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Senator no. Im very concerned in fact facebook seems to have a record of making accommodations and caving to conservative pressure. Lou it has been two weeks since election day in the battle for the white house is underway and intensifying, President Trump keeping up his legal challenges and pointing to a number of developments across the country, evidence mounting backing up claims that the democrats tried to steal the election, we are joined by jim jordan, one of the president s strongest supporters in congress and also with us this evening the editorinchief john solomon and advisor to President Trump legal team boris epstein. And congressman elect burgess wins who stands ready tosi help the president for free and fair elections. President Trump Legal Team today pressing with a number of challenges and in those challenges trying to remove hundreds of thousands of votes cast in democrat strongholds including detroit, atlanta and philadelphia. The president s legal team says those cities counted votesre without required republican observers, that tainted the process with fraud and abuse, the legal team is led by President Trumps personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and today and obama appointed judge allowed giuliani to join a lawsuit in pennsylvania seeking to stop the state from certifying their Election Results. Giuliani and the Trump Campaign have identified 680,000 votes in pennsylvania they say should be thrown out. Meanwhile President Trump hailed what he called a big victory in nevada, Election Officials in clark county tossed the results of a local election after a campus found 139 discrepancies, a special election will be held next month for the single county commissioner reese. President trump sees as evidence of further problems in the states, the president says clark county can no longer have confidence in their own Election Security. In georgia nearly 2700 missing votes have been found in fayette county, that is south of atlanta. 1577 of those were for trump, 1128 provided, that comes after nearly 2600 uncounted ballots were in floyd county, that is one hour and half northwest of atlanta and more than 1600 of those were for President Trump, 865 for biden. Of state bradary rothenberg are blames local Officials Say they failed to upload the votes from a memory card in about scanning machine. Chairman of the republican partp luke martin reportedly said the issue appeared to be a Computer Software mishap with the dominion system. In a Statement Today the madman Voting System said they were not responsible. Georgia Election Officials have midnight to tomorrow to finish the recount and there is another legal challenge to the way in which absentee ballots were counted in that state, the case still waiting to be cured by a trump appointed judge, georgia is one of five states in which the Trump Campaign war republicans have filed lawsuits or challenging the vote. In pennsylvania where Rudy Giuliani was in court today, 13 cases are pending, three in federal courts, ten cases being heard by state courts. In michigan three cases there in which the Trump Administration and Campaign Hope to stop the vote counting in the certification of remaining boats. Republican attorneys that are not with the Trump Campaign havn another lawsuit in arizona and nevada in both yet to be heard. It is not only legal challenges that the Trump Campaign are trying to win to secure a second term in office for the president , they are seeking a state wide recount in wisconsin but it could, at a hefty price. Mike tobin is in chicago with the story. Reporter brown county the home of green bay waswi the last county to turn in the campus vote totals, that paves the way for them to submit a formal request to pay the money required for the recount. Theyve got to get that money and in the paperwork in by 5 00 p. M. Central time tomorrow and what is surprising is the cost, roughly four times what it cost democrats to do a recount in wisconsin four years ago, megan walked the administration or said the need for Additional Space due to coded, then additional absentee ballot and security contribute to the extra cost but a statewide recount is estimated at 7. 9 million, almost two and half dollars per ballot in wisconsin. It must be paid in full by the deadline or the recount is off, the Wisconsin Commission says baking instructions have been forwarded to the Trump Campaign, Wisconsin Republican said the campaign has staff in place to move forward with the recount, however, the campaign has not decided whether the recount is worth it. Trump Legal Advisor says the legal Team Continues to explore the irregularities in wisconsin and leaving all Legal Options open including a recount and an audit he says a partial recount is one of the options they can target counties where they think they would perform well, they could even target individual awards but the clock is ticking at the 7. 9 million comes in at 501 central time, the recount is h. Off. Lou thank you very much, mike tobin reporting. Our first guest is an Election Security expert, a National Security expert as well, he says votes can be easily altered on the Voting Machines that were used to crossed much of the country and there are definitive problems with the Voting Machines and our electoral system, joining us by phone is rest ramblin, a former republican in the state of texas and allied Security Operations group, thank you for being with us, we know youre busy working with the Citizens Coalition trying to work through what happened on november 3 and why particular when it comes to the ome of the electronic Voting Machines, the Election Companies involved including dominion of course and thee software involvd in lets start with what you now have found and what you suspect. Good evening, i appreciate being on, we have been out looking mostly at michigan and we are turning in our sites for pennsylvania and georgia, the things that you find in michigan are amazing, over 3000 precincts where the president ial vote cast compared to the estimated voters for the sos is 99 all the way to 350 . Those numbers dont exist in the real world. Where did all those voteski come from. Looking at that we have gone back and looked at the vote dumps that were mostly biden, we call them spike, weve gone back and seeing where they were cast, primarily in four counties, we look how long it took to cast those votes and we looked at the equipment that exist in all bthose locations and the fact f the matter is, we cannot see any physical way possible for some of those votes to have been in those numbers because they dont have the equipment to produce it. Lou that equipment you are referring to is the National Focus on dominion are you talking principally about the dominion machines and software that are employed in 28 states including many of the bot around states . That is correct, this is dominion, and varies greatly tafrom state to state and how it is used and where it is used in the equipment used and other software. Is not a uniform deal that you are looking at, when you are investigating dominion you have to be prepared to lookpr at four basic configurations that those are in. Lou right now, do you believe that you are aware of sufficiet evidence to bring forward in court and it would have an Immediate Impact on the courts, would it bers persuasive in your judgment, persuasive to the American People with what you now know and what you suspect . Yes, i do, it is very hard evidence, this is the theoretical mathematical model, its very hard evidence, most peace were looking at anywhere from 225,000 votes to over 400,000 votes that you would have to say are morally highly questionable. That alone should convince the judge, i would think that they needed to take a hard look at the selection because there is no way that the selection came off the way its been portrayed. This thing was a mess from top to bottom we think there is a stunning amount of fraud in the selection. Lou to put this in some context Russ Ramsland was warning about this outcome in the days and weeks preceding the election, he did not turn to this issue, this corruption, this political corruption of our electoral system after the fact he was warning everyone and almost no one would listen to rest, what are your thoughts now giving the warnings and what you have found, does it bear up precisely or approximately which he thought would occur with these machines and the software . We started to get peoples attention eight or ten months ago and our thoughts were no we have discovered, weve got it. And we didnt see that anyone had discovered and sure enough no one did. It looks like they got caught and as you might imagine suddenly im a really popular asguy. Lou im sure youre just being modest, i cannot imagine you not being popular, youre doing the lords work, we appreciate it and your continued efforts to get this thing straightened up. We appreciate it. Up next to an agency when the department of Homeland Security says the selection was the most secure in american history. Apartment of Homeland Security said that. But their message may have been crafted with the help of the Voting Machine Companies themselves. They are at the center of the battle foror the white house and what were about to tell you. You will find astonishing. I assure you. Purely astonishing. We take it up right after this quick break congressman jim jordan joins us, well bee right hey yeah . I switched to geico and got more more savings on Car Insurance . They helped with homeowners, too ok plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance geicos got you covered like a blanket houston . You seeing this . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. children laughing geico. music swells music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. 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With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. Lou breaking news the countrys largest voting machine groups have close ties to a Government Agency that disputes any regularities in this years election. On november 12 the cybersecurity and infrastructure security agencies part of the department of Homeland Security and Cyber Intelligence unit issued this statement, it said in part, the november 3 election was the most secure in american history. Among the many things that the agency failed to disclose is that dominion Voting Systems and another severalot voting compans are members of their election Infrastructure Sector coordinating council. Thats a mouthful, an Advisory Council to cisa and the dhs. One of two that authored and wrote the cisas statement. Also sitting on that counsel in addition to dominion is smartmatic, another company that we have reported on in detail on this broadcast with documented issues with her voting machine software. Election systems and software, ess and heart in acidic, those companies alone make up 90 of the voting Companies Working on american elections. Extraordinary. But very helpful to dhs, they did not see a conflict of interest and that for some reason but then again why would they put outhe a report when thy cannot support it in any way. I challenge the department ofar Homeland Security to produce evidence that this was the most secure election in history when it was in point of fact the opposite. Big tech giants, microsoft and Amazon Web Services said on the cisa council, both had executives and employees donating millions of dollars to joe bidens campaign and democratic causes. We haveom asked dominion and smartmatic about their role on the cisa november 12 statement disputing Election Fraud or intervention by foreign governments, smartmatic said they did not have any input, dominion did not get back to us for some reason. Dominion Voting System sent us an email titled setting the record straight, facts and rumors. The first thing that they cite is aed statement published by te cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency, the agency where they sit on the board as advisors, isnt that a little circular, little club, how nice and comfy, how irregular. Joining us now is congressman jim jordan Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight committee. Congressman, i have to say, they would be sitting on that committee while theyre putting out a report, the lack of intervention or meddling in our campaign when in my opinion it is demonstrable with the evidence that we already have that this had more anomalies, irregularities and outright cheating than any in the countrys history. Your thoughts. It is like andy mccabe telling us the fbi was not bias when they did the trump russian investigation. They said the most secure election in american history, there are 73 million americans who disagree with that statement. Why do we just do this, why dont we let the process work, why do we letot the law work and follow the constitution. We have 27 days until the Electoral College meets. Lets let this play out. Today in georgia you had two counties, 159 counties in georgia, to today, we found votes, missing memory cards, votes and both of them to the benefit of President Trump, what is the rush, four years of the phony russia hoax investigation, what is wrong with four weeks of investigating this election with all the irregularities and all the key swing states. Lets let the process play out, that is common sense and the vast majority i think americans get it, the only one the donor the mainstream media, big techs and democrats in washington, d. C. The rest of the country gets it, let the process work. Lou i think it is clear the American People are demanding more from and accountability of what happened. It is on its face. It is obviously in such irregularities that they overwhelm the electoral system. There are no explanations Russ Ramsland earlier and his team and a Citizen Coalition working through all of the sophisticated systems involved in the delection, they are already saying that they have more than enough evidence of fraud and in his judgment at least, any judge should listen to. Go down the list, georgia today for two days after the election two counties find memory cards and votes they did not know that were there. In pennsylvania all these uirregularities, some counties allow voters secure their ballots, other counties didnt. Some countiesn precampus, othr counties didnt. Some counties in pennsylvania set up temporary satellite offices, other counties did not. Yet all these irregularities in pennsylvania, signature check was out there for 2. 6 million balance. In michigan, 6000 ballots that went for Vice President biden that should a whimper President Trump. All of these things going on, i keep coming back, why wouldnt we want to get to the bottom of this. Why dont the Democrats Join us . Why doesnt joe biden join essay just like you said before the election, i want this to be verified and go through, why do we have that happen. Why wont he say that now, lets let this play out and see what we find. Lou we know one thing, the efforts to deny thep presidency to donald trump, the radical dems in the deep state combined as well to investigate him for 11 months while he was president to also launch a special counsel investigation, then as you said launch and impeachment inquiry. All of it based on phony made up nonsense. And they knew it, our agencies knew it and now we have Homeland Security saying it was a most secure election in history with the fbi saying black lives matter, its not a terrorist organization, antifa, no problem there, do not believe your lying eyes. We have not gotten agency we can truste at all involved in the selection and involved in the opast year of violence on our streets. The same people tell us who trust to vote now are the ones that told us the trust the steele dossier we know how phony that was. They told us to trust the anonymous whistleblower, that no one got to interview, i did not get to, crossexamine which i wouldve loved to have done and now theyre saying you can trust us, the vote is fine, its a most secure in history, no one is buying it. Thats why we have a constitution and a process and a law and we should follow it. Lou congressman jim jordan always great to have you here. Thank you for being with us. Up next President Trump helps down ballot republicans across thehe country yet the left wants you to believe joe biden one . How does that work, we will take that up after this quick break we will be doing a little analysis with the news editorinchief john solomon. Look limu someone out there needs help customizing their Car Insurance with Liberty Mutual, so they only pay for what they need. False alarm. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. 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Republicans won eight of them including montana, it was a net gain for the republicans. There is only one state in which the state legislature change Party Control this year, that was the New Hampshire and gasper happen. No blue wave, republicans gained the state, house and senate. The republicans also expanded their majority of state legislators from 52 up to 54 of them in President Trump also breaking records the selection, he earned 73 million legal votes, 3. 8 million more than former president obamas previous record in 2008. The president also increased his support among hispanic voters receiving 35 of the hispanic vote this year up seven points from the 28 in 2016. The president also increased his support among women voters as well. Women were not supposed to like the president , the president received 41 of the female vote in 2016 and the 2 2020 rising 3. Down ballot republicans most whom credit the president for their wins, the radical dems in the corporate leftwing media are trying to make you believe their narrative that joe biden actually won the election and did brilliantly well and it was an extraordinarily democratic performance this year, it was not. It was a trump year. Joining us now, just the news editorinchief john solomon offer of fallout, Nuclear Bribes in the washington lies that in reached the clinton and biden dynasties, great to have you with us. Lets start with the outfit that appears to be at the center of this contentious and deeply troubling battle for the white house, that is dominion. Give us your thoughts on your reporting and what you have found to this point. There is a lot of truth about dominion and some of the truths are very simple, dominion was a donor to the clinton foundation, its tied to the democratic establishment through that, the Clinton Global Initiative which is an arm of the foundation. It did hire as a lobbyist nancy pelosi, former top chief aide, it is integrated into the democratic establishment, it is also integrated into the bureaucratic establishment with the security establishments in the Homeland Security department, this is a democrat establishment connected company now has people on all sides of the fence but in democratic roots are there. I suspect from the work that we are doing, we have compacted and canvas tens of thousands of voters, we believe there may not have been this far we have not found evidence that computer change both specifically but dominion system was prime for people to understand how they could use and calculate President Trump is up 20000 votes at 11 00 oclock at night, lets find 20000 votes and run them through the system in the dark of night, that is a scenario when we talk to voters, election observers, even some city election workers and philadelphia and detroit that appears to be a realistic scenario and we will find out the dominion beyond the democratic connections, it system gave the democratic establishment machines in the cities the capability to find votes late to make up the difference. I think that the narrative we may find out to be true when we keep digging. Lou the lawsuits that you are following as we all are, in which states do you believe the administration might well prevail . In wisconsin, remember the Washington Post claims 17 points down trump going into election in there are more than 230,000 people were given a special designation to avoid voter id rules this year, this is something done by unelected bureaucrats, not by the legislator, that is one state, pennsylvania is a very good case brewing regency the secretary of state has overstepped the bounds of what the legislature said, if the president can win on the constitutional argument then he has to show theres enough votes to close the 50000 gap that he sees in pennsylvania. Michigan is another place where there are widespread not only irregularities and claims by the city election worker jesse jacob of fraud but you see a lot of changes made in michigan without the legislature blessing. I think those of the three states were the constitutional arguments are very strong and now the question is can they go to the court and say we can show the difference in votes is made up by the evidence provided. Lou john solomon, great to see you. Thank you for being with us. Up next more on the president s fight for a free and fair election, advisor to the trump team worse epstein joins we made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2021 nx 300 for 349 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. And well make your first months payment. vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. 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Alan dershowitz said this, the president elect does not get named as president elect until at least ts 270 state certifications of elect towards or his opponent conceived, neither of that has happened as of n now. Indeed. Our next guest is evening has been in court all day today, he is actually going back and forth to court, he is joining us by phone fighting for President Trump in williamsport pennsylvania, boris epshteyn, get a view to be with us, i know youre pressed for time but lets turn the days activities, are you winning or losing. Good to be with you, we are absolutely winning this case, keep in mind this is a motion to dismiss r that mayor rudy giulii is arguing which seems like a whole Football Team of fancy lawyers from washington, d. C. That the democrats have brought in, the merits of our case are strong, what President Trump is contending that Republican Voters in President Trump were denied equal protection and due process. During this motion to dismiss all the facts have to be assumed to be on our side, we are the plaintiffs. On the law of this motion to dismiss shoulde be denied if somehow it is not, the president and this campaign will continue to pursue all Legal Options on appeals so one and so forth. Lou let me understand and for all of us listening to you right now who are not lawyers. A motion to dismiss by the plaintiff, what is it you exactly seek to dismiss . The motion to dismiss is by the defendant, we are the plaintiff and bring the case, we brought the original, we bring the case, the motion toe dismiss is been brought by b the defendant, they brought in a ton of lawyers, most law firms are represented here representing the democrat, Rudy Giuliani and our law firm from pennsylvania are maintaining that on the law the motion to dismiss should absolutely be denied and move forward to a hearing where we will lay out evident after evidence o after evidence of republican poll watchers not being allowed to observe the count of absentee ballot and Republican Voters being treated differently because it did not get the opportunity to cure their ballot because they did not use their ballots correctly unlike democrat voters and pennsylvania. Lou can you give us a sense of where we are in these lawsuits, in pennsylvania and across the country, wisconsin, michigan, georgia, give us a sense of how well that barrage of lawsuits is going in each ofng those states. If you look across the country, georgia, two days in a row you had a significant amount of votes come out, they were simply uncounted and they in fulton county, 5000 votes totaled that were miraculously lost when it came time to count them in President Trump has gained a bout a 2000 vote difference, maybe more from those votes in georgia, that recount continues, President Trump in the Trump Campaign insist that the recount includes the matching of signatures, that is vital we will continue to insist on that, and pennsylvania as i mentioned in the federal lawsuit in front of the District Court of pennsylvania we havef the motion to dismiss from them defendant and im confident we will beat it and if not we will continue to press forward our case in this lawsuit because its the right case to press forward. If you look att wisconsin the president and the campaign are heavily considering calling for a recount, standby for more information on that. In michigan we know the irregularities similar to the ones recounted in pennsylvania and a lawsuit has been filed and moving to a the courts and in nevada today the Trump Campaign filed a lawsuit alleging a huge irregularities and voter fraud and calling for the result of that election in nevada to be overturned and just yesterday you had an election, a local election and clark county where lass vegas is in nevada overturned because of irregularities, there is already precedents for that. Thats what we look at across the country and other issues in osarizona, new mexico, virginia and other states, the bottom line, the democrats had fraud on the American People all across the country and they did everything that they could to e steal the selection by using mailin balloting and now were not going to let them do that. Lou the dominion dimension in all of this, the Voting Company dominion, have you filed any lawsuits or do you contemplate them against those jurisdictions using those machines . You have to continue to look into those issues. You saw what happened in michigan, 6000 votes switched from President Trump to vice v President Joe Biden and again, miraculously was calledd a mistake, we know it was not a mistake. We continue to look into it, even canada where dominion was founded said they dont use dominion they use an oldschool method of counting mailin and absentee ballots with observers. Thats what were insisting that we get to the bottom of the issue with dominion and anywhere and everywhere were republican observers were not a allowed to observe the counting mailing and absentee ballots, they have to obe deemed illegal, we have to count every legal vote and not every illegal vote. Lou thank you for being with us boris epshteyn, thank you. Up next nancy pelosi one fewer member inner caucus because of super bowl o champion burgess owens, he joins us after these quick messages. Stay with us, you dont want to limu emu doug you know limu, after all these years its the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Its so good to see you. You too so really, how are you . Oh well, look thats what were both taking right now, fanapt. You know its really been helping me manage my schizophrenia. I used to hear these terrible voices. Loser youre such a failure. Youre so embarrassing. I used to feel like everyone was staring at me. But were doing much better now, right . Yeah. Fanapt is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults. 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Our next guest is congressman elect for utahs fourth congressional district, the democrat in covenant bid mcadams yesterday conceded and joining us now is the congressman elect burgess went and super bowl champion, a strong supporter of President Trump and we couldnt be happier for you and for the country. Great to have you with us and congratulations on your win. I want to start how important the president was in your win, they could put that into some context for us. Absolutely, i that is something that we sell across our country, the mega factor and you see and the percentage of minorities coming out and voting for the president as much as they put him down and called him names, we the people are waking up to it and ill be honest, i think this is just the beginning good americans both sides of the aisle have come to realize what it looks like and we dont like being bullied, intimidated or canceled and the left does not understand this because theres no god and no wisdom, they dont understand it and within our dna we love freedom and we will fight for it and were drifting toward it in a big way now were not going back. We stopped to wait to see how this will work out with the president but everything down ballot went well and im so proud to be part of this remarkable Freshman Team, these guys are true patriots and they will make up a series of teammates very proud. Get ready for. Lou i have to say that is comforting to hear the Republican Party in some need of my judgment of a new direction on the part of its candidates and Kevin Mccarthy deserves great credit for the candidates that he sought out to put before the voters and to the extraordinary job for which i want to commend him. It was terrific to see the Republican Party brought in their base in a diverse manner as they did this year. Can i say this, what is happened here with the Republican Party, we are showing the true big tents, we are very diverse in so many different ways but what unitas is our love for country and leader mccarthy sought the right people who articulate ourselves and proud of who we are and will fight against the deep dark socialist and mark enter marxist ways of the left, we stand soundly imprr under probably in that process so you will have a strong Freshman Team and united Republican Party. I feel good about that. Lou it is great to hear that and as you get ready to go went to washington, d. C. , again in an election in which fraud has played the extent of the fraud is not yet established and isnt likely to for some time, give us your sense of the questions and what it means to have this many anomalies in irregularities and charges of cheating by the democrats. This is gone on quite a while for the democratic party, i lived in philadelphia for 23 years and they were known for this and no one brought attention to it, its no big deal, just the way it was, now across the country we have millions of people have voted and what we want to have happen is her voice to count it does not matter what side of the aisle were on but so many people they came out and with the support of our president with the success that we have had, this will not just go away, they cannot hide it like theyve done in the past. A good thing coming out of this we will take a good look of not only what happened at this case but putting together something that will make sure people are held accountable. We need to have folks go to jail when they start stealing our voices, cannot be something we get used to, weve been waiting weeks and weeks for a results and other technology of 2020, so many things have been done so much quicker. This will give us a chance to look back to make sure this is right. Lou burgess, thank you for being with us and we are delighted to congratulate you and mr. Congressman elect. It is very nice to see you geico makes the claims process so easy. I can file and manage my claim, all on the geico app. Its not just easy. Its givingyourdog yourfitnesstracker easy. Oh, good boy. Yes, you got it woo already got my 40,000 steps today. Can i get a what what no pain, no gain haha. Its geico easy. With fast and convenient claims service. Look how fast im running good boy, chester. I waited to get treated. Thought surgery was my only option. But then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. It was a total game changer. Learn more about the condition at factsonhand. Com. Lou joining us here tomorrow Texas Attorney five joining us here tonight Texas Attorney general ken paxton election whistleblower from wayne county michigan. Please notice for that. Thanks to being with us. Good night from west palm beach. Kennedy the Trump Campaign is down but they are not quite outspread it is the timex presidency. They have taken the licking but they keep on ticking. And today they vowed to go all the way to the Supreme Court to win the election. Moments ago the president fired the top Cyber Security official who vouched for this years Election Security. And it comes as we learn thousands of missing ballots. But after 40 lawsuits and a half a dozen states of that change Election Results . Increasingly the answer is no. And heres why. Georgia secretary of state supports in the last two days officials have discovered more an

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