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Scapegoated as part of what the president famously called a witch hunt. And now, o man are the president s critics. Among them House Speaker Judiciary Committee chair jerry nadler who had many of the russian hearings. And he said quote this pardon is undeserved, unprincipled and one more stain on President Trumps a rabidly deleting presidency. Subject is abusing his power . Lets get into our prethanksgiving party panel weve got former cia officer, mike baker is here pretty what about diligence . You can say that. Weve also got reason magazine reason. Com editorinchief and former House Press Secretary the one and only Rochelle Ritchie hello everyone. Kennedy lets discuss, mike baker this is clearly an abuse of power. The president has gone mad and has a waning days in the white house. Tell me what happened . The republic is ending this is yet another example. This is a nobrainers far as i am concerned. If you are going to use the president ial pardon power. As offered to the president by the constitution, then i think pardoning flynn makes very good sense. I dont think this is going to lead to any further widening of this. I think right and people are breathless is going to pardoning amanda forward next. Hes going to pardon himself, which is almost as inane as that narrative that went on for three years or so. That we need the military to pull President Trump out of the white house if he lost the election. Everybody needs to calm down. The case against Lieutenant General flynn was shot from hull from the beginning. It was a very, very light sensor was a process crime. The prosecution and the defense won this case dismissed then dutch Emmett Sullivan decided it was his responsibility to ignore that. And rather than act as an umpire between two competing parties now they both want to dismiss and he said lets keep it going. Im fully on board with this pardon. Kennedy there were some issues about the fbi questioning of general flynn. At one point he was told there was an informal meeting. He asked if he should have a returning and theyre like if you have an attorney then working have an attorneys going to get real serious real fast lets keep it informal part lets keep the party polite. But rochelle, you do take issue with this pardon, why . Absolutely. This is an obstruction of justice and abuse of power. I mean Michael Flynn, she said candy, pled guilty twice. The thing about it is now that he has to pardon he cannot plead the fifth. Once he has to testify again. But i dont trust him. If he lied once hes going to lie again as he has before. You cannot trust his actions for you cannot trust his words. But you can trust his pattern. This should not have happened for this is a menu pled guilty to this. There are people sitting in jail right now, right now for crimes they did not commit. There are people who pray for those crimes and cannot vote in an election. And yet this man is able to walk away scott free. Is definitely obstruction of justice. Kennedy i dont know that we are going to talk about equal weight to those comparisons. Someone like james comey, he perjured himself before congress and Andrew Mccabe lied to fbi investigators present Andrew Mccabe essentially created the same crime that Michael Flynn did. Maybe he should rot in a turkish prison as well but i like to ask you, katherine who else would you like to see the president pardon with his writing time . I have a tremendous list if he is interested. But i think one category you should really think about is whistleblowers. And i know this could be controversial. I think Edward Snowden is a candidate. [inaudible] these are people who for better or worse it did what they did because i thought it was best for the country. I think it would be a real opportunity for trump to make a name for himself. The other category he should think about is people who are in jail for up victimless drug crimes. He made a big deal about the first step act. He should be applauded for that. He is already high profile has tons of applause for paired rightly sober there are still so many people who deserve a second chance. He could do that if there are federal crimes absolutely. Matt gates had a creative one, florida congressman said he should pardon joe exotic part of all for that ill tell you why a little later in the show. Very quickly mike baker really have about 15 seconds. You are all for that snowden party earned you . I am. You know ive never answered a question of 15 seconds. Ellipsis an impossible task. Im fully on board with the victimless drug crimes. I think the Prison Reform is essential and absolutely important part i think we are going to go to the mat on this on pardoning snowden thats just me the widow i know. I think if you make the bar, your pardoning somebody because they thought they did what was best for the country, what they thought, then i think we are opening up some issues here. Anyway that is just me, would wind up respected certainly has led to reforms in an ongoing sevenyear conversation that does not look like were going to the end of that chapter soon put in the meantime it looks like no theres trouble in paradise for progressives and the biden transition team. Since the day sleeping joe is made the big uber the lefties have been demanding more from Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren get some plum gigs in the biden cabinet. Secretary of labor, secretary of treasury perhaps . On nbc news old joe threw cold water on that idea, watch. We arty have significant representation among progressives in our administration. But there is nothing off the table. One thing is really critical, taking someone out of the senate. Taking someone out of the house at a particular person of consequence is really difficult decision that would have to be made. I have a very ambitious, very Progressive Agenda. And it is going to take really strong leaders in the House Speaker and senate to get it done. Kennedy but not that strong principally socialist progressive stand for this kind of snob . Rochelle, this is very interesting. Should joe biden think about nominating Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warner for two of those cabinet positions . No, i dont think so. And the reason why is he needs them in the senate right now. Their republicans are still controlling the senate. If he has a Progressive Agenda is going to need their support to push that agenda through. I understand those on the far left want to see warren and sanders sitting at the table. But i still think that biting is going to give them a special year when it comes to how he is leading in the oval office. I think is just exactly where they are pretty arty had the governor of massachusetts say that hey, ive warren was appointed to a position in the cabinet, they are going to actually veto legislation that says they have to place her seats with a democrat. Thats problematic there as wel well. Kennedy there are republican governors in vermont and massachusetts. However in vermont governor phil scott would say he would appoint an independent who caucuses with a democrat. Grow a pair phil. Katherine, i think joe biden actually likes the idea of having a Republicancontrolled Senate do you think he is sort of happy about not putting bernie and liz on the cabinet . You and i have talked about how im really getting on team gridlock here. I think we are getting really good results already even from a plausible threat of gridlock. It is not a sure thing at of course because were waiting for georgia. It gives biden cover to do what he has done his whole career which is sticking to the middle of the pack. Follow the party, even now when he is undeniably the leader of his party he would like to not stick as net out for these progressives. I would also very much like him not to stick his neck out for these progressives. And so if this lines up my desires and joe bidens desires im all for it. Before that so kinky. So mike baker what are you willing to bet that joe biden puts one of these two progressives stalwarts, its fun he said he needs people of consequence in the senate. But they are no so consequential that they need to be in a cabinet position that require senate approval. No, im willing to go on the table right now and bet your entire years salary that neither warren nor sanders and ebony cabinet. And part of it is exactly that. They need to stay in the senate. To accomplish anything. I dont believe biden has a mover progressive itinerary out there. Kennedy no way. That would indicate hes changing his ways. Washington loves this. We are moving into a period of time but is most comfortable for washington d. C. Part they love it. The career diplomats, the lobbyist, the politicians. Everybody loves when nothing happens. For arty seeing it to some of the appointments are coming down the pike as we are not going to get that shock in our cabot that some on the rights are throwing out there in an effort to fear monger. Its all my god hes going to appoint omar to the cabinet. Her birdies and be the secretary of labor. I dont see that happening. I think we are going to get is what washington loves best which is status quo. Kennedy because status quo in a partially katherine knows this all too well, that only breeds more spending. And it is sad. But at this point they have enough to disagree about split houses. And we pan will be returning to talk about thanksgiving pretty want to check out my pole twitter. Com at kennedy nation. What is the best cranberry sauce . Canned or fresh . Health passwords could be the next big thing in the post global world. All yet medical surveillance, you are hosed. But happily protect our privacy and prevent governments from tracking us . It would you pay 50 for a rapid covid test so you could eat at a restaurant and listen to live music worry free . Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. Wow whatd you get, ryan . Its customized Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual what does it do bud . It customizes our Home Insurance so we only pay for what we need and what did you get, mike . I got a bike. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To syour body needs routine. System, centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc. Season, after season. Ace your immune support, with centrum. 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Kennedy the travel and Tourism Industry are as sluggish as ever. Theyre going to be even worse than eating two turkey legs and chug a glass of gravy. All hell have the whole picture. With covid killing the industry airlines, Healthcare Companies art having Health Passports. They prove a traveler is immune pride sounds good on paper but several liberty groups can be highly obtrusive and violate our privacy. Not to mention the science is still out on how long immunity last on recovery. Drug companies cannot yet cant guarantee those backs and he wont spread the virus anyway. So the health passwords just a wolf in sheeps clothing right now question climbing up Cato Institute Research Fellow and former cia imagery analyst patrick eddington. Hi patrick respect i kennedy has a going court . Before welcome aboard. I know they dont freak you out as much as they freak me out. I think Big Companies Like Airlines acting in concert with the government to track where we have been and how healthy we are with Health Passports. What parts of this give you pause . Its an efficacy thing for one thing. He taught shallot of variables. The big one of course is a lot of these tests have been used are not necessarily that reliable anyway. We get to this whole issue of the vaccine, for starters the vast majority of people until sometime in 2021. All this for my suit happened the spring. When covered became it thing for all of us. I see a lot about contact raising apps and the rest of that. They make you demo this on your phone and so on and so forth. And to be clear there are absolutely concerns there. Even in the time thats going on, my reaction is its probably not going to happen because most about not going to download the app. Its happened its not going on here in virginia. And secondly, we talk about contact raising and try to keep track of people, we are way beyond that point. Spector not janco job contact tracy. Im going to talk to dr. Nicole saphier at a little bit. They cannot even trace 80 of the covid cases. So that is not happening. But there is a difference between going out of your way to download an app when you really have no intent to fulfill that on your end. And people who really want to travel. People who want to go see Family Members. And people with wonder at last to want to go to europe. Because now, my worry is Something Like a Health Passport will follow you. And they are going to figure out what you have had. Where you have been. And who youve talked to. Its not just the airlines that are doing this. It is also governments that screw privacy. Theyre going to put all of your Health Records on there. The thing is, right now on this planet there are 13 countries where you cannot even set foot unless you present a certificate of fox nation for yellow fever. Right . And there are dozens of other countries whereby if you go through a country that has yellow fever hotspot, if you are in the airport for 12 or more hours you better have that certificate with you. The idea of having to prove immunization. Kennedy you know covid and yellow fever are vastly different. You can avoid yellow fever and avoid places where there has been an outbreak. With covid that is pretty prevalent, widespread and globa global. Stupid but so is the flu, right . The flu is something that happens that happens all over the globe. If anyone wants to raise an objection to this they should basically be saying we shouldnt do this for the flu why do need to do for this . Why didnt we do it for sars 17 years ago . Why do we do it for bola . Why do we do for this . Theres a level of discrimination is taken place here. I think it is ill advised. But again i think people going wrapped around the axle about the wrong thing. But people ought to be angry about his real id. Make bring up such a good short i want to bring it back up on the show to talk about that. I dont think people realize was going to happen the following 2020 when we are forced to get all new ids, drivers license, anything short of a passport. That is also crazy business. My worry about the Health Passport it is a bell that would not be on wrong even when covid passes. Patrick eddington thank you so much. Select thank you. Kennedy is a stunning admission from the Los Angeles County Public Health. They said they have no Scientific Evidence to justify shutting down in person dining in restaurants, let alone Outdoor Dining. The u. S. Is hitting some grim pandemic milestones. Yesterday the most deaths in one day since maple hospitalizations are up around the country. Weve got to separate fact from fiction but whats the smartest way for americans to continue to fight the spread as we officially us from the Holiday Season with a Family Member we missed dearly. Here with me now memorial sloan and Fox News Contributor dr. Nicole saphiers back. Welcome back. Hi kennedy great to be here. This is crazy. First of all the rules are changing. But the l. A. County department of health only 3. 1 of people who were infected with covid can be traced back to restaurants. So why are they killing these businesses who so desperately need the customers right now . Candidates difficult for people to be motivated. You have Public Health officials make decisions that affect people and businesses that certainly do not file the science. This is such a blatant example with l. A. County shutting down Outdoor Dining. Of the cases they can trace as you mentioned only 3 were traced back to restaurants. They did not specify indoor versus Outdoor Dining. We dont transmit less outdoors. The other thing that Public Health director could cite was some cdc study that said people who get covid are twice as likely to go out to eat in restaurants. It doesnt actually say theyre getting their virus from the restaurant. It is a complete misrepresentation. People are losing confidence and faith in these policymakers. That is why youre seeing such covid fatigue right now. Kennedy even l. A. County commissioner was saying people are going to lose faith and all of our institutions and we are not following the science. L. A. County said, they have admitted there is no scientific basis for these vast decisions, which affects so many restaurants and so many businesses. And restaurants are so willing to comply with anything as long as they can stay open. Even if they are at quarter or half capacity. Are absolutely right. People lose faith and they think people in charge are lying to them, that is when theyre going to make the kind of decisions that put other people at risk. So l. A. County locked it down for the gotta lock it up in terms of misinformation. Absolutely. That is the problem misinformation is under the guise of following the science. People are not following the science page about your last segment about immunity passport. The recent immunity passports right now are not a good idea, all the things you guys discussed aside. We actually do not know what immunity means. We did not know about in march and april which is white new york city got in trouble for giving immunity certificates. What we do not of the presence of antibodies whether the infection or vaccine means. If you get reinfected probably not. Can you still transmit the illness to someone else . That is still a big maybe. Need to file the science for the signs we know is true, there are things you can do to lessen the spread of illness. One is being outdoors but Outdoor Dining as opposed indoor port you look at restaurants across the nation the people reducing the positive cases they are largely from the staff and not from the patrons. So they need to make more measures to keep the staff safe. Kennedy the need to stop hiring dirty staff like dr. Nicole saphier thank you for your time always good talking to you. Coming up, 2020s but a tough year for most americans. But you know what . I still love you. That is something to be thankful for. I will explain why in my memo, that is did you know that geicos whole 15 minutes thing. That came from me. Really. My first idea was in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower. Over you. Figuratively speaking. But thats not catchy, is it . Thats not going to swim about in your brain. So i thought, what about. 15 minutes. 15 percent. 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I know its easy to pitch in bone because our menus are truncated, tables are sparse and we been grounded by the cdc and the fun police. But for the most part comes secretly splendid things have happened this year. Many of us have learned new ways to alert yell at our children. Not just as parents but teachers and principals as well. Taken this opportunity to talk to my girls more than ever about politics and life in the big city. Ive come to the realization together that bad teachers should be fired. And communism sucks because no one has the right to come take your stuff and give it away. Being quarantined for an eternity has brought many new interesting conversations i now find myself immersed in tik tok drama always i would not buy was spending each narrative my children. A lot of us have organized. Marie condit was her patron saint as we dished the stuff in our closets that does not spark joy. An entire Cottage Industries have copy and jump optout for those with barely worn closer donating for someone else. My shrimp game is on point. And i found new ways to find ways like force comforts not just running anymore pizza what if you learn how to make . Quinoa bread from scratch . Talk arends or uber eats . Its about surprising avenues for ingenuity. Hopefully your creativity and ability to survive monotony has surprised even you. I my god, who needs as much toilet paper . Im thankful for tiger king which got menus to the early part of the pandemic and season for the crown that has boosted my sagging spirits but in thankful for bars and still sell frozen watermelon margaritas curbside even though the governor of new york tried to ruin it by making people sell tortillas along with it. Im thankful peebles felt skeptical of the statement closer to their families but even if we cannot heed them in absence of longing it gives us a new appreciation. I hope all libertarianism will pop up like a beautiful weed that the Big Government exterminators cannot quite snuff. And god knows they needed in places like oregon or the nanny us and narcs are forcing people into their lonely homes to smoke whatever they can find. The joy is still lurking. So have a whiff and enjoy the parts that you can. We will do whatever we can to get you through the rest. As always, im thankful for you. And that is the memo. Kennedy so what else you thankful for this Holiday Season . And is worth the risk of trying to see your family . The party panel returns to discuss, mike baker, katherine manguward, and Rochelle Ritchie it. So you thankful for, katherine . And a year of absolutely incredible government failures, i am thankful for all the stuff that worked. Mostly all the tech stuff that worked. I know we would rather see each other in person, but do know what works . Resume. General works . Amazon page you know what works . Doordash and uber eats. I am grateful for tik tok, which among other things, successfully demonstrates the idea that social media monopoly is ridiculous. Im sure your children would not be caught dead on facebook. Kennedy or twitter. Theres always something new and cool. I am deeply, deeply grateful for the people who built these tool tools. And then made them better will be really needed them. And made them available, mostly for free. Kennedy that the great points. Our lives have been reform, rochelle, think the only person who might not be happy about zoom is jeffrey toobin. Aside from that, being able to get what you want when you went, has held our society together. Because people who are out there protesting and rioting, they realize they dont want to tear the whole thing apart. Because they love conveniences. Yeah, i think i would have to say this is been a tough year for me. This is a tough topic candid mena my dad passed away from coronavirus in september. Kennedy i know im so sorry about that. God bless you richelle you really soldier on through an incredible difficulty. Youve truly honored your dads memory. So having said that, how do you, through the prism of grief find stuff to be thankful for . You know what im thankful for family and friends. Im thankful for their support. I am thankful for their love. Family is so important. All i can think about her all the people did not have someone there with them when they passed away. Im really thankful and grateful for the close connection that i have to my family and friends to get through these difficult times. Kennedy well said, the fat mike baker. When you thankful for . Kennedy im a simple guy. Im always thankful, regardless of what time of year it is for the greatest person is my family, my fantastic daughters were living and working in washington d. C. And realizing how dysfunctional that can become my three boys, and for gin martinis for that spring much it. So far i like my gin with little dubin i on top shaken strained on ice. With an orange slice. That is cranberry sauce. I posted a poll on my twitter accounts. Asking today what is the best cranberry sauce . 49. 4 of you, shocking number said canned connie sauce. 50. 6 said fresh delicious homemade cranberry sauce. It may look a little different this year ranking the top dishes to holiday americans favorite classics. Including turkeys, mashed potatoes stuffing or dressing depending we are, bread or rolls and ham. Even though its a salty ham. Coming last, no surprise, tofu. [laughter] so what do you guys most looking forward to gobbling down tomorrow night . A ready stand on the cranbury sauce . Katherine. I am team candid crabby. I know ive let you down. What that is so delicious. On the recent roundtable Podcast Research on cranberries like you do. And i feel much the consternation of my cohost that my family actually has a canned cranberry tradition which is where we make our canned cranberries into a little person. His name is cranberry man. [laughter] see for a project the artistry. Richelle you are saying, i was going to say ive done the cranbury sauce homemade. I made mine yesterday. I love it, i love it. I dont really like it. But my grandfather likes it and he puts it on his dressing. So there you go. Kennedy put it on there with everything paired i slather it, i slurp it, shove my face in it, baker word you stand my friend . Look, if you are not getting that satisfying sound that comes from that cranbury sauce plopping out of the can, and the ridges there, if that is not part of your thanksgiving tradition, i dont know what its all about. But frankly what do i know . You set my dinner with a Martini Shaker a whole become pie thats all i need. [laughter] kennedy that is one of the things i miss. Maybe the thing i miss most about my moms thanksgiving table. Because were not going to oregon because the commies there. As her pecan pie. Sometimes she makes a chocolate pecan pie. Just thinking about it, it is so good. You put some bourbon in that chocolates pecan pie. Before i got a lot of suggested lesson on twitter. That things will add to their homemade cranberry sauce, pecans, some guy said strawberry, lotta people said bourbon. I would say 60 of respondents said they put bourbon in their cranberry sauce. By the way, bourbon also belongs in pumpkin pie. Bourbon belongs in a lot of things. Kennedy that is absolutely right. That might be the pinscher that keeps us together. So you are all thankful, you are all going to be full. Baker, what is the one food you can do without it thanksgiving . I dont have to think about this for the one thing that should be abolishing this holiday and if that ever since i was a baby was that crab, that bishop at the gamson and then you poor that god awful marshmallow on top. That ought. Who put Sweet Potatoes and marshmallows together and expect people to spoon it up . Kennedy observing that tomorrow night. Well see people eat it. Katherine go ahead. I am scandalized, that is the best part of thanksgiving. [laughter] cranbury sauce mccann for a think im the only real american on this panel. Im glad we can all agree that bourbon should be in everything and everyone. Kennedy hear hear . Thanks to richelle for that suggestion. And thanks to mike, katherine, and rochelle for make this incredible party panel, you guys are amazing. Happy thanksgiving. Before you two. Coming up, im going to talk to a venue owner who has a first in the nation plan to get people back in front of the stage singing wide music [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. [ engine revs ] itsthe north pole has tond now wibe feeling the heat. Its okay santa, lets workflow it. Workflow it. . Just picture it. With the now platform, well have the company you always imagined. Efficient, productive, seamless. Ok, im in whatever your business is facing. Lets workflow it. Servicenow. children laughing music swells dog barking music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. Especially during this Holiday Season of hanukkah. When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day this now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. Your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. This is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. The communists came and wiped it out. And now were coming to her and saying, its okay to have faith. Its okay to light the hanukkah candles. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Kennedy give not found a way to get a covid tested new york city, while youre just not hungry enough. While the Restaurant Industry has been burned by lockdowns, one upscale eatery music venue has created its own stimulus plan requiring all of its diners to take a rapid coronavirus test at the door for 50 bucks a customer. If you pass the test you can move on to your entree. If you fail, you get sent home like a dog without a doggy bag. Was this the future of eating and entertaining . Heres the story, city winery founder and ceo michael dorf. Hey michael how are you. Good how are you kennedy . Kennedy im doing good pretoria customers going to do this . Are they going to pay an extra 50 if they feel safe with everyone around them and they can by least have some live music . We did the pilot for the first time last night and tonight and was sold out both to 25 capacity or dining. But unfortunately the state is not allowing for any live music whatsoever. So while we can have Indoor Dining until they hopefully dont shut us down on the dining in new york. But they are not allowing live music. If we sell a ticket or if we marketed. Youre only allowed to do incidental music. Too that is Somebody Just showing up in performing on stage. Seafort wow thats so weird what a coincidence guys . Do you want to play . Give your instruments and you did a sound check breed that is so weird. As a state marketing ploy or do you want other restaurants to follow your lead here . We have a six month gap it looks like. All of this good news about the vaccine for may, june, july to really help back open the economy. It is going to be a cold winter. With Outdoor Dining really close, all of the restaurants, hospitality spaces have very little chance to make any money without people coming and enjoying indoor food. And right now, people are very reluctant. The second wave has pushed people further away from restaurants. So we thought, why cant we raise the bar, increase the protocols. And see if people would be willing to increase their safety, both the science and the psychology by doing a rapid test at the door. Kennedy so you give people a glass of bubbles while they wait for the test, ten to 15 minutes. When you get the test from . Without a medical Service Called acura exit. They use antigen rapid test. They bring in certified practitioners who do the shallow nasal swab or its not the one that goes way up the nos. And it is 12 minute wait. You are not supposed to drink alcohol before, as much as i would love to be serving continuously, but we wait until after they have the swab. Then they get a glass of bubbles. They wait the 12 minutes, hopefully they are negative. Yesterday it was almost all negative results. My new yorkers have been very safe. They are not coming to us because theyre feeling sick and went to get tested for the coming to us to enjoy a Dining Experience in a bubble that they feel safe. Kennedy to different kind of bubble. I think it is brilliant. I hope it catches on pretty hope the governor listens to beget live music back safely soon. Michael dorf thank you so much for pursing your time for hvac for pursing your time for hvac rope pleasure to see groans hmph. food grunting menacingly when the food you love doesnt love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. Tum tumtum tum tums with tums smoothies. May your holidays glow bright and all your dreams take flight. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers at the mercedesbenz winter event. Its time for aerotrainer, with your weight and health . 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Kennedy in a new interview Paul Mccartney said he uses a teleprompter in concert because he sometimes forgets the lyrics to his songs. While Keith Richards gets both a little help from his freebase. I am a walrus. And this is a topical storm. Topic number one. Picture this, it is thanksgiving not your family has drank nearly everything in the house. You are completely out of mixer. Kfc has your back. Introducing kfc gravy based cocktails. See who can get drunk and get out at the same time. These are perfect if you dont have time to make toilet wine. Kfc published recipes for three doityourself gravy cocktails so you can literally hit the sauce. Although if you have been considering this, you probably already drank too much to begin with. The chicken bear and has ivanka based gravy mary which substitutes gravy for tomato juice. In desperation for dignity. Account based gravy sour which is still revolting. The southern twist which is a mix of kentucky bourbon cup black pepper, dried parsley and the rest is gravy. This is not what i mention i told the colonel we should meet for a drink. The good thing about getting your mix with some kfcs it comes with a bucket to puke in. So dont be a chicken, washer bourbon pecan pie with a glass of gravy goodness. It is finger liquor good. [laughter] topic number two. Firstever snow parks been forced to modify its hours enclose a a major attraction after running out of snow. And you thought the people in florida were dry. Snowcapped ridge open in november promising to bring snow tubing and arctic igloo experience to the sunshine stat state. Instead it is now more of a cherub or a water park. The arctic igloos now closed after it underestimated the amount of snow production it needed. Not to mention when they have said they cant seem to stop floridians from writing their names in it with p. Or trying to snow orchids. The park said theyre trying to resolve the issue but but thy have lost a ton of revenue. This is snow laughing matter. We should not joke for these poor people are having a melt down. But its not all bad news. They plan to make their money back with their nest investment. A golf course in the amazon rain forest. And a Beach Volleyball park and antarctica, that is fine for the antarctica bikini team is so sexy. Topic number three. Finally i get to do my accent. An australian dentist is facing disciplinary action from a healthcare technician for allegedly performing surgery while his genitals were hanging out of his gene zipper. That is will be called chicken skin ladies. At least he did not use it to fill any cavities, that we know. Doctor david carr was reported by a nurse who notices indecent exposure were picking an item off the floor. Really its what you get for going down under, sheila. Apparently he had a long dental record. He was previously charged with tying another patients wrist and ankles with computer cables during his procedure. And his defense she did ask for braces but in 2016 he was found guilty in possession of kate kain. Its hard to take advice from a dentist you cannot stop grinding his teeth. He did say to stay away from candy. But he never said anything about bolivian bulgur sugar. Will now determine if he should purposely barred from practicing in the industry. Until that means offering to pay a fine of 30,000 dollars for his transgression. Which she will place under the Board Members pillows while they sleep. Topic number four. Your comments are like my thanksgiving stuffing, chromate and pulled out of a turkeys keister. This is viewer mail. Dale starts us off who gives a ship about your food. Thats what i said about your mom and she still eats greg normans python. President elect jack malcolm writes my family finds at kennedy nation highly annoying despite green wisdom of politic politics. My family and i find, come on man, add your name tweets at kennedy nation is to go back to mtv. Oh my god that is so original. We havent had a botton hey milt yet. At kennedy nation is annoying and stupid. I change the channel what i see your comment makes me sick. Yeah you change the channel to the show. Sean leaves us with nobody watches you. And hes saying that as he is exposing himself at a junior my dvt blood clot. Stayed on my mind. Was another around the corner . Or could it be a different story . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. And eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Whats around the corner could be your moment. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2021 is 300 for 339 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. To syour body needs routine. System, and well make your first months payment. Centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc. Season, after season. Ace your immune support, with centrum. Adapting. Innovating. Lsetting the course. But new ways of working demand a new type of network. One thats more than just fast. You need flexibility to work from anywhere. And manage from everywhere. Advanced technology. With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. G. I can file and manage myss claim, all on the geico app. Its not just easy. Its givingyourdog yourfitnesstracker easy. Oh, good boy. Yes, you got it woo already got my 40,000 steps today. Can i get a what what no pain, no gain haha. Its geico easy. With fast and convenient claims service. Look how fast im running good boy, chester. Kennedy thank you for whats the best out of your day. Please subscribe to my podcast kennedy saves the world, spotify foxnewspodcast. Com. A classy french import. They tore it down, put it on a ship, sent it here. What . To jersey . New jersey, yes. Stuffed with priceless antiques. That chandelier is spectacular. Yes, it is. And this is my favorite piece in the house. Wow. But will his diy dream. So, you come along. Yes. Mr. Fixit. Collapse in a money pit . But its not his inheritance. Its yours. Yes. You couldve stopped it. I couldve. But i didnt. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]

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