that book was its length and the leisurely pace that allowed a reader to watch O'Connor's development as a writer, a Catholic and a woman living with illness -- to watch, in other words, her unique vocation taking shape and being lived out. It was informed by Fitzgerald's impeccable scholarship and editorial modesty, her long friendship with O'Connor and her knowledge of the literary circles she moved in.