Five Movie Scenes Where It’s Too Obvious It’s a Stunt Double and Not the Actor
19 hours ago
Let’s just get something clear on this matter before moving forward, the fact that the audience is able to notice a stunt double in a movie isn’t the fault of the stunt double at all, since a lot of them are doing everything they can to get the shot right and make it look authentic. If anything, it’s the responsibility of those that are casting for the role of a stunt double to make sure that they do everything in their power to find someone that looks reasonably similar to the stars that are being portrayed. A lot of times it goes off without a hitch and the audience is none the wiser. Well, people know that a lot of actors don’t do their own stunts, but in the more dangerous scenes, it’s not as obvious that they’ve been replaced with a stunt double. In some scenes though it’s a little too obvious that the stunt double has taken over, and on that note, it becomes a little more amusing for the audience, and sometimes a little more disappointing, since the illusion fades a bit and people have to get themselves back in the mood by continuing to watch with the knowledge of what they just saw.