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Well as xhosa vote in serbia, here is President Trump today on his extraordinary Foreign Policy achievements. We have at least five that want to come in and will have many more very soon. When you say want to come in. Want to come into the deal, part of the peace deal and you know what is cost in the United States, nothing, nothing. It is so nice, isnt that nice, i say nothing, why should we pay we are settling, kosovo in serbia, you look at whats happening there, maybe two trade deals yet they were killing each other for 25 years, much longer than that we said wait a minute were doing trade with each country, why do we settle it up so you dont have to kill each other and they were so happy. They were so happy, we settled the deal, we do a lot of things that people dont know about fellas. Lou President Trump announcement coming only hours after his final president ial debate with the radical dems nominee joe biden. In that debate the moderator in the Debate Commission did not want to include the topic of Foreign Policy, perhaps because President Trump has been nominated four times for the nobel peace prize, in that debate President Trump defended his unprecedented historic record against attacks from biden and at times the moderat moderator, but he is used to that. President trump also pressing biden on bidens decades of failure in public office. You keep talking about all these things youre going to do and youre going to do this but you were there just a short time ago and you guys did nothing, iran because of you, iran because of barack obama because you did a poor job, if i thought you did a good job i never wouldve run. I ran because of you, im looking at you now, your politician, iran because of you is. Lou because of you, joe biden making it clear he will carry out the radical leftwing agenda in so doing likely destroyed the u. S. Energy industry and causes severe attraction at the very best, fox Business Correspondent Hillary Vaughn from nashville. Democratic nominee joe biden tried again to distance himself between progressives and tried to impress during the primary. Is a very confused guy he think shes running against somebody else, hes running against joe biden, i beat all the other people because they disagreed with that. Biden does not disagree with progresses on everything, he sounded a lot like his progressive colleagues when he promised to wipe out the entire oil industry because of pollution. When he closed down the oil industry. I have a transition from the oil industry, yes, transition. Thats a big statement. Why would you do that. The oil industry pollutes significantly. The two candidates tangled over how to help workers and businesses get back open for business and workers back to work. You have not rolled out more shutdowns. Im not shutting down the neighborhood, they need standards, if you have a restaurant you need to have plexiglas divider so people cannot infect one another. Putting up plexiglas is unbelievably expensive and not the answer, are you going to sit there in a cubicle wrapped around with plastic, these are businesses that are dying. The mute button seemed to keep both candidates in line but without the fiery backandfor backandforth, at one point biden may have been bored he was caught looking at his watch to check the time. Lou that did not work out so well for the last fella who checked his watch. Hillary vaughn reporting from nashville and i have to tell you i was amused by the moderator, instantly saying to joe biden after he talked about shutting down the energy industry, very quickly saying why would you do that, plaintively almost. President trump used last nights debate to attack joe biden over his familys corrupt business dealings overseas, President Trump forced joe biden into talking about how much he knew about the millions of dollars his son hunter biden was making while he was sitting on the board of the ukrainian gas firm burisma, the former Vice President was asked if there was anything unethical about his sons work with burisma, his answer, i could describe it in so many ways, here it is for you to decide. Nothing was unethical, with regarding to ukraine, we had this whole question about whether or not because he was on the board with burisma, a company that somehow i had done something wrong, yet every single solitary person when he was going through his impeachment testifying under oath who works for him said i did my job impeccably, i carried out u. S. Policy, not one single solitary thing was out of line, not a single thing. Lou biden in the word impeccable are not synonymous. Joe biden knows hes been caught and allied, it is well documented by the reporting of the New York Post and fox news and others that hunter biden was engaged in peddling influence in the obama, biden white house, hunter biden use that influence to strike deals for himself, his Business Partners and for his family. But biden standards peddling influence in Foreign Countries like ukraine, china, kazakhstan, elsewhere is in his judgment at least in his statement of last night ethical and fair, one of Hunter Bidens former Business Partners Tony Bobulinski exposing evidence in the corrupt ways, he was scheduled to talk with ron johnson senator Homeland Committee but bob was asked by the fbi to instead be interviewed by them. For more on that we turn to fox news correspondent mike emanuel in washington. Good evening foxes told Tony Bobulinskis legal team reach out to the fbi and he said hes willing to hand over the Electronic Devices containing his communication about the business dealings, Tony Bobulinski was expected to speak with the Homeland Security and finance committees led by chairman ron johnson and chuck grassley, johnson jabbing at the fbi, i am glad theyre finally taken an interest in the concerning financial matters that are committees have been investigating for months, i expect that Tony Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and share his insight into the biden Family Business dealings, hunter biden former Business Partner on the 2017 energy deal came forward this week, Tony Bobulinski alleges he said biden leverage the family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities. Tony bobulinski spoke on camera before last nights debate. I have no wish to bury anyone, ive never been political, a few contributions ive made, have been the democrats. But what i am is a patriot and a veteran, to protect my family name and my business reputation, i need to ensure that the true facts are out there. Back to the Tony Bobulinski meeting with the fbi, potential legal issues could be money laundering, tax evasion and failure to register as foreign agents in this case china is. Lou mike emanuel reporting from washington, thank you. It could also be, we must also include in the list of possibilities and attempt to silence an important voice in the investigation, the fbi suddenly becoming interested and Tony Bobulinski after holding the laptop without taking any action of any kind just as he is about to appear before the senate Homeland Committee, does raise questions. The lou dobbs quote of the day comes from South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, he has an explanation today for not subpoenaing the left wing heads of the censorships twitter and facebook until after the election. These are the remarks of South Carolina courageous senator who is so concerned with our First Amendment rights and americans right to know, he said this, i think we are close to getting a voluntary agreement for after the election, which i think would be a great time to do it, see how the election went and we are looking at november, just to be clear i dont know why anyone in the great state of South Carolina whatever vote for Lindsey Graham, it is just outrageous, this is a guy who says stay tuned, he said he would get to the bottom of obamagate with the Judiciary Committee which has been a year end a half, actually longer of absolute unearthed response to these pressing issues of our day, this is what, donald trump said of senator Lindsey Graham back in 2016 when he was campaigning for the presidency in South Carolina, i believe the president s words about the senator then apply today. He said, i think Lindsey Graham is a disgrace and i think you have one of the worst representatives of any representative in the United States. I dont think he could run for dogcatcher and run again. I really dont. Other than that i think is wonderful, hes one of the dumbest human beings ive ever seen, the guy is a nut job, graham has betrayed President Trump at almost every turn, he has betrayed the American People and his oath of office, he has done absolutely nothing to investigate obamagate except to tell everyone stay tuned, time and time again, stay tuned, senator graham needs to be tuned out in South Carolina. Up next the corrupt judge and general Michael Flynns case delay in justice once again asserting extraordinary powers for a Federal District court judge, we take it up and more with general Michael Flynns defense Attorney Sidney Powell and Judicial Watch tom fitton and the thanks to everyone who has made my new book a National Bestseller the trump century, how the president change the course of history forever. Available at loudobbsshop. Com, loudobbsshop. Com. Much more away to their, all patriots welcome. Stay with us, well be right new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Did you try it yet . Comparing plans . Oh yeah. They sure can change year to year. I found lower premiums and lower prescription costs. And those new insulin savings hundreds of plans, 35 a month. Thatll save you money. So uh, mark . On medicare. Gov now. Open enrollment ends dec 7th. Comparing plans. Really pays. Paid for by the u. S. Department of health human services. Lou breaking news, americans are going through a difficult period, our history will reflect that this was a time when the publics right to know in this country was challenged from nearly every corner, rinos on the House Intelligence Committee, we are told trying to help the democrats blocked documents being released which revealed the corruption of the deep state and the radical dems who run the committee. Fox news has learned a number of unnamed republican members dont want to release a report from congressman devin nunes that has been held by the cia for some time, his report questioning the intelligence communitys 2017 assessment and characterizations of that assessment mainly that russia was working against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 campaign, the reverse is actually the case, nunes and the director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and the president want the truth out in front of the mecca public, President Trump absolutely turning over declassification power should attorney general william parr and John Ratcliffe, but republicans at least some of them on the House Intelligence Committee are working with the democrats to block the effort, these are, i guess we could say possibilities if not suspects, these congressman are mike conaway, michael turner, brad winchester, chris stewart, Rick Crawford Elise Stefanik and will heard, it is really disappointing to see republicans fall in line with republicans against the american publics right to know and against the direct orders of the president of the United States, also breaking tonight, corrupt judge Emmett Sullivan is once again delaying justice for Michael Flynn who has been persecuted for four years now, sullivan ordered the Justice Department attorneys to swear under penalty of perjury about the accuracy of evidence they are using to dismiss Michael Flynns case, something by the way he never asked the fbi to do before of course the intelligence courts, the department of justice has until monday to hand over dates of each of those filings as well as a tight transcription for each handwritten document, who knew that a District Court judge could be so powerful and such a prosecutor, joining us tonight is Sidney Powell, she is the defense attorney for general Michael Flynn and tom fitton who is the president of Judicial Watch and we thank you both for being with us, we want to point out that tom is the author of a republic under assault, the left ongoing attack on american freedom, we recommend it to you highly, were gonna turn to sidney first, Emmett Sullivan, this is a man who strikes most americans as utterly unreasonable and singlehandedly trying to persecute a man who was framed by a corrupt fbi in he knows that very well, what is happening here. Unfortunately we filed a motion to recuse him on october 7, that is very thorough and this is just another reason why that motion shouldve been granted, he just continues to defy the order of the d. C. Court to decided with dispatch and anybody who thought that he wanted to have a hearing is now belied by this conduct, the government as i understand is going to go ahead and comply by monday with the order so it should not cause any further delay but all of this couldve been handled on october 7 if not before, he certainly has not expressed any concern for all the false statements that were made by federal agents that led to general flynns prosecution. Lou i realize this question may be difficult for you to answer because you will be before the judge but is he mentally unbalanced or is this an effort by a tool of the left to keep Michael Flynn from his rightful freedom, ahead of the election, what is this . All i can say the longer it takes the more political it looks, the hearing itself that people want to read the transcript on my website, Sidney Powell. Com, they can make their own determination of how political it seems to be, there was actually a conversation about delaying it until the new attorney general or new administration. Lou outrageous, tom, your thoughts on this and their reactions of Emmett Sullivan in now clearly, at least partially a politically corrupt federal judiciary. I think it is broader than judge to live in at this point, you had the d. C. Circuit court controlled by liberals, as century endorse his behavior saying move it along, but really putting no teeth behind the order, while simultaneously in our case saying hillary should be exempt from testimony in an extra ordinary fashion, it was almost a one for one. Lou the attorney general said the same thing, william barr said basically the same thing, that there would not be any questioning of barack obama or Hillary Clinton or joe biden on obamagate and we know the truth, we know every reason in the world to question much of their activities, it goes well beyond that. I want to turn to what we are watching here with joe biden, more evidence spilling out every day and in front of the American People last night, a man who was a business associate, to Tony Bobulinski, testify, not under oath, i guess he was not testify about making a straightforward m that joe biden knew about Hunter Bidens business dealings which were corrupt on their face, your thoughts about the impact of that and where it will lead if there is to be any justice at all in this country . We have three scandals going on at once, youre the biden corruption, the ricoh activity that we are now getting the full details on, we have the big tech coverup and big media coverup of that and on top of that the impeachment coverup of that which was all about impeachment of trump to protect Biden Company and then we have the other coverup which were referencing in the beginning which is the fbi, Justice Department coverup, they knew biden knew about hunters business dealings in china and ukraine and elsewhere. There is 0 excuse for whats been going on, if i were the president i would take the investigation away from the Justice Department and away from the fbi, given to a separate entity, a separate appointed to him directly, no matter what happens on election day what we are hearing about today and this week is a serious consequence for joe biden whether or not he is president and i dont even think, im not saying hell be convicted of a crime but they will not be able to derail an investigation given the gravity of what is going on whether or not he is elected. Lou there is right now, we will continue with Sidney Powell and tom fitton right after this quick break but right now there is a very serious and immediate question and that is whether joe biden has disqualified himself from president of the united from president of the United States, this is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, and mobile phone, as well as auto home and life youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today the worst genocide in Human History also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day which is impossible. This now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. 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Lou breaking news, financial documents show that companies linked to hunter biden received hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies and loans, rosemont is an Investment Firm ho owned by Hunter Biden Associates devon archer and john kerry stepson christopher hines, the Company Received 130 million loans from a Federal Reserve loan program in 2009, Hunter Bidens Investment Firm Rosemont Seneca was also given 5 million in state and federal funding for Technology Startup they started in hawaii in 2014, we are back now is Sidney Powell and tom fitton, i want to get to your judgment on a former prosecutor as to where you would be on the evidence that you have heard and read and seen now about hunter biden, joe biden as a family and its involvement, Parent Involvement and a host of schemes that look a lot like political corruption. Between bob belinsky and the hunter biden laptop and hard drive in the tape of Vice President biden talking about ukrainian prosecutor fired himself withholding money, i think there is more than enough evidence to have warranted an indictment of joe biden and hunter biden multiple months ago and i cannot tell you how livid i am with the fbi for not having dealt with all of this immediately on the obvious crimes the evidence shows were happening, biden pipped out his own son to china and ukraine executives company, heads, whatever to bring in money for the family from the evidence biden wanted 50 himself and hunter wrote an email to his knees about that or his daughter and its absolutely appalling, the entire country should be outraged, to be this close to an election and have a candidate so corrupted in so many ways whether fear violation, abject fraud, dishonest services, any number of crimes committed, ricoh violation, it is hideous. Lou tom, your judgment about the. The president tried to warn us about this, he asked ukraine what was going on with burisma in the left and the democrat allies of biden went crazy and now we know why there this is overreaction that they tried to tear up the constitution removal from office, who knew that ukraine was a side hustle for the biden clan, the big money was in china or in other countries in the fbi cannot be trusted to handle this, its the weiner laptop all over again, if left to their own devices will have nit report in three years raising questions but no conclusion one way or another whether politics played a role in their ignoring the evidence on the laptop, enough is enough the president should exercise his powers under the constitution to enforce the law and unfortunately he cannot rely on the d. O. J. Or the fbi to do it, we dont need another durh durham, we need somebody outside the corrupt agencies to take care of this. Lou let me ask you, as we look at this evidence, senator johnson, the chair of the Homeland Committee has his witness ready to testify before the committee today and then the fbi says we want to interview him, do you believe that was coincidental or indeed first at this point after watching the conduct of the fbi over these last five years anyway, do you believe this was an attempt to silence bob belinsky. I would be very cautious if i were him without talking to the fbi with given experience like general flynn, the dirty little secret in this town, there are no dirty little secrets, i guarantee everyone knew what biden was up to, many senators know about it and we have information coming from other sources from the emails and other similar documents that there were other senators who were implicated in this and people they should go to if they were looking for references and contacts on Hunter Bidens dealings, this scandal if it involves the Vice President of the United States for a period of time you can bet involves other top politicals, and how to explain why they were willing to book the constitution to take a President Trump. Exactly. Lou sydney you get the last word. I agree with everything tom just said, they are so afraid of what theyve done, thats why we had the whole crusade to try to destroy President Trump it is not just Vice President biden or hunter it is many of them, they know it, they are guilty in all of their rage has been out of their own guilt. Lou sydney powell, and tom fitton, thank you for being with us tonight, lou dobbs tonight word of the day, strong public crew but under criticism or verbal abuse, it is how americans seem to feel about china joe biden for weapon i think hes political influence and corrupting even his family for personal gain, up next a new and important documentary about the attempted overthrow a President Trump, the films director amanda millions joins us and we will talk about the efforts of big tech and social media to block this important documentary which we recommend to you highly. To you highly. She joins us after the quicke wp with the cooking. But she wanted someone who loves cats. 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He would constantly say i have seen evidence of collusion and conspiracy, the question we were asking, we did it for reason and we would go to him and his staff and say are we seeing something that were not because we would like to know what he knew he could say on tv on certain organizations and then hide behind, thats classified i cannot get into it, they went straight back to attacking us personally, the media and the left, there was more attacks so we would say were over the target when the clouds in the media on the left were showing us at the same time and we knew that was coming the second we hit send and it came hard. Lou thats a clip from the new film, the plot against the president , the documentary based on lee smiths best seller has been muzzled by the big tech, they are trying to block it from distribution, facebook is rejecting ads for the movie for potentially trying to interfere with elections, can you believe this, amazon held up the movie for two weeks for content review. Joining us tonight, the producer and the director of this outstanding documentary, amanda, served as acting Deputy Assistant secretary of Global Affairs at the state department under President Trump, it is great to have you with us, congratulations on this extraordinary documentary. It is the most important documentary in years and its brilliantly crafted, and congratulations on all accounts. Think its great to be with you. Lou it is great to have you, what caused you to build this magnificent documentary. I think a lot of the details of russian gate have been lost in the bad guys if you will count on that, they want america to forget that this happened and not be able to trace the story clearly and most americans do not have time to build a flowchart on their living your wall and every breaking news story and ivory unclassified documents. What we wanted to do was make a clear concise sequential retelling of the story of the key pieces that people need to know because they want us to forget that this happened and people dont have time to track this every day like maybe you do or i might if i had the time, it is important. Lou thank goodness you have the time, you get the timeline exactly right and that is the complexity in its self let alone sorting through the players and the bad actors what is an extraordinary political drama, it is also tragic as you have suggested for this country to have to go through this and a completely sustained attack on the president for four years, actually more by the deep state, the radical dams and devin nunes is appropriately, the hero of the piece and so many others who you document so vividly and so well in this movie, i want to turn to your reaction to being blacklisted effectively for two weeks by amazon, we dont know for how long by facebook and others, social media and big tech are not in any way bashful now about asserting their authoritarian powers and abuse of power that they hold as some of the biggest and wealthiest companies in the world. I expected it and what youre referring to we submitted the film to be available on amazon and amazon prime october 10 which is pretty much the day after the film was finished and it went live on the other subscription platforms that we had available but amazon normal turnaround time is three days, sometimes five days because of covid but holding it up for 12 days is unheard of, our distributor has over 350 titles on amazon and he is never seen anything like it before, they gave no communication but however, it did come out on amazon yesterday and the numbers have been through the roof, everybody wants to see this and its because there is a large amount of the American Population that does not know the story that well and be, has not been served very well by hollywood, they do not, the leftist agenda of hollywood has not served most of the country for a very long time. Lou hollywood is not only not serving the country, hollywood is trying to devastate this country and certainly our culture, you are going to have reactions without question, have you suffered from friends, colleagues, competitors in hollywood . I pretty much abandoned hollywood wholeheartedly when i joined the Trump Administration, i dont think i really have any friends left that would have a problem with the film that havent already stopped talking to me, after you work in the Trump Administration you dont really anticipate going back to lost angeles and having a big career, you dont need to, the thing ive told people, we dont need hollywood anymore i did this to myself and started my Production Company in virginia and we have new projects on the horizon, we refuse to do an exclusive deal with anyone particular distributor so we are able to get it on as many platforms as possible and we have a community of people that want to see this and pushing it, i feel like its a really good sign, we dont need to be at their whim. Lou i think its a good sign that amazon finally a proved the film if you will, i also thin think right after the Hollywood Reporter did the story about them blocking us or not putting the film out, literally that morning they put it out. Lou we are going to find out who in washington and whether it can be representatives of both parties to have the guts to go after the abuse of their economic power by these Technology Companies and social media, it is outrageous and i do want to say as we conclude, i mean every word of complement about the documentary and i really believe that every american should see this documentary, the plot against the president , amanda we thank you for being with us, we congratulate you and we thank you for producing and directing it, the movie is also finally available on amazon. Com as they say. Last nights debate, Sleepy Joe Biden look like he could not wait to get off the stage, biden checking out his watch likely wishing that debate would in the in and quickly, this is perhaps a remind you of another president , a debate former president george h. W. Bush similar gaffe in 1992, he himself checked out his watch during a debate with bill clinton and ross perot the former Vice President who did make it to the oval office and did not get a return ticket, many say just because he was showing the arrogance to look at his watch and be disdainful of the other two people in that debate, up next another rino spreading lies about President Trump and even jello goals, we take that up with pastor Robert Jeffress, it is friday night and a reminder to buy my new book, the trump symmetry available at loudobbsshop. Com. Stay with us we a music hi, im dorothy hamill. Even as i look toward 65, one thing hasnt changed i still love getting on the ice. Which means i need to stay healthy. 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Lou wall street stocks finished mixed, the now down 12 back entry points, the nasdaq game 42, volume of the big board slipping to 3. 7 billion shares as we rounded out the week and we finished the week with a loss for the Dow Jones Industrial for the first time, three straight weeks of winning and this means as a result of the slippage today, the dow the first losing week and a month, reminder to listen to my report three times a day on the salem radio netwo network, a rino contributor to the far left magazine the atlantic is attacking evangelical supporters of President Trump, imagine that, peter wainer says evangelicals made a bad bargain with President Trump, were going to find out about the bargain and joining us tonight as he always does, i should say almost always does on friday nights, pastor Robert Jeffress from the First Baptist church in dallas, great american, what do you think of this fellow in the atlantic be so interested in evangelicals. Peter wainer has been complaining about me in evangelicals for four years, the fact is we have a tremendous deal and president donald trump, he is not only fulfilled, he has exceeded every promise he ever made to evangelical christians, i think peter wainer, george w. Bush, mitt romney, ben sasse are all disgraces to the republican party, i would tell you under george w. Bush and Ronald Reagan we never got three Supreme Court justices who were conservative and almost 200 federal judges who are conservative and we never got the pro israel policy, they worked against evangelicals sometimes behind their backs, this is why, i said to the president often that i believe evangelical turnout on november 3 is going to be greater for the president this time that it was in 2016 and to confirm that i talked today with the leader of the largest get out the Vote Campaign for christians across the nation, he says the enthusiasm is immeasurable and that evangelicals are going to turn out in droves on november 3 to be elect our president. Lou it looks like people are going to turn out in droves generally, were looking at huge numbers on mailin ballots, it looks as though the silent majority if you will, the shy trump voter may not be so shy when it comes to november 3, the president has considerable momentum particular in the battleground states. This is very encouraging i would think certainly for the president and everyone who has been supporting it. And biden it looks to me that the air is coming out rather quickly, your thoughts. I think we saw the air coming out last night, look we saw last night to competing visions for america and america that is controlled by freedom or in america that is controlled by government and i think you also salt two very different kind of leaders, i dont want to be cruel, the fact is, there is nothing shameful or sinful about aging, we all do it in the bible talks about aging is something that happens to all of us but my gosh, there was a difference between the energetic robust donald trump in the very frail in halting joe biden, the fact is we need a robust energetic prejudice and it and we got the donald trump. Lou do we ever. Pastor is noise great to have you with us and to support your statement on what this president is doing for faith and religion putting god back in the public square, the Trump Administration signing an antiabortion declaration along with 31 other countries, quite a departure from blood put it this way, his predecessor, pastor Robert Jeffress, thank you for being with ok, just keep coloring there. And sweetie can you just be. Gentle with the pens. Okey. Okey. I know. Gentle. Gentle new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. It is what separates knowledge from wisdom. You carry it with you to light the path from which you came, and to prepare you for whats ahead. At university of phoenix, relevant Life Experience and eligible transfer credits can help you earn your degree faster and for less. Because your experience matters. See how much you can save at phoenix. Edu. Lou thanks for joining us this evening, indeed, all week long. President trump this weekend holding rallies. Pastor jeff rest talking about his energy, hes holding rallies in north carolina, ohio, and new mexico New Hampshire this weekend. Joe biden has an event planned in pennsylvania for the weekend. Theres a comparison for you. And monday, congressman devin nunes, jason chaffetz, larry elder among our guests. We hope you will join us and have weekend. Good night from sussex. Elizabeth President Trump back on the campaign trail the, holding rallies in florida. Big crowds at this rally just ending at the villages in florida. Now the president plans to cast a ballot in West Palm Beach tomorrow after a day that saw yet another peace deal with israel, this time sudan in the middle east and also 50 million. Heres the story, 50 million have already voted, making up their minds before last nights final debate. But did they have all the information they need to make an informed vote . With us tonight, jim jordan, pam bondi, joe concha and tom homan on the big headlines of the

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