Finnfare has been part of Finn class culture for 60 years. First published in 1961, it has consistently brought Finn sailors the news and views from around the world.
Finnfare is also the legacy of the class. In 1961, the arrival of Finnfare was often the first news of major races, and the only place that Finn addicts could read about their heroes and see what they looked like.
Finnfare has also documented the history of the class at the Olympic Games and the 14 past covers shown in this issue illustrate the evolution of that coverage.
This edition is the 167th issue since it was started in the USA by Fred Miller in 1961. Over those six decades 11 editors have published just shy of 4,000 pages of fun filled Finn pages. While many have called for Finnfare to become 100 per cent digital, in recent surveys the majority have steadfastly stuck to the desire to receive it through their letter box three times a year, something tangible, to be read at their unadulterated leisure.