Film Review: ‘Black Widow’: Finally a Real Summer Blockbuster for 2021
I recently ranted about the ridiculous amounts of CGI used in “F9: The Fast Saga,” which has basically ruined the classic summer blockbuster and is turning American audiences’ minds into mush. “Black Widow,” however, is a much better movie; it can be considered a real summer blockbuster.
Ironically, it’s conceivably got
more CGI. The difference being that this is pure fantasy, whereas the fast-car movies are
supposed to be grounded in reality. So if all the characters in “Black Widow” have supernormal abilities that we choose to suspend our disbelief about, like, if they can fall a mile out of the sky, crater in the desert like Wile E. Coyote, and get up and shake it off, then the rest of the CGI foolishness is automatically drawn into the same category of disbelief suspension and therefore “makes sense.” Make sense?