(Wärtsilä/Gasum/NGV Journal) In collaboration with Wärtsilä and Gasum, the Finnish Border Guard is testing bio-LNG as fuel for a Coastguard patrol vessel. The aim is to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, thereby lessening the impact on global warming. The 96 meter long vessel, the ‘Turva’, is fitted with Wärtsilä dual-fuel engines and has been supported with a Wärtsilä maintenance agreement since its launch in 2014. The bio-LNG fuel is supplied by Gasum.
In order to test logistics and practicalities on board and demonstrate biogas as a renewable energy source in maritime transport, Gasum is performing two deliveries to Helsinki for the Finnish Border Guard. One delivery is from its plant in Risavika (Norway) and another from its plant in Turku (Finland).