Surrounding some of the largest democratrun cities have the power tonight to nullify millions of legal votes through their corrupt counting illegal votes in some cases. Where is the department of justice . The department of justice is entirely absent. And as far as we can tell, the department of justice has done absolutely nothing to address what are obvious voting irregularities in those democrat strongholds of clark county, nevada, fulton county, atlanta, wayne county, detroit, and Philadelphia County in pennsylvania. Were going to, tonight on this broadcast, tell you all that we have learned throughout the last 24 hours. And all that we can divine from what has been an imposing wall constructed by the democrats in those politically corrupt jurisdictions; cities, counties and states. And there is no question that the you are regularities in many cases are outright acts of corruption. We have an allstar lineup of guests this evening to take up the fight for a Fair Election and to take the up the important matter of just who will be president for the next four years. Were joined tonight by former director of National Intelligence ric grenell. He joins us from las vegas. As the cochair for lawyers for trump, harmeet dhillon. Congressman jim jordan and scott perry join us, among those fighting hard for this president. The senior Legal Adviser jenna ellis joins us as does former federal prosecutor sidney powell, all with us for this broadcast. Well, lets begin. Despite the radical dems best efforts to steal this election in parts of the country, the Trump Campaign say that they remain confident they can win and may do so as soon as tomorrow. Here is the president s campaign manager, bill stepian. He is alive and he is well. We believe, he believes and we believe that if we count all legallycast ballots, the president will win. We are confident in that fact. We are confident in our pathway to 270. , and were confident in our math to get us there. Lou so how does President Trump win . At this hour fox news showing joe biden with a 264214 advantage in the Electoral College vote. In addition to alaska, the president must take pennsylvania, North Carolina, georgia and either arizona or nevada. President trump holds a 97,000vote lead over biden in pennsylvania. Hes ahead by some 70,000 votes in North Carolina and is leading biden by almost 60,000 votes in georgia. Joe biden has an 11,000vote lead in nevada with hundreds of thousands of votes, of course, to be counted as we reported to you at the outset. The fox news decision desk has called arizona for joe biden and called it election night, and some say prematurely. But with around what we are told some 450,000 votes still to be counted, bidens lead is vulnerable. And that state is vulnerable to a flip. The Trump Campaign is confident, they say, that arizona will turn for the president. Well, both campaigns are fighting over those final votes, of course, in all of those states. Biden and the dems say we should count all the votes, all of the votes. Now, the republicans say that may be a dog whistle for counting illegal votes. President trump and the republicans say they want all the legal votes counted and only legal votes. Between those two positions are millions of votes. Many of them illegal. And many of them have been counted. Election workers in detroit have been caught covering up windows at an absentee ballotcounting center, trying to prevent anyone seeing whats happening in the votecounting process there. One michigan poll watcher claims votes have been turned in without names on them. Ive seen ballots that dont belong to anybody, they dont show up in the voter registration, theres no name attached to them. And what are they doing with those ballots . Im challenging them okay. They are supposed to be evaluating. Lou in pennsylvania the Trump Campaign with a legal victory today. They have gained the right to observe ballot counting in the state. Imagine that, they had to go to court for what is required by law. Republican observers like Corey Lewandowski were allowed to stay 6 feet away as the votes were being counted, but when they went to observe votecounting machines, they were moved further than 6 feet away, enraging the trump, former Trump Campaign leader and Senior Adviser. What is going on in this city . What are you hiding . Open up the doors, are let us in, let us 6 feet away so that we can have a free and father and Fair Election. Whether you voted for donald trump or joe biden, everybody has a right to witness whats transpiring here. This makes it look like a kangaroo court. We deserve better lou they deserve better. The country deserves better. Two other legal challenges launched by the Trump Campaign in michigan and georgia thrown out by federal judges today. Those will be appealed, of course. Another legal challenge mounted this morning in nevada where votes by people who moved or who are dead are suspected of being added to the states votes and vote count. Our first guest this evening at the forefront of that legal challenge and joining us from nevada, ric grenell, former acting director of National Intelligence, Senior Adviser to the Republican National committee. Ric, this is, as i said at the outset, this is becoming quickly a national disgrace. Give us a sense of what is happening in nevada, what progress youre making. Well, look, thanks for having me, lou. I guess the message that were trying to say is everybody just needs to do their job. We have a lot of people ca vetching and talking about the problem but not a lot of people that are doing their job. Weve been working today on a lawsuit, and we held a press Conference Today in front of quite a few media lou right. There, i are to say probably more than a hundred people, and they basically said that they wanted us to spoon feed them all of the problems of voting after with we highlighted a few examples. And they were unwilling to actually go in and do any of the work themselves. I used to be a press secretary and 20 years ago journalists actually did some digging on their own. They just werent looking around the room looking to retweet or recycle something somebody else said. So i instructed my team here in nevada to not only work on the lawsuit, but also to do the job of what journalists are supposed to do. So we put together, through mostly publiclyavailable information that newsrooms should be hooking at lou ric, i appreciate your if i may 3,000 lou [inaudible] let me get to the point, lou. Lou yes, please. Here in nevada that voted, that voted illegally. They are not residents of nevada. They did not meet the residency requirements. This is easily available information that the media should have found. We found it today. We are releasing this. These people potentially could all be violating lou ric, now, may i ask doj [inaudible conversations] lou if i may, youre going to, youre going to. This is thursday. You were filing a legal action today against those fraudulent votes. Has that been filed . Because youre complaining [inaudible conversations] its what youre actually getting done. As you said, you have a job to do. Im interested in what youre doing about your job. You have no reason to expect whatsoever that that media would be any more helpful, fair or intelligent on this story than they would any other for this administration. Let me be clear, lou, i would have had the let or out to doj and the fbi if i wasnt sitting here on your show. But i committed to come on your show, and so were holding it to double check it. That letter will be out within let me just say 90 minutes so that it gives us a little bit of a cushion time, that letter will be out. The lawsuit will be filed within the next few hours. You know, were putting together big, large pieces of information, and we have a small team. And so, again, when i complain about the media who have large teams, i think this is quite appropriate. We are going to get both of those things that i described out tonight, and you will see them. Lou okay, great. And its urgently necessary that we do just that. But the legal aspect of this, as you well know, is far more important at this particular urgent moment. And we are watching some rather checkered judge, judgments in other states. Are you confident that youre going to be able to successfully legally challenge those votes and get a decision straight away . Well, youre asking me e to predict what a appointed judge in las vegas is going to do, and i cant do that. What i can say is that were very confident that we are putting together a very good legal challenge to the reckless throwing out of mailin ballots that clearly officials, government officials should have checked against registration rolls and lists of people who were dead and residency requirements. Theres a whole bunch of easy checks that government officials should do, and they should do their job. They didnt do their job. And, by the way, there are plenty of people in nevada like adam laxalt who raised these red flags early on to say if youre going to mail out a plethora of ballots, you need to have a system in place thats going to check the legality of each vote. Theres a difference between a ballot and a legal vote. And the Democratic Party here in nevada has literally blurred the lines between anyone who gets a ballot somehow its a legal vote, and thats not true. Lou ric, i know you cant predict anything, but i sure as hell hope youre trying to shape the outcome, and well leave the, your complaints about the national leftwing media we just want the truth. Lou to a memoir, because theres not well, you may not get it. Youre not getting treated fairly. The president is facing a fight that increasingly looks like a lone wolf to deal with all of this. Where the hell are mitch mcconnell, where is the Republican Party . Where is Ronna Mcdaniel . Why arent they out why isnt the Republican Party en masse demanding the department of justice move in here . Its been absent for the entire process. Can you give us an answer to that . Look, i, look, what i can say is that some of those individuals that you just mentioned have absolutely reached out and said what can we do and are fully involved. Lou im not asking for little sweetheart letters, im asking why arent they demanding the department of justice step into a political you can ask them, you can lou thank you, ric, and i will do just that. Thanks for spending your time with us, and ai apologize for delaying your legal action. Up next, where is attorney general william barr in this fight . Where is the department of justice . Ill take that up and more with these quick messages. By the way, wheres nick key haley . Mitch mcconnell . Where are they in . Ill be talking with the cochair of lawyers for trump, harmeet dhillon, who is working diligently and ferociously to make matters right. Stay with us, well be right back. Hey yeah . I switched to geico and got more more savings on Car Insurance . They helped with homeowners, too ok plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance geicos got you covered like a blanket houston . You seeing this . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Alyson 180 over 111. 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Barr last appeared at an event in indianapolis on october 22nd. Since then hes gone radio silent. Completely silent about the radical dems efforts to steal an election in many parts of the country. But just moments ago the Justice Department finally broke their silence. Spokeswoman carrie kupek issued the following statement on voting irregularities. Are you ready for this . This from our Justice Department. The department of justice pursues all actionable information it receives, and is always the case, encourages none who suspects a federal crime to report it to their local fbi office. Are you kidding me . Id like to take a moment here to implore attorney general william barr, a man of distinction, of Great Service to the country, remarkable talent to, please, stand up. Stand up and add your voice to those demanding that the integrity of our elections be protected and, in many states, restored. Such a mission requires the attorney general and the department of justice to bear screen. To intervene. Bill barr is too good a man, too good an attorney general not to be at the forefront of his departments officials who will work to assure the American People of a true and honest election. We are far from that tonight. Mr. Attorney general, i i implore you. Joining us tonight, march9 meet dillon. Harmeet dhillon. A member of the 2020 trump advise true council, national cochair of lawyers for trump, and she is deeply engaged in this fight. Harmeet, first of all, good to have you with us again. Thank you. Lou i know that you are being torn in every direction with all that is going on, but if you will, id like to start with pennsylvania, get a sense of where the interest of the president and the republic are and how, how the fight for a Fair Election is going. If you could, first pennsylvania. Sure. Well, i will tell you that in pennsylvania we have hundreds of lawyers, mostly volunteer lawyers, on the ground. Theyre fighting hard, and they have been since before election day. So no worries that we are short on resources there. This morning the court of appeals there in philadelphia ordered the philadelphia Elections Officials to allow are are to allow republicans access to witness how the ballots are being handled, and philadelphia officials are in contempt. They are ignoring that court order and going on with the counting without republican Election Monitor there is to witness it. The kind of shenanigans that can occur in philadelphia, by the way, you have election workers with biden harris 2020 masks on, and theyre the ones who look at ballots, and they see if a ballot is defective in some way. They may fill it in or fix it, and theres nobody on the republican side to witness it. And because that election is so close, because the president s lead is declining, that is where we can lose it, and it is an outrage that those people are in contempt of court and, meanwhile, were waiting for the United States Supreme Court which the president has nominated three justices to step in and do something and, hopefully, Amy Coney Barrett will come through and pick it up. Theres no guarantee of that, lou, so we have to fight this on the ground and make sure were [inaudible] lou no guarantee of that. In fact, the court before Justice Barrett was there even a day had already excuse me, two days they ruled without her because she hadnt had time to prepare for a decision on the case. They ruled that this nonsense could go forward. It was an outrageous opinion, in my judgment, and it is one that i cant imagine socalled originalists could have made. But, indeed, a couple of them did join the minority. I want to turn also to the, to where you think the fight for those votes in pennsylvania is. The Supreme Court has ordered motions to be produced in response, what was it, 5 00 today right. Lou have we got any sense of what thats going to result in . Well, so it may be overblown in the media, but basically the president s campaign moved to intervene in the existing lawsuit that you just described, and the state was ordered to respond to the motion to intervene. So all that is is whether the president gets to be a party or not. Whether however that goes, the case e is still there, and the original plaintiffs can still press that case if the Supreme Court takes it up. But just in case, we have it on a belt and suspenders, and theres also a federal civil rights lawsuit filed today in pennsylvania to challenge the irregularities that include all of the issues in the Supreme Court case that include the new issues of barring republican poll workers from being able to watch whats happening there. Poll watchers, rather, to be able to watch whats happening, witness irregularities and document and challenge them. Still left to be determined, lou, is when those ballots that the Court Ordered segregated from wednesday through tomorrow at 5 00, are they going to be counted or not. Lou right. Were not going to see a determination of that. And in some counties, the counting doesnt even start until a little later on those types of issues. So that issue hasnt been joined yet. Lou yeah, its, its almost inconceivable that this country could be, americans all across this country hooking at various cities looking at various cities boarding up their windows, book shopkeepers in often prestigious regions in parts of those cities and at the same time unable to deliver a vote count that is honest, transparent and forthright and accurate. We are really in trouble in this country, and we have a number of institutions failing us. Theres nothing we can do about that, thats where we are. What is happening now in georgia . The president s lead there with see shrinking. We see no response, it seems, to concerns about transparency or the true, the true vote. Yes, that is a concern. The Trump Campaign did file a lawsuit there in georgia, and it had an affidavit that alleged that 53 late absentee votes were mixed in with the rest of them and were being counted, and the judge gave that the back of the hand today and dismissed the case saying there wasnt sufficient evidence to prove that those ballots were lawsuit. I mean, on the one hand were being kept, you know, far, far away from the voting and not being able to see the ballots being opened, on the other hand, the judges are saying, oops, you dont have enough evidence. Were not magicians. In Michigan Democrats are being allowed to monitor the ballot counting or 31 or 41 and republicans arent. Thats literally happening in our country, and that is third world level nonsense. And it is disgusting that its happening here in america, lou. Lou youre right and like you said, the doj lou [inaudible] the doj is mia, im sorry to say, because our we have an assistant attorney general for civil rights whos supposed to be in charge of elections and, you know, you to dont know who he is because hes never done anything in this regard over the last four years. Its very unfortunate. Lou what are the brightest spots for the Trump Campaign case . Yes, i mean lou its extraordinary that theyre with obvious, with obvious irregularities that there is no corrective impulse here on the part of either our courts, the department of justice or even local authorities who know very well or state authorities holding some standard of law and order. Well, were the still on a positive trajectory in arizona. We believe we have good arguments in nevada which you covered in the earlier segment, and finally in pennsylvania we are still ahead, and we have a chance to get into the courts there if necessary. Lou harmeet, thank you so much, and thank you for all youre doing, a great fighter, harmeet dhillon. Up next, congressmen jim jordan and scott perry join us. Theyve been on the ground in pennsylvania. Theyre fighting for an honest election and an honest outcome. They join us right after these quick messages. Please stay with us. Please stay with us. Please stay with us. How did you find greatgrandmas recipe . Were related to them . Were portuguese . I thought we were hungarian . Grandpa, can you tell me the story again . Behind every question is a story waiting to be discovered. Find a stock basedtech. On your interests behind every question or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Lou were back with congressman jim jordan, congressman scott perry. Let me just ask you very quickly, if i may, is this just a continuation of the radical dems, the deep states efforts to subvert the president s agenda . Is this just, are we now moving into year five of that effort, congressman jordan . Well, yeah. I mean, definitely, lou. Look, the mainstream press, bug tech, the democrat party, frankly, the never trumper, a handful of remoneys have been out to republicans have been out to get this president before the election. So this is nonstop. In spite of that, the president , i think, is still on the path to win. We kept the senate, and we won seats in the house. Yeah, this is impeachment number three. Russian collusion, then the impeachment, this is just the third large attempt. I mean, when you have states like nevada that literally put a law in place where nobody can watch any of the theyre forbidden by law from watching the counting. How does anybody know who signed them, where they came from . Theres no way to check and reconcile that whatsoever by law. That is set up for failure. That is9 set up for, quite honestly, dictatorial, you know, rule and tyranny. Thats whats been set up by law in the state of nevada. Lou well, gentlemen, thanks for all youre doing in the fight and give em hell, please. Thank you. Congressman jim jordan, congressman scott perry. Joining us now, jenna ellis, senior Legal Adviser for the Trump Campaign, attorney for the president. Jenna gives them hell every day and works diligently for this president , a great american. Jenna, good to have you with us. Great to see you, lou. Lou this is an atrocity, to see what is happening in this vote. And its happening almost are without resistance from local authorities whether they be the state government, in fact, they look complicit with the county and city jurisdictions in pennsylvania, and the story is replicated to detroit, you know, and can all across the country. What can the president , what can you do about it legally to stop the nonsense . Youre absolutely right, lou, and what were doing is fighting in the courts to make sure to preserve election integrity. This country is built on the foundation that we must have free and Fair Elections, that every legal vote counts. If we do not fight this fight, then what fight is worth fighting . Because our Constitutional Republic will no longer exist if we have this much opportunity for fraud. When you look at whats happening out there at the counts, and theyre not even allowing team trump to observe, to have transparency, to see what ballots are being counted. Were challenging this at the court. They have to be um pures and call umpires and call balls and strikes fairly. Lou are we well, they may have to be the sheriff too because this is going on i dont see any movement yet. It is, of course, just a matter of days here. But this is, this is a process that needs to be brought to conclusion. And were not seeing any evidence whatsoever of a response from the department of justice, from, from the Republican Party leadership, mitch mcconnell. The man owes his reelection in part to this president , as do at least a dozen senators, more congressmen, and i dont even hear thank yous, let alone engagement to do the right thing and stop this corruption at the ballot on the part of the democrats. You are so right, and im so thankful, lou, that you are sounding that bell, and you are fighting for america because conservatives who are outside the beltway love President Trump because hes fighting for the integrity of our entire american system, the foundation of america, for the constitution. And ill tell you something, as someone who is not inside the beltway, i am an outsider who came in just to help this president , to serve my country, there are two kinds of people in washington, and this includes people who are part of the gop. There are people who are simply surviving this president and they care more about their next job in washington, or there are the people who support President Trump because its the right things to do, and he is on the right side. And i would tell everyone this matters more than anything else, and if all you care about is your next position, washington is not for you because america matters. Thats why President Trump gave up so much to fight for this nation, and he has been the president for all americans. Now the time the stand and fight for whats right because its the right thing. And you are absolutely right to say that and to be very, very upset that people are standing down. Don jr. Just tweeted something asking the very same thing, and for the people who are questioning whether or not they should support President Trump, the question is whether or not grow support america and our you support america and our founding and the rule of law in this country. I do, and im willing to stand with President Trump and fight this fight. Lou and we we appreciate it e. All of the trump family fighting for their father, the president. Where are we going to be in the next day in this process . The Supreme Court, they have avoided confronting this issue of late ballots and deadlines, and theyve created an opportunity for e me father yous activity nefarious activity that we are witnessing right now. Will they have the guts, the integrity, the principle to stand up for justice in this country, or will they do just as the Justice Department has, simply avert their eyes . I really hope that our Judicial Branch will remain fair and impartial and unbiased and will do their job to preserve election integrity. And like an umpire, if you analogize this to baseball, we are at the final game of the world series, and the last pitch comes down. The umpire doesnt saw, you know what . I might offend half the stadium, so im just going to step back and not make that call. Thats their job. Its not good for team red, team blue, but call the ball as it lies. The democrats know they cant win with their pitchers, so theyre trying to take home plate and increase the strike zone by 100 feet just for them. That is unfair, its not according to the rule, and the Judicial Branch exists for this exact purpose. And with we need answers, we need solutions, we need the rule of law to i apply. Lou and we need it damn quick. Jenna ellis, thanks for being with us, rewe appreciate it. Give em hell. Up next, more on the silence of attorney general will qualm qualm william barr as the the radical dems work to steal one of the most important elections in modern history. General Michael Flynns Attorney Sidney Powell joins me in just a few moments with much more on these critical, urgent issues. Stay with us, well be right stay with us, well be right back. We love our new home. 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Lou the lou dobbs tonight quote of the day from catholic arch bishop Carlo E Delgado who said about americas voting mess, quote we have seen the deep state organize itself well in advance to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history in order to insure the defeat of the man who has strenuously opposed the establishment of the new world order that is wanted by the children of darkness. Well, joining us tonight, sidney powell, general Michael Flynns defense attorney, former federal prosecutor, best selling author and great american. Sidney, this is such a critical moment in our history. It is also a disgrace, what we are witnessing. And the absence of the republican establishment leadership raising their voices about the corrupt acts that were witnessing, the absence of the department of justice, the absence of the National Leaders of this country whether theyre in business, whether they are religious leaders, what in the world why would they be absent from this fight against corruption and upholding law and order and the american way . I wish i knew, lou, i dont. The president crushed all the metrics to win this election, and then all of a sudden votes stars appearing from no start appearing from nowhere. Theyre running a math malt call algorithm that enables them to calculate the number of votes they need to create for biden to win in circumstances where he shouldnt win at all. And theyve done it, theyve planned this ahead of time, theyve executed it masterfully, stopping the voting the night of the election should never have happened, its never if happened before. The whole situation was carefully calculated and created to steal the election from President Trump and the people of america borne out by the hundreds of thousands rallying for him and should continue rallying until he is elected. Lou turning to one of your good friends, judge emmet sullivan, who is complimenting the postal employees unions not necessarily just them, but all of the employees at the Postal Service for the way in which theyve handled themselves despite all of the discrepancies, all of the irregularities that have been reported in their processing of ballots. Or as nancy pelosi called the Postal Service, the election central. Its outrageous. And the judiciary seems complicit in this. Does the Supreme Court have the spine, the integrity and the will to make right what is so wrong at this moment in our countrys electoral system . I wish i dont know the answer to that either. I think and hope that they do. I would have hoped that the government would have moved to disqualify judge sullivan because of his obvious bias against President Trump. He shouldnt be ruling on election issues or post office issues, anything related to this election. I believe its even his friend eric holder at covington and burling who brought that suit against the post office. And the lawyers are in there laughing and talking about whats going on. So nothing about that process is fair just as nothing about the current counting and stalling on the votes is fair. You know, theres states that have been should have been declared for trump long ago. Lou bill barr has been absent. I have implored him on this broadcast to stand up and to lead the department of justice, to assure electoral integrity. Do you know why the department of justice is so reticent when much of their tradition has been to assure fair voting, honest voting in this country, and they are absent . There is no knowledge whatsoever of a single action theyve taken or where theyve positioned themselves in any one of these jurisdictions. I dont know the answer to that either. I mean, weve got documentary evidence of dead people voting in pennsylvania and votes being burned and votes appearing from nowhere. There are all kinds of different abject voter fraud you should shoes that should being investigated and prosecuted quickly by the department of justice. Not to mention the civil rights lawyers ought to be out there monitoring everything. Lou sidney powell, thanks for being with us. Good to see you. Thanks so much. Stay with us, were coming right back. Its quite a, quite a day, huh . Quite a period in our history. Well be right back. Nonvalvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. And if youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. 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