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Election, the president authorized the full declassification of all documents related to the fraud that was russiagate and the Hillary Clinton email probe, no redactions. What has taken so long, and will there finally be justice . Former acting director of intelligence ric grenell is here, he was instrumental. He will investigate with us. Also Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham here live after fbi Deputy Director Andrew Andrew mccabe pulled out of his testimony. What will he do about Hillary Clintons plot and the fbis role. Senator graham also set to begin judge Amy Coney Barretts confirmation hearings. Louisiana senator john kennedy also sits on Senate Judiciary, his expectations which of his colleagues he leaves will be on the take. All of that right here, right now on sunday morning futures. Maria but first this morning, Senate Hearings are scheduled to begin tomorrow for the president S Supreme Court pick, amy coney barrett. If confirmed, the 48yearold mother of seven would become the 115th justice and only the 5th woman in u. S. History to serve on the high court. Shed also be the president s third Supreme Court appointee to the ninemember bench. As the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, Lindsey Graham will preside over that process, he joins me now. Senator, good morning to you. Thanks very much for joining us. Good morning. Maria there have been concerns about covid. Two of your Senate Colleagues have said they tested positive for covid last week, and now colleagues are saying how can we go forward with this confirmation hearing with covid. Your response. Well, were going to do what every american has to do come monday, go to work safely. The covid threat is real. I take it seriously. The hearing room has been set up by the architects of the capitol in conjunction with a the physician for the house and the senate to make sure its cdc compliant. I am fine. I took a test last week, i am negative. Theres no reason for me to be tested. Anybody that has a concern about showing up can virtually interview judge barrett. She will be there, i will be there. And to my democratic colleagues, america has to go to work monday including us. Were going to work, were going to work safely. If you dont want to come to the committee hearing, you can interview the judge virtually. I will be there, she will be there. The hearing starts monday, and were going to get this fine lady confirmed, out of committee by october 22nd. Maria senator, walk us through the process now. Monday is the introductions. Youve got questions right. Maria at some point. Is that tuesday . Walk us through every day this week so viewers understand how this is going to be played out. Were doing this hearing just like weve done alito, roberts, sotomayor, kagan. You start out with a day of introductions. Each senator gets 10 minutes to deliver their opening statement. Judge barrett will appear at the end of the day to give her opening statement. And well hear from a few other folks, thats monday. Tuesday and wednesday will be question days. Each senator gets 30 minutes to question judge barrett followed by a second round, 20 minutes. Thats tuesday and wednesday. Thursday we will hear from outside groups in support and opposition. We will begin the markup process thursday, october the 15th. Well come back, holding over a week, and vote her out of committee october the 22nd. Finish i believe shell be confirmed no later than tuesday, a week before the election. Thats my, thats my hope. Itll be up to Senate Mcconnell what to do after the 22nd, but we can easily get her confirmed before the election. Maria all right. So you think she will be confirmed the tuesday before the election. Okay. Let me ask about Andrew Mccabe now. This declassification of documents has been very revealing in terms of what took place in 2016. You told us on the show a couple of weeks ago Andrew Mccabe was coming to give you witness testimony. He has pulled out. Will you subpoena Andrew Mccabe . Well, im trying to get him to come in voluntarily, to be honest are you. The hearing interrupted the mccabe interview. What have we learned over the last year . Weve learned that the warrant against carter page was illegally obtained by the fbi. They used a dossier that was unreliable, that was fraudulent, that rosenstein the acting attorney general said if he knew then what he knows now, he wouldnt have signed the application. Same for sally yates and jim comey. And mccabe. Somebody had to know something, so were going to get mccabe in. Something coming out thats stinting. Well, that stunning. Well, that stunning event is now out. What do we now know that we didnt know a month ago . That in july of 2016 the russians had picked up information that Hillary Clinton approved a plan to smear donald trump in a political smear campaign. We know that the breakfast president , barack obama past president was briefed about this effort and condoned it. Now, is that a crime . I doubt it. Is it a crime to try to smear your opponent . Probably not. But what obama did is one of the most, the saddest chapters in the history of the presidency. He knew that his partys nominee was out to try to link President Trump to russia unfairly and without evidence, and he didnt do a damn thing about it. Thats what we now know. Maria where is the criminality in this, senator . Id like to understand what you see criminality in all of this. Okay. I am, my job along with President Trump is to tell the story of how corrupt the 2016 election was. What do we now know . We now know that in september 2016 the cia Intel Community sent a lead over to the fbi, to comey directly, to look at another effort by clinton in september to link trump to russia to avoid scrutiny over her email problem. Comey said that doesnt ring a bell. Well, when you rook at the source look at the source documents, it went directly to him. If we can prove he actually knew about this request and did nothing, he could be charged with perjury. He said he didnt know anything about all the problems with the dossier, that the subsource was a russian agent. If we could find somebody to say, no, thats not true, hes in trouble. If the Clinton Foundation used money from the foundation to pay for this smear campaign, or theyre in trouble. Anybody that hides evidence from the court that alters evidence, theyre in trouble. Thats what durham is looking at. Its one thing for abuse of power is generally not a crime, political smears are generally not a crime, but the activity i just outlined is a crime. And well see where this goes. Maria all right. I want to ask you two more things real quick before we go. Number one, are we going to see a stimulus package . Whats holding it up . Is it Liability Protection, number one. And number two, got that get your take on joe biden refusing to answer the question whether or not the democrats are going to stack the Supreme Court once they a take control. Well, number one, your next guest, President Trump, is right to want a stimulus package. The fed chairman said a bigger package would help the economy. My republican colleagues i listened to, quite frankly, i appreciate them, i admire them, but theyre wrong. A bigger number is good. But Nancy Pelosis package is ridiculous. It has money for illegal immigrants, it doesnt have a dime for the ppp program that saved Small Businesses. It requires ballot harvesting. It has got policy provisions that are just dangerous for the country. Its not about the money, its about the policy. Trumps right to go big, Nancy Pelosis package is a liberal dream. Its not about covid, its about liberalism. Not a penny for Small Business in her package. Maria okay. All right, real quick on stacking the court, senator. Whats the implication . It changes america as we know it. If we lose the house, the senate and the white house, theyre going to change the rules of the senate, maria, so you only need a majority. Anything coming out of the house goes to the senate, theyre going to expand the court from nine to whatever number they need to make it liberal. That theyre going to abolish the Electoral College which means new york and california pick our president. A liberal Supreme Court is a nightmare for business, its a nightmare for social policy. We cant let it happen. We must win this election, keep the senate because if they win, t not going to be about a health care debate, theyre going to structurally change the country so itll be hard for a republican to get elected president , theyre going to make d. C. A state, altering the balance of the parade of horribles will come if we we lose the house, the senate and the white house, its unbelievable. Maria all right, senator. Its good to see you this morning. Well be watching, of course. Thank you so much, sir. And all of this is in my new book out in two week time, the cost trump, china and american revival. Visit the cost book. Com for more information. Itll be out in two weeks time. This week dni John Ratcliffe announced he has shared nearly 1,000 documents with john durham. Is the clock running out on justice . We are talking to former acting dni ric grenell. Well also hear from President Trump live this hour as we look introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel. The first full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel. Available over the counter. Voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. So youre a small businor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . 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And just think how long it took for us to figure out this information. Its, i know its mindboggling. This has been a very difficult task for us to got to the bottom of because you have corrupt officials. Maria that was congressman devin nunes on this program last week reacting to never before seen russian intelligence that implicates Hillary Clinton and president obama in a 2016 Campaign Plot to, quote, stir up a scandal against president donald trump. Without brave patriots like dni John Ratcliffe who released the report and his predecessor, ric grenell, the American Public would never have heard any of this. Ric grenell also served as the u. S. Ambassador to germany under President Trump. Ambassador, good to see you this morning. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me, maria. Maria so, ric, you have said that according to ratcliffes declassification, we have now proof that obama and biden directed their administration to use the powers of the government to attack they are political enemy, that being donald trump. Who, in your opinion, was the mastermind, and tell me what was going on here. Well, we now know that not only was this a russian collusion hoax, but that it was known to be a russian collusion hoax by career intelligence officials. And thats a really big distinction. We now know that insiders in the government at the cia, at doj, at fbi, they knew that this was a russian collusion hoax, and they allowed it to go forward. For a variety of reasons. They were convinced that hillary would win, and they didnt really want to challenge goliath. They thought that their careers could be benefited if they just shut up. But here is the key to this whole argument, that politicians in washington need to focus on. I would also say the president s cabinet members and the inspector generals all need to focus on. Right now we have comey and brennan and others saying that they didnt know that this was a russian collusion hoax. Their people knew. And so what we need to figure out is what level are these individuals going to go to jail. Somebody needs to go to jail and be prosecuted first, obviously, and this is a slam dunk. They lied to the American People. They knew a truth, and they hid the truth. This can never happen again. We cannot allow our government to weaponize information, to hold it back. You know, now weve got joe biden literally i saying that the American People dont deserve certain information. He got caught on a camera saying that. This is the ways of washington. We need transa parent city, maria. Transa parent is city. Its a very foreign concept in washington, d. C. , but the American People need to understand that those in washington are hiding information from them. They new were stupid. Maria yeah. So you have said that youve got career politicians and then youve got career, you know, bureaucrats in washington. There were many career people in the doj and the fbi who said this doesnt look right, but their red flags were put aside. And the career politicians, i will call them, like a gina haspel, does not want to declassify and disseminate this information because its going to embarrass the cia . Is that what were talking about . And then those career politicians said to themselves, well, we know this is not great info, we know that its not true, but hillary is pushing it, and shes going to be president , so were going to go along with it. Yeah. So the midlevel career officials who, obviously, knew that this was a hoax whose comments were pushed aside and classified, a lot of people saw those comments. A lot of people saw those warnings. Comey is accused of seeing those warnings, brennan is accused of seeing those warnings, susan rice, barack obama and joe biden are seeing the warnings and the information that this was a russian collusion hoax. They went forward with in anyway because with this anyway because it was going after their political opponent. They allowed misinformation, bad information, false information to go forward. Now, the question is who approved it and how high did it go. I think what we have to do in washington is just start at the mid level, go to the people that did do the warnings and say who maria yep. Told you to shut up. And did you have a conversation. And just keep going up the chain until someone says i told comey orr i told brennan if thats the case. Maria yeah. Okay. We know its misinformation, weve got to focus on who approved it. Maria all right. We want to move on because i only have another one and a half, two minutes with you. John brennan said he thinks his legacy is going to be what he has done for the lgbtq community, okay . You as the first openly gay man in government, in a leadership position, what do you say to that . What will his legacy be, and then ive got to ask you about being knock off of twitter. Your account was locked up because of a tweet you put out. Were going to show it. Real quick on brennan first. Look, hes trying to distract from the situation. Once again the left is using the Gay Community to pretend like theyre tolerant or diverse. This is ridiculous. Issuing a statement every june is not a legacy issue, and thats a silly concept. On the twitter lockout, its, you know, i happened to get the notice that i was locked out of twitter, and i was talking to the president , and i told him, i told, mr. President , i just was locked out, and heres why. I showed ballots that had been sent to dead people, who people that had been dead for ten years got ballots. I showed the ballots, and twitter has this Community Standard policing group that went after me. They didnt call the Los Angeles County registrar of voters to say, hey, your rolls are bad and theyre sending ballots to dead people, they locked me out of twitter. If were going to have Community Standard policing from some of these tech companies, they need to go after the source, the iranian reregime who dont allow their people on twitter, but theyre still allowed to be on twitter. Or all the porn sites that are on twitter. Theres really bad information. Maria yeah. And i spoke to the president about getting rid of this 230 exemption and pushed this idea that they should not have an exemption from what they see as freedom. And this is what happened to craigs list. Craigs list had a real big problem after people started suing them for misinformation. Maria they started getting sued. Ric grenelling thank you. Ric grenelling thank you. Well be right back. Yeah, thats half the fun of a new house. Seeing what people left behind in the attic. Well, saving on Homeowners Insurance with geicos help was pretty fun too. Ahhhh, its a tiny dancer. They left a ton of stuff up here. Welp, enjoy your house. Nope. No thank you. Geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. Geico could help you save so youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Election going to pack the Supreme Court to get your way. Im so glad we went through a little history lesson. Lets do that a little more. In 186 id like you to answer the question. Im speaking. Im speaking. Okay . Maria that was Vice President mike pence holding senator Kamala Harris feet to the fire during their debate on wednesday. Several democrats have threatened to pack the court if President Trump feels Justice Ruth Bader ginsburgs seat fills the seat. Joe biden has said he will not reveal husband e stance on this issue until after the election. Senator john kennedy sits on the screw judiciary committee. My heart goes out to you and your home state of louisiana in the wake of hunger delta and, apparently hurricane delta, and apparently, 700,000 people have lost power. How are you doing, what can you tell us . We got hit by the same truck twice, maria. Six weeks ago we got hit by hurricane laura, now hurricane delta. You know, were tough but were tired. But well get through it, and i thank you so much for asking. Thankfully, we had no loss of life. Maria thank god. What can you tell us about the Supreme Court and the potential stacking . Joe biden will not say his stance on this, right . What are the implications . Im not sure, im not sure it matters what mr. Bind wants mr. Biden wants, and heres why i say that. I believe that if the democrats get control of the presidency, the senate and the house, they will try to pack the court. Not because of mr. Biden, but i because of senator sanders. I think its clear to most americans that mr. Biden is just a vessel. The prophet here is senator sanders. Mr. Bind is the nominee, but with bernies the head of the party, and he wants Court Packing. And they want Court Packing because they see the united stateS Supreme Court as a mini congress. In other words, bernie supports open borders. He knows that at least right now he cant, he cant open our borders to anybody who wants to come to america. So he sees the united stateS Supreme Court as a place to go to get the votes. He thinkS Supreme Court justices are politicians in robes. Maria yes. Well, by the way, you mentioned Bernie Sanders. Hi sources have told me that if the democrats win the senate, Bernie Sanders will be the chairman of the budget committee. If the republicans hold on, it will be Lindsey Graham running the budget committee. Thats a very different budget. Thats a very different budget. Senator, well leave it there because the president is on the line, and we want to talk to the president of the United States. We so appreciate your time this morning, senator. Please come back soon. And now we go live to the president of the United States, donald j. Trump, on the telephone. Mr. President , thank you very much for being here. Good morning. Thank you. Maria i want to start with breaking news, and that is the note that you have revealed from your doctor which says you are no longer considered a transmission risk. Does this suggest you no longer have covid, sir . Yes. And not only that, it seems like im immune. So i can go way out of a basement, which i would have done anyway and which i did because you have to run a country, you have to get out of the basement, and it looks like im immune for, i dont know, maybe a long time, maybe a short time. It could be a lifetime. Nobody really knows, but im immune. So the president is in very good shape to fight the battles. Maria mr. President , i want you to answer your critics, because your critics are going really, getting upset about your event at the white house yesterday, about your rally that youre planning tomorrow. They say its still too soon for you to be around people and to be going out, that you could still spread to covid. What are you doing in terms of insuring that everyone will be safe at your rally in florida this week, tomorrow . Well, the doctors, the white house doctors, as you know, are the best, and they said totally free of spreading, this is no spread. And there wasnt yesterday either. And, by the way, i dont know if you notice, i was on a balcony. The closest person was probably a couple of hundred feet away, and they were down on grass. There was nobody even close to me yesterday. But even yesterday with i knew i was free. I beat this horrible, crazy china virus. And it also gives you immunity. I mean, it does give you immunity. Even the people that just cannot accept anything, i mean, they just dont want to accept anything. No, so we i passed the highest test, the highest standards, and im in great shape. And i have to tell you, i feel fantastically. I a really feel good. And i ion feel good by the even feel good by the fact that the word immunity means something, having really a protective glow. It means something, i think its very important to have that. To have that is a very important thing. Maria mr. President , you have been criticized for your handling of covid is. I covid19. I want to take you back to when we first learned of covid19. On january 16th the senate was holding an impeachment trial of you. This trial ended on february 5th when you were acquitted. Did anyone mention covid to you during that time . Because you stopped all travel from china on january 31st which, obviously, in retrospect was a very good move. But your colleagues in the senate, nancy pelosi in the house and her colleagues, are saying that you did not handle covid correctly while they were actually trying to impeach you. Did the covid conversation come up at all during the impeachment trial or around that date . No, because we were focused on impeachment. It was a fake impeachment, it turned out to be. And, in fact, if you look at the house where we had 1970 votes, we even got a democrat or two voting for us, it was a disgrace. It was a total disgrace. No, it wasnt discussed. What was discussed was nancy pelosi and others saying that keep the country, dont ban china, dont do that. In fact, she was dancing in the streets of chinatown in san francisco. And the reason she was, she wanted the business to come in. She didnt want to close up the country, and that was a long time after i had already closed it. Had i not, dr. Fauci said i saved thousands, tens of thousands of lives by acting that early. And there were not a lot of people that agreed with me when i wanted to close it. Its very interesting, but the prediction was 2. 2 Million People were going to die. So were over 200,000, and one is too many. I always say it, one is too many. Should have never happened. Its chinas fault. But one is too many, but 2. 2 million was the prediction as to how many people would die. We lost 200,000 plus, and, you know, there are those that say we did a phenomenal job. We did a phenomenal job. And if you look at all over the world, our mortality rate, our mortality rate is good and our recovery rate, by the way, as an economy is the number one in the world. We recovered faster and went down less than any other place. But our recovery rate is the best in the world, maria. Maria mr. President , i want to ask you about a policy in a second term, but first, ive got to get your reaction to what nancy pelosi said this weekend. She is questioning if those steroid treatments that you were on i know youre not on them anymore are influencing your decision making. And on friday she raised the idea of a president ial succession bill to alter the 25th amendment process. She wants congress to be able to take out a president if they deem he is unfit. Heres nancy pelosi this weekend. Ive got to get your reaction. Listen to this. The 25th amendment creates a path for preserving [inaudible] if a president suffers a crippling physical or mental problem and,9 quote in the amendment, unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office and transfers his power. Specifically, section four of the amendment empowers congress to set up an independent body to confront such a crisis. Maria mr. President , your reaction. Well, i think shes talking about joe biden because, to be honest with you, hes the one thats got the problem and, obviously, its obvious to anybody that watches him speak. Hes the one that has the problem, and they want to put a super radicalleft person in like kamala whos worse, whos further left than Bernie Sanders. And, you know, that whole thing is breaking up now because the left isnt getting what they want. All of a sudden theyre back into fracking and all the things that they talked about they wouldnt do, and now theyre saying theyre going to do them. The left is very unhappy. Im going to get a lot of people because of my great policy on trade. Theyre going to, just like last time, Bernie Sanders people are going to vote for me because of what ive done on trade because its a miracle. And we have a long way to go becauseing frank ily, they interrupted it with the impeachment hoax and various other things. But, no, i think shes talking and a lot of people think shes talking about joe biden, getting him out. And, frankly, you know, thats, thats the way i view it. I certainly view it that way. As far as medication, im not on any medication. Im not on any medication. And the medications that i took were standard pretty much routine, other than the one which is the miracle, the antibody stuff, which is incredible how it works. And were going to be delivering that to hospitals. Were waiting for the emergency use authorization. And were going to be delivering that to hospitals all over the country to take care and, ultimately, all over the world. Because its incredding. Actually incredible. Actually, what we have done, maria, during this short period of time, six, seven months, in terms of labs and doctors and medicines and therapeutics and not even talking about vaccines which are going to be phenomenal and coming out very soon, what weve done nobody else could have done. And i got the fda to approve things at levels of speed that nobody would have thought possible. It could have taken years, and i got them to do it in weeks. And they did the right thing, by the way. But youll see that very soon with the vaccines, and youll also see it with the antibodies. The antibodies have been fantastic. Maria so when do you think regeneron gets the emergency use authorization . Well, i hope very soon. And eli lilly makes a similar product, a similar drug, and i hope its going to be very soon because i can tell you that it was great. No, i think i would have done well anyway, i think. You know, i hope. But, you know, who wants to take a chance, as the expression goes. Maria of course. But the antibody, the antibody kind of thing that i took was i felt, i felt really good almost after taking it. And what that does is it gives people in hospitals, as one of the scientists to me, well clean out the hospitals. Well get everybody out of the hospitals. This is really i know people call it a therapeutic, but to me, its a cure. Okay . To me, its a cure. I think its much more than a therapeutic. And i want to get it immediate lu into the hospitals, and i want to its a transfusion. It takes one hour. And it transfuses into the body, and ill tell you what, what a difference it is. And, again, i think i would have been fine, you know . Im in good health. I think i would have been fine. And people have to realize that. And once you, once you do recover, youre immune. So now you have a president who doesnt have to hide in a basement like his opponent. You have a president who is immune, which is a big i think, which is a very important thing, frankly. Maria mr. President , i have reported on fox business before that my medical sources have told me that joe biden had two brain aneurysms. Not one, but two brain aneurysms. I pray to god its not true, but my medical sources are solid on this, that he has had two brain aneurysms. I hope hes okay. Do you believe that he should be disclosing that, and are you willing to commit to telling us any issues that may have been in the past for you if he comes clean and tells us exactly what is the issue in terms of any mental issues that we need to know about . For example, these two brain aneurysms that i have reported on in the past . Well, i have no issues. I mean, you know, in all fairnesses, youve known me for a long time, and i have had no issues medically. This was the first issue, and this is artificially induced by china. But i have no issues. Yeah, he should certainly come clean, and he should Say Something about that. Absolutely. If thats the case. Maria Kevin Mccarthy said that hes seeking a way to test Nancy Pelosis fitness as well in terms of her own mental state. I saw your tweet that she was actually targeting joe biden, but she is third in line for the presidency, and she did say that shes raising the possibility of becoming acting president in the event of a contested election. Your reaction. Well, i dont think she could pass basic aptitude tests personally, i really dont. I dont believe it. And speaking about joe biden, if you look at joe, or he was coughing yesterday horribly and grabbing his mask as hes coughing and speaking and grabbing his mask and coughing. And i dont know what that was all about, and it didnt get much press because the press doesnt get that, but he was coughing yesterday quite badly, i must tell you, and it was not a good thing to watch. And as hes coughing, hes grabbing his mask with his fingers. So you may want to look into that too. Maria mr. President , lets turn to policy. Id like to insure that the American People understand your policy proposals should you have a second term. I want to talk about taxes, economy, health care. Give us your proposals, your plans to get the economy back to where it was before covid arrived when we had a 3. 5 Unemployment Rate back in february. What do you want to do in terms of your policies in a second term, sir . Well, the first thing we have to do, maria, is open up our country. You cant keep all these states closed up, the democrat states. And theyre not doing well. And the country is doing well. Were looking like a super v. Butting you know, despite the fact new york has to open up, new yorks like a ghost town. New york is very sad, whats going on there. And other places. We just won a case in michigan against the governor, the governor that, you know, i call her the complainer in chief . All she does is complain except when shes on the phone directly. All she does is say thank you very much for doing such a great job. But the fact is that you have to open up wisconsin, you have to open up North Carolina and pennsylvania, we won another case there about opening it up because its unconstitutional what these people are doing. So, number one, you have to open up. You have to get the kids back in school. And if you look at 99. 9 with children, i mean, theyre very their immune systems are very strong. And we have to get the schools open. We have to get the place open. These people are doing it. And, by the way, after the election, about two minutes after the election theyll announce that theyre opening. They know what theyre doing. Look, they know what theyre doing, and its a disgrace. But i think and the other thing is i dont know if youve seen, but were doing very well. Were up in miami, were up in arizona, were up in many, many states. More than we we were last time. And i think were doing very well. Maria well, i just want to say governor cuomos office called me to say that theyre not looking at locking anything down until the election. In fact, he said that there are two areas with spikes in new york that are on pause. Thats in queens and brooklyn. Two week period went into effect past thursday, october 8th, and they will remain that way for two weeks. So theyre doing it on a rolling bay us in order to see when things can open up. But new york, obviously, has been in bad shape. A lot of restaurants are going to go under, the economy there is struggling, and thats one of the issues in terms of the stimulus. Where are we on the stimulus talks . Will you give money to places like new york . Will you agree to that . Republicans want to do it. Were having a hard time with nancy pelosi. I think theyre hurting themselves by not doing it, but the republicans want to do it. We want to do stimulus, we want to help the airlines again because the airlines are always a tough business. We want to help the restaurants, hotels. We want to help businesses that really its not their fault. Its chinas fault. And we want to help them, maria. And, frankly, you know, were ready to go. Were all ready to go. We cant get nancy pelosi to sign the document. Maria let me move on to the policy differences because i want you to know and i want our audience to know we have invited myself and my team have invited Vice President joe biden as well as Vice President ial candidate Kamala Harris on this program many times. [inaudible conversations] yeah. They wont go on your show because youll ask them questions. I watched that town hall, that nbc gave him the other night . That was, like, for a child. They were asking questions that all ask a child. A young child. And ive never seen anything like it. But ive watched this process where he has the questions, and then he reads an answer from a reporter, a legitimate reporter not in my opinion anymore, legitimate but they give him the questions, and he reads the answer from a computer. Nobodys ever seen anything like this in history, whats going on. Its a real disgrace. And then you look at this guy scully, he turned out to be a fraud. He was a never trumper, and you looked and then he said he was hacked. You know, Anthony Weiner said he was hacked too. They all said they were hacked. Every time something happens where they did something and got caught, the first thing they do is say, oh, we were hacked. Well, he wasnt hacked. He knows that. Its a shame. Its a shame. And i hear that cspan is very upset with what happened. But scully, you know, he was going to be and Chris Wallace was a disaster. Chris wallace went out and, went out and just kept saving biden. Every time ask a question, Chris Wallace would save biden. I understand chris for a long time, i liked his father. His father was great maria well, look, Chris Wallace, Chris Wallace tried to do a good job at the debate well, he didnt maria let me move on to policy well, joe biden wants to raise taxes by 4 trillion, he wants to take the Corporate Tax rate back up to 28 , he wants to take Capital Gains taxes back up to 39. 6 , but he says hes only going to raise taxes on people making 400,000 or more. But hes going to completely reverse your tax cut plan. Thats right. Maria your tax cut plan reverses taxes for all income levels, so if hes going to reverse it, all income levels are going to increase taxes. Is that a lie . Well, everything he says is a lie, and he gets away with it. No republican, especially me, but no republican could get away with what he does. If he terminates and he said hes going to terminate my tax cuts. That means 2,000 plus, plus, plus, and that doesnt even include the 1,000 Child Tax Credit. So youre talking about 2,000 plus Child Tax Credit plus many other things. And then if he goes with his Energy Policy where he wants to end hes going to end fracking, you know that. Hes going to end Petroleum Products even though thatll put us at a tremendous disadvantage. Not even disadvantage, we wouldnt be able to compete with the world. So now instead of 2 gasoline, youre going to be paying 6 gasoline. He wants to take cars away from people. The whole thing is insane, okay . Its insane. So how can the Auto Industry vote for a guy who wants to take your cars away . And he literally wants to take your cars away. I mean, the whole thing is what he is saying is crazy. Now, he gets away with it because he can say whatever he wants. He said for a year there would be no fracking. And you heard that many times, couldnt say it any stronger. Then all of a sudden he said theres going to be fracking as soon as he gets the nomination, this is going to be fracking. But you know he doesnt mean that because he doesnt control it. Hes weak and he doesnt control it. His Party Controls him. The killers of his Party Control him. He agreed to the manifesto we Bernie Sanders, aoc and all these people. He agreed to it. If you read that manifesto, our country becomes venezuela. But he a agreed to everything in there. But when hes on television, he doesnt say that. Now, in pennsylvania if you stop fracking, you wont have a pennsylvania. Texas, oklahoma, north dakota, many, many states, ohio, you have to frack. You have to frack. And if they dont frack, energys going to go through the roof, and youre going the lose millions and millions of jobs. Well, this guy all of a sudden the minute he gets he goes, he says, no, well frack. Put a little caveat on it. But the fact is ive never seen such lying as this. And they dont even question him. They dont even call him out. Its incredible actually. Maria mr. President . I want to get to but pennsylvania maria yep. Pennsylvania, maria, cant vote for him because theyd be out of business. Texas, hes against guns, hes against god, and hes against oil. Maria yep. And then i hear texas . Were winning texas by a lot. I think were winning everything by a lot, you want to know the truth,. Martha ya. Maria i want to go through policy differences, and then ive got to get to the declassification as well, so so let me move on. Taxes, speak to voters right now, mr. President. What do you want to do with taxes, particularly the middle class, and then give us your Health Care Plan because Kamala Harris at the i debate said that the gops push to end obamacare means, quote, they are coming for you. They are criticizing you saying you have no plan for preexisting conditions. Whats your response in terms of speaking to voters on taxes and on health care, sir . First of all, preexisting conditions, they know thats false. The obamacare, we have run it really well. We got rid of the individual mandate which was the most unpopular thing where you pay a lot of money for the privilege of not having Good Health Care and just a disaster. I got rid of it. That was a big thing. That really didnt even make it obamacare. But its still no good, and we we manage it much better than them. Remember with the 5 billion server . We manage as much to the web site. We manage it much better, but obamacares no good. We are going to have new health care. We are going to protect people with preexisting conditions, and theyre going to pay a lot less money for the new health care. Now, weve already been doing that through different plans through department of labor, etc. , etc. Weve already been doing it. We have some great plans. But what they want to do is get rid of 180 Million People who have great private health care that they love. And they want to take it away and go socialized medicine. Its going to be a disaster. As far as taxes, we gave the largest tax cuts in the history of our country, and a big beneficiary were middle income people. Were giving a middle income tax cut very soon, as soon as we win, were giving a middle income tax cut. Itll be a very substantial middle income tax cut, and ive already done this. But you have to understand were increasing it. But if you look, he wants to end the trump tax cut, as we discussed. But if you do that, youre talking about 2,000, Child Tax Credit, but very importantly, maria, youre not mentioning one thing, energy. Energy will be 23,000 more a family and probably much more than that if they go with their crazy Green New Deal. Because their Green New Deal is crazy. And it wont let us compete with the rest of the world. We will not be we will be, we will be venezuela, large version. Thats what well end up being if they even think about some of the things that they have in the Green New Deal. And it was made up by people that dont even have knowledge. They dont even have knowledge. They have no idea what theyre doing. Maria wall street analysts have told me they believe Elizabeth Warren will be one of the most influential voices in a Biden Administration on economic policy. She has been very clear about her wealth tack. Whatever wealth you have will be added up your entire life, and youll get taxed on this. But many people feel the most important concern going into this election, sir, is do you have a reliable plan to prevent the massive voter fraud that may be attempted . We have a list here of what West Virginia been seeing across the weve been seeing across the country. 100,000 ballots thrown away in one area, another 50,000 thrown away elsewhere. Weve got the list and were going to come up with this graphic right now. What are you going to do in terms of ballot fraud and, you know, lying in terms of ballots being inaccurate . Voters in brooklyn, new york, wrong name and address, 50,000 voters in ohio received incorrect absentee ballots, 2,000 plus in Los Angeles County. This has all happened, sir, just in the last few weeks. Thats right. And its happened over the last year too. All you have to do is take a look at iowa, what happened there, the democrat primary. Its a disaster. The whole thing is a disaster. But before you talk about that Elizabeth Warren, she ran the credit union, she ran different things, shes been horrible to people. Horrible, horrible to people. And whats going to happen is Something Like that does happen, all of these companies that have moved into the United States and invested in the United States, we brought in billions and billions of dollars coming in. Theyre all going to be leaving. Theyre all going to be leaving, and theyre going the take with them their jobs and their money and their taxes. Its all going to be leaving. We brought in Car Companies and institutions and manufacturing which, as you remember, president obama said was dead. Youd need a magic wand to start it up. I created 700,000 manufacturing jobs. All of that stuff will, as fast as it came in, itll leave if you start raising taxes on them. Its a very simple formula. You know, the world is a pretty big place and very flexible, and these people dont care so much as they should about our country as much as other things. They want to do the best for their shareholders or themselves, they will be leaving our country just as fast as they came in. And weve never had a better time than last year. And the coming year will be even better because if you see the way its building better than anybody. The coming year will be are even better. As far as the ballots are concerned, what i did, ive been telling you this for a year and a half because ive been watching local elections like ive watched the Carolyn Maloney disaster in new york. A small congressional election. They have no idea where the ballots are. It was fraud, theyre missing. But look at all of the instances that have taken mace over the last two or three weeks. You dont have to go back maria do you have a plan to make well, first of all, weve been winning causes. Weve been winning a lot of cases where they dont even want the election to be determined on november 3rd. They want the election to be determined two weeks after the vote come in. Its the craziest thing. So we wont even know. But weve been winning those cases. Federal judges have been ruling, they have to be in by a certain time. Weve won a lot of cases that have not been reported, but very importantly, ive been saying this is going to happen. Theyre trying to steal the election. The good news is Law Enforcement is watching very strongly nevada and many other states, pennsylvania. In all cases when you have, when you have democrat governors, i mean, democrat control North Carolina, were watching it very closely. And the people are watching it very closely. And, by the way, the votes coming in right now look very, very promising for republicans because republicans are going out to vote. They dont want to do the ballot thing because they dont trust it. Republicans are going out to vote. And those polls that are open and will be opening up, theyre going to be swamped. Maria all right. Let me get to a few more things before we go, mr. President. We just heard from ric grenell on the social media companies. Are you going to push to remove the Liability Protection that social media enjoys right now that they cant get sued . So section 230, a lot of us are looking at it. Maria thats right. Its a disgrace, whats happening. Its called section 230. Yeah. A lot of people are looking at it. I cant say yet what were doing. I can tell you this, its very unfair, what they do. Its rigging an election in a different form than the ballots, but its rigging an election, and its unfair. Maria okay. So a lot of people are looking at section 230, yes. Me too. Maria on to the declassifications that we heard from dni John Ratcliffe, weve discussed so much about the plan, the plot to take you down. We now know it was hillarys idea. The fbi knew there was no collusion, but they kept going forward, i spying on your campaign and your presidency. When do you believe the fbi started working hand in glove with the clinton operation to take you down . Was it early 16, or do you think it started even in 2015 . It started before i won, and it started when they started seeing that i could win, and its a disgrace, and we caught em. We caught them spying on our campaign. We caught them doing things look, they were trying to grow an administration, and they didnt do it destroy an administration. This administrations done more than any administration in its first three and a half years in the history of our country. We have done an incredible job whether its the military or the tax cuts or the regulation cuts or the economy. Nobodys done a job like weve done despite what theyve done. We caught them, and we caught them cold, maria. And its a beautiful thing. Now we have to do something about it. Maria well, thats what im i saying. You could, you know, you authorized the declassification of these documents, but what does that do if we dont have john durham and bill barr following up . Can you demand . I hope theyre going to. I will say this documents are being released at a level now nobody ever has seen before. Things nobody thought would get released are being released. And youre seeing it, youre seeing it all the time. You see what is going on. We caught them cold, we have them cold and now they have to do something about it, but other documents are going to be released, maria, that are breathtaking. Wait until you see what is coming out. Maria really . Is it about Hillary Clinton or the fbi coming out . It is about everything. Hillary clinton is crooked hillary. I dont call her crooked hillary for nothing. One thing i keep going back to it. She got a subpoena from the United States congress. Got a subpoena. How do you, how do you get rid of your emails after you get rid of a subpoena. Subpoena for texts, email messages, et cetera. How do you do that . What she did was criminal . Maria you told me for my book, did the interview for my book that people in government are protected. I guess she is protected. Were trying like hell. We have found things nobody can believe. Nobody can believe what we found. And ill tell you what, the level, the level at which we found them, people are shocked, theyre stunned and lets see what happens. But Hillary Clinton was, Hillary Clinton was totally crooked. And so were plenty of other people. Maria i got to ask you this final question, mr. President , i want to end on a lighter note. A mysterious subject, if you will. Can you explain why the department of defense has set up a ufo tax port . What i got from the guardian. They have investigating unidentified aerial phenomena, to monitor what people are sightings that people call ufos. Mr. President , are there ufos . I heard that two days ago. I will take a good strong look at that i will tell you now this, we have created a military the likes of which we never had before in terms of equipment. The equipment that we have, the weapons that we have and hopefully, hope to good we never have to use them but we have created a military the likes of which nobody has, nobody has ever had. Russia, china, theyre all envious what weve had. All built in the usa. We rebuilt 2. 5 trillion. As far as the other question i will check on it. I heard about it two days ago actually. Maria that is fascinating. By the way do you believe russia and china were spying and knowing our secrets because of hillarys unsecured server, real quick . We have 20 seconds. I think she was out there with classified information. She was giving it to anybody. It was on Anthony Weiners laptop. The fbi did nothing about it. The fbi, greatest people in the world are the fbi. The top people were scum, absolute scum and they did a horrible job for our country. Maria mr. President , we so appreciate your time, sir. Thank you very much. President donald j. Trump. That is it for sunday morning futures. The conversation lou good evening everybody. President trump today announced he will not take part in the next debate against joe biden. His decision comes moments after the president ial Debate Commission changed unilaterally the format for the next debate without consulting President Trump or his team. This commission is out of his mind. It said next thursdays town hall style debate would all be virtual with the candidates appearing in separate locations entirely different from what the candidates had agreed

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