After the successful release of Salman Khan and Disha Patani starrer ‘Radhe: Your most Wanted Bhai’ on the occasion of Eid, filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor took to his Twitter handle to hail the superstar for his film. Calling it a relief amid the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, he wrote, “a perfect #Eidi for all @beingsalmankhan fans..”
“I had a smile on my face watching him through out. a huge relief in these crazy times.. Salman Khan is not a movie he's an emotion #radhe #RadheReview @sohailKhan @zee5 @ReelLifeProdn” he further revealed.
Have a look:
a perfect #Eidi for all @BeingSalmanKhan fans..I had a smile on my face watching him through out. a huge relief in… https://t.co/PEqfNxmfn9— Abhishek Kapoor (@Abhishekapoor) 1620990536000