The Flagstaff City Council voted Tuesday to abandon their stake in land in the Southside Neighborhood and a future apartment complex is delayed again. The parcel at the northwest corner of Hoskins Avenue and O’Leary Street had belonged to Tommy Hernandez and his family since 1948. Hernandez petitioned the council to sell their stake in the land. Hernandez hopes to use the land for a small apartment complex with an affordable unit, as well as a sign to celebrate the historic Southside Community. City staff had recommended that the council keep their stake as a possible right of way for future construction on the Flagstaff Urban Trail, and while this caused initial concern for some council members, the vote was unanimous to let go of their stake in the land. The final vote on the issue will come in two weeks. In addition, the council voted to approve preliminary plans for two parts of the Canyon Del Rio housing development near Fourth Street and Butler. However, the anticipated vote on a possible rezone near I-17 and Lake Mary Road for the controversial “Aura Flagstaff” development was postponed, as the construction company requested a continuance to a later date.